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480017 Preliminary Recommendations for 2017-2018 Budget Reductions ‘pil 20:7 What matters most... Looking back on last year (2015-2016) {$6.7 million reduction in 2016-2017 budget larger class sizes « reduced athletics programming reduced library services » 10% fewer central office administrative staff » changes to boll-times We planned fr $13 min seu! were se to add back: + $8.3 millon to repiace state ai for instructional sources and stat evelopment + $3.2 millon to fund 775 cores tesching positons ued state aid cuts due to state revenue failure January 2017, {$474,000 reduction February 2017: {$402,577 reduction February 2017: $1,950,844 reduction March 2017: {$900,967 reduction State Aid sn909000 pega #3000000 | sn00000 | ‘sp0na00 | _——_ + Sirumey—Febuey Mach at, asr017 Where is the revenue allocated? fi “Reverue by Approprated Fund ‘Payol Accounting, Budge, Purchesng, Warehouse, Human Resources, Tecnology, Legal ‘Profesional Learing, Cursum, Instruction and pcan = General Fund Expenditures ‘= Speech Pathologists, Psychologist, Physical by caterer, ‘herp 3 ssTranspotation: 3% Operation & Maintenance: 2% se veeute Sta 18 Schoo! taf & Oneratons: 76% Student Enrolment: 0.5% 4872017 Who serves our schools from the district office? tee me ane Tulsa Public Schools Budget” rear, ~~ B ene Community members ranked measures affecting students the most as the LEAST acceptable. ease wi =e Percent of Times tom was Least Acceptable ot lt sir What Is the fund balance? “The differance between district revenue and district expanses is cur fund balance. The fund balance provides operating cash ‘low and can act as an “emergency savings account’ for the ‘astrict. ae 2017-2018 Budget Survey copes Sesettans SINT te aisr20%7 Respondents ranked the options in the fllowing order: arsi2017 Percent of savings ists that included these measures: Preliminary recommendations for 2017-2018 budget reductions 41570087 V' Further reduce district office - $2.2 million Staff reorganization: $4 million Net reduction of 25 positions Reduced custodial services distrct-wide: $758,119 (ther savings: $401,000 x: contracts, legal service savings, etc. Further reduce athletics programming - $173,000 Consolidate middle school sports and downsize high school sports + Each middle school football, volleyball, basketball, and soccer teams will be made up of students from two schools. + Eliminate high school athletic programs with low participation. 41872017 Consolidate schools - $906,877 Consolidate Remington Elementary School, Park Elementary School, and ECDC Porter on tha Clinton Middle School campus Relocate Clinton Middle School students to ‘Webster High School campus Cut instructional supports - $2.4 million Following state simination of funding fr textbooks an Achieving Classroom Excelence secondary supports, the astrct made the decion last ‘year to supplerent those funds, Reduce textbook allocation: $2 million Decrease supplemental secondary supports: $388,206 52017 Staffing plan adjustments - $1.3 million Reduce teacher staffing based on student forecast, and limited flexibility: $1 million Limit National Board Certified Teacher stipends to only those funded by the state: $200,000. Additional budget reduction options Reduce JROTC programming: $122,388 Increase high school class size by one: $330,481 ~ District-wide furlough: two days at $1.9 million Director-evelt furlough: three addtional days at $79,683 i* asn017 10

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