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2/17/17 Kindergarten ELA

Lesson by Sandra Peterson

General Information
Grade level of the lesson: Kindergarten
Lesson topic: English Language Arts - Phonics
Estimated time length of lesson: 10 - 15 minutes per reading group
Home languages present: Spanish, English
Differentiated Instruction Small Group: Approaching Level, On Level

Materials and/or Technology

Reading Center (Teacher led)
- White board easel and individual white boards
- Photo cards
- Owl puppet
iPad Center
- iPads
- Headphones
Number Word Writing Center
- Individual white boards/math sentence writing practice with manipulatives
- Bear counters - manipulatives
- Dry erase markers
Journal Writing Center
- Individual paper journals
- Pencils
- Crayons

Students will practice a different ELA skill at each learning center.

Alignment with Standards

Reading Center (Teacher led)
- RF.K.2c: Blend and segment onsets and rimes of single-syllable spoken words
(approaching level & EL-tier 2)
- RF.K.2d: Isolate and pronounce the initial, medial vowel and final sounds
(phonemes) in three phoneme words phoneme isolation (approaching level & EL-
tier 2)
- RF.K.3a: Demonstrate basic knowledge of one-to-one letter-sound correspondences
by producing the primary or many of the most frequent sounds for each consonant.

- Students will be able to blend and segment onsets and rimes of single-syllable spoken
- Students will be able to isolate and pronounce the initial, medial vowel and final
sounds in three syllable words
- Students will be able to demonstrate basic knowledge of one-to-one letter-sound
correspondences by producing the primary or many of the most frequent sounds for
each consonant.
- As I say a word, students will then say the corresponding onset and rime. I will
informally assess students by listening to their responses
- As I display photo cards, I will informally assess the students by listening to their
responses of beginning, medial and ending sounds.
- As I say a word that begins or ends with /b/, students will write the corresponding
letter on their white board.

Modifications? Universal Design

- I will activate prior knowledge reviewing letter sounds.
- To make the content more accessible for English learners, I will use the Approaching
Level for Phonics instruction. (Blue, yellow groups)
- On-Level Phonics Instruction (Orange, Green, groups)
- The number word writing center is hands-on. It can be experienced by students at all
levels of English proficiency.
- The writing activity features a sentence that will be copied. Having the sentence
structure already in place allows all students to participate in the writing activity by
having a sentence already modeled for them. The students will draw their
corresponding picture independently.

Vocabulary/Literacy Skills
- Listening
- Speaking
- Reading
- Writing

Name of instructional model
- Center Teaching/Direct Instruction
Classroom Management Details
- Students will be seated on the carpet during the reading center.
- Students will be called on to share if they are demonstrating good carpet manners and
are raising their hands quietly.
- Transition songs will be used for cleaning up and moving to each center
- iPad tables will be already set up with iPads at each table that can be done with little
instructions beforehand.
- The number writing and journal writing centers will be set up with materials for
students to work independently.
- I will dismiss students by their color group from the carpet to go to each center.
- Students will have about 10 - 15 minutes to work at each center. When students hear
the music, it is time to clean up and switch tables.
- I will use tally marks for groups to reinforce transition behavior and Class Dojo for
individual behavior
Room Arrangement(s)
- During the teacher led reading center, students will be seated on the carpet in the
middle of the room near the board.
- When students are participating in the other centers, they will be at one of three table
student groupings
- Students will be grouped homogeneously by reading level.

A. Focus/Motivation (Open)
- Before I begin the lesson, I will activate students prior knowledge by review
letter sounds of this weeks letters. Bb and Ll

- I will dismiss students by color groups to go to the designated center. I will walk
around the room and observe students working as well as provide additional
guidance and explanations when needed before I begin the reading group.

- I will play transition music when it is time to switch centers. We will have 4
rotations so each group of students is able to experience each center.

B. Development (Body)
Onset and Rime Segmentation
o (I Do) I will remind students that words are made up of parts. I will say that
onset refers to the beginning sound in a word and that rime refers to the rest of
the sounds in a word. I will say the words five, and nice and model how to
segment the words.

o (We Do) I will say the following words and guide students to segment the
onset and rime with me. Stay, away, cry

o (You Do) I will say day, men, snow, tray and have children segment each word
into its onset and rime.

Phoneme Isolation

o (I Do) I will display the bat photo card. This is a bat. The first sound I hear
in bat is /b/. Say the word and the beginning sound with me: bat, /b/. I will
repeat for the initial /l/ using the Lemon photo card.
o (We Do) I will display the Bike photo card. This is a bike. The first sound I
hear in bike is /b/. I will have the children repeat the word with me,
emphasizing the initial sound. Then I will have the children say the first
sound with me: /b/. I will repeat using the Butter Photo card and then for /l/
using the lightning and lock photo cards.
o (You Do) I will display the Boy photo card and have children name it and say
the initial sound of the picture name. I will repeat with the Boot photo card
and for /l/ using the Lightning and Lock photo cards and have children

Phonics connect b to /b/ and l to /l

o (I do) I will display the Bat photo card. The letter b stands for the /b/ at
the beginning of bat. What is this letter? What sound does it stand for? I
will repeat using the Web photo card. Ill write b when I hear a word that
begins or ends with /b/. bone, rib, hint, crab, fix, band
o (We do) Beach begins with /b/. Lets write b. I will guide children to
write b when they hear a word that begins or ends with /b/: best, song, bit,
road, rub, tub, box
o (You do) I will have the children write b if a word begins or ends with /b/;
jab, far, scrub, ball. I will repeat for /l/ using the lemon picture card and
the words library, home, look, last, race, friend, link
- At the end of the rotations, students will be called back to the carpet to have a
short discussion of our experiences and conclude with alphabet and phonic songs.

C. Closure (Close)
- After center time, I will engage students in a short discussion of our phonics
instruction and review of their sight words.

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