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Gavin Roland

ISM-Period 1
"Porous Bones." Cure-Back-Pain.Org. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Mar. 2017.

Porous bones are a diagnosis closely related to early stages of osteoporosis and is also
commonly called osteopenia.
Abnormal bone porosity will create weak bones which are more susceptible to fracture
and general degeneration due to age and physical activity.
Porosity issues are influenced by genetic factors.
Porous bones can usually be prevented through a proper diet, exercises and
pharmaceutical treatment.
Porosity is a relative condition, since every person demonstrates different levels of
natural bone density.
Porosity issues occur due to several reasons, including genetic predisposition, a lack of
certain dietary and nutrition components, including calcium, magnesium and vitamin D,
and a lack of skeletal-loading exercise.
It is never too late to increase the health and strength of your bones, since new drugs have
made effective treatment possible for even severe cases of porosity.
Many people do not worry about bone porosity until they already have problems, making
treatment difficult and prevention far too late to consider.
Most people with porous bones do not know they have the medical issue until the
problem has developed due to the lack of knowledge and awareness of the disease.
Osteoporosis and scoliosis are related because they are both conditions which affect the
Osteoporosis is a disease that affects the density or mass of bone structures.
Millions are diagnosed with the condition, which decreases the strength of bone and may
lead to reduced protection against fractures
Women are at a greater risk of developing osteoporosis because they generally have less
bone mass than men. Also, hormonal changes that take place during menopause can
deplete bone density and women tend to live longer than men.
Another risk factor is race. Asian and Caucasian women who are small boned, are at
highest risk for osteoporosis. Similarly, there is a greater tendency for Adolescent
Idiopathic scoliosis patients to be slender women.
One study states that osteopenia (bone density that is lower than normal) is common
among AIS patients and The prevalence of osteoporosis in AIS patients is much higher
than in the general pediatric and adolescent population
Stretching exercises can also help maintain strength and stability for those diagnosed with
scoliosis and osteoporosis. Abdominal stretches as well as back and hip stretching
exercises may help increase flexibility. Stretch the hamstrings, which are the muscles
along the back of the thigh, the quadriceps, or thigh muscles, and the hip flexors, found at
the hip joint, on a daily basis.
This source was an article that was more of general background of what bone porosity is and
how it can affect the human body.

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