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‘The Open University of Sri Lanka Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Final Examination 2007/2008 s ECX6234 — Digital Signal Processing 831 Time: 0930 ~ 1230 hrs. Date: 2008-04 -22 Answer any FIVE questions 1 (a) A sinusoidal signal x(¢) sing) has a period 7p and angular frequency Qo, ‘A discrete signal is obtained by sampling this continuous signal with a sampling interval 7, (What is the relationship between Zo and Qy? Gi) What is the relationship between ¢ and 7,? (iii) Derive an expression for the sampled signal x{n]. (iv) Express the digital angular frequency a in terms of Ty and Q. ) 4x0 \" Fig. 1 A continuous signal x(t) can be represented by a discrete signal x{n] (fig.1). (® Find the Fourier Transform of x(t) and sketch it. (ii) Find the Diserete Time Fourier Transform (DTFT) of x{n] and sketch it, (iii) Ifthe sampling frequency is f; , express f; in terms of T and M. (©) Discuss the practical significance of Discrete Time Fourier Transform (DTFT) over continuous Fourier Transform. (@ Write an expression for Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). Compare the advantages and disadvantages of DFT and DTFT. (a) Prove that the z-transform of au[n],a ({d is za (b) What happens to a"ufn] if a)|2|? (c) Find the inverse z-transform of 1O=—aey 42. (@) Is the system causal? Justify your answer. (© Determine whether the system is causal if |) 2. (a) An ideal low pass filter is given by 1 if-o.(o(a, 0 otherwise X(o) -{ Calculate IDTFT {X(@)}= x(n] where IDIFT ~ Inverse Discretetime Fourier Transform . (b) It is necessary to design a low pass filter having a finite impulse response with following characteristics: Pass band cutoff frequency = 7 kHz Stop band cutoff frequency = 8 kHz with at least 55 dB attenuation. Sampling frequency = 40 kHz (Convert pass band- and stop band frequencies into digital frequencies. (i) Calculate the cutoff frequency (ii) How can the causality of the filter be obtained? (iv) Calculate the filter length N. (v) Design the filter using appropriate window type from Table 1 and vite an expression for the impulse response h(n] of the filter. ‘Also sketch the frequeney response. Indicate important values on your sketch. j| Window type wn) Aw Attenuation | Rectangular 1 bod aed N 2 (N-1 | _N-I 8 -274B | eae il 2 [2 ) N is 8x -324B ; Hanning Nw | | 80 -434B Hamming = 2an 2an 12a -58dB Blacki 0.42 + 0.5cos| ) 0.08 — sina wo( 222) sontnf 222) 4(a) xinl__ yl] Fig.2 Find the transfer function H1(Z) of the system, Find the difference equation relating x[7] and y{n]. Find the impulse response hn] of the system if a_= 0 for n= 1 (b) ha] = (@ + 5)xfn—1] + (ab) afr] + [2a ]xfn +1] + (a b+ Dn xfn+-2] ‘A causal system is represented by the difference equation given above. @ Find the values of a and b. (i) Find the impulse response h[n]. N @ » yiln} J an} > yaln] ealn} Fig3 (Find the state space representation of the system shown in fig.3 using ifn] and ga{n} as state variables. Gi) If the state matrix of the system is [A], briefly explain how to find out whether the system is BIBO stable. (iii) Find the transfer functions H)(Z) and H,(Z) of the system. (iv) Find the difference equations that describe the input / output relationship for Hi(Z). (©) A sinusoidal signal can be written as xfn]= Avo{ Ens} where k and J do not have any common factors. (Write an expression for x[n+N]. Gi) Prove that x{n] # x[n+.N] if k, L and N are positive integers. (iii) Prove that x[n] is not periodic. [Hint: 7 is an irrational number} (@) A sequence is given by xn] n=0,...N =I, If the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of the above sequence is X'y[k], write an expression for X{k]. Using the above expression show that Xy[k]= ayes wi Xz [A] ke -N-1. where wy xy [k] is the DFT of even terms of x[n] (+{0],x{2],214].. Af lk] is the DFT of odd terms of x[n] (sf1], x13]. x15}. (b) Consider the sequence x[n] n= 0,...,63. Find the complexity of the operation if (@ Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) is applied to the above sequence. (ii) Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is applied to the above sequence. (ii) What percentage of computer time can be saved in the above operation if FFT is used instead of DFT? (Assume that the multiplication and addition times are equal) (a) Down sampling operator $,,, and the up sampling operator S, are defined as follows: Down sampling - y{n] = Sy,x{n] = x{nD] aby if" isaninteger. Up sampling y{n}= S,x{n] = Ootherwise An input sequence x{n]is defined as x[n] = [1, 2,3, 4,5,...] Find the output sequence yf if x{n] is @ down sampled with D = 2. (i) up sampled with L =2. (b) In sampling a discrete signal x{7] we multiply x{7] by 3,,[n] and obtain the sampled signal v{7]=6,[»]a1n] 1 if %, is inte; where 5,[a}= 41" 7D BAP imeeer 0 otherwise @ if vyfr] = M0}, oD], {2D],0(3D}....derive an expression for 112] in terms of Vi{Z}. (ii) If D=2, show that vf] = ‘The discrete-time model for a linear stochastic system can be represented by following matrix equations: Xp = Deak + GMa 4, =H, +¥ where {w, }and {x, }are zero-mean uncorrelated Gausian random processes. (a) Draw a block diagram of the system. On your block diagram show the system model and the measurement model. (b) Now an estimator #, is derived from the system and fed to a Kalman filter. i) Describe the function of a Kalman filter. (ii) How does the filter calculate the best value for £,? What is the principle behind this process? (ii) Ifthe gain matrix of the Kalman filter is K, draw a block diagram of| the Kalman filter. (©) Briefly explain the meaning of following terms: (unbiased estimate. (i) smoother. ma

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