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Aasim al Hakeem big Salafi scholar caught off guard.

As Salamu Alaykum

You are coming closer and closer to truth and realizing that Wahabism = Khawarij.

I know wahabis are on your neck and fake internet Mujahideen are calling you all sorts of names.

Shaykh It is time that you meet with true Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamm'ah (Ash'ari/Maturidi, followers of Valid
school of jurisprudence and also followers of Tassawuf)

I can be helpful to you. I will take you back in recent history when Juhayman attacked Ka'aba and he was
backed by big Wahabi guru Abdullah bin Baaz and Qahtani (he even declared the latter as Mahdi).

The problem is with Wahabi ideology and it is Takfeeri/Khariji itself, rather all extremist sects emerge from
either Khawarij or Rawafidh.



Aamir Ibrahim Khan

You have seen my above post. I would recommend you to start correcting your Aqaid and fiqh from here:


Assim Alhakeem

Do you know Arabic, the language of the Quran?


Aamir Ibrahim Khan

Yes I can read and understand Arabic

But im an Aj'ami

Is speaking Arabic mandatory too?


Assim Alhakeem

If you don't understand Arabic, how can you falsify Allah's words when He says He has Two Hands, so did
His Messenger say about Him and so did His companions? Your people say this is a lie and Allah doesn't
have hands?


Aamir Ibrahim Khan

I said I can read and understand Arabic

Read carefully what I said please

Nobody is falsifying anything. You used straw-man argument and remember Tafweedh is not Ta'teel for
your kind information


Assim Alhakeem

Does Allah have two hands or not?


Aamir Ibrahim Khan

He has "Yad" not hands as you translate it

Things are not always black and white simple ya shaykh im sure you know that very well


Assim Alhakeem

!In this case, this is not the simple islam Allah had sent to humanity


Aamir Ibrahim Khan

Muhkam Ayaat are simple Mutashabihaat are left to Allah, read Qur'an Surah Aali Imraan Verse # 7

come on read Aali Imraan verse 7 right now


Assim Alhakeem

?What does hand here means


Aamir Ibrahim Khan

Aamir Ibrahim Khan

Hand is your wrong translation. It has to be kept as Yad

Bila Kayf Bila Tashbih


Assim Alhakeem

You know nothing abou Quran nor Sunnah or Arabic. You are following other than the path of our Prophet
salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam

!Please stop sending to me


Aamir Ibrahim Khan

Look at your sweeping statements

hold on, you have been busted


Aamir Ibrahim Khan

Imam an Nawawi (rah) said:

, . : ,
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Aamir Ibrahim Khan

Understabnd this statement very well ya Shaykh

Imam Sufyan bin Uyayna (rah) said: All that Allah described Himself with in the Glorious Qur'an then "ITS
RECITATION IS IT'S INTERPRETATION. There is no Kayfia (asking how it's meant) nor likeness
(tamtheel or tashbeeh) [As-Sifaat by Imam al Daraqutni, Page # 70]

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