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Taras Matolinets

Lviv/Kiev Ukraine E-mail:

Athens Greece Website:

Fareportal 09.12.2016 working now
Android Developer
Project Name: Fareport al TV
Project Descript ion:

The main idea give ability to user select trip on Android TV and add it to favorite list.

Involvement Durat ion: in progress

Tools & Technologies: Android Studio, Dagger 2, Java, Android 5- 6 version, Retrofit,ButterKnife

Responsibilit ies in project :

1. Create architecture and design for 5- 6 version android

2. Dependency injection principle
3. MVP

Project Team Siz e: 3

Otentico 01.04.2015 working now

Android developer
Project Name: Ot ent ico
Project Descript ion:

The main goal of this application detect fake product through NFC technologies. So in this app there is 2 levels of

1. server side
2. original check.

Example: when you scan a product with tag by NXP conduction app will check if the current product has original
check or not(third part library).Than if original check is "OK" we will upload data to server and server will return
results which I can show to user.

Google play

Involvement Durat ion: in progress

Tools & Technologies: Android Studio, NFC technology, Java, Android 4- 5 version, Bitbucket, Retrofit

Responsibilit ies in project :

1. Create architecture and design for 4- 5 version android

2. Worked with NXP library
3. Working with fragments, nav - drawer
4. Working with UI
5. Create database (ORMLite library)

Taras Mato line ts 1

Project Team Siz e: 2

PlankLabs 30.04.2015 work now

Android developer
Project Name: PlanckMail
Project Descript ion:

This is mail application.The main goal of application it's keep several mail account in one application (Gmail,
Microsoft, Yahoo and eth. ).

You will be able to watch calendar events ,create, delete, update events, send emails, looking basic information
about users,downloading and uploading photos,files from different accounts and eth...

Google play

coming soon

Involvement Durat ion: in progress

Tools & Technologies: Android Studio, Crashlytics, ORMLite, Java, Android 4- 5 version,Github, AppCompat,
RecycleView, CardView, Retrofit

Responsibilit ies in project :

1. Create architecture of program.

2. Create database(ORMLite library).
3. Working with fragments and activities, nav- drawer.
4. Working with UI
5. work with android messages and Google calendar

Project Team Siz e: 4

Lezgro 04 22 2014 04.01.2015

Android Developer
Project Name: Wirkn

Project Descript ion:

This app gives users the ability to create a video profile that allows them to Show Their Personality to apply for
employment certainly a different direction that rivals Workopolis and Monster with the standard job postings. The
app goes beyond getting hired and encourages building meaningful connections with your coworkers and your
larger work community. Wirk'n empowers you to express yourself with a dynamic video profile. Show your skills and
accomplishments to stand out from the crowd.Create your profile once and apply for multiple jobs in a matter of
minutes. Wirkn empowers you to express yourself with a dynamic video profile. Show your skills and
accomplishments to stand out from the crowd. receives- 400000- in- funding- brings- on- derek- sz eto- as- ceo/

Google play

Involvement Durat ion: done

Tools & Technologies: Android Studio, Facebook, ViewPager, Crashlytics, Jackson, Java, Crouton, Android 4- 5
version,etc,app- compat library.

Responsibilit ies in project :

1. Took a part of architecture and modeling project for 4- 5 version android.

2. Worked with REST(Gson library).
3. Worked with services,fragments,dialogs- fragments,bitmaps(optimiz e downloading siz e images,used
roundedimageview library).
4. Cached data from server(pictures,videos,user- data)
5. Worked with UI(optimiz ation)
6. took a part for code review for UI features

Taras Mato line ts 2

7. consultant for building UI features

Project Team Siz e: 6

Lezgro 04 22 2014 04.01.2015

Android Developer
Project Name: My Cit y

Project Descript ion:

The main idea of the project is to make your city clean. When you see some some traffic jams or graffiti on the walls,
garbage in the streets, fallen trees, you can write a report on all of it, send it to your local government and check the
progress of the current problem solution with the help of My city app.

Involvement Durat ion: in progress

Tools & Technologies: Eclipse, Jackson,Java,ViewPager,Animations,SQLite,Gradle

Responsibilit ies in project :

1. Created architecture for android 4

2. Worked with REST(Jackson library).
3. Worked with services,fragments,dialogs- fragments,bitmaps and third part libraries.
4. Cached data
5. Worked with location(google maps)
6. Worked with UI

Project Team Siz e: 1 person

Lezgro 04 22 2014 04.01.2015

Android developer
Project Name: Sqroples

Project Descript ion:

Sgrouples keeps it simple, revolutionary, and intuitive.It helps you to create private groups to selectively share your
own information with different people in your life. Or, with one click, share one- to- one or one- to- many with your
Contacts through private messages.More info

Google play

Involvement Durat ion: 2 months

Tools & Technologies: Gradle,Android studio,Jacson,PopupMenu, Android Annotation,ViewPager

Responsibilit ies in project :

1. Worked with REST(Jackson library).

2. Created custom popusmenu and spinner list

Project Team Siz e: 5 people

Sof tWest 03 10 2014 05 22 2014

Android Developer
Project Name: Come Toget her

Project Descript ion:

It is a social network where you can invite users from Facebook, chat with them, see on the maps the last places
they've been to.

Involvement Durat ion: 2 months

Tools & Technologies: Gradle, Android studio,Jacson ,PopupMenuJackson

Responsibilit ies in project :

1. Created architecture for android 4

2. Worked with REST(Jackson library).
3. Worked with activities,fragments,lists,google maps

Taras Mato line ts 3

4. Cached data
5. Worked with facebook api
6. Worked with UI

Project Team Siz e: 2 persons

Artf ulBits 31 07 2013 04 22 2014

Android developer
Project Name: Dinos

Project Descript ion:Beautiful animation with dinos for history museum in Singapore where you can take pictures,
paint, etc.

Involvement Durat ion: 3 months

Responsibilit ies: Work with Layouts,Fragments(UI),Horiz ontalListView,Sharing Istagram,Facebook,Twitter

Tools & Technologies: Android support library,Eclipse

Tasks in project :

1. Helped to fix bugs

2. Worked with activities,fragments,lists
3. Animations frames
4. Localiz ation
5. Uploading photos on social networks
6. Worked with UI

Project Team Siz e: 3 persons

Artf ulBits 31 07 2013 04 22 2014

Android developer
Project Name: KbCore

Project Descript ion:

The KB Suite replaces old, time consuming, labor intensive, error- prone, legacy paper- based adverse event
reporting systems with a highly automated modular suite focused on recording identified problems, analyz ing them
and communicating solutions to management in close to real- time.Web site :

Involvement Durat ion: 3 months

Responsibilit ies: Work with files,uploading video,UI(fragments,activities) to the server,record voice,writing

technical documentation

Tools & Technologies: Android,Loaders,ViewPager,HoloEveryWhere,TabSelector,REST

Tasks in project :

1. Took a part of creating architecture

2. Worked with REST(uploading files)
3. Worked with UI

Project Team Siz e: 2 persons

Artf ulBits 31 07 2013 04 22 2014

Android developer
Project Name: Shahid

Project Descript ion:Movies app for AOE.Web site :

Involvement Durat ion: 2.5 months

Tools & Technologies: Android,Loaders,Fragment,JSON,XML,JUNIT,Eclipse

Responsibilit ies in project :

1. Bug fixing
2. Worked with REST(uploading files)

Taras Mato line ts 4

3. Worked with UI(grids,views,web- view)

Project Team Siz e: 3 poople

Artf ulBits 31 07 2013 04 22 2014

Android developer
Project Name: Roz et ka

Project Descript ion:Internet store "Roz etka" .Web site : http://roz

Involvement Durat ion: 2.5 months

Tools & Technologies: Android,Loaders,Fragment,JSON,XML,JUNIT,Eclipse,ViewPager

Responsibilit ies in project :

1. Bug fixing
2. Worked with REST(Jascon library)
3. Worked with UI
4. Worked with SQLite
5. Worked with Loaders(background processes)

Project Team Siz e: 2 persons

Content Service 12 07 2012 01 14 2013

Java developer
Project Name: Cont ent Service

Project Descript ion:This project creates content service for customers which is used in web store.

Involvement Durat ion: 2 months

Responsibilit ies:

Creating interface for compatibility products.This comboBoxes gets special typedata from DB and shows this data in
the window. Every product has a subgroup - a group of product,and every subgroup group has a subgroup
attribute. When we click on comboBox, we can take a product and dynamic tie up group of product and attribute
form DB. Window functions:we can click Add Button products into DB ,delete Button products from DB and Save
Button into DB our compatibility

Tools & Technologies: ExtJs, Hibernate,grids,Java,Combobox,mySql,Ico container

Tasks in project :

1. Bug fixing
2. Worked with REST

Project Team Siz e: 3 persons

Funland 25 05 2010 3 09 2010

Ride Operator
Employer and address :
StateDelaware,USA. Forreference:ChrisDarr: Chris.darr@veriz 717- 566- 6599
Responsibilit ies:
tosafelyoperateamusementrides, toefficientlyoperateboardwalkgames;

listening - intermediate +

Taras Mato line ts 5

writing - intermediate
reading - upper intermediate
listening - advanced
writing - upper intermediate
reading - upper intermediate

Secondary School 01 09 1996 31 05 2007
Stryi School 1

Computer and Economic Science 09 01 2007 05 01 2012

Lviv National Ivan Franko University
Diploma: Specialist Degree

Tit leof qualif icat ionawarded: Major in Computer and Economic Science

Sof tServe Academy 02 02 2013 03 02 2013

Java IT Project
Project Descript ion:

Trainingprojectdesignedtorealiz eanownWebserver.Webserversupportserrorhandler,binaryhandler,texthandler,patternChainofresponsibility.

Involvement Durat ion: 1month

Responsibilit ies: Creation of chain of responsibility ,Handlers,Unit testing, Code coverage

Tools&Technologies: Java,JUnit,EclEmma,Android,Eclipse

Project Team Siz e: 4 people

Sof tServe Academy 03 02 2013 05 02 2013

Java IT Project
Project Descript ion:

Training project designed to realiz e hotels system in Ukraine where you can choose and order Hotel room in 3
different cities .You can also leave feedback about our hotels.

Involvement Durat ion: 3 months

Responsibilit ies: Creation of chain of responsibility ,Handlers,Unit testing, Code coverage

Tools&Technologies: JUnit Tests,Create Bean,Create DAO ,Developing Bissness ,Logic,Developing

Controller,Developing view JSP,Java,Hibernate,SpringAnnotation,Maven3,Tomcat7.0,Ajax, JQuery

Project Team Siz e: 4 people

Cont act s: 52V.VelykyiStr. Lviv79053,Ukraine, Tel:+380- 32- 240- 9090, Fax:+380- 32- 240- 9080, E-,
USHeadquart ers:12800UniversityDrive,Suite250,FortMyers,FL33907,USA,Tel:239- 690- 3111,Fax:239- 690-

Military Certef icate 09 01 2009 08 01 2011

High Military University

Taras Mato line ts 6

Diploma: Intelligence Lieutenant Certificate

Team Work
Scrum technology
Sport, Philosophy
Reading Books

LinkenIn page:


Taras Mato line ts 7

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