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SI AKBAR ae 2) INDONESIA MERCUSUAR DUNIA ‘Bangse-Bangsa di Nasional Indonesia berdasar Reghter Dunia UN-APPROVAL NO. MISA 81704 / 17-8-1945 ‘besertaSerifkasiPelepasan Beban Utang-SPBU, Pemberian Voucher MI jaminan biaya hidup i! dunia adalah ‘bepiam dari pembuke System Moncter Dunia Baru sebagai Dinamika Perubahan Ekenom! Pancasla yang ‘menjial dan djvalolch Fisafat Negara Puncesla, dam UUD 1945 yang mural dan Konsekwen Abu ftaphan dan beret dalam cahaya hebenaran dan petunjuk hukum yang benar kedaulatan tungga! dunia Ratu Adil ‘Imam Mahdi Royal, KG King of King’s MI, Dewan latan Dokumen Inernasional; World Bank (WB). Union Bank of Metal Switzerland (UBS). Bank Indonesia (B1) sewal Exhibir's AB mencapkan meta wang slobal ““ESTWO" selaku mata uang Bank Sentral Dunia dalam jaminon stndar 283 negar-negare mau dl dunia ‘Peiaksanaan Akuisis! Dunia di muta dari Indonesia dan apikas hedalam System Tata Penyelengaera [Negara Dunia i kewal oleh Alians! Pasuhan Multnasional Operations FM 8-42 UNO-Security Council, dan ‘Kontingen Garuda selaku Pramudya Kirana-Kirana Candra A.N Prabu Rrabwijaya Silhwangl, Sabdo Agung Winata Joged Negara Kertagema Pamangkas Pamerad Jaga. Penguasaan Kembali tanah-tonah Wareld Van Eighendom Verponding Ondememing-Landrcform of ‘International Cerificate, melipud! Juridica! Personally, Funds-Asset-Propery Aricle 2-8, Counter Terrorist Aoiele 7, International Law Article 1, Registration Article 102 UN Charter. Atas nama Alam Semesta, Bamgsa-Bangsa dan RekyatIndomesi selaku Asse Negara. DLTETAPKAN SEBAGAI UNDANG-UNDANG DAN DI UNDANGKAN SEBAGAI UNDANG-UNDANG KERAIAAN NEGARA DUNIA, RESOLUS! TOTAL NO. UN-APPROVAL NO. 81704/009 M1, P1.PKC-NKRI oun : KHOLIPATUL IMMAM MAHDI ROYAL, K.681 KING OF KING'S MI SELAKU PRESIDEN BESAR ALIANSI 'SWISSINDO WORLD TRUST INTERNATIONAL ORBIT. (The Commitee OF 100-The International Organic Ageney-United Nations) DITETAPKAN : DIJAKARTA, HARI MINGGU TANGGAL 16 OKTOBER 2016, Mengucapkan SWISSINDO di tiap-ti Ais tessa Nowe Bak RS ‘Moos Leplcs THE FACTO FATWAWQES TS ext hts The emai Cima Cou HP RREWORLD was GROUP eat oh BESDATARA PROGRAM Te Ince Cost af Arsen ay tree ot Onna Se scar ae eo tj Kennan Ua ino i Rnsa Agate Ra Tangs Keys dun UW STS NDO NER an tesal i Alt Aer M0016 oath snes hr ds rtrd yng mega epee ea ‘than banat Kh ayaa NRL Miah FE BANE MANDIRI THR: Soi Accout FialAuid wt akon Looehing ‘hyd ol USD 14340,0009 (25901 250.080.0000 0) Kur 800001. OWnicR SIGNATORY (ABpINOf202017 OVAL, K.682 KING OF KING'S Mt (CHAIRMAN OF UR-SWaSsNDO ES eres OUUONECREAGOCEEOOEL OOOO UCLA TERE EE NEO THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GOD SKY EARTH Keraton Kallasa vagad Premuditna Anggarda Paramitha} KKERA TON LINGGACALA LIMA BENUA JAAE.A2:ASIA AFRICA. EROPA AMERIKA AUSTRALIA] |SSINDO WORLD TRUST INTERNASIONAL ORBIT eemmsecmms DEWAN IKATAN DOKUMEN INTERNASIONAL WORLD BANK (WA)-UNION BANK OF METAL SWITZERLAND (UBS)-BANK OF INDONESIA (BI) SERTIFIKAT KAR-NEGARA NOMOR 99.98 SERI 1-4 INDUK 25 NEGARA ANGKATAN BERSENJATA REPUBLIK INDONES! DAN RAKYAT INDONESIA DALAM BATAS MAKSIMUM RP, 2000 00,000 TERIATT DANS (CIMB-NIAGA) BERLAKU SEIAK TANGGAL 4 FEBUART 3016 (MENCAMBIL INISIATIF UNTUK BELA NEGARA. 'SK-SURAT KEPUTUSAN PENGANGKATAN SELARU ANOJOTA TNLFOURJ, PEGAWAI NEGER] REPUBLIK INDON! fl INGONESA DAN EAA (HIME RAN TERGEDT DI BERAGEAN DARI TUNTVTAN BEBAN YANG ‘OMe’ mepreventative Tit Lovang kar ilgs,Sayetth Disc. Viele Cpa BFL-Lae ri ad Ving rit ar A332 8, ‘re-uthoried Dstt Payment, Authored Aregment of he ned Sates 1ALBH Street Washngies BG. IMMAM MAHDI ROVAL,K.681 MI A Patent Master Agreement KAR-NEGARA Verponding Dunia lem reeyte Be Royal, K.G81 Ring of Ring’? M1 Kingdom 244,245,247 Czbisiey UB DEWAN IKATAN DOKUMEN INTERNASIONAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA 4 SERTIFIKASI SURAT PEMBERITAHUAN UMUM SURAT PUSAKA NUSANTARA KEMBALI 04-02-2016 Exhibits AB KEPADA YTH: LLEMBAGA TERTINGGINEGARA “MPR” RI I PRESIDEN REPUBLIK INDONESIA DAN LEMBAGA TING TI GUBERNUR BANK INDONESIA, IV, SELURUH ANGGOTA TNIDI SELURUH PANGDAM, KODAM, KODIM, KORAMIL V, SELURUH ANGGOTA POLRI SELURUH POLDA, POLRES, POLSEK. VI. GUBERNUR DI 4 PROPINSL VIL SELURUH RAKYAT INDONESIA, VIL INDUK 25 NEGARA. IX. SEKRETARIS JENDRAL PBB. EGARA “DPR” Sertifikasi Yang Dapat Diterima HAL: PERNYATAAN KEUANGAN TERTUTUP DAN PEMBERITAHUAN PENGGUNAAN ASSET DYNASTY MI TERBUKA 2[Patent Master Agreement KAR-NEGARA Verponding Dunia 5 260815 Kode Bahasa Internasional Indonesia Berdasar: DEWAN IKATAN DOKUMEN INTERNASIONAL ‘CROWN COUNCIL XIII-xXX CL-UBS NO, UNS-AG/SBG/61 18/045/RS, DRS/VI1/01/2001-15 FINAL ACTE DB947259564# KETETAPAN REVITALISASI DAN PENGEMBANGAN PROYEK PERHUBUNGAN DUNIA 12 ISTAINI AGUNG NGESTI TUNGGAL ISTANA PRESIDEN PERSERIKATAN BANGSA-BANGSA. “ 1887 WARELD VAN EIGHENDOM VERPONDING 2015 * IJIN DAN PENGGUNAAN FUNDS-ASSETS-PROPERTY UN-SWISSINDO Kuasa Tunggal UN-SWISSINDO pemegang dan pemilik Sertipikat KAR-NEGARA K99.98 Sit Penguasaan Kembali Tanab-Tanah KAR-NEGARA Wareld Van Eighendom Verponding Ondememing, sesuai Hak dan Tjin Pengguaan Fund-Asset-Propery Dynasty 2016 sesuai MEKANISME SYSTEM PERINTAIH PEMBAYARAN 1-11 (Pi-14) Final Acte No. UPU/A.04S-A.001/1012S00/BI-SKR/2015 Perihal Monetary 1 "MI" melalui Program PI-I1 meliputi Human Obligation Project dan The SWISSINDO Venus Project the Future City selaku Pilot Project dan Summary, The Prority of Project Proposal (RPIMN 2015-2019) Pemerintah Republik Indonesia di sampaikan untuk mengalirkan energi positif dan membebaskan belenggu system perbudakan dari seluruh pengaruh perbuatan energi negatif ke post bhwa: KAMI yang bertandatangan Dewan Tkatan Dokumen Intemasional, {World Bank (WB)-Union Bank of Metal (UBS)-Bank Indonesia (B1)], dengan ini menyatakan SBB: 1) DEWAN IKATAN BOKUMEN INTERNASIONAL ADALAH AUDITOR KOMITE 300-THE WORLD BANK GROUP-UNITED NATIONS. 2). MELAMPIRKAN DI SINI ADALAH UNTUK PENUTUP LEMBAR KESEIMBANGAN SEBAGAL PERUSAHAAN TANGGAL, 30 MARET 2012, EURO CLEAR JELAS DUALANKAN PADA 27 AGUSTUS 2014 YANG AKURAT, MEWAKILI LEMBAGA KEUANGAN SEBAGAI PERUSAHAAN DARI TANGGAL TERSEBUT. 3) DALAM PENDAPAT KAMI DAN FAKTA AMENDMEN PERSETUJUAN PBB-RI 81708 UNTUK YANG TERBAIK DARI PENGETAHUAN KITA, PERUSAHAAN TIDAK SENDIRI ATAU MEMEGANG SETIAP PROPERTI ATAU ASET DAN TIDAK ADA KEWAJIBAN, UTANG, KLAIM ATAU KEWAJIBAN SEBAGAL DARI DAN TANGGAL 30 MARET 2012 DAN SETELAH PERSETUJUAN PBB NO. MISA 81704 KARENA 17-8-2015 DIADAKAN OLEH PRB-SWISSINDO. 4) PEMINDAHAN ADMINISTRASI HUKUM DUNIA KEMBALI KE INDONESIA OLEH SWISSINDDO WORLD TRUST INTERNATIONAL ORBIT SELAKU SINGLE OWNER STATE MI. PEMILIK ACCOUNT adalah hukum atau badan lainnya (seperti perusahaan, Asosiasi, organisas dl), Penghargaan akan dibuat mendukung para pengklaim yang menetapkan hak kepemilikan untuk asetentitas ‘Setiap orang adalah badan bukum dan pemegang kedaulatantinggt trtinga} (Monetary 1) kode Numerology dan memutuskan sebagai berikut SEB: alah selaku perilik Microfilm I-MI |. Seluruh Proyek di danai oleh Royal, K.681 M1, selaku Personal Asset Dynasty melalui mekanisme System. Perintah Pembayaran 1-11 (P1-11). 1. KuasaTunggal_ Konsorsium ntematioality SWISSINDO, Trusty Prasasty Dynasty” adalah selaku Pemegang dan Pemilik Sentifikat KAR-NEGARA dan Organisasi Dynasty Mojopahit' Mataram Hanyokrowati Soerokarto Hadiningrat, IIL, ‘Tanda Terima sesvai Surat Pemberitahuan Presiden Komisaris UN-SWISSINDO, sclaku laporan kepada, The Greatest President ofthe United Nations (UN-Chairman/UN-Chef) kepada slush jujaran Pemerintah Rl, MABES TNI dan MABES POLI msupun PANGDAM. IV. Laporan anggota UN-SWISSINDO-TNI perihal Tim Penuntas Asset Dynasty dari Lembaga Adat Besar Republik Indonesia Cirebon Nagari dan selaku penanggung javab adalah Presiden RI, teranggal 21 “Oktober 2015 dan perlnyapenjelasan kebenaran dari Bapak Presiden IR.H. Joko Widodo tert hal ini. 'V. — Laporan WPM, Politic and Doplomatic (Austria) dan terkait laporan yang sama dari beberapa negara ‘Perpost bahwa bagian proses hukum intemasional dari WPM, Politic and Doplomat perihal Tim Penuntas Asset Dynasty dari Lembaga Adu Besar Republik Indonesia Cirebon Nagari dan selaku penanggung jawab ‘dalah Presiden RI, trtanggal 21 Oktober 2015, VI. Bagian dari Invoice of International Retrieval untuk Advance Payment EUR. $9.5 Trliun dengan ini di setuui oleh Single Ouner State M dengan alokasi 49% dalam negeri Indonesia dan hua negeri 51% Lao ‘DAR (untuk Internasional) sesuai Patent Master Agreement melipu 1. The Prority of Project Proposal (RPJMN 2015-2019) dengan Total Investasi senilai USS. 2,262 Billion sesuai data. BAPENAS Pemeriniah Republik Indonesia 2016, Grand Lounching ISTANA PBB. (12 Istaini Agung Ngesti Tunggal) di Cirebon dan pengembangan $3 ‘area pabrik gula di atas lahan KAR-NEGARA “Van Eighendom Verponding Ondememing” di Pulaw Jawa Doig Nusantara Raya adalah simbol pemindahin Administrasi Dunia kembali ke Indones ‘lak Asst Dunia Pelaksanaan Proyek 9 Kilang Minyak dan Pengembanganaya PLKILANG MINYAK INTAN NUSANTARA.SWISSINDO WORLD TRUST INTERNATIONAL ORBIT (Indonesia-Lao P.D.R). ‘Surat Bupati Morotai tahun 2015 Kepada UN-SWISSINDO untuk Pilot Proyek Human Obligation dan ‘The SWISSINDO Venus Project of the Future City di Sulawesi, 3. Membebaskan BEBAN UTANG scluruh rakyat Indonesia terkait Account Owner di Prime Bank (BCA-BRI-BNLDANAMON-MANDIRELIPPO BANK) sesual SKRNo, O126/BLSKR/X12012 tanggal | Noveribet 2012 dan SKRVIDR 000! 3 tanggal 30 Maret 2012. 6 Membebaskan selurah BEBAN UTANG dun mengembalikan Jaminan atau SK, Agunan seluru Anggota TSI di BRI maupun Anggots POLRI di hank terkait, dan Utang Rakyat dari jeratan BPR. 77. Emam (6) Prime Bank (ermasuk BPR) terscbut di bebaskan dar beban yang sama dar setiap kebjakan ini dan terlepas dari kewajiban pihak ketiga terkait Collateral Agent. 8. BANK INDONESIA, di tugaskam mengganti Desain Cetak mata Vang Rupiah, sesuai surat perintah pereetakan dan cetak mata uang standar sah bayar dunia yang akan di berikan sesuai Patent Master ‘Agreement UN-SWISSINDO selaku torta Badan Induk Pendir Negara. 9. PT. PERURI berugss melaksanakan cetak mata uang baru selaku pengganti mata ang rupiah sebelumnya, atau di sebut ESTWO / ORIGINAL. 10. Alokasi Pembayaran UN-Headquarters U.S.A terkait Treaty of Paris 2015, senilai USS, 100 Billion per tahun 2016-2023, 1. Exhibit’s AB JTS-Jaminan Cetak Uang Sah dan mendukung langsung dana USD Cash Liquid Unlimited di Indonesia, sak: Advance Payment senilai EUR. §9,5 Trliun sesuai Pre-Paid Voucher official register BFL Lao PDD.R, Sertifikasi Vang Dapat Di Terima per Instrsi Pembayaran I-L1 1 Board Association of Intemational Document /Dewan tkatan Dokurten interssional adalah pernegang dan Pemilik Seriikat Negara, Global Collateral, Global Collateral Account, sesuaiSertfikat Kode 99.98 Seri endom Verponding Ondereming selaky syarat wilayah berdirinya negara sesuni MICROFILM 1 "MI" Register 01-05-1887. IH, Guarantor Owner State M1: SAFE KEEPING RECEIPTS SKR.NO, 0126/BI-SKR/XL/2012 a[Patent Master Agreement KAR-NEGARA Verponding Dunia BANK INDON! “Tanggal 1 November 2012 1. Bank BCA ACCOUNT NO. 5625534534 Rp... 795,200,000,000,000.= USD. 400,000,000,000 (KURS) EXCHANGE. 1,988 2. Bank DANAMON ACCOUNT NO. 9930888433 Rp. 1,793,200,000,000,000.- USD. 900,000,000,000 (KURS) EXCHANGE, 1,992 a ACCOUNT NO, 903988487 Rp. 1,992,400,000,000,000.- USD. 1,000,000,000,000 (KURS) EXCHANGE, 1,992 4. Bank BNI ACCOUNT NO. 2817265352 Rp. 1,793, 100,000,000,000.- USD. 900,000,000,000 (KURS) EXCHANGE. 1,992 5. Bank BRI ACCOUNT NO.23413273363 Rp. 2.986,000.000,000.000.~ USD. 2,000,000,000,000 (KURS) EXCHANGE, 1.493 STNO. 2 ” Rp. 1,793, 100.000,000,000.- USD. 900,000,000,000 (KURS} EXCHANGE. 1,992 3. Bank Mandir LIPO Bank Group DISAHKAN OLEH DEWAN IKATAN DOKUMEN INTERNASIONAL. British Royal Families Kontrol No, 013020 4-CO300 tanggal 30 Januari 2014. IV. Penggantian SKR.No. 0126'SKR-BUXI2012, senilai USD. 6,1 Trillium bagion dari Swich Out Bank Eksekutor Deutsche Bank A.G Frankfurt Germany, otomatis untuk Bullion Big Bank Ratu Mas Kencana Room AI-1A, Top Secret Confirmation Advance Payment senilai EUR. 889.5 Triliun, 27 Agustus 2014 (10 Senifikasi a Single Funds @ senilai EUR.89,5 Triliun dan EUR.84 Trilian), dengan official Counter “Terrorist Multiple Currency CTU-24 MULTIPLE CURRENCY Keaslian Sertifikat Bank Indonesia Serial 20082014, |. Bank Declaration UN-SWISSINDO System Pembayaran PI-11 untuk menjamin semua pihak dilaksanakan dengan Back to Back Up Security Mi Master Bonds Agreement di Enam (6) Prime Bank, Release Unlimited AD4S2106/M1/2016 dan disarkan langsung melalui media TV nasionalintemasional. Vi. Poin-poin V (5,6,7,8) tersebut di tas berlaka untuk Induk 2S negara Multinasional sesuai Sertifikat KAR- NEGARA dengan ini dinyatakan BEBAS dari seluruh tanggungan beban utang, dan berlaku sejok tanggal 4 Fetuari 2016, VIL Pemerintah Laos (Lao P-D.R) menerima Deposit senilai EUR. 89,5 Trilion sesuai official CTU-24 MULTIPLE CURRENCY dengan penerima SWISSINDO WORLD TRUST INTERNATIONAL ORBIT selaku Organisasi Dusi Maka dengan ini untuk segera di stkapiterkalt seluruh proses Pengamanan dan Pengawal Benteng Pancasila demi Dbetjalannya Indonesia Mereusudr Dunia, sesuai keadilan Sosial bagi Seluruh Rakyat Indonesia . TNI-POLRI wajib :mengambil inisiatif dan langkah pasti untuk membebaskan beban tang dan menjamin biaya hidup di dunia dan smenegakkan keadilan di scluruh wilayah NKRI terkait kepada siapapun yang mencederai perasaan, menghyjat, smemecah belah, mempermainkan dan berkedok di bak hukum regulasi dan nilai-nilai yang terkandung di dalam surat pemberitahuan ini, ‘Surat Pemberitahuan ini berlaku sebagai Surat Perintah Otomatis Amandement UN-Approval $1704, sesuai Juridical Personality Article | Section 1, Funds-Assets-Propenty Antcle 2 Section 2-8, Counter Terrorist Amite 7, ‘Intemational Court of Justice Amticle 14, UN-Trusteeship Anticle 75 UN-Charter dan Hukum negara Indonesia sesuai UUD 1945 Pasal | Ayat 1, Pasal 32 dan Pasal 33 Ayat 3 dan Dasar Negara Pancail PPertangaung Jawaban Awal Akhir Kholipatul Immam Mahdi setaku Royal, K.681 MI Albisrieder AC.USD.P.1568- 1120 Bank Officer, Position Code A. 043. A.0001 Basel Tulingen Ownership Club kepada TNI- MULTINASIONAL demi berjalannya keutuhan Persatuan dan Kesatuan Internasional dan Nasionat indonesia, dan sebagai penebus atas hilangnya 3 pulau dari NKRI yang di sebut harga mati dan terkait Pelurusan dari misi terselubung United Nations di bawah Secretary General of the United Nations, USA. Di Putuskan di P1.PKC-NKRI Cirebon, OLEH: Royal, K.681 King of King’s MI selaku ‘The Greatest President ofthe United Nations (Chairman of the United Nationy/Ketua Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa) ‘UN-APPROVAL Tanggal 08 Febuari 2016. BADAN INDUK KUNCI DAN GEMBOK NKRI 1781995 DEWAN IKATAN DOKUMEN INTERNASIONAL RATU ADIL IMMAM MAHDI Baglan Dark Royal, K.681 dan untuk The Greatest President ofthe United Nations WMP. FINANCE & BANKING ‘NEO THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GOD SKY EARTH 'SISU3012016 HM, ANI FOREST PRESIDEN KOMISARIS UN-SWISSINDO. (S/SV3012016 RATU ADIL H.M DEWI BUNGA SITI DAHLIA Final Acte No, UPU/A.045-A,001/1012S00/BI-SKR/2015 Ure emma LA ‘TREASURI DUNIA 1/301/2016 GKR. SEKAR KENCONO (KERATON SOEROKARTO HADININGRAT) |. Secretary General of the United Nations MR, Ban Ki Moon President and Prime Minister of Lao P.D.R. WPM and MMD Neo The United Kingdom of God Sky Earth. Swissindo World Trust International Orbit (AAE-A2), Flak Cipta, Pato Master Agreement seal Pemiik KAR-NEGARA don Sandi Sandi Denia. 7|Patent Master Agreement KAR-NEGARA Verponding Dunia 1S:13680(E) 260815 Prease rect ‘GUBERNUR BANK INDONESLA ‘TERKAIT 6 PRINE BANK DI BAWAM INL RM NASABAI ‘DAN CABANG ‘MM BAN ‘DI SELURUH INDONESIA ExTP Acceptable Certification UV-APPROVAL NO. MISA 81704 BANK INDONESIA — BANK'SENTRAL REPUBLIK INDONFSIA 45 45 cesreraTe aur INDONESIAN AYIOEZ-2006 ‘ASBLP-0330-2012 ‘SAFE.KEEPING RECEIPT ‘No. : 0126/BI-SKR/X12012 DAFTAR US DOLLAR UNTUK BACKUP PENYEIMBANG IDR DEVAV ATO DONTE TEMAGION, 4 FNREAR! 2016 COMMAND AND CONTROL A NATIONS CURRENCY AUTHORIZED POOR) BiH IM WM)». MTN TL, #8 EOD .%, The Committee of 300 The World Bank Group usa. etree no ASBLP O50 BU2 balance of USS < confirmed as Eternal Deposit (while under time deposit, its principal balances and interest cannot be touched andlor loaned andior programmed) that having maturity rate of 4% per annum and per 30 years: of maturity and upon maturity; 50% shall be forcibly used for whatsoever Development Program and S0% shall be automatically and forcibly maintained and preserved for another 30 years until lasted for eternity. 232.United Bank of India (India) Account no. 5635432339 with account name of White Spiritual Boy and with standing balances of USS o and Account no. 77762534AM - 226 with account name of Spiritual Wonder Boy and with standing balance of USS c confirmed as Eternal Deposit (while under time deposit, its principal balances and interest cannot be touched andiar loaned andlor programmed) that having maturity rate of 4% per annum and per 30 years: of maturity and upon maturity; 50% shall be forcibly used for whatsoever Development Program and 50% shall be automaticaly and forcibly maintained and preserved for another 30 years until lasted for eternity. 233.Vijaya Bank (India) Account no, 68731342421 with account name of White Spiritual Boy and with standing balances of USS co and Account no. 77762534AM - 227 with account name of Spiritual Wonder Boy and with standing balance of USS co confirmed as Eternal Deposit (while under time deposit its principal balances and interest cannot be touched andior loaned andjor programmed) that having maturity rate of 4% per annum and per 30 years of maturity and upon maturity, 50% shall be forcibly used for whatsoever Development Program and 50% shall be automatically and forcibly maintained and preserved for another 30 years until lasted for eternity. 234.Bank Central Asia (Indonesia) Account no. 5625534534 with account name of White Spiritual Boy and with standing balances of USS 2» and Account no. 7762534AM - 228 with account name of Spiritual Wonder Boy and with standing balance of USS < confirmed as Eternal Deposit (hile under time deposit, its principal balances and interest cannot be touched andlor loaned andior programmed) that having maturity rate of 4% per annum and per 30 years of ‘maturity and upon maturity; 50% shall be forcibly used for whatsoever Development Program and 50% shall be automatically and forcibly maintained and preserved for another 30 years until lasted for eternity. 235.Bank Danamon (Indonesia) Account no. 9930884433 with account name of White Spiritual Boy and with standing balances of USS co and Account no. 77762534AM - 220 with account name of Spiritual Wonder Boy and with standing balance of USS c» confirmed as Eternal Deposit (while under time deposit its principal balances and interest cannot be touched andlor loaned andlor programmed) that having maturity rate of 4% per annum and per 30 years: of ‘maturity and upon maturity; 50% shall be forcibly used for whatsoever Development Program and 50% shall be ‘automatically and forcibly maintained and preserved for another 30 years until tasted for eternity. 236.Bank Mandiri (Indonesia) Account no. 803988487 with account name of White Spiritual Boy and with standing balances of USS « and Account no. 77762534AM - 231 with account name of Spiritual Wonder Boy and with standing balance of USS c confirmed as Eternal Deposit (while under time deposit its principal balances and interest cannot bbe touched andlor loaned andior programmed) that having maturity rate of 4% per annum and per 30 years: of maturity and upon maturity; 50% shall be forcibly used for whatsoever Development Program and 50% shall be ‘automatically and forcibly maintained and preserved for another 30 years until lasted for etemity. 237.Bank Negara Indonesia (Indonesia) Account no, 2817265352 with account name of White Spiritual Boy and with standing balances of USS «and Account no. 77762534AM - 232 with account name of Spiritual Wonder Boy and with standing balance of USS » confirmed as Eternal Deposit (while under time deposit, its principal balances and interest cannot be touched andlor loaned and/or programmed) that having maturity rate of 4% per annum and per 30 years of maturity and upon maturity: 50% shall be forcibly used for whatsoever Development Program and 50% shall bbe automatically and forcibly maintained and preserved for another 20 years until lasted for eternity. sal Adress: L8H Stet, MW Washngion DC 2953, USA; Ter. (32) 47100, Fa: (02) 47-638 o tt mnstibaorg Page a The Commitee of 300 The World Bank Group USA Teterence nos ASBLP — 0090-202 238.Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Indonesia) Account no, 23413273563 with account name of White Spiritual Boy and with standing balances of USS and Account no, 77762534AM - 233 with account name of Spiritual Wonder Boy and with standing balance of USS = confirmed as Etemal Deposit {while under time deposit, its principal balances and interest cannot be touched andior loaned andior programmed) that having maturity rate of 4% per annum and per 20 years of maturity and upon maturity; 50% shall be forcibly used for whatsoever Development Program and 50% shall be automatically and forcibly maintained and preserved for another 30 years until lasted for eternity. 238.Lippo Banking Group (Indonesia) Account no. 2342898377 with account name of White Spiritual Boy and with standing balances of USS « and Account no, 77762534AM -234 with account name of Spiritual Wonder Boy and with standing balance of US$ confirmed as Etemal Deposit {while under time deposit, its principal balances and interest cannot be touched andlor loaned andior programmed) that having maturity rate of 4% per annum and per 30 years of maturity and upon maturity; 50% shall be forcibly used for whatsoever Development Program and 50% shall bbe automatically and forcibly maintained and preserved for another 30 years until lasted for eternity. 240.Bank Melli ran (Iran) Account no, 3755377736 with account name of White Spiritual Boy and with standing balances of US$ « and Account no. 77762534AM - 235 with account name of Spiritual Wonder Boy and with standing balance of USS co confirmed as Eternal Deposit (while under time deposit, its principal balances and interest cannot be touched and/or loaned andior programmed) that having maturity rate of 496 per annum and per 30 years of maturity and upon maturity; 50% shall be forcibly used for whatsoever Development Program and 50% shall be automatically and forcibly maintained and preserved for another 30 years until lasted for eternity. 241.Bank Saderat (Iran) Account no. 873365224125 with account name of White Spiritual Boy and with standing balances of USS @ and Account no. 77762534AM - 236 with account name of Spiritual Wonder Boy and with standing balance of USS c= confirmed as Eternal Deposit (while under time deposit, its principal balances and interest cannot be touched andfor loaned andior programmed) that having maturity rate of 4% per annum and per 30 years of maturity and upon maturity; 50% shall be forcibty used for whatsoever Development Program and 50% shall be automatically and forcibly maintained and preserved for another 30 years until lasted for eternity. 242.Bank Sepah (Iran) Account no. 74777745221 with account name of White Spiritual Boy and with standing balances of USS eo and Account no. 77762534AM - 237 with account name of Spiritual Wonder Boy and with standing balance of USS co confirmed as Eternal Deposit (while under time deposit its principal balances and interest cannot be touched andlor loaned andlor programmed) that having maturity rate of 4% per annum and per 30 years of maturity and upon maturity, 50% shall be forcibly used for whatsoever Development Program and 50% shall be automatically and forcibly maintained and preserved for another 30 years until lasted for eternity. 243.Bank Mellat (Iran) Account no, 8855537712 with account name of White Spiritual Boy and with standing balances of USS © and Account no. 77762534AM - 238 with account name of Spiritual Wonder Boy and with standing balance of USS c confirmed as Eternal Deposit (while under time deposit, its principal balances and interest cannot be touched andlor loaned andlor programmed) that having maturity rate of 4% per annum and per 30 years of maturity and upon maturity; 50% shall be forcibly used for whatsoever Development Program and 50% shall be automatically and forcibly maintained and preserved for another 30 years until lasted for eternity. 244.Bank Refah (iran) Account no. 2333526647 with account name of White Spiritual Bay and with standing balances of USS co and Account no. 77762534AM - 239 with account name of Spiritual Wonder Boy and with standing balance of USS co confirmed as Eternal Deposit (while under time deposit, its principal balances and interest cannot be touched andlor loaned andlor programmed) that having maturity rate of 4% per annum and per 30 years of maturity and upon Postal Adres: MBH Steet, NW Washinglon 2043, USA; eno (22) 479-000 Fax (200) 477-4301 or visto mnmworsbankors Page

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