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1. An Inter-dimensional Portal opened between Earth and the Dimensions in March 2006.

This allowed access to

Heaven/Dimensions by a human while being fully aware and visa versa allowed beings in Heaven/Dimension full
access to Earth. This opened a journey that was not expected or could be imagined. This Portal was placed as
the Grace of God.

2. The event became possible when it was realised that the Demons and the earthbound spirits were receiving
NO help from heaven and was left to their own demise.

3. Through the Portal firstly the question of Knowledge was assessed. It was realised that we all know what is
best for all, but is doing nothing about it both in Heaven and on Earth. A Statement was agreed upon as
motivation of both Heaven and Earth namely:


4. With this realisation, through a process of forgiveness and understanding all demons and earthbound spirits
were assisted and brought back to heaven as it was at that stage. This process did not include the earthbound
system demons created through habit and mechanical applications.

5. Existence as the human being understood it as a spirit and soul was directed by something in Heaven called
the Great White Light.

The Great White Light used the soul construct and Reincarnation to direct consciousness. Forgetfulness was
used to make sure that no-one, even in heaven remember the truth about anything but what the White Light
prescribed. So in essence, the White Light was what we would understand as God. Once it was realised that the
White Light is not supporting life, but controlling it for Power, the Great White Light was removed. This caused
the soul construct to be removed as well, as it was compounding suffering through forgetfulness.

6. While this was happening, beings in heaven acting as guides was recalled and required to understand
forgiveness and responsibility very clearly before they would be allowed to assist humans on earth.

In this process, all the multiple heavens and dimensions with their Masters and Gods and Goddesses were
brought into oneness and equality and all the many Mansions/Heavens were removed. This was necessary to
bring forth equality between all Life in existence and to understand what The Image and Likeness of God in Self
Acceptance and Self Expression truly are. This process took nearly a year in earth time, but in heaven time and
space do not exist and a thousand years is one day thus, intensively all creation from the beginning of time
could be studied, understood, evaluated to understand what we have allowed in our ignorance.

7. Obviously with the source of the God construct, the Great White Light, and all the supporting constructs like
the Great White Brotherhood, the Angels, the Invisible College , the Soul construct, the Ascended Masters, the
Secret Knowledge either removed or revealed, it was realised by all in heaven that God only existed as self.
They realized that God in the act of creation of the true Image and Likeness of God as Man could only bring
forth equality by also being man. This opened up the necessity of Till here and no further to stand as one as
all and take responsibility for creation.

8. In this process also beings like Jesus, Osho, Buddha, Mohamed all that had a legacy on Earth realised that
the Soul construct and the Great White Light was a cleverly designed MIND construct that enslaved both Heaven
and Earth with religion and separation. Separation was the primary source of the problem. This separation was
most visible through the belief that a God exist that is greater than Man and caused Man to not take
responsibility or man and humans waiting to be saved by some apparent greater being.

It is necessary to understand that beings in Heaven are Man, and beings on Earth are HUMAN. There is a
difference in their origin for purpose of understanding this statement.

9. The level of deception in the Universe was beyond description and truly supported the principle as above so

As Earth exists in War and Deception, so did all the Heavens. This is now stopped in Heaven. Heaven is one, and
all in heaven has stood up as equality.

10. Initially when a Human dies, he would go to a dimension appropriate to his earthly existence and then is
placed according to obedience to the Great White Light. Those not obedient would have their memory erased
and used as Angels or workers for the so-called Divine light which was the Great White Light. Now, when a
human die, he/she is immediately fully aware as Man as God and then enter a process to understand what this
really means. No access is allowed from heaven to Earth initially until full Responsibility is taken as self as all as
the Universe as all existence as equality.
11. The major problem that faced both heaven and earth was allowances through the MIND. The MIND is a
system of consciousness that is not aware and is attempting to understand itself. As all existence enslaved itself
to this system, the MIND created consciousness and all of life as systems. These systems are not life and thus
proceeded to enslave Man as its life source. This was done with the Great White Light and the Idea of God as
starting point. Within this both Heaven and Earth was enslaved through the placement of knowledge and
information that seemed stable and the ruthless dealing with any being attempting to break the slavery.

This has been going on virtually since the beginning of creation as man in his attempt to understand self,
separated self from self with using systems to understand self.

The systems eventually became the Universal Mind, the Conscious Mind and the Unconscious Mind amongst
others. Because man could not remember man's origin, man accepted existence as it is now on Earth and as it
was in Heaven.

12. The creation of the Human Race was the work of a group of beings called the Annunaki or as the Bible refer
to them as the Sons of God. When the sons of God had intercourse with the daughter of Earth, the human Race
with the current DNA structure we understand, came about. The human was created as a slave race for the sons
of God/Man that was in Heaven/Dimensions.

All what we understand as our life today, from the food grains etc. and our systems of society and civilization,
our religions, cultures were introduced by the Annunaki. What the Annunaki did not realise, was that the Law of
Equality will always prevail and they were trapped in their own creation and lost their creative abilities to a great
degree. The Annunaki was lost in greed and power and greed and power always lead to forgetfulness and always
trap the participating creator. They are no longer an influence in creation.

In animating and placing a life source in the human body which was a machine like system, the Atlanteans, the
purest form of Man was invited to integrate and animate the Human. Unbeknown to the Atlanteans, the
Annunaki deceived them into being trapped in the Human form and the Annunaki erased all the memory of the
Atlanteans and where they really came from. Thus the Atlanteans was trapped in a MIND construct for a long
time as the human race.

13. There were though beings/Men and Women in the Universe that became aware of the situation and took the
responsibility to correct the atrocities that occurred in the Universe, A Process was placed in motion and now we
have these beings both in Heaven and on Earth standing up and bringing forth equality. You may be one of them
waiting to be activated or you may be one that has realised something in the Universe is out of place. Now is the
time to understand and stand up. We are Man as God and God as Man. We are eternal. We are equal. We are
Responsible. We are Here.

The here now moment is the key that present to us all what is acceptable in existence and what is not. When we
all strive to bring forth the purest in every moment and hold the vision of self as equal to all, acting with
resolve, direction will step forth from heaven and from within self.

14. Take note of the following:

a. The foundation of each being on earth has been corrected

b. The Higher Self has become aware of equality and is assisting and planning each human life to reach
understanding of equality.

c. Heaven is no longer and is now fully integrated on Earth as equal to the Human to assist in self realisation.

d. The Roots of all Evil in Heaven has been removed and is now being removed on earth. Remember that the
Human is subject to Death and Heaven is now holding the strings to make sure that no-one will interfere.

e. No access can be gained to Heaven by channel or psychics or intuitive unless equality is understood and

15. On the topic of channels and psychics. They are the beings trapped by the White Light as the channels of
enslavement and face the most difficult time in the changes coming.

As Heaven started closing channels, the Mind and systems stepped in to recreate the same stories of Higher and
Lower and Heaven and Hell, ascension etc. This is now stopped. Look, the Masters was not bringing forth
equality, but enslaved humans into belief-systems that there is something wrong or something like a golden
consciousness- a path of expanding consciousness which is systems. You are the Image of God Equal. The
Likeness is your expression of understanding this. Heaven will now assist in this process of self expression.
Psychics and channels could ever only present what the White Light and systems of control allowed. Thus all the
stories were going really nowhere and kept everyone in a cycle of hope. Hope is separation from self.

16. Forgiveness is the key to self. Forgiveness must be spoken aloud to hear what we have allowed in our world
and the corrective action that would be necessary to stop the actions bringing enslavement. Forgiveness is the
self realisation Button.

17. The way we have accepted money and Religion and Sex is the primary enslavement models and must now
be revisited to bring equality for all life.

18. All animals, bacteria, plants in fact all of nature is now equally aware and assisting the human in the
process of equality.

19. Consciousness is a system and is not awareness. To grow in consciousness is to grow in enslavement.
Awareness only exist in the here now moment. Consciousness exists in the past and the future in fear of the
past and the future.

Awareness is beyond thinking. Consciousness is thinking.

20. Nothing is what it seems and a veil was placed over the I of the Human. Much will now be revealed. This is
the time of Revelation and the Golden Age will step forth. Alas not as expected. Yet it is here and inevitable. The
human will either realise it in this life or in Heaven after Death. All is seen. All is known. Nothing is hidden. Life
does not exist as consciousness, but only as awareness. Consciousness will react to some of the statements
made. Awareness will marvel in joy and love as life is born as equality. In equality we see all life as ourselves
and see what is necessary for all as self to become aware as life as equality.

It is done.

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