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Question 1

Question 2
Question 3
Question 4

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%% Select the range of theta
A = [4 1 1; 1 6 2; 1 2 3]; %Stress Tensor
for t = 0:360
n = [cosd(t);-sind(t);0]; %Normal
T = A*n; %Traction
mag_T(t+1) = sqrt((T(1,1))^2 + (T(2,1))^2 +(T(3,1)^2)); %Magnitude of the traction
t = linspace(0,360,361);
[ym,xm]= max(mag_T); %Find the maximum value of theeta at which tensor produces
max. value
grid on
Question 6
Question 7
Question # 9

Strain Energy:
Energy can be defined as the capacity to do work. It exists in many forms such as mechanical (Kinetic or
potential), thermal, chemical etc. The energy stored in the body by the virtue of work which has
previously been done on that body against a particular force field is called the potential energy. (e.g
lifting a body in which a work is done against the gravitational field). Strain energy is a type of potential
energy which is stored in the material when it is subjected to some strain. Therefore, the material will
produce same amount of work when it returns to its original unstrained form

Strain energy is an energy that stored in a material upon deformation which is equal to the amount of
work done on that body.

Strain Energy U = Work done

Consider an elastic spring, when the tension is applied on it, it deflects by small amount u1 and when
the load is removed, it moves back to its original position. One limitation in this method is, the applied
force must be gradually and should increase slowly from zero to maximum value under the elastic limit.
Such load is called the static loading in which no inertial effect.

When the load P is applied, the body does some work.

Now the area enclosed by the force-displacement curve provides the work done by the body. If the
energy is conserved then the work done is equal to the energy stored in the body which is called the
strain energy or internal energy of the system

Consider a simple example of strain energy stored in the material of length ds by applying tension or

From the graph the shaded area is

Since young modulus E = =

Now the strain energy will be

The total strain energy throughout the bar length l is

Similarly strain energy for the material subjected to the bending is given as

And for the torsion


Stain energy method is powerful method of approaching problems in linear elasticity

This method is useful to derive the governing equations for special classes of elasticity problems
e.g torsion, transverse shear, bending etc.
Boundary conditions can be easily applied for the complex geometry
This method is widely used in Finite Element Method (FEM)
It is used to find the rigorous bounds on the stiffness of elastic structures/solids


This method is not suitable for inelastic material

Strain energy method is direct method is a direct method can only be used for deflections in
statically determinate structure.

Many engineering problems related to elasticity is solved in two dimensions to make it simple
and produce the best possible and satisfactory answer. This is called the plane analysis and have
generally two types, plane stress and plane strain.
Plane Stress:
It is simply a two-dimensional simplification in which one of the coordinate does not play a role
in the description of the problem. It generally occurs in thin plate where the one dimension is
very small as compare to the other two.

Here c<<a and b hence the stress along z-direction will be zero

This approximation is uniform throughout the plate thickness. It is also assumed that the
remaining stress acting on x and y direction are independent to z-coordinate. Hence stress
tensor for the plane stress condition is

In the stress transformation from the (X,Y,Z) coordinate axes to (x,y,z) coordinate, the
mathematics is reduced in plane stress condition as

Hence the invariants are

The practical application of plane stress condition is, analyzing the thin pipes and plates.
This is also a two-dimensional idealization in which strain only occur at x-y plane while the strain
at z-direction is assumed to be zero. The plane strain condition generally assumed in the body in
which one dimension is large enough than the other two. The example is prismatic cylinder with
one dimension is much larger than the other so that the applied load act only in x-y plane and
do not vary in z-direction.

The practical application of the plane strain condition occur in analysis of large dams, tunnels,
mine shafts or very thick cylinder such as submarine hull.

Question # 11


Elastic constants such as E,v, G, K and are constrained. This can be proved by strain energy function.
Whenever the body is subjected to deformation, strain energy stored in the body. This energy can be
recovered if the load is removed (providing all the physical factors such as temp. remain same).

Now consider an elastic bar of length L and cross section A subjected to uniaxial tension.
If one end of the bar is stationary and the other end experiences some deflection of ExxL. Then the work
done may be given as

In more general form, it will be

Here W will always be greater than or equal to zero because the sign of the stress and strain will be
same. (e.g. compressive stress should result in shortening ) Hence W is a positive definite function of its
arguments of stress and strain,

Since work done by the body upon deformation is the strain energy U


Now putting the values of stress and strain in above eqn.

Therefore E> 0 (Modulus of elasticity must be greater than zero)

For simple shear case,

And for E>0 then,

Similarly for the hydrostatic pressure strain energy may be given as,

If E>0 then

Since K =

If G>0, v>0 then K>0

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