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The maps highlights the growth of a village called Stokeford during eight decades from 1930

to 2010. Overall, it can be seen that the village accelerated as the decently population. The
aforomentioned evidence shows the changes of Stokeford village which initially dominated
cattle farm become residential areas.

In 1930, Stokeford illustrated as a farmland area. However, over the following eighty years,
there was a development number of houses. The percentage of houses increase sharply
replace farmland areas alongside the road. Futhermore, there is a retirement house on the east
side of the village. Unfortunately, this retirement house sabotage the garden area.

In addition the transformation of building constructions, between 1930 and 2010, mostly area
in Stokeford expanded to create the new branch roads. There are four new branch roads
constructed during eighty years. The emergence of branch new roads caused by the expansion
of land to facilitate residents in Stokeford.

Although the construction has changed the face of Stokeford, interistingly, there are several
public amenities that are preserved like bridge on the north side, post office on the west side
of the road and exactly primary school on the east side of the road. Even the primary school
constructed wider

(MAP) stokeford

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