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| |_/ / /_\ \\ `--. | | | / \/\ `--.
| ___ \ _ | `--. \ | | | | `--. \
| |_/ / | | |/\__/ /_| |_| \__/\/\__/ /
\____/\_| |_/\____/ \___/ \____/\____/

System Parameters & Permissions:

Most systems that you must connect to externally have forced administrator
rights on any file-related commands. This includes ls, cat, search, and so
forth. The easiest way to crack into a system is to connect to it and scan open
ports for program vulnerabilities, such as JackKnife. Some systems or servers
may have more protection than others.

Node Parameters & Permissions:

Nodes are online systems hosted by hosting services to keep track of vast
amounts of IP exchange information. Any systems listed in a node will have their
IP displayable if their default IP changes. While it still has the same basic
file-related command protection, I have supplied a program called 'searchNode'.
searchNode can quickly get into a node and flash-dump its contents, and will
find any IP addresses that match the system or server name provided.


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|_ |/ _ \/ __ \| | / /| | / /| \ | |_ _| ___| ___|
| / /_\ \ / \/| |/ / | |/ / | \| | | | | |_ | |__
| | _ | | | \ | \ | . ` | | | | _| | __|
/\__/ / | | | \__/\| |\ \| |\ \| |\ |_| |_| | | |___
\____/\_| |_/\____/\_| \_/\_| \_/\_| \_/\___/\_| \____/

JackKnife Functionality:
JackKnife is a port-plug program that can plug itself into a vulnerable port on
a server boot-up, and grant its user administrator rights upon connecting. To do
this, JackKnife must be primed in advanced, so the user has to be aware of the
number pattern employed by the server for reboots.

JackKnife Guide:
Note: No real IP Addresses are used in this guide.
Step #01: connect(
Connect to the target IP using the 'connect' command. If you don't know what the
target command is, you can try using connectIf or searchNode, providing you know
the required elements.

Step #02: checkNode

Check for any nodes connected to the target IP. This will confirm whether we can
use searchNode or not to find the new IP address.

Step #03: checkPorts(JackKnife)

Check all open ports on the target IP to find which port may be vulnerable to
the JackKnife program.

Step #04: netDDOS(

Use the botnet DDOS command to take down the server and force a reboot.

Step #05.1: connectIf(0.0.0.?, JackKnife Tutorial)

If there is no node connected to the IP, we'll have to use connectIf. Generally,
with low-security systems, only the last number of the IP will change.

Step #05.2: searchNode(, JackKnife Tutorial)

If there is a node connected to the target IP, we can use the searchNode command
to check for the existence of a server or system with the name we're after. The
node will tell you the new IP address, then you connect to it.
Repeat Step #03
Check that the vulnerable port remains the same. Sometimes even low-security
systems might have a changing port.

Step #06: netDDOS(

Use the botnet DDOS command to force another reboot. As you can see, the last
number has only changed by one.

Repeat Step #05.1/2, depending on node existence

Find the IP again, this should be the same as last time for the most part.

Step #07: JackKnife(

Now we prime JackKnife. We're connected to, and we've seen that the last
number in the IP changes by one every reboot, and that the vulnerable port
doesnt change at all. This means, at the next DDOS, it will jump to the IP that
we have JackKnife primed at.

Step #08: netDDOS(

DDOS the system to force it to jump to the IP we've primed JackKnife at.

Step #09: connect(

If this worked, you should have got a return string from JackKnife saying that
it was primed successfully. Now connect to the system and JackKnife will
recognise its user and give you administrator rights.

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