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Tripoli University

Engineering Management


Student # : 22 15 603

Course : Informations Analysis & Decision Making


EM 661

H.W # 3

Date: 23 / 11 / 2016

Fall 2016

Dr: Wajdi Ratemi

Q 1: find the regression equation by using formula & excel

Xi: working of week

Yi: rest of days

Xi Yi Xi^2 Xi * Yi
1 5 1 5
2 7 4 14
3 4 9 12
4 4 16 16
5 3 25 15
Sum Xi = 15 Sum Yi = 23 Sum = 55 Sum = 62

b = {(n*sum Xi*Yi) (sum Xi * sum Yi)} / {(n*sum Xi^2)

(sum Xi) ^2}

b= -0.7

a = {(sum Yi) (b*sum Xi)} / n

a= 6.7

Y = -0.7 * X + 6.7

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