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Title: Point of View- Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Subject/Grade Level/ Date(s): ELA/3rd Grade/4-5-17

Time Requirements: 60 minutes

Materials List:

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Believe Me, Goldilocks Rocks!
Point of View Handout

Type of Lesson:

Whole Group
Group/Partner Work

Connection to Standards:


3.RL.6. Distinguish their own point of view from that of the narrator or those of the characters.

ELP standards:

Standard 1: The student will listen actively to the ideas of others in order to acquire new knowledge.

Standard 2: The student will express orally his or her own thinking and ideas

Instructional Objective:

Learning Goal:

SWBAT identify the point of view from a text by comparing it to their own point of view or that of another

Essential Questions:

-How are the points of view of characters similar and different?

-How does my own experience influence my point of view of a story?

Active Instructional Plan:

Anticipatory Set:

The lesson will begin by reviewing the learning goal that we are reviewing in ELA. A student will be
called to the board to read it then we will choral read it as a class. I will then explain to students that a
while back we learned about point of view. I will remind them that during this lesson we read the story
Cinderella is Seriously So Annoying. I will ask students what point of view is. They will think-pair-share.
We will review that point of view is the different opinions people have.

I will tell students that today we are going to look at point of view in the story Goldilocks and the Three
Bears. I will call students to the carpet and begin the read aloud. Throughout the story I will stop to ask
students questions.


After the read aloud students will return to their seats. I will pass out the point of view hand out. I will
model how to fill out the section on the traditional Goldilocks on the promethean board. They will follow
along in their copy. I will take questions/comments/concerns at the end.

***Students will need a break at this point before continuing lesson-We will do Go Noodle***

Guided Practice:

After we finish short break we will come back to the carpet. I will tell them we are now going to read
Believe Me, Goldilocks Rocks! As I read I will ask questions about the point of view in this book and
how it is different from the traditional book. After finishing students will go back to their seats to work
with tables to fill out same questions on handout as before about the second book. After 5-10 minutes,
we will come back together and share responses.

Independent Practice:

After sharing responses, students will have 3 minutes to write down what their opinion is. I will explain
that it is important to have our own opinions. I will pull sticks for students to share their opinion/point of
view on Goldilocks.


To conclude, we will review the meaning of point of view and the learning goal. This standard will be
revisited in literacy center work.


Move around the room and check as students work on their classwork
Think-Pair-Share throughout the lesson-quick check for understanding
Handout turned in at the end of the lesson (Intervene with students who do not show understanding
in the afternoon)


This is a point of view lesson and not a reading lesson so the stories will be done as a read aloud. I will
read over questions on sheet to clarify any questions and concerns and to make sure that my ELL students
and students who have difficulty reading will be able to follow along and complete as well. Students will be
able to work with table, which gives extra support.

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