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Writing guide

Part 1, Essay
Understanding the task acquisition of money and material goods is a prime signifier
of fulfilment? Both texts (1) discuss the nature of these
1 R ea d th e e x a m qu estion and a n sw er q u estion s a - c b elo w .
concepts, but from a different perspective (2).
Read the tw o texts below. The first passage (3) argues that people chase riches
W rite an essay summarizing and evaluating the key to feel superior to others and to attain a given target (4).
points from both texts. Use your ow n words throughout I personally feel (5) this will resonate with many people
as far as possible, and include your ow n ideas in because we are conditioned by society to believe that this is
the answer. what gives our lives meaning. Having possession (6) of more
W rite your answer in 2 4 0-280 words. and more items generates a temporary feeling of satisfaction,
and acquiring these in the pursuit of status leaves the ever
Chasing th e ya n k ee d olla r
present fear that other people will surpass our efforts.
Th e concept that m oney brings happiness is flaw ed and In contrast, the second text (7) proposes that the
naive fo r tw o fundamental reasons. Firstly, being rich interconnected nature of wealth and other services such as
is only relative to the spending pow er o f others w ithin education and health means that inevitably money does
our circle, so inevitably w e com pare ourselves to this result in happiness (8). Whilst (9) we might not exactly feel
cohort. In other words, the desire is not necessarily to euphoric in the midst of some medical procedure or when
be w ealthy but w ealthier than others. In addition to standing in line outside the classroom door, I would agree
this, w e set ourselves goals, such as the purchase o f
writing g u id e

that (10) having sufficient prosperity to take advantage of

a car or the acquisition o f a house; on attainment o f
these services is a vital part of our sense of well-being. Were
such achievements w e feel a sense o f satisfaction. Yet
these services stripped away (11) or put beyond the reach
this is short-lived, and the endless cycle requires n ew
goals and targets to make us happy; inevitably, these
of affordability, the negative impact on our mental as well as
m ethods w ill n ever bring happiness. physical health would be considerable.
In conclusion, it could be argued that flash cars and
mansions allow limited progress along the path to happinpss.
It isn t ju s t th e m o n e y
However, if those fundamental services, which are facilitated
It is w id ely accepted that the happiest countries are
by money and taken for granted bv us all, were ripped from
also am ong the richest, but the reason for this is not
our grasp. I have no doubt that levels of contentment would
im m ediately obvious. A glance around society proves
that m oney in isolation does not bring happiness. It M (12).
is clear that people dont derive genuine fulfilment
from the shallow hoarding o f consumer products, or Comments on the model answer
even the purchase o f high-end goods. However, whilst
1 A good reference to both texts in the introductory paragraph.
wealth on its ow n m ight not engender a feeling o f
2 This signals a good early reference to the contrastive nature
happiness or satisfaction, what it does do is to facilitate
o f the texts.
access to products and services that prom ote a sense o f
3 Focuses attention on the ideas in text 1.
well-being, such as health and education.
4 Good paraphrase o f text.
5 Clear shift to personal stance indicating evaluation.
a Do the texts contain com plem entary or contrasting
6 G ood use o f a participle clause and helps maintain the link
w ith the previous sentence.
b Paraphrase the tw o main points in each o f the tw o texts,
7 Clearly marks the transition to the second text to give a
c W hat are your initial thoughts and reactions to the ideas?
balanced alignment.
2 R ead the m o d e l a n sw er and pay p a rticu la r a tten tio n to 8 Good paraphrase o f text.
th e co m m en ts 1-12. 9 G ood use o f concessionary clause.
10 A clear indicator o f personal opinion.
The pursuit of happiness and wealth are two dreams and
11 Good use o f inversion which suits the m ore form al style.
concepts that occupy much of humanity, but to what extent
12 Re-states the w riters main argument.
are the two interconnected? Can it really be argued that the

Improve the essay
Expressing results Restating or explaining
3 L o o k at th e essay b e lo w a n s w e rin g th e sam e q u estio n accordingly... in other w o rd s ...
as th e m o d e l answ er. R e a d th e essay an d t r y to im p ro v e as a consequence ... in particular...
areas you th in k a re w eak . h e n ce ... that is (to sa y)...
th u s ... specifically...
Happiness is a feelin g many people desire, and we for these reasons... Concluding
consequently strive to achieve this state. For some, consequently... All in a ft,...
Contrasting tw o statem ents In b rie f,...
it is a flawed and naive concept that m oney brings
Instead, ... In conclusion,...
happiness but for others, m oney enables people to On the contrary,... To summarize,...
acquire the products and services that they can derive Rather (than)...

satisfaction from.

From one perspective, for som e p eople it is on ly Exam practice

im portant to feel rich relative to others w ithin their
4 L o o k at this fu rth e r e x a m p le o f a P a rt 1 essay task and
circle. W hen w e feel w ealthy in comparison to this p ra ctise w r itin g an answ er.

cohort w e perceive that we are rich. Additionally, w e

Read the tw o texts below.
set ourselves goals and, w hen w e m eet these goals, w e W rite an essay sum m arizing and evaluating the key
points from both texts. Use your ow n words throughout
feel a sense o f satisfaction. Unfortunately, this feelin g is
as far as possible, and include your ow n ideas in the
short-lived and the endless cycle means that n ew goals answer. W rite your answer in 2 4 0 -2 8 0 words.

and aims are n eeded to make us happy.

Another perspective is that m on ey in itself does not O u t o f c o n tro l

writing g u id e
Th e boom-bust cycle o f w orld economies is hardly
bring happiness but it enables people to purchase the
a m odern phenom enon, spanning som e 400 years
products and services that they derive satisfaction in various guises. The pursuit o f w ealth through

from. N ot from typical material goods but through speculation on markets exem plifies the inextricable
link, to the human eye, betw een m oney and happiness.
other m ore basic and important needs. T h e richest H ow ever, were it simply a m atter o f acquiring enough
countries unsurprisingly are also the happiest valuable com m odities to maintain a certain standard
o f livin g then perhaps the constant m aelstrom o f
countries. W hilst m oney on its ow n m ight not bring
econom ic grow th follow ed by the despair o f recession
happiness, it does let people access health and could be avoided. Unfortunately, once one man
becom es rich, another seeks to attain the same or
education that provide much satisfaction. Its not the
a higher position until the value o f such goods and
m oney on its ow n that makes you happy but the things services reaches yet again an unsustainable level and
the inevitable decline ensues.
its linked to like health and education.

In conclusion, happiness is a goal m any wish to

Basic needs
pursue and so they look for different ways to achieve
Striving for greater riches is som ething which
it. It does h ow ever allow access to basic services from transcends every aspect and level o f society.
Stereotyped as the greed o f the rich elite, this
which much satisfaction is derived.
perspective naively hides the fact that the vast m ajority
o f the w orld exists b elo w the poverty line. A t least 80%
o f humanity lives on less than $10 dollars per day and
U seful la n g u a g e is fighting a constant battle fo r survival. It is therefore
Cohesive language not surprising that to a certain extent m on ey is equated
Expressing similar ideas Expressing opposing ideas w ith happiness, since the incom e derived from (often
Furthermore, ... However, ... strenuous) labour enables individuals to eke out a
In addition, ... On the other hand, ,.. m eagre existence and the sim ple provision o f food and
Moreover, ... Nevertheless, ... shelter is not a simple given fact but a pleasure and
Likewise, ... Nonetheless, ... com fort for all.
Similarly, ...


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