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VOL. 53 NO.


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2 september 9, 2016

As Bishop Curtis Guillory, SVD, prepares for the upcoming celebration of the
50th anniversary of the establishment, he took some time to share his thoughts
on his 16 years in the Diocese of Beaumont and on the Catholic Church with
ETC editor, Karen Gilman
Q: In a church that is two mil- these past 50 years, here in the pation in the Mass. It is a richer ters at Mass. A: Catholic schools and Cath-
lennia old, what was the im- Diocese of Beaumont we have liturgy. The people are better "The apostolate of the laity olic religious education have
petus for the changes of these developed a worship office that nourished spiritually. derives from their Christian a long history in Southeast
past five decades? is a wonderful resource and Other changes included lay vocation and the Church can Texas with our first school be-
leader to the parishes in liturgy. ministers taking an active role at never be without it. Sacred ing founded in the late 1800s.
Bishop Guillory: Many of the The office not only prepares for Mass especially women taking Scripture clearly shows how Our Catholic schools after Vati-
fruits of the past 50 years can II were opened to every-
really began after the Sec- body, especially the poor. We
ond Vatican Council. St. made a strong effort to open
John XXIII, then Pope John up the doors and invite stu-
XXIII, wanted to open the dents. One way we encourage
Church, to throw open the families who may struggle
windows of the Church so financially is through tuition
that we can see out and the assistance which is offered at
people can see in. St. John all of the schools here in the
XXIII opened Vatican II in Beaumont Diocese. I know
October 1962. It was com- that education is a door to
pleted December 1965 in the opportunity and we want
papacy of Pope Paul VI. In all to have that opportunity.
those first few years after that In addition, it is also a way
everyone was working to put to teach and expose people to
into action the spirit of the 16 the Catholic faith.
documents from the Council. "To fulfill the mandate
The Diocese of Beaumont she has received from her
was the second diocese estab- divine founder of proclaim-
lished in the U.S. after the ing the mystery of salvation
close of Vatican II, so it hit to all men and of restoring
the ground running with all all things in Christ, Holy
this inspiration. Mother the Church must be
concerned with the whole of
Q: What was one of the man's life, even the secular
more visible changes after part of it insofar as it has a
Vatican II? bearing on his heavenly call-
ing. Therefore she has a role
A: For the parishioner in the in the progress and develop-
pew, one of the most visible ment of education. Hence
change was the language of this sacred synod declares cer-
the Mass. The celebration tain fundamental principles
of the Mass would be in the of Christian education espe-
vernacular in the language cially in schools."
of the country. For us here
in Southeast Texas, it was a Q: How does something
change from Latin to Eng- that happened 50 years ago
lish. And the priest no longer affect our families today?
celebrated Mass with his back major liturgies such as Chrism some of these roles. This includ- spontaneous and fruitful such
to the congregation. With the Mass and special occasions like ed girls being altar servers which activity was at the very begin- A: The Second Vatican Coun-
priest now facing the people the the upcoming 50th anniversary, wasnt allowed before Vatican II. ning of the Church." cil also emphasized ministry
congregation now knew that it sponsors workshops. With And the Office of Worship has that would encourage and sup-
they are a part of the liturgy the workshops the people have helped facilitate this as well. We Q: How has the diocese en- port the family. The family is
the people could participate a better understanding of the now have trained extraordinary couraged the Catholic faith in the home community of faith.
consciously and more fully in liturgy and with a better under- ministers of holy Communion, Southeast Texas? It is where children first learn
the liturgy. In addition through standing comes a fuller partici- trained lectors and other minis- about their faith, values and
september 9, 2016 3

how to live a good life. Married gether we issued the statement women to be open to religious Q: What are a couple of your and a treasure, not just for the
life and family are supported, Lord, Make Us Instruments life. And we, as a community most memorable times here in Catholic community but the
strengthened and encouraged of Your Peace, one of the first and as individuals, need to pray. Southeast Texas? larger community as well. Many
here in the diocese. Our Family statements of its kind in the One of the other challenges times the larger community has
Life Ministry offers workshops United States. It was a commit- for our community is ethnic di- A: What first comes to mind is gathered with us in times of
and retreats for individuals and ment to peace by the Jewish, versity. Our diocese has always when I arrived my installa- celebration and in times of trag-
couples. We have retreats that Muslim and Catholic commu- been diverse. French Cajuns, tion at the Montagne Center. edy. These times of tragedy in-
help couples prepare for mar- nities here in Southeast Texas. African Americans, Mexicans, To look out and see all these clude the terrorism of 9/11 and
riage. But we dont stop there. This would never have taken Italians, Czechs, Vietnamese, Southeast Texans, all these the more recent shootings such
The ministry also has retreats place before Vatican II. Even in others from Europe and South Catholic faithful and members as what happened at the night-
for married couples to help our community events religious America and more have set- of other faiths gathered to join club in Orlando.
strengthen their marriages leaders of different faiths join tled throughout Southeast Tex- in the celebration was inspir-
and improve communication. together. Several religious lead- as. I see our diversity as a gift. ing. The welcoming spirit of Q: What inspires you?
Young adults are encouraged to ers are planning to attend our We all have ideas and talents we the community was a great mo-
live their faith. When families A: The people here in South-
may have struggles, Catholic east Texas inspire me. The
Charities offers other ways to deep faith of the people,
support them such as through their resilience, their spirit
the Disaster Assistance pro- of generosity, their ability to
gram or Elijahs Place. take on challenges. I am able
The interests of the family, to share with them in their
therefore, must be taken very struggles, in their joy. I see
specially into consideration in their faith. To be able to walk
social and economic affairs, as with them through their lives
well as in the spheres of faith is an inspiration. In times of
and morals. For all of these tragedy I see the resilience,
have to do with strengthen- the faith, the response of the
ing the family and assisting people in Southeast Texas
it in the fulfilment of its mis- willing to help. Whether it
sion. is local such as the spring
floods, or a tragedy anywhere
Q: In following what St. in the world, the generosity
John XXIII said he wanted of time, talent and treasure
when announcing the Sec- from our Catholic faithful is
ond Vatican Council, how overwhelming.
has the Church and the dio-
cese worked with the world Q: What do you think the
and especially other faiths? future holds for the church?

A: St. John XXIII wanted A: I think the future is bright

the church to be in dialogue for our local church. Our
and interact with the world. ministries are vibrant and ac-
The church has something tive in the communities. Re-
good to offer, the Gospel treats such as ACTS enliven
values, to everyone, no matter 50th anniversary celebration. In can share with others. But to do ment and a wonderful way to peoples faith lives. Our RCIA
what religion or faith. In the 50 addition, I enjoy going to Deli this we need dialogue. We have start off what has now become program brought in over 300
years since Vatican II our popes Days at Temple Emanuel and racial and ethnic tension when 16 years of ministry together as new members to the Church
have met, held discussions and welcome the rabbi and other we dont have a dialogue. With one community of faith. this past spring. Especially if we
prayed with the leaders of many ministers at the St. Joseph Altar dialogue we get to know the Another was the renova- continue with the same open-
different faiths. In dialogue we held at St. Anthony. other. Before getting to know tion of the Cathedral and the ness and deep faith and pass
learn about each other, and someone, we may evaluate dedication, followed by it being that on to the next generation,
learn from each other. Q: What do you see as one of that person on the perception named a basilica. As we gath- that would be great.
Locally, after the terrorist the biggest challenges for the of what we may have observed ered to celebrate those events I
attack of Sept. 11, 2001, we local church? or heard but not truly experi- was able to see the joy and en- Q: If you could have everyone
brought the Southeast Texas enced. After dialogue we evalu- thusiasm of the people. St. An- hear just one message, what
community together. Rabbi A: One of the greatest chal- ate not on hearsay or myth but thony Cathedral Basilica is not would that be?
Barbara Metzinger of Temple lenges for us in our local church rather in actually knowing that just a parish church, it is a gath-
Emanuel and Imam Fahmi AL- is vocations to the ordained and person. We see that we have a ering place for the entire diocese A: God loves you through His
Uqdah of the Islamic Society of religious life. We need to con- common humanity, a common and all the Catholic faithful in Church.
the Triplex joined me and to- tinue to encourage men and faith, a common background. Southeast Texas. It is a blessing
4 september 9, 2016

Mientras el Seor Obispo de la Dicesis de Beaumont Curtis J. Guillory,

SVD, contina preparndose para la celebracin del 50 aniversario de la fun-
dacin de la misma, tom tiempo para compartir con Karen Gilman, editora
del ETC, su sentir de sus 16 aos sirviendo como Obispo de la dicesis.
P: En esta Iglesia que tiene namita, Espaol, etc. Adems, de la formacin que este minis- impulsado la fe catlica en el gelizar y compartir nuestra fe
ms de 20 siglos, cul ha sido durante la Misa los sacerdotes terio ofrece a la comunidad, hay sudeste de Texas? con otras personas.
el punto clave que llevo a tan- ya no celebraran dando la es- un mayor entendimiento de lo Ahora bien, debiendo la San-
tos cambios durante las lti- palda a la comunidad. Cuando que es la liturgia y al haber un R: Las escuelas catlicas y la ta Madre Iglesia atender toda la
mas cinco dcadas? los sacerdotes comenzaron a cel- mayor entendimiento, hay una educacin religiosa tienen una vida del hombre, incluso la ma-
ebrar viendo de frente hacia las mayor participacin de la Misa larga historia en el sudeste de terial en cuanto est unida con
R: La mayora de los frutos de personas, la asamblea se sinti y por consecuente las personas Texas; la primera escuela fue la vocacin celeste para cumplir
los ltimos 50 aos comen- parte de la liturgia-la comuni- se nutren ms del alimento es- fundada a finales del ao 1800. el mandamiento recibido de
zaron a partir del Concilio dad entera participo de una ms piritual. A partir del Concilio Vaticano su divino Fundador, a saber,
Vaticano II. San Juan el anunciar a todos
XXIII quien convoco los hombres el mis-
el Concilio, quiso terio de la salvacin
una Iglesia que fuera e instaurar todas las
abierta y quien dijo: cosas en Cristo, le
Abran las ventanas toca tambin una
de la Iglesia, para que parte en el progreso
podamos ver hacia y en la extensin de
afuera y el pueblo la educacin. Por eso
pueda ver hacia ad- El Sagrado Concilio
entro. Enseguida expone algunos prin-
dio apertura al Con- cipios fundamentales
cilio Vaticano II en sobre la educacin
octubre de 1962 y cristiana, mxime
concluyo en diciem- en las escuelas, prin-
bre de 1965 bajo el cipios que, una vez
Papado de Pablo VI. terminado el Con-
Durante los primeros cilio, deber desar-
aos posconciliares, rollar ms amplia-
la Iglesia entera es- mente una Comisin
taba implementando especial, y habrn de
el espritu de los 16 ser aplicados por las
documentos. Nuestra Conferencias Epis-
dicesis de Beaumont copales y las diversas
fue la segunda dice- condiciones de los
sis establecida en los pueblos. (GRAVISSI-
Estados Unidos a par- MUM EDUCATIO-
tir de la clausura del NIS)
Concilio Vaticano II y con ese consiente y activa en la liturgia. Queriendo intensificar ms II las escuelas tambin abrieron
mpetu fue que comenz. Durante estos 50 aos la la actividad apostlica del Pueb- sus puertas para todos, espe- P: Cmo es que algo que su-
dicesis de Beaumont a agrega- lo de Dios, el Santo Concilio se cialmente para las personas con cedi hace 50 aos atrs aun
P: Cul fue uno de los cam- do otros importantes elemen- dirige solcitamente a los cristia- menos recursos y seguimos ha- afecta a nuestras familias hoy?
bios ms visibles despus de tos en cuanto a la liturgia, por nos seglares, cuyo papel propio ciendo hincapi la importancia
Vaticano II? ejemplo: contamos con una ofi- y enteramente necesario en la de nuestra educacin catlica y R: El Concilio Vaticano II tuvo
cina/ministerio de Liturgia. misin de la Iglesia ya ha men- es por eso que a las familias de un especial nfasis en el minis-
R: Para los feligreses el cambio Este ministerio no solo se cionado en otros lugares. Porque bajos recursos se les proporcio- terio que apoyara y acompa-
ms visible fue el lenguaje den- encarga de organizar las cel- el apostolado de los laicos, que na ayuda financiera de acuerdo ara a las familias. La familia es
tro de la Misa. La celebracin ebraciones litrgicas diocesa- surge de su misma vocacin a sus necesidades. La educacin la iglesia domstica. Es donde
de la misa sera en la lengua nas como la Misa Crismal o cristiana nunca puede faltar en es una puerta que abre muchas los nios aprenden sobre su fe,
verncula - en el idioma del este prximo 50 aniversario, la la Iglesia. (APOSTOLICAM oportunidades y queremos que a vivir los valores y a cmo vi-
pueblo. Para nosotros en el sud- oficina tambin se encarga de ACTUOSITATEM #1) todos tengan esa misma opor- vir una vida de bien. En nuestra
este de Texas fue el cambio del proveer recursos y formacin tunidad. La educacin catlica dicesis apoyamos y acompaa-
Latn, al Ingls, Italiano, Viet- para las parroquias. Por medio P: Cmo es que la dicesis ha tambin es un medio para evan- mos a nuestras familias por me-
september 9, 2016 5

dio de retiros, individuales o en Texas. En unidad con el Rabino sia local es la falta de vocaciones sino para todos los habitantes de
parejas; en los que fortalecen sus Barbara Metzinger de Templo a la vida religiosa y al sacerdo- P: Cules son dos de sus recu- la zona, es el lugar en el que, en
lazos de matrimonio. Tambin Emanuel y el Imam Fahmi AL- cio. Tenemos que seguir ani- erdos ms significativos desde un tiempo de tragedia, como en
tenemos retiros que preparan a Uqdah de la sociedad islmica mando a nuestros jvenes a que que llego aqu? los ataques terrorista del 9/11 o
las parejas para su matrimonio. del Triplex unidos emitimos un permanezcan alertas al llamado los ms recientes en Orlando,
Cuando alguna familia sufre documento Seor, haznos in- de Dios a servirle como religio- R: Lo primero que se me bien nos congregamos y nos inspira
por algn problema, Caridades strumentos de tu paz uno de sa, religioso o sacerdotes. Todos a la mente es el da de mi in- a seguir siendo uno.
Catlicas ofrece ayuda e incluso los primeros comunicados de necesitamos orar para que esto stalacin, en Montagne Center.
cuando estos problemas son esta naturaleza en los EEUU. suceda El ver juntos a tantos feligreses P: Qu le inspira?
causados por causas naturales, Este compromiso de paz ad- Otro de los retos es la diver- catlicos de diferentes comuni-
pueden recibir apoyo por me- quirido con la comunidad sidad cultural, nuestra dicesis dades parroquiales, a los lderes R: Las personas del Sudeste de
dio de la Asistencia en caso de juda, musulmn y catlica es siempre ha sido diversa. Cajuns, interreligiosos todos unidos cel- Texas me inspiran. Su fe pro-
Desastres o por el Elijahs Place. posible gracias al Vaticano II sin Afro-americanos, mexicanos, ebrando indudablemente me funda, su resistencia, su espritu
Por lo que toca a la familia, los documentos conciliares este italianos, checos, vietnamitas inspiraron y me hicieron sentir de generosidad, la habilidad de
la cual se funda en el matri- enfrentar retos; el poder com-
monio libremente contrado, partir con ellos durante tiem-
uno e indisoluble, es necesa- pos complejos, momentos de
rio considerarla como la se- alegra. Ah es donde yo veo
milla primera y natural de la la fe. El poder acompaarles
sociedad humana. De lo cual en su jornada de fe es los que
nace el deber de atenderla me inspira. En tiempos no
con suma diligencia tanto en muy gratos veo sus ganas de
el aspecto econmico y social siempre salir adelante siempre
como en la esfera cultural de la mano del Seor, y sobre
y tica; todas estas medidas todo sus ganas de ayudar sin
tienen como fin consolidar la importar si la necesidad es lo-
familia y ayudarla a cumplir cal, como las recientes inun-
su misin. (PACEM IN daciones, o si en algn lugar
TERRIS #16) del mundo alguien necesita
ayuda la generosidad de los
P: Siguiendo lo que San catlicos corresponsables
Juan XXIII deca que es- siempre me animan.
peraba al anunciar el Con-
cilio Vaticano II, Cmo ha P: Que nos depara como
respondido la Iglesia y la iglesia el futuro?
dicesis hacia el mundo en-
tero y especialmente hacia R: Nuestro futuro se ve bril-
las diferentes profesiones de lante, nuestros diferentes
fe? ministerios estn activos en
la comunidad. Movimientos
R: San Juan XXIII deseaba como ACTS enriquecen la
que la Iglesia estuviese en vida de fe de los individuos.
dialogo e interaccin con el RICA el ao pasado nos trajo
mundo. La iglesia tiene algo 300 nuevos catlicos. Estoy
que ofrecer, los valores del evan- histrico evento jams se hu- y ms, todos juntos frmanos la bienvenida que me estaban convencido que sui seguimos
gelio, para todo el mundo sin biese realizado. El ecumenismo nuestra comunidad de fe en el ofreciendo en lo que ya han sido con esta apertura y sobre todo
importar su religin y/o credo. es importante en nuestra vida sudeste de Texas. La diversidad 16 aos de ser el pastor de esta si transmitimos a nuestros hi-
En los 50 aos que han pasado comunitaria, lderes religiosos es un don y un regalo de Dios. gran comunidad de fe. Otro re- jos nuestro gran regalo de fe
desde el Concilio Vaticano el de diferentes comuniones y cre- Muchas veces por no permitir cuerdo que me viene a la mente seguiremos llevando la luz del
Vicario de Cristo se ha reunido dos estn acompandonos en un dilogo abierto con alguien es la renovacin y la dedicacin evangelio a todos los rincones
con diferentes lderes ecum- nuestra misa de aniversario, al que se ve diferente a mi hac- de nuestra catedral que tambin de la dicesis.
nicos, han orado juntos y man- igual que un servidor los acom- emos conjeturas del otro es es baslica. Son eventos como
tenido conversaciones sansa. El paa en ocasiones que tiene un por eso que es de suma im- estos que me hacen ver la alegra P: Si pudiera compartir un
dialogo nos permite conocernos significado especial en sus co- portancia mantener el dialogo del pueblo de Dios. La catedral solo mensaje a todos, cual
y es una muy buena manera de munidades. abierto y al mismo tiempo baslica de San Antonio no es sera ese menaje?
aprender el uno del otro. constante. Es la nica manera solo una parroquia, es el centro
Despus de los ataques terror- P: Cul es el reto ms grande de recordar que somos huma- de unidad de todos los fieles de R: Dios te ama atreves de su
istas de septiembre 11 del 2001, que la iglesia local enfrenta? namente iguales, que nuestra fe nuestra dicesis. Este templo es Iglesia.
nos dimos a la labor de unir a es la misma y que tenemos una una bendicin y un tesoro no
la comunidad del Sureste de R: Un gran reto en nuestra igle- historia en comn. solo para la comunidad catlica
6 september 9, 2016

Holy Family offers opportunities for retreat, prayer

Taize is one of the retreat opportunities offered throughout the year

This statue of the Holy Family was dedicated in 2011. Current and former directors gathered in 2000 for the 15th anniversary of Holy Family Retreat Center.

Holy Family Retreat Center

9920 N. Major Drive, Beaumont (409) 899-5617
16-17 Womens retreat- Wesley United Methodist Church 6-9 A.C.T.S. Mens Retreat- Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish
17 Sodality Retreat- Blessed Sacrament Parish 13-16 A.C.T.S. Mens Retreat- St. Anne Parish
20 Harbor Hospice 21-22 Community of Hope International Retreat
22-25 A.C.T.S. Mens Retreat- St. Peter Parish 22-23 To Marry For Life
28-2 A.C.T.S. Mens Retreat- St. Francis Parish 27-30 A.C.T.S. Womens Retreat- St. Elizabeth Parish
A donation to the endowment for Holy Family Retreat Center is a perfect way to honor a marriage, a baptism, an anniversary or other special events
as well as a method to remember deceased family and friends. A card is sent in your name. Gift certificates for retreats and programs are available.
Call (409) 899-5617 for information.

East Texas Catholic Publisher: Bishop Curtis J. Guillory, SVD

(USPS) 665030
Editor: Karen Gilman
East Texas Catholic is published semi-monthly on the second and fourth Friday of each month except monthly in Communications Director: Letty Lanza
June, July, December and three times in January by the Bishop of Beaumont, 710 Archie, Beaumont TX 77701. Staff: Juan Ceja, Morline Guillory, Richard Rosario, Rachel Johnson, Marilyn
Periodical postage paid at Beaumont, Texas. Annual subscription rate: $14 individual
Tennissen, Larry Jakobeit, Anna Locke, Don Dupre
Postmaster: Advertising: Karen Gilman
Send address changes to the ETC, P.O. Box 3948, Beaumont TX 77704-3948.
Editorial Office: 710 Archie, Beaumont TX 77701.
East Texas Catholic cannot be held liable, or in any way responsible, for the content of any advertisement appearing
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Complaints regarding advertising should be made directly to the advertiser or to the Better Business Bureau. Services: Catholic News Service
september 9, 2016 7
Preparing for the celebration
The diocesan choir, led by Ro-
salind Sanchez, director of the
Office of Worship for the dio-
cese, has been rehearsing and
preparing for weeks to get ready
for the upcoming celebration
for the 50th anniversary of the
Diocese of Beaumont. The cel-
ebration is set for 4 p.m. Sun-
day, Sept. 18, at Ford Park.
ETC staff photo
8 september 9, 2016

Uno en l
La diversidad tnica y cul-
tural de la iglesia en el sureste
de Texas ha sido una parte im-
portante de su desarrollo y cre-
cimiento. Esta diversidad de la
cultura fue tejida en la liturgia
y la iconografa de la Dicesis
de Beaumont, desde antes de su
creacin en el 1966.
Los hispanos estaban presen-
tes en la iglesia desde los prim-
eros das en el sureste de Texas.
En 1756 se fund la parroquia
de Nuestra Seora de la Luz,
hoy da Inmaculada Concep-
cin, misioneros de Guadalupe
Zacatecas, Mxico transmitan
el mensaje del Evangelio a los
pobladores de esta rea. Sin
embargo, sus nmeros han au-
mentado considerablemente en
los ltimos veinte aos con la
migracin predominantemente
de Mxico. Actualmente una
cuarta parte de las parroquias
y misiones de la dicesis tienen
grandes poblaciones hispanas.
La influencia mexicana en la
dicesis se refleja en las muchas
misas en espaol y en la cel-
ebracin de la fiesta de Nuestra
Seora de Guadalupe. Tam- De la Basilica Catedral de San Antonio en Beaumont. Colocado en la puerta del confesionario debajo de San Jos estn Santa Rosa Filipina Duchesne,
bin se ve en la iconografa de Francesa, San Juan Diego, Mexicano, y el Siervo de Dios Pierre Troussaint, Afro Americano. From the St. Anthony Cathedral Basillica in Beaumont.
la iglesia local con la capilla de Featured on the Confessional door under St. Joseph are Sts. Rose Phillipine Duchesne, French, Juan Diego, Mexican and the Servant of God Pierre Trous-
la Virgen de Guadalupe en Port saint, African American.
Arthur y las obras de la Cate- todo de Sicilia, se instalaron en a la msica, ministerios y edu- ra tienen misas celebradas en enfermeras filipinas fueron re-
dral Baslica de San Antonio en Beaumont por puestos de tra- cacin catlica. La Iglesia cel- vietnamita. Su influencia se ve clutadas por el entonces Hospi-
Beaumont. bajo en los almacenes de made- ebra su contribucin cada mes tambin en Port Arthur con la tal de St. Elizabeth en la dcada
Uno de los grupos tnicos ra. Estos sicilianos trajeron con de noviembre con el Mes de la capilla de la Reina de Vietnam de 1970. Debido a la proximi-
pioneros que influenciaron la ellos la celebracin de San Jos Historia Catlica Negra. Puede y en la iconografa de la Cat- dad de la parroquia al hospital
iglesia local fueron los Cajuns y crearon su propia parroquia, verse su impacto en la dicesis a edral. muchos de ellos se unieron a la
franceses de Luisiana que cru- San Jos en Beaumont. La cele- travs de las celebraciones anu- Checos y polacos tambin parroquia Santa Ana en Beau-
zaron el ro Sabine para buscar bracin de La Fiesta de San Jos ales del Da de la Fiesta de San contribuyeron a la iglesia en el mont. El grupo de oracin fili-
trabajo. Ayudaron a cultivar ha encajado tanto en la dicesis Martn De Porres. San Martn sureste de Texas establecindose pino Banal Na Espirito pro-
arroz, construyeron los ferro- que muchas parroquias ahora De Porres fue el hijo de un es- en Eastgate durante la primera porciona actualmente un coro
carriles y pescaban camarones. celebran el da con un Altar a clavo liberado y es el santo pa- parte de la dcada de los 1900s. filipino para una de las misas
En el 1966, los Cajuns com- San Jos, incluyendo incluso trono de personas de razas mez- Los dos grupos ayudaron a en Santa Ana dos veces al mes
ponan la mayor parte de los fe- una parroquia predominante- cladas. crear la Misin de Santa Ana y tambin una novena especial
ligreses de la parte ms poblada mente afroamericana como la Cuando los refugiados viet- en Eastgate en 1918. La misin antes de Navidad.
de la dicesis, el tringulo de del Santsimo Sacramento en namitas huyeron a los Estados todava tiene una comunidad Toda esta diversidad tnica ha
oro. Muchos de ellos se estab- Beaumont. Unidos despus de la cada de activa de checos. Influencia po- enriquecido la dicesis. Quin
lecieron en mediados del con- Los Afroamericanos llegaron Saign, ms de 2,000 de ellos laca se ve en la catedral con una ms? Qu ms? El peridico
dado Jefferson donde una misa a Texas con el comercio de es- se reestablecieron en la dicesis. reliquia de Santa Faustina, una East Texas Catholic comienza
anual de los Cajuns se ha clavos y ms tarde de Luisiana La primera parroquia vietna- hermana polaca y una imagen una serie sobre la diversidad
celebrado en el parque de Port en el sureste de Texas por los mitas en los Estados Unidos fue de la divina misericordia. cultural de la dicesis con una
Neches. trabajos en las refineras que se formada en Port Arthur. Reina Las contribuciones ms re- profundidad en mirar estas cul-
A principios de los 1900s, desarrollaban. Los afroamerica- de Vietnam en Puerto Arturo cientes a la diversidad de la turas y otras personas durante
los inmigrantes italianos, sobre nos localmente contribuyeron y San Jos en Beaumont aho- dicesis son los filipinos. Las este ao de aniversario.
september 9, 2016 9
One in Him

Confessional Door from St. Anthony Cathedral Basilica featuring St. Francis Xavier Cabrini, Italian; Kateri Tekakwitha, Native American; and Andrew Dung-Lac, Vietnamese.
The ethnic and cultural di- settled in Beaumont for jobs at can be seen through the yearly of St. Anthony Cathedral Ba- fluence is seen in the cathedral
versity of the Church in South- the lumber yards. These Sicil- celebrations of St. Martin de silica. with a relic of St. Faustina, a
east Texas has been a major part ians brought with them the St. Porres Feast Day. St. Martin de When Vietnamese refugees Polish sister, and an image of
of its development and growth. Joseph Celebration and gained Porres was the child of a freed fled to the United States fol- the Divine Mercy.
This diversity of culture was their own parish, St. Joseph in slave and is the patron saint of lowing the fall of Saigon, more More recent contributors
woven into the liturgies and Beaumont. Their celebration people of mixed races. than 2,000 of them were re- to the diversity of the dio-
iconography of the Diocese of of St. Joseph Feast Day has Like African Americans, settled in the diocese. The cese are the Filipinos. Filipina
Beaumont since before its es- so permeated the diocese that Hispanics were present from first Vietnamese parish in the nurses were recruited by then
tablishment in 1966. many parishes now celebrate the Churchs early days in United States was formed in St. Elizabeth Hospital in the
One of the earliest groups to the day with a St. Joseph Altar Southeast Texas. However, Port Arthur. Queen of Viet- 1970s. Because of the par-
influence the local Church was including even a predominate- their numbers have increased nam in Port Arthur and St. ishs proximity to the hospital
the French Cajuns from Loui- ly African-American parish like greatly in the last 20 years Joseph in Beaumont now have many of them joined St. Anne
siana who crossed the Sabine Blessed Sacrament in Beau- with migration predominately Masses celebrated in Vietnam- in Beaumont. The Philippine
River for jobs. They helped cul- mont. from Mexico. Currently one ese. Their influence is also seen prayer group Banal Na Espirito
tivate rice, build railroads, and African Americans first came fourth of the dioceses par- in Port Arthur with the Queen currently provides a Philippine
catch shrimp. By 1966 Cajuns to Texas with the slave trade ishes and missions have large of Vietnam Shrine and in the Choir for Mass at St. Anne
made up the largest percent- and later from Louisiana to Hispanic populations. The cathedrals iconography. twice a month and also a spe-
age of parishioners of the most Southeast Texas for jobs in the Mexican influence on the dio- Czech and Poles also con- cial novena prior to Christmas.
populated part of the Diocese, developing refineries. The Af- cese is reflected in the many tributed to the Church in All of this ethnic diversity
the Golden Triangle. Many of rican Americans contributed Spanish-language Masses and Southeast Texas settling in the has enriched the diocese. Who
them settled in Mid-Jefferson locally to Catholic education, in the celebration of the Feast area around Eastgate in the ear- else? Want more? The East Tex-
County where a yearly Cajun ministries and music. The of Our Lady of Guadalupe. It ly part of the 1900s. The two as Catholic is beginning a series
Mass has been celebrated at Church celebrates their con- is also seen in the iconography groups helped build St. Anne on the cultural diversity of the
Port Neches Park. tribution each November with of the local Church with the Mission in Eastgate in 1918. diocese with an indepth look at
In the early 1900s Italian im- Black Catholic History Month. Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine The mission still has an active these cultures and others dur-
migrants, mostly from Sicily, Their impact on the diocese in Port Arthur and the artwork Czech community. Polish in- ing this anniversary year.
10 september 9, 2016

Dialing to digital
By Don Dupre
From rotary phones to smart
phones, from typewriters to
keyboards, from the U.S. mail
to email, the way the world
communicates has drastically
changed in the 50 years since
the Diocese of Beaumont was
formed. In 1966 the only wire-
less, hand held communicators
were the ones on Star Trek.
Back then there were no cell
phones, no texting, tweeting,
email, Facebook, Instagram,
Snapchat or world wide web.
Communicating with the faith-
ful presented a completely dif-
ferent set of challenges.
In 1966 letters were writ-
ten using a typewriter, copied
on a mimeograph, and then
mailed. Then they had to be
delivered. To reach all parishio-
ners meant putting something
in the Church bulletin, sending
them all a letter or calling them
all individually. Then came the
fax machine, but not everybody
embraced it.
The first fax machine at the Bill Gier, volunteer director of Promotions and Communication at St. Anthony Cathedral Basilica, shows some of his communication tools.
Pastoral Center had to be hid-
den because Bishop Bernard J.
Ganter was hesitant of using
ish director of promotions and In addition to parishes utiliz- Media Date Invented
communication, plans to reach ing social media, Facebook,
this new device. The Diocese out to everyone in the parish Twitter and Instagram are also Fax Machine 1843
got its first computer in the this month and ask them to used by the diocese to connect
mid-1980s. Computers were send a text to opt into the pro- the faithful to the bishop. Phone Pager 1949
called Word Processors. These
word processors were soon to
This system was used to let
Bishop Guillory does a week-
day video message For the
Modern Fax Machine 1966
become major communication the parish know about Bishop Good that is televised every Email 1972
tools. Curtis J. Guillory, S.V.D., cel- weekday morning on KFDM.
The World Wide Web revo- ebrating a special Mass after the One way the diocese uses Face- Mobile Phone 1973
lutionized communication in Orlando night club shooting. book and Twitter is to remind PC 1975
1989. Now one person can The message went out 24 hours the faithful that they can also
reach an unlimited population before the Mass and the cathe- see this message on the dio- FedEx Overnight 1977
For example, St. Anthony
dral was full for the Mass. In
1966 this would have required
ceses YouTube channel in case
they missed it when it ran on
WWW 1989
Cathedral Basilica, Beaumont, a lot of people making last min- KFDM. Smart Phone 1992
uses a web-based program ute phone calls. This helps the faithful feel
called GroupCast. Someone Gier also uses Facebook to more connected to their bishop SMS Message 1992
simply records a message and let parishioners know about and diocese. Bishop Guillory Facebook 2004
GroupCast calls everyone on upcoming events. He said Face- also connects through Twitter
the list with that message. If the book has been great for evan- to personally communicate to Twitter 2006
person doesnt answer, it will gelization. He posted a picture the faithful.
leave the message in voice mail. about a group going through Facebook and other social
Instagram 2010
GroupCast then sends those the Holy Door in the cathedral. media are used to connect the Snapchat 2011
people a text to notify them of Soon he started getting calls faithful in other ways as well.
the message in their voice mail. from other parishes and groups The diocese uses Facebook, special Masses and events. This tution of Acolytes, Chrism Mass
It can also be used for group that saw the post and wanted to Twitter, Instagram and YouTube includes the Bishops Faith Ap- and of course the anniversary
texting. Bill Gier, volunteer par- also visit the Holy Door. to post pictures and videos from peal Intentions Mass, the Insti- celebration.
september 9, 2016 11
Women out from behind the scenes

Sister Esther Dunegan, IWBS, in 1968 at her first profession of her vows. Sister Esther Dunegan, JCL, in 2016 as chancellor for the Beaumont Diocese.

By Letty Lanza Sister Dunegan also heard later appointed her Chancellor well after the diocese had been mal," she said.
Chapel veils and wimples Gods call through the sisters of Brownsville. Then, in 1995, established and the Vatican II DeLuca has also seen an in-
the Catholic Church in the who taught her grade school Bishop Joseph Galante named idea of empowering the laity crease in womens roles nation-
1960s was not just a place where and high school classes. her the first woman chancellor became a reality. wide.
womens heads were covered, it But never did I ever imag- of the Beaumont diocese. Sanchez journey like Sis- "When dioceses first created
was also a Church where wom- ine being Chancellor. Even af- Although Sister Dunegan ter Dunegans mimicked the offices for catechesis, directors
ens talents were seldom out in ter I entered religious life and says all five of the bishops she growing role of women in the were all priests. Now 95 percent
front. But all that was about to was working at the chancery has served under have been very Church. Sanchez began her are laity and mostly women.
change as the Diocese of Beau- in Brownsville, I never pursued forward thinking, she also real- Church work as secretary. It All three women agree that
mont was being established. that idea. izes that the increase in womens wasnt until 1998 that she was their sisters bring unique gifts
When Vatican II opened the It was little wonder that the numbers in leadership may also appointed a director by Bishop to the Church.
windows of the Church to let in young Esther Dunegan nev- be due to the shortage of priests. Galante. "They tend to resolve conflict
the fresh air of renewal, it also er considered the leadership "But I think even if that were Sanchez believes that because through dialogue rather than
opened the door for a change in role. It was not until the '80s to change, we would not go of Vatican II, the Church may imposition of a decision. And
womens participation and the that non-clerics could become backward," she said. have had the jump on the secu- they see issues as many layered.
way they were perceived. canon lawyers and women like That forward movement for lar world. They see everything as related
It was in those beginning days Sister Dunegan could start the women is evident in the make- "Its my perception that in and not in separate boxes, Sis-
of the Council and the renewal path toward Chancellor. up of todays Chancery depart- some ways the Church began to ter Dunegan said.
that followed, that Sister Es- Sister Dunegan says it took ments. In 1966, all diocesan recognize the talents of women Sanchez echoes that idea by
ther Dunegan I.W.B.S., J.C.L., courage to step into the world ministries were headed up by sooner than the secular world saying that women have a sense
chancellor for the diocese, be- of clergy. men. Today, eleven of the min- did," she said. of how things are connected.
gan her quiet walk into religious "Most often lay men and istries are headed up by women. Dr. Lorraine DeLuca believes "We are more intuitive and
life and service to the Church. women felt like second class citi- One of those is Rosalind San- that Beaumont may also have relational. In some ways, we
It was a journey that would not zens. I also wasnt confident of my chez, director of the Office of been more progressive than dio- have a broader concept of
only closely follow the Churchs ability to exercise leadership. But Worship, who has had a front ceses in the East where DeLuca Church," she said.
changing pathway, it was a jour- that changed and the attitude of seat to the increasing role of began her ministry work 36 DeLuca believes that another
ney that was impelled by those the clergy changed," she said. women in the liturgy. Sanchez years ago. She is now director of important gift is womens will-
changes. Though some clergy may points to women now being Evangelization and Catechesis. ingness to serve.
I would often lay on the have resisted the changes, it able to act as altar servers and In the East, we werent al- "Most of our catechists and
trunk of our car at night and was two clerics who mentored lectors as well as being able to lowed to go to vicariate meet- volunteers are women. And
stare into the stars. And in those Sister Dunegan. Bishop John conduct Sunday celebrations ings or clergy days. Here the then she jokingly adds, I won-
moments, I could hear Gods Fitzpatrick of Brownsville sent in the absence of a priest. engagement of the laity is wel- der what we would do if all those
call," she said. her to study canon law. He Those changes came about comed and things are less for- women ever went on strike?
12 september 9, 2016

Pastoral Care, Evangelization and the Future

More than 800 gathered at a Mass Oct. 21, 2007, as Bishop Curtis J. Guillory, SVD, received the Papal Ombrellino and the Papal Tintinnabulum at St. Anthony Cathedral Basilica, closing the
Year of Jubilee with the Mass of Thanksgiving. Pope Benedict XVI named St. Anthony Cathedral a minor basilica the previous year.

Part of an ongoing historical series on a Minor Basilica, the 40th anniversary diocese reached out to those hurting
the Diocese of Beaumont of the Diocese of Beaumont and the in the communities. They provided
Pastoral care whether in a parish 100th anniversary of the dedication of direct help and support to not only
or in the community is important St. Anthony with a year of jubilee activi- parishioners but the communities at
to Catholic faithful. Through the years ties. In October 2007, Bishop Guillory large. In addition, Catholic Chari-
Bishop Curtis Guillory, SVD, in collab- closed the Year of Jubilee with a Mass of ties and the diocesan youth visited
oration with the clergy has ministered to Thanksgiving at St. Anthony Cathedral communities offering direct help
and provided pastoral care to the thou- Basilica, installing the Tintinnabulum and cleanup. After being hit hard by
sands of Catholic faithful in Southeast and the Ombrellio. Hurricane Rita and then destroyed
Texas. An example of a different kind of pas- by Hurricane Ike, St. Paul Mission
One way of this is through diocesan toral care occured when Hurricane Ike in Sabine Pass celebrated its last
celebrations. On Aug. 8, 2006, the an- struck the area Sept. 13, 2008. When Mass Nov. 1, 2009, and was closed.
nouncement was made that the Vatican Ike swept ashore that day, it tore through Pastoral care to the larger commu-
recognized the artistic and historical sig- Southeast Texas leaving only one church nity is also a part of ministry. When
nificance of St. Anthony Cathedral as untouched. Thirteen of the churches a crisis happens, the Catholic faithful
well as its importance in liturgical and in the diocese sustained major damage. come together and invite the com-
pastoral ministry and named the Ca- Communities such as Orange, Bridge munity to join them to encourage
thedral a Minor Basilica. In celebration, City, Sabine Pass, LaBelle, Stowell and prayer and healing. These times in-
Bishop Guillory opened a Centenary Oak Island were especially hard hit with clude the Sandy Hook Elementary
Jubilee Year Sept. 10, 2006, which cel- major flooding from the storm surge. School shooting in Connecticut in
ebrated the naming of St. Anthony as Bishop Guillory and the priests of the December 2012 and the shooting
september 9, 2016 13

The St. Thomas More chapel at the Catholic Student Center at Lamar University was dedicated in August 2011. The chapel was funded through the capital campaign.

in Ferguson, Missouri, in August 2014.

When the Orlando nightclub shooting
occurred in June 2016 Bishop Guillory
held a special Mass to remember the vic-
tims and to call for peace.
A growing concern for the pastoral
care for youth and young adults was a
large part of the motivation for the To-
gether for Gods Good Work Capital Cam-
paign. The $25 million campaign kicked
off in late summer 2008 with $7 million
of it earmarked for youth programs and
$1 million to be used for Campus Min-
istry at Lamar University in Beaumont.
Youth programs included scholarships
for Catholic schools, funds for parish
youth ministry and parish religious edu-
cation. It shored up funds for the Infirm
Priests Fund to help the diocesan priests
who become ill. The campaign secured
funds for the future of Catholic Chari-
ties as well as Holy Family Retreat Cen-
In 2010, funded by the capital cam- Father Sinclair Oubre blesses a rosary at Encounter Catholic at Mardi Gras in Port Arthur.
paign, the first major remodeling project cated in 2011. The construction of the zation has been a focus of many minis- faithful in Southeast Texas. And adding
began at the Catholic Student Center at building was one of the elements funded tries in the diocese, especially with the to programs already underway like Liv-
Lamar which included an addition of a by the capital campaign. The building popes call to New Evangelization. In ing the Eucharist and Confirmation for
separate chapel. St. Thomas More Cha- brought together ministries that had 2013 the Office of Lifelong Catechesis/ Adults, it provided formation for Evan-
pel was dedicated in August 2011 and been scattered in several buildings in dif- Education was renamed Evangelization gelization Parish Teams. About the same
Campus Ministrys renovated Student ferent locations in Beaumont to one site and Catechesis a better fit for the min- time Bishop Guillory established the Di-
Center building was reopened. The new for a more cohesive workplace. istry. It has hosted two Evangelization ocesan Evangelization Commission.
Catholic Pastoral Center was also dedi- In addition to pastoral care, evangeli- Conferences to educate the Catholic Continued on page 15
14 september 9, 2016

Hurricane Ike left destruction throughout SE Texas

St. Mary Church, Fannett, was hit hard when Hurrican Ike came through Sept. 13, 2008.

Father Khanh Ho accompanies Bishop Curtis Guillory as he visits a damaged

home in Oak Island. The family was living in their damaged home which lost its
stairs to the porch. ETC file photos

A blue tarp is put on the roof of St. Henry Church, Bridge City, as temporary protection from the elements. Diocesan youth work at Extreme Clean-up Oak Island to clean up after Ike.
september 9, 2016 15
Continued from page 13 gelization effort known as
A unique outreach to young adults Return to Me. The effort
- both married and single - was estab- began with television and
lished in 2013 as Bishop Guillory be- newspapers ads encourag-
gan a series of young adult dinners at ing occasional Catholics
his home. First established to increase (those who do not attend
participation by this demographic in Mass regularly) to become
the life of the Church, the dinners have active participants in the
now become a type of focus group giv- life of the Church and invit-
ing Bishop Guillory the opportunity to ing the unchurched to learn
hear the concerns of young adults. more about the Catholic
A retreat experience that has brought faith. The diocese increased
many into the faith started in 2001 but its evangelization efforts
really expanded in the past 10 years. in 2009 when the first En-
ACTS retreats first came to St. Anne counter Catholic experience
Parish in Beaumont and then quickly was held at Mardi Gras of
spread throughout the diocese. Teen Southeast Texas in Port Ar-
ACTS and Campus Ministry ACTS as thur. Later Encounter Cath-
well as ACTS in the prisons were estab- olic spread into other parts Prison ACTS, later becoming Kolbe Prison retreats, provide an opportunity for evangelization in the prisons.
lished. Prison ACTS, which later became of the diocese into East
known as the Kolbe Prison retreats, were Texas at the Dogwood Fes- more evangelization through visual ma- es, schools and ministries.
established in 2012. Results of the pris- tival, into Orange County at the Vidor terials. Today, in September 2016, we are 44
on retreats include an increased number BBQ Festival and Hardin County with To plan for a more solid future, the parishes and seven missions, one high
of baptisms and of confirmations in the the Village Creek Festival. The diocese diocese, through the Stewardship and school, four grade schools, a retreat
correctional facilities that have held a re- also uses social media to evangelize Communications Office kicked off a center, a Catholic foundation, a vibrant
treat. with Bishop Guillory and the East Texas planned giving campaign in 2015 as social ministry through Catholic Chari-
Evangelization efforts have also been Catholic on Twitter and the diocese on Bishop Guillory established a Planned ties of Southeast Texas, numerous lay or-
much of the focus of the Stewardship Facebook and on Instagram. In 2015, Giving Commission and the ministry ganizations, 18 diocesan ministries, 65
and Communications Office. In 2006, the Stewardship and Communications created its Across Generations program priests and 38 deacons. We are 71,000
the diocese started a concerted evan- Ministry was restructured to provide for to encourage planned giving for parish- Catholics strong.
16 september 9, 2016

to the people of the

Diocese o f Beaumont

Most Rev. Curtis Guillory


As you celebrate 50 years of building

faith and spreading the light and
love of our saviour,
Jesus Christ,
throughout East Texas.
May God bless your efforts as
you continue your good works.

Bishop David A. Konderla

and the preists, religious and faithful of the

Diocese of Tulsa, Oklahoma

We congratulate the
Diocese of Beaumont
on serving the spiritual needs
of the people of Southeast Texas
for the last 50 years.

4335 Laurel (409) 899-4900

Beaumont, Texas w w w. m s f l l p . c om Toll Free 888-899-1040
september 9, 2016 17
18 september 9, 2016

thanks th e Di oce se of B e au mon t

fo r 50 ye ars of se r vi ce.

Ever y Life, Ever y Moment Matters.

Har b o rH | (409)840-5640

Congratulations and continued blessings to the

Diocese of Beaumont as you celebrate 50 years!
Supporting Parishes and Building Disciples Since 1913.

Bulletin Communications OneParish Mobile App/Technology Solution Ministry and Worship Resources Calendars Sacred Music Vocations Support

Parish Consultant Vivian DeJohn 409-330-3187

20 september 9, 2016



AT 8 A.M.

First Name ___________________________ Last Name __________________________

Email address ___________________________________________________________
Date of Birth ___________________ Daytime phone _______________________
Gender (Circle one) M F Signature __________________________________
Parent Signature (if the participant is under 18) _________________________________
Address ____________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip _______________________________________________________
Emergency Contact Name & Phone _______________________________________
Catholic School Affiliation (if any) _________________________________________
T-shirt size (Circle one) Youth S Youth M Youth L Adult S Adult M Adult L Adult XL
Please mail your completed registration form and check for $25 per registration to For more information, please call 409-924-4322.
Office of Catholic Schools I understand that there is no refund for weather
PO Box 3948 cancellation. I understand the $25 will be considered
Beaumont TX 77704 a donation to the Catholic Schools.



A weekend of activities is set for Sept. 17 and 18 for the 50th an- El fin de semana del 17 y 18 de septiembre est lleno de actividades para
niversary celebration of the founding of the Diocese of Beaumont. la celebracin del 50 aniversario de la fundacin de la dicesis de Beaumont.
Since the celebration is too big for just one day, a 5K Run/Walk is Como la celebracin es demasiado grande para solo un da, una cami-
set for Saturday, Sept. 17, at St. Anthony Cathedral Basilica School in nata/carrera 5K se estableci para el sbado 17 de septiembre en la es-
Downtown Beaumont. Sponsored by the Office of Catholic Schools, cuela de la Catedral Baslica de San Antonio en el centro de la ciudad de
the day begins with packet pickup at 7 a.m. with the 5K starting at Beaumont. Patrocinado por la oficina de escuelas catlicas, el da comien-
8 a.m. The cost is $25 which includes a T-shirt. Booths will be set za con a las 7 a.m. cuando uno puede recoger su paquete, y el 5K a las 8
up with other activities planned, including outdoor bowling, face a.m. El costo es de $25 e incluye una camiseta. Otras actividades planea-
painting and more. das incluyen boliche al aire libre, caritas pintadas y ms.
The celebration continues Sunday, Sept. 18, at Ford Park on IH 10. La celebracin continua el domingo, 18 de septiembre, en Ford Park en
Though the official time for Mass to begin is 4 p.m., arrive early to IH 10. Aunque el tiempo oficial para el comienzo de la misa es a las 4 a.m.,
enjoy the choirs before Mass. Beginning at just after 3 p.m. pre-lit- puede llegar temprano para disfrutar de los coros antes del principio de
urgy music will include the Our Mother of Mercy, Beaumont, Youth la Misa. Empezando a las 3 p.m., la pre-liturgia de la msica incluir a los
Choir, the St. Joseph, Beaumont, Vietnamese choir and the Varsity coros de Nuestra Madre de la Misericordia de Beaumont, el Coro Vietna-
Choir from Msgr. Kelly Catholic High School. mita Juvenil de San Jos de Beaumont, y el Coro Superior de Mons. Kelly
Special guests at Mass include Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, of the Catholic High School.
Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston and Archbishop Joseph Fioren- Invitados especiales a la Misa incluyen al Cardenal Daniel DiNardo, de
za, archbishop emeritus of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston la Arquidicesis de Galveston-Houston y el Arzobispo Joseph Fiorenza,
and a Beaumont native. Other visiting bishops and clergy will also arzobispo emrito de la Arquidicesis de Galveston-Houston y nativo de
be in attendance. Bishop Curtis Guillory, SVD, will be the main cel- Beaumont. Otros obispos y clero visitante tambin estarn presentes. El
ebrant at Mass. Monseor Curtis Guillory, SVD, ser el celebrante principal de la Misa.
And dont rush out after Mass join the birthday party in the hall! Y no se precipiten al salir despus de la Misa nanse a la fiesta de
Birthday cake will be served along with other goodies. Entertain- cumpleaos en el saln! Pastel de cumpleaos se servir junto con otras
ment will include music from each of the five decades that you can cosas. Entretenimiento incluir msica de cada una de las cinco dcadas
dance to. You will also have a chance to look at memorabilia from y se podr bailar. Tambin tiendran una oportunidad de ver recuerdos de
the 50 years. los aos 50 de la dicesis.
The Diocese of Beaumont was founded in 1966 the second La dicesis de Beaumont fue fundada en 1966, la segunda dicesis
diocese created in the U.S. after the Second Vatican Council. The creada en los Estados Unidos despus del Concilio Vaticano II. Los nueve
nine counties of the Diocese of Beaumont includes 44 parishes condados de la dicesis de Beaumont incluyen 44 parroquias y siete mis-
and seven missions. Bishop Guillory was installed as fifth Bishop of iones. El Obispo Guillory fue instalado como quinto obispo de Beaumont
Beaumont in July 2000. Previous bishops were Bishop Vincent Har- en julio del 2000. Obispos anteriores eran obispo Vincent Harris (obispo
ris (founding bishop), Bishop Warren Boudreaux, Bishop Bernard fundador), obispo Warren Boudreaux, obispo Bernard Ganter y obispo Jo-
Ganter and Bishop Joseph Galante. seph Galante.
For more information on the anniversary visit the Dioceses web- Para ms informacin sobre el aniversario visite sitio web de la dicesis
site at To register for the Diocese Dash 5K en Para inscribirse en la carrera/caminata Diocese
Run/Walk, please call 409-924-4322 or visit Dash 5K, por favor llame al 409-924-4322 o visite



50 years of
Gods faith,
love and

16-SET-1310 50th Aanniversary Ad_FINAL.indd 1 9/6/16 3:48 PM

on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary
of your establishment as a Diocese!

We join you in prayer and celebration

as you continue to worship together
and serve the community as the Church of Beaumont.

The Sisters of the Incarnate Word and

Blessed Sacrament of Corpus Christi, Texas

Bishop Joe S. Vsquez,

Auxiliary Bishop Daniel E. Garcia
all the faithful
of the
Diocese of Austin,
Diocese of Beaumont
on its
50th anniversary.
Ad multos annos!
september 9, 2016 25

The Infirm Priests Fund

Second Collection
Weekend of
September 24 & 25
Our priests have been with you in your joys
and sorrows, at baptisms and funerals, and celebrating
the sacraments. Each week they bring us together
at the Eucharistic celebration of the Mass.
Giving to the Infirm Priests Fund is one way
to provide for our priests when they have medical costs
beyond their means. With an aging priesthood
in our diocese, the potential for more priests being
dependent on this fund increases each year. This second
collection was originally set for Sept. 17 & 18, but has
been transferred to Sept. 24 & 25.

Please be generous.

Register now through the youth minister at your parish.

The Diocese of Beaumont and Catholic Charities of Southeast

Texas are looking for qualified individuals to join their
workforce in the following areas listed below.

For detailed information about a specific position, please

refer to the diocesan website at under
the Careers tab. Or contact the Diocesan Human Resources
Department at (409) 924-4364.

Full-time Multi-Parish Evangelization/Catechetical Coordinator
Full-time Secretary Office of Catholic Schools
Full-time Multi-Parish/School Accountant


Part-time Bus Driver


Full-time Principal


Full-time Pastoral Associate for Youth & Young Adult Ministry

Diocese Celebrates 50th

ETCetera under a bish-
op who is to
other diocese in Texas
can claim a canonized
nate Word Sisters; Sister Mary Verda
Frederick, MSC, of Nederland served
Msgr. James Vanderholt pastor the saint in their story. as superior general of the Marianite
people. There The Church in Sisters of Louisiana; Sisters Rita Ow-
The Diocese of are certain Southeast Texas pro- ens, OP, and Sister Justin Farinella,
Beaumont has the limitations and guidances for the bish- duced leaders that OP, established a home for battered
distinction of being op in the universal law of the Church. served in other areas. women.
the second diocese The mission of the Church in Retired Archbishop The establishment of a diocese helped
established in the United States after Southeast Texas did not begin on Joseph Fiorenza, na- intensify the mission of the Church in
Vatican II. The first was the Archdio- Sept. 29, 1966. It had existed since tive of Beaumont, our area and build on the ministry of
cese of Anchorage, Alaska, which be- early missionaries from Europe was elected nation- these earlier people.
gan Feb. 9, 1966. Beaumont was estab- came to the area even before Spin- al president of the The celebration of the 50th year of
lished on Sept. 29, 1966, by Pope Paul dletop. Priests and sisters came United States Catho- the diocese is not an invitation to live in
VI. out of Galveston to Sabine Pass. lic Bishops (now the the past. Rather, one is reminded of the
The term diocese designates a territo- Other priests caught the railroad U.S. Conference of description of tradition by Father Yves
rial division of the Church. It is gov- out of Houston to Liberty, Beau- Catholic Bishops). Congar, OP. He wrote that tradition is
erned by a bishop. He is the pastor of mont and Orange in what was Many woman like a person walking. To walk, one must
the territory. There is no essential dif- then called the Alligator Cir- church leaders have have one foot in the past and the other
ference between a diocese and an arch- cuit. Some of the more famous also come from the area. foot in the future. If you keep both feet
diocese. Each bishop is supreme in his Spanish priests established mis- Sister Antoinette Boykin in the past, you do not move. If you
own diocese. sions in the Nacogdoches area OP, native of Beaumont, place both feet in the future, you risk
Dioceses are not of divine law, that before any were built in the served as provincial of falling. The foot in the past can serve as
is, established by Jesus. Rather, they more popular ones in San An- the Houston Domini- a thrust into the future. There are times
were established by the Church in time tonio. can Sisters as well as when it is important to stress the past as
to help the governance of the Church. Southeast Texas was president of Domini- there are other times when we stress the
We experience the same on a lesser blessed with the ministry of can College; Sister future. The healthiest stance is to keep
schedule with individual parishes. The St. Katharine Drexel who Lauren Beck, CVI, the rhythm of using the past to thrust
parish is a defined territory under a helped in opposing the served as provin- us into the future. Let that be what the
pastor. So the diocese is a local church Ku Klux Klan. No cial of the Incar- 50th celebration is all about.

What does God do for you?

By Father John Catoir effects are manifold -- thus it takes one control, the very fact that you have such er the gifts of interpreting the sacred
God loves you and gives you spiritual form in the palm tree and another in a desire opens your soul wider to receive Scriptures ... he prepares another man
gifts. The Letter of James states, Every the vine. an increase in willpower. Expand your for martyrdom.
perfect gift is from above, coming down Rain, St. Cyril continues, adapts spiritual desires and trust Gods love -- In each person, the Holy Spirit re-
from the Father (Jas 1:17). itself to the nature of the things that this is the formula for achieving saint- veals his presence in a particular way to
God gives you the Holy Spirit. Jesus receive it and it becomes what is appro- hood. help both the individual and the whole
tells his disciples that the Fa- church at the same time. The
ther will give you another
Advocate to be with you al- YOUR GOOD EXAMPLE HELPS EVERYONE Holy Spirit awakens your
natural gifts, enabling you to
ways (Jn 14:16). His pres-
ence includes the gifts of the AROUND YOU. SELF-CONTROL AND serve the common good more
Spirit: wisdom, knowledge, Your good example helps
faith, all of which inspire hu-
mility and fear of the Lord.
THE SPIRIT OF MORTIFICATION MAY BE everyone around you. Self-
control and the spirit of mor-
This fear is actually not
fear, but a respectful awe for
STRONGER IN OTHERS THAN IN YOU AT tification may be stronger
in others than in you at this
Gods majesty. Other gifts in-
clude: mighty deeds, healing, THIS TIME, BUT THIS DISPARITY DOES NOT time, but this disparity does
not mean that the Spirit is
prophecy, discerning of spirits
and speaking in tongues. MEAN THAT THE SPIRIT IS ABSENT absent.
We grow slowly in wisdom,
What exactly are the gifts of age and grace, just as Jesus
the Holy Spirit that were given to you? priate to each. So it is with the Holy St. Cyril adds that the Holy Spirit did. We are saints-in-training; though
We can all learn a great deal from St. Spirit, who is of one nature and indi- uses the tongue of one man for wis- not quite there yet, we are preparing
Cyril of Jerusalem, who compares the visible, but he apportions his grace as dom, he illumines the soul of another ourselves day by day.
gifts of the Holy Spirit to rain, which he wills to each one. by prophecy, to another he imparts the Trust that God will strengthen you.
comes down in the same form, yet its For instance, if you pray for more self- power of driving out devils, to anoth- Expect the best.
september 9, 2016 27

** Places to go, things to do **

HALF A CENTURY OF WORSHIP! - St. Maurice, Mauriceville, will be New Mass times for Infant Jesus and Holy Spirit:
celebrating its 50th anniversary Sept. 25 at the 10:30 a.m. Mass with Sunday Mass 8 a.m. is changing to 7:30 a.m. at Infant Jesus, Lumberton
a luncheon to follow. All current and previous members of the parish Sunday Mass 9:30 a.m. is changing to 9:15 a.m. at Holy Spirit, Kountze
are encouraged to attend. These changes take effect Oct. 2.

BBQ, CAKE & JESUS! - St. Therese, Little Flower of Jesus Parish in the CHRISTMAS AT SEA PROGRAM - Many of the men and women who
Port Acres area of Port Arthur will be having its annual Parish Dinner work upon the sea are forced to be far from home at Christmas time.
and Festival on Sept. 25 from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. They will be serving Many work 9-11 month contracts before being able to return home.
1/2 BBQ chicken, rice dressing, baked beans and bread for $8 a plate. For most of us, this is the holiest and most festive time of the year,
Tickets can be purchased the day of the event. There will also be a when we get together with family and friends. But for many of them,
raffle, Wheel of Cakes, Country Craft Store and a Religious Booth. For it is a time of depression and loneliness, far from their loved ones.
more information, contact Peggy Anderson at (409) 736-1536. The Apostleship of the Sea-Diocese of Beaumont and the Port
Arthur International Seafarers Center collect ditty bags for seafarers
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! The Office of Family Life will host its annual throughout the year. During December, these bags are delivered
Jubilee Mass celebrating those who have been married 25, 50 or over to the many ships and tugs that visit the docks of Port Arthur, Port
50 years. The Jubilee Mass will be Sunday, Oct. 30, at St. Anthony Neches, Orange, Sabine Pass, and as far out as Cheniere LNG in
Cathedral Basilica, Beaumont, and will start at 2:30 p.m. Due to space Johnsons Bayou, La. This includes the refinery docks and the many
limitations, it is requested that only immediate family members commercial and private docks up and down the waterway.
accompany the celebrants to Mass, which will be celebrated by These gifts are of very little monetary value but are of great worth
Bishop Curtis J. Guillory, S.V.D. A reception will follow at the cathedral to those who receive them. Often, the captain or bosun of the vessel
center immediately after Mass. To register please contact your parish will hold on to all of the gifts until Christmas Day. Then, even if the
secretary, they have all the necessary information regarding the ship is in the middle of the ocean on that day, each person receives a
event. gift. This years goal is 900.
Though this may seem like a lot, these boxes go quickly. Most ships
Octoberfest! - Blessed Sacrament Church will be hosting its carry 23 seafarers on each. This means that 100 boxes will take care
Annual Octoberfest Saturday, Oct. 1, and Sunday, Oct. 2. They are of about 4 ships and 1 tug. And with the large numbers of vessels
inviting everyone to come out and enjoy the festivities and great coming into area docks, there are simply not enough boxes to go on
food. This year their food booths include Gumbo, Shrimp on a Stick, board each vessel.
BBQ Beef Sandwiches, Chicken Wings, Fish Sandwiches, Funnel Cakes Father Sinclair Oubre, diocesan director of The Apostleship of the
and much more. They will also be selling their famous Fried Chicken Sea for the Diocese of Beaumont said, Ninety percent of the seafarers
Dinners. There will be games for children and Bingo for prizes. They sailing through our area waterways are Catholic. When they are here,
will be celebrating Mass Saturday, Oct. 1, at 5 p.m. and Sunday, Oct. our Diocese is responsible for their spiritual care. It is important that
2, at 10 a.m. This is a family-oriented event and they hope everyone Catholics in our Diocese reach out to these men and women as
can attend. brothers and sisters in Christ. This is a simple way to do just that.
If you or your group wish to donate gift boxes or filler items, contact:
GOLFING AND DANCING! St. James will be having a Golf Tammy Domingue at the Port Arthur International Seafarers Center
Tournament and Homecoming Dance as special fundraisers. The Golf 409-982-4504, or Doreen M. Badeaux with the Apostleship of the Sea
Tournament will be Saturday, Oct. 22, at Babe Zaharias Golf Course, Diocese of Beaumont at 409-985-4545.
3500 Jimmy Johnson Blvd., Port Arthur, with registration starting at 8 Suggested filler items include warm socks, small sewing kit, comb,
a.m. and shotgun at 9 a.m. The Homecoming Dance will be the same soap, shampoo, conditioner, shaving cream, toothpaste, toothbrush,
day at Kirwin Hall, adjacent to St. James Church, 3617 Gulfway Drive, small pocket calendar, disposable razors, deodorant, mouthwash,
Port Arthur, starting at 7 p.m. and ending at 11 p.m. For information, small packs of Kleenex and hand lotion.
to register or get tickets for the dance, call Donna Byars at (409) 540- Ditty bags are also needed and can either be purchased, or sewn.
9328 or email her at Bags should be are approximately 10 inches x 10 inches with a draw
AND THIS LIL PIGGY WAS SMOTHERED! - Knights of Peter Claver Knitted caps are also accepted, which can either be purchased or
Council & Court 182 are selling Smothered Pork Chop Dinners on sewn. If you would like a pattern in order to make the caps, please
Sunday, Oct. 16, at the KPC Hall located at 515 Savannah Ave., Port call Tammy Domingue at 409-982-4504.
Arthur, from 10 a.m. until sold out. Menu is smothered pork chops,
rice and gravy, potato salad, sweet peas, roll and soda. Cost is $10 per
meal to dine in or carry out. Hall phone is (409) 983-9132 or for more
details call (409) 985-8419.

Varied Graces:
In the millions we are one
By Letty Lanza It began not with hymns tionship that asked for respon- 70s, parish pews and parish Whatever we are at any given
My love affair with the but with my joining the three sibility and participation. parties seemed to have little moment, that is what Church
Church began at 5 on the of them in a raucous rendition The Holy Ghost Sisters were room for a single mother. is. Whatever each of us is at
way to the Holy Ghost Sisters of a Guy Mitchell song. It be- now childhood memories re- In those shadowy days, I any given moment is the way
motherhouse in Pittsburgh. gan not with the overwhelm- placed by an Ursuline who found myself spending time others see Church.
I had met God earlier, not ing smell of incense but with talked of civil rights and peace before images of hearts cov- Our history is not made up
exactly sure when. Prob- the sweet scent of their freshly corps and walked the streets ered with thorns and bloody of one gigantic movement in
ably while kneeling with my starched wimples. It began of the South. Her Church was crucifixes. Though I wanted to one direction. It is made up
Grandmother next to her bed not with my being saved from the Church of Vatican II and leave, I lingered on the edge. of millions of single steps and
and staring up at that bloody sin but with being rescued social justice. It was a Church And somewhere in those millions of single decisions
crucifix that hung over it. It from the front seat of my of risk and hope. And I need- shadowy days, the Church made by millions of individu-
was a meeting but certainly dads coupe and a came outside its als whether its the decision
not a love affair. boring two-hour doors to meet me of a pope to call a council,
Grandmas God was Some- drive. on the edge. In a grandmother to kneel in
one you could depend on. They were my those years that prayer or priest to evangelize
The images of Him that hung introduction to followed, the outside the parish doors.
in her bedroom were ones of Church. Beauti- Church has been Though our Church is al-
hearts covered in thorns and ful, joyous and for me both beau- ways constant, like each of us
lonely figures praying in shad- young. They were tiful and suffering. it is ever changing and ever
owy gardens. A Saving God the Church of A place of hope new. There is Mystery in all of
that understood suffering. crepe paper May and a place for that.
And Grandma had suffered altars, blue mantled Ma- ed hope and yearned for ad- bitterness. A place for adven- Stewardship Reflection:
two wars and a depression. donnas. Their Church was a venture. ture and a place for comfort. We urge you to admonish the
But at 4 I hadnt suffered Church of Fatima miracles. But like many love affairs, This September our diocese idle, cheer the fainthearted, sup-
enough to relate. That would And at 5, I understood mir- disillusionment followed is celebrating 50 years of being port the weak, be patient with
come years later. acles. They were everywhere proximity and idealism gave Church in Southeast Texas. all Rejoice always. 1 Thes-
So my love for the Church in the song of the morn- way to cynicism. Many of the We often speak of Church as salonians 5:14-16
began in the backseat of an ing birds and in my mothers women who had been my rock though it was an institution
Oldsmobile coupe crunched arms. were giving up veils and vows. or single entity. But there is Stewardship Challenge: Be
between two Holy Ghost sis- Like all love affairs, the first The vow I had taken was being no separate entity outside of Church! Happy Birthday to
ters and sometimes sitting on infatuation faded away giving shattered through courts and us. Church is each one of us all of us. And the Church says,
the lap of a third. birth to a more mature rela- custody battles. And in the together but also singularly. Amen.

A twist on being a good Samaritan

By Father Eugene Hemrick dicates nearness, those close nearness or label. The objection might be taught to say a prayer for the
The Human Side to us and our community. In St. John Paul II often spoke of raised that we have enough person in the ambulance, the
Catholic News Service the parable, the good Samari- solidarity, meaning we must pos- problems in our own backyard people whose home may have
Who is my neighbor? asks tan treats the dying man in a sess global heartfelt concern for without taking on global con- been burning, for the safety of
a scribe (Lk 10:29). Christ re- neighborly manner despite others. In his encyclical Laudato cerns for everyone and every- the police responding to a crime
plies with the parable of the not knowing him. Si, Pope Francis further adds thing in the world. and for the criminal commit-
good Samaritan. ting it. We didnt know
After hearing this par- THE WORD NEIGHBOR INDICATES NEARNESS, THOSE these people or where they
able repeatedly, I thought lived, and yet we connect-
I knew its full meaning. I CLOSE TO US AND OUR COMMUNITY. IN THE PARABLE, ed with them through a
was wrong!
The person who helps
THE GOOD SAMARITAN TREATS THE DYING MAN IN A short prayer for their safe-
the man left for dead is a NEIGHBORLY MANNER DESPITE NOT KNOWING HIM This may seem like a
Samaritan. In the eyes of pious act of kindness, but
the Jews, Samaritans were de- It is easy to focus on the that we are connected not only as But a lesson taught in grade it is much more; it keeps our
tested. And yet, Christ picks a good Samaritan stopping to person to person, but as human school helps us understand hearts open to those in need
Samaritan to teach the Jews that help and miss the point that beings to all of Gods creation. what exactly is meant by being even though they arent our
this man possessed a heart in following his example goes When connectedness and soli- concerned for those in need. physical neighbor. The more
comparison to the heartless indi- even further. It means helping darity are applied to ecology, the In the city of Washington, open our heart, the more pos-
viduals who bypassed the victim. another in need regardless of entire ecosystem is seen as a God- sirens sound daily. As children, sible it is to be a good Samari-
The word neighbor in- geography, race, nationality, given neighbor with global needs. when we heard them we were tan to a stranger in need.
september 9, 2016 29
30 september 9, 2016
september 9, 2016 31
32 september 9, 2016

Celebrating 50 years of parishioners for the diocesan 50th

In celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Diocese of Beaumont,
Our Lady of the Assumption Parish, Beaumont, recently honored
those parishioners who have been at the parish for 50 years. The
parishioners were acknowleged at Mass and received plaques from
Carmelite of Mary Immaculate Father Antony Paulose at the lun-
cheon following Mass.

ETC photos by Terry Stelly and Karen Gilman

Parishioners of Our Lady of the Assumption, Beaumont, who have been members for at least 50 years.

Mercedes Pierson came to Beaumont to study nursing and stayed, be-

coming a member of Our Lady of the Assumption.

Norma Chestnutt and Peggy Willman both served refreshments after the
Carl and Anne Perricone. Carl received international attention when he and his brothers, Anthony, Bernard and
first Mass for Assumption in 1951 that was celebrated in a vacant store.
Donald, were born on Halloween 1929 -- the first known set of male quadruplets in the world.
september 9, 2016 33
Ten take next step toward ordination as permanent deacon
Bishop Curtis Guillory, SVD, in-
stituted 10 men to acolyte at a Mass
Aug. 27 at St. Anthony Cathedral
Basilica Chapel, Beaumont. The men
are the sixth class for the Diocese of
Beaumont. They are:
Flint Barboza, St. Anthony Cathe-
dral Basilica, Beaumont
David Bonneaux, St. Mary
Church, Orange
Randy Cashiola, St. Anne Church,
Bruce Grimes, Infant Jesus Church,
Michael Keith Hebert, St. Francis
of Assisi Church, Orange
Clay Kuykendall, Our Lady of Vic-
tory Church, Sour Lake
Frank Maida, St. Anthony Cathe-
dral Basilica, Beaumont
Steve McGaha, St. Louis Church,
Stephen Sellers, Our Lady of
Lourdes Church, Vidor
Ben Yett Jr., St. Anne Church,
These 10 men have been instituted as acolytes, The next step on their journey to be ordained as a permament deacon next year.

Bishop Guillory presents the vessel of wine to Clay Kuykendall. Bishop Guillory presents the vessel of hosts to Keith Hebert.
september 9, 2016 35

May Gods blessings on your ministry continue.

36 september 9, 2016

+Most Rev. Michael Mulvey, STL, DD

Bishop of Corpus Christi

F R O M : B I S H O P C U R T I S J. G U I L LO R Y, S . V. D., D. D. AU G U S T 29, 2016

R E S U LT S O F R E C E N T U S C C B C H A R T E R A U D I T # 6

On July 25-26, 2016, an on-site audit of the dioceses compliance with the USCCB Charter for the
Protection of Children and Young People was conducted. The two auditors were from StoneBridge Business
Partners of Rochester, NY, which provides forensic, internal, and compliance auditing services to leading
organizations nationwide. For the past 6 years, StoneBridge has been contracted by the U.S. Bishops
Conference to conduct the Charter audits. Reviewing a substantial amount of documentation showing how
the elements of the Charter are implemented throughout the diocese, the auditors also reviewed the two
reports submitted by the parishes and schools regarding: 1) the safe environment training of students in
religious education and Catholic schools, and 2) the background screenings and safe environment training of
employees and volunteers.

I recently received the determination letter from StoneBridge stating that the Diocese of Beaumont is fully
in compliance with the Charter.

A recommendation was made by the auditors that parishes and schools provide more information to
parishioners and parents about the existence of standards of conduct for those who minister and work in
the Church and about whom to contact if anyone has been abused or victimized by someone representing
the Church. While this information has always been provided to participants in the initial Protecting Gods
Children training session for adults, and while the diocesan website has published this information for over
a decade, more publication on the part of parishes and schools will further strengthen our efforts to keep
our children and youth safe. Posters and pamphlets placed in churches and schools and parish bulletins are
concrete ways to distribute this information.

I want to thank all of our clergy, school principals, diocesan, parish, and school staffs and our volunteers for
all of your efforts to implement the Charter. I encourage our children and youth to know how to recognize
abuse and to tell a trusted adult if they are hurt or made uncomfortable. I encourage adults to report
boundary violations so that any grooming behavior on the part of an offender will be noticed and taken
seriously. I also encourage anyone who has cause to believe that a child has been abused to make a report
immediately to Child Protective Services or local law enforcement.

For more than a decade, our children and youth have had safe environment training through our parishes
and schools. Likewise, all clergy, seminarians, employees and volunteers have received the Protecting
Gods Children safe environment training. As of June 30, 2016, 515 training sessions for adults have been
conducted around the diocese since October, 2003, and 8,807 adults have been trained. Background
screenings are conducted on all employees and those volunteers who work with children and youth. More
information and resources are available on the diocesan website ( under the Safe
Environment tab.

May we all continue to be diligent in maintaining an environment where our children and youth are safe!
38 september 9, 2016

Adult Confirmation Program University of Dayton, Ohio

VLCFF - Virtual Learning Community
Are you an adult Catholic, 18 years or older, who has for Faith Formation
received First Holy Communion but has never been The Virtual Learning Community for Faith Formation (VLCFF) is an initiative to offer
confirmed? There is a program for you, which consists of adult religious education and faith formation anytime and anywhere via the internet. The
goal is to support the Churchs professional ministry of religious education and adult faith
nine sessions, where you can gather with other adults to
formation in cyberspace. The VLCFF is coordinated and sponsored by the Institute for
prepare to receive this sacrament and be confirmed by Pastoral Initiatives (IPI) at the University of Dayton, a Catholic Marianist Institution.
Bishop Guillory on Sunday, May 7, 2017, at the Noon Mass The Diocese of Beaumont is a partner with the VLCFF which enables you to take
courses at a discounted rate.
at Saint Anthony Cathedral Basilica, Beaumont. Sessions
Go online to to register and begin learning more about
have been set up in several areas of the diocese but others the Catholic faith. Below are the registration dates and the courses available for the
will be added if needed. If you are interested in attending, upcoming cycle. Additional information about each course is listed online.
please contact Dr. Lorraine S. DeLuca at the Office of Cycle 7: October 16 November The Parish Nurse as Counsellor and
Evangelization and Catechesis (409) 924-4323. 19, 2016 (Registration: Aug 31; Spiritual Companion
Closes Oct 12) The Second Vatican Council: An
Tuesdays, October 6-December 8, 2016, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Overview
A Vision for Catholic Youth Ministry Theological Reflection: Key to
St. Joseph the Worker Parish,
Bible Basics Connecting Faith and Life
804 S. Cleveland, Dayton, (Education Building) Catechetical Methodology: Archdiocese Vocation, Spirituality and Discipleship of
for the Military Services Only Catechists
or Catholic Beliefs
Catholic Teaching on Chastity, Family Cycle 1: January 15 - February
Mondays, February 20-April 24, 2017, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Life, and Human Sexuality Education 18, 2017 (Registration: Opens
Church History 2 Oct 19, 2016; Closes Jan 11)
St. Therese, the Little Flower of Jesus Parish
Communication and Community
4612 Garnet Ave., Port Arthur, (Education Building) Conscience A Vision for Catholic Youth Ministry
Creative Methodologies: ADHD in Parish Advanced Catholic Social Teaching
or Life - Pastoral Implications (SN 3) Autism in Faith Formation (SN 4)
Designing a Parish Catechetical Plan Bible Basics
Wednesdays, February 22-April 19, 2017, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Disabilities in Parish Life: An Overview Catholic Beliefs
(SN 1) Catholic Teaching on Chastity, Family
Catholic Pastoral Center, 710 Archie St., Beaumont,
Ecclesiology: Beginnings of the Church Life, and Human Sexuality Education
(Assembly Hall) Ecclesiology: Pilgrim Church Christology
Evangelization and Discipleship Church History 1
Faith and Human Development Disabilities in Parish Life: An Overview
Faith Formation for Adults with Special (SN 1)
Needs (SN 5) Ecclesiology: Beginnings of the Church
Foundations and Vision for Adult Faith and Human Development
Confirmacin para adultos Learning and Faith Formation (AFL 1)
Fundamentals in Deaf Faith Formation

Images of Jesus
Introduction to Catechesis
Methodologies (SN 2) Introduction to Christian Morality
Eres un catlico adulto, ms de 18 aos, que ha recibido Images of Jesus Introduction to Liturgy
la primera comunin, pero nunca ha sido confirmado? Introduction to Catechesis Introduction to Practical Morality
Introduction to Liturgy Introduction to Prayer
Hay un programa de nueve sesiones, donde pueden Introduction to Pauls Life and Letters Introduction to Scripture
reunirse con otros adultos a prepararse para recibir este Introduction to Practical Morality New Testament
Sacramento y ser confirmado por el obispo Guillory Introduction to Prayer Old Testament
Introduction to Scripture Our Hearts Were Burning
en domingo, 07 de mayo de 2017, a las 12:00 Misa del Leadership in Ministry Parish as a Learning Community (AFL 2)
medioda en la Catedral Baslica de Santa Antonio. Si ests Marianist Studies: Prayer RCIA
interesado en asistir, por favor pngase en contacto con Marianist Studies: Social Justice Relational Ministry with Youth
Mary in Scripture and Tradition Sacrament of Marriage: A Holy Calling
la Dra. Lorraine S. DeLuca en la oficina de evangelizacin y New Testament Sacraments
catequesis (409) 924-4323. Old Testament Study of The Joy of the Gospel
On Bended Knee (Evangelii Gaudium)
Lunes, 20 de Febrero-17 de Abril, 2017, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Our Hearts Were Burning Survey of Catholic Doctrine
Parish and Social Action Survey of Catholic Social Teaching
St. Joseph Parish, 4600 Proctor St., Port Arthur, (Cody Vocation to Ministry
Praying With Children
salon) Principles for Addressing Diversity Vocation, Spirituality and Discipleship of
Issues in Youth Ministry Catechists
Survey of Catholic Doctrine
september 9, 2016 39
Catholic Education & Ministry Institute (CEMI)
Fall 2016 Workshops & Courses
Contemporary Christian Spirituality Spending Time with Christ

This course explores the traditional basis of Christian Spirituality as it developed

Tuesday, 27 September 2016;
through the ages, the present forms of spirituality in the Church today, and the
different styles of prayer that can help us become more open to Gods presence in 6:00 P.M. 8:00 P.M.,
our lives. Come and learn what type of spirituality you are most comfortable with so Catholic Pastoral Center
you can use it to deepen your relationship with Jesus. Presenter: Rosalind Sanchez, Director,
Office of Worship, Diocese of Beaumont
Dr. Lorraine S. DeLuca, Director
Tuesdays, Sept. 20, 27, Oct. 4, 11 ~ 6:30-9 p.m.
DESCRIPTION: What does Eucharistic Adoration mean in the life of the Church and in
Catholic Pastoral Center, Beaumont, (Assembly Hall)
the life of the people of God? What does the Church teach about Eucharistic Adora-
tion? What should take place during Adoration and what should not? Whether your
C-02 parish is considering beginning Adoration, or has this practice in place, if you now par-
Moral Theology and Conscience Formation ticipate in Adoration, or if you are seeking more information before becoming involved
in this ministry, this workshop will include how the Church values Eucharistic Adoration,
We live in a complex world where our decision making process can be bombarded
teaches and instructs through its documents what every adorer needs to know, and the
with competing points of view. What lens should we use to help us navigate
through the maze of challenging perspectives? This course explores the scriptural guidelines concerning parish Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
and traditional foundations of the Churchs Moral Teaching, its development through
the ages, moral decision-making and conscience formation.
Paul J. Thomas, Associate Director The Prayer and Worship of Gods People
Thursdays, Sept. 22, 29, Oct. 6, 13 ~ 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Our Lady of the Assumption, Beaumont, (Quinlan Hall) NOTE: This is one of the pre-requisites for entering Deacon Formation.
Thursdays, October 6, 13, 20, 27 and November 3 and 17 (Summary and Review);
How to Begin Evangelization in a Catholic Parish: 6:00 P.M. 8:00 P.M., Catholic Pastoral Center
Preparing Teams/Committees to Share the Good News Presenter: Rosalind Sanchez, Director,
Office of Worship, Diocese of Beaumont
Based on the Paulist Evangelization Ministries material, this is a series that will be facilitated
to help parishes form teams and committees for reaching out as Evangelizing Catholics. This 5-week workshop will focus on the Mass as the center of the life of the Church, the
Each of the sessions will spend time going through Father Frank DeSianos book The
Eucharist as the center of the Mass, with an in-depth look at the theology and history
Evangelizing Catholic and viewing a short DVD in order to consider how Catholics can
become activate participants in The New Evangelization. Evangelization has important of the parts of the Mass and how they form one continuous prayer that shapes the lives
goals. It involves not only the renewal of the Catholic people, but also reaching those of Christians. We will look at the Churchs Yearthe Liturgical Yearwhat it is and what
people who are on the edges of faith, or who have no faith for all practical purposes. it means, explore the Liturgy of the Hours, examine the various ministries of the Mass
Participants will leave with concrete ideas for developing evangelizing programs and and who does what, briefly examine some of the liturgical documents that guide the
activities in their parishes. Church in its celebration of Mass and the Sacraments. Finally, we will discuss specific
sections of a video by Father Edward Foley, Encountering the Mystery, an Overview of
Paul Thomas, Associate Director
Evangelization and Catechesis Eucharistic Theology. Our final evening will be a summary and review and time for Q&A.
W- 121d Friday, Sept. 30 ~ 5:30-8:30 p.m. Required Book: Modern Liturgy Answers the 101 Most-Asked Questions About Liturgy,
(Begins with dinner at 5:30 p.m.) author Nick Wagner, published by Resource Publications, Inc. 1996 ISBN: 0893903698;
Saturday, Oct. 1 ~ 8:30-2:30 p.m. ISBN-13: 978-0893903695. Can be purchased through the Office of Worship.
(Coffeeand at 8:30 a.m., lunch included)
St. Anne, Beaumont (Parish Hall)
All other materials supplied by the Office of Worship.
Welcoming the Parents of New Catholics:
Home Visitation Training CEMI is coordinated through the Diocesan Office of Evangelization and
Catechesis, and is sponsored by a variety of diocesan offices. CEMI
Whats a parish to do after the baptism of a child? Reach out and connect the parents reserves the right to cancel a workshop or course due to low registration.
more closely to the parish. This training will prepare parishioners to go out, visit the These courses and workshops are partially funded by the Stewardship of
parents of the newly baptized, and share what the parish means to them and keep the Catholics of Southeast Texas through the Bishops Faith Appeal.
the connection going. Come and learn about this new, exciting ministry and decide
if its for you. There is no charge for CEMI workshops and courses. You can register for
CEMI on the diocesan website at or by calling the
Dr. Lorraine S. DeLuca, Director, Evangelization and Catechesis (in English)
OEC at (409) 924-4324. Please register one week before the workshop or
Jesus Abrego, Hispanic Ministry (in Spanish)
Monday, Sept. 26 ~ 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Port Arthur (Parish Hall)
40 september 9, 2016

St. Anthony of Padua

Patron of the Diocese of Beaumont
By Carolyn Martinez his fame as a preacher and confessor spread across the country. in 1226
st. anthony was known for his powerful way of preaching. one popular Pope Gregory iX gave him permission to devote all of his time to preaching.
image is depicted in a stained glass window in the Cathedral Basilica of st. he settled in Padua where he completely reformed the city. he worked to end
anthony in Beaumont. it shows him stand- debtors prisons, helped the poor and worked
ing at the seashore and the fish rising from ceaselessly and untiringly with heretics.
the waters to hear him more clearly. in 1231, exhausted and plagued with
anthony was born ferdinand de Bulhoes dropsy, he went to Camposanpiero to rest
in 1195 in lisbon, Portugal, the son of a but died on the way back to Padua in a Poor
knight in the court of king alfonso ii of Clare convent at arcella just outside Padua
Portugal. his early education was under the on June 13, 1231, at the age of 36.
direction of the priests at the lisbon cathe- he was canonized the following year and
dral. although he could have lived a life of declared a Doctor of the Church by Pope
luxury in the royal court, he entered the au- Pius Xii in 1946.
gustinian order when he was 15. Because he legends of the miracles anthony wrought
found the visits of friends so distracting, he and of his preaching led to some colorful
asked to be moved to another monastery in titles for him. People who knew him per-
1212. he was ordained to the priesthood in sonally often called him hammer of the

Childrens Corner
either 1219 or 1220. heretics and living arc of the Covenant
his life took a number of interesting because of his fiery, persuasive and eloquent
twists. first, in 1221, after viewing the bod- sermons. Because of the miracles attributed to
ies of martyred franciscan priests, he trans- him, he was known as the Miracle Worker.
ferred to the franciscan order and took he is patron of lost items, the poor, op-
the name of anthony. anthony wanted to pressed and travelers. in art he is often shown
convert those who had not heard the Good holding the infant Jesus on his arm based on
news. the story told by a visitor who claimed this
he was sent to Morocco to preach to the actually happened.
Moors but ill health forced him to return af- anthony is a latin clan name, possibly
ter a few months. Then he was assigned to a meaning beyond priceless, invaluable. it is
small hermitage in san Paoli, Potugal where sometimes spelled without the h and is
he spent much of his time praying, reading also spelled as antonio, antoine, antwuan,
scripture and studying. at an ordination, toney, toni or tony.
because no one else was prepared to give Girls names include antoinette, antonia,
the sermon, he gave a stirring sermon even antwahnette, nettie, netta, tonia, tonie,
though he had not prepared it beforehand. tony, tonye, toinette.
although anthony would have preferred to spend his time continuing his SPECIAL NOTE: Even though this story of St. Anthony of Padua was used
quiet studies and prayerful life, franciscan officials assigned him to preach earlier this year, it is repeated here in honor of the Diocese of Beaumonts 50th
all over italy. anniversary.

Mission Prayer

W eek
Jesus, helP Me to realize that Me anD MY faMilY
of the are Part of the faMilY of GoD. helP Me to GroW in
unDerstanDinG hoW everYone is MY Brother anD
sister BeCause We are all ChilDren of GoD. helP
for weeks you have been hearing about the celebration of the Me to reMeMBer that Whatever hurts one of MY
founding of the Diocese of Beaumont to be held on sept. 18 at Brothers or sisters hurts all GoDs ChilDren. aMen.
ford Park. What does the diocese mean to you? Does it help you
in anyway?
Perhaps you or a family member received help through the ser- DID The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has an Office for Film and Broadcasting that provides
reviews and descriptions of movies, films and theater from a Catholic perspective? The
vices of Catholic Charities. or do you attend religious education
classes or attend a Catholic school? The diocese provides oppor- YOU reviews even include DVDs and other classics. Using this service will help you to decide

whether watching a certain movie, DVD or television show is worth spending your time and
tunities for your teachers to increase their knowledge so they, in money. You can access this service on the website: www.usccb.or/movies.
turn, can teach you. You receive the east texas Catholic, thats a
service of the diocese. It Is not possIble to buIld brIdges between people whIle forgettIng god.
the CatholIC ChurCh Is aware of the ImportanCe of the promotIon of
how many other ways does the diocese touch your life? on a frIendshIp and respeCt between men and women of dIfferent relIgIous
piece of paper, write a list of the ways in which the Diocese has tradItIons. I wIsh to repeat thIs: the promotIon of frIendshIp and
helped you and your family. respeCt between men and women of dIfferent relIgIous tradItIons.
-PoPe Francis
september 9, 2016 41

Congratulations Catholic Diocese of Beaumont

Thank You for Providing Hope!

We celebrate your 50 years of an extraordinary
ministry that has enriched the lives of
thousands of Southeast Texans.

Our heartfelt gratitude to the Diocese and

Bishop Curtis J. Guillory for your dedication
to helping those in need through
compassion and love.

You have shown the true meaning of

faith and blessed us immeasurably.

With Thanks & Gratitude

to the People of Southeast Texas.

We would not have been able to grow

without the unconditional patience and kindness
of the Southeast Texans weve been privileged
to serve for the past 40 years.

Is this address correct?

If not, cut out label, correct and send to:
East Texas Catholic
P.O. Box 3948
Beaumont, TX 77704-3948

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