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G2P1A0, 24 years old, 37-38 weeks of gestation according to USG, not in labor, with
single alive intrauterine fetus, head presentation and anemic

1. Name : Mrs. TY
2. Age : 24 years old
3. Ethnicity : Java
4. Religion : Moeslim
5. Occupation : Housewife
6. Education : Junior high school
7. Date of admission : April 8th 2017

1. Chief complaint :
Patient come to control her pregnancy.
2. History of present illness :
Patient came to Ob-Gyn clinic of Atma Jaya Hospital with
complain of yellow discharge from the vagina 1 day before
admission with smell and itch. She also felt abdominal discomfort
since 5 days before admission to the hospital. She also felt the
contraction with low intensity about 3 times per 10 minutes
irregularly. She denied any other complaints such as bleeding,
fever, urinary discomfort, and fatigue.
3. History of past illness :
1. History of hypertension : Denied
2. History of diabetes mellitus : Denied
3. History of allergy : Denied
4. History of epilepsy : Denied
5. History of hematologic disease : Denied
6. History of urinary tract/kidney disease : Denied
7. History of trauma : Denied
8. History of surgery : Denied
9. History of chronic disease : Denied
4. Family History :
1. History of hypertension : Denied
2. History of diabetes mellitus : Denied
3. History of allergy : Denied
5. History of menstrual cycle :
1. Menarche : 14 years old
2. Menstrual cycle : 28 days, regularly, with duration of
5 days, changed 2-3 pads a day
(40-60 cc), dysmenorrhea (-).
3. First day of last menstrual cycle : September 20th 2016
6. Marital history :
She married once, 6 years with current husband.
7. Contraception history: The patient use injected contraception every 3 months with the
last used 1 years ago.
8. History of Antenatal Care:
Patient had antenatal care with 5 visits, 1 at midwife, 1 at
primary health care, and 3 at hospital. .
9. Obstetric history:

No Years Gestational Labor Sex Birth Breast

Age History Weight Feeding
1 5 years 9 months Normal femal 2800 +/+
old delivery e
2 present 37-38 weeks

1. General condition : Appeared mildly ill
2. Level of consciousness : Compos mentis
3. Vital signs
4. Blood pressure : 140/100 mmHg
5. Heart rate : 80 beats per minutes
6. Respiratory rate : 24 breaths per minutes
7. Body temperature : 37 C
1. Weight : 54 kg
2. Height : 155 cm
3. BMI : 22.5 kg/m2
4. General examination
1. Eyes : Anemic conjunctiva -/- ; icteric sclera -/-
2. Mouth : Wet oral mucosal membrane
3. Thorax
1. Heart : Regular 1st and 2nd heart sounds, gallop (-), murmur (-)
2. Lung : Vesicular breath sounds +/+, rhonchi -/-, wheezing -/-
3. Mammae : Areola hyper pigmentation +/+, nipple retraction -/-,
breast milk +/+
4. Abdomen
1. Inspection : Convex, striae gravidarum (+), linea nigra (+)
2. Auscultation : Bowel sounds (+), 6 times per minute.
3. Palpation : Supple, tenderness (-)
5. Extremities : warm, CRT < 2 seconds, edema (-/-/-/-),
physiologic reflex (+/+/+/+), pathologic reflex
1. Obstetric Examination
1. Estimated due date : 27 Mei 2017
1. Fundal height : 33 cm
2. Fetal weight examination : 3410 gram
3. Uterine contraction : positive
4. Fetal heart rate : 130 x/menit
5. Leopold maneuver
1. Leopold I : Buttock
2. Leopold II : Back on the right side
3. Leopold III : Head
4. Leopold IV : Divergent
1. Vaginal toucher :
1. Vulva and vaginal within normal limit, anteflexion position, dilatation 3cm, cervical
effacement 50%, consistency: thick and soft, amnion sac intact, with back
1. Inspeculo : fluksus -, erosion -, stoll cell -, tissue -, cicatrix -.
6. Rectal toucher : not performed

Baseline : 135 bpm
Variable : minimal
Acceleration : (+) 1 times in 20 minute
Deceleration : (-)
Fetal movement : (+) 1 time in 20 minutes
His : (+) 2 times in 20 minutes
Result : NST Reassuring

Types Results Units Normal Value

Hemoglobin 9,1 g/dL 12 16
Hematocrit 28 % 37 47
Leucocytes 12,8 Thousands/uL 4 10
Platelets 315 Thousands/uL 140 400
Erythrocytes 4,3 Millions/uL 4,20 5,2
MCV 66,0 fL 79 93,3
MCH 21,2 pg 26,7 31,9
MCHC 32,0 g/dL 32,3 35,9

HBsAg (-) Negative

G2P1A0, 24 years old, 37-38 weeks of gestation according to USG, not
in labor, with single alive intrauterine fetus, head presentation and

1. Check for CBC
2. Give Oxygen via Nasal Kanul 4L/minutes
3. RL 500 cc loading 200
4. Sleep on left position
5. Repeat CTG afer 2 hours if the CTG is reactive observation the labor and give
management with :
6. NaCl 100 cc + 1 amp Buscopan high preassure
7. RL 500cc + 5 units Oxyosin start 8tpm/min increase 4 tpm/min every
30 minutes until the contraction is adequate. Max 40tpm/min
8. Give 1 bag of PRC
9. Prepare for vaginal spontaneous labor

Mother : P2A0, 24 years old, post partus maturus with spontaneous vaginal
delivery with rupture perineum grade I + anemia
Baby : Term shemale neonate, 38-39 weeks of gestational age according
to New Ballard Score, birth weight 2940 gram, 49 cm, APGAR score 7/9.
Diagnosed as healthy neonate.


1. Observation of vital signs
1. Observation vaginal bleeding and uterine contraction
2. RL 500 cc + okcytocin 20 IU
1. Cefadroxil 3 x 200 mg tab PO
2. Mefenamic acid 3 x 500 mg tab PO
3. Methergin 3 x 0,125 mg tab PO
4. Sangobion 2 x 1 tab PO
5. Moloco B12 3 x 1 tab PO


1. Cefadroxil 3 x 500 mg tab PO
1. Mefenamic acid 3 x 500 mg tab PO
2. Methergin 3 x 0,125 mg tab PO
3. Moloco B12 3 x 1 tab PO
4. Kalk 1x 1 tab PO

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