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The Evaluation ad Eligibility project of 615 involves compiling information
given in the case study and complete the eligibility checklist and determine
his eligibility. The IEP Project was a case study program to evaluate and
determine which disability best fits the student in the case study student,
Scott. The IEP project determined Scott best fit the label of Emotional
Behavioral Disorder EBD. The eligibility and evaluation forms determine if he
is eligible for special education services under this certain disability. The
evaluation is the process where we evaluate all information given during the
case study and determine what disability fits Scotts needs.
The purpose of this project was to develop skills and apply what I have
learned throughout the course. I was able to assess data determine the
appropriate disability and then use the evaluation and eligibility form to
support my conclusion. From here I was able to appropriately develop a plan
for this individual in the case study. By applying the standards and skills
learned in the classroom I was able to successfully complete this project
confident that I had determined the correct disability for this child.
Teaching Standards
Standard #9: The teacher is a reflective practitioner who continually
evaluates the effects of his/her choices and actions on others (students,
parents, and other professionals in the learning community) and who
actively seeks out opportunities to grow professionally. During this case
study I had to determine which disability best fit this student, Scott. I had to
consistently reflect on how my choices and actions would affect Scott and his
family. The evaluation and checklist was a process to determine the most
effective label for Scott. If I picked the wrong label then Scott would not
receive the serves he needs to be successful. If I determined Scott had
Specific Learning Disability SLD, then he would not receive services
addressing his behavior and only addressing his education gap. I was
reflective in my process of deciding which disability was the best fit for Scott.
The evaluation and checklist also determined that EBD was the best fit for
Scott as well. I was consistently reviewing the information given to me to
decide which was best for Scott and his family.
CEC Standards

Standard 9: Professional and Ethical Practice. This standard was addressed

in my project by completing the forms and keeping Scotts best interest at top
priority. This process was hard with having a lot of unanswered questions I
utilized ethical practices by constantly reviewing the information and keeping
Scotts best interest in mind. While filling out the evaluation forms I kept
professional in the way I addressed the concerns of the staff and family,
making sure to not minimize any concerns. Even with aggressive behaviors
toward evaluator I viewed Scott as a child that needed help and how can I
help this child best. Filling out the evaluation form I worded the concerns in
a professional way with child centered language. I putt Scott first in the
evaluation by using his name and explicitly state information from
observations. I gave measurable data of the concerned behaviors, stating he
displayed aggressive behavior six times with in a two hour time.

Standard 10: Collaboration. During this process filling out the evaluation
and check list I was collaborating with other staff members, relying on the
information they were giving me to correctly enter it into the accurate forms.
The collaboration process was important in this part of the evaluation
process by taking information from various people and putting it together in
one form. In this project it was important for me to collaborate with different
people to compile easy the information into understandable chunks.
Collaboration was important to rely on others in the group in the best
interest of the child. I took information from the evaluator, the regular
education teacher, the psychologist, and family to organize into the
evaluation form determining his eligibility.

Alverno Abilities
Communication- Communicating is important in the process of completing
the evaluation form. Communication was necessary for all the staff to come
together and compile the information to complete the form accurately. In this
project I communicated with other group members so we could accurately fill
out the evaluation form for the student in our case study. We communicated
with which information was most important to display. This was a group
project where communication was important to be successful. The case
study was filled with lots of information where we all had to communicate our
ideas positively and effectively to complete the evaluation checklist

Educational Framework

The educational framework I used in this project was based on the cognitive
learning theory of Jean Piaget. This theory focuses on the individual child
learning, instead of all learners. Focusing on the individual child allowed me
to focus on what he needed to be successful in school and at home with
minimal break downs. This theory also focuses on stages of development.
By looking at Scott as an individual I can start working with him on
behavioral and intellectual aspects. From Jean Piagets theory of Cognitive
Learning I can determine if Scott did not adequately reach all stages of
childhood. Skipping or missing stages would affect his personal growth and
development not only intellectually but socially as well. I have develop a
plan that will adjust to his needs and cater to his need or not being
overwhelmed with long periods of regulation. In this project determining
Scotts current stage will help us determine the steps needed to progress to
more difficult tasks and controlled behaviors.

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