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Vol 04, Special Issue 01, 2013 International Journal of Engineering Sciences Research-IJESR ACICE-2013 ISSN: 2230-8504; e-ISSN-2230-8512

Enhancing and Scalability in Big Data and Cloud Computing:

Future Opportunities and Security

Scalable database management systems (DBMS)both for update intensive application workloads as well as
decision support systems for descriptive and deep analyticsare a critical part of the cloud infrastructure and
play an important role in ensuring the smooth transition of applications from the traditional enterprise
infrastructures to next generation cloud infrastructures. Though scalable data management has been a vision for
more than three decades and much research has focussed on large scale data management in tra- ditional
enterprise setting, cloud computing brings its own set of novel challenges that must be addressed to ensure the
success of data management solutions in the cloud environment. This tutorial presents an organized picture of
the challenges faced by application developers and DBMS designers in developing and deploying in- ternet
scale applications. Our background study encompasses both classes of systems: (i) for supporting update
heavy applications, and (ii) for ad-hoc analytics and decision support. We then focus on providing an in-depth
analysis of systems for supporting update intensive web-applications and provide a survey of the state-of-the- art
in this domain. We crystallize the design choices made by some successful systems large scale database
management systems, analyze the application demands and access patterns, and enumerate the desiderata for a
cloud-bound DBMS. Security and privacy issues are magnified by velocity, and variety of big data, such as
large-scale cloud infrastructures, diversity of data sources and formats, streaming nature of data acquisition,
and high volume inter-cloud migration. Therefore, traditional security mechanisms, which are tailored to
securing small-scale static (as opposed to streaming) data, are inadequate

Categories and Subject Descriptors

H.4 [Information Systems Applications]: Miscellaneous

General Terms

Cloud computing is an extremely successful paradigm of ser- vice oriented computing, and has revolutionized
the way computing infrastructure is abstracted and used. Three most popular cloud paradigms include:
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). The concept
however can also be extended to Database as a Service or Stor- age as a Service. Elasticity, pay-per-use, low
upfront investment, low time to market, and transfer of risks are some of the major en- abling features that make
cloud computing a ubiquitous paradigm for deploying novel applications which were not economically fea- sible
in a traditional enterprise infrastructure settings. This has seen a proliferation in the number of applications
which leverage various cloud platforms, resulting in a tremendous increase in the scale of the data generated as
well as consumed by such applica- tions. Scalable database management systems (DBMS)both for update
intensive application workloads, as well as decision support systemsare thus a critical part of the cloud
Scalable and distributed data management has been the vision of the database research community for more
than three decades. Much research has focussed on designing scalable systems for both update intensive
workloads as well as ad-hoc analysis workloads. Initial designs include distributed databases for update inten-
sive workloads, and parallel database systems for analytical workloads. Parallel databases grew beyond
prototype systems to large commercial systems, but distributed database systems were not very successful and
were never commercialized rather vari- ous ad-hoc approaches to scaling were used. Changes in the data
access patterns of applications and the need to scale out to thou- sands of commodity machines led to the birth
of a new class of systems referred to as Key-Value stores which are now being widely adopted by various
enterprises. In the domain of data analysis, the MapReduce paradigm and its open-source im- plementation
Hadoop has also seen widespread adoption in industry and academia alike. Solutions have also been proposed
to improve Hadoop based systems in terms of usability and performance. In summary, the quest for conquering
the challenges posed by management of big data has led to a plethora of systems. Furthermore, applications
being deployed in the cloud have their own set of desideratum which opens up various possibilities in the design
space. This has often resulted in discussions relating to the appropriate systems for a specific set of application
requirements, the research challenges in data management for the cloud, and what is novel in the cloud for
database researchers? This tutorial aims to clarify some of these questions. We also aim to address one ba- sic

2010-2013 - IJESR
Indexing in Process - EMBASE, EmCARE, Electronics & Communication Abstracts, SCIRUS, SPARC, GOOGLE Database, EBSCO, NewJour, Worldcat,
DOAJ, and other major databases etc.,
Vol 04, Special Issue 01, 2013 International Journal of Engineering Sciences Research-IJESR ACICE-2013 ISSN: 2230-8504; e-ISSN-2230-8512

question: whether the cloud computing poses new challenges in data management or it is just a reincarnation of
old problems?
We provide a comprehensive background study of the state-of- the-art systems for scalable data management
and analysis. We also identify the critical aspects in the design of different systems and the applicability and
scope of these systems. We further fo- cus on a set of systems which are designed to handle update heavy
workloads for supporting internet facing applications. We iden- tify some of the design challenges which
application and system designers face in developing and deploying new applications and systems, and expand
on some of the major challenges that need to be addressed to ensure the smooth transition of applications from
traditional enterprise infrastructure to the next generation cloud in- frastructure. A thorough understanding of
current solutions and a precise characterization of the design space are essential for clear- ing the cloudy skies
of data management and ensuring the suc- cess of DBMSs in the cloud, thus emulating the success enjoyed by
relational databases in traditional enterprise settings.
Defining Big Data
Big data typically refers to the following types of data:
raditional enterprise data includes customer Information from CRM systems, transactional ERP data, web
store transactions, and general ledger data.
Machine-generated /sensor data includes Call Detail Records (CDR), weblogs, smart meters,
manufacturing sensors, equipment logs (often referred to as digital exhaust), trading systems data.
data includes customer feedback streams, micro-blogging sites like Twitter, social media platforms
like Facebook
In fact, there are four key characteristics that define big data:
Volume. Machine-generated data is produced in much larger quantities than non- traditional data. For
instance, a single jet engine can generate 10TB of data in 30 minutes. With more than 25,000 airline flights per
day, the daily volume of just this single data source runs into the Petabytes. Smart meters and heavy industrial
equipment like oil refineries and drilling rigs generate similar data volumes, compounding the problem.
Velocity. Social media data streams while not as massive as machine-generated data produce a large
influx of opinions and relationships valuable to customer relationship management. Even at 140 characters per
tweet, the high velocity (or frequency) of Twitter data ensures large volumes (over 8 TB per day).
Variety. Traditional data formats tend to be relatively well defined by a data schema and change slowly. In
contrast, non-traditional data formats exhibit a dizzying rate of change. As new services are added, new sensors
deployed, or new marketing campaigns executed, new data types are needed to capture the resultant information.
Value. The economic value of different data varies significantly. Typically there is good information
hidden amongst a larger body of non traditional data; thec challenge is identifying what is valuable and then
transforming and extracting that data for analysis.
Building a Big Data Platform
As with data warehousing, web stores or any IT platform, an infrastructure for big data has unique requirements.
In considering all the components of a big data platform, it is important to remember that the end goal is to
easily integrate your big data with your enterprise data to allow you to conduct deep analytics on the combined
data set.
Infrastructure Requirements
The requirements in a big data infrastructure span data acquisition, data organization and data analysis.
Acquire Big Data
The acquisition phase is one of the major changes in infrastructure from the days before big data. Because big
data refers to data streams of higher velocity and higher variety, the infrastructure required to support the
acquisition of big data must deliver low, predictable latency in both capturing data and in executing short, simple
queries; be able to handle very high transaction volumes, often in a distributed environment; and support
flexible, dynamic data structures.
NoSQL databases are frequently used to acquire and store big data. They are well suited for dynamic data
structures and are highly scalable. The data stored in a NoSQL database is typically of a high variety because the
systems are intended to simply capture all data without categorizing and parsing the data into a fixed schema.
Organize Big Data

In classical data warehousing terms, organizing data is called data integration. Because there is such a high
volume of big data, there is a tendency to organize data at its initial destination location, thus saving both time
and money by not moving around large volumes of data. The infrastructure required for organizing big data
must be able to process and manipulate data in the original storage location; support very high throughput (often
in batch) to deal with large data processing steps; and handle a large variety of data formats, from unstructured
to structured.

2010-2013 - IJESR
Indexing in Process - EMBASE, EmCARE, Electronics & Communication Abstracts, SCIRUS, SPARC, GOOGLE Database, EBSCO, NewJour, Worldcat,
DOAJ, and other major databases etc.,
Vol 04, Special Issue 01, 2013 International Journal of Engineering Sciences Research-IJESR ACICE-2013 ISSN: 2230-8504; e-ISSN-2230-8512

Hadoop is a new technology that allows large data volumes to be organized and processed while keeping the
data on the original data storage cluster. Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) is the long-term storage
system for web logs for example. These web logs are turned into browsing behavior (sessions) by running
MapReduce programs on the cluster and generating aggregated results on the same cluster.
Analyze Big Data
Since data is not always moved during the organization phase, the analysis may also be done in a distributed
environment, where some data will stay where it was originally stored and be transparently accessed from a data
warehouse. The infrastructure required for analyzing big data must be able to support deeper analytics such as
statistical analysis and data mining, on a wider variety of data types stored in diverse systems; scale to extreme
data volumes; deliver faster response times driven by changes in behavior; and automate decisions based on
analytical models. Most importantly, the infrastructure must be able to integrate analysis on the combination of
big data and traditional enterprise data.
Solution Spectrum
Many new technologies have emerged to address the IT infrastructure requirements outlined above. At last
count, there were over 120 open source key-value databases for acquiring and storing big data, while Hadoop
has emerged as the primary system for organizing big data and elational databases maintain their footprint as a
data warehouse and expand their reach into less structured data sets to analyze big data. These new systems
have created a divided solutions spectrum comprised of:
Not Only SQL (NoSQL) solutions: developer-centric
specialized systems
SQL solutions: the world typically equated with the manageability, security and trusted nature of relational
database management systems (RDBMS)


Hadoop is one of the most widely used platforms for the development of BDA Apps in practice today. We
briefly present the programming model of Hadoop, then present the Hadoop logs that we use in our case

A. The MapReduce Programming m odel

Hadoop is an open-source distributed platform that is supported by Yahoo! and is used by Amazon, AOL and a
number of other companies. To achieve parallel execution, Hadoop implements a programming model
named MapRe- duce. This programming model is implemented by many other cloud platforms as well.
MapReduce is a distributed divide-and-conquer pro- gramming model that consists of two phases: a
massively parallel Map phase, followed by an aggregating Reduce phase. The input data of MapReduce
is broken down into a list of key/value pairs. Mappers (processes assigned to the Map phase) accept
the incoming pairs, process them in parallel and generate intermediate key/value pairs. All intermediate pairs
having the same key are then passed to a specific Reducer (process assigned to the Reduce phase). Each
Reducer performs computations to reduce the data to one single key/value pair. The output of all Reducers is
the final result of a MapReduce run.

B. Components of Hadoop
Hadoop has three types of execution components. Each component has logging enabled in it. Such
platform logging tracks the operation of the platform itself (i.e., how the platform is orchestrating the
MapReduce processing). Today, such logging is enabled in all deployed Hadoop clusters and it provides a
glimpse into the inner working mechanism of the platform itself. Such inner working mechanism is impacted
by any problems in the cloud on which the platform is executing. The three execution components and a brief
example of the logs generated by them are as follows:
Job. A Hadoop program consists of one or multiple MapReduce steps running as a pipeline. Each
MapReduce step is a Job in Hadoop. A JobTracker is a process ini- tialized by the Hadoop platform to track
the status of the Jobs. The information tracked by the JobTracker includes the overall information of the Job
(e.g., input data size) and the high-level information of the execution of the Job. The high-level information
of the Jobs execution corresponds to the executions of Map and Reduce. For example, a Job log may say that
the Job is split into 100
Map Tasks and Map TaskId=id is finished at time t1.
Task. The execution of a Job is divided into multiple Tasks based on the MapReduce programming
model. Therefore, a Task can be either a Map Task that cor- responds to the Map in the MapReduce
programming model, or a Reduce Task. The Hadoop platform groups a set of Map or Reduce executions
together to create a Task. Therefore, each Task contains more than one execution of Map or Reduce.
Similar to the JobTracker, the TaskTracker monitors the execution of a Task. For example, a Task log may say

2010-2013 - IJESR
Indexing in Process - EMBASE, EmCARE, Electronics & Communication Abstracts, SCIRUS, SPARC, GOOGLE Database, EBSCO, NewJour, Worldcat,
DOAJ, and other major databases etc.,
Vol 04, Special Issue 01, 2013 International Journal of Engineering Sciences Research-IJESR ACICE-2013 ISSN: 2230-8504; e-ISSN-2230-8512

received commit of Task Id=id.

Attempt. To support fault tolerance, the Hadoop platform allows each Task to have multiple trials of
execution. Each execution is an Attempt. Typically, only when an Attempt of a Task has failed, another Attempt
of the same Task will start. This restart process continues until the Task is successfully completed or the
number of failed Attempts is larger than a threshold. However, there are exceptions, such as speculative
execution, which we discuss later in this paper. The attempt is also monitored by the TaskTracker and the
detailed execution information of the Attempt, such as Reading data for Map task with TaskID=id, is
recorded in the Attempt logs.

Essential Characteristics
We define big data as any data repository with the following characteristics:
Handles large amounts (a petabyte or more) of data
Distributed redundant data storage
Parallel task processing
Provides data processing (MapReduce or equivalent) capabilities
Extremely fast data insertion
Central management and orchestration
Inexpensive (relatively)
Hardware agnostic
Accessible both relatively easy to use, and available as a
commercial or open source product
Extensible basic capabilities can be augmented and altered

Our tutorial is intended to span three hours, and is divided into four broad subsections. We now provide a
high-level summary of the goals of each of these subsections where we provide a broad survey of the state-of-
the-art as well as delve deeper into the design of some systems to crystallize some design choices and enumerate
new challenges for data management in the cloud.
2.1 Background: Scalable Data Management In the first part of the tutorial, we outline the features of the
cloud that make it attractive for deploying new applications and provide the necessary background by analyzing
the different scalable data management solutions. Our background study encompasses both
classes of systems: (i) for supporting update heavy applications,
and (ii) for ad-hoc analytics and decision support. The goal is to provide an elaborate summary of the various
approaches for scaling to the management of big data and for supporting both classes of applications and
systems. We outline the interesting design choices and scope of the different systems. We begin by motivating the
dis- cussion of cloud data management and outline some of the reasons why cloud computing is relevant and
successful. We also discuss the major enabling features that have led to its widespread popu- larity and success
. In particular, a system in the cloud must posses some features (often referred to as cloud features) to be able to
effectively utilize the cloud economies. These cloud features include: scalability, elasticity, fault-tolerance,
self-manageability, and ability to run on commodity hardware. Most traditional rela- tional database systems
were designed for enterprise infrastructures and hence were not designed to meet all these goals. This calls for

2010-2013 - IJESR
Indexing in Process - EMBASE, EmCARE, Electronics & Communication Abstracts, SCIRUS, SPARC, GOOGLE Database, EBSCO, NewJour, Worldcat,
DOAJ, and other major databases etc.,
Vol 04, Special Issue 01, 2013 International Journal of Engineering Sciences Research-IJESR ACICE-2013 ISSN: 2230-8504; e-ISSN-2230-8512

novel data management systems for cloud infrastructures. Having set the stage for the need of scalable data
management solutions for the cloud, we delve deeper to analyze the different scalable data management systems.
Systems for Update heavy Workloads. Internet facing ap- plications typically generate large amounts of data
from regular us- age. Systems capable of handling this large volume of updates are important to sustain this
class of applications. In this part of the tutorial, we focus on a survey of scalable data management sys- tems
targeting this problem, and present a high-level overview of these systems with the intent of laying the ground
for a detailed analysis to be covered in the latter half of the tutorial. We focus our discussion on the new
generation of distributed Key-Value data stores which have been extremely successful and widely adopted. We
highlight the application level changes and the system design level changes that contributed to the success of
these systems.

Systems for Data Analysis. Analyzing large amounts of data generated by different applications is critical for
gaining a com- petitive advantage and improving customer experience. Histori- cally, parallel database
systems, such as Gamma , were de-

Figure 1: Scalable database management systems to support large applications with lots of data and
supporting hundreds of thousands of clients.

signed to provide descriptive analysis of large amounts of data. The success of these prototype systems and
the business incen- tives associated with data analysis resulted in the blossoming of a multi-billion dollar data
warehousing industry with tens of com- mercial players. We focus our analysis on some of the design
choices of these analytical systems which have contributed to their widespread success, and the impact of the
cloud on such systems. We also analyze another evolving paradigm for large data analy- sis pioneered by
MapReduce and its open source counterpart Hadoop . The Hadoop framework has been very successful and
has seen widespread adoption in industry and academia alike. Hadoop is also being integrated to traditional
data warehousing software as well as enterprises are building custom solutions for Hadoop based analytics .
We also survey some improvements to the Hadoop framework suggested through research prototypes such as
HadoopDB etc. Recently, we have also seen a raging debate on MapReduce vs. Parallel DBMS. We aim to
rec- oncile this debate by presenting an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the different
approaches. We conclude this dis- cussion on analytical systems by highlighting a new direction in data
analysis referred to as deep analytics . This new class of data analysis applications are driven by the
application of com- plex statistical analysis and machine learning techniques on huge amounts of data to garner
intelligence from the data.
Having laid the foundation for scalable data management, we move our focus to the class of systems that are
designed to support update heavy web-applications deployed in the cloud. We sub- divide this class into two
sub-classes: one where the goal of the system is to support a single large application with large amounts of data
(scalable single tenant DBMS); and another where the goal of the system is to support a large number of
applications each with a small data footprint (large multitenant DBMS).
2.2 Data Management for Large Applications In this part of the tutorial, we focus on the design issues
in building a DBMS for dealing with applications with single large databases. We refer to this as a large
single tenant system. Fig- ure 1 provides a schematic representation of the design goals this
section of the tutorial concentrates. Many applications often start
small, but with growing popularity, their data footprint continues to grow, and at one point grows beyond the
limits of a traditional relational database. This has been observed specifically in the mod- ern era of innovative
application ideas whose deployment has been made feasible by the cloud economics, and whose popularity of-
ten has wide fluctuations. The application servers can easily scale out, but the data management infrastructure
often becomes a bottle- neck. The lack of cloud features in open source relational DBMSs (RDBMSs) and the
hefty cost associated with enterprise solutions make RDBMSs less attractive for the deployment of large scale
applications in the cloud. This has resulted in the popularity of Key-Value stores: examples include Bigtable ,
PNUTS, Dy- namo and their open-source counterparts HBase, Cassandra, Voldemort etc. These systems have
been extensively deployed in various private as well as public and commercial cloud infrastruc- tures. We
provide a survey of the popular Key-Value stores and crystallize the features and design choices made by these

2010-2013 - IJESR
Indexing in Process - EMBASE, EmCARE, Electronics & Communication Abstracts, SCIRUS, SPARC, GOOGLE Database, EBSCO, NewJour, Worldcat,
DOAJ, and other major databases etc.,
Vol 04, Special Issue 01, 2013 International Journal of Engineering Sciences Research-IJESR ACICE-2013 ISSN: 2230-8504; e-ISSN-2230-8512

system that have allowed them to scale out to petabytes of data and thou- sands of concurrent requests a scale
which distributed databases have failed to achieve. Popularly

Figure 2: Different models of multitenancy. From left to right, they correspond to shared table, shared
database, shared OS, and shared hardware.
referred to as NoSQL stores, we crystallize the design principles of these systems, and how these principles
can be extended beyond Key-Value stores for de- signing scalable systems with a richer set of functionality
com- pared to these Key-Value stores . We also provide a survey of some of the current research projects
which aim to infuse the cloud features in relational databases. These systems include Elas- TraS, DBonS3 ,
Project Deuteronomy , Re- lational Cloud , epiC , Hyder to name a few.
2.3 Large Multitenant Databases
Another important domain for data management in the cloud is the need to support large number of
applications, each of which has a small data footprint. This is referred to as a large multi- tenant system.
Database multitenancy is traditionally considered only in the case of SaaS with being a
canonical ex- ample where different tenants share the same database tables. But different models of
multitenancy are relevant in the context of the different cloud paradigms. For instance, a PaaS provider,
dealing with a large number of applications with very different schemas, might require a different form of
sharing in contrast to the shared table approach used in traditional designs . Yang et al. , for example, suggest a
different model of multitenancy where every tenant has its own independent database instance. In summary,
different multitenancy models are suitable for different cloud paradigms. Figure 2 provides an illustration of
some of the different forms of multitenancy and the different trade-offs associ- ated with different forms of
sharing. The different models share resources at different levels of abstraction and provide differ- ent isolation
guarantees. The goal of this section of the tutorial is to survey the different approaches to multitenancy in a
database, and garner the understanding of the requirements and applicability of the different multitenancy
models for infusing cloud features into such a system. We also analyze the different challenges involved in
designing multitenant systems for serving hundreds of thousands
of clients, and the impact on the choice of the multitenancy models on these designs.
2.4 Major Open Problems
In this concluding part of the tutorial, we identify some of the major open problems that must be addressed to
ensure the suc- cess of data management systems in the cloud. In summary, a single perfect data
management solution for the cloud is yet to be designed. Different systems target different aspects in the de-
sign space, and multiple open problems still remain. With respect to Key-Value stores, though these systems are
popular, they only support very simple functionality. Providing support for ad-hoc querying on top of a Key-
Value store or providing consistency guarantees at different access granularities are some research efforts
targeted towards enriching the functionality supported by Key-Value stores. Further research however is needed
to general- ize these proposals to different classes of applications and different Key-Value stores. Similarly,
extending the Key-Value stores for sup- porting richer set of applications is also an important research chal- lenge.
On the other hand, in the domain of relational database man- agement, an important open problem is how to
make the systems elastic for effectively utilizing the available resources and minimiz- ing the cost of operation.
Furthermore, characterizing the different consistency semantics that can be provided at different scales, and
effective techniques for load balancing are also critical aspects of the system. Designing scalable, elastic, and
autonomic multitenant database systems is another important challenge that must also be addressed. In addition,
ensuring the security and privacy of the data outsourced to the cloud is also an important problem for ensuring
the success of data management systems in the cloud.


3.1 Learning Outcomes
Following are the learning outcomes from this tutorial:
State-of-the-art in scalable data management for traditional and cloud computing infrastructures for both
update heavy as well as analytical workloads. Summary of current research projects and future research

2010-2013 - IJESR
Indexing in Process - EMBASE, EmCARE, Electronics & Communication Abstracts, SCIRUS, SPARC, GOOGLE Database, EBSCO, NewJour, Worldcat,
DOAJ, and other major databases etc.,
Vol 04, Special Issue 01, 2013 International Journal of Engineering Sciences Research-IJESR ACICE-2013 ISSN: 2230-8504; e-ISSN-2230-8512

Design choices that have led to the success of the scalable sys- tems, and the errors that limited the success
of some other sys- tems.
Design principles that should be carried over in designing the next generation of data management systems
for the cloud.
Understanding the design space for DBMS targeted to support- ing update intensive workloads for supporting
large single tenant systems and large multitenant systems.
Understanding the different forms of multitenancy in the database layer.
A list of open research challenges in cloud data management that must be addressed to ensure the continued
success of DBMSs.
3.2 Intended Audience
This tutorial is intended to benefit researchers and system design- ers in the broad area of scalable data
management for traditional as well as cloud data platforms. Our tutorial would benefit both de- signers of the
systems as well as users of the systems since a survey of the current systems and an in-depth understanding will is
essen- tial for choosing the appropriate system as well as designing an effective system. This tutorial does not
require any knowledge on scalable data management systems.

In this paper ,when people are trying to access a particular information the information that is stored in multiple
servers then accessing speed for getting information from those servers get delayed then we are implementing a
mechanism called scalability using cloud computing and hadoop .by this mechanism load balancing of data will
be possible .hence data can be accessed with in limited period. big data environments, reviewing built-in
protections and weaknesses of these systems. Our goal is to educate big data users on security problems they
face with pragmatic advice on how to secure these environments. During this research two facts became
abundantly clear. First, big data projects are common almost the norm within the enterprises we spoke with.
They have embraced the technology and pushed vast amounts of data into these clusters. Second, most have
implemented little or no security beyond user passwords.

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N. Phani Kumar Assistant Professor is currently working in the Department of Computer Science at

B. Rama Kantha Reddy Assistant Professori is currently working in the Department of Computer Science at

P.A. Ramesh Assistant professor is currently working in Department of Master of computer Applications at

2010-2013 - IJESR
Indexing in Process - EMBASE, EmCARE, Electronics & Communication Abstracts, SCIRUS, SPARC, GOOGLE Database, EBSCO, NewJour, Worldcat,
DOAJ, and other major databases etc.,

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