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Olivia Bowman

Comparing Energy Sources

In 2014 the United States generated approximately 4,043,000,000,000 kilowatt hours. Of

that energy 39 percent was coal, 27 percent natural gas, 19 percent nuclear power. Which if you

think about it is a lot of the energy we use. However the best energy sources seem to be a lot

less. 6 percent was hydropower, 4.4 percent wind power, and solar power was only .4 percent

(source). If you remember anything from elementary and middle school we compared renewable

energy sources all time and clearly we realized that hydropower, wind power, and solar power

were a lot safer than coal, natural gas, and nuclear power. Yet, one question remains. Of these

renewable resources which is the best?

Hydropower uses the water that is stored in dams and following rives to create electricity.

Much like a wind turbine the water rotates the blades which spin a generator that converts

mechanical energy into electrical energy (Origin Energy Limited). Just like any energy source

there are good things and bad things. Hydropower has no air or water pollutants like most of the

renewable resources. It can be harvested over and over again water never completely disappears

(Conserve Energy Future). It is also very reliable. On the other side however drought could

cause hydropower to sky rocket in price. These dams could also cause fish to be effected

(Maehlum, Hydroelectric Energy Pros and Cons). It cost around 7 cents per kilowatt hour so it

would cost around $28,301,000,000,000 to generate as much energy as we make today

(Alternative Energy ). Hydropower also produces around 2,969,000 kilowatt hours per year per

dam (Wisconsin Valley Improvement Company ).

Wind power involves the use of wind turbines that use kinetic energy to generate

electrical energy (EDF Energy). Wind energy has a huge potential as long as there is sun, there is

wind (National Geographic ). Wind turbines are more space efficient than solar power because
Olivia Bowman

the land in between them can be used for various things. The prices of wind energy are also

decreasing a lot and the operational cost it low as well. The problem that many people have with

wind energy is the noises that come with the turbines. Recently researchers and companies that

deal with wind energy have created a way for the turbines to be located off-shore, or in the

ocean. However wind can sometimes be unpredictable. Turbines can also be a threat to wildlife,

which includes birds and bats but lets be honest here, arent buildings too (Maehlum, Wind

Energy Pros and Cons). Generating this energy costs around 5 cents per kilowatt hour (American

Wind Energy Association). Plus, a single turbine can produce up to 6 million kilowatt hours of

energy per year (The European Wind Energy Association).

Solar power obviously uses the sun. The energy produced through the solar panels is

converted into thermal energy which is then changed into electricity (Solar Energy Industries

Assoication). Pollution is nearly nonexistent when generated this energy. Earths surface

receives 120,000 terawatts, 120,000,000,000,000 kilowatts, of solar radiation which around

20,000 times more power than what is needed to supply the entire world. The only pollution

comes from manufacturing, transportation, and installation of the solar power systems. Solar

energy is also available all over the world and generally does not require a lot of maintenance.

The down falls, access to sunlight is limited at certain times of the day and storing this energy is

crazy expensive. It also requires a lot of space (Maehlum, Solar Energy Pros and Cons). It cost

about 12 to 30 cents per kilowatt hours which is crazy expensive when you do the math (Natural

Resources Defense Council). Solar panels produces 30 kilowatt hours per square foot (Llorens).

In conclusion to my research in my opinion wind energy is the best option as an energy

source the cost is low and the power generated is high. I also believe that the other alternative

energies are good choices as well. They are all better than those that we have now. I hope in the
Olivia Bowman

future that hydropower, wind power, and solar power replace what are on the top now. Can you

imagine the lack of pollution that would be caused by not using coal, natural gas, and nuclear

power? Our Earth would be cleaner, safer, and still be producing energy to provide everyone in

the world.
Olivia Bowman

Works Cited
Alternative Energy . Hydroelectric Power. n.d. 30 January 2016.

American Wind Energy Association. The Cost of Wind Energy in the U.S. 1996-2015. 30 January 2016.

Conserve Energy Future. Hydro Power. 2009-2016. 30 January 2016.

EDF Energy. Wind. 2016. 30 January 2016.

Llorens, Dave. How much electricity does a solar panel produce. n.d. 30 January 2016.

Maehlum, Mathias Aarre. Hydroelectric Energy Pros and Cons. 21 February 2014. 30 January 2016.

. Solar Energy Pros and Cons. 12 May 2014. 2015 January 2016.

. Wind Energy Pros and Cons. 23 March 2015. 30 January 2016.

National Geographic . Wind Power. 1996-2016. 30 January 2016.

Natural Resources Defense Council. Renewable Energy for America. n.d. 29 January 2016.

Origin Energy Limited. What is Hydropower? 30 January 2015. 30 January 2016.

Solar Energy Industries Assoication. Solar Energy. n.d. 30 January 2016.

The European Wind Energy Association. Wind energy's frequently asked questions. n.d. 30 January 2016.

Wisconsin Valley Improvement Company . How Hydropwer Works. 2016. 30 January 2016.

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