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About the Ballsim_Direct Spreadsheet ...

Scope :

The Ballsim_Direct spreadsheet was designed to simulate the Size-by-Size Mass Balance around any given
Conventional Ball Mill grinding section, of the Direct configuration (see Flowsheet), operating under various conditions,
on the basis of well accepted mathematical models for the grinding and hydroclassification processes.

Theoretical Framework :

- The Grinding Model :

For the simulation of the ball mill response, this routine is based on the so called Modern Theory of Comminution. This
theory introduced two new sets of parameters : the Selection Function S and the Breakage Function B. The first set
also referred to as Grindability relates to the grinding kinetics of each independent particle and the second set also
referred to as Distribution of Primary Fragments characterizes the size distribution of the fragments produced as a
result of breakage events.

The Figure below helps define both concepts with greater clarity. Consider that at any given instant t, the size distribution
of the mineral charge in a hypothetical batch mill is quantified by the fractions f i (i = 1, n) retained on the n different screens
represented on the left of such Figure. After a time interval t, the resulting size distribution is represented on the right of
the same Figure. During this time interval, some particles will be fractured and their fragments redistributed to the lower
screens. For the particles retained on mesh i+1 (the i fraction), the Selection Function Si (min-1) denotes the fractional
breakage velocity; that is, the fraction of the particles in the size range [d i+1 , di] which are fractured, per unit of time.
Therefore, the product (Sit) represents the fraction of the material retained on mesh i+1, at time t, that will be fractured
by the action of the grinding media, during the following time period t. Complementarily, the Breakage Function bij
denotes the fraction, by weight, of the fragments arising from the breakage of the particles retained on mesh j+1 to be
retained on the lower i+1 mesh.

t =t t = t +t

(1-S 1t) f1
2 S 1t f1 2
b21S1t f1
3 (1-S 2t) f2 3

S2t f2
bi1S1t f1
i +1 bi2S2t f2 i +1

bn1S1t f1

bn2S2t f2
n +1
n +1

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It is customary to define mesh 1 as the coarsest opening and n as the finest opening. Then, by definition :


Bij = bkj (1)


represents the cummulative fraction of fragments from the breakage of particles retained on mesh j that will become finer
than mesh i.

With reference to the Figure above, it is then possible to establish, for each size fraction i, the following population
balance of particles :

[Particles in fraction i at time (t+t)] = [Particles in fraction i at time t]

- [Particles in fraction i broken during the time interval t]
+ [New particles added to fraction i as a result of the breakage
of particles originally retained in the coarser fractions (j = 1, i-1)]

then, if H represents the total weight of ore in the mill :

fi(t+t) H = fi(t) H - Sitfi(t) H + bi1S1tf1(t) H + bi2S2tf2(t) H + + bi,i-1Si-1tfi-1(t) H ; for i = 1, 2, , n (2)

Considering the limiting condition when t approaches zero, the expression above reduces to the system of first order
differential equations :

d(fi)/dt = -Si fi + bij Sj fj ; for i = 1, 2, , n (3)

j = i-1

which constitutes the General Grinding Model, in its differential form.

The analytical solution of this complex system of differential equations is fortunately known, under the restrictive
assumption that the parameters S and B are invariant with time; so giving rise to particular solution of the general system
denoted Linear Model, which in its matrix form is expressed as :

f = ( T J T-1 ) f (4)
where :

f = {fi | i = 1, 2, , n} = vector containing the size distribution of the mill discharge (ground product),
f = {fi | i = 1, 2, , n} = vector containing the size distribution of the mill feed,
T = {Tij | i,j = 1, 2, , n} = lower triangular matrix of values Tij recursively defined as :
Tij = 0 ; when i < j
Tij = 1 ; when i = j
Tij = S ( bik Sk Tkj )/( Si Sj ) ; when i > j

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J = {Jij | i,j = 1, 2, , n} = diagonal matrix of values Jij defined as :
Jij = exp (-Sit) ; when i = j ( batch grinding)
Jij = (1 + Si/N)-N ; when i = j (continuous grinding)
Jij = 0 ; in all other cases

and where - the average mean residence time - and N are parameters characteristic of the Residence Time Distribution
(RTD) of the mineral slurry in the mill, here represented by :

E(t) = [ NN (t/)N-1 / (N) ] exp (-Nt/) (5)

referred to as the N-Mixers in Series Model and where the parameter N may be approximated by the effective
(Lenght/Diameter) ratio of the mill.

The grinding model parameters (the Selection and Breakage parameters) are different for different particle sizes. Such
dependence is here represented by the following relationships :

- For the Selection Function :

Si = 0 (di*)1 / [ 1 + (di* / dcrit)2 ] (6)

with :
di* = (di di+1)0.5 = average particle size of the i-th fraction.

An expanded form of this expression - also available in this simulation routine - is given by :

Si = [1/(1+02/01)] { 01 (di*)11 / [ 1 + (di* / dcrit)2 ] + 02 (di*)12 } (6e)

- For the Breakage Function :

Bij = 0 (di/dj+1)1 + (1- 0) (di/dj+1)2 (7)

An expanded form of this expression - also available in this simulation routine - is obtained by replacing 0 in
Equation 7 by :

0j = 00(dj+1/1000) -01 , never > 1 (7e)

These expanded forms for Si and Bij are intended to provide the model greater descriptive flexibility when tuning
the model to actual specific grinding systems (see Files BallParam_Batch and BallParam_Open) but, since they
increment the total number of ore characteristic parameters to be estimated, its use should be avoided whenever

In any case, the proposed expanded forms reduce to the normal forms if 02 and 01 are set equal to zero.

Not considering the expanded forms, the above expressions considerably reduce the number of ore characteristic
parameters to a maximum of seven (0, 1, 2, dcrit, 0, 1 and 2) and simplify the computation of the (n-1) S is values and
the n(n-1)/2 Bijs values required for the evaluation of the model.

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The critical role of the Specific Energy Consumption E (kWh/ton) becomes explicit in the above formulations through a
simple change of variables, when introducing the Specific Selection Function parameter as :

SiEballs = Si (H/Pballs) ; i = 1, 2, ..., n (8)

and recognizing that (see Equations 2 and 5) :

Eballs = t (Pballs/H) (batch grinding)

Eballs = (Pballs/H) (continuous grinding) (9)

where Pballs represents the contribution of the balls to the Net Mill Power Draw (kW) (see Mill Power_Ball Mills), it may
be concluded that :
SiEballs Eballs = Si t (batch grinding)
or : S iEballs Eballs = Si (continuous grinding) (10)

Therefore, it is enough to replace in Equations 4 above the products (S it) or (Si) by the product (SiEballsEballs) to obtain the
equations of the Linear Grinding Model in terms of the Specific Selection Function, S iEballs.

- The Hydrocyclone Model : (see Files Cyclosim_Single and Cyclobal_Single)

- Simulation of Grinding/Classification Circuits :

The mathematical simulation of the response of grinding/classification circuits, like the one represented here in Flowsheet,
requires the proper combination of the unit grinding and classification models. As a result of the circulating load stream,
both models can not be solved independently : the feed to the mill is affected by the cyclones discharge stream which
depends on the cyclones feed and this cyclones feed is affected by the mill discharge, which in turns depends on the mill
feed. Such interdependence condition implies that the system must be solved with the aid of numerical convergence
algorithms, starting from an initial guessed value for the Circulating Load ratio (defined as the ratio of the massflowrate of
solids in the cyclones discharge stream to the massflowrate of solids in the cyclones overflow stream). For such purposes,
the present Ballsim_Direct simulator makes use of the Goal Seek tool available in Microsoft Excel.

Data Input and Program Execution :

The data required by the simulator must be defined in each corresponding unprotected white background cell - inside the
red double-lined border - of the here attached Data_File worksheet. Gray background cells contain the results of the
corresponding formulas there defined and are protected to avoid any accidental editing.

In addition to the above, the user is requested to provide an initial guess of the Circulating Load ratio in Cell E21. Finally,
the system is solved by single clicking on the macro button Iterate, next to Cell E21.

Important Notice : Iterate ... must be clicked every time any element of input data gets to be modified. After clicking
ITERATE, Cell E23 must display a zero value; otherwise, the current outputs are not valid.

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Calculation results are presented in the Reports worksheet and graphically summarized in the Flowsheet worksheet.

New Moly-Cop Tools users are invited to explore the brief comments inserted in each relevant cell, rendering the whole
utilization of the worksheets self-explanatory. Eventually, the user may wish to remove the view of the comments by
selecting Tools / Options / View / Comments / None.

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ate the Size-by-Size Mass Balance around any given
onfiguration (see Flowsheet), operating under various conditions,
he grinding and hydroclassification processes.

s based on the so called Modern Theory of Comminution. This

ction Function S and the Breakage Function B. The first set
kinetics of each independent particle and the second set also
aracterizes the size distribution of the fragments produced as a

r clarity. Consider that at any given instant t, the size distribution

tified by the fractions f i (i = 1, n) retained on the n different screens
al t, the resulting size distribution is represented on the right of
s will be fractured and their fragments redistributed to the lower
raction), the Selection Function Si (min-1) denotes the fractional
he size range [d i+1 , di] which are fractured, per unit of time.
e material retained on mesh i+1, at time t, that will be fractured
ime period t. Complementarily, the Breakage Function bij
from the breakage of the particles retained on mesh j+1 to be

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g and n as the finest opening. Then, by definition :

bkj (1)

he breakage of particles retained on mesh j that will become finer

establish, for each size fraction i, the following population

raction i at time t]
tion i broken during the time interval t]
dded to fraction i as a result of the breakage
nally retained in the coarser fractions (j = 1, i-1)]

f2(t) H + + bi,i-1Si-1tfi-1(t) H ; for i = 1, 2, , n (2)

ero, the expression above reduces to the system of first order

+ bij Sj fj ; for i = 1, 2, , n (3)

j = i-1

ferential form.

ntial equations is fortunately known, under the restrictive

th time; so giving rise to particular solution of the general system
essed as :

T-1 ) f (4)

size distribution of the mill discharge (ground product),

e size distribution of the mill feed,
atrix of values Tij recursively defined as :

Si Sj ) ; when i > j

Moly-Cop Tools / 351528189.xls Page 10 04/13/2017 / 06:43:24

ues Jij defined as :
when i = j ( batch grinding)
when i = j (continuous grinding)
in all other cases

are parameters characteristic of the Residence Time Distribution

by :

) ] exp (-Nt/) (5)

he parameter N may be approximated by the effective

akage parameters) are different for different particle sizes. Such

nships :

dcrit)2 ] (6)

size of the i-th fraction.

e in this simulation routine - is given by :

+ (di* / dcrit)2 ] + 02 (di*)12 } (6e)

0) (di/dj+1)2 (7)

e in this simulation routine - is obtained by replacing 0 in

, never > 1 (7e)

provide the model greater descriptive flexibility when tuning

iles BallParam_Batch and BallParam_Open) but, since they
ameters to be estimated, its use should be avoided whenever

e normal forms if 02 and 01 are set equal to zero.

ions considerably reduce the number of ore characteristic

and 2) and simplify the computation of the (n-1) Sis values and

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E (kWh/ton) becomes explicit in the above formulations through a
fic Selection Function parameter as :

; i = 1, 2, ..., n (8)

(batch grinding)
(continuous grinding) (9)

Net Mill Power Draw (kW) (see Mill Power_Ball Mills), it may

(batch grinding)
(continuous grinding) (10)

he products (S it) or (Si) by the product (SiEballsEballs) to obtain the

pecific Selection Function, S iEballs.

gle and Cyclobal_Single)

/classification circuits, like the one represented here in Flowsheet,

classification models. As a result of the circulating load stream,
to the mill is affected by the cyclones discharge stream which
affected by the mill discharge, which in turns depends on the mill
ystem must be solved with the aid of numerical convergence
Circulating Load ratio (defined as the ratio of the massflowrate of
rate of solids in the cyclones overflow stream). For such purposes,
Goal Seek tool available in Microsoft Excel.

ach corresponding unprotected white background cell - inside the

worksheet. Gray background cells contain the results of the
to avoid any accidental editing.

e an initial guess of the Circulating Load ratio in Cell E21. Finally,

on Iterate, next to Cell E21.

me any element of input data gets to be modified. After clicking

, the current outputs are not valid.

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eet and graphically summarized in the Flowsheet worksheet.

ief comments inserted in each relevant cell, rendering the whole

, the user may wish to remove the view of the comments by

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Moly-Cop Tools TM

BALLSIM : Conventional Closed Circuit Grinding Simulator

Circuit Type DIRECT (see Flowsheet) Simulation N 0

Remarks Base Case Example

Mill Dimensions and Operating Conditions 3348 Balls

Diameter Length Speed Charge Balls App. Dens. Interstitial Lift 0 Overfilling
ft ft % Critical Filling,% Filling,% ton/m3 Slurry, % Angle, () 536 Slurry
18.5 22.0 72.0 38.0 38.0 5.39 100.0 35.0 3885 Net kW
rpm 12.82 10.0 % Losses
4316 Gross kW
Cyclone Dimensions (inches) and Operating Conditions
Number Diameter Height Inlet Vortex Apex
10 20.0 75.0 3.50 7.50 3.67
% Solids O'flow 40.0
% Solids U'flow 76.0 Bond's
% Solids Mill Discharge 72.0 Main Simulated Outputs Feedrate
P80 150.0 for a
Circulating Load 3.057 (Guess) Wio 15.08 Target P80
3.057 (Actual) % Fines MD 18.84
0.000 (Delta) Iterate Q 1566 Target P80
Bpf 0.372 170.0
Ore Density, ton/m3 2.80 Pressure 8.0 ton/hr
Balls Density, ton/m3 7.75 Very Important : Sump Water 355.1 429.8
Simulation results are not valid until
the Iterate button has been clicked
Feedrate, ton/hr (dry) 400.0 after any input data changes.
Feed Moisture, % 5.0
Feed Size Distribution
i Mesh Opening Mid-Size ton/hr % Retained % Passing

1 1.05 25400 100.00

2 0.742 19050 21997 0.00 0.00 100.00
3 0.525 12700 15554 20.00 5.00 95.00
4 0.371 9500 10984 66.40 16.60 78.40
5 3 6700 7978 56.28 14.07 64.33
6 4 4750 5641 41.32 10.33 54.00
7 6 3350 3989 33.36 8.34 45.66
8 8 2360 2812 27.36 6.84 38.82
9 10 1700 2003 21.64 5.41 33.41
10 14 1180 1416 20.40 5.10 28.31
11 20 850 1001 15.60 3.90 24.41
12 28 600 714 14.16 3.54 20.87
13 35 425 505 12.04 3.01 17.86
14 48 300 357 10.36 2.59 15.27
15 65 212 252 8.84 2.21 13.06
16 100 150 178 7.52 1.88 11.18
17 150 106 126 6.48 1.62 9.56
18 200 75 89 5.52 1.38 8.18
19 270 53 63 4.72 1.18 7.00
20 400 38 45 3.40 0.85 6.15
21 -400 0 19 24.60 6.15 0.00

Selection Function Parameters : Expanded Form :

alpha0 alpha1 alpha2 dcrit alpha02 alpha12
0.00918 0.65 2.5 6532 0 1
0 1 Suggested Default Values

Breakage Function Parameters : Expanded Form :

beta0 beta1 beta2 beta01
0.2 0.25 4 0
0 Suggested Default Value

Classifier Constants :
a1 a2 a3 a4
9.680 1.401 54.964 0.523 0.950
9.680 1.401 54.964 0.523 0.950 Suggested Default Values

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Moly-Cop Tools TM
Simulation N 0

Remarks Base Case Example

40.00 % Solids
60.29 % - Size 18
psi 7.98 150.0 P80

# of Cyclones 10
Vortex 7.50 Circ. Load 3.06
Apex 3.67 0.372 Bpf m3/hr 1566
0.392 Bpw

% Solids 76.00

m3/hr 355.1
ton/hr 400.0 Water, 223.9
F80 9795 m3/hr

Gross kW 4316.1
kWh/ton 10.79 % Balls 38.00
Wio 15.08 % Critical 72.00
% Solids 72.00

% Solids 62.20

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Moly-Cop Tools TM
Simulation N 0
Conventional Closed Circuit Grinding Simulator

Remarks : Base Case Example


Configuration : DIRECT

Fresh Mill Mill Sump Cyclone Cyclone Cyclone

Feed Feed Discharge Water Feed U'flow O'flow
Ore, ton/hr 400.0 1622.7 1622.7 0.0 1622.7 1222.7 400.0
Water, m3/hr 21.1 407.2 631.1 355.1 986.1 386.1 600.0
Slurry, ton/hr 421.1 2029.9 2253.8 355.1 2608.8 1608.8 1000.0
Slurry, m3/hr 163.9 986.7 1210.6 355.1 1565.7 822.8 742.9
Slurry Dens., ton/m3 2.569 2.057 1.862 1.000 1.666 1.955 1.346
% Solids (by volume) 87.2 58.7 47.9 0.0 37.0 53.1 19.2
% Solids (by weight) 95.00 79.94 72.00 0.00 62.20 76.00 40.00

Particle Size Distributions (Cummulative % Passing)

i Mesh Opening

1 1.05 25400 100.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

2 0.742 19050 100.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
3 0.525 12700 95.00 97.65 98.88 0.00 98.88 98.51 100.00
4 0.371 9500 78.40 91.00 96.32 0.00 96.32 95.12 100.00
5 3 6700 64.33 85.02 93.81 0.00 93.81 91.79 100.00
6 4 4750 54.00 80.19 91.53 0.00 91.53 88.76 100.00
7 6 3350 45.66 75.76 89.16 0.00 89.16 85.61 100.00
8 8 2360 38.82 71.36 86.44 0.00 86.44 82.00 100.00
9 10 1700 33.41 66.87 83.28 0.00 83.28 77.81 100.00
10 14 1180 28.31 61.49 79.16 0.00 79.16 72.34 100.00
11 20 850 24.41 55.67 74.30 0.00 74.30 65.89 100.00
12 28 600 20.87 48.60 68.10 0.00 68.10 57.67 99.97
13 35 425 17.86 40.41 60.53 0.00 60.53 47.78 99.49
14 48 300 15.27 31.69 51.77 0.00 51.77 37.05 96.76
15 65 212 13.06 23.97 42.92 0.00 42.92 27.54 89.96
16 100 150 11.18 18.22 35.18 0.00 35.18 20.52 80.01
17 150 106 9.56 14.31 29.08 0.00 29.08 15.87 69.49
18 200 75 8.18 11.73 24.57 0.00 24.57 12.89 60.29
19 270 53 7.00 9.95 21.24 0.00 21.24 10.91 52.82
20 400 38 6.15 8.74 18.84 0.00 18.84 9.59 47.14

D80, microns 9795 4680 1273 0 1273 2022 150.0

Specific Energy Consumption : 10.79 kWh/ton (Gross)

Operational Work Index : 15.08 kWh/ton

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Moly-Cop Tools TM
Simulation N 0
Conventional Closed Circuit Grinding Simulator

Remarks : Base Case Example


Number of Cyclones : 10 Operating Conditions :

Cyclone Dimensions, in : Feed Flowrate, m3/hr 1565.7
Diameter 20.00 Pressure, psi 8.0
Height 75.00 D50 (corr.), microns 179.8
Inlet 3.50 Water By-Pass, % 39.2
Vortex 7.50 Solids By-Pass, % 37.2
Apex 3.67 Plitt's Parameter 1.62
Ore Density, ton/m3 2.80 Circulating Load, % 306

Mass Balance around the Classifiers

Size Distributions, % Passing Classifier Efficiency

i Mesh Opening Mid-Size Feed U'flow O'flow Actual Corrected

1 1.05 25400 21997 100.00 100.00 100.00 1.000 1.000

2 0.742 19050 15554 100.00 100.00 100.00 1.000 1.000
3 0.525 12700 10984 98.88 98.51 100.00 1.000 1.000
4 0.371 9500 7978 96.32 95.12 100.00 1.000 1.000
5 3 6700 5641 93.81 91.79 100.00 1.000 1.000
6 4 4750 3989 91.53 88.76 100.00 1.000 1.000
7 6 3350 2812 89.16 85.61 100.00 1.000 1.000
8 8 2360 2003 86.44 82.00 100.00 1.000 1.000
9 10 1700 1416 83.28 77.81 100.00 1.000 1.000
10 14 1180 1001 79.16 72.34 100.00 1.000 1.000
11 20 850 714 74.30 65.89 100.00 0.999 0.998
12 28 600 505 68.10 57.67 99.97 0.984 0.975
13 35 425 357 60.53 47.78 99.49 0.923 0.878
14 48 300 252 51.77 37.05 96.76 0.810 0.698
15 65 212 178 42.92 27.54 89.96 0.683 0.495
16 100 150 126 35.18 20.52 80.01 0.575 0.323
17 150 106 89 29.08 15.87 69.49 0.497 0.200
18 200 75 63 24.57 12.89 60.29 0.447 0.119
19 270 53 45 21.24 10.91 52.82 0.416 0.071
20 400 38 19 18.84 9.59 47.14 0.383 0.018

Ore, ton/hr 1622.7 1222.7 400.0 Classifier Constants

Water, m3/hr 986.1 386.1 600.0
Slurry, ton/hr 2608.8 1608.8 1000.0 a1 9.6796052
Slurry, m3/hr 1565.7 822.8 742.9 a2 1.4013309
Slurry Dens., ton/m3 1.666 1.955 1.346 a3 54.964028
% Solids (by volume) 37.0 53.1 19.2 a4 0.5229776
% Solids (by weight) 62.2 76.0 40.0 0.95

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Moly-Cop Tools TM
Simulation N 0
Conventional Closed Circuit Grinding Simulator

Remarks : Base Case Example


Diameter, ft 18.5 Mill Power, kW (Gross) 4316

Length, ft 22.0 Mill Power, kW (Net) 3885
Speed, % Critical 72.0 Throughput, ton/hr 1622.7
App. Density, ton/m3 5.39 % Solids (by weight) 72.0
Charge Level, % 38.0 Sp. Energy, kWh/ton 2.66
Balls Filling, % 38.0 Reduction Ratio 3.68
Lift Angle, () 35.0

Size Distributions
Mill Mill
i Mesh Opening Mid-Size Feed Discharge

1 1.05 25400 21997 100.00 100.00

2 0.742 19050 15554 100.00 100.00
3 0.525 12700 10984 97.65 98.88
4 0.371 9500 7978 91.00 96.32
5 3 6700 5641 85.02 93.81
6 4 4750 3989 80.19 91.53
7 6 3350 2812 75.76 89.16
8 8 2360 2003 71.36 86.44
9 10 1700 1416 66.87 83.28
10 14 1180 1001 61.49 79.16
11 20 850 714 55.67 74.30
12 28 600 505 48.60 68.10
13 35 425 357 40.41 60.53
14 48 300 252 31.69 51.77
15 65 212 178 23.97 42.92
16 100 150 126 18.22 35.18
17 150 106 89 14.31 29.08
18 200 75 63 11.73 24.57
19 270 53 45 9.95 21.24
20 400 38 19 8.74 18.84

D80, microns 4680 1273

Selection Function Parameters Breakage Function Parameters

alpha01 alpha02 alpha11 alpha12 alpha2 Dcrit Beta00 Beta01 Beta1 Beta2
0.00918 0.0000000 0.650 1.000 2.50 6532 0.200 0.000 0.25 4.00

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Hogg & Fuerstenau Model
Power, kW
Mill Dimensions and Operating Conditions 3348 Balls
Diameter Length Mill Speed Charge Balls Interstitial Lift 0 Overfilling
ft ft % Critical Filling,% Filling,% Slurry Filling,% Angle, () 536 Slurry
18.50 22.00 72.00 38.00 38.00 100.00 35.00 3885 Net Total
10.00 % Losses
4316 Gross Total

% Solids in the Mill 72.00 Charge Mill Charge Weight, tons Apparent
Ore Density, ton/m3 2.80 Volume, Ball Slurry Density
Slurry Density, ton/m3 1.86 m3 Charge Interstitial above Balls ton/m3
Balls Density, ton/m3 7.75 63.76 296.48 47.48 0.00 5.395

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