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Chapter-4 (Viewing the whole curriculum)

1. the nature of knowledge

- biblical concept of knowledge
( knowing in the context of distinguishing good and bad, knowing by

learning, taking responsibility)

- wisdom
(understanding God's creation, God exists, all is dependent on God)
- knowledge and curriculum
2. a biblical view of the child
- the nature of humanity
(Created by God, a religious being, a creature, unique, image-bearer)
- the child and learning
(creating the right atmosphere)
- the child with special needs
3. a questions of methods
- what and why?
(what does it do> does it work?)
- when and where?
( time and a place)
- whom?
4. the teacher's role
- the changing nature of the role of the teacher
- calling or profession?
- developing relationships
- commitment
5. assessment
I learn that I should always teach and reflect whether it works for the

students or not and if not change the atmosphere by changing the setting or

by knowing what is the goal. I will see my curriculum as a big picture and find

out if it is working for the students or not. I will be responsible to the

students, have good relationships with them and encourage them to be


Chapter-5 (Models of curriculum development)

1. Integrity in curriculum development

- The curriculum is not neutral
- foundations are important

2. Curriculum Models
- The nature and character of God as a focus for learning
- The Christian world view as expressed in Creation-Fall-Redemption and

consummation as a focus for the curriculum

- the Christian order as a focus for curriculum development
- Knowledge of God as a central focus of learning


I have learned that a right knowledge is to be imparted to the students. I will teach

my students and let them know that God exists and he made us in his image. I will

be flexible to the change in the curriculum and will act properly the change. I will

focus more on God as without God the knowledge does not exists.

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