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Economics Through Everyday Life

To Elaine Bensavage,
Boban Rakovic, &

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ISBN: Print 978-1-62315-668-8| eBook 978-1-62315-669-5


Introduction 7


Economics Defined 12
Economic Resources 12
Schools and Subfields of Economics 16


Fundamental Economic Concepts 29
Fundamental Economic Models and Assumptions 43


The Miracle of Markets 47
Market Failure and Market Regulation 51
Price Controls as an Example of Government Regulation 59
Government Failure 65


Competitive Versus Noncompetitive Markets 69
Monopolies 70
Antitrust Regulation and Enforcement 75


What Is Globalization, and What Is Good about It? 83
Free Trade Agreements and Other Forms of Economic Integration 90
Protectionism: The Flip Side of Free Trade 91
Possible Downsides of Globalization 95
The Economics of Immigration 98
Macroeconomics and Microeconomics 103
Indicators of Economic Health 104
Monetary Policy, Fiscal Policy, and the Federal Reserve 117


The Basics of Business Cycles 127
What Causes Business Cycles? 130
Recessions and Depressions 133
From Boom to Bubble to Bust 136
The 20072008 Financial Crisis: Whos to Blame? 137


Social Security: ATicking Time Bomb? 145
The Debate over Welfare Spending in the United States 153
Healthcare: A Market Like No Other 158


An Evolving Science 169

Glossary 175
Biographies 181
Visual References 196
Sources 199
Index 202

The financial crisis of 20072008 took a lot parents, grandparents, or great-grandparents

of Americans by surprise. Many people saw had experienced during the Great Depression.
their retirement savings drop rapidly in value. It was as if the United States had been on auto-
Business owners found it difficult to get loans pilot, the entire nation taking for granted that
from banks. A recession followed the crisis, the economy would keep growing, that money
and many workers in a wide range of indus- would keep flowing from the banks, and that
tries lost their jobs. companies would keep expanding and hir-
The financial crisis and the ensuing events ing workers.
were a wake-up call for economists, who began And the financial crisis brought some-
to ask themselves what they had missed, and thing elsenew (or renewed) and widespread
for policymakers in Washington who real- interest in economics. Many people suddenly
ized that some kind of immediate action was had lots of economic questions: Can things
necessary to prevent the economy from spiral- get worse? Can the United States experience
ing further downward. It was also a wake-up another Great Depression? Who is to blame?
call for many ordinary Americans who, per- Wall Street bankers? The Federal Reserve? The
haps for the first time in their lives, got a small government? There were more specific ques-
taste of the kind of economic pain that their tions, too: What does the Federal Reserve do,

anyway? Is there really a problem with income CHAPTER 2 builds on that foundation by
inequality in America? How can we keep the laying out additional basic concepts and
Social Security program solvent and intact for helping you learn to see the world the way
future generations? economists do.
These questions, among many others, are
CHAPTER 3 offers an overview of what markets
addressed in this book. Economics isnt just
are and how theyre supposed to operate. The
for academics, government policymakers, or
chapter also discusses why government inter-
Wall Street titans. The field actually has a lot
vention in markets is sometimes needed.
to offer non experts, too. When you under-
stand economics, even at a very basic level, CHAPTER 4 explores key concepts and issues
you can make better economic decisions for related to competition, monopolies, and
yourself, and you can be a more informed cit- antitrust laws.
izen when it comes to deciding how and when
CHAPTER 5 examines economics in the con-
the federal government should be involved in
text of globalization and international trade,
the economy.
while also touching on the economics
With these thoughts in mind, this book
of immigration.
has two main purposes. The first is to tell you
about the most important economic terms CHAPTER 6 presents some of the basic measures
and principles in the clearest way possible, that economists and policymakers use to stay
and with little economic jargon, so you can informed about the state of the economy. The
develop a grasp of the important economic chapter also covers the basics of fiscal policy,
concepts that every informed citizen should monetary policy, and the workings of the
understand. The second is to present you with Federal Reserve.
as nonpartisan and balanced an analysis as
CHAPTER 7 discusses economic booms, bub-
possible of some of the most important eco-
bles, and busts, placing them in the broader
nomic issues affecting our country today, so
context of business cycles. The chapter also
youll have the information you need to reach
examines the financial crisis of 20072008.
your own conclusions.
CHAPTER 8 takes a close look at the federal
CHAPTER 1 introduces some basic terms and
Social Security program, federal welfare
concepts in the field of economics, and
programs, and the us healthcare system
includes a brief overview of the major schools
and how they affect the nations taxpayers.
of economic thought.

8 I ntroduction
CHAPTER 9 offers some parting thoughts, decide that youd like to learn still more about
as well as some predictions about what economics. Its true that graphs, charts, and
the field of economics will look like in the equations can look rather complex, but always
future, and the implications of economic keep a simple fact in mind: Most economic
research and thought. theories and concepts are simpler than econ-
After youve read the book, dont be sur- omists make them appear. It doesnt take much
prised if you find yourself paying closer to learn the essentials of economicsand the
attention to economic news. You may even essentials will carry you a long way.

I ntroduction 9
Since the 19th century, economics has borne the
ignominious moniker of the dismal science.
Some people think economics is called the
dismal science because its a dry and difficult
subject. Others think its because economics
tackles depressing topics such as poverty, crime,
war, taxes, inflation, and economic collapse.
The cheerless nickname has been attributed by
some to the Scottish historian Thomas Carlyle,
who reportedly coined the term when discuss-
ing economist Thomas Malthuss prediction
that one day population growth would out-
strip food production and cause widespread
famine. Its true that Carlyle wrote about
Malthus on occasion. But Carlyles negative
characterization of economics in fact appears
in an article that he wrote about slavery in the The
West Indies, not in any of his writings about
Thomas Carlyle, who once called economics a dismal
science, also wrote books about the French Revolution
and Frederick the Great.
Malthus. And, as it turns out, Carlyle delivered spend their careers studying money, the
his insult to economics simply because the free money supply, and the banking system, but a
market economists of his time did not support pile of money doesnt do anything by itself.
his proslavery views (see chapter 3 for a discus- What interests an economist is how human
sion of free markets). So, in the end, economics beings behave when they get their hands on
earned its less than auspicious nickname for a pile of money. In other words, economics is
being on what most would agree was the right about human behavior.
side of history. Economics is not the only field concerned
This first chapter will introduce you to a with the study of human behavior, of course.
few very basic economic ideas, and will plant Psychology, sociology, and anthropology are
the seed in your mind that economics is three fields in the social sciences that also focus
anything but dismal. Youll learn what eco- on human beings and how they behave. In
nomics is and what it isnt, and youll learn this respect, then, economics is more closely
about the fundamental problem at the heart aligned with those fields than with the fields
of every economic question. In addition, youll of finance and accounting. We might say that
get a brief overview of the major schools of economics is the social science concerned with
economic thought. how people (or other decision-making units
such as business firms or government agencies)
can best allocate their limited resources to
ECONOMICS DEFINED achieve optimal or maximum satisfaction. Or,
we could say that economics deals with how
What do economists do? A simple answer is
people make choices in conditions of scarcity.
that economists practice, teach, or work to
advance the field of economics.
Every person who chooses finance or
accounting as a college major is also required
to study economics, but economics isnt the Why is scarcity so important to economics?
same as finance or accounting. Economics is Its because economic resources are scarce
the framework that underlies all the business and thats the problem at the heart of every
disciplines, just as physics is the framework economic question.
that underlies all the engineering disciplines. Most modern economists start from the
A lot of economic work involves money, assumption that having more material goods
but it doesnt have to. Thats why it would be is better than having fewer material goods. In
a mistake to say that economics is the science making this assumption, economists are fol-
of money. Its true that plenty of economists lowing not only the founders of economic



Most investment firms have economists on staff, and no one has access to any special information
but an economist is not a stockbroker. In fact, that would support a prediction of a particular
many economists refuse to give advice on invest- stocks price going up or going down. To put this
ments. First, although economists are generally idea another way, no one can beat the market on
paid well, only a few have struck it rich in the a regular basis.
stock market. Second, the few economists who
There are always exceptions to the rule, and one
actually are wizards at reading and predicting
person who has managed to beat the market con-
the stock market are probably not eager to reveal
sistently is Warren Buffet, the so-called Wizard
their secrets. But the likely main reason they
of Omaha. However, in tests pitting professional
dont offer stock tips is because economists know
brokers against stand-ins for monkeysthat is,
that, on average, an expert picking stocks for a
either computers or ordinary people picking stock
portfolio is no more likely to pick a winner than a
portfoliosthe monkeys typically have done
monkey throwing darts at the stock pages.
about as well as the pros, if not slightly better.
Economic research supports a concept called the (And stock-picking monkeys dont charge fees or
efficient market hypothesis, which states that its work for commissions.)
impossible for anyone to pick a portfolio of stocks
that beats the market. In other words, you cannot
pick a portfolio that attains a return better than Warren Buffet (left), meeting with President Obama
the average return in the market. Why is that? Its (right) in 2010, became one of the worlds richest
because all the relevant information about any men as the head of Berkshire Hathaway, a financial
holdings firm.
stock has already been priced into that stock,

W hat I s E conomics & W hy D oes I t M atter ? 13

thought but also many economists that have
THE HEDONIC TREADMILL: followed since, all of whom have observed that
WHYENOUGH IS NEVER ENOUGH when people have a choice, they tend to prefer
having more to having less.
Every government, business, household, and Thus the more-is-better paradigm is funda-
individual faces some degree of scarcity, no mental to economics, although it is sometimes
matter how much money is available. Not
questioned and even criticized. For example,
only that, but human beings who want a
material good and then manage to acquire in 1973 E. F. Schumacher published his influ-
it will also have a tendency to want more ential book Small Is Beautiful and gave it the
and more of it. This tendency is known as subtitle Economics as if People Mattered. More
hedonic adaptation, and it explains why recent movementsfor tiny houses, or simple
some people never enjoy true happiness, no
livingalso seem to fly in the face of this basic
matter how rich or successful they become.
economic assumption.
Lets take a common example: Joe wins
$10 million in a state lottery, and for a little
Remember, though, that economics is
while hes a lot happier. But he quickly gets about studying human behavior. When econ-
used to having that much money, and soon omists observe that the typical human being
he wants even more. In fact, he actually has a more-is-better mind-set, theyre not nec-
comes to believe that $10 million is no
essarily saying that its best for people to adopt
longer enough to meet his needs. Joe has
returned to his usual level of happiness
this attitude, or that it should permeate eco-
what might be called his set point. nomics in the Western world. Theyre simply
Were all like Joe in our tendency to maintain
drawing a conclusion derived from hundreds
a relatively stable level of happiness over of years of studying how actual human beings
time, even when some positive or negative relate to actual material goods.
event lifts us up or knocks us down. As a Economic resources are generally divided
result, were all putting in time on what econ-
into four categories: land, labor, capital, and
omists, stealing a term from psychologists,
call the hedonic treadmill. This is why scar- entrepreneurship. When economists talk
city will always be a reality for human beings, about resources at the small-scale (micro)
and why the field of economics matters. level, theyre usually referring to the assets, or
inputs, that allow a firm to produce goods and
services to be sold in the market. When econ-
omists talk about economic resources at the

(Opposite) Real capital, like farm equipment or com-

puters used to support production, is differentiated from
financial capital, such as cash used to pay farm workers.


large-scale (macro) level, theyre usually refer- abilities. The resource category of labor
ring to the assets that allow a nation (or a state also has a connection with the term
or region) to produce goods and services for human capital, which refers to workers
citizens. Lets take a closer look at each of these skills, experience, and education.
four categories of economic resources.
The resource category of capital includes
Land is more than the ground you all goods produced in support of the
walk on, and its more than farmland. It production of other goods. Machinery
includes any natural asset that may be (atractor, for example), equipment (say,
used in producing goods and services. a computer), and business facilities (such
Water, trees, oil, and minerals all belong as the office that houses the computer)
to the resource category of land. are all included in the subcategory of real
capital. Economists distinguish real capi-
Labor is exactly what it sounds like
tal from financial capital, which includes
workers, along with their skills and
assets such as stocks, bonds, and cash.


Over the years, entrepreneurship has come brand-new Air Force base while also improv-
to be recognized as an additional resource ing the quality of healthcare and education.
category. The role of entrepreneurs in an A growing economy also lowers the unem-
economy is decidedly different from the ployment rate by boosting the supply of jobs.
role of workers. Entrepreneurs assemble And who doesnt want low unemployment?
material resources and determine produc- At the household level, long-term unemploy-
tion and distribution. They are innovators ment can be devastating for an individual
who dream up new products, create new or a family, and high unemployment in the
twists to old products, and open new mar- larger society is associated with many prob-
kets for established products. They also lems, including social unrest. Thats why the
assume the risk of failure inherent in any financial media follow the unemployment
business endeavor. rate so closely, why politicians give it so much
attention, and why economic policyat the
The stock of economic resources is always
national level and often at the state and local
limited. Over time, however, new resources can
levels as wellis generally geared to boosting
be discovered or otherwise acquired. The quality
the economy and reducing unemployment.
of resources can also be improved. For example,
when workers receive more training (i.e., when
human capital increases), the workforce becomes
more productive. When the stock of resources
increases, or when the quality of resources OF ECONOMICS
improves, the result is economic growth.
At any given point in history, economists
Whatever the source of an economys
have rarely been in total agreement about
growth, most people would agree that a
what constitutes the best economic policy.
growing economy is better than a stagnat-
Because economics is a social science, which
ing or declining economy. Thats because
means that its theories cant be tested in highly
trade-offs have to be made when an economy
controlled laboratories, there has probably
is stagnant or, even worse, shrinking, and
been more disagreement among economists
often those trade-offs require tough political
than among colleagues in the hard sciences.
choices. Where should we cut spendingin
As a result, there are numerous schools of
the area of healthcare or in education? Do we
economic thought and, economists being
close this naval base or that army base? But
economists, they cant even agree on exactly
when the economy is growing, not only can
how many schools of thought there are. Some
we keep both bases open, we can also build a
schools have marked similarities while some
are polar opposites, but each one constitutes a


particular way of looking at the economy and
economic policy. YOU CANT MAKE AN OMELETTE
A good place to start our discussion on WITHOUT SOMEONE TO SHIP EGGS
schools of economic thought is the concept
of mercantilism and the system derived from When Adam Smith published the famous
that concept. The mercantilist system domi- book known today as The Wealth of Nations,
he observed that people pursuing their own
nated Europe from the 1500s to the 1700s, and economic interests inevitably promote
it was marked by heavy government regulation societys interests. He noted that, when left
of trade. That heavy regulation had a single alone, people would seek to maximize profit
purpose: to strengthen the hand of the state. and revenue by developing efficient produc-
tion and charging low prices, thereby bene-
Nations that took the mercantilist approach
fitting both the seller and the buyer. Since
sought to export goods and block imports. then, people have often cast Smith as an
These governments also tended to hoard gold 18th-century prototype of Gordon Gekko, the
and silver. One hallmark of the mercantilist fictional stockbroker in the film Wall Street
system was colonialism, particularly when it who said, in effect, that greed is good. But
thats not quite what Smith meant.
came to plundering the resources of colonized
regions. No modern-day economist would be Consider everything that has to happen for a
carton of eggs to appear in your local super-
likely to identify as a mercantilist, but mercan-
market. Someone has to produce lumber
tilist ideas do crop up among politicians who and wire and ship those materials to a place
promote restrictions on imports. where someone else can buy them to build
chicken coops. Someone has to produce
Major Schools of Economic Thought chicken feed. A farmer has to raise the
chickens and harvest their eggs. Meanwhile,
This summary doesnt presume to cover every
others have to build oil rigs so gasoline can
possible school of economic thoughtthere fuel the trucks that will have to be manufac-
may be dozens, thanks to economists ten- tured before the eggs can be transported to
dency to split hairs. Instead, this summary is the supermarket in the carton that someone
intended to give you an idea of the breadth has to fabricate.

of economics and the nature of its internal Isnt every one of these people pursuing a per-
sonal economic interest? And isnt every one
conversations, or discourse. Even Nobel lau-
of them also promoting societys interests?
reates in economics sharply disagree with
But who is coordinating all this activity?
one another. Thats one reason why you,
as an informed citizen, should have a basic No one. Its all occurring as if it were being
guided by an unseen power. This power is
understanding of whats at stake in those dis-
what Adam Smith called the markets invis-
agreements, so that you can listen to both sides ible hand, and what modern economists
and arrive at your own conclusions. recognize as market forces.

W hat I s E conomics & W hy D oes I t M atter ? 17

The Classical School Classical school promoted the idea that prices
Its generally agreed that modern economic (also known as the price mechanism) allocate
thought began with Adam Smith and his 1776 resources efficiently, as if all economic activ-
magnum opus, An Inquiry into the Nature and ity were being guided by an invisible hand.
Causes of the Wealth of Nations. Smith, who The Classical school also advocated free trade,
was actually a philosopherthe economist specialization, and the division of labor. The
profession didnt exist during his timelaid Classicals believed that wide-scale unemploy-
the foundational elements of the school of ment was a problem that would eventually
thought that has come to be known as Clas- correct itself as markets, left on their own to
sical economics. According to the Classical operate through the price mechanism, auto-
school, the economy operates best when mar- matically moved the economy toward full
kets are mostly left to their own devices; in employment. Therefore, in the Classical view,
other words, when the government employs there was little or no role for the government
a laissez-faire, or hands-off, approach. The in managing the economy. Adam Smith was
the first of the Classical economists, but he
wasnt the last. Other well-known economists
associated with the Classical school include
Thomas Malthus, David Ricardo, Jean-Baptiste
Say, and John Stuart Mill.

The Marxist School

Marxism is as much a political philosophy as
it is a school of economic thought. The Commu-
nist Manifesto, published in 1848 by KarlMarx
and Friedrich Engels, lays out some of the
authors criticisms of capitalism. It contends
that capitalism will one day be replaced by
socialism and then, later on, by communism.
The Marxist school focuses on the struggle

Adam Smith, the first of the Classical economists, is

credited as the father of modern economic thought.
(Opposite) Karl Marxs belief that workers must take
ownership of the means of production inspired revolu-
tions and labor movements throughout the world.


between the bourgeoisie (the capitalists or of Classical economics and began to focus on
owners of the means of production) and the some of the finer details of interactions in mar-
proletariat (the working class). The labor the- kets. The Neoclassical view begins with the
ory of value is a major component of Marxist assumption that people are basically ratio-
economic thought. It states that the value nal when they make decisions. Neoclassicals
of a good derives from the labor required to believe that consumers behave rationally and
produce it. Marx didnt originate that idea attempt to maximize their utility, or satis-
it actually appears in the writings of various faction, within the limits of their available
Classical economistsbut he did appropriate resources. Sellers, also assumed to be acting
it and use it as an argument against capitalist rationally, are seen as attempting to maxi-
profits. In his 1867 work Capital: Critique of mize their profits. The interaction between
Political Economy, Marx continued his criti- consumer demand and seller supply deter-
cism of the capitalist system by arguing that its mines market prices. The focus on comparing
built entirely upon the exploitation of labor. additional costs and additional benefits, or
Marx argued for the necessity of a socialist rev- marginal analysis (see page 36) also emerged
olution that would establish what he called a from the Neoclassical school. Many of the
dictatorship of the proletariat. The ultimate economic fundamentals taught today are
goal, in the Marxist view, is public ownership Neoclassical theories and approaches. Even
of the means of production, distribution, and the supply and demand curves prominently
exchange. People sometimes think of Marx- scrawled on college blackboards around the
ist economics as being diametrically opposed world came out of the Neoclassical movement.
to Classical economics, and in a sense thats
true. The Classicals advocated free markets, The Keynesian School
and Marxists favor the notion of tightly con- In some respects, it isnt Marxism that rep-
trolled markets or no markets at all (the grand resents the antithesis of the Classical view,
vision of communism features a utopian soci- but rather the school named after John May-
ety without money, and thus without trade). nard Keynes (pronounced Kanes). The man
Clearly, the Marxist school has been influ- behind the Keynesian school was no Marxist.
ential in several places around the world, He agreed with a number of basic tenets of
but much less so since the fall of the former Classical economics, such as the importance
Soviet Union. of the price mechanism. But he also disagreed
with certain Classical ideas such as the notion
The Neoclassical School that unemployment is self-correcting, or the
The Neoclassical school, whose ideas began to belief that government has no significant role
appear around 1870, built on the propositions to play in correcting the economic problems


of a nation, state, or region. Rather, Keynes the well-known book The Road to Serfdom,
and his disciples believed that government has was co-awarded the Nobel Prize in Econom-
the means, as well as the moral obligation, to ics in 1974.
counteract problems such as unemployment
and inflation through its taxing and spending The New Institutional School
policies. Keynesian theories were first put into The New Institutional school of economic
practice by President Franklin D. Roosevelt thought is another extension of Neoclassical
during the Great Depression, and they are economics. This school began to gain prom-
among the most influential economic ideas inence in the latter part of the 20th century.
to have emerged in the 20th century. Many New Institutional economics focuses on the
present-day economists disagree with parts of role that legal and social norms, or institutions,
the Keynesian view, but it still carries signifi- play in the economy. One important idea that
cant weight in Washington and other capitals emerged from New Institutional economics is
around the world. the concept of transaction costs, or the extra
costs involved in the completion of a transac-
The Austrian School tion. These include the costs associated with
The Austrian school of economic thought is searching for products, negotiating terms, and
related to the Neoclassical school and some- enforcing agreements. Four Nobel laureates
times even seen as a subcomponent of that have been associated with the New Institu-
school. Many regard Carl Menger as the founder tional school, the most famous being Ronald
of the Austrian school. Other prominent econ- Coase, who believed, among other things, that
omists from this school are Ludwig von Mises, real markets rather than theoretical ones were
Murray Rothbard, and Friedrich Hayek. While the appropriate purview of economic study.
the Austrian view is, politically speaking, most
closely aligned with the platform of the Liber- The Monetarist School
tarian Party, which emerged in Colorado in the Monetarism is another school of economic
early 1970s, it is in fact based not so much on thought that argues for free markets. Mon-
political ideology as it is on economic analysis. etarism applies to the macroeconomy and
As believers in and defenders of free markets, macroeconomic issues. It maintains that,
the Austrians are vehemently opposed to gov- in the short term, the economys output, or
ernment involvement in the economy. Some gross domestic product (gdp), is primarily
people see the Austrian school as a fringe ele- determined by the money supply, or the total
ment of economic thought, but several of the amount of money in circulation. Over lon-
schools adherents have contributed ideas to the ger periods (or what economist typically refer
mainstream. Hayek, for example, who wrote to as the long run) the key determinant of

W hat I s E conomics & W hy D oes I t M atter ? 21

the current-dollar gdp is the overall prices The Behavioralist School
in the economy. Monetarists have been gen- Behavioral economics, broadly speaking,
erally known to advocate a policy of steady borrows certain concepts and ideas from psy-
money supply growth on the part of the Fed- chology and overlaps to some degree with
eral Reserve, which is drastically different from that field. Behavioral economists disagree
the Federal Reserves policy of targeting interest with the basic Neoclassical assumption that
rates. The Monetarist school was most promi- people are always rational decision makers.
nent during the 1970s, when some important Through carefully designed laboratory exper-
policymakers followed its prescriptions. Since iments and other forms of research, behavioral
that time, however, the school has fallen out of economists have identified situations in which
favor among economists in general, although people are systematically irrational. Behavioral
some basic elements of Monetarism have made economics includes several different strands
their way into mainstream economic thinking. such as psychological economics, experimen-
Milton Friedman, a champion of Monetarism, tal economics, and behavioral finance. The
was awarded the 1976 Nobel Prize in Econom- field has provided some valuable insights into
ics. He was one of the economists who blamed human behavior, and these have important
Federal Reserve missteps for the severity of the implications for economic policy.
Great Depression.

Economists disagree on how the government should

regulate the economy. Monetarists, for example, believe
the Fed should always seek to increase flow of cash.

W hat I s E conomics & W hy D oes I t M atter ? 23


Date of Origin Key Figures FOR

Classical 1776 David Ricardo The invisible hand
John Stuart Mill Free markets
Jean-Baptiste Say Laissez-faire ideas
Adam Smith Says Law

Marxist 1848 Friedrich Engels Labor class

Karl Marx Intervention in the market

Neoclassical 1870 William Jevons Laissez-faire approach to policy

Rational expectations
General equilibrium theory

Keynesian 1930s John Maynard Keynes Government intervention

Aggregate demand driving the economy

Austrian 1871 Friedrich Hayek Free markets

Carl Menger Individual freedom
Ludvig von Mises Unrestricted capitalism
Murray Rothbard

Monetarist 1950s Milton Friedman Free markets

Policies of steady money growth

New Late 20th Ronald Coase Transaction cost

century Douglass North Social norms affect human rationality
Oliver Williamson

Behavorialist 1940s George Katona Understanding human biases

Herbert Simon Prospect theory
Amos Tversky


AGAINST Premise Political Associations
Classical Outside intervention The invisible hand of the free market Conservatives
and mercantilism is self-correcting and all we need to
achieve equilibrium.

Marxist Capitalist class power Capitalism is imperfect, self- Communists, socialists, and
and inequality destructive, and requires outside liberals
intervention. The capitalist class
will obtain exceptional power over
the working class, resulting in
massive inequality.

Neoclassical Assumptions based on Economic agents act rationally to Mostly conservative, but
irrational human behavior maximize their utility and profits. no specific association to
any party

Keynesian Economists who argue With active government intervention, Appeals to some
that the government does business cycles can be managed conservatives, but more so
not help capitalism through fiscal and monetary policies. to liberals and moderates

Austrian Government intervention Free market can sustain itself and fix Libertarians and
any economic problems. The economy conservatives
will perform better with little or no
government intervention.

Monetarist The gold standard Governments role is to control inflation Mostly conservative, but
by controlling the money supply. no specific association to
any party

New Looking only at Institutions, or social and legal norms, No specific political
production cost influence economic activities. associations

Behavorialist The Neoclassical Its important to study the way the No specific political
assumption that human mind reacts and adapts to associations
people are rational the markets and economy.
decision makers

W hat I s E conomics & W hy D oes I t M atter ? 25


1776 1848 1871

Invisible Hand
CLASSICAL The Laissez-Faire Economics
Communist AUSTRIAN
Scottish economist Manifesto
Adam Smith publishes MARXIST Carl Menger, widely regarded
An Inquiry into the as the father of Austrian
Nature and Causes of Karl Marx (above) and school, publishes Principles of
the Wealth of Nations, Friedrich Engels publish Economics. His work asserts
in which he describes The Communist Manifesto, that people act rationally in
his theory of the free asserting that capitalism terms of their self-interest,
market as being guided could lead only to a therefore justifying lais-
by an invisible hand. workers revolution. sez-faire economics.

1817 1871 1899

Comparative Marginal Utility Conspicuous
Advantage NEOCLASSICAL Consumption
William Jevons
David Ricardo arrived at describes the marginal In The Theory of the Leisure
a number of important utility theory of value, Class, Thorstein Veblen coins
economic theories, which looks at the the term conspicuous
including the theory of diminishing satisfac- consumption, or the way that
comparative advantage, tion buyers gain from people in capitalist societies
which advocates free consuming additional frequently attempt to one-up
trade and the special- units of a good. each other with the accumula-
ization of labor. tion of more products.


1944 1957
Nash Equilibrium Theory Bounded Rationality

1936 B E H AV I O R A L I S T

The Nash Equilibrium


Nobel Economics laureate

Animal theory is developed by John Herbert Simon develops
Spirits von Neumann and Oskar the concept of bounded
KEYNESIAN Morgenstern in The Theory of rationality, or the idea that
Games and Economic human decision making is
John Maynard Keynes Behavior, a concept in game limited by the available
uses the term animal theory where even after information, cognitive
spirits to describe the considering the moves of their load, and time to make a
confidence that drives so opponent, no one player has decisionresulting in a
many consumers to their any incentive to change or choice that may not be
spending decisions. deviate from their strategy. the most optimal.

1937 1956
Transaction Costs Money Matters

Ronald Coase points out transaction To challenge John Maynard

costs, or the expenses or budget of a Keynes, Milton Friedman
firm, as an important factor in developing publishes The Quantity
a firms productivity. Without them, Coase Theory of Money, which
notes, a company would be unable to aims to show that the
efficiently plan their economic output. amount of money in the
economy has a predictable
effect on income.



Economists see life a bit differently than most

people. Its hard to know whether economists
are born or made. Some economic thinking ECONOMIC CONCEPTS
coincides with what many people call com-
In this section of the chapter, well take a look at
mon sense. But other theories, principles, and
incentiveswhat they are and why they mat-
findings from the field of economics strike the
ter. Well also discuss different kinds of costs
average person as counterintuitive. This chap-
and how to think about them. Finally, well see
ter introduces a few of the fields foundational
how an economist understands the way people
elements. Several of the concepts covered
behave and whether peoples behavior is ratio-
address the reasons why consumers and sell-
nal or riddled with contradictions and biases.
ers behave the way they do, and will help you
see how economics and human behavior are
inextricably linked. Although you may not
If you study enough economics, whether for-
be thinking totally like an economist by the
mally or informally, one idea youre sure to
end of the chapter, youll hopefully gain some
walk away with is the notion of an incentive.
understanding about why economists see the
The idea that incentives matter is more a fact of
world the way they do and why thats actually
life than an economic theory, but it does show
a good thing.
up fairly often in economics. Thats because
economists tend to think about incentives
more often than most other people.

Incentives do appear in our daily lives. Incentives can be very effective when
For example, when a company offers its sales theyre carefully constructed, but plenty of
personnel bonuses for surpassing their sales well-intentioned incentives have ended up
quotas, the company is employing the basic being governed by the law of unintended conse-
idea of incentives. To take another example, quences or have even completely backfired. (To
a governments policymakers use incentives be clear, this law is less a principle of econom-
when they attempt to influence peoples ics than it is a commonly accepted fact of life.)
behavior; so-called sin taxes on cigarettes A moment ago we looked at one type of incen-
and alcohol are intended to encourage con- tive in the government sector. Consider now an
sumers to cut down on their use of these example from the private sectornamely, the
potentially harmful products. National Football League (nfl)involving


Ken OBrien, formerly a quarterback for the
New York Jets. Early in his career with the
team, OBrien threw more interceptions than IF THE SHOE DOESNT FIT
the teams management could tolerate. (For
This true story comes from Poland. Its about
those of you who are not football fans, this a government-owned shoe factory in the days
means that often when OBrien attempted when the country had a much more socialist
to throw the football to a teammate, the ball economy, and its a great instance of how
was caught, or intercepted, by a player for the incentives affect behavior.
opposing team.) To solve this problem, the Jets Every month, the Polish government allotted
offered OBrien what you might call a negative the factory materials, and the manager was
told to produce a fixed number of shoes.
incentivea clause was added into OBriens
Because there was no profit motive involved,
contract to specify that he would be penalized the managers basic goal was to meet the
for each interception he threw. The solution quota in the easiest possible wayby pro-
worked, at least in the sense that OBrien ducing only small shoes.
threw fewer interceptions, as expected. The As you might expect, this production strat-
unintended consequence, however, was that egy created a problem for Polish people who
he avoided throwing the football. had big feet, and so the government over-
hauled the system. Now the factory received
Now lets turn again to the government
the same allotment of materials, but instead
sector. Some people argue that certain envi- of producing a fixed number of shoes, the
ronmental regulations actually end up factory was expected to produce a fixed
harming the environment. One of the best- number of tons of shoes. In other words,
known examples of this argument is the the factorys production, or output, would
now be weighed rather than counted. You
Endangered Species Act. In theory, the intent can probably guess the result: The factorys
of the act has been to protect certain species manager responded in the most efficient
of animals that the government deems threat- way, by producing nothing but shoes the
ened or endangered. But stories abound of size of gunboats.
landowners who have intentionally modified In either situation, the manager was incen-
their land (e.g., cutting down trees) to render tivized to complete the quota of shoes in
the fastest way possible. The governments
it inhospitable as a habitat for the very species
strategy did not provide any motivation
that the act seeks to protect. Some landowners to produce shoes in a variety of sizes that
accommodated peoples needs.

(Opposite) Though meant to curb harmful behavior,

sin taxes may also unintentionally create a market
for cheaper products smuggled from states with
lower taxes.

T hinking like an E conomist 31

are also said to have eradicated protected spe- tax increase had the unintended consequence
cies as soon as they were spotted on the land, of lowering the citys tax base.
before the endangered animals had a chance to Rules and operating procedures are a nec-
reproduce, increase their numbers, and create essary component of responsible governing.
a regulatory headache. But government policymakers and business
Consider what happened in the wake of managers who are thinking about implement-
the 20072008 financial crisis, when the fed- ing a new measure should make sure theyve
eral government bailed out a number of large considered the potential changes in incen-
banks and other financial institutions. When tive structures. If they fail to think the issue
the government bails out one large financial through, theyll learn about the unintended
institution, it also creates an incentive for consequences the hard way.
other large financial institutions to behave less
responsibly. Why should the managers of a big Opportunity Costs
bank be careful and take appropriate actions Another fundamental in economics is the
to manage their risk? After all, if they get into concept of opportunity costs. This concept
trouble, wont the government just bail them separates the economists from the accoun-
out? Why should a bank that was bailed out tants. When an accountant looks at the costs
in the past behave responsibly in the future? involved in an enterprise, she records out-of-
If it was too big to fail before, it will be too big pocket costs like wages, utilities, and similar
to fail in the future, too. expenses in her ledger. But if the accountant
Although the idea that incentives mat- were an economist, she would consider not
ter may seem obvious, a lot of smart people just those types of explicit costs, but also the
are unclear on the concept. But actions have implicit costs involved in the enterprise. In
consequences. For example, if a city govern- other words, she would take the opportunity
ment doubles its sales tax rate, citizens will costs into account.
react. Some will reduce their consumption of So what is an opportunity cost? Its when
taxed goods. Others will shop in a neighboring a choice has to be made between two or more
town. If the tax hike is burdensome enough, alternatives, and only one of the alternatives
still others may move away. In each case, the can be chosen. In other words, choosing one
alternative means forgoing the opportunity to
enjoy the benefits of the best alternative that
isnt chosen. Should a firm close its Sheboy-
Critics of the 2008 Troubled Asset Relief Program, gan plant or its Walla Walla plant? Which of
which dedicated hundreds of billions of dollars to
bailing out Wall Street, say it took away incentives
two important federal programs should have
for financial responsibility. its funding increased? Should you study for


your chemistry exam or go out partying with choose to enroll in a particular class instead
your friends? A situation may present more of enrolling in other classes, then each of them
than two options, of course; in fact, there incurs an opportunity cost. However, the
may be thousands of options from which to opportunity cost of enrolling in that partic-
choose. But in any situation where only one ular class wont be the same for both of them.
option can be chosen, the forfeited value of And individually, the opportunity cost may
the best option that is not chosen is the cost of not be the same from day to day. For example,
that choiceits opportunity cost. if one of the students gives up the chance to
Suppose that your favorite possession is work an extra shift so he can attend class, then
your flat-screen television, and that your second his opportunity cost is easily quantifiableits
favorite possession is your laptop computer. equal to the amount of money he would have
Now imagine (heaven forbid) that a fire breaks earned if hed skipped class and worked the
out in the room where you keep these items. As extra shift. But what if his second best option
the smoke begins to thicken, you realize that was taking a nap? Its not easy to place a dollar
you can save only one of them. If you save your value on a nap, but if anyone can do it, its an
tv, then the opportunity cost of your decision economist, as were about to see.
is your computer. If you save your computer,
then the opportunity cost is your tv. Cost-Benefit Analysis
This concept works the same way in busi- Economists are experts in assigning mon-
ness. A companys expansion into 10 new etary value to things that dont ordinarily
regions means that expansion into other areas have dollar signs attached to them. Chief
has to wait. If only one employee can be pro- among these experts are economists who
moted to vice president, then the company specialize in performing what is known as
forgoes the opportunity to use the second cost-benefit analysis. As the term implies,
best candidates skill set in that position. A cost-benefit analysis involves comparing the
new products development pulls resources cost of a given action with the benefit (value)
away from the existing product line. A choice of that action.
has to be made, of course, but its good busi- For example, if a transportation depart-
ness for the company to consider what it will ment wants to install barriers along the median
mean to forgo the value of the next best alter- of a busy highway, then the department
nativethat is, what the opportunity cost will
bebefore investing serious time or money
into any project or decision. Economic tools like cost-benefit analyses play into
public policy when governments have to calculate
Opportunity costs arent always easy to funding for road safety projects.
quantify, however. If two college students


may hire an economist to perform a cost- value to each saved life and then directly com-
benefit analysis of the proposed installation. paring the total cost of the barriers to the total
The costsmaterial, labor, and overhead value of the lives likely to be saved.
will be relatively easy to calculate. But figuring Every life is precious, of course, but we
out the benefit of the project will be trickier. dont have infinite resources for saving one life,
Thats not because information is lacking. The cold and uncaring though that fact may sound.
transportation department knows how many We could build barriers along every stretch of
accidents occur every year along the highway, road in the country, and in the end a single
how many of those accidents involve cars precious life might be saved, and that would
crossing the median, and how many fatalities be wonderful. But if we did that, we wouldnt
result. Barrier manufacturers and vendors have anything left to spend on schools, or
know how effective the barriers are, and so healthcare, or national defense.
do highway officials in other states that have Yet who can possibly place a dollar value
erected similar barriers. This information can on a human life? An economist, thats who.
help the transportation department estimate That value is somewhere between $6 million
the number of lives saved if the barriers are and $9 million, depending on the economist
installed. The tricky part is assigning a dollar or government agency you ask.



Along with cost-benefit analysis, economists marginal cost, which means hell end up feeling
often engage in marginal analysis, which has to that he got his moneys worth, and maybe more.
do with comparing additional (marginal) bene- But if Jack has only $3 worth of appetite, then
fits and costs. Marginal cost is any additional he should choose the plain $3 hot dog. If he
cost incurred by engaging in some activity, and were to order the $4 chili dog, his marginal cost
marginal benefit is any additional benefit derived would be $4, but he would gain only $3 worth of
from engaging in that activity. According to benefit. His marginal cost would be greater than
economic theory (not to mention common sense), his marginal benefit, and hed end up feeling that
you should engage in an activity if its marginal he didnt get his moneys worth.
benefit to you will be greater than its marginal
Now lets suppose that Jack actually is hungry
cost. Conversely, if the marginal cost will be
enough to order a $4 chili dog. In addition, he
greater than the marginal benefit, then youd be
loves chili dogs so much that he knows this one
crazy to engage in that activity.
will deliver $5 worth of benefit to him. But after
Lets say Jack is standing in front of a hot dog he eats it, hes still somewhat hungry. Will the
stand. The price of a plain hot dog is $3, and marginal benefit he derives from eating a second
the price of a chili dog is $4. If Jack thinks hell chili dog still be $5?
get at least $4 worth of benefit from buying
For most of us, the marginal benefit of that
and consuming a $4 chili dog, then he should
second chili dog would definitely be less, and so
order one. In this case, the marginal cost of
the second chili dog would be worth less than the
consuming one chili dog will be the $4 he forks
first one. Heres the economic principle behind
over to the vendor. The marginal benefit will be
that reality: As we consume more and more units
harder to quantify, but it will essentially consist
of a particular good over a given period of time,
of whatever satisfaction Jack derives from the
the benefit, or utility, we derive from that good
flavor of the chili dog and sating his hunger. His
tends to fall with each successive unit that we
marginal benefit will be at least as great as his
consume. This is the principle of diminishing
marginal benefit or diminishing marginal utility.
In economic theory, the optimal level of con-
sumption occurs where marginal benefit equals
marginal cost.
Therefore, if Jack has only $3 worth of appetite
after eating the first chili dog, he shouldnt buy
another one, since his marginal cost ($4) will be
greater than his marginal benefit ($3). Instead,
he can satisfy his remaining hunger (and derive
a marginal benefit) by purchasing a plain $3 hot
dog. Or better yet, Jack can arrive at his optimal
level of chili dog consumption by negotiating with
the vendor to buy a $3-size portion of a chili dog.


Economists have also developed a num- talk about the social costs and social benefits
ber of methods for assigning dollar values to associated with different kinds of markets.
forests, rivers, clean air, and the like. When Not every citizen cares about sports or asso-
government officials think about protect- ciates civic pride with a sports team, but every
ing and preserving an old-growth forest, for citizen does pay for a publicly financed foot-
example, they need to understand something ball stadium, and the facilitys owners stand to
about that forests value. The timber in an old- benefit far more than its users.
growth forest has economic value. It can be
sold to builders, paper manufacturers, and Sunk Costs
other parties. Another type of cost, one that often confounds
But an economist will be interested in people, is sunk cost. A sunk cost has already
more than just the market value of the tim- been borne and can never be reclaimed or
ber. An economist will consider the forests recovered. For example, when you purchase a
value to hikers, as well as to local and visit- nonrefundable airline ticket, you incur a sunk
ing sightseers. An economist will also consider cost as soon as your payment goes through.
the forests nonuse value, which is the value Most people have no trouble understand-
it holds for people who will never use the for- ing what a sunk cost is, but people often react
est for any activity or harvest its trees for any to sunk costs in ways that go against the
purpose; they simply enjoy knowing that the recommendations of economic theory. Eco-
old-growth forest is there, and that its trees nomic theory suggests that if a sunk cost youve
are still standing. already incurred constitutes one element of a
By the same token, when a sports team decision that youre facing, you should ignore
wants a municipality to subsidize the con- the sunk cost and focus instead on the costs
struction of an expensive football stadium and benefits youll face as you go forward. Your
that will sit idle for much of the year, the attention should be on your future marginal
team often hires an economist to produce a costs and marginal benefits, not on your sunk
cost-benefit analysis, which typically includes costs. Sometimes people actually do ignore
some estimate of the teams nonuse value. The sunk costs, as economists advise, but in many
argument is that even though the local citizens situations they make sunk costs a very import-
themselves will never take the field and score ant part of their decision making.
touchdowns, or may never attend a game at Lets look at an example. Suppose youve
all, they will still derive benefit, in the form of spent $150 for a ticket to an upcoming con-
civic pride, from their citys association with a cert. On the day of the concert, your car
professional sports team. Thats a fairly shaky breaks down. Because of the petroleum crisis
argument, as well see in chapter 3 when we that began a few days after you bought your

T hinking like an E conomist 37

ticket, the price of gasoline has skyrocketed their sunk costs into their decisions. To put
to $8 per gallon, and all the taxi companies this in a more familiar way, they throw good
have shut down. Youll have to rent a car if money after badand thats something an
you want to attend the concert. On top of economist would never recommend.
that, theres a prohibition against reselling
tickets to this concert, and the prohibition is Rational Behavior and
strictly enforced. Types of Preferences
The car rental and the gas will cost you a A big part of economics involves studying
total of $125, and youll also have to pay $35 patterns of decision making. The field of eco-
for parking. As it happens, on the day of the nomics, throughout much of its history, has
concert you also learn that you can stream the operated on the core assumption that most
concert live online for a fee of $35. If youd people, most of the time, exhibit rational
known about the online option in the first behavior in their decision-making processes.
place, thats the option you might have chosen. After all, a science built around decision-
The sensible thing for you to do is stay making behavior has to assume that people
home, pay $35, and stream the concert online. usually make decisions in certain, predictable
Youll be forfeiting the $150 you paid for your ways. Assuming rational behavior also means
ticket, but that $150 is a sunk cost; youll never that an economist will see people as generally
get that money back. Since it doesnt matter to making choices that will produce the most
you whether you attend the concert in person benefit to themselves.
or watch it live online, your marginal benefit Lets consider Ellen, who says she has no
will be essentially the same in either case. But preference between Coca-Cola and Pepsi.
your marginal costyour additional cost She walks into a convenience store and sees
will be very different. To attend the concert a can of Coca-Cola and a can of Pepsi sit-
in person, your marginal cost will be the $160 ting side by side. Each can contains 12 ounces
youll pay to rent a car, park it, and fill the tank of soda, both have the same expiration date,
before you return it. If you watch the concert and neither is dented or degraded in any way.
online, your marginal cost will be $35. The $35 The can of Coca-Cola costs $1 and the can of
option is the more sensible one. Pepsi costs $0.75. An economist will assume
Nevertheless, people in a situation like this that Ellen will choose the Pepsi if shes a
one often become fixated on the money theyve rational decision makerits in her best interest
already spent, to the point where they see the to buy the cheaper soda and pocket the dif-
earlier expenditure as requiring them to spend ference of $0.25. But suppose she chooses the
even more money. In other words, instead of Coca-Cola. Is she being irrational? Not nec-
ignoring their sunk costs, they incorporate essarily. Maybe when Ellen said she had no


preference between the two brands of cola, she conducted experiments showing that children
simply wasnt telling the truth. That doesnt are much less likely than adults to exhibit tran-
have to mean shes a liar; maybe she didnt sitive preferences; for this reason, children are
become aware of her actual preference until not always rational in their decision making
she actively had to choose. In fact, theres often and may need help from adults.)
a gap between what people say they like (stated
preferences) and the preferences they express Purposeful Behavior, Bounded
when forced to make a real choice (revealed Rationality, Behavioral
preferences). Thats one reason why a dozen Economics, and Biases
political polls can sometimes all predict the Even if people dont always exhibit rational
wrong outcomesome candidates are easy to behavior, an economist sees people as always
support in theory, but hearts and minds can exhibiting at least some type and degree of
suddenly change in the voting booth. purposeful behavior, which means having
Theres also the ordering of preferences. some outcome in mind. An outcome may be
Consider Ted, who is shopping for a current- based on rational reasoning, reasoning fil-
year Toyota Prius. Hes somewhat open when tered through one or more biases, emotional
it comes to the cars color, but his first choice reasoning, or it may be tied to nothing but
is black, followed by gray, and then red. When sheer impulse.
Ted pulls into the dealers lot, the salesman We dont always know exactly how we
shows him two current-year models that have reached a particular decision. We just know
the same price tag and are identical in every that the outcome feels good. Maybe we didnt
way but colorone is black and the other is have all the information we needed during the
red. In this situation, Ted can be expected to decision process. Maybe we didnt have time to
choose the black car. If hes asked to choose analyze all the variables. We simply made the
between a gray model and a red one, he can best decision we could with the information
be expected to choose the gray model. When we had, and in the time that was available. Our
Teds choices reflect the order of his conscious thinking wasnt irrational. It was actually quite
preferences, Ted is exhibiting transitive prefer- practical, and it was the type of decision pro-
ences, which are assumed to underlie rational cess that crops up quite often, whether were
decision making. But if Ted were to choose a at work or making a choice that will affect us
red Prius over a gray one, or a gray Prius over more personally. Our process was rational
a black one, then he could not be said to be within certain limits, and an economist would
exhibiting transitive preferences. In fact, an see it as an example of bounded rationality.
economist might say that Ted was not being One particular subfield of economics,
rational. (Incidentally, economists have behavioral economics, has shed light on

T hinking like an E conomist 39

situations in which people are, so to speak, know all about this onethe manufacturer of
predictably irrational. For example, how a a new medical device claims that its effective
piece of information is framed influences the for 90 percent of patients but never men-
way it is perceived. Lets say your boss gives you tions the 10 percent who arent helped at all,
a $500 bonus after youve spent a few months or a health insurer touts a plan that costs only
at your new job. Youre thrilled, but then you $10 a day (which sounds better than $300
find out that your colleague, who started the per month). Behavioral economics also has a
same day you did, got a bonus of $2,000. Now lot to say about certain tendencies that affect
your gain looks to you like a loss. This is what decision making and are known collectively as
economists call the framing effect. Marketers cognitive biases.


Economists are often criticized for making too Your advertising expenditures are not the only
many assumptions, but without assumptions factor that may be influencing your sales. Theres
there would be no economic models, and our the quality of your service and product, and, of
knowledge of economics would be very limited. course, your prices.
Since just about every situation can be improved All right, then. What if you not only doubled
by the presence of ice cream, lets use the fol- your advertising budget during the second
lowing example to find out why assumptions are month but also cut your prices in half? Would
not only necessary in economics but also helpful you sell more ice cream? Absolutely. Would you
in developing new economic insights. learn more about how your advertising budget
affects your sales? Absolutely not, because you
Suppose you own an ice cream store and want
would have wrecked your experiment by chang-
to find out whether your advertising budget is
ing too many variables.
having any effect on your sales. You decide to
conduct an experiment: For two months, youre To conduct a valid experiment, you would have
going to carefully record your sales. During the to raise your advertising budget while keeping
first month, youll keep your advertising budget everything else the samethe quality of your ser-
at $1,000. During the second month, youll raise vice, the quality of your product, and your prices.
it to $2,000. At the end of the second month, By carrying out the experiment in this way, you
youll compare your sales for the first and second would be using the basic assumption of ceteris
months. Then youll know how your advertising paribus (see page 45), and you would probably
expenditures are affecting sales, right? end up with some helpful data that could guide
your advertising expenditures.
No, sorry.


Gamblers Fallacy. This is familiar to
anyone who gambles or knows a gam-
bler. If you flip a coin nine times in a
row and it comes up heads each time,
you may believe that the coin will surely
come up tails on the next flip, and you
may even be willing to bet big money on
that outcome. From a statistical stand-
point, however, the coin is just as likely
to come up heads as tails on the next flip.
Thats because each flip of the coin is an
independent event. And if you think
gamblers fallacy is exclusive to casinos
and Friday night poker, youre not paying
attention to the stock market.
Confirmation Bias. People have a ten-
dency to seek out information that they
already agree with. If youre supporting
a political candidate, for example, you
may tend to notice (and pass on to oth-
ers) nothing but positive news about your
candidate even though theres plenty of
negative news, too. We know what we
want, we know what we like, and confir-
mation bias sends us out into the world,
physically or virtually, in search of exactly
those things.
Anchoring Effect. The anchoring effect Some of the rules of the casino, like the gamblers
comes up in many decision-making fallacy, also apply to the investment habits of high-
stakes Wall Street players.
contexts where people exhibit a tendency
to lock on to the first piece of information
they receive. In a price negotiation, for
example, the buyer or the seller may begin
by stating a certain price, and then every


subsequent counterbid is compared to considerable weight in human decision
that price. Or a customer could walk into making, and employers took advantage of
a store, see an item on sale, and not help the status quo bias to promote retirement
but compare the sale price to the original savings through automatic enrollment in
price, which is often prominently dis- retirement plans.
played so the retailer can take advantage
Endowment Effect. The human
of the anchoring effect.
tendency to stick with the status quo is
Status Quo Bias. The status quo bias the power behind the bias known as the
is the tendency to preserve the current endowment effect (in fact, the endow-
state of affairs. A good example of this ment effect is often seen as the status quo
bias can be found in peoples behavior bias by another name). People under
around employer-sponsored retirement the influence of this cognitive bias place
plans, the 401(k) and individual retire- more value on goods if they happen to
ment accounts (iras) that have largely own them than they would if they didnt
replaced the pensions of the past. When own those goods. For example, if your
such plans were new, employees had neighbor owns a piece of land and you
to opt in, or specifically state that they ask her what shes willing to sell it for, she
wanted to participate. Later on, employ- may say $250,000. However, if she didnt
ees were automatically enrolled in the own the land and you asked her what
plans and had to opt out if they didnt shed be willing to pay for it, she might
want to participate. What does this have say $100,000. In a completely rational
to do with the status quo bias? Sim- world, the land would have the same
ply this: Participation in the plans was value regardless of who owned it. Because
found to rise significantly when employ- of the endowment effect, however, many
ees were automatically enrolled and had potential market transactions never take
to opt out, versus when they were offered place. How can they, if sellers believe that
the opportunity to enroll and had to opt the value of their goods is higher than
in. If decision making was always ratio- buyers judge it to be?
nal, an employee would make the same
choice about participating (or not partic-
ipating) whether it was necessary to opt (Opposite) The endowment effect is a behavioral bias
on the part of sellers that may ultimately distort the
in or opt out. The status quo bias carries market price of a good such as real estate.


FUNDAMENTAL about basic economic models and assump-
tions, too. Weve already looked at a few
ECONOMIC MODELS assumptions used by economists, including
AND ASSUMPTIONS the most fundamental assumption that most
people, most of the time, act rationally when
So far in this chapter, weve been discussing they make decisions. In this section, well
basic economic concepts, but if you want to explore some assumptions that are specifically
think like an economist, you need to know related to economic models.


A model, of course, is a small-scale version everything going on in the actual economy. The
of something bigger. A model train looks like a economy is a huge system with lots of simulta-
real train, and it may even run like a real train, neously moving parts. It would be difficult for
but everyone knows its not even close to being us to learn anything about the economy or the
a real train. In the same way, an economists field of economics if we tried to take it all in at
model of the economy and its various aspects once, so models let us focus on specific features
is a small-scale version that cant hope to capture and isolate particular effects.


As behavioral economists and psychologists decisions. Likewise, UK Prime Minister David

have demonstrated, people are predictably Cameron established a Behavioural Insights
irrational in certain contexts. Should that fact Team (BIT) for the purpose of setting up helpful
be used to benefit people? For example, we nudges. In one of its initiatives, the BIT placed
know (from experiments and general obser- an additional line of text in letters sent out to
vation) that people at a buffet tend to choose taxpayers simply stating, Most people pay their
healthier dishes if salad is placed at the taxes on time. This subtle reminder resulted in
beginning of the food line. Wouldnt it therefore drastically fewer late payments.
be advantageous to encourage people to eat
Governments see this type of nudging as benev-
better by arranging the food in that manner?
olentgood for individuals and ultimately for
In the case of employer-sponsored retirement
society. However, not everyone is thrilled with
plans, isnt it a good thing for employers to take
the idea of the government encouraging certain
advantage of the status quo bias (see page 42),
types of behavior and discouraging others, how-
force employees to opt out, and thus maximize
ever subtly. Libertarian-leaning individuals in
retirement savings? If employers should leverage
particular find the practice manipulative, offen-
human irrationality in the interest of better deci-
sive, and somewhat Orwellian. Some feel that
sions, then what about the government?
its an example of the government overstepping
Some policymakers and economists certainly its bounds and becoming a quasi-parent (Eat
believe that this is a proper role for government. more broccoli and skip the chocolate cake).
President Obama brought in an expert on the
Wherever you come down on the question
matter, Cass Sunstein, to be the administrator
of nudges from the government, you have to
of the Office of Information and Regulatory
acknowledge that government has learned its
Affairs. For the period of time he served,
tactics from the expertsthe many businesses
Sunstein oversaw an effort to develop policies
that use advertising to nudge their customers
that would nudge citizens into making better
into buying more of their products.


Many (though not all) economic fore- set of similar preferences. You may decide to
casting models assume that future events are make your model more complex by building in
more or less predictable based on events that the assumption that consumers have different
have already occurred. For example, a model types of preferences, but you might also make
designed to predict next quarters unemploy- the assumption that those differences can all
ment rate will be built on the assumption that be accounted for by five or six general catego-
the basic structure of the economy wont change ries. (In fact, your model would be unwieldy
before the next quarter. Thats a sound assump- if you didnt make that assumption.) In other
tion most of the time. If something completely words, some economic models are quite com-
unforeseen takes placesay, the collapse of the plex and contain vast amounts of detailed data,
countrys central governmentthen the fore- but they all use simplifying generalizations.
cast is likely to be wrong because of the faulty Another assumption commonly used in
assumption at its base. Economic forecasting economic models is that of ceteris paribus,
models are still useful, however, even though which is Latin for all other things being
unforeseen events can and sometimes do prove equal. In any economic analysis, theres some
their basic assumptions false. factor of primary interest. For example, in a
Every economic model has to start from model intended to forecast the price of gaso-
some type of assumption. A given model line in the next quarter, the factor of interest
may incorporate its own particular set of might be the price of gasoline. Yet a number
assumptions, but some assumptions tend to of other factors, or variables, can affect the
be common to a variety of economic models. future price of gasoline. When economists
Every economic model starts with at least employ the ceteris paribus assumption, they are
some kind of generalization. If you want to assuming that those variables (such as politi-
build a model that predicts consumers behav- cal events affecting the ability to drill for oil)
ior, then you might build it on the assumption can be held constant while the primary item
that all consumers are influenced by a general of interest is being analyzed.

T hinking like an E conomist 45

One of the great political debates of our day
centers on the question of how large the gov-
ernment should be. Where economics is Markets are nothing short of miraculous.
concerned, the question has to do with when No computer, and certainly no human being
the government should intervene in a partic- or group of human beings, could track and
ular market, and when the market should be coordinate all the activity necessary to make
allowed to operate freely. Some politicians and commerce run as smoothly as it does in free
pundits pride themselves on being champions markets. You could say that markets are one
of the free market, but most people (other than of humanitys most amazing inventionsbut
extreme libertarians) would agree that regula- that wouldnt be quite accurate. A free mar-
tion is useful in some situations. This chapter ket is truly amazing, and yet its not exactly an
provides an overview of markets and how they invention. Its simply a form of human inter-
operate, as well as what happens when they action, a means for people to express their
dont work the way theyre supposed to. The tastes, have their wants and needs met, and
chapter also lays out the economic case for cer- earn their livelihoods by serving their fellow
tain types of regulation. A few specific markets human beings.
and forms of government intervention are dis- Some commentators would have you
cussed, including rent controls, agricultural believe that markets were created by modern
price supports, the minimum wage, and the corporations, but markets were around long
market for legal marijuana. before corporations came into being. (Unlike
markets, the corporation is a human inven-
tion.) If all the corporations in the world were

abolished tomorrow, markets would still exist, every market that is allowed to operate freely.
and they would still thrive. Those forces include the interaction between
Other people believe that markets were the level of demand for a particular good or
created by politicians, particularly politicians service, and the available supply of that good
with a pro-business slant, but there are plenty or service, with prices serving as a signal for
of markets that exist outside politicsand buyers and sellers alike.
outside the law, for that matter. Some mar- Demand is simply the consumers need or
kets persist in the face of laws designed to desire for a good or a service. If the price of
shut them down. If every politician fell off the a New York Yankees ticket is $50, consumers
planet next week, and if every law on the books may express demand for a total of 50,000 tick-
were overturned, markets would survive. ets. If the price of a ticket falls to $25, then
What, then, is meant by the term market? consumers may express demand for a total of
A market is an institution or medium that 80,000 tickets. When the price of a good falls,
connects potential buyers with potential sell- people are generally willing and able to buy
ers. When economists discuss markets, theyre more of the good. When the price rises, people
often referring to markets for particular goods are generally willing and able to buy less of the
or services. This means that the term market good. This basic notionthat people tend to
can refer to something broad, as well as some- want more of a good at a lower price and less
thing narrow. For example, the market for of the good at a higher priceis embodied in
sports entertainment is fairly broad, but we a fundamental principle in economics known
could narrow the discussion by focusing on as the law of demand. For the law of demand
the market for Major League Baseball games, to work, the assumption of ceteris paribus (see
and we could narrow it even more by focus- page 45) must come into play. For example, if
ing on the market for tickets to games played the price of New York Yankees tickets were to
by the New York Yankees, or on the market fall, consumers might be willing to buy more
for tickets to a Yankees game to be played on ticketsbut not if they learned that the price
a given night. had fallen because of managements decision
No matter how narrow and specific an to bench the actual Yankees for the entire sea-
individual market may be, it contains and is son and field the Charleston RiverDogs, a
affected by all the forces that come into play in Yankees farm team, instead.
On the sellers side of things, the forces
of supply are at work. Suppose that the Zipp
A 19th-century depiction of the Dock Street wharf in Shoe Company is willing to provide the mar-
Philadelphia shows the everyday commotion of market
interactions between sellers, buyers, and port workers. ket with one million pairs of its shoes priced at
$100 each, and with three million pairs priced


at $200 each. In other words, the law of supply Factors like these cause demand and supply
says that when the price of a good rises, sellers to shift and move. Demand and supply grav-
are willing to provide greater quantities of the itate toward a point, called the equilibrium,
good, and that when the price falls, sellers are where the quantity of a good that sellers are
willing to provide less of the good. Once again, willing to provide is the same as the quantity
the law cant work without the assumption of of the good that consumers want to purchase.
ceteris paribus. If the company believes it can Out of that interaction emerges the market
sell its shoes for $200 a pair, then the company price. Maybe youve heard sellers of products
may be willing to put three million pairs of its say that they charge the prices that the market
shoes on the marketbut not if the company will bear. What they mean is that they dont
has reason to suspect that a deep recession is set their prices in a vacuum. Consumers, by
on the way. expressing demand for products and services,
Demand and supply are not constant, how- have a lot to say about how much of a product
ever. In any market, many factors can affect the or a service can be sold, and at what price. Julia
level of demand and the available supply for a is free to charge $1 million for handcrafted
good or service, including: birdcages, but if no one wants to pay her price,
shell quickly find herself out of business.
When consumers incomes go up,
Markets, left to themselves, are usually
demand for most goods rises.
highly efficient; they allocate goods and ser-
When sellers costs for raw materials go vices faster and with less waste than would be
down, sellers are able to supply more of
their products without raising prices.
Business taxes can affect the supply of

goods and services, and so can subsidies.

Demand for something (such as conven-


tional taxi service) is affected when a

substitute (such as Uber) enters the

market, and prices are affected as well.


The laws of supply and demand are central to determin-


ing prices and availability of goods. The point where both

factors meet is known as the market equilibrium.


possible by any other means, such as central Each time theres a change in the forces
planning. If consumers want more chocolate that underlie demand or supply, the market
bunnies, for example, then their demand for responds and a new equilibrium is reached.
the long-eared confections will rise, and if No individual or centralized agency coordi-
nothing else changes (ceteris paribus, remem- nates any of this activity, and no one needs
ber?), then the increased demand will push up to. It occurs naturally as an outgrowth of
the market price of chocolate bunnies. As the human interaction.
price begins to rise, several things will happen:
1. Some consumers will decide that they
dont want to buy chocolate bunnies at
the new, higher price, and those con- MARKET REGULATION
sumers will either save their money
Markets are amazing and beautiful when they
or spend it on something else, such as
work well, and in most instances, they work
gummy worms.
very well indeed. When they dont, we have
2. Manufacturers of chocolate bunnies will what economists refer to as market failure,
notice that sellers are commanding higher a situation in which a market, left to its own
prices for the luscious lagomorphs, and devices, produces either more or less than the
will correctly understand that the higher socially optimal amount of a good or a service.
prices are a sign that consumers want more
of the candy. They will ramp up produc- Causes of Market Failure
tion, and if the price of chocolate bunnies Market failures arise most commonly because
rises enough, new manufacturers may of poor or incomplete information, lack of
enter the market in search of profits. competition, or the presence of external costs
or benefits.
3. As manufacturers make a greater supply
of chocolate bunnies available for sellers
Poor or Incomplete Information
to offer consumers, the price of the
Sometimes the level of information in a mar-
candy begins to come down, since choco-
ket is poor or incomplete. Typically in such
late bunnies are now so easy for buyers
a case, one party to a transaction will have
to find that sellers must compete with
more information than the other party. In a
one another. And thats a good thing
situation like this one, economists say there
wouldnt it be sad if some people couldnt
is asymmetric information. Lets consider
afford their favorite treat because the
some examples.
price was too high?

F ree M arkets versus G overnment R egulation 51

The seller of a used car knows more about the product or service will have a higher
the cars qualities than the potential buyer price than it would if the same market
does. The buyer, lacking complete infor- were competitive, and the sales volume of
mation about the car, wont be able to the product or service will be lower than
make a wise buying decision. in a competitive market.
In a country without labeling regulations, The market is not monopolized, but its
the manufacturers of a popular lunch still not competitive enough.
meat are not required to disclose the
The outcome is not socially optimal in
products ingredients, but buyers might
either of these scenarios, because the market
not choose to purchase it at all if they
fails to attract potential consumers who would
knew everything it contained.
be willing to buy the product or service if it
A manufacturer of potato chips advertises were competitively priced.
its product as being all natural and low
in fat, but in fact the chips are loaded External Costs and Benefits
with fat and unnatural ingredients. When external costs or benefits
externalitiesbecome a factor in market fail-
Information asymmetries like these can lead
ure, its because people who are not directly
to a market outcome that is less than socially
involved in a market transaction are neverthe-
optimal, such as the presence of unsafe cars on
less affected by it, sometimes negatively and
the road, the ingestion of non-human-grade
sometimes positively. External costs are known
meat scraps, and the consumption of products
as negative externalities, and external bene-
linked to obesity and heart disease. (Note that
fits, as you might suppose, are called positive
market outcome simply refers to the results of
externalities. Lets see what these two causes
interactions between forces in a market.)
of market failure look like in practice.
Lack of Competition Negative Externality. A chemicals
When market outcomes that are less than manufacturer has a factory next to a
desirable can be traced to lack of competition, river where the company dumps its toxic
one of the following situations may be at the waste. People living in a community two
root of the problem: miles downstream get their drinking
water from the river. None of them work
The market for a product or service is
at the factory, and none of them buy the
monopolizedthat is, potential con-
companys products, which are shipped
sumers have only one source of this
to industrial customers in distant cities.
product or servicewhich means that


In this case, a market transactionthe internalize those external coststhat is,
sale of chemicalsgenerates an exter- if the company had to pay those costs
nal cost, or negative externality, that is instead of passing them on to its down-
borne by the neighboring community. stream neighborsthen the company
This is a market failure because the com- would also have to try to recover those
pany is overproducing chemicals. How costs by raising the market price of its
do we know this? We know it because chemicals, and the volume of its sales
the company is avoiding the monetary would drop.
costs involved in responsible disposal of
its toxic waste and is passing those costs
on to its neighbors, in the form of envi- Environmental pollution is considered an external cost
of production because of its impact on the surrounding
ronmental pollution and risks to their community, and it can also be seen as a market failure.
health. If the company were forced to


Positive Externality. Dan and Fred paid for and received his shot. In other
carpool to work every day. As winter words, a market transactionthe sale of
approaches, Dan gets a flu shot. Because flu vaccine in the form of an injection
Dans coworkers, including Fred, now has generated a positive externality. A
wont catch the flu from Dan, they ben- situation that creates a positive external-
efit from the decision even though they ity confers a benefit on a third party who
had nothing to do with the transaction is not involved in a transaction. How is
between Dan and the clinic where he this a market failure? Its a market failure


A particular type of market failure has to do You can see whats likely to happen in the long
with what is called a public good. The key run: The owner keeps the light burning, and
characteristic of a public good is that it cant more users simply decide not to pay for the light.
easily be divided, and so people cant easily (In economic parlance, these people are referred
be prevented from enjoying its benefits. to as free riders.) Why would a profit-seeking
entrepreneur choose to build a lighthouse
Most goods on the market are private goods
when there are so many free riders who wont
they can be divided, and people can be
pay for the light? In a situation like this one,
prevented from enjoying their benefits. But
the government will have to step in and either
how, for example, can the owner of a lighthouse
provide the good outright or subsidize it.
divide the illumination it produces? How can
the lighthouses owner sell pieces of that light Some have argued that sports stadiums are
to individual users? public goods that generate positive externalities,
so they should receive public financing from
As it happens, many lighthouses are privately
local governments to build new stadiums. Even
owned, and lighthouse services are bundled
though some teams have been successful in
into docking fees. But lighthouses have benefits
convincing policymakers that sports stadiums
that go beyond keeping large ships and smaller
are public goods, a stadium doesnt meet the
craft from crashing into harbors. If someone
economic definition of a public good. A stadium
wants to enjoy the benefits of a lighthouse but
can easily be divided into boxes and seats. And
doesnt want to pay the owner for the light,
its easy to keep people from having access to
what can the owner do? After all, if the owner
the game inside the stadium. Customers must
turns the light off so nonpayers cant use it,
purchase tickets to enter the venue; anyone who
then paying customers will also be prevented
shows up at the gate without one wont make it
from enjoying the lighthouses benefits.
past the turnstiles.


in part because, thanks to Dans decision costs or cannot capture all the benefits of the
to get a flu shot, Fred and all of Dans goods production, some kind of distortion
other coworkers already have some level has entered the relationship between buyers
of protection from the flu, so they may and sellers, and something has disturbed the
decide not to get a flu shot themselves. markets equilibrium. These are situations in
Or maybe Fred and Dans other cowork- which some type of intervention on the part
ers make less money than Dan, or have of the government may be warranted, and an
other reasons to not pay for a flu shot. alphabet soup of federal agencies has cropped
As a result, the manufacturer of the flu up over the decades to deal with market fail-
vaccine, knowing that the number of peo- ures like the ones just described.
ple who benefit from the vaccine tends Because markets work better when truth-
to be disproportionately higher than the ful and accurate information is available to
number of people who actually get a flu consumers, the Federal Trade Commission
shot, will produce less of the vaccine than (ftc), among its other duties, regulates adver-
would be the case if everyone chose to get tising in the United States and can come down
a flu shot, and private clinics or other for- hard on a company if its advertising practices
profit facilities that offer flu shots will not are found to be deceptive. The Food and
be able to immunize as many people as Drug Administration (fda) imposes label-
they could. In other wordsspecifically, ing requirements on manufacturers of food
the words that an economist would use products and medications. The Securities and
the socially optimal level of production Exchange Commission (sec) requires that
(output) is actually higher than the mar- publicly traded companies regularly disclose
ket outcome; the market doesnt produce certain kinds of information to the public.
enough of the good because it doesnt When market failure arises from lack of
capture all the external benefits generated competition, the ftc and the Department of
by the goods production. Justice (doj) share the duty of cracking down
on anticompetitive practices. At times, even
the Federal Bureau of Investigation (fbi) gets
The Need for Regulation
involved in this arena (for example, by investi-
As weve just seen, market failure, by defini-
gating suspected collusion among firms).
tion, involves a misallocation of resources.
When it comes to negative externalities
That is, when potential buyers dont have all
involving pollution, the primary regulatory
the information they need, when a market is
agency is the Environmental Protection
monopolized or insufficiently competitive, or
Agency (epa), which attempts to limit or
when the sellers of a good dont pay the true
eliminate various types of pollution by

F ree M arkets versus G overnment R egulation 55

levying taxes, imposing fines and restrictions, some form of subsidy, or financial support in
and applying other regulatory measures. For the form of a cash payment or tax reduction.
example, some epa regulations can force a For example, if a particular type of immuniza-
manufacturing firm to scrub its emissions by tion created substantial external benefits, then
requiring the firm to invest in special equip- the government might choose to subsidize pri-
ment. Whatever form the environmental vate clinics that offer the immunization, thus
regulation takes, its result will be to limit not allowing the clinics to immunize more people.
only the polluting firms harm to the environ- Another approach might be to offer subsidies
ment but also the total production, or output, to individual consumers so they can more eas-
of the good that the firm manufactures. In this ily afford to be immunized. A third approach
way, regulation moves the output in this mar-
ket toward the socially optimal level.
Positive externalities, if recognized by the The Federal Trade Commission was established in 1914
by President Wilson as part of antitrust efforts aimed at
government, are typically dealt with through protecting consumers and competitiveness.


might be to set up government-funded clinics prevented anyone else from offering
and let the government provide the immuni- another kidney for sale.)
zations. A fourth possibility might be for the
There was clear demand, as indicated
government simply to require that citizens
by the bids that pushed the price into
are immunized. Whichever approach is used,
the millions.
there would be a rise in both total vaccine pro-
duction and immunization, and the output in There was apparently sound information
this market would move toward the socially about the kidney.
optimal level.
There were no externalities.

Market Failure versus Failure Thus the market actually appeared to be

of Market Outcomes working very well. It was the outcome of
In 1999, a man attempted to auction off one that marketits very existence, you might
of his kidneys on eBay. Bidding on the organ saythat people didnt like, and that created
climbed to over $5.75 million before the com- the problem.
pany noticed and shut the auction down. (Its There are plenty of other situations in
a felony to sell body parts in the United States, which markets do what theyre supposed
and eBay doesnt allow illegal goods to be sold to do even when people (or governments)
on its site.) dont approve of the outcomes. Markets exist
Some people were surprised, perhaps even for illegal drugs, weapons, prostitution, and
shocked, by this incident. How could someone many other goods and activities that people
even think of selling a part of his body online, find unsavory and governments find problem-
and who were the people bidding on it? atic. There are even places in the world where
Here we have an example of a market out- babies are bought and sold.
come that was widely unpopular and even Nothing reveals human tastes as well as
caused revulsion in some people. But this was markets do; you can ask people what they
not a case of market failure. In fact, the market like, but you wont get nearly as honest an
did exactly what a market is supposed to do. answer as when you observe what theyre
actually buying. None of the commerce just
There was a supply: exactly one kidney.
described is due to market failure. Those mar-
(Some might argue that the market
kets exist because there are people willing to
was monopolized, since there was only
sell certain goods and other people willing to
one seller offering one kidney, but until
pay money for them. Markets are completely
the auction was shut down, nothing
nonjudgmental. They have no morality built

F ree M arkets versus G overnment R egulation 57


The discussion about the regulation of marijuana of their husbands and other male family members
is complex. To some extent, the market for when under the influence of alcohol.
marijuana falls into the category of markets with
From an economic standpoint, its difficult to
outcomes that violate social standards (or the
argue that alcohol should be legal and marijuana
social standards of some people). But a case can
should not. In fact, the economics of the two
also be made that marijuana use creates negative
markets are very similar, or at least they would
externalities, much in the way that polluting
be if marijuana, now approved for use in a few
activities do. For example, some people may
states, were legal to the extent that alcohol cur-
choose to drive while stoned, and someone who
rently is. No doubt social attitudes have played
has grown psychologically dependent on mari-
a bigger role than economics in keeping laws
juana may lose all motivation to work and then
against marijuana on the books.
become dependent on public aid, too.
Clearly, though, attitudes are rapidly shifting. Its
Advocates for legalizing marijuana argue that alco-
easy to imagine the day, not too many years in
hol also generates precisely these kinds of social
the future, when the sale of marijuana is legal in
costs, and to a much greater extent than mari-
every state in the union. But the market for legal
juana does. After all, the marijuana advocates say,
marijuana, like the market for alcohol, will almost
alcohol impairs judgment and lowers inhibitions,
certainly be more tightly regulated than the mar-
making someone more likely to engage in illegal
kets for most other goods.
activities, and yet alcohol is perfectly legal.
Another argument for legalization is that canna-
bis has medicinal effects and, as such, creates
substantial benefits for society.
Then theres the argument that so many
libertarian-leaning people have been making for
years: People are going to use marijuana anyway,
so why not legalize it, regulate it, and tax it?
Underlying this argument is the idea that a mar-
ket for marijuana exists, has existed for a long
time, and is not going away any time soon.
Everyone who knows even a little about history
knows that alcohol prohibition in the United
States in the 1920s and early 1930s didnt really
work. There were places people could go to find
alcohol under the table, so to speak. Prohibi-
tion was enacted partly for moral reasons but also
because of the negative externalities that alcohol
consumption caused. Women who belonged to the
temperance groups that played such a big part in
pushing prohibition were fed up with the behavior


into them. Thats one reason why a govern- United States. There arent enough pages in
ment may decide to regulate a market: the this book to cover in detail all the different
markets activity doesnt conform to accept- forms that government intervention takes, so
able social standards. lets focus now on one particular form of inter-
A case in point is the market in prosti- vention: price controls.
tution. In the Old West, the prostitution Aside from government restrictions on a
market worked the way a market is supposed companys or industrys level of output, price
to work, and could not be regulated on the controls are the most direct form of gov-
basis of arguments about the markets failure. ernment intervention in a market, and they
But when prostitution eventually came to potentially have the greatest impact. Price con-
be seen as an unsavory activity, laws against trols are limits on market prices. A price ceiling
it were established even though the prostitu- is a maximum price allowed by law, and a price
tion market had always worked very well. The floor is a minimum price required by law.
arguments for the prostitution markets regu-
lation had more to do with ethics and morality Price Ceilings
than with economics. When a price ceiling has been established,
Regulation based on morality may be sellers are not allowed to charge more for a
entirely justified, particularly in certain egre- particular good than the price set by the gov-
gious circumstances, such as the buying and ernment. The problem with price ceilings is
selling of babies. An important thing to keep that they change the incentives in a market.
in mind, however, is that social standards and
notions of morality and ethics can change Gasoline Price Controls
over time. Suppose the price of gasoline is $2.50 per
gallon, and that there are one million gallons
of gas bought and sold every day. Now suppose
PRICE CONTROLS that the government, judging $2.50 per gallon
AS AN EXAMPLE OF as too high a price for gas, decides to help people
out by setting a price ceiling to $1.50 per gallon.
GOVERNMENT REGULATION Will the price ceiling really help people
out? Lets see what happens.
Government intervention in markets can
As we know, consumers wanted and were
take several forms. Limits on emissions, zon-
able to buy one million gallons of gasoline
ing restrictions, gun ownership laws, labeling
every day before the price ceiling was lowered
restrictionsthese are examples of the tens
to $1.50 per gallon. But now, given the new,
of thousands of regulations that exist in the

F ree M arkets versus G overnment R egulation 59

artificially low price, they want two million election, plenty of politicians agree with the
gallons per day. But why would sellers want to partys platform.
put two million gallons per day on the market? Rent controls have been enacted in New
At the lower price, they wont even be will- York City and other us cities. These are another
ing to offer one million gallons per day. Some form of price ceiling. Most rent control systems
sellers already dont operate efficiently enough, limit the frequency of allowable rent increases
so if the price ceiling is set at $1.50 per gallon, as well as the amount of any increases. In some
those sellers will be forced to shut down. Sell-
ers who do manage to remain in business may
be willing to offer only 250,000 gallons per day
at the price of $1.50, and so a shortage of 1.75
million gallons of gasoline will develop in the
gasoline market.
Even if we ignore the additional demand
spurred by the artificially lower price of $1.50
per gallon, there will still be 750,000 fewer gal-
lons available every day than there were before
the lower price ceiling was put into effect.
Imagine the long lines at the gas stations, the
stations running out of fuel or rationing gas-
oline, and all the angry customers arriving at
the pumps after spending hours in line, only
to discover that the gas supply has run out.

Rent Controls
In the first decade of the 21st century, a new
political party appeared on the scene, mainly
in New York City. The Rent Is Too Damn
High Party, by virtue of its name, simulta-
neously announced its primary issue and its
position on that issue. The party has nomi-
nated candidates for various state and local
offices, and even though the partys candi-
dates have never come close to winning an


cities, rent controls only apply to larger rental another, they have the effect of reducing the
unit complexes in the regulated area. quality of the available rental unitsif land-
Rent controls are certainly a well- lords are not able to charge market rates, then
intentioned regulation, but most mainstream their profits are squeezed, and theyre less will-
economists see them as leading to problems. ing to spend money on repairs and updates.
For one thing, rent controls produce short- In addition, prospective landlords are less
ages of rental units in the regulated areas. For likely to build new rental units in areas that
have rent controls. The takeaway is that a reg-
ulation intended to help people acquire and
retain affordable housing has had the net effect
of reducing the supply as well as the quality of
affordable housing.

Price Floors
When a price floor is in effect, the government
requires sellers to charge buyers a specified
minimum amount for a good or service. Like
a price ceiling, a price floor changes incentives
in ways that distort the market. As experience
shows, a price floor may come with other unin-
tended consequences.

The Minimum Wage

Where the federal minimum wage is con-
cerned, the relevant market is the market for
low-skilled or unskilled labor. Here, the sell-
ers are the workers, and the buyers are the
employers. When this price floor is in effect,
the government doesnt allow sellers (workers)

Bronx tenements, pictured here in 1936, are one exam-

ple of a rent control scheme that had the unintended
consequence of giving landlords no incentive to main-
tain high-quality units.


to charge buyers (employers) less than a cer- Like rent controls, the minimum wage devel-
tain amount of money per hour. oped from good intentions. Like every other
It may seem confusing for the minimum kind of regulation, the minimum wage has bene-
wage to be defined in this way. Maybe youre fits and costs that should be carefully considered,
not accustomed to thinking of the minimum regardless of policymakers good intentions.
wage as an amount that the worker is required
to charge the employer, but thats exactly the The Living Wage
way economists talk about the minimum One big criticism of the federal minimum
wage. If you wanted experience in a particu- wage is that it doesnt account for geographic
lar industry and were willing to work for less differences in the cost of living. The living
than the minimum wage, you would undoubt- wage is intended to correct that shortcoming.
edly find someone to pay you at a lower rate, The movement for a living wage gained
but it would actually be illegal for you to sell prominence in the United States in the 1990s.
your labor for less than the minimum wage. The idea behind this policy is that the mini-
The minimum wage was established to mum wage doesnt provide enough income for
alleviate and prevent certain abuses in the a family, or even an individual, to live on with-
workplace, and it has a long and involved out some type of support from the government.
history. It may seem like a compassionate Therefore, although the precise definition of
measure, but it leads to at least one serious what constitutes a living wage is somewhat dif-
unintended consequencesome amount of ferent from place to place, the living wage is set
unemployment (and, many economists would at a level higher than the minimum wage so that
add, increases in some prices, and therefore workers can pay the typical costs of food, shel-
higher inflation). ter, clothing, healthcare, and other basic needs
If you dont believe that, imagine what in the regions where they live.
would happen if the government were to set a The living wage, like the minimum wage,
federal minimum wage of, say, $50 per hour. has led to higher unemployment in the cities
There would be a lot of layoffs, with some and regions where it has been implemented.
firms getting by with a skeleton crew and oth- Like the minimum wage, the living wage also
ers forced to close their doors for good. Huge tends to raise prices and increase the likelihood
numbers of workers would also be replaced by of inflation. In addition, as firms relocate to
various kinds of labor-saving technology. The areas where this price floor is not in effect, eco-
minimum wage doesnt even have to be as high nomic decline occurs in those regions where
as $50 per hour before these effects kick in. policymakers have mandated a wage higher
Theyre already occurring, to some extent, at than the federally mandated minimum wage.
the actual minimum wage.



At one time, most of the corn grown in the ethanol have pushed up the price of US corn.
United States went to feed people and livestock. And because the United States is such a large
Now, much less of the US corn crop is used that producer, that price increase has affected the
way, and livestock get more than humans do. world market, too, and is especially burdensome
What happened? Large amounts of corn are now for consumers in less developed countries. Imag-
being used as biofuel for automobiles, in the ine the effect on childrens nutrition in a country
form of ethanol. where corn tortillas are a food staple.
Environmental concerns were the primary reason No one would claim that the purpose of biofuel
for biofuel mandates in the United States and mandates in the United States was to starve
elsewhere. When the mandates were established, children in Central America, but the whole
biofuels were thought to be cleaner than petroleum- situation clearly shows the law of unintended
based fuels, and therefore better for the envi- consequences in action. Its also an example of
ronment. Policymakers also believed that a shift government failure on a global scale.
to biofuels would lower the US dependence on
foreign oil.
But there may be no net benefit associated with
switching from fossil fuels to biofuels when it
comes to carbon dioxide emissions and their
connection to climate change. Not only that, but
the production of biofuels has environmental
consequences of its own, such as land and water
depletion, and policymakers apparently didnt
take these factors into account when they estab-
lished the mandates. Nor is it clear that the use
of biofuels has reduced US reliance on foreign
oilwhen ethanol is blended with gasoline, it
essentially waters the gas down and reduces the
amount of energy it can provide, which means
that consumers burning ethanol have to use more
gas to drive the same distances they covered
when they were burning gasoline alone.
These are all serious consequences of the
biofuel mandates, but the biggest consequence
has been the impact on the corn market itself.
Farmland that once fed people and livestock is
now being used to support transportation needs.
The subsidies paid to farmers growing corn for


Agricultural Price Supports in effect, paying farmers not to producethe
Agricultural price supports are a special case exact opposite of how most subsidies work.
of government-imposed price controls. In Some analysts argue that without govern-
many countries, including the United States, ment intervention, farmers incomes would
the government engages in some form of price be unduly volatilein lean years, many small
support for farmers. The goal of such support farmers could be forced out of business, with
is to stabilize the incomes of farmers (low- unknown effects for the countrys future food
income farmers in particular). security. Other analysts point out that farm-
A price support for agriculture could take ers have other ways to stabilize their incomes,
the form of a price floora minimum price such as purchasing crop insurance or enter-
that must be paid for agricultural products ing into contracts to sell their future crops at
(output)but thats not the most typical way particular fixed prices (a farmer who does this
that an agricultural price support works. In the is said to be buying agricultural futures as a
United States, agricultural price supports have hedge against bad outcomes).
been carried out in a variety of other ways. The jury is still out on how effective agri-
One way involves the government purchas- cultural price supports really are. They do
ing farmers output at some predetermined help farmers, but there is also evidence sug-
target price. When the government does gesting that most of the support goes to large
this, the purchased supply must be handled producers rather than low-income farm fam-
in some manner that wont reduce demand or ilies. These price supports also push up the
dilute the price in the particular market. In price of agricultural land, so young farmers
some agricultural markets (grains, for exam- find it more difficult to get started and to
ple), the government has sought to stabilize expand their operations. Theres no question
prices by purchasing excess supplies, storing that agricultural price supports have also led
that surplus, and releasing it for sale later on to the creation of large government bureau-
when production is down. cracies, which themselves require operating
In another arrangement, the government resources. Remember what we said on page 33
pays farmers to set some land aside and not about opportunity costs? Resources devoted
use it to grow certain crops. With supplies of to running government agencies are not avail-
these crops artificially reduced, their market able for improving schools, building roads,
prices rise. In this scheme, the government is, conducting medical research, and carrying out
other important public and civic endeavors.


GOVERNMENT FAILURE sometimes occurs because particular
politicians may be more focused on get-
If a market failure occurs, the governments ting re-elected, making deals with one
intervention may be justified. But its also true another, or achieving some purpose
that the government doesnt always offer the other than implementing policy mea-
best solution. Politicians and bureaucrats may sures that are truly in the best interests of
end up making things worse or even creating their constituents.
a whole new problema situation known as
Given the risk for government failure,
government failure. Sometimes the best solu-
wouldnt it be better for the government to
tion comes from the market itself.
stay out of markets altogether? In some cases, it
Government failure can occur for a num-
would indeed be better for the government to
ber of reasons:
sit on the sidelines and let the market run free,
Although the government tracks and even in the presence of some type of market
monitors vast amounts of information, failure. In other cases, government interven-
sometimes even the government doesnt tion makes the market better and promotes
have the information it needs to solve a societys well-being.
particular problem. Bad information can Theres no one-size-fits-all approach to
often lead to a bad solution. determining when theres an economic basis
for government intervention in a failed mar-
Even when good, reliable information is
ket, so its wise for officials to examine the costs
available, red tape can lead to a slow or
and benefits of sitting the failure out, versus
inadequate response that ends up com-
intervening to solve the problem. If the ben-
pounding the problem.
efits of the governments intervention will be
A market failure may involve multiple outweighed by the costs, then the government
complex systems, and a change to one should stay out of the market. Conversely, if
part of a system can lead to unforeseen the benefits of intervention will be greater than
effects in another part of that system or the costs, then an economic basis for govern-
even in a different system. (Remember ment regulation exists. Of course, estimating
the law of unintended consequences we the costs and benefits of proposed regulation
discussed on page 30?) is a complicated, time-consuming, and poten-
tially controversial taskexactly the kind of
Without impugning the character of
task that will keep economists employed in
elected representatives in general, we
this country for a long time to come.
can observe that government failure

F ree M arkets versus G overnment R egulation 65


1874 1900
General Equilibrium
Lon Walras develops a
Lacey Act
Designed to protect
mathematical model that parts of the environ- Prohibition
demonstrates how supply ment, Congress passes Under the 18th amendment, the US
and demand lead to the Lacey Act prohibit- government outlaws the consumption
general equilibrium and ing the sale or purchase or sale of any alcoholic beverages.
how free markets could of wildlife or plant life Prohibition lasts for 13 years in the
be naturally stable. that is illegally obtained. United States.

1890 1906
Supply and Demand Food and Drug
Building on the work of
Classical economics, British Congress passes the Pure Food
economist Alfred Marshall and Drug Act that prohibits interstate
contends that the value commerce of mislabeled and adulter-
of a product is determined ated food and drugs. It eventually
by supply and demand leads to the creation of the Food and
principles. Drug Administration (FDA).


Rent Regulation
The federal government
1981 2012
administers New Yorks Minimum Wage
rent control program, President Reagans
Legalizing Marijuana
which limits the amount a administration is the Voters in Colorado and
landlord can charge a only one to not raise the Washington state approve
tenant for rent. The state minimum wage. During initiatives to legalize the
takes over management his eight-year term, the recreational use and sale of
in 1950. It is the longest- minimum wage remained marijuana for adults age 21
running rent stabilization at $3.35 per hour while and over. Alaska and Oregon
program in the US. prices rose. enact similar laws in 2015.

1944 1994
Spontaneous Order Living Wage
In his book, The Road to Serfdom, Labor and religious leaders
Friedrich Hayek argues that market in Baltimore are successful
economies produce efficient and in their fight for a living
spontaneous order, and any attempts wage for city workers.
from government to impose collective Community advocates
order would fail. win similar ordinances
in other cities including
San Francisco, Los Angeles,
and Boston.


Not all industries and markets are created the
same. Some are highly competitive, featuring
vibrant interaction among large numbers of NONCOMPETITIVE
sellers and buyers, while other markets are dom-
inated by a small handful of companies. Some
markets have been completely monopolized A market or industry characterized by perfect
sometimes with the full knowledge and competition has so many sellers of a good or a
permission of government regulators. In a service that no individual seller can influence
partly or completely monopolized market, the market price; each one is just another drop
buyers have no choice but to purchase a good in the proverbial bucket. This kind of market
or service from a small number of sellers or a or industry is so easy for a new seller to enter
single seller. To promote competition between that virtually any budding entrepreneur can go
firms and to limit or prevent monopolies, gov- into business and compete with other sellers.
ernments enact and enforce antitrust laws. The products in a perfectly competitive
This chapter explores the concepts and issues market, and even in a market that is highly if
relating to competition, monopoly, and anti- not perfectly competitive, tend to be standard-
trust. Well examine the factors that make an ized (e.g., commodities like gold, agricultural
industry more competitive versus less compet- products, and foreign currency). Firms in
itive. Well also look at what happens when perfectly competitive markets may earn large
a single firm amasses too much power in a profits in the short run (e.g., after the introduc-
market, as well as the history and workings of tion of a new product). Over a longer period,
antitrust legislation in the United States. however, competition tends to drive prices

down, and profits tend to stabilize at a par-
ticular level.
The opposite of a perfectly competitive Monopolies arise when there are barriers to
market is a market thats monopolized. As entry, or factors that prevent competitors
most people know, thanks to a famous board from entering a firms market. One barrier to
game featuring fake money and get out of jail entry is when its most efficient for a single
free cards, a firm has a monopoly when it con- firm to supply an entire market (for example,
trols a market. The product or service that a it may make more sense to have one electric
monopoly firm sells has no close substitutes. company in town than to have hundreds of
People who want that good or service have to competing companies with their own grids).
buy it from the monopolist. In this situation, the firm is said to have a nat-
If a firm is the only seller of a particular ural monopoly. Another type of barrier is a
good or service, the firm is said to have a pure resource monopoly, with a single firm con-
monopoly on that good or service. Sometimes trolling all access to a necessary input. There
a firm is also considered to have a monopoly are also legal barriers to entry, such as patents,
if it dominates a small number of competitors trademarks, and copyrights.
in its market. For example, Microsoft isnt the The requirement for occupational
worlds only producer of computer operating licensesfor everyone from doctors and law-
systems, but Microsoft is so dominant in its yers to hair stylists and taxi driverscan also
market that the company has been accused of be viewed as a barrier to entry. Such licen-
wielding monopoly power. sure requirements may be intended to keep
A market can also be an oligopoly, one that some potential competitors out of a market,
consists of a few large firms or is dominated and thus to protect the monopoly power of
by a few large firms. Auto manufacturing, air- current license holders. To justify the require-
craft manufacturing, the music industry, and ments for many types of occupational licenses,
the national mass media are good examples of policymakers cite concerns about public
oligopolistic industries. In an oligopoly, each safety. This explanation makes sense when it
firms actions greatly affect its competitors. comes to licensing emergency medical techni-
cians and other allied health professionals. Its
less convincing as an explanation for requiring
(Opposite) Professional licensing hinders entry
into a market, thereby limiting competition in
residential painting contractors or installers of
fields ranging from hairstyling to law and opening home entertainment systems to be licensed.
the door to monopoly power.
And its especially unconvincing when mem-
bers of occupational associations, rather than
consumers, are the ones demanding licensure.


In this situation, its hard to avoid the conclu- firm, a monopoly firm has demand for its
sion that practitioners in those occupations product or service. Consider a company that
seek to limit the number of their poten- is a communitys only provider of cable tv
tial competitors. and Internet services. Maybe 1 percent of the
people in the community would be willing
Common Misconceptions to pay $1,000 per month for tv and Internet
about Monopolies access, but the other 99 percent would balk at
Even people who follow business trends may such an exorbitant rate. Because this monop-
harbor misconceptions about monopolies. oly firm wants to maximize its profit, it cant
One misconception is that monopoly firms charge the highest price that a tiny minority
are guaranteed high profits. Its true, of course, of its customers would be willing to pay. If it
that if a company has a market monopolized, did, it would lose the vast majority of the mar-
the company stands to earn a much higher ket. The firms customers would simply find
profit than it would if the market were com- other alternatives.
petitive. But high profits are definitely not One of the biggest misconceptions about
guaranteed. In fact, a monopolist isnt guar- monopolies is that theyre always bad. Some
anteed any profit at all. Many people think of people even think that monopoly firms and
monopoly firms as large, powerful concerns the executives who run them are evil. But the
with deep pockets, and some of them certainly fact is that many monopolies create extraordi-
fit that description. But its also possible for a nary value, not just for stockholders, managers,
company to have a monopoly on a product or and employees, but for society as a whole. For
service for which there isnt enough demand example, most public utility companies enjoy
to generate a profit. In a particular year, for monopoly status, and while a local gas or
example, patents may be granted for a few electric company may hear its share of justi-
hundred thousand products, some of which fied complaints from customers, such utility
will generate large profits for their owners, companies nonetheless do an outstanding job
who are authorized as the products exclusive of providing energy on a 24/7 basis. Besides,
sellers for a period of time. But what about some products (certain lifesaving drugs, for
a firm that holds a patent for a product that example) might never have become available
nobody wants? That kind of monopoly would at all if their inventors and developers hadnt
be unprofitable indeed.
Another misconception is that a monop-
olist necessarily charges the very highest While the natural monopoly over public utilities may
seem unfair to some consumers, it is perhaps the best
possible price for its product or service. But way to ensure efficient delivery of essential goods
how could that be true? Just like any other like electricity.


been granted patents and monopoly power for market, two firms each have 10 percent of the
long enough to recoup the costs of research market, and two more firms each have 5 percent
and development. of the market. Together, the four largest firms
the one with 40 percent of the market, the one
Identifying Monopolies with 30 percent, and the two with 10 percent
There are measures that economists can use to eachhave 90 percent of the market, and
determine how competitive an industry is. The so the four-firm concentration ratio for this
two principal measures are concentration ratios industry is 90. A ratio of 90 indicates high
and the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (hhi). market concentration, or a market that is not
When the four-firm concentration ratio very competitive (a ratio of 40 or higher usu-
of an industry is calculated, the result shows ally implies that a market is oligopolistic).
the market share of the four largest firms in an Calculation of the hhi is somewhat more
industry as a proportion of the industrys total involved. The hhis potential values may be
sales. For example, suppose an industry is com- as low as nearly zero (for a very highly com-
posed of six firms. One firm has 40 percent of petitive industry) and as high as 10,000 (for
the market, another firm has 30 percent of the an industry whose market is limited to one



In The Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith wrote that the nations truck drivers staged a two-day strike.
when sellers of the same product get together for Within six months, the price of crude oil had
any reason, buyers should watch out for their wal- gone up 400 percent, and economic pain per-
lets. Smith was warning about a problem as old sisted around the world into the 1980s.
as commerce itself: collusion, sometimes known
OPEC can act as a cartel because its members are
as price fixing or bid rigging.
sovereign nations, which means theyre not subject
Weve seen that every firm in an oligopolistic to the laws of other nations and can even evade
market is extremely sensitive to the effects of the the laws that regulate private companies within the
actions taken by the other firms in that market. individual members own borders. In the United
For example, if one of the firms drastically cuts States and many other countries, however, collusion
its prices, then the other firms, reeling from is illegal, and conviction on a charge of collusion
the impact, will respond with price cuts of their carries hefty fines and jail time.
own. But none of the firms wants the race to the
Collusion still crops up frequently in the United
bottom that would ensue if they all continued
States in a wide array of industries. Recent
competing on that basis, and this is why the
investigations by the US Department of Justice
incentive to collude is so strong. If theyre able
have targeted airlines, book publishers, invest-
to act together, the firms can make production
ment firms, food manufacturers, distributors and
and pricing decisions that benefit all of them (at
retailers of compact discs, professional sports
the expense of consumers, of course). In other
organizations, and manufacturers of agricultural
words, the colluding firms can behave as if they
additives, to name just a few cases.
were one big firm. They will become a de facto
monopoly, and this arrangement allows them to
extract substantially larger profits from consum-
Monopoly can easily create chaos, such as when the
ers than they would otherwise be able to. A group
OPEC oil cartels cut in production left American drivers
of businesses engaged in collusion is commonly in long lines at gasoline stations.
referred to as a cartel.
The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting
Countries (OPEC) is probably the best-known
cartel in the world. Its member countries dont
have a 100 percent (pure) monopoly in crude oil
production and the trade of petroleum, but they
control a large enough share of the market to
exert significant influence on world oil prices. In
October 1973, what was then the Organization of
Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries colluded to
cut production and reduce exports to the United
States and other countries. Lines of cars waiting
to fill up at US gas stations stretched around
whole blocks. Eventually gas was rationed, and


seller, a purely monopolistic scenario). The us no close substitutes for its product, even though
Department of Justice, one of the agencies that thats actually not the case. In other words, the
has a hand in regulating monopolies, typically monopolistic competitor tries to become more
sees an hhi between 1,500 and 2,500 as indi- like a monopoly firm and less like a firm operat-
cation of moderate market concentration, and ing in a perfectly competitive market.
an hhi higher than 2,500 as indication of high There are pros and cons associated with
market concentration. If a proposed merger the monopolistic competitors heavy empha-
in a highly concentrated market seemed likely sis on product differentiation and advertising.
to increase the hhi by more than 200 points, People like having choices, of course, and so
then the merger might face government oppo- some amount of product differentiation is
sition on the grounds that it would unduly good. But do consumers really need the doz-
decrease competition if allowed to proceed. ens of varieties of shampoo and designer jeans
and breakfast cereals and razor blades that
Monopolistic Competitors monopolistic competitors offer? Or could the
A firm that can be characterized as a monop- resources devoted to product differentiation
olistic competitor has features of a monopoly and promotion be used in a way that brings
firm as well as features of a firm that operates more benefit to society?
in a perfectly competitive market. The monop-
olistic competitor does enjoy a monopoly, but
only when it comes to its own brand; in con- ANTITRUST REGULATION
trast to the pure monopolist, and there are close
substitutes for the monopolistic competitors
product. Because of these close substitutes, In a market thats sufficiently competitive, the
the monopolistic competitor may earn prof- government doesnt need to do anything to
its higher than normal in the short run but ensure a socially optimal outcome unless theres a
will merely break even in the long run, just as a market failure. If the firms in a competitive mar-
firm operating in a perfectly competitive mar- ket are enjoying substantial profits, then other
ket might. Retail stores, fast-food restaurants, enterprising sellers will enter that market, and
clothing makers, and hair salons are examples the new competition can be expected to drive
of monopolistic competitors. In fact, most prices down for buyers while prompting sellers
businesses are monopolistic competitors. to innovate and to improve the quality of their
Monopolistic competitors tend to engage products and services. This kind of adjustment
heavily in advertising, promotion, and product can happen in a competitive market because a
differentiation. A monopolistic competitors competitive market doesnt present high bar-
goal is to convince consumers that there really are riers to entry, so its relatively inexpensive for

C ompetition , M onopolies , & A ntitrust L aws 75

new sellers to wade in. In a monopolized mar- Review of Mergers and Acquisitions
ket, this kind of adjustment cant happen. As a One of the primary ways for the government
result, the government has long sought both to to limit the formation of monopolies is to
regulate firms that have monopoly power and, review proposed mergers and not allow some
at times, to restrict the formation of monopo- of them to go through. The government can
lies in the first place. use concentration ratios and the hhi to calcu-
All regulation comes with costs, regard- late whether a merger will leave an industrys
less of its good intentions, and antitrust market with too little competition. In 2011,
regulation is no exception. In any type of gov- for example, AT&T announced its intention
ernment action, however, what ultimately to acquire a competitor, T-Mobile, but the
matters is whether its benefits outweigh its Department of Justice filed an antitrust law-
costs. The economic justification for regulat- suit to block the proposed merger and the plan
ing a monopoly is that monopolistic practices was dropped.
tend to create higher prices and lower levels Merger cases can become very political.
of output than would exist in a competitive The standards for approving a merger are not
market, and such outcomes arent socially static, and a new presidential administration
optimal. In the United States and many other can change them, as the Obama administra-
countries, the costs associated with breaking tion did when it revised a set of guidelines to
up a monopoly, policing a companys busi- make particular types of mergers more diffi-
ness practices, blocking a merger, or pursuing cult. The fact that some administrations have
other forms of antitrust enforcement come allowed mergers that probably would have
with the same intended benefit: promotion failed under other administrations implies
of competition and prevention of anticom- that a certain amount of discretion exists in
petitive behavior. the enforcement of antitrust laws.
At the federal level, responsibility for
enforcing the nations antitrust laws rests with Price-Based Antitrust Regulation
the Federal Trade Commission (ftc) and the Not all monopolies are created through merg-
us Department of Justice. Sometimes other ers and acquisitions, and the government also
agencies also get involved. For example, the must contend with monopolies that come
Federal Communications Commission (fcc) about by other means. Like proposed merg-
typically participates in antitrust cases involv- ers, cases like these can be affected by political
ing telecommunications companies. At the bias and may entail some discretion in anti-
state level, each states attorney general, along trust enforcement.
with the relevant state agencies, is responsible The government may choose to regulate
for enforcing that states antitrust laws. a monopoly firm by imposing a price ceiling



In the 19th century, monopolies like Standard Oil The act also prohibited price discrimination of an
and US Steel were referred to as trusts. At some anticompetitive nature, such as the practice of
point, the government came to perceive these big charging a price below the cost of production with
firms as a problem. In an effort to keep the trusts, the intent of driving competitors out of the market.
or monopolies, in check, Congress went to work
Also in 1914, the Federal Trade Commission Act
and began passing antitrust laws. The Sherman
established the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Act was passed in 1890 and was the first such
and gave the FTC authority to investigate unfair
law. It made price fixing and other forms of collu-
business practices. The act was later amended,
sion illegal while also outlawing monopolization.
and the FTC gained the power to police the adver-
The Sherman Act turned out to be too vague, and tising practices of the nations businesses as well.
in 1914 Congress passed the Clayton Act to clarify
Today the FTC works in conjunction with the US
the Sherman Acts ambiguities. The Clayton Act
Department of Justice to enforce the nations
was designed to prevent mergers that would allow
antitrust laws. Because all 50 states also have
owners of firms to create de facto monopolies.
their own antitrust laws, which are enforced by
each states attorney general, such regulation of
monopolizing activity nationwide may be saving
This 1904 cartoon shows a Standard Oil octopus with US consumers millions and perhaps even billions
its tentacles around the steel and copper industries,
of dollars each year.
along with a few branches of government.



Some economistssuch as Milton Friedman decades in the United States, it was common for
have theorized that in an occupational market a small or midsize city to be served by only one
without licensure requirements, incompetent newspaper. In those one-paper towns, all local
practitioners would be weeded out, and those news was filtered through the editors of a single
who earned the best reputations would be news department. Now, the advent of the Inter-
rewarded. Friedman died in 2006, three years net has widened the availability of news, both
too soon to witness the launch of Uber, the national and local, and brought it to readers at
unregulated rideshare company that uses a pro- a much lower cost, with the added advantage of
prietary smartphone app to compete on its own saving a few trees. Whats been happening in the
terms with regulated taxi services. Its probably newspaper industry recalls what the economist
a safe bet that Friedman would have endorsed Joseph Schumpeter called creative destruction.
Ubers business model. Sometimes competition and innovation degrade
or even destroy entire industries while enabling
Its too early to say whether Uber has proved
the creation of others, and the Internet is one of
Friedmans theoryUber, a private company,
these creatively destructive forces. It has created
is not required to disclose its revenues, and its
dozens of new industries while revolutionizing
expansion has not been without controversy. But
thousands of others, and it has destroyed or is on
its not too early to say that Ubers model works,
the way to destroying some industries as well. For
as demonstrated not only by the emergence of
example, many peopleespecially Millennials
competitors like Lyft but also by the entry of
now read everything online. By the time the Mil-
companies like Airbnb, an unregulated competi-
lennials are in their retirement years there proba-
tor of highly regulated hotels and motels, into the
bly wont be any print newspapers at all, thanks to
so-called sharing economy.
online news. Thats creative destruction in action.
As Uber shows, its not always necessary for the
In the best of circumstances, competition brings
government to intervene in monopolized or highly
out the best in producers, rewards consumers
concentrated markets. Sometimes actors in the
with better products and better service at lower
economy, using new technologies and innovative
prices, promotes the efficient use of scarce
business models, challenge established monopo-
resources, and, ultimately, makes all of society
lies and pave the way for competition.
better off.
The newspaper industry offers another excellent
example of innovation trumping monopoly. For


with the aim of achieving a market price close good, so as to harm a competitor. Firms have
or equal to the price that would prevail in a also been fined for price fixing, a form of collu-
competitive market. In the past, for exam- sion that is a felony and is typically investigated
ple, some state agencies have set price caps by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (fbi),
on services offered by large local telephone leading to prison time for some offenders.
companies. In a highly concentrated market,
however, its hard to get a price ceiling right Breakup of Monopolies
because they must gauge what the competitive It takes a lot of time and money to break up a
price would be in a market that has never been monopoly firm, so this is a step that the gov-
truly competitive. ernment doesnt take lightly. The government
Changes in telephone technology have has sometimes taken action against monopo-
also brought changes in the regulation of the lies it considered illegal, the most famous cases
telephone industry. Nowadays some local tele- being the breakup of Standard Oil in 1911 and
phone companies, as well as many other utility of AT&T in 1984.
companies, are regulated on the basis of their In the first decade of the 21st century,
rate of return, which means that the govern- Microsoft was nearly broken up into two sep-
ment sets prices for these firms services in a way arate companies after the government charged
that restricts the firms to a predetermined level that it was illegally requiring computer man-
of profit. This type of regulation requires peri- ufacturers to preinstall its web browser, and
odic examination to ensure that the specified penalizing manufacturers for promoting
rate of return is actually being achieved and non-Microsoft products. In the end, the soft-
that the monopoly firms arent overearning. ware giant avoided being broken up, but it was
Government regulators may also prevent a prevented from engaging in anticompetitive
dominant firm from engaging in certain kinds behavior by being ordered to pay billions of
of anticompetitive behavior such as preda- dollars to various parties harmed by its anti-
tory pricing, or the practice of setting a very competitive practices.
low price, often below the cost of producing a

C ompetition , M onopolies , & A ntitrust L aws 79


1890 The Edison Trust
A group of filmmakers
centered mostly in New
Sherman York form a trust between
Antitrust Law one another, essentially
Federal Trade Commission
US Congress passes the monopolizing the film The Federal Trade Commission is
landmark antitrust law in an industry by setting up created to act as an independent
effort to foil back-door restrictions and enforce- agency to protect consumers from
monopolization deals ments against would-be potentially unfair practices such as
between stockholders. independent filmmakers. mergers between large companies.

1890 1914
American Clayton Antitrust Act
Tobacco Company
The Clayton Act is passed as an
The American Tobacco Company, amendment to the Sherman
formed by the Duke brothers, Antitrust law, by exempting
acquires over 150 tobacco unions from the antitrust
factories, therefore monopolizing legislation since workers
the vast majority of the American needed the right to unionize in
cigarette industry. order to maintain bargaining
power with employers.


1934 2013
Communications Act
Signed into law by President
1982 Uber Settlement
Roosevelt, the act replaces The mobile cab company
AT&T Breakup
the Federal Radio Commis- Uber is initially fined
sion with the Federal The Department of Justice by the California Public
Communications Commis- settles an antitrust case Utilities Commission for
sion (FCC) for the purpose with AT&T in order to make operating cabs without a
of regulating radio, televi- room for baby bells, or permit. However, Uber
sion, and other means of smaller telephone compa- reaches a temporary settle-
communication in the nies, to compete with the ment with the commission
United States. communications giant. and continues growing.

1960 2001
OPEC US vs. Microsoft Corporation
An international oil cartel The Department of Justice alleges
formed by several nations that Microsoft uses the efficiency and
including Iran and Venezu- popularity of its Windows systems to
ela, the Organization of prevent competitors from gaining
Petroleum Exporting market share. Microsoft loses the
Countries (OPEC), is original case, but later reaches a
designed to control the settlement with the DOJ.
price and supply of oil
across the globe.



To some Americans, globalization is a bad

word. People who are strongly critical of glo-
balization see it as tantamount to shipping AND WHAT IS GOOD
American factories and jobs abroad. Its true
that some jobs in some industries have moved
to other countries. But what opponents of glo- Globalization is the process by which markets
balization dont see, or perhaps choose not to become integrated among nations. Aspects
acknowledge, is that globalization has brought of globalization include international trade,
tremendous benefits to the United States, foreign investment, and labor migration.
just as it has to every other nation that has Globalization entails more than just business
exchanged goods, services, people, and ideas activity; as the economies of different coun-
with other nations. In this chapter, well exam- tries become increasingly integrated, theres
ine the economics related to globalization and also significant cultural exchange. Global-
free international trade and look at the facts ization permits the flow of goods, capital,
concerning us jobs lost to foreign nations. labor, ideas, and culture across international
Well also examine protectionism, which is borders. That flow may be regulated, but not
essentially the opposite of free trade. In addi- entirely blocked.
tion, well touch on the hot-button issue of Probably the most fundamental compo-
immigration, which certainly belongs to the nent of globalization is international trade,
broader debate about globalization. which entails the exchange of goods and
services across international borders. Inter-
national trade has been going on since before

the establishment of the Silk Road, the ancient Individuals dont try to produce everything
trade route that ran from China to the Med- themselves. Instead, most people specialize in
iterranean Sea. International trade must have some productive activityaccounting, con-
involved some heavy costs in ancient times, struction, farming, game show hostingand
since it required the use of overseas vessels or then use some of the fruits of their labor to buy
overland caravans, and so it must have offered goods and services from others who specialize
some big advantages, too. in different kinds of productive activity. The
One reason why people engaged in inter- same principle applies to companies, regions,
national trade in centuries past was that they nations, and even trading blocs.
wanted goods that werent available in their
homelands. For example, if the Greeks wanted
When the production process is globalized, one country
ivory, they would have had to import it, since supplies the raw wool, while workers in another turn that
Greece didnt produce ivory. That is still a rea- wool into clothes to be shipped elsewhere.
son why international trade persists, but its
not the primary reason. After all, even though
some goods are found only in a few places,
many others, especially manufactured goods,
can be produced anywhere. The primary rea-
son why countries continue to exchange goods
and services is that they stand to gain a lot
from specialization and trade.
Perhaps the easiest way to understand
this principle is to forget about countries
for a moment and just think about yourself.
Imagine living all alone in a world with no spe-
cialization whatsoever. If theres anything you
want or need in this no-specialization world,
you have to make it yourself. You wake up in
the morning and put on clothes that you sewed
yourself, using fabric that you wove yourself,
made of wool from the sheep you raised your-
self, and the process goes on and on from there.
But, fortunately, thats not the kind of
world we live in. We live in a world that features
lots of specialization and trade on many levels.


Globalization and the shoemaker does not attempt to make his own
Concept of Advantage clothes, but employs a taylor [sic] . . . If a for-
As individuals and as a nation, we dont try to eign country can supply us with a commodity
produce every good at home. This is a point cheaper than we can make it, better buy it of
that Adam Smith himself addressed in The them with some part of the produce of our
Wealth of Nations,, where he introduced the own industry, employed in a way in which we
concept of free trade based on absolute advan- have some advantage.
tage. In his famous tome, he wrote, It is the
maxim of every prudent master of a family Absolute Advantage
never to attempt to make at home what it will In economics, a country is said to have an
cost him more to make than to buy. The tay- absolute advantage in producing a particular
lor [sic] does not attempt to make his own good if it can do so at a lower absolute cost, or
shoes, but buys them of the shoemaker. The per-unit cost, than a trading partner can. For
example, the nations of Central America have
an absolute advantage over Canada in banana
production. Canada simply doesnt have the
climate necessary for banana production.
If youre good at fixing cars and your friend
knows very little about how to do that, you
have an absolute advantage over your friend
in car repair, and you can fix your friends car
in exchange for your friends help with your
garden. These are examples of trade based on
absolute advantage.

Comparative Advantage
Absolute advantage isnt the only basis on
which trade occurs. David Ricardo, a Brit-
ish economist who lived in the late 18th and
early 19th centuries, introduced the principle
of comparative advantage.
advantage A country has a
comparative advantage in producing a par-
ticular good when that country can produce
the good at a lower opportunity cost than a
trading partner can. In the context of trade,


a nations opportunity cost for producing a company. Designing websites is a big part of
particular quantity of a good would consist of how Hannah will spend her time, of course,
what the nation must give up to produce that but shell have to devote time to other tasks
good at that quantity. Remember, a nations as well. In addition to designing websites,
resources are scarce. If the nation directs its shes going to have to handle the marketing,
resources toward producing wicker brooms, bookkeeping, and administrative work. Han-
then it wont have the resources to produce, nah earns $45 per hour for her design work,
say, wooden stools. but she earns nothing directly for all the
Consider a young woman, Hannah, who behind-the-scenes work. As business picks
is very talented at website design and decides up, she decides that its time to hire an assis-
to start her own one-woman website design tant to handle the administrative duties. She
hires Robert, who is the best of the pool of
applicants willing to work for the rate of pay
Hannah is offering, say $15 per hour. Robert
is a reliable worker, but hes not nearly as fast
and efficient at administrative work as Han-
nah isit takes him three hours to do work
that she can get done in two hours. But Han-
nah still benefits greatly from Roberts efforts.
At this stage of her companys development,
its better for the entrepreneur to spend more
of her time on website design and less of her
time on paperwork. For every additional hour
that Hannah can work on website design at an
hourly rate of $45, she will be able to pay Rob-
ert for three hours of work. In other words,
she has an absolute advantage over Robert in
both website design and administrative work
because in both areas shes better and faster

David Ricardo (17721783) was a wealthy English

stockbroker and economic theorist whose concept of
comparative advantage among nations has served as
a central tenet of globalization.


than him. But Hannahs opportunity cost of Globalization and Multinational
doing administrative work is too high, in view Corporations
of the income she loses by not using all her Another important aspect of globalization has
time to work on website design. Therefore, been the spread of the multinational corpo-
Robert has a comparative advantage over Han- ration, which is a firm that operates and owns
nah in administrative work. assets in more than one country. The typical
A particular country may not have an multinational corporation has a central office
absolute advantage in producing any one in a home country. There are several reasons
good, but every country has a comparative why a corporation might decide to become a
advantage over potential trading partners in multinational firm.
producing some good. If each of two coun-
By locating a branch or subsidiary in
tries has a comparative advantage in producing
another country, its easier for the corpo-
a particular good, and if each of those coun-
ration to tap into that countrys demand
tries trades that good with the other country,
for its product.
then both countries benefit by becoming
more prosperous. The rest of the world bene- The corporation may be able to save on
fits, too, because the planets scarce resources transportation costs by shipping goods
are used more efficiently. Its even possible to from its foreign subsidiary.
argue that international trade promotes world
Labor costs may be lower in the coun-
peace. Wouldnt a country think twice before
try where the firm has located its
declaring war on its best customer or best sup-
foreign subsidiary.
plier? Thanks to international trade we have
access to goods from all over the world. In Where regulations, taxes, and potential
addition, competition from foreign produc- subsidies are concerned, the corporation
ers keeps our domestic producers on their that has a branch or subsidiary in another
toes. Domestic firms must strive to produce country may be able to receive national
high-quality products in an efficient manner, treatment from that country, which
and offer those products at prices consumers means it will be treated the same as the
are willing to pay. Without international trade countrys domestic firms.
many of the goods we purchase on a regular
It can be advantageous for a corporation
basis would be more expensive. Free interna-
to become a multinational firm by estab-
tional trade has proven so beneficial that the
lishing branches or subsidiaries in other
majority of nations in the world have entered
countries instead of simply exporting goods
into free trade agreements with other nations.
to those countries.

G lobalization & the U S E conomy 87

Globalization and Currency Valuations in value against the yen. There are always two
The foreign exchange market is where the sides of the coin, so to speakif the dollar is
currencies of the various nations are traded. appreciating against the yen, then the yen is
Yet unlike, say, the New York Stock Exchange, simultaneously depreciating against the dol-
this particular market doesnt have a central lar. When the us dollar appreciates against
location, and it doesnt close at night or on the the Mexican peso, us dollars have more buy-
weekends and holidays. The foreign exchange ing power in Mexico, making Mexican goods
market is also where each currencys exchange cheaper for us buyers. Likewise, when the us
rateits price relative to other nations cur- dollar depreciates against the Mexican peso,
renciesis determined. Mexican goods become more expensive for
There was a time when most of the worlds us buyers.
currencies were pegged to gold. Later, for You might think that a country would
a period of time after World War ii, the always want its currency to be stronger than
UnitedStates pegged the dollar to gold, and other countries currencies, but thats not
most other countries pegged their currencies necessarily the case. In fact, China is often crit-
to the dollar. Nowadays, most currency val- icized for intentionally devaluing its currency,
ues float freely, which means that their value the renminbi. Why would China deliberately
is constantly changing in relation to other cur- lower the value of the renminbi? Chinas
rencies. For example, if the us dollar bought
100 Japanese yen yesterday and 105 yen today,
Currency manipulation has been key to Chinas success
we would say that the dollar has appreciated in todays free international market.



A trade barrier is any kind of government policy nation imposes the restraints on itself, but
that blocks or restricts free international trade. it typically does so in response to political
There are different kinds of trade barriers. pressure from the importing country.

A tariff is a tax that an importer pays on Quality restrictions are just what their name
imported goods. Tariffs are among the more implies: restrictions based on the quality of
common trade barriers. A tariff may be goods to be imported. For example, some
imposed on all imports across the board, or nations choose not to import hormone-
it may apply only to certain goods. A tariff on injected beef from the United States.
a specific good (for example, wine imported Similarly, some countries choose not to
from France) benefits domestic producers import products that fail to meet certain
of that good (vintners in the Napa Valley environmental standards. The intent of this
of California), but at the expense of the kind of regulation may be consumer safety,
goods domestic consumers, since the price but restrictions based on quality do create
of the imported good (French chardonnay) trade barriers. At times, countries set up
will be higher than it would be without the standards like these for the sole purpose of
tariff, and thus higher than a comparable protecting their domestic industries without
domestic version of the good (Napa Valley having to impose an outright tariff or quota.
chardonnay). Another possibility is that the Government subsidies to the domestic
tariff will reduce the quality and variety of producers of a good are often viewed
domestic versions of the good (chardonnay as a trade barrier. For example, if the
produced in the Napa Valley as well as government of one country pays subsidies to
chardonnay produced in Oregon and the state its producers of solar panels, then another
of Washington) because the tariff means that countrys producers of solar panels who
domestic producers of the good will probably dont receive government subsidies will
have less competition from foreign producers. find it hard to compete with the subsidized
Import quotas are limits on the amount of producers, since the unsubsidized
a good that can be imported. The United producers will have higher costs.
States has used import quotas to protect a An embargo, typically imposed for political
number of domestic industries, including reasons and not for the purpose of
the sugar industry, the tobacco industry, and protecting domestic firms and industries,
industries producing other agricultural goods. isa complete ban on trade with a particular
Voluntary export restraints (VERs) are nation. A well-known example is the
similar to import quotas with respect to their long-standing embargo that the United
economic impact, but theyre not exactly States imposed on trade with Cuba.
imposed by the importing country. Theyre
voluntary in the sense that the exporting

G lobalization & the U S E conomy 89

economy relies heavily on the export of Chinese decades, the world has experienced a surge in
goods to other nations. When the value of the number of free trade agreements.
Chinas currency is lowthat is, when a us A free trade agreement is an arrangement
importers dollars can buy more units of a tele- among two or more nations to form whats
vision imported from Chinathe importer known as a free trade area. The participating
passes the savings on to us buyers, who pay a countries agree to reduce or eliminate tariffs
comparatively low price for the Chinese tv. and other trade barriers on the goods that they
So where does the criticism come in? Some trade among themselves while keeping trade
analysts characterize Chinas currency manip- barriers in place with countries that arent par-
ulation as a form of trade protectionsince ties to the agreement. Examples of free trade
Chinese goods are less expensive for foreign agreements include the Latin American Inte-
buyers, goods produced outside China will be gration Association (laia), which involves
more expensive for Chinese buyers, a situation 14 Latin American countries, and the South
that discourages foreign producers of goods Pacific Regional Trade and Economic Coop-
from exporting their products to China for eration Agreement or sparteca, whose
sale to Chinese buyers. participants are Australia, New Zealand, and
a number of small South Pacific nations. One
of the best-known free trade agreements in the
FREE TRADE AGREEMENTS United States is the North American Free Trade
AND OTHER FORMS OF Agreement (nafta), whose participants are
the United States, Mexico, and Canada.
ECONOMIC INTEGRATION In addition to free trade agreements,
nations may form customs unions, common
Thanks to international trade, we have access
markets, and economic unions.
to goods from all over the world. In addition,
competition from foreign producers keeps Customs unions are like free trade agree-
our domestic producers on their toes. Domes- ments, but the participating countries also
tic firms must strive to produce high-quality agree to adopt a common external tariff.
products in an efficient manner, and they must
Common markets feature even greater inte-
offer those products at prices that consumers
gration as well as free movement of capital
are willing to pay.
and labor across international borders. A
Free international trade has proved so ben-
well-known common market is the Com-
eficial that the majority of the worlds nations
mon Market of the South (mercosur),
have entered into free trade agreements with
which was initially established by the South
other nations. Over the past two to three


American nations of Brazil, Argentina,
Uruguay, and Paraguay.
Economic unions include all the inte-
gration involved in common markets in Its fair to say that no country has entirely
addition to unity where certain economic opened up all its markets to competition from
policies are concerned. The European all the other nations of the world. For example,
Union (eu) is the best-known example of the United States certainly trades more freely
an economic union. with some nations than it does with others.
Why, then, if free trade across international
borders is so great, are some markets protected
The Flag of Europe was originally created in 1955 to from global competition?
represent the Council of Europe, but has since been
Sometimes free trade is restricted for geo-
adopted by the European Union and the countries
belonging to its economic eurozone. political reasons. One country may choose not



In 1994, US President Bill Clinton, Mexican be significantly lower in price because Mexican
President Carlos Salinas, and Canadian Prime labor is less expensive. In other words, Mexico
Minister Jean Chrtien put the North American has a comparative advantage in low-skilled,
Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) into effect. labor-intensive manufacturing.
Since then, trade has grown substantially
In theory, however, a trade deal like NAFTA
among the three partner nations. The econo-
should lead to increased prosperity for all
mies of all three have also grown.
the nations involved, at least on a net basis.
Its to be expected, of course, that some indi- Although theres disagreement among experts
viduals in some industries will feel a degree about how successful NAFTA has been overall,
of pain because of this kind of free trade deal. many economists believe that when a nations
For example, as US trade expands, US workers whole society is taken into account, the bene-
will probably lose their jobs if they work in an fits that most people gain from an agreement
industrysay, toolbox manufacturingin which like NAFTA outweigh the costs to displaced
the United States doesnt have a comparative workers in industries that cant compete with
advantage over its trading partners. Thus, their comparatively advantaged trade partners.
with NAFTA in effect, and with trade barriers Many economists also believe that the partners
reduced, a US toolbox factory probably wont to a trade agreement will benefit over time as
be able to compete with a Mexican toolbox they continue to reduce and eliminate trade
factory, because Mexican-made toolboxes will barriers among themselves.

to trade with another because the two nations who want to lessen competition from foreign
are political enemies. Geopolitical differences producers. The most common rationales for
of opinion arent the primary explanation for such trade barriers include arguments that
trade barriers, however. Some trade barriers a barrier is necessary to protect a so-called
exist because a country wants to preserve a infant industry, that a barrier is necessary for
certain aspect of its cultural identity, which national defense, that a barrier should be used
means that it doesnt want foreign prod- as a retaliatory measure, or that a barrier will
uctsand, by extension, foreign cultureto protect domestic jobs.
overtake its own culture. An infant industry is one thats new
But that tendency doesnt explain most and still in development. When companies
of the protectionism that occurs around the become large and produce at a large level
world. Most trade barriers are erected because of output, theyre able to enjoy a degree of
of political pressure from domestic producers economic efficiency and cost savings called


economies of scale. The infant industry argu- their industry on the grounds that scissors and
ment is that new firms need protection from shears are vital to national security.
foreign competition until theyre large enough The argument for trade barriers as a form
to experience economies of scale. Once they of retaliationthe tit-for-tat argument
achieve significant economies of scale, this rests on the idea that if a country imposes trade
argument goes, theyll be able to lower their barriers on us, we should strike back by impos-
prices to the point where theyll be compet- ing trade barriers on that country. Related to
itive in the global market. The problem with this idea are the notions that some countries
this argument is that, from a political stand- trade unfairly or that their production tech-
point, protective measures are often difficult niques violate basic human rights (e.g., they
to remove once theyre in place. Also, from use slave labor or child labor, or their peo-
the standpoint of economic efficiency, pro- ple work in sweatshops), and so we shouldnt
tectionist measures like tariffs are usually not feel too bad about punishing those countries
the best approach to propping up an infant with tariffs and quotas. But the problem with
domestic industry. Many economists would a tit-for-tat strategy is that it ends up harming
argue that direct subsidies to an infant indus- domestic consumers by denying them the ben-
try would be more efficient (although the efits of free trade. Situations involving human
subsidies would create a whole new set of dis- rights violations are unfortunate, but there is
tortions in the market). an argument that there are better ways to deal
There is some merit to the argument that with such abuses than trade policy. Regardless,
trade barriers are necessary for national defense, there will probably always be some trade bar-
but this argument has also been abused at times. riers used for retaliatory purposes.
Its obvious why the United States might not The argument that is probably used most
want to give up the production of jet fight- often in favor of trade barriers is that they
ers. Even if another country, such as China, save jobs at home. Labor unions make this
had a comparative advantage in jet fighter argument, of course. Much of the general
production, the us would want to keep that population agrees with it, too, or at least with
production at home for purposes of national the notion that were losing too many of our
security. But if were talking about things like jobs to foreign nations. But are we really losing
scissors and shears rather than jet fighters, tanks, jobs abroad because of free trade? Certainly,
machine guns, and other war materiel, does this but not as many as people often believe. Tech-
argument still make sense? Probably not, but nological changes have played a much larger
manufacturers of scissors and shears have actu- role in transforming our domestic labor mar-
ally attempted to secure trade protection for kets than free trade has, and most of the jobs

G lobalization & the U S E conomy 93

we export abroad are low-skilled to no-skilled economic efficiency, even though inflows of
jobs, which go to countries that have a com- foreign workers may have adverse effects on
parative advantage in production requiring domestic workers in certain sectors. Critics
low-skilled labor. The pain is intense, of also point to other possible downsides of glo-
course, for those people who have lost factory balization. These antiglobalization arguments
jobs because their companies moved their are valid, in some respects, but globalizations
production facilities abroad. People in that sit- potential downsides have to be weighed
uation are bound to feel anger and resentment against its benefits.
toward the government for pursuing free trade
and entering into agreements like nafta. Still, Promotion of Income Inequality
protectionist measures like tariffs and quotas According to its critics, globalization leads to
wont do anything to prevent job losses that are income inequality. Economic theory suggests
brought about by technological change. that international trade should have an equal-
izing effect on income over time, but empirical
studies have produced mixed results. It seems
POSSIBLE DOWNSIDES likely that the question of whether globaliza-
OF GLOBALIZATION tion promotes economic equality or inequality
will depend on the countries doing the trad-
As weve seen, when trade opens up across bor- ing and on the sorts of goods they are trading.
ders, there are bound to be winners and losers
in the domestic economy. But as economic Corporate Tax Evasion
theory suggests, and as most economists Critics of globalization say that it promotes
agree, the total benefit for the domestic econ- tax evasion on the part of multinational firms.
omy is likely to be greater than the total cost. It probably goes without saying that global-
In addition, when a country allows foreign ization has allowed modern corporations to
investment inside its borders, most economic adopt various tax strategies that have never
analysts also see this as a positive step. been available before. Capital, whether finan-
Labor mobilitythat is, the movement of cial capital or physical capital, tends to move
workers across borders to where the jobs are to where it will bring the highest returns, and
is a good thing, at least from the standpoint of lower taxes generally imply higher returns.
But cross-border tax abuse by us corpora-
tions is kept in check by the efforts of the us
A factory in Philadelphia, circa 1925. While much Internal Revenue Service (irs) and its major
industrial work that once existed in the United States
has been exported abroad, more jobs have been lost in counterparts in foreign countries. In addition,
the last century to technological advancements.


the Joint International Tax Shelter Informa- trade barriers are not the best way to deal with
tion & Collaboration (jitsic) Network has forced labor and other abuses of human rights,
initiated systems for sharing taxpayers infor- its better to establish policies that target spe-
mation across international borders to crack cific abuses of weaker nations by stronger ones,
down on tax evasion. rather than attempting to tackle such abuses
through broad protectionist policies that
Abuse of Weaker Nations by oppose globalization as a whole.
More Powerful Nations
Globalizations critics claim that it leads to Homogenization of National Cultures
abuse of weaker nations by stronger ones. Critics of globalization see it as having led
The example that critics sometimes cite is to a homogenization of cultures, with loss
the issue of international negative external- of cultural identity in some countries. This
ities (see page 52 for more on externalities). isnt primarily an economic argument, but
Its true that the United States and some other its worth considering. Globalization has
nations ship certain kinds of waste to poorer undoubtedly caused some homogenization of
countriesfor a fee, of coursebecause the world cultures, just as the proliferation of tele-
countries accepting the waste have less strict vision across the United States homogenized
environmental standards for waste disposal. our countrys regional cultures in many ways.
A prime example is e-waste, which produces Some aspects of Western culture, and specif-
highly toxic residue if not disposed of properly. ically some aspects of us culture, have taken
According to the United Nations, 80 percent root in less developed countries, but aspects
of the 2.6 million tons of e-waste that the of virtually every other national culture in
us produces annually is shipped to Asia and the world have also worked their way into
Africa . . . In Guiyu, China, one of the main American life. The fear that local cultures will
recipients of global e-waste, children under dissipate or disappear is not unfounded, but it
the age of six have an 81 percent incidence has to be balanced against the benefits that soci-
rate of lead poisoning . . . The water is so eties gain from the cultural cross-pollination
toxic in Guiyu that residents must drink bot- that has accompanied globalization.
tled water. However, toxic water is still used
for bathing and cleaning due to the prohibi-
Critics point to the lack of regulation, for example
tive cost of bottled water for these activities. weak environmental standards, as one of the downfalls
When abuses do occur, they do so under the of globalization.
guise of regular international trade. But, just as


THE ECONOMICS OF responsible for a disproportionately high
share of new patent applications.
IMMIGRATION Contrary to negative stereotypes, immi-
Anyone watching the run-up to the 2016 us grants dont simply take existing jobs. A
presidential campaign couldnt help notic- 2011 study from the American Enterprise
ing how some candidates pushed the topic of Institute (a pro-business, center-right
immigration center stage. Immigration has think tank) found that immigrants with
been a hot-button issue for a long time in the advanced degrees increase employment
United States. In fact, plenty of sound and fury for us-born citizens. They create jobs that
about immigration (occasionally punctuated can pay enough to raise overall income for
by a few facts) is produced across the politi- workers in certain fields, especially science,
cal spectrum. Most of the arguments we hear technology, engineering, and mathemat-
about immigration have a moral or legal basis, ics (the so-called stem fields). aei analysis
but here are a few things that economic studies also found that immigrants with advanced
have to say about the topic: degrees pay significantly more in taxes
than what their families receive in the
Numerous economic studies of immigra-
way of public benefits.
tion have been conducted over the years
and, although the results arent in com- The same study also found that states with
plete agreement, some general patterns more temporary workers, both skilled
have emerged. A 2012 study from the Cato and unskilled, experienced higher rates
Institute (a free market think tank) found of employment among native workers.
that liberalizing immigration in the same The study produced no evidence that
manner Reagan did in 1986 would add immigration reduces the overall level of
$1.5 trillion to the United States gdp over jobs for us natives, even when it included
10 years. The same study found that mass the presence of unauthorized workers.
deportation of illegal immigrants would
Giovanni Peri, an economist at
lower the countrys gdp by $2.6 trillion.
University of California, Davis, found
Some immigrants create businesses that
employ others and add to gdp growth. In
(Opposite) Mexican immigrants entering the United
fact, immigrants to the United States tend States in El Paso, Texas, circa 1938. Though many see
to start businesses at a much higher rate immigrants as a drain, the economic fact is that immi-
gration has always been central to US economic growth,
than the us-born population, and theyre particularly by contributing to the countrys tax base.


that immigration to the United States benefits. A similar population problem is
has actually led to wage increases for us occurring in many developed nations in the
natives. According to Peri, from 1990 world, but the problem is especially severe in
to 2007 total immigration caused real countries that are more closed off to immi-
income to go up from 3.3 percent to 9.9 gration, such as Japan. (See page 147 for more
percent per worker. on the shortfall facing the us Social Security
system.) Whether you believe globalization
Other studies tend to support these results.
offers more benefits to society or causes more
Immigration does not appear to harm the
harm to it, theres probably nothing that we
economy, and in some ways it actually helps
can do to stop it. The economic benefits of
it. In addition to boosting economic output
globalization are too great and will continue
and employment, immigration also helps
to be vast. Theres no doubt that as communi-
the economy in another important way. Our
cation and transportation continue to become
native-born labor force has been shrinking
cheaper and faster, and as the cultures of the
and will continue to shrinkrelative to the
world continue to blend together, the world
number of retirees receiving Social Security
will just keep growing smaller and smaller.



1824 1944
The Tariff of
Congress passes a
1930 World Bank and IMF
The World Bank is created and
largely spearheaded by the
series of tariffs on
Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act United States as an institution
imported or Originally drafted to protect American providing loans to developing
exported goods such farmers from competing agricultural countries. The International
as glass, iron, and industries abroad, the law goes on to Monetary Fund (IMF) is
wool in order to impose tariffs on a number of foreign created on similar terms as
encourage American products. This eventually prompts the World Bank, acting as an
manufacturing, as trading partners to impose tariffs against international pool of money
well as to level American products. In the midst of from which members draw and
competition from the Great Depression, the tariffs further distribute funds for economic
Great Britain. strained American companies. development.

1869 1933
Suez Canal Gold Standard
To facilitate international trade Convinced by experts that the
and provide a shortened route gold standard made the dollar
between Europe and Asia, the too expensive, President
Suez Canal opens in Egypt Roosevelt suspends the gold
under French control. It standard in the United States
becomes of one the worlds in order to reframe the value of
most heavily traveled shipping American currency.


1948 1960
European Union
Following two devastating world wars,
Cuba Embargo
The Treaty of Brussels is signed to foster In response to the national-
cooperation between European countries ization of US-owned oil
leading to the eventual creation of the refineries in Cuba, President
European Union (EU). In 1999, the euro Eisenhower outlaws signifi-
is created as a form of currency between cant trade between the two
member states, with the exception of countries, which President
the United Kingdom and Denmark. Kennedy later extends.

1944 1950 1994

Bretton Woods System Prebisch-Singer NAFTA
To rebuild the worlds economic
Hypothesis North American Free
relations while World War II was Raul Prebisch and Hans Singer Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
still ongoing, a set of money argue that developing countries between Canada, the
management rules among the do not benefit from globaliza- United States, and
United States, Western Europe, tion because of the unequal Mexico is designed to
Australia, Asia, and Japan, trade balance. These countries make the North American
called the Bretton Woods tend to export commodities, countries products more
System, is established at the but import manufactured and competitive at lesser
United Nations Monetary and capital goodsand commodity costs. Each participant is
Financial Conference. prices often deteriorate in the granted a most favored
long-term. nation status.



Every day brings a barrage of news related to the

economy, or aspects of it. Some people dont
notice such news, while others follow it reli- MICROECONOMICS
giously. Most people pick up dribs and drabs
Its helpful to start with an understanding of
of information about the economy and do their
the difference between macroeconomics and
best to make sense of it. News about the econ-
microeconomics. When economists talk
omy can include lots of minute details that
about macroeconomics or the macroeconomy,
usually fly over the heads of non-MBA types,
theyre referring to the economy as a whole or
but much of the economic news is useful and
to the economys larger sectors. These latter
relatively easy to understand for anyone who
include the public sector and the private sec-
has learned some basic definitions and con-
tor, which in turn is sometimes subdivided
cepts. This chapter explains the differences
into the business sector and the household sec-
between macroeconomics and microeco-
tor. By contrast, when economists talk about
nomics and discusses several measures that
microeconomics or the microeconomy, theyre
economists and policymakers use to gauge the
referring to specific industries or to individual
health of the economy. In addition, the chapter
decision-making units, such as consumers,
covers the basic workings of monetary policy,
firms, or government agencies. A news story
fiscal policy, and the Federal Reserve.
about the unemployment rate and inflation
would be a macroeconomic story. A story about
an auto plant shutting down in Wentzville, Mis-
souri, would be a microeconomic story.
Its not always easy to draw the line between
macroeconomic and microeconomic issues.

For example, what if the price of a barrel of oil
suddenly were to rise 300 percent? The petro-
leum industry is an individual industry, and so ECONOMIC HEALTH
when the price of a barrel of oil changes, thats
Most news related to the macroeconomy is
clearly a microeconomic issue. But because vir-
focused on indicators of economic health. Four
tually every other industry uses petroleum, a
indicators in particular are closely followed:
sudden spike in the price of oil would certainly
affect the overall economy, and that would be Rate of economic growth
a macroeconomic issue. Examining the factors
Unemployment rate
that caused the price spike would mean explor-
ing microeconomic questions; examining how Rate of inflation
that price change is affecting the national or
Interest rate
world economy would mean exploring mac-
roeconomic questions. If we know the status of these four basic indi-
cators for a nation, then we know a lot about
the state of that nations economy.
Shifts in oil prices, while industry-specific, also have a
macroeconomic impact because so many other markets
are dependent on oil.


Rate of Economic Growth
Gross domestic product (gdp) is the pri-
mary indicator of economic growth in the us APPLES TO ORANGES, OR
economy, although it is criticized for its short- APPLES TO APPLES?
comings. Additional indicators include the
Gross domestic product isnt the only area
Leading Economic Index (lei) and the Dow where the nominal-versus-real concept
Jones Industrial Average (djia). is useful. Any monetary figures compared
across time can be adjusted to produce
Gross Domestic Product a true apples-to-apples comparison.

Economic growth has to do with the rate of An example thats relevant to everyone is
change in a nations total productive output, nominal income versus real income. Suppose
that at the end of your first year at a new job,
or gross domestic product, over some period of
your boss told you that you were getting a
time. gdp can be thought of as the total spend- 5 percent salary increase. At first youd be
ing in the economy on domestically produced excited, but what if you learned that prices
goods and services. (With some statistical overall had gone up by 6 percent during the
adjustments, the total spending and the total past year? Your nominal salary increase would
be 5 percent, but in real terms your salary
output in a country balance out.) Gross domes-
would actually be going down by 1 percent.
tic product is distinguished from gross national It would be time for you to negotiate a new
product (gnp), a related but different concept. salary increase, one that took inflationthat
Whereas gdp focuses on where production 6 percent rise in pricesinto account.
is taking place, gnp focuses on the citizen- The nominal-versus-real concept also
ship of the people who are the owners of the applies to interest rates. Real interest
rates are interest rates that have been
factors involved in production. For example,
adjusted for inflation. Thus, when you
the output of a Japanese-owned Toyota hear commentators say that the interest
plant in Georgia would be included in us gdp rate is at 0 percent, theyre referring to
because the output is occurring on American the real interest rate. They dont mean that
soil, but the plants output would not be you can expect to pay 0 percent interest
on a loan. They mean that the lender who
included in us gnp because the plants own-
issued you a loan at a nominal interest rate
ers are Japanese citizens. Instead, the output of 6 percent last year will receive, after
of the Georgia-based Toyota plant would be adjustments for inflation, areal return of
included in Japans gnp. 0 percent this year.
gdp can rise, but it can also remain flat or
even decline. People like to use a pie as a met-
aphor for the economy, and gdp tells you the

U nderstanding the M acroeconomic N ews 105

size of the pie. When the pie gets bigger, you given year is measured in terms of that years
and I can both have a larger piece without cut- prices, and the prices of most goods and ser-
ting into anyone elses portion. When the pie vices have ballooned since the 1950s. For that
gets smaller, both of us must either accept a reason, if you want to compare us output for
smaller piece or fight to keep our pieces the 1950 with us output for 2010, the first thing
same size while others sacrifice. you need to do is make adjustments for how
In the United States, gdp is reported on much prices rose over that 60-year period. In
a quarterly basis by the Commerce Depart- this particular example, because your analysis
ments Bureau of Economic Analysis. The rate spans six decades, you may also want to factor
of economic growth is represented by the per- in the population change over that time. gdp
centage change in the countrys gdp from one divided by the population is known as per cap-
period to the next. For example, if gdp is $100 ita gdp, and its an especially handy measure
billion in year one and $105 billion in year two, for comparing the economy of one nation to
then the rate of economic growth from year that of another.
one to year two is 5 percent. Using gdp as a measure of the nations eco-
When the national income accountants nomic health has its critics, and they make a
at the Bureau of Economic Analysis calculate number of arguments against this practice.
the rate of economic growth, they have to be
gdp accounts only for output, not for the
careful to use real gdp rather than nominal
inputs required to generate that output.
gdp in their calculations. Real gdp is adjusted
For example, gdp doesnt take into
for inflationor, to put it more broadly, real
account any environmental damage that
gdp is adjusted for changes in the nations
may have occurred while a years output
price levels. For example, suppose you want
was being generated. Imagine that the
to compare us output in 1950 to us output in
United States wanted to boost gdp in a
2010. In 1950, nominal gdpthe unadjusted
particular year by cutting down all the
level of outputwas about $300 billion. In
trees in all the national forests and selling
2010, nominal gdp was about $15 trillion.
the timber to our overseas trading part-
It wouldnt really be accurate to say that
ners. The sales of all that timber would
Americans were 50 times more productive in
certainly show up in gdp and would
2010 than in 1950, because nominal gdp for a
probably add billions to the final tally.
But it would be difficult to argue that
the country would be better off for hav-
Amidst globalization, calculating a countrys income can
be complicated, as is the case for a car plant owned by ing harvested every tree in every national
a foreign company. Here, the share of the GNP pie forest. On those grounds, some critics
goes to the home country.


argue that an adjustment, in the form of that gdp should be adjusted to account
a subtraction, should be made to gdp for traffic congestion and other nega-
to account for the nations use of natural tive factors.
resources in generating domestic output.
gdp doesnt account for the value of
gdp includes economic activity surrounding non market labor. An example of non-
many negative events. When a hurricane market labor is the unpaid housework
destroys a city, it brings loss and pain to that takes place in ones own home. Some
the citys residents, but when contrac- critics argue that gdp, as a measure, has
tors rebuild the city, all that construction a built-in gender bias because in many
goes into the years gdp. Critics of gdp as
a measure of economic well-being often
cite the 19th-century French economist
Frdric Bastiat and what he called the
broken window fallacy. In his theory, Bas-
tiat disproves the idea that destruction
(i.e., a broken window) and the costs of
repairing it benefit society. Even though
a homeowner would pay a repairman to
fix the broken window, thereby increas-
ing gdp, that home-owner now has less
money to spend on other goods and ser-
vices. Including the economic activity
surrounding a disaster in the gdp ignores
the opportunity costs of all that repair
work, which necessarily precludes other
kinds of productive activity.
gdp includes activity that involves human
pain and suffering apart from the effects
of natural disasters or social unrest. For
example, when an economy grows, traffic
congestion tends to increase, and so does
the number of traffic accidents and fatal-
ities. For this reason, some critics argue


parts of the world women still perform gdp is not a good measure of a nations
the vast majority of domestic work. level of well-being and happiness. gdp was
never intended to be a measure of human
gdp doesnt account for changes in the
happiness, but that doesnt stop some
quality of products. For critics who raise
people from equating a rise in gdp with
this issue, gdps failure to account for
an increase in well-being for a nations cit-
changes in product quality is a problem
izens. The assumption, of course, is that
because these changes are not reflected in
people are happier when theyre better off
the prices of the affected products.
financially. Economists and other social
scientists have studied happiness and dis-
covered that money increases personal
happiness only to a certain point. Maybe
thats why one country uses a different
measure of national economic well-being.
That measure, gross national happiness,
was adopted years ago by the Kingdom of
Bhutan to signal the countrys commit-
ment to incorporating Buddhist values
into its economic framework.
In 1995, a group called Redefining Progress
developed an alternative measure of national
economic well-being. The Genuine Progress
Indicator (gpi), which is based on 26 differ-
ent factors, seeks to correct the shortcomings
just mentioned as well as some others. The fac-
tors that the gpi accounts for include income
distribution, crime rates, public infrastruc-
ture, and so-called defensive expenditures
(for example, repair bills after car accidents

Frdric Bastiat (18011850), who argued against the

notion that even negative events like natural disasters
generate positive economic activity, was also a critic
of protectionism.


or household expenditures on pollution- The fact that its called the Leading Eco-
control devices). The gpi also includes the nomic Index doesnt mean that the lei is in
value of volunteer time, which doesnt appear first place among economic indicators. What
at allin gdp. it means is that, as an index of leading eco-
Although per capita gdp in the United nomic indicators, the lei predicts changes
States has grown steadily and fairly signifi- in the economy. The 10 key variables that the
cantly over the past several decades, values for lei tracks tend to reveal coming trends earlier
the gpi over the same period have remained than the variables that other economic indica-
relatively flat. Its hard to imagine policymak- tors are watching.
ers switching to the gpi as an official measure On average, the lei does a better job of pre-
any time in the near future. gdp will proba- dicting future economic conditions than any
bly remain the primary indicator of economic of its 10 underlying variables does on its own.
growth for a long time to come, but the gpi, as The leis predictions dont always come true,
a concept, offers some interesting ideas. of course, but theyre accurate often enough
that serious market watchers pay close atten-
The Leading Economic Index tion to the lei.
People who watch the market are always
demanding more informationas much as The Almighty Dow
they can getand so a number of indicators The Dow Jones Industrial Average, commonly
other than gdp are reported to help provide referred to simply as the Dow, is a widely
not only a fuller picture of the economys per- reported stock market index that was created
formance but also clues about the direction in in 1896 by Charles Dow, a Wall Street Jour-
which the economy may be headed. nal editor and cofounder of Dow Jones &
Many of those indicators are fairly easy to Company. There are other indices reported
interpret, such as new home sales and hous- in the media, such as the Standard & Poors
ing starts (new construction on privately (s&p) 500 Index and the Nasdaq Compos-
owned homes). When either of those goes up, ite Index (the Nasdaq, as its now called, was
its good news for the economy. A complete originally known as nasdaq, which stood
discussion of all the economic indicators in for National Association of Securities Deal-
use would take up an entire book, but one of ers Automated Quotations). The Dow is the
them, the Conference Boards Leading Eco-
nomic Index (lei) deserves mention because it
(Opposite) Charles Dow (18591902) cofounded The
includes a lot of valuable underlying informa- Wall Street Journal in 1889, making it the first publica-
tion and can be useful in predicting economic tion dedicated to stock market information.
upturns and downturns.


oldest stock market index and remains the economic indicators. Its a true measure of
most widely reported. well-being and provides some indication
The Dow tracks the price movements of the about whats really happening on the ground.
stocks of 30 large, publicly traded us corpo- In this country, the unemployment rate is
rations. Its not a straight-up average of stock calculated by the us Department of Labors
prices, but when the stock prices of the 30 Bureau of Labor Statistics, which takes the
companies rise on average, the Dow also rises. total number of unemployed individuals and
Even though its called the Dow Jones divides that number by the total number of
Industrial Average, not all the companies rep- individuals in the labor force. For example,
resented in the Dow are involved in heavy if there are 4 million unemployed people at
industry. The index also includes technology a particular time and the labor force at that
firms (Apple, Microsoft, ibm, Intel), finan- time consists of 100 million people, then the
cial services firms (American Express, Visa, unemployment rate for the period of time is
Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase), retailers 4 percent.
(Wal-Mart, Home Depot), and entertain- This seems like a simple calculation, but it
ment and communications companies has two drawbacks.
(Disney, Verizon).
Who is unemployed? To be counted as
The Dow is intended to give investors and
unemployed for the purposes of this
market watchers an overview of market con-
calculation, a person has to be actively
ditions and trends, but its not without its
seeking employment. If an individ-
critics, of course. Some people contend that,
ual loses a job, spends several months
given the roughly 10,000 publicly traded com-
looking for a new job, and then grows
panies in the country, the Dow uses too small a
discouraged and gives up the search, that
sample to provide an accurate reading of mar-
individual is not counted as unemployed
ket trends.
but is considered to be out of the labor
force by choice. Even though the indi-
Unemployment Rate
vidual would surely prefer to be working,
Economic growth is important, and not just
he or she is considered to be in the
because it alleviates the need for difficult and
same category as someone who volun-
sometimes painful trade-offs. Its also import-
tarily chooses to stay home and care for
ant because its highly correlated with job
young children.
growth; when the economy grows, employ-
ment increases. Thats why the unemployment Who is underemployed? For the purposes
rate is one of the most closely watched of the governments calculation of the


unemployment rate, a person who is When you hear the unemployment rate
working part-time but would prefer to reported in the news, keep these two shortcom-
be working full-time is considered to be ings in mind. The Bureau of Labor Statistics is
in the same category as a person who well aware of them, and so it reports six differ-
is working full-time. Even a part-time ent alternative measures of what is called labor
employee who works only one hour per underutilization. The most comprehensive
week is officially counted as employed. of the alternative measures, referred to as the
(Note that underemployment is not the u6 unemployment rate, is designed to capture
situation of someone who graduated with marginally attached workers as well as workers
a bachelors degree in nuclear physics, who are working part-time for economic rea-
only to end up working as a barista sons (that is, because they cant find full-time
underemployment, in this context, has
to do with how many hours someone is
Massive unemployment during the Great Depression
working, not with whether that employee of the 1930s meant long lines for a free meal in many
is overqualified for the job.) American cities.


work). Sometimes media sources report the u6 amount of labor underutilization thats occur-
rate, but most often the unemployment rate ring in your town or in the nation as a whole.
presented in the press has been calculated by
the traditional method, shortcomings and all. Rate of Inflation
Its also worth noting that when you hear Another important measure of the health of
the unemployment rate in the news, its typi- a nations economy is the inflation rate. Infla-
cally the unemployment rate for the nation as tion is a sustained rise in a nations overall price
a whole. However, the Bureau of Labor Statis- level for goods and services. For inflation to
tics collects and reports employment data for occur, not every price in the economy has to
every state in the union along with data for rise. The presence of inflation simply means
metropolitan areas. This information is rarely that prices on average are rising.
reported in the national media, but it reveals To take a familiar example, in the early
that the employment picture is quite variable 1980s my dad paid around $1,000 for a vcr
across states and across cities. For example, the thats a thousand 1980 dollars! (My family
unemployment rate may be in the low single wasnt rich; my dad just loved watching mov-
digits in some states while reaching low double ies at home so much that he was willing to
digits in others. Similarly, the unemployment fork over the dough.) If he wanted to buy a
rate is different for people of different racial new vcr today, hed be lucky to find one any-
and ethnic groups, age groups, education where (since the 1980s, technology has made
levels, and employment types (for example, not only vcrs but also video stores obsolete),
blue-collar versus white-collar workers). If but the last time a new vcr was available for
youre a college student, or if you have one in purchase, it probably went for around $30 or
your life, it may hearten you to know that the $40. Clearly, some products, electronics in
unemployment rate for college grads is signifi- particular, have become less expensive over the
cantly lower than it is for high school grads years. But most goods and servicesgasoline,
whove never attended college, just as the rate housing, clothing, higher education, health-
is lower for high school grads than it is for care, and so onhave gone up in price quite
those whove dropped out of high school. substantially over the decades. Consider movie
Bear in mind when you run across the tickets: In 1940, people paid about a quarter
unemployment rate in the press that its a to see a first-run movie. Today a movie ticket
national average, and so it may not reflect will cost you more than 30 times that much,
whats happening with employment in the area not counting the small mortgage youll have
where you live. Also remember that the unem- to take out if you want popcorn and a soda.
ployment rate, because of the shortcomings in Thats inflation.
how its calculated, may not capture the true



If youve ever heard about someone hauling a

wheelbarrow full of cash to the market to buy a
loaf of bread, or about people wallpapering their
houses with currency, then youve heard about
hyperinflation. Its not a myththe stories youve
heard are true.
The first hyperinflation on record occurred
during the French Revolution, when the
inflation rate hit 143 percent per month.
In Germany, in 1923, inflation hit
a rate of 20.9 percent per day.
In Greece, in October 1944, inflation
reached 13,800 percent. Prices that
month doubled every 4.3 days.
In Yugoslavia, in January 1994, inflation
peaked at 313 million percent and led to
a doubling of prices every 34 hours.
In Zimbabwe, in November 2008,
the rate of inflation reached 79
billion percent for the month.
In Hungary, in 1946, during the worst month
of a runaway inflation spiral, the rate of
inflation hit 13.6 quadrillion percent (thats
a number with 14 zeros). The daily rate of
inflation was about 195 percent, and prices
doubled every 15.6hours. Just two years
earlier, Hungarys highest denomination
currency had been the 1,000 pengo note.
By the middle of 1946, Hungary was
printing a 100,000,000,000,000,000,000
pengo note (thats 100 quintillion).

A woman in Berlin during the post-WWI hyperinflation

period, when paper money was so worthless Germans
preferred to use it as fuel fodder.


Most of us dont see inflation as a big prob- around the world keep a close watch on price
lem as long as our wages are keeping up, and levels, and sometimes a countrys central bank
fortunately, wages, like prices, have gone up intervenes to manage the value of the national
over the decades. The median salary in 1940 currency. Policymakers and market watchers
was somewhere between $800 and $1,000 in the United States start to get spooked if
annually. But inflation can become a serious the inflation rate gets much above 4 or 5 per-
problem in any economy. cent annually.
Inflation harms people who live on fixed
How Is Inflation Measured?
incomes, such as income from a pension
The inflation rate is calculated as the rate of
that doesnt include a cost-of-living
change in a price index, which represents an
adjustment (cola).
average of prices for multitudes of goods and
Inflation penalizes savers whose meth- services in an economy. The best-known price
ods of investment (such as certain kinds index is the consumer price index (cpi),
of bonds and annuities) arent indexed which tracks price changes for several hundred
to inflation. goods purchased by a typical urban household.
Another well-known price index, the producer
Inflation harms lenders who havent accu-
price index (ppi), tracks average price changes
rately factored inflation into the loans
in wholesale, manufacturing, and commodi-
theyve granted (the corollary is that
ties markets (as its name suggests, the ppi tracks
unexpected inflation helps debtors, who
prices paid by producers rather than those paid
end up repaying their loans in dollars of
by consumers). When a price index like the cpi
diminished value).
goes up over time, the economy is undergoing
The real threat of inflation is that, left inflation. Both the cpi and the ppi are calcu-
unchecked, it can get out of hand and lead to lated and reported on a monthly basis.
a rapidly accelerating inflation spiral known as
hyperinflation. When hyperinflation occurs If Prices Can Go Up, Can They
in a country, the monetary system typically Come Down?
breaks down. People no longer want to use As weve seen, the prices of some products
the national currency, even if the government (the vcr, for example) have gone down dra-
tells them to. They resort instead to using matically over the years. Those price decreases
some other countrys currency, or they sim- largely occurred because improvements in
ply barter for goods and services. Because of technology made the goods much less expen-
the serious threat that inflation can pose if it sive to produce. Its also possible for overall
gets out of control, central banks in countries


price levels to fall. A drop in overall prices is rate that us banks pay each other for overnight
known as deflation. loans (talk about a short-term rate!).
You might think it would be great if prices Theres much more to say about interest
suddenly started falling for all goods and ser- rates, both as a measure of economic health
vices, but deflation is generally viewed as an and as a factor affecting the macroeconomy.
indicator of a troubled economy. Typically, Well pursue that topic in full in the discussion
prices fall because demand for goods and ser- presented in the following section.
vices is also falling. When goods begin piling
up in warehouses, sellers have no choice but to
lower prices to move the merchandise. MONETARY POLICY,
Deflation can also complicate things in
a shrinking economy. In a deflationary envi-
ronment, people may delay certain purchases FEDERAL RESERVE
because they expect prices to drop even more.
Increases and decreases in the money supply,
If enough people hold off on making their pur-
periods of recession and inflation, times of eco-
chases, total demand will continue to fall, and
nomic expansion and retraction, the rise and
the result may be a deflationary spiral. Overall,
fall of interest rates and rates of employment
stable prices are better for an economy than
all these facets of the economy are complex and
rapidly rising or falling prices.
interdependent, and all of them are affected by
the actions of the Federal Reserve.
Interest Rate
Interest is the charge paid to a bank or other
Monetary and Fiscal Policy
lender for borrowed moneyusually a certain
Monetary policy is the set of actions taken by
percentage of the amount borrowed. In other
a central bank to regulate the size and growth
words, the interest rate is the price of money.
of a nations money supply. The money sup-
There are many different types of inter-
ply consists of more than just the currency
est rates in the economy. For example, there
and coin circulating in the economy. It also
are short-term rates, intermediate-term rates,
includes things like travelers checks and
and long-term rates. Theres also the prime
deposits to checking accounts. Some measures
lending rate, which is the interest rate that
of the money supply also include money held
banks charge their most creditworthy custom-
in savings accounts, money market mutual
ers (borrowers with credit scores that are less
funds, and money market deposit accounts.
than perfect are charged a rate higher than the
In the United States, the federal govern-
prime lending rate). And theres whats known
ment plays a role in managing the economy
as the federal funds rate, which is the interest

U nderstanding the M acroeconomic N ews 117

and influencing the macroeconomy through cool it down by reducing government spend-
its fiscal policy. The government tools of fis- ing, whereas fiscal liberals usually advocate
cal policy come down to two basic elements: a tax hike. Of course, the preferences just
taxes and expenditures. described dont fully do justice to real-world
politics, a complex arena in which conserva-
When the economy falls into recession
tives and liberals are sometimes required to
and the unemployment rate begins to rise,
make compromises and trade-offs.
the government may counteract the situa-
tion by increasing government spending or
The Federal Reserve
by cutting taxes. When taxes are reduced,
In the United States, the central bank is known
households have more funds available to
as the Federal Reserve, and its often referred
spend, and businesses have more funds to
to simply as the Fed. A number of important
invest. Elected officials often refer to such
duties fall to the Fed, and well discuss them
measures as an economic stimulus, or you
in a moment. First, though, lets look at how
may hear a collection of such measures
the Fed came into being and what it looks
referred to as a stimulus package.
like today.
If the problem is not recession but an
overheating economythat is, an econ- The History and Structure of the
omy in which demand for goods and Federal Reserve
services is rising more quickly than When the United States was founded, and
suppliers can keep up with itthe gov- for many decades afterward, there was great
ernment may try to cool the economy off mistrust of banks in this country. From the
by reducing spending or raising taxes. late 1700s through the first third of the 1800s,
the United States had two central banksthe
It takes time to implement fiscal policy
First Bank of the United States (17911811)
things dont always move quickly in the
and the Second Bank of the United States
nations capital, and even well-advised and
(18161836)but neither one lasted more
well-intentioned measures can be held up by
than 20 years. The forces opposed to a central
partisan politics and disagreements.
bank ultimately proved stronger than those
Is it better to cut taxes or raise spending
in favor of one, and so the country operated
to heal a recession? Fiscal conservatives tend
without a central bank for most of the 1800s.
to advocate tax cuts, and fiscal liberals typi-
Finally, after a series of bank panics in the
cally argue for boosting government spending.
early 20th century, a plan came together for
What about when the economy is overheat-
an enduring us central bank. Congress passed
ing? Fiscal conservatives generally prefer to


the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, and the Fed- United States, and their terms are staggered
eral Reserve System was born. so that no single president can appoint all
The Federal Reserve structure represents the board members. Their terms are also
a compromise between those who wanted a fairly long14 yearsand so they are able
strong central bank and those who feared its to focus more on the long-term health of the
development. One aspect of the compromise economy than on short-term outcomes. The
is that the bank wasnt set up as one large insti- chair of the Federal Reserve Board of Gover-
tution but rather as 12 main Federal Reserve nors invariably becomes a well-known figure
banks distributed throughout the country. in the financial world. The most famous Fed
Each bank is responsible for its own district, chair in recent times was Alan Greenspan. In
but they all work together toward the same 2014, Janet Yellen became the first woman to
general goals. serve as chair.
In addition, the 12 Federal Reserve banks,
along with their branch banks, are overseen
by a single body known as the Federal Reserve (From left to right:) Janet Yellen, the first woman to
serve as Chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal
Board of Governors. The boards seven mem- Reserve System, with former chairs Alan Greenspan,
bers are appointed by the president of the Ben S. Bernanke, and Paul A. Volcker.



In the wake of the 20072008 recession, a In QE, instead of simply purchasing short-term
new term cropped up in the financial press in government bonds, the Fed buys longer-term
relation to the Federal Reserve: quantitative securities from commercial banks and other
easing (QE). When the Fed takes this measure, financial institutions. When the Fed buys
it makes large purchases of securities in an these securities, their prices go up, the banks
effort to boost the economy. reserves increase, and the money supply grows.
Each time the Fed undertakes another round
In a sense, QE is just a new flavor of traditional
of quantitative easing, the financial press
monetary policy. After all, the Fed has long par-
assigns it a new numberQE2, QE3, and so
ticipated in the government securities markets
onto distinguish that round from the one
as a way to manage the money supply. But QE
that preceded it.
is somewhat different from the Feds standard
open market operations, and its introduction Although the Feds reliance on the QE strategy
was controversial because it entailed a new has raised fears of a potential spike in inflation in
strategy on the part of the Fed, one that some the future, the Fed assures the public that it has
observers saw as a last-ditch effort to save a the situation under control. The jury is still out
tanking economy after short-term interest rates as this book goes to pressonly time will tell if
had already fallen as far as they could. quantitative easing was a strategy worth pursuing.

The Federal Reserve Board of Governors, the Treasury handles that taskalthough it
along with five presidents from among the 12 does release newly printed currency and freshly
Fed banks, comprise a group called the Fed- minted coin into the economy. Along the same
eral Open Market Committee (fomc). The lines, the Fed removes unfit currency from cir-
fomc is one of the most powerful and widely culation. In addition, the agency processes a
watched governing bodies in the world. The significant proportion of the checks that are
fomc is responsible for the nations monetary cleared between banks. The Fed also serves as
policy, and so when any member of the fomc the federal governments fiscal agent, conducts
speaks, people around the world stop to listen. economic research, supervises financial insti-
tutions, and acts as a bankers bank. These are
The Fed and Monetary Policy important functions, and the Fed carries them
One of the Feds jobs is to manage the nations out admirably. But the most important way in
monetary policy. This doesnt mean that it prints which the Fed manages the nations monetary
the nations currencythe us Department of policy is by managing the level of reservesthat


is, cash deposits and other liquid assets that have are required to keep a portion of their
been set asidein the nations banking system. outstanding deposits in reserve, and banks
The Federal Reserve has three basic tools that are members of the Federal Reserve
of monetary policy at its disposal. In other System keep some of those reserves on
words, it has three different approaches avail- hand at the Fed. The required reserve ratio
able for managing the money supply: determines the specific portion of the out-
standing deposits that banks are required
Discount Rate. Since the Fed acts as a
to set aside. For example, if a bank has $10
bankers bank, it offers loans to banks in
million in outstanding deposits and the
need of reserves. The interest rate that the
required reserve ratio is 10 percent, then
agency charges on such loans is known as
the bank is required to keep $1 million in
the discount rate, and its the only interest
reserve. If the agency wants to increase the
rate directly controlled by the Fed. If the
reserves in the banking system, and thus
agency wants to inject more reserves into
increase the supply of money circulating in
the banking system, one way it can do so
the economy, it can do so by lowering the
is by lowering the discount ratethat is,
required reserve ratio.
by making it cheaper for banks to borrow
reserves from the Fed. Of course, there Open Market Operations. The Fed
is some truth to the old saying that you engages in open market operationsthat
can lead a horse to water but you cant is, the Fed buys and sells government
make it drinkthe Fed can lower the dis- securities on the open market, such as
count rate, but a bank may choose not to us Treasury bonds and other instru-
borrow reserves for fear that too much ments that the government uses to finance
borrowing from the agency will trigger an its operations. When the Fed wants to
examination (an evaluation of the banks increase the money supply, it can buy
safety and soundness). For that reason, government securities from banks. The
lowering the discount rate may not be Fed has to pay the banks for the securi-
the most effective tool the agency has for ties, and the banks in turn are required to
controlling the money supply, but it does set aside a percentage of that payment in
offer a way for the Federal Open Mar- their reserves. Like this, the Feds purchase
ket Committee to signal its intentions injects reserves into the banking system.
regarding the economys interest rates. With more reserves in the banking system,
the banks make more loans, the money
Required Reserve Ratio. The Fed estab- supply increases, and interest rates fall. If
lishes the required reserve ratio. All banks the economy is overheating and the Fed

U nderstanding the M acroeconomic N ews 121

wants to cool it off, it can sell government Its a relatively straightforward process,
securities to banks. When the banks pay but its also a delicate balancing act. When the
for the securities, their reserves go down. Fed lowers interest rates, households tend to
Lower reserves mean fewer loans, a situa- make more purchases on credit (houses, cars,
tion that in turn implies a falling money appliances, and other big-ticket items). When
supply and rising interest rates. money is cheaper, businesses also invest more
by expanding their operations. As household
The Fed and Interest Rates and business spending goes up, the economy
The Fed is also responsible for promoting grows. Jobs are created, and the unemployment
growth in the us economy through low infla- rate falls. This approach, called expansionary
tion and low unemployment. The Fed seeks to monetary policy, is the one that the Fed uses
achieve this goal by managing the economys to fight a recession.
interest rates. However, if the Fed makes too much
Here are two basic points to remember: money available for too longthat is, if inter-
est rates remain too low for too longthen
When the money supply goes up, interest
the result may be inflation. If inflation rises to
rates go down.
an unacceptable level, the Fed can counteract
When the money supply goes down, the problem by raising interest rates. Higher
interest rates go up. interest rates lead to lower household spend-
ing and lower business investment, and these
It follows, then, that if the Fed wants to lower
decreases in spending have the effect of cooling
interest rates, it can increase the money supply.
off an overheating economy and dampening
With more money available in the economy,
inflation. This approach is referred to as con-
the price of moneythe interest ratefalls.
tractionary monetary policy.
If the Fed wants to raise interest rates, it can
reduce the money supply. With less money
available in the economy, the interest rate rises. (Opposite) The Feds approach to regulating interest
Weve seen how the Fed can manage inter- rates and cash supply can determine how well or rapidly
the country recovers from a financial crisis.
est rates by controlling the money supply, but
how does managing interest rates promote
economic growth and keep inflation in check?



1791 1896 1937

First Bank of the Dow Jones Industrial Average
United States Wall Street Journal editor and Dow
Congress approves the Jones & Company cofounder, Charles
creation of a national bank Dow, creates a stock market index Joan Robinson is the
in order to settle debts from that calculates the average number first to define macroeco-
the revolutionary war and of stock exchanges between 12 of nomics as the theory
build the countrys credit. the largest US companies. of output as a whole.

1850 1913
Broken Window Fallacy Federal Reserve Act
French economist Frdric Bastiat Created in response to a series of
uses a broken window analogy to financial panics that stormed the
dispute the notion that wartime country, the Federal Reserve is
economies are beneficial for a nation created to advance employment,
since much of the goods produced stabilize prices, and moderate
during war are used to destroy and, long-term interest rates.
in the aftermath of war, a great deal
of resources are allocated toward
rebuilding what is destroyed.


1934 1995
Genuine Progress

Gross Domestic
Product Indicator
The GDP, or the esti- Recognizing the shortcomings
mated value of all goods of the GDP to measure the
and services produced in well-being of a nations Zimbabwe Inflation
a fiscal year, is first used economy, a group known as After years of currency devaluation
as a measurement of a Redefining Progress creates an in Zimbabwe, hyperinflation reaches
nations economic alternative measure focusing an all-time high of 11.2 million
strength in a report to on expenditures relating to percent, according to official
Congress. Ten years later, construction, crime, stress, records. In effect, the Zimbabwean
it becomes a standard and other phenomena related government is forced to print larger
way of analyzing to a nations economic and larger sums of money at a
economies. development. devastatingly unsustainable rate.

1943 1971
Emergency Price Control Act Nasdaq Opens
By issue of an executive order, The National Association of
President Roosevelt freezes rent Security Dealers Automated
prices across the country in order Quotations serves as the
to prevent inflation during a fully first electronic stock
employed wartime economy due to quotation system. Eventu-
US participation in World War II. ally, the Association
provides investors with
options for trade, which
were done mostly by



If you follow the financial news long

enough, youll inevitably hear about booms,
bubbles, and busts, though not necessarily all BUSINESS CYCLES
in the same report. Most people have at least
During the Great Depression, the economist
a vague idea of what these terms mean, but
John Maynard Keynes referred to what he
few understand their relevance to daily life.
called animal spirits, by which he meant an
This chapter discusses these concepts and
unthinkingly optimistic urge to take action,
places them in the broader context of busi-
as opposed to sober restraint based on math-
ness cycles. This chapter also describes the
ematical realities and economic thinking. Six
phases and causes of business cycles. As part
decades later, Alan Greenspan, former chair of
of the discussion, a few common questions are
the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, used
addressed. How frequent are recessions in the
another term, irrational exuberancethe title
United States? Do recessions affect all sectors
of a famous book by the economist and Nobel
of the economy in the same manner? Could
laureate Robert Shillerto talk about the
the United States ever experience another
same phenomenon. We can blame animal spir-
event like the Great Depression? And who is
its, irrational exuberance, or the bogeyman for
to blame for the financial crisisthe subprime
that matter, but booms and bubblesand the
mortgage crisisthat began in 2007?
busts that resulthave been recurring features
of our economy for at least as long as economic
data has been recorded. The terms boom, bubble,
and bust are used in the financial press because

they have a dramatic ring to them, but they real gdp. The National Bureau of
belong to a broader discussion of business Economic Research (nber), which deter-
cycles, a discussion that uses terms that arent mines when recessions have occurred in
nearly so dramatic. the United States, doesnt subscribe to
Economic activity tends to rise and fall over that principle. Instead, the nbers Busi-
time, and these fluctuations are commonly ness Cycle Dating Committee says that
referred to as business cycles. The presence and a recession is indicated when measurable
phases of business cycles are typically indi- declines in real gdp, real income, employ-
cated and measured by changes in real gdp ment, industrial production, and sales
over time (see page 105 for a discussion of (wholesale and retail) have been going on
nominal versus real gdp). A single business for a period of more than a few months,
cycle has four basic phases: to the point where the economy as a
whole has been affected.
1. At the peak of a business cycle, total pro-
duction in the economy is temporarily 3. A business cycle bottoms out at its
maxed out (although its possible and trough, or low point. In the trough, real
even likely that the economy will reach gdp is at a temporary minimum, and
an even higher level of output at some unless other negative influences come
point in the future). At the peak, unem- into playunemployment is at a tempo-
ployment is lownot at 0 percent, but as rary maximum.
low as it can go in the current economy.
4. The expansion phase of the business cycle
2. After the economy peaks, it goes into begins just after the trough, and it entails
recession. Most people are familiar with the economys climb toward a new peak.
that term, but not everyone understands According to the nber, which sees reces-
its technical meaning. A common rule sions as normally brief and increasingly
of thumb among academic economists rare, the expansion phase is the normal
is that a recession is indicated by two or state of the economy. Most of the time,
more consecutive quarters of declining at least in the United States and most
other developed nations, the economy is
growing. In electoral politics, an econ-
(Opposite) John Maynard Keynes believed that govern-
omy that remains flat or grows too slowly
ment intervention was needed to mitigate the social is often seen as an indictment of the party
impact of booms and busts, giving rationale for the in charge.
creation of a welfare state.

B ooms , B ubbles , & B usts 129

Over longer periods, the economy cycles up they would occur. In the early 1970s,
and down but it follows a general upward the unforeseen spike in oil prices had a
trend. Business activity rises and falls signifi- negative impact on the worldwide econ-
cantly over shorter periods, but it also generally omy. Natural disasters, which are always
trends upward over the long run. unforeseen, can also contribute to busi-
ness cycles. But economic shocks arent
always negative. For example, the intro-
WHAT CAUSES duction of a new production technology
BUSINESS CYCLES? can be viewed as an economic shock with
a positive effect. In fact, throughout our
Economists have long debated what causes nations history, many new inventions
business cycles. Theyve even devoted whole and innovations, such as the assembly
conferences to it, such as the one convened in
1998 by the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston.
To this day, no single answer has emerged as
correct or even dominant. The short answer
to the question is that we really arent sure.
Through years of observation and research,
however, economists have identified two
major factors that definitely influence busi-
ness cycles.
Economic Shocks. These are unfore-
seen events that affect the economy and
can create fluctuations in business activ-
ity. If you were to build an economic
model designed to forecast the future
state of the economy, your model would
not include any economic shocks because
you would have no way of knowing that

An economic shock can include a seemingly

innocuous technological development, such as
computerization, that significantly alters production
or distribution processes.


line, the computer chip, and the Internet, inflation in check. However, its worth
have impacted business cycles. noting that if you were to compare us
economic activity before 1913 (the date
Monetary Policy. Monetary policy
when the Federal Reserve System was
has major potential to contribute to the
created) with us economic activity after
formation of business cycles. Some econ-
1913, you would discover that there have
omists and schools of economic thought
been fewer and milder recessions since
hold central banks largely responsible
the Feds creation than in the decades
for business cycles. In the United States,
before. The evidence suggests that the
for example, the Federal Reserve is
Fed, rather than causing business cycles,
sometimes seen as having engineered
may have succeeded in moderating them.
recessions as a result of its efforts to keep
Throughout the 1990s and into the first
few years of the current centurythe period
of irrational exuberancesome analysts
began to wonder whether the business cycle
might even be dead. Then, in late 2007, along
came a financial crisis to remind everyone that
business cycles are alive and well, and that no
one has yet come up with a satisfactory answer
to the question of what causes them. Even
though economists arent sure what causes
business cycles, its worth your while to know
something about them. For instance:
If you own or manage a business, youll
find it helpful to understand how your
business and industry may be affected by
downturns and upswings in the economy.
If youre a worker, you can benefit from
knowing something about how business
cycles affect your industry, and thus
your livelihood.



Not all kinds of unemployment are the same. Of industry was deregulated, a number of
all the different types of unemployment, cyclical airline workers lost their jobs and became
unemployment is the worst. structurally unemployed. People whose jobs
are replaced by new kinds of technology are
Cyclical unemployment doesnt appear in the
also considered structurally unemployed.
expansionary phase of the business cycle. It only
appears in the trough or during a recession. It The natural rate of unemployment is what econo-
comes about when demand in the economy isnt mists define as the lowest possible rate of unem-
sufficient to generate the jobs necessary for full ployment at any given time. Every economy, at
employment. When cyclical unemployment is all times, will have a certain amount of seasonal,
present, production that could otherwise have frictional, and structural unemployment, which
occurred isnt realized. That lost output is gone is why no nation will ever achieve an unemploy-
forever and can never be recovered. Both the gov- ment rate of 0 percent. The corollary is that full
ernment, using the tools of fiscal policy, and the employment does not mean an unemployment
Federal Reserve, using the tools of monetary pol- rate of 0 percent. The natural rate of unemploy-
icy, attempt to minimize cyclical unemployment. ment varies according to a number of factors, but
for the United States its generally believed to
Economists also talk about three other types
be about 5 percent. When a countrys unemploy-
ment rate is at its natural rate, the country is said
Seasonal unemployment, as you might to be experiencing full employment even when
guess, occurs when seasonal workers some workers remain unemployed.
are unemployed in the off-season. For
From a workers point of view, of course, these
example, people who work during the
designations for different types of unemployment
summer in a resort town are seasonally
arent particularly useful. A worker who loses her
unemployed during the winter.
job doesnt spend much time pondering whether
Frictional unemployment comes about shes structurally or cyclically unemployed. All
when available workers cannot be she knows is that she now has no immediate
matched with available jobs. That kind of source of income. Even though its not always
mismatch is what is meant by friction
easy even for policymakers to know for sure
in the labor markets. Someone who
whether the worker lost her job because of a
leaves one job to look for another would
downturn in the economy or because a new piece
be considered frictionally unemployed.
of technology replaced her, the designations are
Structural unemployment arises because still valuable because they promote sound policy
of structural changes in the economy, such by helping decision makers understand the rea-
as changes in technology or in the legal sons for unemployment.
environment. In the 1980s, when the airline


If youre an investor, what you learn Recessions in the United States
about business cycles and how they Since the end of World War ii, according to
work can help you spot signs of trouble the nber, there have been 11 recessions in
ahead (as when a companys stock price the United States. That may seem like a lot,
is rising much faster than its revenues but not when you consider that there were
and profits). 22 recessions between 1854 (the first year for
which the nber has data) and 1945.
As a citizen and a voter, what you know
Not only did recessions occur more fre-
about business cycles can help you think
quently in earlier times, they also tended to last
about how a political party or candidate
longer. Want proof ? The recession that started
would be likely to handle a swing in the
in the spring of 1865 lasted for 32 months, the
economy, and about whether you want
one that started in the spring of 1882 went on
your elected representatives to actively
for 38 months, and the one that started in the
manage business cycles or take a hands-
fall of 1873 dragged on for 65 months22
off approach.
months longer than the first contraction of
An old proverb says, a little knowledge can the Great Depression. Now compare those
be dangerous. When it comes to economics, recessions, along with the 43-month-long
however, that little bit of knowledge can be contraction at the start of the Great Depres-
extremely valuable. sion, with the longest postWorld War ii us
recession: the one that started in December
2007 and lasted until June 2009a total of
DEPRESSIONS A key feature of any recession is a broad
economic downturn, but a recession doesnt
Sometimes people confuse the trough of a affect all industries and all firms in the same
business cycle with an economic depression, way. Producers of capital goods and durable
but the two are not identical. At the same time, goods tend to feel the effects of a recession
theres no true technical distinction between more quickly and more deeply than produc-
a recession and a depression, which is why ers do in other sectors of the economy. Capital
youll sometimes hear economists refer to a goods (e.g., equipment, machinery, tools) are
particularly severe economic downturn as a created to help produce other goods or ser-
depression, especially if it leads to double-digit vices. Durable goods (e.g., cars, appliances,
unemployment. As the old economics joke has furniture) are purchased by consumers and are
it, in a recession, your neighbors lose their intended to last three years or longer. When
jobs; in a depression, you lose yours. the economy begins to slip into recession,

B ooms , B ubbles , & B usts 133

businesses tend to postpone investments in
new capital, and so they make do with their
current facilities and equipment. Likewise,
as the economy begins to decline and fears of
unemployment rise, households may decide to
postpone the purchase of big-ticket items like
cars and appliances. In the face of recession,
businesses and households may also postpone
new construction projects, making the con-
struction industry particularly susceptible to
swings in the economy.
Other industries tend to remain fairly
steady during economic downturns. For
example, regardless of whats happening in
the macroeconomy, people still need health-
care services, tax services, and the services of
funeral directors. There are even businesses
and industriesdiscount retailers, second-
hand stores, and some of the sin industries
(those producing alcoholic beverages and cig-
arettes, for example) that actually tend to do
better during a recession.

The Great Depression

Most of the people who experienced the Great
Depression are no longer with us, but many of
their stories remain. When local banks failed,
families saw their life savings disappear. Some
families lost their homes and had to move
in with relatives, or they had to move into
shantytowns (nicknamed Hoovervilles, after
President Herbert Hoover). There are stories
from people who, as children, had to search
through trash bins on a nightly basis to find
their supper.


Needless to say, most people who lived
through the Depression were deeply affected
by it. Many emerged with an ultra-cautious
mind-set that they carried with them for
the rest of their lives. Despite the creation of
the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
(fdic) and the advent of fdic insurance,
some people were never again able to trust a
bank to hold their money.
The Great Depression truly was great.
No economic downturn that our country
has experienced since then has equaled the
Depressions severity or its economic impact
in terms of unemployment, falling stock
prices, bank failures, personal bankruptcies,
and all-around pain and suffering. Depression
survivors stories of personal calamity would
fill endless volumes.
Could it happen again? Could the country
be hit by another depression of that length and
severity? Economically speaking, anything is
possible and you can get any answer youre
looking for if you poll enough economists.
But most economists would agree that a repeat
of the Great Depression is highly unlikely in
the United States. Even the recession that fol-
lowed the 20072008 economic crisis was
tame in comparison.

Hoovervilles, shantytowns named after President

Hoover, popped up around the country during the
Great Depression, including this one in the middle of
New Yorks Central Park.


One important reason why were not likely prevent the bank runs and bank failures that
to experience a second depression of that mag- were endemic in the Great Depression.
nitude is that our understanding of how the Its always possible, of course, for some
economy works has increased exponentially unforeseen eventa plague, a devastating
since the 1920s and 1930s. Back then, the gov- war, widespread natural disaster, or some
ernment and the Fed made some serious and other shockto change the basic structure of
well-documented errors in judgment, and our economy or some of its key components.
these mistakes deepened and extended the But remember what we said about economic
effects of what had begun as a recession. Some models: When economists make predictions
economists even see those mistakes as hav- about the future, they have to assume that it
ing created the Great Depression from what will bear some resemblance to the past. Given
might otherwise have been a run-of-the-mill everything weve learned up to this point in
recession. Today, the government and the our history, a repeat of the Great Depression
Fed would be less likely to make such criti- looks like a very remote possibility.
cal errors, and in the decades since the Great
Depression, the Fed has had time to fine-tune
the open market operations that serve as the FROM BOOM TO
primary tool of its monetary policy.
In addition to our improved understand-
ing of the economy and monetary economics, Some people use the terms expansion and boom
we now have a social safety net, a system of fairly interchangeably, and theres actually no
protections that mostly didnt exist during the technical distinction between an expansion
Great Depression. Some of those protections and a boom. A boom, as its name implies, is
kick in automatically when hard times hit. For a particularly dramatic expansion, one that
example, unemployment insurance is available involves rapid growth in real gdp and, usu-
to those who lose their jobs in a downturn, and ally, rapid growth in asset prices. Thats why
its benefits reach beyond the individualeven it wouldnt really be accurate to characterize
though overall spending falls as unemploy- all expansions as booms. Often a boom indi-
ment rises, it doesnt fall as much as it would cates that the economy is overheating, and
if there were no unemployment insurance. that suppliers of goods and services are sud-
The same goes for welfare programs, which denly unable to keep up with demand. That
were introduced on a broad scale by Presi- rapidly rising demand places upward pressure
dent Franklin D. Roosevelt in the 1930s. fdic on prices, and predictably inflation ensues.
insurance, also established in the 1930s, helps Although the general price level is bound to
rise during a boom, asset prices or prices of


particular categories of assets often tick up at loans (i.e., home loans that banks and other
a faster pace than the overall price level. lenders made to people who didnt qualify for
When the prices of certain assets, such as the prime lending rate; see page 139).
stocks or real estate, arent supported by the In the summer of 2015, there was a dras-
underlying fundamentalsthe factors that tic drop in the prices of Chinese stocks. It
determine the actual market value of those turned out that the Chinese government
assetsits often said that a bubble, or asset had created an asset bubble by reporting an
bubble, has developed (synonymous terms inaccurate growth rate for the Chinese econ-
include speculative bubble, market bubble, and omy. When people finally understood the
price bubble). true state of the Chinese economy, they saw
An economic boom is typically followed that the stock prices were not supported by
by an economic bust. During a bust, real gdp the fundamentals, and the prices underwent
falls, unemployment rises, and any asset bub- a sharp correction.
bles that have been brewing are now set to
burst. When they do, the prices of the affected
assets fall to more reasonable levels that are THE 20072008 FINANCIAL
more consistent with their underlying funda-
mentals. Analysts often refer to such a price
drop as a market correction. The financial crisis of 20072008 took a lot
Weve certainly seen our share of booms, of people by surprise. Debate continues to
bubbles, and busts. this day over who was primarily responsible
In the 1920s, despite a few economic con- for causing the crisis, which led to a recession
tractions, the us economy boomed over much and near double-digit unemployment in the
of the decade. Someone who was alive at that United States. Debate also continues over
time would probably tell you that life was how certain matters should be handled in the
pretty good in what came to be known as the future. For example, should the government
Roaring Twenties. But, as history tells us, it bail out banks and other financial institutions
all came crashing down with the stock mar- that are deemed too big to fail? Should the
ket in 1929. government promote lending practices that
The economic boom of the late 1990s was lead borrowers to take on too much debt?
accompanied by the so-called dot-com bubble. Entire books have been written about the
Then, in early 2000, that bubble burst. crisis, but in summary it began with a housing
In the first decade of the 21st century a bubble fueled by low interest rates engineered
housing bubble developed, thanks to low by the Fed, combined with the federal gov-
interest rates and a giant wave of subprime ernments encouragement for almost every

B ooms , B ubbles , & B usts 137

American to own a home, if possible. Mil- related to the mortgage-backed securities. A
lions of home loans were made to subprime discussion of those esoteric instruments goes
borrowers whose credit histories didnt qual- beyond the scope of this book, but its now
ify them for the amounts of the loans they generally acknowledged that some of them
took on. (Left-leaning commentators tend to were trouble from the start (finance mogul
blame these lending practices on greedy loan Warren Buffet characterized them as finan-
officers and the firms they worked for, whereas cial weapons of mass destruction).
right-leaning commentators tend to blame the Everything was fine as long as the collat-
government for pushing people to buy homes eral behind the securities (the homes on which
when they really couldnt afford to.) borrowers, including subprime borrowers, had
Vast numbers of home loans, including a taken out loans) kept increasing in value. As
large number of subprime loans, were sold on the housing market went up and up, some
the secondary market by the original lenders. borrowers used the rising value of their mort-
These loans were then bundled together, and gaged homes to borrow even more money, but
the bundles were used to create opportuni- even those who didnt were certain that they
ties for investors. In other words, the bundled would eventually be able to sell their homes for
loans were used to create mortgage-backed much more than any amount of money they
securities. The securities were seen as sound had originally borrowed.
investments because they were backed by col- When housing prices finally reached unsus-
lateralthe houses on which the borrowers tainable levels, the bubble burst, and the house
had taken out the mortgages. As the theory of cards collapsed. Housing prices rapidly
went, even if a few of the borrowers defaulted dropped by hundreds of thousands of dollars.
and their loans went bad, the securities that Not only were maxed-out borrowers no longer
had been issued on the bundles would retain able to use the value of their homes to secure
their value because most of the other loans in additional loans, they now owed more than
the bundles would still be good. they could ever possibly recover from the sale
Wall Street firms began to create additional of their homes. In fact, many were so overex-
investment opportunities by issuing various tended that they could no longer even afford
kinds of derivatives, or financial instruments their mortgage payments. Wave after wave of
defaults began. With millions of mortgage
loans going bad all at once, the value of the
(Opposite) The financial crisis of 20072008 was mortgage-backed securities came into ques-
spurred by what was essentially the simultaneous
bursting of subprime mortgage bubbles throughout tion, and so did the value of the other financial
the country, leading to a massive market crash. instruments based on them.

B ooms , B ubbles , & B usts 139

Financial institutions that were holding
large volumes of bad mortgages and related
SHOULD THE GOVERNMENT instruments got into deep trouble. Many
PREVENT BUSTS? people, even those who had not defaulted on
their loans, reduced their spending as their
Given the often drastic consequences of eco-
nomic busts, you may wonder whether the
total wealth, wrapped up in the value of their
government should play a role in preventing homes, began to plummet. Almost overnight,
such events. banks tightened up their lending standards
The government certainly can attempt to and reduced the volume of their lending. This
smooth out business cycles by using its tools meant that businesses, which often depend on
of fiscal and monetary policy. But the sad their ability to borrow, spent less money and
fact is that, all too frequently, government
hired fewer workers. The sudden reduction
policies contribute to bubbles and busts.
in overall spending led to the recession that
By their nature, most economic events are
began in December 2007 and went on for the
very complex, and it wouldnt be fair in any
instance to say that the government is or next 18 months.
has been wholly responsible. However, many Many lessons have been learned from the
economists would agree that misguided gov- 20072008 financial crisis, and there are still
ernment policies have played a role in many more to be gleaned from retroactive examina-
of the biggest economic calamities.
tion of the facts.
Some analysts argue that the governments
efforts to manage business cycles have The Feds low interest rates laid the foun-
had such poor results that it would be best dation for a housing bubble to develop,
for the government to take a laissez-faire
but the low interest rates in and of them-
approach and simply allow markets to do
their thing. Others believe that the govern-
selves didnt cause the bubble.
ment should indeed play a role in attempt-
The fact that some mortgage companies
ing to moderate business cycles, but even
among analysts who take this view, there
engaged in questionable lending prac-
is significant disagreement about which tices contributed to the problem, but the
policies the government should pursue to mortgage companies wouldnt have been
achieve this aim. able to make so many subprime loans
if the money had not been so readily
available, and if the government hadnt
implicitly endorsed such weak lending


The esoteric financial instruments created Clearly, theres plenty of blame to go
and marketed by Wall Street firms defi- around for the housing bubble and the finan-
nitely added to the problem, but there cial crisis that followed. The question of who
wouldnt have been so many of those deserves the most blame is one that will prob-
instruments if there hadnt been so many ably never have a definitive answer, at least
subprime loans available for bundling. not from anyone who tries to analyze these
events objectively.
Borrowers were sometimes the targets
of predatory lending, but perhaps they
should have known that they were taking
out bigger loans than they could afford.

B ooms , B ubbles , & B usts 141


1873 1929
The Panic of Black Tuesday

1873 The worst trading day in the
New York Stock history of the New York
Market crashes, Stock Exchange, it becomes
leading several a prelude to the erasure of
banks toward billions of dollars from the
insolvency and American economy. The As a part of President Roosevelts New Deal,
setting off an Great Depression soon the Federal Deposit Insurance Commission
economic begins after the stock (FDIC) is created to encourage safe
depression. market crash. practices among the nations banks.

1920 1933 1945

NBER The New Deal Boomtime
The National Bureau of Eco- In response to the Following World War II, the
nomic Research (NBER) is Great Depression, United States grows in
created to develop objective President Roosevelt productivity for a period of
research on economics. Today, introduces the New over 25 years, as technology
the organization is widely relied Deal, a series of state developed during and after the
on for start and end dates intervention policies war leads to the emergence of
regarding recessions in designed to provide new manufacturing capabili-
the United States. relief for banks and ties, agricultural methods, and
job markets across the exploration of air and
the country. naval power, among other


1973 2000 Lehman Brothers
Oil Embargo Dot-com Crash The investment bank
OPEC cuts off oil In the wake of the Internet, files for bankruptcy,
supplies to the United companies borrowed huge citing $639 billion in
States in retaliation for sums of money to purchase assets and $619 billion
US support of Israel. The market shares in the new in debt. Lehmans
embargo sends oil prices economy. Many of these bankruptcy filing is the
soaring across the globe purchases were not well largest in history, and
and exposed American planned, however, resulting greatly deepens panic
dependence on foreign in substantial losses and over bank credit lines
manufacturing. bankruptcy filings throughout. across the globe.

1996 2007
Irrational Exuberance Subprime
Federal Reserve chair Alan
Mortgage Crisis
Greenspan uses the term A series of massive defaults
irrational exuberance to on mortgage payments
describe the problem of following years of insider
investor enthusiasm increasing trading of risky mortgages
asset values despite the fact erupts across the United States
that such values are based on and the United Kingdom.
faulty or unsustainable


A sizable share of the federal governments
spending goes toward so-called entitlement
programs: the Social Security program, the ATICKING TIME BOMB?
federal welfare program, and government-
Some people are convinced that the us Social
sponsored healthcare programs. Even if youre
Security program is doomed and that the
not receiving Social Security or welfare bene-
whole thing will blow apart at some point in the
fits, you probably pay taxes, which means that
next few decades. Others are more optimistic
you have a stake in all of these programs. If you
about the programs future. Which viewpoint
plan to retire one day, then you definitely have
is closer to the truth? Calling the program a
a stake in the future of the Social Security pro-
time bomb is on the extreme side, but its true
gram. And whether or not you supported the
that Social Security needs some adjustments
passage of the Patient Protection and Afford-
to remain solvent for future generations.
able Care Act of 2010, you have a stake in the
The Social Security program came about
us healthcare system. After reading this chap-
under President Franklin D. Roosevelts
ter, you may modify your positions on these
administration as the country was struggling
important issues. If youve never held a posi-
to find its way out of the Great Depression.
tion, then this chapter will provide you with a
The Roosevelt administration instituted many
framework that will help you formulate one.
programs in response to the Depression, but
the Social Security Act of 1935 was specifi-
cally intended to help the elderly and ensure
that they would have some minimum level of
retirement income.

The Social Security program wasnt origi- intended purpose. Early recipients did well
nally intended to provide a retirees sole source under the system, except perhaps those who
of income, and thats still true today. The orig- received the earliest lump-sum payments,
inal program looked different from todays, like Ernest Ackerman, a retired motorman in
as many changes have been made to it over Cleveland, whose one-time payment totaled
the years. 17 cents. Apart from Mr. Ackerman and other
lump-sum recipients, those who received reg-
The very first benefits were one-time
ular monthly benefits in the early days were
lump-sum payments, and they were made
effectively earning an annual return of 135
only to retired individuals.
percent on what they had paid into the sys-
Early payments were small compared to temin other words, for every $1 a recipient
todays payments. paid in, he received $1.35 in benefits. Later
recipients didnt fare quite so well, but they
Early payments didnt automatically
still probably earned a higher return from the
increase with inflation.
Social Society system than they would have
In 1939, the law was changed to add sur- earned from an alternative investment.
vivors benefits and benefits for a retirees For future retirees, however, Social Security
spouse and children. benefits wont be such a good deal. Its true that
the program ran cash surpluses between 1984
The payout of regular monthly benefits
and 2009, mainly because the baby boomers
started in 1940.
were in their peak earning years, but the sys-
In the late 1950s, benefits for disabled tem no longer takes in more than it pays out.
individuals were added to the program. The programs 2015 cash deficit is projected to
be around $84 billion. According to an issue
Beginning in the 1970s, payments were
brief published by the Treasury Department,
pegged to the consumer price index so
Social Security will eventually face a shortfall
that inflation would no longer erode the
of $13.6 trillion in present-value terms. That
purchasing power of a Social Security
$13.6 trillion represents the total amount of
recipients income.
benefits received by previous recipients (in
A number of smaller modifications have also present-value terms) above what they paid
been made to the program over the years, in Social Security taxes. In theory, the Social
including changes to the level of taxes collected
by the government to support the system.
(Opposite) President Roosevelt signing the Social Security
The Social Security system worked well in Act in 1935 as part of the New Deal aimed at creating a
the beginning, at least in terms of serving its social safety net in the wake of the Great Depression.

S O C I A L S E C U R I T Y, W E L FA R E S P E N D I N G & H E A LT H C A R E I N T H E U N I T E D S TAT E S 147

Security Trust Fund exists, but the fund is 1983 amendments are no longer enough. Addi-
really more of an accounting trick than a true tional action is needed. Sooner or later, if no
pension fund, and it is projected to run out action is taken, the program will fail to meet
by 2034. Other portions of the Social Secu- its stated obligations.
rity system, such as disability insurance, are
projected to be out of money much sooner. The Myth of the Social
Without some action on the governments Security Trust Fund
part, future Social Security recipients will face Many Americans believe that somewhere in
serious cuts in benefits. Washington theres something like a bank
The systems basic problem, and the reason account that contains their accumulated pay-
why it wont work as well in the future as it roll taxes from all the years theyve worked,
did in the past, is demographics. Social Secu- and that this account is where their Social
rity is whats known as a pay-as-you-go system, Security benefits will come from when they
which means that current recipients are being retire. Its easy to understand why so many peo-
paid out of taxes collected from the paychecks ple have this impression. Every so often, the
of current workers (again, the trust fund exists Social Security Administration sends every-
only on paper). In 1945, in the systems early one in the United States who works or has
days, there were 42 workers to support each worked a statement showing the amount they
beneficiary. By 1960, that ratio had dropped have paid in payroll taxes for each year worked.
to nine workers for every beneficiary. Today, But the government hasnt stored those mon-
about three workers support every benefi- ies in Washington, Fort Knox, or anywhere
ciary, and by 2034 the ratio will be closer to else. The truth is that the government has
2 to 1. The ratio has been changing for several already spent the money that you and I have
reasonsthe nations birthrates are falling, paid into the system.
people are living longer, and more and more Most people already understand that the
baby boomers are retiring. The population is, Social Security benefits paid to current recip-
in a word, aging. ients are funded by current workers payroll
Politicians and policymakers are aware of taxes, but theres something else that many
the problem facing Social Security. In fact, people dont realize. During the baby boom-
theyve taken action in the past to forestall ers peak earning years (19842009) when the
the problem. The last major set of amend- program was taking in more money than it was
ments to the program, passed into law in
1983, instituted a gradual ramping up of
(Opposite) Because the federal government spends
Social Security tax rates as well as the retire- Social Security funds on other programs as they are col-
ment age. As the facts stand now, though, the lected, the system is essentially an empty piggy bank.


paying out, the surplus funds were invested in the level of the payroll taxes being collected,
us Treasury bonds. In other words, the Social the government will have to take money away
Security system essentially lent the surpluses from other programs, raise taxes, or both.
to the government, and the government used So the next time you receive your statement
that money for many other purposes. from the Social Security Administration,
What we have instead of money in the remember that the payroll taxes youve put
Social Security Trust Fund is, in effect, a stack into the system over the years probably went
of IOUs. The federal government owes the to build a road somewhere, or fund a univer-
Social Security Trust Fund all the money it sity research study, or finance a war, or pay a
borrowed and spent on other things. To pay senator. The one thing that money certainly
the trust fund back, now that the level of Social isnt doing is sitting safe and sound in a bank
Security benefits being paid out is higher than account until you retire.


S O C I A L S E C U R I T Y, W E L FA R E S P E N D I N G & H E A LT H C A R E I N T H E U N I T E D S TAT E S 149

Fixing Social Security: receive higher benefits in retirement. As a
A Menu of Options stand-alone measure, however, raising or
The Social Security problem is an interesting eliminating the payroll cap wouldnt solve
one for economists because it has no single, the whole problem.
clear-cut solution. But theres a menu of pos-
Expand the base of workers from whom the
sible actions that could be taken to address
payroll tax is collected. Some workers, such
the problem, and they all boil down to either
as government employees who partici-
increasing the revenues flowing into the pro-
pate in public retirement systems, have
gram, or reducing the monies paid out.
been exempted from payroll taxes as well
Raise the payroll tax rate. This would be as from receiving Social Security benefits.
the most obvious way to increase the Removing such exemptions would raise
programs revenues. The tax hike would the Social Security programs revenues,
apply to all current and future workers. but probably not enough to significantly
Because the programs financing gap gets reduce the programs financing shortfall.
wider as time passes, the sooner a payroll
Allow more legal immigrants into the
tax hike could be enacted, the sooner the
country. Our declining birthrate is one
gap could be closed, and the lower the
of the major causes of the Social Security
tax hike could be. Conversely, the more
problem. Workers who are legal immi-
time that goes by without a payroll tax
grants could compensate for some or all
hike, the longer it would take to close the
of the deficit.
gap, and the higher the tax hike would
haveto be. Reduce benefits. Some people see an
across-the-board benefits cut as the
Raise or gradually eliminate the Social
default fix: If lawmakers dont reform the
Security payroll cap. The Social Security
program, they say, then benefits will have
payroll cap marks the level of income
to be cut in the future because the money
at which payroll taxes stop being col-
simply wont be there.
lected. The cap is tied to average yearly
wage growth. As this book goes to press, Raise the retirement age. For instance,
the payroll cap is $118,500, which means Congress could decide to declare 70 the
that payroll tax is assessed only on the new retirement age. That means that peo-
first $118,500 of an individuals income. If ple under that age would see a reduction
the payroll cap were raised or eliminated, in benefits because they would have to
higher earners would pay more into the wait until the new, higher retirement age
Social Security system and might also to start receiving them.



Some analysts advocate privatizing Social approach to retirement security. Yet the idea
Security, or at least some portion of it. Some of privatization does have some merit, and it
proponents of privatization also recommend could provide a partial solution to the Social
that individuals be allowed to decide for Securityproblem.
themselves whether they want their payroll
Younger workers could be given the option of
taxes to go into the traditional Social Security
directing part of their payroll tax monies into
Trust Fund or into market investments.
market investments, with the rest going into
The basic argument for privatizing Social the traditional program as a backup. Such a
Security is that what people stand to earn from plan might even encourage workers to save and
market investments will be more than any invest at levels beyond the mandated amount
amount they would ever receive from the Social represented by the payroll tax. Requiring
Security program. Another advantage, as privat- people to make decisions about their retirement
izations supporters see it, is that a privatized savings on something like a yearly basis would
Social Security program would take our already also get them actively involved in planning for
debt-burdened government off the hook for retirement. Those who didnt want that level of
payouts to future retirees. involvement could always default to the tradi-
tional program.
The basic argument against privatization is that
the market can be volatile. What would happen Even though a fully market-based retirement
if an individual reached retirement age just savings program will probably never be adopted
after a market crash? What if her retirement in the United States or any other major devel-
savings were totally wiped out? Would the gov- oped nation, the idea should be included on the
ernment then step in and provide benefits for menu of potential fixes for Social Security. After
her, or would she just be out of luck? all, the market has a very good track record
of providing solutions and partial solutions to
Given this kind of risk, its hard to imagine
complex economic problems.
lawmakers ever adopting a purely market-based

Introduce means testing. All Americans, level of income and other resources that
regardless of income, are currently eli- would qualify an individual as wealthy).
gible to receive benefits if they meet the Opponents of means testing argue that
age- or disability-related requirements. If the Social Security system represents a
means testing were implemented, how- guarantee from the government, and that
ever, wealthier individuals would no the terms of the agreement make benefits
longer receive benefits (of course, poli- available to everyone, not just to poor and
cymakers would have to determine the middle-class retirees. In any case, means

S ocial S ecurity , W elfare S pending & H ealthcare in the U nited S tates 151
testing, like tinkering with the payroll challenge that politicians face around this
cap, probably wouldnt work as a stand- issue. Youll likely find that:
alone measure to close the Social Security
Older people who are close to retiring
financing gap unless the cutoff for receiv-
may favor hiking the payroll tax.
ing benefits were set at a fairly low level.
Some younger people probably wont go
Privatize the Social Security program.
for that solution, especially because many
Essentially, this solution means directing
young people are skeptical about whether
funds collected through the payroll tax
benefits will even be there for them in
into market investments instead of into
the future.
the Social Security Trust Fund (that is,
the governments coffers). A certain level of support from every-
one for lifting or eliminating the payroll
Each of these potential fixes has advantages
cap, and for implementing means testing,
and disadvantages, but one disadvantage they
though those fixes on their own probably
have in common is that theyre all unpopular.
wouldnt solve the whole problem.
Some seem a bit less unpopular than others,
but none of them will win any points for pol- What youll probably discover is that theres no
iticians who propose them. Thats another single solution on which everyone can agree.
reason why the problem with Social Secu- Fixing Social Security in any significant way
rity has persistedSocial Security has been and making the program healthy will proba-
called the third rail of American politics bly require some combination of the measures
because, metaphorically speaking, politicians presented in this chapter.
who touch on this subject experience the same The pollsters have their data and the pun-
effect they would had they touched the electri- dits have their positions, but nothing can
fied rail that runs along a subway track. happen unless lawmakers summon the polit-
If you feel like running a social experi- ical courage to look directly at the Social
ment, the next time you get together with Security problem and deal with it once and
people who like to debate politics and current for all. If they dont, the situation will only
events, try bringing up the Social Security grow worse. Failure to act on the issue today
problem. Lay out the potential fixes weve will only push the problemand a drasti-
just discussed and watch what happens. In cally compounded problem at thatonto the
all likelihood, youll have a lively debate on backs of future generations.
your hands, and youll get a small taste of the


THE DEBATE OVER goods and services would be produced, and
jobs would be created. Were high producers to
WELFARE SPENDING IN be penalized, typically through high income
THE UNITED STATES taxes, they would tend to produce less (or
they would take their productive talents else-
From politicians to average citizens, Americans where). The economy would suffer, and the
have long debated the merits of the nations economic pie would become smaller than
various welfare programs. Arguments for and it otherwise would have been.
against the programs tend to fall along polit- This is the case often made by those econ-
ical lines, with liberals generally in favor of omists (and others) who oppose income
welfare spending and conservatives generally redistribution. For them, a rising tide lifts
in favor of reducing or even discontinuing wel- all boats is a common refrain. Opponents of
fare spending. income redistribution say that if highly produc-
Economists, too, are just as likely to be tive individuals were allowed to fully reap the
divided along political lines when speaking rewards of their efforts, they would be inclined
out about welfare spending. The economics to produce more, innovate more, and boost the
concepts most relevant to this issue are the economy. Meanwhile, people in the middle and
notions of efficiency and equity, and the trade- at the bottom of the economic ladder would
off that typically occurs between the two. benefit from all that production and innovation
by having more and better job opportunities, as
Efficiency well as better and cheaper goods and services.
Efficiency is just what it sounds like, at least
to an economist: the optimal production and Equity
allocation of resources. A purely free market Equity has to do with fairness or equality, but
economy, one without government interven- there are different ways of understanding what
tion, would have efficiency at its heart. Those equity and equality mean. For example, a flat
individuals who were most productive would income tax of 15 percent on all income earners
end up with a greater share of resources than would be equal in one senseeveryone would
those who were less productive. pay income taxes at the same rate. But someone
In such a system, a high income would earning $20,000 per year would feel a tax bill of
serve as a reward, or motivator, to get highly $3,000 much more acutely than someone earn-
productive people producing even more. ing $1 million per year would feel a tax bill of
With highly productive people producing $150,000. Some applications of the equity con-
more, others in the economy would benefit. cept account for this type of thinking.
The economy would grow at a faster rate, more

S ocial S ecurity , W elfare S pending & H ealthcare in the U nited S tates 153
People in favor of income redistribu- Others argue that welfare benefits under-
tion dont believe that the economy works mine the work ethic of recipients, and that
the way opponents of redistribution think economic growth suffers to the extent that
it works. People who favor redistribution welfare benefits discourage people from
believe that money and other resources in a working. To put this idea another way, these
free market system tend to accumulate at the analysts say that the economy would be grow-
top of the economic ladder, and that money ing at a faster clip if all those who are able to
doesnt trickle down as some politicians have work would actually enter the workforce and
claimed. Pro-redistribution people believe involve themselves in productive activities.
that its the governments job to ensure equity Welfare spendings benefits consist not only
for citizens in the middle and bottom of the of direct payments to recipients but also of any
economic ladder. One form of redistribution gains to society that can be attributed to the
is the progressive income tax, the system that existence of welfare spending. Honest and rea-
requires high earners to pay a larger propor- sonable people can disagree about whether
tion of their income in taxes than low earners welfare benefits do more harm than good to
are required to pay. Another form of income an individual or a family in the long run, but
redistribution is government spending on wel- theres no denying that us welfare programs
fare programs for poor people. have prevented or lessened human suffering to
some degree, and reduced suffering represents
Welfares Costs and Benefits a real economic benefit.
When it comes to welfare spending, the eco- Some would also contend that welfare
nomic evidence is mixed, as it is for so many spending reduces the incidence of crime on
other controversial issues. No one can objec- the part of poor people. Its difficult to mea-
tively say whether its better for policymakers sure that kind of cause-and-effect relationship,
to focus on efficiency or on equity; thats but its reasonable to assume that some amount
largely a matter of political and philosophical of crime reduction can be attributed to the
preference. But one obvious way to look at the existence of welfare spending, and reductions
issue through an economic lens is to examine in crime also have to be counted as an eco-
whether the costs of welfare are outweighed nomic benefit.
by its benefits. The total cost of welfare spend-
ing, many would argue, consists of more than
People stand in line at a Baltimore welfare office
dollar outlays. Some critics see the higher taxes
in 1975. Some economists believe that welfare
needed to finance welfare spending as damp- spending can serve the important role of lessening
ening the productive efforts of high earners. income inequality.


S O C I A L S E C U R I T Y, W E L FA R E S P E N D I N G & H E A LT H C A R E I N T H E U N I T E D S TAT E S 155

To measure income inequality, economists most income going to the highest quintile has ticked
often use income quintiles and the Gini index up somewhat, and the share going to the bottom
(also called the Gini coefficient or the Gini ratio, earners has declined. In 2014, the top quintile in
its named for its creator, the Italian statistician the United States earned more than 50 percent
and sociologist Corrado Gini). On the basis of of all income, and the lowest quintile earned just
these two commonly used measures, a politician a little more than 3 percent of all income.
or a political activist would be justified in saying
The Gini index yields a value somewhere between
that the distribution of income is becoming less
0 and 1. The closer a country is to 0 on the Gini
equal in the United States, as in many other
index, the more equal its income distribution; the
places around the world.
closer a country is to 1, the less equal its income
Quintiles divide a data set into five parts, and so distribution. In 1967, the United States was at
quintiles based on income divide the population 0.362 on the Gini index; in 2014, it was at 0.464,
into five different income groups: the top 20 which means that our country scores among the
percent of income earners, the second highest most unequal of all the developed countries on this
20 percent of income earners, and so on. In the measure of income equality. According to a report
United States, over the decades, the share of by the International Monetary Fund, its estimated


The income of the top 1% and 0.1% of US families dwarfs the bottom 99%.

(Average Income in Each Group)




Bottom 90% Top 10% Top 5% Top 1% Top 0.1%

Source: Emmanuel Saez and Thomas Pikketys analysis of IRS data. Washington Center for Equitable Growth


that nearly half of the worlds wealth is now held as they grow older and gain skills and experience,
by just 1 percent of the worlds population. In the they tend to progress into higher-income quintiles.
United States, the richest 20 percent of people Over longer periods of time, income ends up
hold about 89 percent of all the wealth. looking more evenly distributed than it does at
any given point in time.
But income inequality, like all other economic
issues, is complex, and theres more to the story Some economists would also point out that even
than might be perceived at first glance. if income is less equally distributed in the United
States than it was, say, 50 years ago, the overall
One issue is that the common measures of income
standard of living has gone up. A large proportion
inequality have some shortcomings. For example,
of todays low-income Americans own cars, cell
most of them dont include so-called in-kind
phones, flat-screen TVs, and other such items. In
transfers from the government, such as Medicaid,
many respects, its probably not as bad to be in
Medicare, and food stamps. When that spending
the bottom quintile of income earners in 2015 as
is counted as income for the beneficiaries, income
it was to be in the bottom quintile back in 1965.
inequality begins to look a bit less extreme.
This is not to suggest that people living in poverty
Another issue is that these measures offer only should take comfort in knowing that poor people
a snapshot of whats happening at one moment probably had it worse 50 years ago.
in time. They dont really tell us how income
Some politicians and pundits would argue that
has been changing among various groups and
weve gone too far in redistributing income.
individuals over a longer period. Between 1996
After all, too much income redistribution could
and 2005, for example, there was substantial
dissuade the productive from producing, and that
movement among income quintiles in the United
reduction in their productivity would have a neg-
States, with 50 percent of the people who were
ative impact on the countrys rate of economic
in the bottom quintile in 1996 moving to a
growth. By contrast, others would argue that we
higher quintile by 2005, and 5 percent even
need to do much more to level things out.
making it to the highest-earning quintile. In addi-
tion, more than 50 percent of those who started Economists have done a good job teeing up the
out in the top quintile in 1996 had fallen into a debate on income inequality. Ultimately, however,
lower quintile by 2005. To take another example, voters will have to decide whats fair with respect
people are usually in the lower-income quintiles to income redistribution.
when theyre young and first earning a living, but

(Opposite) The concentration of extreme wealth at

the top tier of US society has made it one of the most
unequal developed countries in the world, confirmed
by the countrys Gini index rating.

S ocial S ecurity , W elfare S pending & H ealthcare in the U nited S tates 157
A less tangible benefit, but one worth con- On the other hand, welfare spending may
sidering, is the possibility that some people help boost economic growth, at least to the
who have never received or even qualified for extent that it alleviates income inequality (and
welfare benefits still take some comfort in the to the extent that some economists are correct
knowledge that the benefits are available if the when they argue that greater income equality
need should arise. leads to higher growth).
Welfare spendings greatest benefit may The net effect of all of these factors is
be its potential to lessen income inequal- unknown at this time, but currently politi-
ity. Income inequality, which crops up more cians believe that the funds spent on welfare
and more frequently in the media, is almost programs are justified. Much to the chagrin
always presented as a growing area of concern of some political factions, its unlikely that
for the nation. Welfare spending is a big part of well ever totally eliminate welfare spend-
income redistribution and because it may help ing in the United States. If history is a good
mitigate income inequality, society stands to predictor, then the nations total amount of
gain in at least two ways: welfare spending will gradually increase, and
this means that the debate is not over.
Many people find value in feeling that
they live in a country that is becoming
more socially just, and when concerns
about income inequality are eased by
increased welfare spending, were better LIKE NO OTHER
off as a society.
The healthcare market is so complex and chal-
Some analysts argue that a high degree lenging for economists that it has become a
of income inequality may reduce a coun- subfield of its own in economics. For an
trys rate of economic growth. Reducing industry to warrant having its own branch
income inequality would therefore bene- of economics, it must be a very important
fit a countrys rate of economic growth. industry with characteristics that make it dif-
ferent from typical industries. What is it that
On one hand, welfare spending may reduce
makes the healthcare market so different from
a nations economic growth ratewelfare
other markets?
spending may diminish the incentives for
recipients to work, and the taxes that fund the The healthcare industry is one of the
programs may have a dampening effect on the nations most heavily regulated indus-
productivity of people earning higher incomes. tries; the same is true in most nations,
for that matter.


The vast majority of hospitals in the Because the wedge between consumers
United States operate on a nonprofit and producers disguises true costs, con-
basis, so they pursue goals aside from sumers tend to overconsume healthcare
profit maximization. services because theyre not paying the
full costs.
The healthcare market is characterized
by asymmetric information (see page 51) Suppose that my doctor offers me a treat-
and having an ill-defined product since ment that isnt really vital, but it may improve
the outcome of healthcare is uncertain. my health just a little. The key word there is
When youre told that you need a par- may. The treatment may have no effect at all;
ticular screening, you have no way of it may not improve my health one iota. Sup-
knowing if you really need it or if some- pose further that the price of the treatment
one is trying to pad a bill. And despite for an uninsured patient is $500. If Im paying
undergoing a battery of tests, you could out of pocket for my healthcare, Im going to
leave the doctors office unhealed. think long and hard before I spend $500 on
a treatment that may improve my health only
Because of asymmetric information and
marginally. If I only have to pay a $10 or $20
an ill-defined product, not to mention
copayment, Ill likely go ahead with the treat-
the effects of injury and illness, health-
ment. For less than the price of a large pizza,
care consumers may make less rational
I can take a chance that the treatment might
decisions about healthcare than they do
actually improve my life. In fact, I may go
about other products.
ahead and sign up for every treatment my doc-
Thanks to combinations of insurance pre- tor has to offer. At $20 a treatment, I can afford
miums, co-payments, and government lots of healthcare. Managed care operations,
subsidies, consumers only rarely pay the such as hmos and ppos, were designed to
full price for healthcare services. Only in help prevent the overuse of healthcare and to
rare situations does the healthcare market keep healthcare costs down. Theres evidence
function like a typical market. But in the that theyve had some success in meeting their
vast majority of situations, third-party objectives, but the wedge is still there. Its still
payers (insurance companies, managed the case that most of the time, most consum-
care organizations, and the government) ers dont pay the full price for the healthcare
form a wedge between consumers and services they receive. That means that even
producers, in effect disguising the true with innovative, market-based approaches like
costs of services. managed care, healthcare is still far from being
a typical kind of market.

S ocial S ecurity , W elfare S pending & H ealthcare in the U nited S tates 159
Our healthcare system is far from a pure Should the Healthcare Market
market system, of course, since it includes Be Given Free Rein?
government elements that operate alongside If healthcare were a pure market goodthat
market elements. However, if healthcare is so is, if people purchased all healthcare services
different from other markets, it may be rea- themselves and paid the full costs directly out
sonable to ask whether healthcare should be of pocketoverall costs might be lower. If
left to the market at all. Many other advanced people were spending their own money, they
nations have government-provided healthcare wouldnt spend as much on visits to doctors
for all citizens, and some would argue that offices or nonessential tests. Of course, some
the United States is lagging behind the rest people wouldnt be able to pay out of pocket
of the developed world in this regard. People for all the healthcare services they needed,
who take this position and harbor a more lib- and thats where health insurance comes in.
eral worldview favor a system like Canadas Yet there are several reasons why a pure mar-
government-run, single-payer system. That is ket system, even a system that incorporated
one possible approach to healthcare. health insurance, wouldnt solve all the prob-
By contrast, free market advocates argue lems related to healthcare delivery.
that the government is already too involved
There would be people who couldnt
in healthcare. Some who take this view also
afford health insurance.
contend that government is the cause of the
healthcare systems problems. If the govern- There would be people, especially young
ment were left out of the equation, free market and very healthy people, who would
thinkers say, a new, market-based healthcare choose not to buy health insurance even
system would emerge that would be far supe- if they could afford it. Thats a problem
rior to the one we have now. because insurance works only if theres
So whos rightthe free market fans, large pool of diverse participants. If
or the people who want a government-run, everyone in the insurance pool is old
single-payer healthcare system? Again, not and sick, the payouts are much larger
surprisingly, the issue is complex, and theres than the premiums, and the premiums
no single correct answer. Each approach has become exorbitant.
its advantages and disadvantages.
In a pure market system, insurers would
have the right to accept the customers
they wanted to insure and turn away the
The US multipayer healthcare system involving multiple
third-party insurers has created a distortion in the prices rest. Insurance companies, like other pri-
of healthcare delivery. vate firms, seek to maximize profits, so

S O C I A L S E C U R I T Y, W E L FA R E S P E N D I N G & H E A LT H C A R E I N T H E U N I T E D S TAT E S 161


In 2013, Australias healthcare spending as a In addition, many peoples insurance premiums

share of its GDP was 8.8 percent. In the same have gone up because of the ACAs provisions,
year, US spending on healthcare as a percentage and many more people are likely to have their
of GDP was 16.4 percent, nearly twice Australias premiums hiked in the future. Some peoples pre-
level. US expenditures on healthcare were also miums are offset by government subsidies, but
significantly higher than those of the next biggest not everyone is or will be subsidized. The ACA
spenders, the Netherlands and Switzerland, who also entails a few new taxes whose impacts are
both spent 11.1 percent of GDP on healthcare. still to be determined.
What do these figures have to do with the Patient
The architects of the ACA envisioned a network of
Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), or
state-run healthcare exchanges that, ideally, would
Affordable Care Act (ACA) for short? Just this:
allow people to buy health insurance at a lower
Before the advent of the ACA, healthcare spend-
cost than what had been available before the ACA.
ing in the United States was already higher than
However, many states declined to create their own
in other countries, so this isnt the reason why
exchanges, leaving the task to the federal govern-
American healthcare is so much more expensive
ment, and many of the state-run exchanges that
than other countries. At the same time, some
were established have struggled financially since
of the ACAs provisions may end up pushing the
opening for business, with some states reportedly
costs of healthcare in the United States even
considering turning all or parts of their exchanges
higher in the future.
over to the federal government.
Its not easy to find unbiased, unpoliticized infor-
As if that werent enough, the ACA may prove
mation about the current status of the ACA, but
to have a big unintended consequence. Under
so far it appears to have reduced the number of
the ACA, companies that employ 50 or more
uninsured Americans, which was one of the ACAs
full-time workers are required to provide them
primary purposes. There are still individuals in
with health insurance, so some employers are
the United States who dont have health insur-
reportedly switching some of their full-time
ance, but millions more have acquired coverage
workers to a part-time basis. At this time, the
under the ACA.
full impact of this requirement hasnt been
That said, it also appears that millions of Amer- rigorously studied, but it certainly represents a
icans were kicked out of their former healthcare potentialshortcoming.
plans because of the ACA. Most of those people
All in all, the jury is still out on the ACAs
probably acquired new coverage, but President
effectiveness. Until enough time has passed
Obamas famous promiseIf you like your
and enough data has been gathered, we wont
healthcare plan, youll be able to keep your
know for sure whether the ACA is achieving
healthcare planwasnt fulfilled.
its intended purposes.


they would insure the healthiest individ- of the main problems we have with our current
uals and turn away the unhealthy (or they system: access. In a national healthcare system,
would refuse to provide insurance for all citizens have access to healthcare regardless
preexisting conditions). of income, age, or health status.
Costs can also be more tightly controlled
People who have health insurance tend
in a single-payer systemthe government has
to overconsume healthcare, as weve
virtually all the negotiating power, and a sin-
seen, and their overconsumption drives
gle payer can realize certain economies of scale
up costs.
that are not available in a multipayer system.
Another advantage of a national healthcare
What About a Government- system is that health insurance can be uncou-
Run, Single-Payer System? pled from employment. Most people in the
What were referring to here is national United States have health insurance through
healthcare, or free healthcare provided by the their employers, but how many workers have
government to all citizens (sometimes called remained in jobs they hated because they
universal healthcare). Our neighbor to the
north, Canada, has such a system and accord-
ing to several polls, the majority of Canadians There is much debate as to whether healthcare should
be a good traded in the free market, or a primary
prefer their system over a us-style system. A responsibility of the government, as it is in Canadas
national healthcare system would address one single-payer system.

S O C I A L S E C U R I T Y, W E L FA R E S P E N D I N G & H E A LT H C A R E I N T H E U N I T E D S TAT E S 163
couldnt afford health insurance on the open
market? From this angle, a national health-
care system in the United States would allow
workers greater job mobility and could spur
the formation of more small businesses.
Yet a number of problems would likely
appear in connection with a national health-
care system.
The government would have to set stan-
dards for care, and some argue that
ultimately the quantity and the quality of
healthcare would decline.
People could find themselves waiting in
long lines for treatment.
Rationing could become a reality, espe-
cially as the population ages and the
demand for healthcare rises.
A national healthcare system could lead
to more inefficiency and bureaucracy. The
government is already famous for red tape,
and its hard to imagine that a national
healthcare system wouldnt add to that.

Despite opposition and accusations of socialism,

President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act
on March 23, 2010, thereby creating a federally
regulated insurance exchange.


S O C I A L S E C U R I T Y, W E L FA R E S P E N D I N G & H E A LT H C A R E I N T H E U N I T E D S TAT E S 165

1935 1945 1961

The Second New Deal
In a package designed to
Truman and JFKs New Frontier
provide security for citizens,
Healthcare In his inaugural address,
Congress introduces Social Congress is called newly-elected President Kennedy
Security, a 40-hour work- on to create a uses the phrase New Frontier. This
week and the right for workers national healthcare is later used to label his administra-
to unionize, and several other plan, but ultimately tions domestic policy that includes
government programs fails to produce a increased welfare assistance and
designed to maintain the bill for President emergency relief for farmers.
welfare of the country. Truman to sign.

Workplace Health
Disabled Support
President Truman signs into law a new
Due to a high demand for Social Security benefit in the form of
workers during World War II, monthly financial support for the
US businesses begin to permanently and totally disabled.
offer health benefits to their
employees. Eventually, this
leads to the employer-based
healthcare system still in
place today.


1965 2010
Medicare and Medicaid Affordable Care Act
President Johnson picks up where his Legislation passes under
predecessors left off, calling on the Obama administration
Congress to create Medicare. Later in designed to expand
the year, a bill introducing Medicare healthcare coverage to
and Medicaid passes both houses, American citizens, as well
expanding coverage to senior and as to broaden existing
low-income Americans. programs such as Medicare.

1964 1996 2015

Economic Welfare Reform Act Social Security
Opportunity Act Legislation is enacted under
Legislation passes under the Clinton administration Vision 2025 is announced
the Johnson administra- designed to strengthen the as a series of changes to the
tion designed to reduce effectiveness of the welfare Social Security program in
poverty through a series program by stipulating an effort to embrace
of programs ranging from limited terms on cash technological advancements
vocational job training to assistance as well as a while also maintaining the
grants for higher greater emphasis on finding service provided to retirees.
education in states such employment for recipients.
as California.

S O C I A L S E C U R I T Y, W E L FA R E S P E N D I N G & H E A LT H C A R E I N T H E U N I T E D S TAT E S 167


No one has a crystal ball (though economists

are sometimes criticized for behaving as if they
do), and no one knows for sure how the field Economics, like other social sciences, is a
of economics will change over time. What is field that is always changing. Economists
likely is that the profession will become more have been applying more and more comput-
robust and grow more relevant to everyday ing power to their models, and even within
life. After all, concepts and theories devel- the past few decades the methods and results
oped by some of the fields earliest thinkers are of economic analysis have improved dramat-
still relevant today. Even though certain the- ically. All the same, economics, by its nature
ories have been discarded over time, replaced an evolving social science, will continue to
by better theories, or disproved by hard facts, change and develop.
its likely that the fields core assumptions and Many economists today believe that eco-
theories will remain intact and continue to nomics in the future will be more empirical
comprise a solid foundation for insights that and quantitative than ever. As computing
future economists will uncover through their resources become more and more powerful,
experiments and analyses. This chapter makes and as data sets become larger and more com-
a few educated guesses about the future of eco- prehensive, economists will be able to do many
nomics, and about where economic research more kinds of analyses.
and thought may be taking us.




Some economists are already working with the psychology underlying different types of
agent-based economic models, which are pro- economic decisions, economic models are
grammed to simulate the likely behavior of likely to become stronger and more realistic.
many individual actors (agents) in a market, Advances in neuroscience will probably play
such as producers and consumers. As behav- a role here as well. Neuroscientists are learn-
ioral economics continues to shed light on ing more about the brain all the time, and
perhaps were coming closer to the day when
machines will literally be able to read minds.
(Opposite) Like all social sciences, economics is
ever-evolving, and lessons learned from recent booms
(Wouldnt that be a gold mine for economists
and busts will undoubtedly influence future thinking. who want to explore the subtleties of human
decision making?)


Most economists failed to see the 20072008 In the aftermath of the crisis, many economists
financial crisis coming, and since then the examining the facts may have decided that it
economics profession has been taking it on was bound to occur, but nothing occurred in
the chin, with critics and pundits pointing the the period before the financial meltdown that
finger at economists, and economists heaping violated the laws of economics. On the basis of
blame on one another. For example, Paul Krug- those laws, a dozen other outcomes might have
man, a Nobel laureate, accused his colleagues been possible as various actors in the economy
of mistaking beauty for truth and promoting a responded to events. In other words, it wasnt
romanticized and sanitized vision of the econ- the profession of economics that was to blame.
omy that rendered them blind to clear dangers Specific individuals, groups, and institutions
and left them unable to read the signals coming were responsible for creating the environment
from the markets. In fact, whole books have in which a financial crisis could develop, and
been written about the failure of the economics they took the actions that led to the crisis.
profession (e.g., Graeme Maxtons The End of
Given the severity of the crisis, however, its
Progress: How Modern Economics Has Failed
easy to understand the tendency to blame econ-
Us and David Orrells Economyths: Ten Ways
omists and the field of economics, especially
Economics Gets It Wrong). A new institute, the
with heavyweights like Paul Krugman piling on.
Institute for New Economic Thinking, was even
Perhaps future economic models, armed with
formed in the wake of the financial crisis. Their
new insights about human behavior, will be
mission involves supporting the efforts of schol-
able to predict events like the financial crisis of
ars all over the world as they change the way
economics is studied, considered and taught.



Since the first decade of the 21st century, dollar, were completely unregulated, and in time
economists have been studying certain aspects problems began to develop in the virtual banking
of online games like Second Life and EverQuest. sector. At least one bank announced that it
These virtual worlds allow users to assume would be unable to meet its outstanding financial
fictional identities called avatars. The avatars obligations. The ensuing bank run was the virtual
may be very different from the real-life people answer to the question of what is likely to occur if
behindthem. a banking system is created from the ground up
and left completely unregulated.
In a virtual world, avatars can interact, buy and
sell merchandise, form relationships, and engage Not all economists agree on the potential of
in many other activities expressing the range of virtual economies as a research platform. Some
human behavior. Some virtual worlds even allow naysayers argue that because the group of people
users to create virtual businesses, and its fair to participating in virtual worlds tends to be made
say that a virtual economy is one aspect of some up mainly of young males, it doesnt accurately
of these virtual words. represent the diverse range of participants in the
real economy. Its also true that participants in a
Virtual economies are of great interest because
virtual world, through their anonymous avatars,
of what they can reveal about the real economy.
tend to take more risks than they would in the
In some respects, a virtual economy is an excel-
real worldtime served in a virtual prison is
lent environment for economic experiments. For
nothing like a stretch at Leavenworth.
one thing, a research question that would be
infeasible or even unethical to examine in real Other economists remain hopeful about the
lifeWhat is likely to happen if interest rates research potential of virtual economies. They
suddenly double? What are the likely effects of see a trend of more participation in virtual
imposing across-the-board price controls on all worlds, with the sample of participants becoming
goods?can be pursued in a virtual economy increasingly diverse and thus more representa-
without human consequences. Consider what tive of human actors in the real economy. If that
happened a few years ago, when some Second trend continues, they say, virtual economies may
Life users began creating banks in the virtual even become the best available laboratories for
environment. The virtual banks, which dealt in economic research.
the Second Life currency known as the Linden


Another development that is already need and want, or that human beings no longer
occurring in economics is the movement perceived the existence of scarcity. The inven-
toward multidisciplinary research. At one tion of that kind of technology seems unlikely.
time, research economists worked alone or Ceasing to perceive scarcity would require a
perhaps with one or two colleagues who were wholesale reprogramming of human attitudes,
also economists, but now its much more a shift that also seems unlikely, at least in our
common to see economists working with lifetimes. If such a shift ever did occur, eco-
researchers in psychology, sociology, law, ecol- nomics would still be relevant. There would
ogy, and other fields. Research of this nature still be reasons to examine decision making.
is yielding and will continue to yield insights Trade-offs would still exist because there
that economists would probably never reach would still be opportunity costs (e.g., should I
working on their own. sit here and meditate, or should I enjoy a walk-
One of the core ideas on which the study ing meditation through the hibiscus garden?).
of economics rests is the notion of scarcity. For better or worse, scarcity is a reality that
What if scarcity was eliminated? Would the will be with us for a long time to come. Eco-
field of economics also disappear? Its an inter- nomics will also persevere as an aid to societies
esting philosophical question. If scarcity were seeking to improve their use of resources while
eliminated, it would mean that some new tech- humankind forges ahead in a world of increas-
nology made it possible to satisfy every human ing complexity and uncertainty.

T he F uture of E conomics 173

absolute advantage The trade advantage a cartel A group of firms engaged in price fix-
nation (or region or individual) has when it ing or other collusive behavior.
produces a particular good at a lower abso-
ceteris paribus Latin phrase meaning all
lute cost.
other things being equal.
anchoring effect A cognitive bias that
cognitive biases Patterns or tendencies
describes the tendency to base a judgment
that lead people to deviate from rational
on the first piece of information seen as a ref-
decision making.
erence point, even if it provides incomplete
or irrelevant information. collusion The collaboration among
firms in an industry to fix the price or
asymmetric information A situation in
otherwise reduce the level of competition
which one party to an economic transaction
in the industry.
has more information about the transaction
than another party. For example, if you offer common market Participating countries in
your used car for sale, you have more infor- a trade bloc that allow for free movement of
mation about the quality of the car than a resources between countries.
potential buyer does.
comparative advantage The advantage
behavioral economics A subfield of eco- a country (or region or person) has when
nomics that uses psychology to examine that country can produce a good at a lower
cognitive biases and lapses from traditional opportunity cost than its trading partner.
rational behavior.
confirmation bias Peoples tendency to
boom A period of substantial look for or favor information that confirms
economic growth. what they already believe to be true.
business cycles The rise and fall of business consumer price index (cpi) An index
activity that occurs in an economy over time. representing a weighted average of prices
that households pay for consumer goods.
capital goods Goods that are produced to
facilitate the production of other goods.

contractionary monetary policy economies of scale Efficiencies or cost sav-
The deliberate contraction of the money ings a company experiences from producing
supplyand increase in the interest rate a large level of output.
on the part of the nations central bank.
efficient market hypothesis The notion
cost-benefit analysis A type of analy- that stock prices fully reflect all available
sis that involves comparing the potential information, therefore making it impossible
benefits of a project or endeavor with the for anyone to beat the market.
estimated costs.
embargo A ban on trade with a particular
customs union A type of trade bloc in country, typically imposed for political reasons.
which participating countries eliminate
endowment effect Peoples tendency
internal trade barriers and arrange a com-
have to place more value on things they
mon external trade policy and tariff.
own compared to things they dont own.
cyclical unemployment Unemployment
equilibrium The intersection of market
that occurs due to the economy being
demand and market supply.
in recession.
exchange rate The value or price of a
deflation A decrease in the overall price
countrys currency in relation to another
level over a period of time.
countrys currency.
diminishing marginal benefit The
expansion The part of the business cycle that
tendency for consumers to experience
follows recession (also known as recovery).
less benefit from each additional unit
of an item consumed. expansionary monetary policy The delib-
erate expansion of the money supplyand
discount rate The interest rate banks pay
lowering of the interest rateby the nations
on loans from the Federal Reserve.
central bank.
durable goods Goods that typically last
externalities Costs or benefits that accrue
longer than three years (e.g., cars, furniture).
to parties outside a particular market inter-
economic union An integration of the action; also known as spillovers.
economies of one or more nations (e.g., the
federal funds rate The interest rate that
European Union).
prevails in the federal funds market, which is
a market for overnight loans between banks.

176 G lossary
fiscal policy A governments attempts to gamblers fallacy The false belief that if
manage the economy through taxing and something occurred with low frequency in
spending measures. the past then it is more likely to occur in the
future, and vice versa.
forecasting model A mathematical or
computer model designed to predict future government failure When government
economic variables. involvement in a market makes the out-
come worse, or leads to negative outcomes in
foreign exchange market The market in
other markets.
which foreign currencies are traded.
hedonic adaptation The tendency people
framing effects The way the presentation
have to return to their usual level of hap-
of information impacts peoples perceptions
piness after major life events, both positive
of that information (e.g., the same fact may
and negative.
be viewed as a gain or as a loss depending on
how its presented). hyperinflation Severe inflation.
free riders Individuals who want to enjoy import quotas Restrictions on the quantity
the benefits of a public good without pay- of imports.
ingfor it.
incentive A cost or benefit that motivates
free trade agreement An agreement an individual to perform an action or make
among two or more nations to reduce a decision.
trade barriers.
infant industry An industry that has not
free trade area An area comprising a group yet grown to a sufficient size to be competi-
of nations that have entered into a free tive with larger foreign competitors.
trade agreement.
inflation A sustained increase in the price
frictional unemployment Unemploy- level over some period of time.
ment that occurs due to people leaving jobs
invisible hand A metaphor created by
to search for other jobs, or due to students
Adam Smith to describe the workings of mar-
waiting to take jobs after graduation.
ket forces to coordinate economic activity.
full employment The level of unemploy-
ment that exists when there is no cyclical
unemployment (i.e., no unemployment due
to recession).

G lossary 177
law of demand The economic principle market price The price determined by the
that states that, all else being equal, when the intersection of demand and supply.
price of a good rises, the quantity demanded
microeconomics The broad area of
of that good falls, and when the price of a
economics that deals with individual
good falls, the quantity demanded of that
decision-making units, such as consumers
good rises.
and firms.
law of supply The economic principle that
monetary policy The strategy and deci-
states that, all else being equal, when the
sions of a nations central bank concerning
price of a good rises, the quantity supplied of
the nations money supply and interest rates.
that good rises, and when the price of a good
falls, the quantity supplied of that good falls. multinational corporation A corporation
that has facilities in more than one country.
macroeconomics The broad area of eco-
nomics focusing on the whole economy or natural monopoly A situation that occurs
on the economys large sectors. when its most efficient for one firm to sup-
ply an entire market (e.g., electric utilities).
marginal analysis A type of analysis econ-
omists engage in that involves comparing natural rate of unemployment The lowest
marginal benefits and marginal costs. unemployment rate possible at a given point
in time.
marginal benefit The additional benefit an
economic activity or decision would bring. negative externalities Costs of a market
transaction that are borne by third parties
marginal cost The additional cost incurred
outside of the market transaction.
when undertaking some economic activity
or decision. nominal gdp gdp that is not adjusted for
inflation (or deflation).
market An interaction of buyers and sellers,
or the medium that allows such interaction nonuse value The economic value of an
to occur. asset that is not directly related to the assets
use. For example, a forest has direct value to
market failure A situation in which the
individuals who use the forest for timber or
market produces the wrong amount of some
for recreation, and nonuse value to individ-
good or service, at least with respect to soci-
uals who simply benefit from knowing the
etys best interests.
forest is protected.
market outcome The prevailing price and
quantity transacted in a given market.

178 G lossary
opportunity cost The best alternative price index An index, or type of average,
or the value of the best alternativethat a used to measure the overall level of prices in
decision maker did not choose in a given the economy.
decision-making context.
prime lending rate The interest rate banks
output The amount of a good bought or charge their most creditworthy customers.
sold in a market.
Producer Price Index (ppi) An index that
peak The highest point in a business cycle; represents an average of wholesale prices.
at the peak, gdp and employment are at
public good A good that benefits every-
temporary maximums.
one and can be used by many people
per capita gdp Output, or gdp, per person. without reducing its availability to others
(e.g.,national defense).
perfect competition A market structure
in which there are so many independently pure monopoly A market in which there is
acting sellers that no single seller can influ- only a single seller.
ence the market. Products are homogenous
real gdp Output, or gdp, that is adjusted
in a perfectly competitive market (e.g.,
for inflation (or deflation).
commodities) and barriers to entry are low
or nonexistent. resource monopoly A situation in which
a firm attains a monopoly by dominating all
positive externalities Benefits of a market
access to a necessary input.
transaction that accrue to third parties who
are outside the market transaction. scarcity A basic economic problem of hav-
ing insufficient resources to satisfy limitless
predatory pricing Charging a low price
human wants.
(below cost) with the intent of harming
rival firms. seasonal unemployment Unemployment
that occurs when seasonal workers (e.g.,
price ceiling A maximum legal price
tourism workers) are laid off.
(e.g.,rent controls).
shock An unexpected event that impacts
price floor A minimum price required by
the economy (e.g., a natural disaster).
law (e.g., the minimum wage is the lowest
price workers are allowed to charge for an socially optimal outcome A market out-
hour of their labor). come that is best for society in that all costs
and benefits are accounted for in the market;
there are no externalities, or spillovers.

G lossary 179
status quo bias The tendency of humans to trade barrier Any policy that restricts free
favor the current state of things. trade between nations.
structural unemployment Unemploy- trough The lowest point in a business cycle.
ment that occurs due to structural changes At the trough, gdp and employment are at
in the economy, such as changes in technol- temporary minimums.
ogy or laws.
unemployment rate The percentage of
sunk cost A cost that has already been individuals in the labor force who are not
borne and can never be recovered. working but are actively seeking work.
tariff A tax on imports.

180 G lossary
19 21 18 01 185 0

Kenneth Arrows major contribution to eco- Frdric Bastiat, born in Mugron, France, in
nomics is his work on general equilibrium 1801, was not a traditional economist, but rather
theory. Arrow points out that when given a journalist and commentator who devoted
enough time, a group of competitors will level much of his work to criticizing protectionism,
the playing field, similar to how basketball team or government intervention in economic life.
members balance each other out with their While living in England during the Industrial
respective abilities. Revolution, he wrote Economic Sophisms, which
Kenneth Arrow was born in New York City contains the Candlemakers Petition, one of
in 1921. He graduated from City College of New his more famous witticisms. In the narrative,
York with a bachelors degree in science in 1940. candle-makers in France protest against the
In 1972, along with John Hicks, Arrow won the unfair competition they face from the sun,
Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics for his con- claiming it is a foreign competitor and peti-
tributions to general equilibrium analysis and tioning the government to block it. Clearly, he
welfare economics. liked the idea of free markets.
Today, he is the Joan Kenney Professor Orphaned at age nine, he took up trades in
of Economics and Professor of Operations commerce, farming, and insurance until he inher-
Research, Emeritus at Stanford University. He ited his grandfathers estate in 1825, which allowed
has also served on the Economics faculties of the him to devote his time to writing.
University of Chicago, Harvard, and Stanford. As an elected member of several French
political bodies, Bastiat was especially inspired
by Richard Cobden and the Anti-Corn Law
League in Britain and vowed to become the
French Cobden in France.
During his lifetime, Bastiats writings were
considerably revered, translated, and repub-
lished throughout the United States and Europe.

19 30 2 014 1910 2013

Becker was born in Potsville, Pennsylvania. At Ronald Coase studied the way that transaction
about four or five years old, he and his family coststhe expenses or budget of a firmare
moved to Brooklyn, New York, where Becker an important factor in developing a firms pro-
attended elementary and high school. He later ductivity. Without them, a company would be
went to Princeton University, where he acciden- unable to efficiently plan its economic output,
tally took a course in economics. since transaction costs provide the information
After earning his bachelors degree from needed to recreate conditions in the market for
Princeton in 1951, Becker pursued graduate work moreprofit.
at the University of Chicago, where he met and Ronald Coase was born in Willesden, Mid-
studied under the renowned economist Milton dlesex, England in 1910. He earned his Bachelor
Friedman. In 1955, Becker earned his PhD at the of Commerce degree from the London School
University of Chicago with a thesis titled The of Economics in 1932. In 1951, he earned a Doc-
Economics of Racial Discrimination. tor of Science degree in economics from the
Gary Becker studied discrimination in eco- University of London.
nomics, pointing out that discrimination hurts Coase would go on to teach at various uni-
a producer more than it helps them, since the versities, including the London School of
act of discriminating limits their market share. Economics; the University of Buffalo, New
In 1992, Becker won the Nobel Prize in Econom- York; the University of Virginia, Charlottesville;
ics for his microeconomic analysis of human and the University of Chicago, respectively.
behavior and interaction. In addition, Becker In 1991, he received the Nobel Prize for his
received the John Bates Clark Medal in 1967 discovery and clarification of the significance
and the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2007. of transaction costs and property rights for
the institutional structure and functioning of

182 B iographies
18 67 1947 1912 20 0 6

Irving Fisher was born in the state of New York Milton Friedman was one of the worlds most
in 1857. He attended Yale College, and graduated influential economists. He taught at the Univer-
with a bachelors degree in 1888. Fisher contin- sity of Chicagos Department of Economics for
ued his graduate work at Yale, earning the first over 30 years, during which time he oversaw the
PhD in Economics ever granted by the univer- education of other economists and Nobel Prize
sity in 1891. winners such as Gary Becker, Robert Fogel, Ron-
In 1930, Fisher published The Theory of Inter- ald Coase, and Robert Lucas, Jr.
est, which describes interest as an index of a Friedman was born in Brooklyn, New
communitys preference for a dollar of present York, in 1912. He earned his PhD at Columbia
[income] over a dollar of future income. Fishers University in 1946. Later that year, he accepted
work goes on to argue that interest rates result a position as a professor at the University of
from accounting for peoples preference for Chicagos Department of Economics.
immediate income, combined with the invest- In 1957, Friedman published A Theory of
ment that will yield greater profits for them later. Consumption Function, where he challenged the
In addition to his work in economics, Fisher Keynesian perspective that government inter-
was also a savvy businessman, earning himself vention can positively impact an economy.
a fortune in 1910 through the sales of a card- In 1976, Friedman won the Nobel Prize for
index file system he had devised. In 1926, Fisher his work on monetary policy and consumption.
became one of the founders of Remington Rand, For the remainder of his life, he researched and
Inc. and served as a board member of the manu- advocated free market capitalism. His ideas
facturing company until his death in 1947. would have a significant influence on President
Nixon, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, and
President Ronald Reagan.

B iographies 183
18 99 199 2 183 5 18 82

Friedrich Hayek was born in Vienna in 1899. As a lifelong student of chemicals and their use,
Although born to wealthy parents, Hayeks priv- its no surprise that Jevons was one of the early
ilege didnt keep him from serving in World War leading proponents of the use value theory in
i, where he was a part of the artillery field. economics, which holds that the value of an item
After the war, Hayek enrolled at the Uni- is determined by its usefulness.
versity of Vienna. He earned his first degree in William Jevons was born in Liverpool,
law there in 1921, and a second degree in polit- England, in 1835. He first enrolled at University
ical economy in 1923. During this time, he also College in London in 1851 to study chemistry
met Ludwig von Mises, who would mentor him and botany, but left his studies there to work as
on the merits of classical liberalism (later called an assayer in Melbourne, Australia in 1854. He
Austrian economics). returned to University College in 1859, to earn
Much of Hayeks work in the 1920s and 1930s his bachelors and masters there.
was in the Austrian theory of business cycles, In 1865, Jevons published The Coal Question,
capital theory, and monetary theory. In 1927, he in which he analyzed the importance of coal to
was the director of the newly formed Austrian Great Britains economy. A bit ahead of his time,
Institute for Business Cycle Research. He joined he famously speculated that coal would eventu-
the faculty of the London School of Economics ally become a scarce resource, and that Britains
in the 1930s, and stayed for 18 years. Between reliance on coal would prove costly.
the years 1940 and 1943, he wrote the book The
Road to Serfdom that warned against the danger
posed to freedom of state control over the means
of production.
Following his time in London, Hayek taught at
the University of Chicago, where he would remain
until 1962. In 1974, he was awarded the Nobel Prize
in Economics, along with Gunnar Myrdal.

184 B iographies
19 34 18 83 194 6

Daniel Kahneman is one half of the team behind John Maynard Keynes is one of the most influ-
prospect theory. Prospect theory is the obser- ential economists in modern history. After the
vation that people make more decisions by global financial crash of 2008, many of his ideas
considering their potential wins rather than by were used to support government intervention
considering their potential losses. Given two across many of the worlds major economies,
equal choices, people would go with the choice including the United States, through bailouts.
described in terms of what would be gained. Born in Cambridge, England, in 1883, Keynes
Kahneman was born in Tel Aviv in 1934, but at attended Kings College, Cambridge, where he
the time he and his family were regular domiciles earned a degree in mathematics in 1905.
of France. When the Germans swept into France During World War i, he was as an adviser
in 1941, Kahneman and his family were forced to on economic affairs for the British government.
obey the German impositions on Jews in France. His mastery of this assignment landed him a
This had a profound effect on Kahnemans view position with the governments Treasury depart-
of people and their complexity. ment. Keynes resigned from the Treasury in
In 1954, Kahneman got his first degree in 1918 because he thought the Treaty of Versailles
psychology from the Hebrew University in Jeru- demanded too much reparation from Germany.
salem. He then served as a psychological evaluator After resigning, Keynes returned to Cam-
in the Israeli Defense Force, where he developed bridge. It was during this time that he published
methods to screen candidates for training. his book The Economic Consequences of the Peace,
Kahneman left the army in 1956 to pursue a which objected to the Allied Powers imposition
PhD at the University of California, Berkeley, of punitive reparations payments on Germany.
which he earned in 1961. His book further argued that the overwhelm-
In 2002, Daniel Kahneman and Vernon ing debt would produce more calamities. When
Smith were awarded the Nobel Prize in Eco- World War ii broke out, Keynes speculation
nomics. Kahneman received his prize for proved right.
having integrated insights from psychological
research into economic science, especially con-
cerning human judgment and decision-making

B iographies 185
19 5 3 1766 1834

Paul Krugmans research is credited with bring- Thomas Robert Malthus was a British demog-
ing together previously separate branches of rapher and political economist, and is often
economic theories on world trade and consumer regarded as the founder of modern demography.
appreciation for diverse goods and services. Malthus is known for pointing out how without
Born in Albany, New York in 1953, checks or balances, large economies would be
Krugman received his bachelors degree from doomed by population growth that would even-
Yale University in 1974 and his PhD from mit tually outrun food supply and lead to famine.
in 1977. Krugman has taught at Yale, Stanford, As a result of these findings, Malthus pro-
and mit, where he became the Ford Interna- moted sexual abstinence and late marriages as
tional Professor of Economics. ways to control or check population growth.
In 2008, Krugman was awarded the Nobel However, his research was conducted before the
Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his Industrial Revolution and Malthus was unable
contributions to New Trade Theory and New to grasp the advances in technology that his suc-
Economic Geography. cessors would.
In addition to his research, Krugman is prob- Nevertheless, his theory of demand-supply
ably best known for his long career with the mismatches, which he called gluts, paved the
New York Times as an op-ed columnist, where way for later theories about the Great Depression,
he writes for non-economists. as well as for the works of John MaynardKeynes.
Malthuss notion of humanitys struggle
for existence also influenced Charles Darwin
and evolutionary theory, as well as the idea of a
national census.

186 B iographies
184 2 19 2 4 18 18 18 83

Alfred Marshall was a gifted mathematician who Karl Marx is perhaps the most infamous econo-
used his mathematical skills to make the study of mist in history. In the 20th century, his writings
economics more of a science. inspired such leaders as Mao Tse-tung, Vladimir
Marshall was born in Clapham, England, in Lenin, Fidel Castro, and more.
1842. He was raised by his parents to be a cler- As Marx saw things, the world under capital-
gyman, but instead decided to pursue math and ism was divided between the bourgeoisie and the
economics. Perhaps wanting to remain true to proletariat, or the haves and the have-nots. Even-
his roots, however, Marshall emphasized the tually, he said, the bourgeoisie would concentrate
importance of keeping economics intelligible more wealth into their hands, leaving the proletar-
for laymen. iat with no choice but to start arevolution.
Marshall is remembered for analyzing micro- Marx was born in Trier, Prussia, in 1818. He
economics, or what might be called the everyday earned his doctorate at 23 years old, along with
business of life. In particular, he looked at the a reputation for being a radical, argumentative
relations between output, price, and supply and figure. In 1843, Marx left Prussia after being cen-
demand. For example, Marshall noted that when sored by the state for his political commentary.
a consumer purchases more and more of an item, He moved to Paris, which was an epicenter of
the item becomes less valuable. This would lead intellectual and artistic activity at the time, but
economists to observe the price elasticity of would remain there only until 1845, when the
demand, or a tool of measurement for a buyers French government exiled him.
sensitivity to prices. In 1849, Marx moved to London, where he
would remain for the rest of his life.

B iographies 187
184 0 19 2 1 18 0 6 18 7 3

Carl Menger was born in 1840 in Galicia, or what John Stuart Mill was born in London in 1806.
is now southern Poland. He is widely regarded as He was the son of James Mill, who himself was
the father of Austrian economics, with his book an economist during his day. At 16 years old, Mill
Principles of Economics serving as the basis for found a job with the East India Company, where
this distinction. he would work for 38 years. His most famous
Carl Menger recognized a system of value essay On Liberty is still cited as an important
and use at work in economic theory, where reference in political discourse today.
goods, such as water, are valuable because theyre John Stuart Mill is one of the most renowned
useful for various purposes like drinking, show- thinkers on liberty and individual rights. Mill
ering, and watering plants. Menger observed maintained that the sole end for which man-
that any labor that could produce water derived kind are warranted, individually or collectively,
its value from the ability of the water to satisfy in interfering with the liberty of action of any of
various wants. Today this principle is recognized their number, is self-protection. In addition to
as a theory of derived demand. his political thinking, Mill also published theo-
Menger went on to note that people valued ries on economies of scale, opportunity cost, and
goods differently, or that one persons trash is comparative advantages of trade.
anothers treasure. This, he claimed, meant that in His book Principles of Political Economy
a free or capitalist market, both sides make gains. was published in 1848 and was used by many
The theory would go on to influence many more economists throughout the latter half of the
economists, a group who would collectively rep- 19thcentury.
resent the Austrian school of economics. Despite his ardent beliefs in individual rights
and liberties, Mill also advocated several forms
of government intervention in the economy,
including taxation, trade protectionism, and
the regulation of working hours.

188 B iographies
18 8 1 197 3 19 28 2015

Along with Carl Menger, Ludwig von Mises was John Nash was born in Bluefield, West Virginia.
one of the original members of the Austrian school He enjoyed science experiments as a toddler, as
of economics. Mises advocated laissez-faire capi- well as looking through encyclopedias provided
talism, or a completely free market. He staunchly by his parents.
opposed theories of socialism, or any other forms In his last year of high school, Nash entered
of government intervention in the economy. the George Westinghouse National Competi-
Mises was born in Lviv, Ukraine in 1881. In tion, where he was awarded a full scholarship.
1900, he attended the University of Vienna, He used the scholarship to enroll in the Carnegie
where he studied under Carl Menger. In 1906, Institute of Technology in Pittsburgh.
Mises earned a doctorate in law from the Uni- At Carnegie, Nash originally intended to
versity of Vienna and quickly began teaching become an electrical engineer like his father.
afterward at his alma mater. Instead, he discovered a love for mathematics.
In 1912, Mises published The Theory of Money By the time he graduated in 1948, he completed
and Credit, in which he asserted that business so much coursework in mathematics that the
cycles are created by the unregulated expansion university awarded him with both a bachelors
of bank credit. degree and a masters degree on the subject.
During World War i, Mises was a front offi- Nash would go on to pursue a PhD in math-
cer in the Austro-Hungarian artillery and an ematics at Princeton. His dissertation on game
economic adviser to the War Department. In theory would eventually lead economists to
1940, fearing the Nazi influence over his home- Nashs Equilibrium, a concept where even after
land, he and his wife left Europe for New York, considering the moves of their opponent, no one
where Mises served as a visiting professor at New player has any incentive to change or deviate
York University from 1945 to 1969. from their strategy, hence equilibrium.
Although Nash would eventually be diag-
nosed with schizophrenia, he would overcome
the challenges posed by the disease in the latter
part of his life. In 1994, Nash was awarded the
Nobel Prize for his contribution to game theory
and economics.

B iographies 189
1772 182 3 19 0 3 19 83

A Classical economist, David Ricardo was born Joan Robinson was the first economist to define
in England in 1772. macroeconomics as the theory of output as a
Ricardo arrived at a number of important whole. She is also cited as one of the Cambridge
economic theories, including the theory of com- Circus, a group of economists who discussed and
parative advantage, which observes the way that advanced John Maynard Keyness General The-
different nations have particular advantages over ory of Employment, Interest and Money.
one another. Robinson published her own study of the
Ricardo pointed out that nations should free market in 1933, with The Economics of Imper-
exploit these comparative advantages so that, for fect Competition, in which she showed that most
example, a nation specializing in making bread industries are neither perfectly competitive nor
could trade with a nation that specializes in mak- perfectly monopolizing entities.
ing wine, and vice versa, to develop a relation Born in Camberley, Surrey, England in 1903,
where both nations can enjoy the fruits of each she earned her bachelors degree at the Univer-
others labor. sity of Cambridge in 1925. In 1931, she began
A true master capitalist himself, by the end of teaching at Cambridge, where she would remain
his life Ricardo built a wealth of approximately a lecturer until 1971.
$100 million dollars by todays standards. He For her work in the field, many economists
built this fortune selling government securities expected her to win the Nobel Prize in 1975;
as a stockbroker and loan broker. however, as Robinson aged, her views moved
Unlike many of the studied and well-read closer to the left with books such as An Essay
economists that would follow him, Ricardo on Marxian Economics and Marx, Marshall, and
didnt write his first economics article until he Keynes. Although this shouldnt have kept her
was 37 years old. He spent the last decade of his from winning the prize, it probably did.
life as an economist.

190 B iographies
19 26 199 5 1767 183 2

Unlike many economists of his day, Murray Jean-Baptiste Say was a French economist and
Rothbard was one of the more zealous free- scholar who advanced the ideas of Adam Smith
market advocates of the 20th century. He wasnt in his native France.
opposed just to government services, but to the Today, Say is mostly credited for Says Law,
government as a whole, once calling it the orga- or the notion that the value of a product is what
nization of robbery systematized and writ large. determines its demand. For example, a bad pair
Rothbard was born to Jewish parents in of shoes could only sell for so long because even-
the Bronx, New York, in 1926, but grew up in tually people will stop purchasing them. In the
west Manhattan. In 1945, he earned his bach- same sense, a pair of good shoes could sell for
elors degree in mathematics from Columbia a long time because of the value they contain,
University. He would also earn his PhD from which creates their demand.
Columbia in 1956. To emphasize his point with the famous
In the 1950s, Rothbard met the famous Aus- French zeal, Say asked, How could it be possi-
trian economist Ludwig von Mises while the ble that there should now be bought and sold in
latter was teaching at the New York University France five or six times as many commodities as
Business School. Rothbard would go on to write in the miserable reign of Charles vi?
an undergraduate textbook that explained Misess Say was born in Lyons, France, in 1767. He
views on the free market in Human Action, was the first to teach a public course on political
which the Austrian would highly praise. economy in the country.
Although Rothbard is today considered a
key advocate of the free market, he was largely
shunned by most economists of his day for his
often polemic and scathing criticisms of the
mainstream economic theories.

B iographies 191
1911 1977 18 83 19 5 0

Before Steve Jobs and Apple minimized every- Schumpeter might be said to have foreseen
thing, E. F. Schumacher was the one to observe entrepreneurs such as Mark Zuckerberg of Face-
that small is beautiful. Schumacher advanced book, Jeff Bezos of Amazon, and other leaders
this idea in contrast to the notion that bigger in the entrepreneurial field of the 21st century.
is better. In particular, Schumpeter studied the way
Schumacher also advocated for human-scale, that capitalism developed what he called cre-
decentralized, and appropriate or small technol- ative destruction, or the process by which new
ogies that made peoples lives better. His ideas and innovative products replace old ones. He
made headway in an increasingly industrial- also pointed out that the same process of out
ized world. During World War ii, Schumacher with the old and in with the new creates new
served as an adviser to the British government markets, and with it, new forms of organization,
on employment. Following this, Schumacher much like the Internet developed email, which
became an adviser for Britains coal industry. eventually led to social media.
Ultimately, Schumacher championed a bal- Joseph Schumpeter was born in Te, Czech
anced or regulated growth of markets, pointing Republic, in 1883. In 1906, he earned his PhD
out that excessive growth could irreparably dam- in economics from the University of Vienna. In
age the environment and deplete resources. 1911, he took a professorship at the University
Schumacher was born in Bonn, Germany, in of Graz, where he taught until the beginning of
1911. A Rhodes Scholar, he studied at Oxford World War i.
University and Columbia University. In 1932, due to the rise of Hitler, Schumpeter
left Europe and immigrated to the United States.
He quickly became an American citizen and
taught at Harvard until his retirement in 1949.

192 B iographies
19 3 3 172 3 179 0

Hailing from a family of teachers, Amartya Sen Adam Smith is one of the most revered econo-
was born in Dhaka, India, in 1933. He attended mists in history. For centuries, his theory of a free
St. Gregorys School, where the emphasis was market as the invisible hand has been a lasting
on fostering curiosity rather than competitive image of capitalism.
excellence. Smith viewed self-interest as valuable for
From an early age, Sen believed firmly in eco- a society. He argued that when people pursue
nomic freedom and individual choice, finding their own goals, they help others achieve their
that left-wing activism assumed too much about goals. For example, if Smith ordered a cappuc-
the needs and desires of a society made up of var- cino at a Starbucks, he would point out that each
ious individuals. of the baristas behind the counter would likely
In 1953, Sen left Dhaka to pursue his doc- have their own incentive for making his drink.
torate at Cambridge University in England. Sen One barista might dream of owning her own cof-
advanced quickly, so much in fact that in 1954, on fee shop one day, while another barista might
a trip to India for research on his thesis, Sen was be interested in saving up for a trip to Europe.
appointed Professor and Head of the Economics Either way, Smith would point out, before any of
University at Jadavpur University. He wasnt them could achieve their goals, they would both
even 23 years old yet. have to work together by helping Mr. Smith with
In 1970, Sen published Collective Choice and his goal: the cappuccino.
Social Welfare, which discusses social choice theory. Smith was born in Kirkcaldy, England in
1723. He published his world-famous The Wealth
of Nations in 1776, the same year that the United
States declared independence.

B iographies 193
19 30 194 3

Thomas Sowell was born in Gastoria, North Joseph Stiglitz was born in Gary, Indiana, in
Carolina in 1930, but was raised in Harlem, New 1943, and is a former chief economist at the
York. He failed to finish high school, but after World Bank, as well as a former adviser of
serving in the United States Marine Corps during President Bill Clintons Counsel of Economic
the Korean War, Sowell pursued academics with Advisers. He is most widely known for his work
a vengeance. on asymmetric data, or the way in which two
In 1958, Sowell graduated magna cum laude sides of information mismatch.
with his bachelors degree in economics from Essentially, Stiglitz showed how markets can
Harvard University. In 1959, he earned his mas- make poor assumptions about the individuals
ters degree from Columbia University. they serve. In an essay co-authored with fellow
Since the 1970s, Sowell has taught at vari- economist Michael Rothschild, Stiglitz argues
ous colleges and universities, including Cornell, that people who buy insurance know more about
Amherst, Brandeis University, and the Univer- their circumstances for insurance than the com-
sity of California, Los Angeles. panies do, and therefore companies should offer
Today, Sowell is Stanford Universitys Rose premiums based on the information they cannot
and Milton Friedman Senior Fellow on Public account for.
Policy at the Hoover Institution. Though he pre- Today, Stiglitz is a professor of economics at
fers not to be labeled, he is widely considered a Columbia University in New York, New York.
conservative thinker.

194 B iographies
1857 19 29

Thorstein Veblen was born in Cato, Wisconsin

in 1857. Although he studied economics under
the famed neoclassical liberal economist John
Bates Clark, Veblen ultimately rejected Clarks
ideas on the free market.
Veblen graduated from Carleton University
in 1880. He then studied philosophy at Johns
Hopkins University, but after failing to get a
scholarship to support his studies there, he
moved on to Yale University, where he earned
his PhD in 1884.
Unlike many of his peers, Veblens writings
took a largely sarcastic tone against capitalism. He
believed that the questions posed and answered
by the economists of his time were too narrow.
Veblen sought to introduce more sociologi-
cal perspectives into economic theory. In 1899,
Veblen published his first book, entitled The
Theory of the Leisure Class, in which he stud-
ied conspicuous consumption, or the way in
which people in capitalist societies seek to keep
up with theJoneses.

B iographies 195
p. 11 Thomas Carlyle, courtesy of the Library of Congress, p. 53 Toxic water Belovodchenko Anton/ Shutterstock; contamination symbol,
Pe3k/shutterstock; fish skeleton,
p. 13 Warren Buffet with President Obama, courtesy
ofthe White House,
p. 56 ftc building, courtesy of the Library of Congress,
p. 15 Wheat field & tractor (& cover, p. 100), courtesy of;
the Library of Congress,,
ftc symbol (& p. 80),;
computer, Denis Rozhnovsky/Shutterstock
p. 58 Marijuana perscription, Brian Goodman/
p. 18 Adam Smith, courtesy of the Library of Congress,
shutterstock; marijuana leaf (& cover, p. 67)
p. 19 Karl Marx (& cover, p. 26), Everett Historical/
p. 6061 Tenements, Everett Historical/Shutterstock
Shutterstock, Communist Manifesto,
IgorGolovniov/Shutterstock p. 63 Gas station & corn field, courtesy of the Library of
p. 22 Money production, Sashkin/Shutterstock
p. 30 Man smoking, courtesy of the Library of Congress,
p. 66 Insignia plate for the Bureau of Prohibition,,
courtesy of the Library of Congress,
alcohol, Ken Felepchuk/Shutterstock
p. 32 Wall Street, ThinAir/Shutterstock, bank vault,
p. 67 Friedrich Hayek, courtesy of the Library of
p. 71 Hairdresser, wavebreakmedia/Shutterstock;
p. 35 Construction work, Anne Kitzman/Shutterstock;
accident Dmitry Kalinovsky/Shutterstock
p. 36 Chili dog Brent Hofacker/Shutterstock /1up; gavel,
p. 41 Poker chips Ms. Abidika/Shutterstock, quarters /americanbeejourn501910hami/#page/6/mode/1up
ET1972/Shutterstock p. 73 Utility lines, courtesy of the Library of Congress,
p. 43 House, courtesy of the Library of Congress,; utility; meters,
for-sale sign Andy Dean Photography/Shutterstock /motionpictureele00hall#page/83/mode/1up

p. 48 Marketplace, courtesy of the Library of Congress, p. 74 Gas lines, courtesy of the Library of Congress,

p. 77 Standard Oil cartoon, courtesy of the Library of p. 108109 Flood, courtesy of the Library of
Congress, Congress,
/fsa1998023548/PP/; Bastiat (& p. 124)
p. 80 Cigarettes Andrei Shumskiy/Shutterstock
p. 81 fcc logo, /worldsbestlitera03warn#page/1607/mode/1up;
/File:fcc_New_Logo.svg hurricane icon doodle/Shutterstock
p. 8485 Ship & container E.G.Pors/shutterstock; p. 111 Charles H. Dow (& p. 124) Everett Historical/
sweater, shutterstock
p. 113 Unemployment/meal line, courtesy of the
mode/1up; sheep,
Library of Congress,
p. 86 David Ricardo (& p. 26), courtesy of the Library of
p. 115 German woman burning money, courtesy
of the Library of Congress,
p. 88 Renminbi/Chinese banknote, agolndr/Shutterstock; /pictures/item/oem2002007805/PP/; flame,
Chinese coins/yuan Coprid/shutterstock
p. 91 European Union flag (& p. 101) issumbosi/ /campfiregirlsinm00frey#page/n6/mode/1up
Shutterstock p. 119 Janet L. Yellen, Alan Greenspan (& p. 143),
p. 94 Factory workers, courtesy of the Library of Congress, Ben S. Bernanke, Paul A. Volcker, courtesy of the federal reserve,
p. 97 Pollution/smokestack, courtesy of the Library -naZHb1-nqrAYm-naZAsk-nvMqhY-naZzSv-
of Congress, naZHXE-nswwx3-nswwxU-nKeGzp-naZGFd
p. 123 Federal reserve bank Allen.G/shutterstock;
p. 99 Immigrants, courtesy of the Library of Congress, federal reserve symbol (& p. 124) Ilyashenko; Oleksiy/shutterstock
statue of liberty, courtesy of the Library of Congress, p. 125 FDR, courtesy of the Library of Congress,; Zimbabwe
p. 101 Cuban flag, Daniel Korzeniewski/shutterstock flag Steve Allen/Shutterstock
p. 104 Barrel of oil, courtesy of the Library of Congress, p. 128 John Maynard Keynes CSU Archives/Everett Collection; bubbles (& p. 138),
p. 106 Car production Rainer Plendl/Shutterstock; pie, /cu31924031296126/cu31924031296126#page/n81 /mode/1up

V I S U A L references 197
p. 130-131 Oil fields & computer (& p. 81), courtesy of p. 155 Welfare office, courtesy of the Library of Congress,
the Library of Congress,
p. 160 Doctors office, courtesy of the Library of
Congress,; price
p. 134-135 Squatter shacks/hooverville Everett tag (& cover) MichaelJayBerlin/Shutterstock;
Historical/Shutterstock prescription/pills (& cover, p. 66) Hurst Photo/
p. 138 New housing development David H.Seymour/
Shutterstock p. 163 Canada flag thiti/Shutterstock
p. 142 Roosevelt, courtesy of the Library of Congress, p. 164165 (& p. 167) President Obama signing the Affordable Care Act, courtesy of the White House,
p. 143 Internet browser bar dani3315/Shutterstock
p. 166 JFK & Hoover, courtesy of the Library of
p. 146 Roosevelt signing the Social Security Act, courtesy
of the Library of Congress,
/wiki/File:Signing_Of_The_Social_Security_Act.jpg; p. 167 LBJ, courtesy of the Library of Congress,
Social Security card, courtesy of the National Archives,;
p. 170 Le penseur, courtesy of the Library of Congress,
p. 149 Piggy bank (& cover) 7505811966/Shutterstock; /brainasorganofmi00bast#page/381/mode/1up;
Social Security logo, crystal ball koya979/Shutterstock
File: US-SocialSecurityAdmin-Seal.svg

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A Bezos, Jeff, 192

Cartel, 74, 173
Castro, Fidel, 187
Absolute advantage, 87, 175 cognitive, 40, 175 Cato Institute, 98
Ackerman, Ernest, 147 confirmation, 40, 175 Ceteris paribus, 40, 45, 49, 50,
status quo, 42, 44, 180 51, 173
Acquisitions, 76
Bid rigging, 74 Chrtien, Jean, 92
Black Tuesday, 142 Classical economics, 18, 20, 24,
absolute, 87, 175
Boom, 127, 136137, 175 25, 26
comparative, 26, 8587, 175
Boomtime, 142 Clayton Act (1914), 77, 80
Affordable Care Act, 145, 162,
Bounded rationality, 27, 39 Clinton, Bill, 92
164165, 167
Bourgeoisie, 18, 20 The Coal Question ( Jevons), 184
Agricultural price supports, 64
Bretton Woods System, 101 Coase, Ronald, 21, 24, 27, 182, 183
American Enterprise Institute
(aei), 98 Broken window fallacy, 108, 124 Cobden, Richard, 181
American Express, 112 Bubble, 127, 137 Cognitive biases, 40, 175
American Tobacco Company, 80 Buffet, Warren, 13, 139 Collective Choice (Sen), 193
Anchoring effect, 4142, 175 Bureau of Economic Analysis, 107 Collusion, 74, 175
Animal spirits, 27, 127 Business cycles, 127, 129130, 175 Commerce, us Department
causes of, 130131, 133 of Bureau of Economic
Anthropology, 12
expansion phrase of, 129, Analysis, 107
Anti-Corn Law League, 181
136137, 176 Common market, 9091, 173
Antitrust regulation and
peak of, 129, 179 Common Market of the South
enforcement, 7579
trough of, 129, 180 (mercosur), 9091
Apple, 112
Busts, 127 Communications Act (1934), 81
Appreciation, 88
government prevention of, 140 The Communist Manifesto (Marx
Arrow, Kenneth, 181
and Engels), 18, 26
Assets, 14
Asymmetric information, 159, 175 C Comparative advantage, 26,
8587, 175
AT&T, breakup of, 76, 79, 81 Competition
Austrian school, 21, 24, 25, 26 Cameron, David, 44
Capital lack of, as cause of market
failure, 52
B financial, 14, 15, 95
human, 15 monopolistic, 75
physical, 95 perfect, 6970, 179
Bastiat, Frdric, 108, 109, 124, 181 Confirmation bias, 41, 175
Becker, Gary S., 182, 183 real, 14, 15
Capital: Critique of Political Consumer price index
Behavioral economics, 3940, 175 (cpi),116, 175
Behavioral finance, 23 Economy (Marx), 20
Capital goods, 133, 175 Contractionary monetary
Behavioralist School, 23, 24, 25, 27 policy,122, 176
Bernanke, Ben S., 119 Capitalism, 18
Corporations, 47, 49
Carlyle, Thomas, 1112

Cost-benefit analysis, 3437, 176 Economic health, indicators Euro, 101
Cost-of-living adjustment of, 104117 European Union (EU), 91, 101
(cola), 116 Economic integration, 9091 Exchange rate, 88, 176
Costs Economic models and assumptions, Expansion, 129, 136137, 176
implicit, 33 fundamental, 4345 Expansionary monetary
marginal, 36, 178 Economic Opportunity policy, 122, 176
opportunity, 3334, 64, 179 Act (1964), 167 Experimental economics, 23
sunk, 3738, 180 Economic resources, 12, 1416 Externalities, 176
transaction, 27 Economics as cause of market
Council of Europe, 91 defined, 11, 12 failure, 52, 5455
Creative destruction, 78 fundamental concepts of, 2943
Cuba embargo, 101 future of, 169173
of immigration, 9899
Cultures, homogenization
of national, 96 repealing laws of, 171 Fallacy
Currency manipulation, 88 virtual, 172 broken window, 108, 124
Currency valuations, globalization Economic shocks, 130131 gamblers, 41, 177
and, 88, 90 Economic Sophisms (Bastiat), 181 Federal Bureau of
Current-dollar gdp, 2122 Economic stimulus, 118 Investigation (fbi), 55
Customs union, 90, 176 Economic thought, Federal Communications
Cyclical unemployment, 132, 176 schools of, 1627 Commission (fcc), 76, 81
Economic union, 91, 176 Federal Deposit Insurance
D Economies of scale, 93, 176
Economists, getting stock
Corporation, 135, 142
Federal funds rate, 116, 176
Decision making, government market tips from, 13 Federal Open Market Committee
and, 44 Economyths (Orrell), 171 (fomc), 120, 121
Deflation, 116117, 176 Edison Trust, 80 Federal Radio Commission, 81
Demand, 49, 57, 66 Efficiency, 153 Federal Reserve, 22, 118122
Depreciation, 88 Efficient market hypothesis, 13, 176 Board of Governors, 119, 120
Derivatives, 139 Eighteenth Amendment, 66 history and structure of, 118120
Diminishing marginal Eisenhower, Dwight, 101 interest rates and, 122
benefit, 36, 176 Embargo, 89, 176 Federal Reserve Act (1913),
Diminishing marginal utility, 36 Emergency Price Control 119, 124, 131
Disabled support, 166 Act (1943), 125 Federal Trade Commission
Discount rate, 121 Endangered Species Act, 31 (ftc), 76, 80
Disney, 112 The End of Progress (Maxton), 171 Federal Trade Commission
Dot-com bubble, 137, 143 Endowment effect, 4243, 176 Act (1914), 77
Dow, Charles, 110, 111 Engels, Friedrich, 18, 26 Financial capital, 14, 15, 95
Dow Jones Industrial Entitlement programs, 145 Financial crisis of 20072008,
Average,110,112, 124 Entrepreneurship, 16 7, 33, 171
Durable goods, 133, 176 Environmental Protection blame for, 137, 139141
Agency (epa), 5556 First Bank of the United
E Equilibrium, 50, 176
Equity, 153154
States, 118, 124
Fiscal policy, 118, 177
The Economic Consequences of An Essay on Marxian Economics Fisher, Irving, 183
the Peace (Keynes), 185 (Robinson), 190 Fogel, Robert, 183
Economic growth, rate of, 105112 Ethanol, 63

I ndex 203
Food and Drug Administration Government, decision Income inequality
(fda), 55, 66 making and, 44 promotion of, 85
Food and Drug Regulation, 66 Government failure, 65, 177 redistribution and, 156
Food stamps, 157 Government regulation Infant industries, 93, 177
Forecasting models, 45, 177 need for, 5557 Inflation, 122, 125, 177
Foreign exchange market, 88, 177 price controls as an measurement of, 116
Framing effect, 40, 177 example of, 5964 rate of, 114, 116117
Free market, 12, 20, 21, 47, 153 Government subsidies, 89 Information
Free market economists, 12 Great Depression, 7, 21, 23, 100, 127, asymmetric, 159, 173
Free riders, 54, 177 133, 134136, 142, 145 poor or incomplete as cause of
Free trade agreements, 87, Greenspan, Alan, 119, 127, 143 market failure, 5152
9091, 177 Gross domestic product (gdp), symmetric, 5152
Free trade area, 90, 177 2122, 105110, 125 In kind transfer, 157
Free Trade Commission nominal, 107 Innovation versus monopolies, 78
(ftc), 55, 56 per capita, 107 Inputs, 14
Frictional unemployment, 177 real, 107 An Inquiry into the Nature and
Friedman, Milton, 2223, Gross national happiness, 109 Causes of the Wealth of Nations
24, 27, 183 Gross National Product (GNP), 105 (Smith), 17, 18, 26, 74, 85, 193
Full employment, 177 Institute of New Economic
H Thinking, 171
G Interest rates, 116
Federal Reserve and, 122
Hayek, Friedrich, 21, 24, 68, 184
Gamblers fallacy, 41, 177 Healthcare, 158165 International Monetary Fund
Gasoline price controls, 5960 Affordable Care Act in, (imf), 100, 156
General equilibrium theory, 66 162, 165, 167 Invisible hand, 17, 18, 25, 26, 177, 193
Generalization, 45 government-run, single-payer Irrational exuberance, 127, 131, 143
General Theory of Employment, system in, 163164
Interest, and Money Hedonic adaptation, 14, 177 J
(Keynes), 190 Hedonic treadmill, 14
Genuine Progress Indicator Herfindahl-Hirschman Index Jevons, William, 26, 184
(gpi), 109, 125 (hhi), 73, 75 Joint International Tax Shelter
Gini coefficient, 156 Home Depot, 112 Information & Collaboration
Gini index, 156 Homogenization of national (jitsic) Network, 96
Globalization, 8390 cultures, 96 JPMorgan Chase, 112
advantage and, 8587 Hoover, Herbert, 134 Justice, us Department
currency valuations and, 88, 90 Hoovervilles, 134, 135 of, 55, 76, 77
defined, 83 Human Action (Rothbard), 191
downsides of, 9596 Human capital, 15
Hyperinflation, 115, 125, 177
multinational corporations
and, 87 Kahneman, Daniel, 185
Goldman Sachs, 112
Gold standard, 100
I Katona, George, 24
Kennedy, John F., New
Goods IBM, 112 Frontier of, 166
capital, 133, 173 Immigration, economics of, 9899 Keynesian School, 2021, 24, 25, 27
durable, 133, 173 Implicit costs, 33 Keynes, John Maynard, 2021, 24,
private, 54 Import quotas, 89, 177 27, 127, 128, 185, 186, 190
public, 54, 179 Incentives, 2931, 33, 177 Krugman, Paul, 171, 186

204 I ndex
L Market outcomes, 178
failure of, 57, 59
Nashs Equilibrium, 189
National Association of Securities
Market price, 50, 178 Dealers Automated
Labor, 15
Marshall, Alfred, 66, 187 Quotations, 110, 125
Labor mobility, 95
Marxism, 1820, 24, 25 National Bureau of Economic
Labor underutilization, 113
Marx, Karl, 18, 19, 20, 24, 26, 187 Research (nber),
Lacey Act (1900), 66 129, 133, 142
Laissez-faire economics, 18, 26 Marx, Marshall, and Keynes
(Robinson), 190 Business Cycle Dating
Land, 15 Committee, 129
Maxton, Graeme, 171
Latin American Integration Nations, abuse of weaker by
Association (LAIA), 90 Means testing, 151152
Medicaid, 157, 167 more powerful, 96
Law of demand, 49, 178 Natural monopoly, 70, 72, 178
Law of supply, 50, 178 Medicare, 157, 167
Menger, Carl, 21, 24, 26, 188, 189 Natural rate of unemployment,
Law of unintended 132, 178
consequences, 30 Mercantilist system, 17
Mergers, 76 Negative externalities, 5253, 178
Leading Economic Index, 110 Neoclassical economics,
Lehman Brothers, collapse of, 143 Microeconomics, 103, 178
Microsoft, 79, 81, 112 20, 24, 25, 26
Lenin, Vladimir, 187 Neumann, John von, 27
Libertarian Party, 21 Mill, John Stuart, 18, 24, 188
Minimum wage, 6162, 68 New Deal, 142
Living wage, 62, 68 Second, 166
Long run, 21 Mises, Ludwig von, 21, 24, 188, 191
Monetarist School, 2123, 24, 25, 27 New Institutional School,
Lucas, Robert, Jr., 183 21, 24, 25, 26, 27
Lyft, 78 Monetary policy, 117118,
120, 131, 133, 178 Nixon, Richard, 183
Nominal gdp, 107, 178
M contractionary, 122, 176
expansionary, 122, 176 Nominal-versus-real concept, 105
tools of, 121 Nonuse value, 37, 178
Macroeconomics, 21, 103, 124, 178 North American Free Trade
Monopolies, 70, 72
Malthus, Thomas, 1112, 18, 186 Agreement (nafta),
breakup of, 79
Mao Tse-tung, 187 90, 92, 95, 101
collusion as special case of, 74
Marginal analysis, 20, 36, 178 North, Douglass, 24
identifying, 73, 75
Marginal benefit, 36, 178
innovation versus, 78
Marginal costs, 36, 178
Marginal utility, 26
misconceptions about, 7273 O
natural, 70, 72
Marijuana OBrien, Ken, 31
pure, 70
legalizing, 68 Oil embargo, 143
resource, 70
market for, 58 Oligopoly, 70
Monopolistic competitors, 75
Market, 178 Open market operation, 121122
Morgenstern, Oskar, 27
competitive versus Opportunity costs, 3334, 64, 179
Mortgage-backed securities, 139
noncompetitive, 6970 Organization of the Petroleum
Multidisciplinary research, 173
defined, 49 Exporting Countries (opec),
Multinational corporations, 178
miracle of, 4751 74, 81
globalization and, 87
Market bubble, 137 Orrell, David, 171
Myrdal, Gunnar, 184
Market correction, 137 Output, 179
Market failure, 51, 65, 178
causes of, 5155 N P
versus failure of market
outcomes, 57, 59 Nasdaq Composite Index, 110
Panic of 1873, 142
need for regulation and, 5557 Nash Equilibrium Theory, 27
Peak, 129, 179
Nash, John Forbes, Jr., 189

I ndex 205
Per capita gdp, 107, 179 Recession, 7, 129, 133134 Sociology, 12
Perfect competition, 6970, 179 Redefining Progress, 109, 125 South Pacific Regional Trade
Peri, Giovanni, 9899 Rent controls, 6061, 68 and Economic Corporation
Physical capital, 95 Required Reserve Ratio, 121 Agreement (sparteca), 90
Positive externalities, 52, 5455, 179 Resource monopoly, 70, 179 Sowell, Thomas, 194
Prebisch, Raul, 101 Revealed preference, 39 Speculative bubble, 137
Prebisch-Singer hypothesis, 101 Ricardo, David, 18, 24, 26, Spontaneous order, 67
Predatory pricing, 79, 179 85, 86, 190 Standard Oil, breakup of, 77, 79
Preferences, types of, 3839 The Road to Serfdom (Hayek), Standard & Poors (S&P) 500
Price-based antitrust 21, 68, 184 Index, 110
regulation, 76, 79 Robinson, Joan, 124, 190 Stated preference, 39
Price bubble, 137 Roosevelt, Franklin D., 21, 81, 100, Status quo bias, 42, 44, 180
Price ceilings, 5961, 179 125, 136, 142, 145, 146 stem fields, 98
Price controls, 5964 Rothbard, Murray, 21, 24, 191 Stiglitz, Joseph, 194
Price fixing, 74 Stimulus package, 118
Price floors, 59, 6162, 64, 179 S Stock market tips, getting, from
an economist, 13
Price index, 116, 179
Prime lending rate, 117, 179 Salinas, Carlos, 92 Structural unemployment, 132, 180
Principles of Economics Say, Jean-Baptiste, 18, 24, 191 Subprime loans, 137
(Menger), 26, 188 Scarcity, 12, 173, 179 Subprime mortgage crisis, 143
Principles of Political Schumacher, E. F., 14, 192 Subsidies, 56
Economy (Mill), 188 Schumacher, Joseph, 78 government, 89
Private goods, 54 Schumpeter, Joseph, 192 Suez Canal, 100
Producer price index (ppi), 116, 179 Seasonal unemployment, 132, 179 Sunk costs, 3738, 180
Prohibition, 58, 66 Second Bank of the United Sunstein, Cass, 44
Protectionism, 9195 States, 118 Supply, 50, 57, 66
Psychological economics, 23 Second New Deal, 166 Symmetric information, 5152
Psychology, 12 Sen, Amartya, 193
Public goods, 179 Sherman Act (1890), 77, 80 T
as cause of market failure, 54 Shock, 179
Pure Food and Drug Act (1906), 66 Simon, Herbert, 24, 27 Tariffs, 89, 180
Pure monopoly, 70, 179 Singer, Hans, 101 of 1824, 100
Purposeful behavior, 39 Sin taxes, 30, 31 Smoot-Hawley, 100
Small Is Beautiful (Schumacher), 14 Taxes
Q Smith, Adam, 17, 18, 24, 26,
74, 85, 177, 193
evasion of corporate, 9596
sin, 30, 31
Quality restrictions, 89 Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act Thatcher, Margaret, 183
Quantitative easing, 120 (1930), 100 A Theory of Consumption Function
The Quantity Theory of Money Socially optimal outcome, 51, 179 (Friedman), 183
(Friedman), 27 Social Security, 145, 147152 The Theory of Games and Economic
fixing, 150152 Behavior (Neumann and
R myth of trust fund, 148149
payroll cap for, 150
Morgenstern), 27
The Theory of Interest (Fisher), 183
Rational behavior, 3839 privatization of, 151 The Theory of Money and
Reagan, Ronald, 67, 98, 183 Vision 2025 and, 167 Credit (Mises), 189
Real capital, 14, 15 Social Security Act (1933), 145 The Theory of the Leisure
Real gdp, 107, 179 Social Welfare (Sen), 193 Class (Veblen), 26, 195

206 I ndex
T-Mobile, 76 rate of, 16, 112114, 180 Walras, Lon, 66
Trade barriers, 89, 180 seasonal, 132 Welfare Reform Act (1996), 167
Trade-offs, 16 United Nations Monetary and Welfare spending, debate
Transaction costs, 27 Financial Conference, 101 over, 153154
Transitive preference, 39 us versus Microsoft Williamson, Oliver, 24
Troubled Asset Relief Program, 33 Corporation, 77, 79 Workplace health insurance, 166
Trough, 129, 180 World Bank, 100
Truman, Harry S, health V
care and, 166
Trusts, 77, 79
Veblen, Thorstein, 26, 195
Tversky, Amos, 24 Verizon, 112 Yellen, Janet, 119
Virtual economics, 172
U Visa, 112 Z
Volcker, Paul A., 119
Uber, 78 Voluntary export restraints Zuckerberg, Mark, 192
Uber settlement, 81 (vers), 89
Underemployed, 112114
Unemployment W
cyclical, 132
frictional, 132 Wall Street, 17
natural rate of, 132 Wal-Mart, 112

I ndex 207

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