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Sound: Ambient dreamy music fades in

Sound: Ambient dreamy music fades out

Sound: Background classroom chatter

Sound: Repeated, annoying knocking on a door

Sound: Faster this time, more annoying knocking on a door

Sound: Faster this time, more annoying knocking on a door

Sound: The door opens.

Sound: Jason steps into the house, we hear his shoes on the carpet

Sound: Louise walks quickly to the door, lighter footsteps, Jason

follows with slower, heavier footsteps

Sound: Front door opens

Sound: Atmospheric outdoors sounds wind, distant road, birds

Sound: She shuts the door hard.

Sound: Atmospheric sound, cars occasionally pass by on a nearby


Sound: The atmospheric sound of cars passing fades away

Sound: The atmospheric sound of a quiet but bustling pub fades up

from nothing

Sound: The front door creaks as they step through

Sound: A pint glass being filled at the tap

Sound: The pint glass being placed down on the bar

Sound: She picks up her pint glass and drinks from it

Sound: The atmospheric pub sounds slowly - very slowly - fade

away during this conversation.

Sound: All of the atmospheric sound has totally faded.

Sound: Louise downs the rest of her Guinness, putting the glass
down heavily.

Sound: Louise pulls a gun out.

Sound: The gun fires.

Sound: The title music fades in

Sound: A montage of sound effects and snippets of dialogue.
Explosions, laughing, aliens. A montage of Louis and Jasons future
adventures together as partners working for The Agency

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