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499 UN GIORNO DI REGNO" {11 Finto Stanistao) Opera in two acts. Libretto by Felice Romani First performed at Teatro La Scala, Milan, September 5, 1840 CHARACTERS Bolfiors, a Fronch officer impersonating Stanislao, King of Polend: baritone Baron Kelbar; basso buffo Marchesa del Poggio, a young widow and the Baron's niece, in. leve with Belfiore: soprano Giulietta, the Baron's daughter: mezzo-soprano La Rocca, Treasurer of the Estates of Brittany: basso buffo Edoardo di Sanvel, La Rocce’s nephew: tenor Count Ivzee, Commandant of Brest: tenor Delmonte, Squire to Belfiore: tenor ‘The action takes place in Baron Kelbar's castle in Brest, f town on the Western coast of Normandy, in France The time is 1733 ‘THE PLOT ACT Preparations for » double wedding are being made in a hall of Beron Kelbar's castle. Tho Baron's daughter, Giulietta is to be married fo the rich Treasurer La Rocca and the Baron's niece, the Marchasa del Poggio is to wed Count Ivrea, Commandant of Brest. Both ladies ere in slight distress, Giuliotte is zeally in love with young Edoardo di Sanval, and the Marchesa is only mamying the old commandant out of spite, belioving sho kas been jilted by Belfiore. In truth he still loves her, but far the moment is engaged in « highly secret mission in which hhe must pose as Stanislao, King of Poland, in order to give the true King en opportunity to return to Poland and claim his rightful throne. Kelbar and Le Rocce sing of their joy at having the King of Poland attend the wedding, after which a herald entors, ansiouncing that his master, the "King" is about to enter. This is relly Belfiore, disguised es King Stanislaus (Id finto Stonislao}. Ho is quickly invited to stay for the double wedding. He inquires es to' wha the 1m Giomo di Regno means "Reign for a day", ‘the subtitle 11 Fitta Stenistoo moans "The fake Stanislaus". The opera is loosely based on the historical facts of King Stanislas Lesczynsky during tho wars of Polish succession, when the King, whose right to the throne kad been challenged and who lad been hiding in France, inaele his way sacratly back to Poland and appeared with dramatic impact at 2 Taligious secvice in Wersaw cathodral to be recognized es the rightful claimant to te throne. 500. brides are, and whon he discovers that one of them is tho Marchesa det Poggio, he can hardly conceal his surprise and dismay. He dismisses the Baron end the Treasurer and writes a note to tho’Polish court asking for permission to "abdicate" for fear he may lose his beloved. ‘The young Edoardo entors, elso prey to despair at seaing his beloved Giulietta about to be married to the old Treasurer, and bogs the "King" Belfioro, to let him enlist in the Polish army and go off to battle somewhere whers he can forgot his troubles, Belfioze egrovs, hoping to somehow get the host of the Baron. As they both leave the gallery the Marchesa enters and recognizes Bolfiore, realizes that she still loves him and swears that if ha is unfaithful to hor, she will give up love forever. ‘Inside e gerden in the castle Giulitta is bemoaning her sad fate. A chorus of peasants presents her with flowers end fruit and then wonders why she is so sad on this, the happiest day in her life. She sings of her revulsion for the old man and of how she longs for Edoardo to come and console her. Edoardo now enters with the Baron, the Treasurer and the supposed "King". Whon the Baron introduces his daughter to the King, he surprises the others by ennouncing that he has just made Edoardo his First Lieutenant and orders him to converse with his future aunt. This way the two young lovers are able to talk in the presence of her father and his uncle, The "King" thea asks the Beron to help him in military matters, end tho Treasurer in polical affairs and to this affect unfolds a hugo mop, making sure thet as the two old men sorutinize it, they have their backs to the young lovers. ‘The Marchesa enters. When her uncle the Baron now introduces her to the King of Poland she is disconcorted and wonders if sho could have made «mistake in supposing him to be Belfiare, After a lively sextet in which varying sentiments are expressed, the Baron and the Treasurer, happy et the prospect of being advanced by their noble visitor, depart with Belfiore. ‘The Marchesa stays with the young lovers and they call on her for help. She can scarcely foous ker mind on their probloms, as she is totally preoccupied with Belfiore, but finally a trio ensues in which all take heart at the fact that they are young and in love. Tn a gallery, Belffore, in en attompt to help Giulictte, offers the Treasurer Le Rocca a much more felicitous marriege opportunity with the rich Polish Princess Ineska, also offering him # post in the Polish government. The vain and gready Le Rocce accepts the irresistible offer, When the Baron enters, marriage certificate in hand, La Rocea suddenly blurts out to the Baron that ho fools he is unworthy of his daughter Giulietta. The furious Baton immediately chellengos him to « duel, telling ell present that his daughter has bean grievously insulted. Ginlictta, of course, is delighted at the tum of events, and the Marchesa cunningly puts it to the Baron to let Giulietta marry Edoardo, thus humiliating the Troasurar end preserving his honor at the same tims. Now Belfiore “the King’ enters, and the Baron epologizes for tho uphoaval. Everyone seems to be mortified at having boon discovered by royalty in the midst of their noisy row. 501 ACT IL ‘Tho servants wonder why the wedding preparations have coma to e stop and why everyone in tho caatlo ig in such a state of depression. Edoardo ontexs and tolls them of his dosporate situation. Giulietta is going to marzy the Treasurer {so he thinks) because the Baron is adamant at tho idea dhut the penniless Edoardo even think of mecrying his daughter. The "King” eutors vyits Le Rooon, Giufietta and the squire Delmonte. He questions his squire and his newly appointed "minister" La Rosen as fo why the Baron is so strongly opposed to Edoardo marrying his denghter, When he finds out the truth, he ordors the Treasurer La Rocca to hand over one of his castlos and 5000 scwdi « year to his nephew Edoardo in order to meke him a worthy suitor for Giulietta. The Treasurer asks for time, ‘dput the “King” demands en immediate answer. ‘La Rocca is left alone to muse on his decision. He is interrupted by the still furious Baron demeuding en explanation. After an exchonge of improcations, the two old mon leave, hurling insults at one another. {In the ground flocr vestibule leading to the garden, the Marchesa is still not sure whether the "King' is her beloved Belfiore, He enters, end in a duot they continue their cat-and-mouse game. ‘She feigns indifference. He cannot revenl bis idontity as yot, but is distasbed et the prospect of her marrying Count Ivrea, who, as she oxplains, is on his way to tho castle to claisn his brid, ‘The Marciiesa professes to be happy at this news, and when Belfiore asks her, "what about your Cavalier?” she hints that if he were to arrive and ask her pardon, sha would roturn {0 him, Belfiore fails to take advantage of this, and the Maschesa in a fit of pique ennounces that she will marty Count Ivrea, Belfiore angrily stalks off. Giulietta und Edoerdo entor, ‘The Baron hes finally consented to lot Edoardo mexry his deughter, but Edoerde is unhappy because he promised the "King" to accompany ‘him back to Poland. Giuliotta promises to intercede for him with the "King’, ‘The Baron enters with Count Turon and the Marchesa, who announces that if Belfiore does not appear within the hour, she will proceed with her planned wadding to the Count, Belfiore now enters, still as the King, ond demands that the Count accompany him on a secrot mission, These delaying tactics throw the party into utter chaos, but quite opportunely, a massenger arrives from the Polish Gourt with an important lotter for Bolfiore. The truo King Stanislas has arrived in Warsaw and has been acelaimod by the Polish Parliamont, so Belficre is allowed to abdicate. For his service, he is given tho rank of Marchal. The Baron, utterly befuddled asks hima: "But whe are you?" and Bolfiare answers, "I am the Cavaliere Belfior’, as he takes the Marchesa in bis arms and states that he is faithful to his first love. The opera ends with (elmost) averyone happy and the dolight of the servants at the resumption of preperations for the double wedding, 502 ACTI Scene One A gallery in Barton Kelbar's castle (Tho sorvants and vassals of the Baron are rejoicing of the wadding preparations.) CHORUS ‘mai'non—‘rize “um ‘piu ‘bell Mainon rise un pitt bol di Never smiled amore lovely day ‘per ‘fa ‘kava ‘di ketbar ‘un sovreno ebloddsa —‘kwi per la casa di Kelbar. Un sovrano —alloggin. = qui, for thohouss of /—_Kelbar. A. soveraign is lodging here, ‘due —sporisali ‘san ‘da “far “kwante ‘feste “Kowanti due sponsali ‘han da for... Quante feste, quanti two woddings “will take place... such feasts, such “kewante ‘ynantfe ‘a servitori Quente mancio a servitoril... How meny — tips for the sorvants!... ke baketti ——sontitozi "ke fist Che banchetti —sontuosi, che _festini What banquets sumptuous, what revelries ‘piu ‘bel ‘di ‘nom ‘pwo —brildar ‘pero “kava ‘di kelbar Pin bel di non pud ——rillar per In casa di Kolbar, A more lovely day cannot shine for thohouse of —_Kelbar. (the Baron Kelbar and the Treasurer La Rocea enter.) BARON: tezorjere garbatis:simo ‘una ‘perla ‘or Tesoriera _garbutissimo, una porta er ‘Treasurer most amiable, a peal now you're acquiring: ‘ella e un rama prettsjozis:simo ‘du grandalbero— de'toi Hla 8 un ramo preziosissimo d'un grand’albore d’erdi; she isa branch most precious ofa great tres of heroes; e son tferto a voi spovandola ‘ke ncnabubja a tralilppar © somcerto —avoi sposandola che nen abbie a walignar, and Tmeertain that by marrying har you won't have cause for shame (My most amiable Treasurer, in my daughter (Giuliette) you are acquiring a poarl of great value. She is « most precious chip off the old block in e lino of heroes and you won't regret auarrying her.) ‘ i a 4 Un Giorno di Regno, Act T 503 ‘TREASURER ‘si baron felitfe e ‘prospero Si, Baron; folice @ prospero Yos, Baton; happy and prospstous sara ‘sempre ‘i nostra imnesto sara sempre i nostro —_innesto, will be always our union, © dyermoxki —Elustei edinklitt ‘ne vedrete fir "bem ‘presto e —— gormogli—_illustii edincliti ne vedrote—_uscir hen presto, and offspring illustrious and famous you'll see emerge very soon, ‘ke ‘le ‘nostre ‘due fatmifke. fa'ray 'kjare ‘in tenes, e che lenostre due famighio faran chiare in terra e who our two families will make respected on earth and BARON, “bravo Bravo ‘Well said, son-in-law! ‘TREASURER ‘gran ‘swolfero Gran suocero! Groat fathor-in-levi! BARON io ‘mi'sento a konsolar . Jo misento a consolar. T feet reassured. BARON, TREASURER ‘per ‘si fausto matrimanjo ‘dga Yfastaan je tficka —— aarka Por si Fausto matrimonio gid ciascun le ciglia © inareay ‘At so bappya —merriage already overyone —_the eyebrows arches; {Everyone is already raising their eyebrows at such an auspicious marriage.) avra ‘per testirmonjo ‘dit polonja ‘il “bwon mo‘narka avr per tstimonio di Polonia = il buon monarca. it willhave as witness —of—Poland the —gaod Monarch. (Tho wedding will havo the good King of Poland as witness.) CHORUS Quante feste, quanti onori... ete. BARON, TREASURER © fin. dorata Kartaipekora ‘noi latbbjamo “da separ E in dorata cartepecora. noi Yabbiamo da sugnar. And in gilded parchmont we are going to sign it. (Delmonte enters.) 504 Un Giorno di Ragno, Act I DELMONTE ‘sua maesta sipnosi ealtsata "owl simjvie Sun Measta, signori, Balzata —@~— qui s'invia; His Majesty, gentlemen, has arisen and —_ approaches; ‘ei salutor dezia ‘nostra albergattor Hi salutar dosia il nostro —_alborgator. He to great wishes our host. (Ho wishes to groot our host, Baron Kolber.) cHORUS ‘di owl nnabil spite. riswont nome intomo Di cosi nobil_—_ospite risuoni ilnome —_intorno; Of — suchanoble guest lot resound thoname around; {Lot the name of such a noble guest resound ell around us.) kwestuimil —sotkdyomo* ottjea ‘da ‘lui splendor Questumil soggiome _ottien da kui splendor, This humble sbode recoives from him splendor. (His prosonce brings splendour to our humble abode) {he Cavaliere Belfiore, disguised os the “Fake Stanislaus" enters.) BELFIORE ‘nomy ‘fate Uerimonje —sippoci ‘io ‘Vi rinfgratts Non fate corimonie, signori, fo viringrazi Bon't stend on ceremony, gentlemen, 1 thenk you; deldetiketta ‘solita ‘sono anagjata—e—sallsjo dolfetichotta solita sono annoiato + —sazio, of the etiquette usnal Tam bored ond sated. (lam annoyed and sated with the usual atiquette.) ‘del "Vostro. akskoxgimento batrone ‘son —kantento Del vostro accoglimento, Barone, i, son_—_comtantot. By your reception, Baron, I am pleased! “odidgi ‘Korte ‘skrivo. ‘voi Te parlera Oggi alla Corte scrivo... di voile parler’. Today to the Court I shall write... about you I will tell them. a a ‘se ‘impolonja— arrive wel ke oda ‘far sa'pro . Ab, se in Polonia amtivo quel che hodafar — saprd! Ee Ah, if Poland Treach, thet which Ionustdo Iwill know! 2 (Ab, when I reach Poland, I will know what to do for you!) qa BARON a ‘sire ke dite ‘mai io ‘som —preimjato atsisai A Sire, che dite mai? Jo son premiato. —_assai 4 Sire, what do you mean? 1 em rewarded enough. is 2 Un Giorno di Regno, Act I 505 ALL ‘si pretisjoza —‘vizita_asisai “fi Kormpen'so Si proziosa —_ visita assni ci compensd. Such precious a visit enough us rewarded. {Such e precious visil as yours is enough roward for us all.) BELFIORE (to himself ompefnoni ‘di palridgi'ke si “atta “mai tetnete (Compagnoni di Parigi, che si_—matfo mi tanote, Companions of Paris, who so mad consider me, ‘kwa vente © detfidete. ‘se. "ve un'saddgo. “al ‘pac ‘dime qua vonits @ —decideto, = se. V8_—suntsaggio al par dime. hore come and decide if there's e wisoman like myself. (My Paris companions, who consider me so mad, come hero and dacide for yoursolves if there's a wiser man than 1. ‘piu dis:sitpato delilinters red:dgtmento pia dissipato —delifintero—_reggimento The officer most dissipated of the entire rogimont ‘preze ‘larja ‘ia ‘um ma'mento ‘di tilezafo e ‘di ‘re prese Varia ju un momento di filasofo. e dire) assumed —_thegutiso suddenly of philosopher and of king.) (L, the most dissipeted officer in my regiment suddenly assumed the guise of philosophor and king.} fiyke ‘kom voi sadgomo—_sisgori io vel riaiko Finchd con voi soggiome, —_ signori, io vel ridico, : ‘Aslonges with you Iremain, —gentlomon, I repeat it to you. ‘kome ppri'vato eamiko ‘si maivete ‘da tra'ttar Come privato eamico si, mavete da trattar, As an ordinary citizen and friend yes, youmust treat me. yetrra puttroppo ‘}‘dgomo de mjed_ pen Vara, purtroppo il giorno de' miei pensicr pitt Will come all too soon the day of my thoughts more_ serious; puctroppo ‘im ‘me desttavi Yo 'ffettrs ada pe'zer Purtroppo in me degli avi lo scettto ha da pesar, All too soon on me of the ancestors the scapter__ will weigh. (The day will coms all too soon when I will have to become more serious, when the scepter of my ancestors will weigh upon me.) ALL THE OTHERS | ‘site a ‘vo! ‘sjamo_ intorno ‘pjeni * meravicsa al Sire, a voi siamo intorno pient di meravighia: Bi Sue, to you we're around full of | marvel; =e (Sire, we're all exound you, full of wonder.) ei S| @ 508 Un Giorno di Regno, Act T “in kwellauguste ida anima ‘bella alpar In quell'augusto —_ciglia anima olla appar. In those nobla eyes the soul beautiful appears. (Your beautiful soul shines through your noble eyes.) BARON ‘al ‘doprpio matrimoyjo ke ‘nel Kasten Al doppio matrimonio che nel castello At the double wadding that in the castle ‘si fara dsmaci assisterete ossire si fara domani assistereto, 0 Sire? will be celebrated tomorrow will you ba there, oh ‘Sire? BELFIORE © le 'spoze ‘ki ‘sono K le spose chi sono? And the brides, who are they? BARONE, ‘una © mia Tikka “ko! tezarjere Una 8 mie Bglia col Tosoriere... One is my daughter with the Treasurer.. ‘mia nipote © | ‘lalera Yo markers del Min nipotad alten, laMarchosa del My nieco is the other ono, the Marchesa Del BELFIORE ‘ehla “ke askolto (che ascoltol} (what do ¥ hea:!) BARONE ‘la kono ffete ‘voi La conoscate vai? Do you know hor? BELFIORE ‘ai Tama © mmotto Di fama. @ molto! By reputation... and very well! ‘or Wi'prego—a'ffarmi in Hiberta Or viprego ——asciarmi in liberta, Now Jeskyeu to loavame alone. BARONE, levjamo il tedjo a Yostra_maesta Leviamo il tedio a —_Vostra Masta. Let us remove the tedium from Your Majesty. {Lot us not bore Your Majasty any longer.) Un Giorno di Regno, Act I 507 (he Baron lecves with the Treasurer ond the chorus.) BELFIORE ‘oon fe ‘tempo ‘da 'penlere skrivjamo —imimantinente ‘a——Korte Non c's tempo da perdere....-scriviamo —immantinentea Corte. There isn't time to lose. Letme write immediately to the Coutt.. jo'son skoperto ‘se gundse,=— ‘ta markeza Jo son scoperto so. gitunge le Marchesa, Tibo unmasked if arrives tho Marquise. * {Ho sits down to write) da meditata impreza © ‘forse sivffita "La meditata —improsa 8 forse nluscita, ‘The planned enterprise has pathaps succeeded, eda Kwestora 1 ‘vero stanizlao “‘dgunto “im var'savja od a questora = i]_—svero.‘Stanislao —_giunto in Varsavia and as thishour the true Stanislas having reached = Warsaw ‘del fatvor ‘della ‘djeta & ‘da sikuro, del favor della Diota @ git sicuro. ofthe goodwill ofthe Diet is _ already assured. {is alzoady assured of the goodwill of the Polish Parliament.) altetitsa, ‘io viskor'dguro ‘di baltsarmi ‘dal “trona: Altezza, io vi scongiuro di balzarmi dal trono Highness, ontrent you to unseatme fromthe throne suldistamte ‘se anfkor reppasisi perderei lamante sulfistante. Se ancor reguassi perder) Pamante." atonce. IF any longer___‘I should reign, Ta lose by beloved.” (Edoardo enters.) EDOARDO. ‘site tremante to Vengo “al ‘vostro ‘redkgo ‘pjede "Sire, tremante io —-vengo al_—_ vostro regio _piede! Sire, trembling I come to your regel_ fool! {Sire, I come trembling to throw mnysolf at your royal feet!) BELFIORE ebiben laimante oi'sjete ‘delete. “FikKa ‘del—ba'rone Ebben?.. anante volsiete della figlia del Barone, Well then’... ‘The lover you are ofthe daughter of the Baron, 2s female counterpart of « Manguis is » Marquise, unloss she is an Englishwomen, in which case she is called 2 Marchionass. Since wo are dealing with a Freach lady ia ax Italian opera, I will opt to call her Marguisa. 508 Un Giarno di Reguo, Act 1 € ‘ve rival ‘fo tsio ‘ke “far po'sssio: 2 verivel — Iozio, Che far possio and your rivalis your uncle... What can I do, ‘bwon ‘dgovane: ‘per ‘voi buon giovane, per voi? good “younglad, for you? EDOARDO. konitfeder ‘solo ‘Kio vi ‘segwa ‘im polonja Conceder sole ch'io visegua _in Polonia! To grant only thet follow you to Poland! permetitete ‘io vakkkom’paypi ‘dove Ilonor minjvita a Ah! permetiete ch'io_viaccompagni dove Yoner minvita, Ab! allow that I accompany you where honor cails me, © ‘per ‘Yoh ‘spenda kwestinutil vita e per voi spenda questinutil vita, and for you that I devote this useless _ life. (Ah! Allow ma to eccompany you where honor calls me, and ellow me to devole my useless life fo your service.) provero ke Weppo io “sono “del favor ‘ke "vi dotmunda Proverd. che — degno io sone del favor che vi domando; Iwill prove that worthyf am — of tho favor thet I ask of you; provero ‘per ‘voi ptinpando = ‘ke ~—uniifgrato.—— ‘non satro Proverd per voi puguendo che in ingrato non sari. Twill prove for you fighting that ungratefid I won't be. BELFIORE ogwernjer ‘la ‘patja ell tron ‘vidaranso eterna ‘lode Oguerrier, Ia patria, eil trono vidaranno — oterna lode; Oh warrior, the homeland, and the throne —_—ill give you eternal praise; ‘in tal ‘gwizaatnatma ‘prade ‘sempre “Hfato dispretiisa Intel guisa un'alma © prode sompre il fato disprezzi. ‘Thus a spirit proud always fate challenged. (Fate has always challenged a proud spirit that way.) EDOARDO ‘aunkewe, ° kontfedere ‘ditfor'pago il voto 1 Dunque, Sire, concedoto difarpago il voto mic Then, ch Sire, will you grant tosatisfy tho wish _ min? BELFIORE ‘si ‘ab'mio “Ganko puppe'rete ‘sc dgaimmai puippar dedidsio Si, al mio fianco pugnoroto se giammai pugnar deggiio. Yes, atmy side you will fight, ifever fight Lnmust. a ARE Un Giomo di Regno, Act I 509 EDOARDO (prostrating himself) a ‘la ia rikono'ffentsa Ab! la mia riconoscenzat Ah! my — gratitude! BELFIORE (raising him) ‘no amiyfitsia ~~ Kamfidentsa ‘mio skudjere infin daidesso : No, amicizia 8 —confidenza, mio scndiere —_infin d'adesso No, friendship and _— trust; my — squire from now on (No, friendship and trust;} ‘state “sempre a me dapresso state sempre a me d'appresso, be always to mo near, (from now on I want you to be my squire and be always near me.} EDOARDO ‘kome o'ddsoja es owi downed alisddsar — velder kotet Comol (oh gioial) 0 = qui dovroi alloggiar, _-veder colei? What! (Oh joy!) and hore [must yemain, see her? BELFIORE perke ‘mo Yfi'vwol —koimdvdyo-—"vido'vete—srassse'pnar Porch’ no? Ci vuol coraggio, vidovete —_rassegnar. Why not? It takes courige, you must resign yourself, EDOARDO cnacsia nono listgwadstso per potervi riggratsjer Maesta, non ho Tinguaggio per —_potervi ringrazior, Majesty, Thavena words tobe able to you thank rikomipensi —olmika sorte ‘si ma'npanimo sovrano Ricompensi amica sorte si magnanimo sovrano, Rocompense friendly luck such a magnanimous _ sovereign, (May good fortune smile down upon such a magnanimous ruler,) e koryfonda e'renda ‘vano ‘dei nemmitfi “iL kondgwear ® confonda erenda ——_vano de! nomici il congiarar. and confound and render useless ofthe enemies the plotting fand confound and render useless the enemy's plotting.) BELFIORE “kwando, ‘iy ‘fumo andra. ‘a ‘korte {Quando in fumo andra la corte (When up in smoke will go my — court nomalvrat rikorso “ig van non avea. ricorso in ven; ho will not have pleaded in vains ‘per burlar “ewel vekikjo inseno Por burlar quel vecchio —_insano Even if only to ridicule thet oldmen insane 510 Un Giorno di Regno, Act I ‘anke tun saipra meppar anche un = di_—ssapré regnar,) at leost (for) one day I will know how to rule.) (When my court goes up in smoke, his ploas will not have been in vain. fll lea how to reign for a day, if only to ridicule thet insane old man.) EDOARDO imfjarmimato ‘da ‘spieto qwe'rrjero—skone'ro. della. “glorja il_——sentjero Jnfliammato da spirto guorriero scorer) — della gloria it sentiara: Inflamed by (a) spirit worliko —‘Iwillsook of glory the — path: (inflamed by a warlike spirit, I will seek the paths of glory.) ‘me yellretekontento ‘per Voli pevidti = “i “morte.sfidac Movedrete contento per voi iperighh = di_—=—morte ‘sfidar. You'll sea me happy for you theparils of death _to defy. (You will saa me happily defy the porils of doath for you.) BELFIORE ‘si ‘tfino ‘mio ‘dgovin gwe'rrjero ‘ti sarete ~—neldaspro.—_sentjera Sil... vicino mio giovin guersiery mi saree. nel'aspro__sontiero! Yes!... naar me, my young warrior you'll be. im the rough path! (Yos! young warricr, you will be next to me on the rough path of battle!) Ye giflande serbate akke'coi Le ghirlande —_serbate agli envi The garlands —rasarved —_for heroes fora ‘belo ‘able “‘kjome intrettfar ‘fora bello alle chiome intreceiar, would be nice inyour hair +o interweave. (It would be nice to interweave inta your hair the garlands reserved for heroes.} (They leave, The Marquise enters cautiously and observes Belfiore as he gous off.) MARQUISE a ‘nom ‘mano. inga'nnata € Ah, non m‘hanno ingannal E ‘Ah, thay haven't docoived mel... tis inmosser'vate ‘io 'dyunsi—e ewi favkang——skwartfar Tnnosservata io giunsi equi Varceno ——squarciar Unobserved Tarrived, end hore the mystery how to solve I will know how. (have arrived unohserved, and I will know how to solve this mystery.) ta ‘mano “figgasi ‘dare ‘al vektkjo komanidante La mano fingasi dara al vecchio —comandante... My hand Iwill proiond to give to the old commander... (L will pretond to give my hand in marriage to the old commander...) veidrem ‘se alllora ‘si skoprira famante Vodrom se -—allora si scoprira Yamante.. We shall see if then will reveal himself the lover. (Thon I shell see if my beloved (Belfiore) will reveal himself...) Un Giorno di Rogno, Act I 511 ‘grave a kore inmamorato e@ —— fre'nar. lardente ——afetto Grave a core innamorato 8 fronar Yardento —_affetta! Difficult, fora heart _in love is torestrain anardent affection! (lt is difficult for @ heart in love to restroin its ardor!) “mal ‘si ‘pwote. ‘ig ‘kaldo ‘petto ‘vero ‘palpits tfelar Mal si puote in caldo petto vero pulpito colar. Ono can hardly ina passionate —_—broast a true palpitation hide. (it is hard to bide the truo palpitetions of a paseionata heart.) alla'more ‘ke oma gwidats: perdonar sa'pra ‘lo ‘tsio Allamore che, mha guidato perdoner —sapra. To 2io; The love that has guided ma to forgive will my uncle; (My uncle (Baron Kolbar) will knaw haw to forgive the love I havo for Belfiora which hes guided me up to now.) e ‘al ‘kor ‘mio pertttalteo —_saspitar z a cor mio perun'altre sospirar. It's. impossible for tho heart mine for another to sigh. {Ws is impossible for my heart to sigh for another men other than Bolfiora,) 'se ‘de: ka'der ‘la ‘vedova ‘oy ‘kada ‘im ‘pedidgo imbrokko So dec cader la vedova, non cada in peggio imbroglio; Tf must fall the widow, may she not fall into @_worsa prodicamant; (IFI, the widow, must fall, then may I not fall into a worse predicament.) Yio 'spretitso “fasto inutile ver ‘non ‘so dorgoxko To sprezzo—ifasta, inutile viver non so argogtio; T despise —ostentution useless, to live Icannot_ —onarrogance; (I despise useless ostentation end I cannot live on arrogance.) ‘io ‘tferko ‘sol eimore € dgevert Jo cerco sol amore © gioventis; I lookfor only (for) love and youth; ‘ma ses imfledet betfore amar ‘nonjvo mai 'pju Ma sé _—_infodel Belfiore, amar non vo! mai pi. But ifis unfeithiut Belfiore, to love Idon't wish any longer. (But if Belfiore is unfaithful to mo, I don't want to love any longer.) Scene Two fin the garden a chorus of peasants and servants bring fruit and flowers. Giulietta is seated on a bench, looking very sad.) CHORUS ‘si festevole —matstina e'di'gaudjo a ‘oni ‘kor si festevolo —-mattina adi gaudio a ogni cor, Such & festive moming brings joy to every heart, 512 Un Giomo i Regno, Act I aggradite 0 sipporina—kwesle ‘frutta © ‘kwesti flor Aggradit, 0 ——signorina, quest frutta © questi fior. Reosive, _ oh —younglady, this fruit and — those flowers o mortale avventtirats ‘ku “fea yoko ‘si dara O . mortale avventurato cui fra poco si dara Oh mortal happy man to whom soon will give herself ‘kwesto “agiko immakslato ‘kwesto inkanto ‘di betta questo giglio immacolato, questo inanto di elt, this lily ° immaculate, this onchentment of beauty. (Ch, happy mortal man, to whom this immaculsts lily, this enchanting beauty will give herself soon.) GIULIETEA (risingl ‘Kare lee ‘grata ‘al ‘Kore ‘L'vostra——atffetito Gora fencinlle, 8 grata al core ill vost» ——_affetto! Doar gizls, is gratifying tomy heart your affection! ‘nom ‘san kwantio nel ‘petto ‘so mortal dolore (Non san quantio nel petto sofa mortal dolore. (They don't know how much in my heart suffer mortal grief!) ‘yjeni edoardo mato 2 morirs adarenor Vieni, Edoardo amato, 0 morind amor!) Come, Edoardo, beloved, or_—L will die of lovel cHORUS perke ‘anel‘volto —anldseliko sta 'tube‘@i_ dolor Porch ne} volts amgelico = ssta.=snube di dolor? Why (is there} in your faca angellike this cloud of gril? GIULIETTA stuipite etal mestittsja —atmike “io vapro ‘i kor Stuppite fatal mestizia? — Amiche, io Vapro il cor. = You've suprised by my sadness? Friends, — will open to you my heart. ce ‘nomjyo vowel 'vekckjo ‘non'son st ‘Wokka L Non ve! quel vacchie, non son st sciocca; dé Idon't want that oldman, — Tin not sucha fool; betnattro ‘palpito kor mi tolcka Ben altro pelpito il cor mi toca; 4 Indeed another palpitation my heart me —_ touches, = (My heart throbs for another men} 4 ‘om 'vago ovine iso spovzar a ‘Un vago giovine io vo! sposar. ie A handsome young man 1 wish to merry. & 2 venga ‘subito bel momento Oh, venga subite si bel momentot 2 Oh may itcome at once such a lovely moment! = Lo Un Giorno di Regno, Act I 613 © ai primi ‘gaudi ritoma amor © ai primi gandi Hitorne amor, and — tomy former hnppiness returns love. {and I would be eblo to return to my former happy love.) CHORUS al tfel Vitlibert ——‘doppi tormenta Teiel viliheri ogni tormento, (May) heaven free you of every torment, © tom ‘al'gaudjo ‘tanto penar 6 tori algaudio tanto ponar. and tarn to joy somuch suffering, (The servants and peasant girls leave card the Baron and Troasurer La Rocea onter.) BARON eben dguljetia ‘mia ‘kewano ‘hai ‘da prezenitarti Ebben Ghuliotta mia, quando hai da presentarti Wall, my Giuliatta, when youareto ba presented addon so'vrano elu ‘spor © vitfino adn Sovrano, @ il tuo soso 8 vicina, toa King, and your fiend is at hand, ‘ti'par ‘tempo daskondesti in dyardino ti par tempo d'ascondecti in giardino? doas it seem to you (the) time te bide yourself —_—in the garden? GIULIETTA, : palpa ‘voi ‘fo sa'pete ‘sono inklimata = ‘alla raligkoinia Papa, voi Iosapete: Sono inclinata alla. malinconin, Fathor, you knowit fm inclined to. —_—molancholy. ‘TREASURER ‘via brikikoritfetsla ‘via salpppjam = ‘dake prayjene “la tristettsa Via, briccoucella, vie) sappian da che_—provieno Ia tristeza Come now, Tittle rascel, come; we know from what comes tho sadnoss ‘duna ‘bella raigattsa ——_inmotferitina d'una bella ragazza innocenting; ofa lovely young girl innocent; (of a lovely innocent young girl) ‘ma sarete, ‘piw'gaja——domatetina Ma sarete pit gaia domuattina. But youll be happier —_tomosrow morning. (Edoardo and Relfiore enter.) 514 Un Giorno di Rogno, Act I ‘BELFIORE avanti avanti ‘stesso i prezemto ‘allo ‘usio Avanti, avanti, io stesso vi presonto alla zio Come in, come in, 1——myself will bring you to your uncle, ‘TREASURER i ‘vedo ‘mai (Chi vado mai?) (Whom. do I sea?) GIULIETTA edsarda 2 pjatfere (Edoardo! Oh __ piacere!) (Edosrdol Oh —_ what a pleasure!) BELFIORE in ‘wok otezorjere una ‘grata sofpreza ——_prepatrarvi fo volli, oTesoriere, una grata soxpresa ——_propararvi, T wanted to, oh Treasurer, pleasant ~— surprise —_to prepare for you, prezentandovi “io'stesiso ‘nel nipote ‘mio ‘primo. skutdjers presentandovi iostesso nol nipote il mio primo scudier, (by} introducing to you myself in your nephew my — first squire. {i wented to give you a pleasant surprise, Treasurer, by porsonelly introducing to you your nephaw as my first squire.) “TREASURER ‘sire ‘vostro skudjer nipote © "wero Sire... vostro scudior!... _ nipote, & vero? Sire... your quite! nephew, sit true? EDOARDO sippore de ‘denna dakckordarai Signore, it = Re sidegna = d'accordarmi Sir, the King deigns to grant me ‘um favor ddistinto um favor cost distinto, 8 favor so distinguished, BELFIORE covunkwe jo loritravs samo i talento Dovunque io —loritrovo, amo il talento. Wherever I find it, Tove talent esteema ‘io sento simpatia per ‘voi “duc, estroma io-—sonto. simpatia per voi due. very strong I fool king for you two. (in fact, I have a very strong liking for the two of you.) (To the Baron and the Treasuzer.} Un Giorno di Regno, Act 1 515 ‘tanto Mi ke = kensultar —Vi'bramo —_ittomo a tkora Tanto ‘vi stimo che — consultar vi bramo intoxno a cosa, Somuch — Festoom you that toconsult youT need im regard toa raatter ‘ke ‘ywol disku'sisjon ‘molta ana'litica che vuel discussion molto thet needs discussion vary voi ‘molto experto ‘iy ‘gwerra—‘eKKi__ ‘im politike voi -molta esparto im guerra, ogli_in polit you very expert in war, he, in politics. {Testeam you both so much thet I must consult you with regard to a mattor that noeds very analytical discussion. With you, an expert in war, and he, in politics.) BARONE sire 'yostra bowta Sire, vostra bonta.., Sire, your goodness... ‘TREASURER ‘nom ‘fo 'per ‘dire ‘matin o ‘sire Nou fo per dizo, main 0 siro, I don't mean to boast, bat in certain matters, oh sire, 2 ‘tatto ‘molto ‘fino: ho tatlo molto fino, Thava tact very fine, (Lam very tactful.) BELFIORE (to Edoardo) ‘ig'kwanto—a'voi ‘stale ‘indisparte asker ‘non 'sjete ‘iq ‘grado, In quanto voi, state in disparte; ancor non sicto in grado As to. you, stay aside; still yow're not in the rank ‘di pene'trar setgreti dimportantsa di penetar —segroti dimportanza, of — knowing ——_sacrets of importance. {As to you, Edoardo, stand aside, for your rank still does not permit you to be ellowed to know Socrats of importance} tnete kompappia ‘ala tittara ‘tsia Tenete compagnia alla fatura ia, Keep company to your future aunt. TREASURER (with bad humor) vitfing a el kospetto, fo.‘ ‘vorzei (Wicino a lei, cospetto, ~— io non vorrei (Noa to her, darn it, 1 wouldn't — want...) BELFIORE (svating the Treasurer on abench in such away that his back is toward Giulietta) ‘voi ‘kwa seddete osservale la Karta © detfidete Voi qua sedete. Osservate la carta @ —docidete. You here sit Look at the mop end decide 516 Un Giorno di Regno, Act I [While Beifiore unfolds and points to a huge map the other two, (Boron and Treasurer) concentrate on it. Edoardo and Giuliolia speak confidentially in amorous proximity. From time to timo Bolfiore smiles at the Treasurers embarassment.) EDOARDO. ‘kara. ‘dgulia Cara Giulia, Dear Giulia, GIULIETTA doltfe miko Dolce amico, Dear friend, BARON maesta Maesti, Your Majesty, BELFIORE (observing the two lovers) batrom ‘tnio Bexon mio, ‘My dear Baron, afin 'ti'vedo ‘di parlarti alfin ti vedo! Di parlarti at last Tse0 you! To speak to you alppena ‘kredo. ‘del mio appena ileredo del mio hardly dolboliove of my ‘la positisjone © difeza, ‘dal la posizione 3 difesa dal ‘ame ame tome “agubilo giubilo joy’s Kenmone cannone. the position is defended —_by the cannon. ‘per ‘kwanto ‘miro nemiko per quanto miro il wemico from what Isso the enamy GIULIETTA (to Edoardo) ‘spero essai Spero assai ‘da mia Kadina de mia cugina, Ymrelying very much on = my —_cousin. ‘TREASURER ‘ike wopipa sevvitfina {Ahi che troppo savvicina} {Ahi how somuch —_he comes close to her) (Ab! how close ho is to her!) BELFIORE. texo'rjer oi ‘Tesorier, voi Treasurer, you ‘TREASURER ‘bad Bado, ‘nom ba'date non badate. are not paying attention ‘si nom dubitate si, non dubitate, Tim paying attontion, yas, do not doubt it. EDOARDO (to Giulieita) ‘um Kolm Tu mi colmi You fill me ‘di spe'rantsa di speranza, with hope © ‘fwor ® — fuor is out konifes:so concessol gronted! altettfesss0 alleccesso. excess. ‘di tic di fro, of range oe aio Aaa ase Un Giorno di Regno, Act I 517 TREASURER (as chove, fuming} traditor "kome sa'vantsa (Traditor!... ‘come stavanzal} (Traitor! how he advances!...J BELFIORE (forcing him to look at the map) ‘ma kospetta atttento ‘bene Ma cospetto, _attanto hena. But confound it, pay good attention, ‘TREASURER ‘vedo © ‘sento maesta Vedo e _ sento, Maesti. [see and I hear, Your Majesty. BARON (always concentrating on the map} ‘itnemiko —soprtvivjene nemica —_sopravviene... The enemy — attacks... ‘TREASURER (roady to burst upon Edoardo} © ‘sUksi ki “fe te fa (& sugli ‘occhi co la fa.) {And under our eyes ha is doing it) BELFIORE, BARON ‘no Kasipetio. —ig'kwesto lato 'pwaspunitar lartigKeria No, cospetto, in questo lato. pudspunter —_‘Tartigleria; No, heavens, —_on this, side can appoar the entillory; 41 neémik © bersaékato ‘da kwestaltra. —batiteria D — nemica hersagiato da questialtra batter The enemy is shotat by this other battery (of guns). zbigoetito im — paki istanti ‘abla Yuga ‘si dara Sbigottito in —_pochi_istanti alla fuga si dard, Frightened in afew moments to _flight it will be put. (Grightoned, tho enemy will be put to flight in e fow moments.) TREASURER ‘sce ever keime imfwekato Sire, 8 (com' infuocato!) Sire, it's true (Howhe is ardent!) 4 ‘molto ‘pjuartiffe'ria. a niipote Sfeltte'eats Ea Molio pit artigleria.., (Ah! nipote ‘scellerato!) o Much more artillery. (Ah! nephew rascally!} e ‘nom velden ‘la battevia iL briickom va ‘serapre evanti = Non vedea la batteria... {il briccon va sempre avanti. a Ididn't soe the battery... (the rascal is going always forward... tne (I dida't see the battery of guns...{That rascal is pursuing his advences...]} saa 518, Un Giorno di Rogno, Act 1 Gekiacdic ‘si penti dollwdir si pontird, of his daring he will be sorry.) (He will rua his dering) GIULIETTA, EDOARDO Jowesto "bene inaspetitato ‘tanto a not Kontezo pra Quosto bone inagpettato tanto a noi conteso. pia, This ploasure unexpected, so to us denied at first, (This unexpected pleasure, which at first was so denied to us.) yasstkura ‘kor turbato ‘rende ‘Yjeta Tama ‘ria rassicura. il, cor turbate, —rende lista alma mia; reassures the’ heart troubled, —amekes happy the soul mine; (roassuzes my troubled heart and gladdons my soul) © ta fin “de noStri. pjanti ‘idol ‘mio spear ‘mi fa Ela fin da_ nostri pianti, idol mio, sperar mi fa. And the end of our _ tears, idol mine, to hope for makes me. {and, my beloved makes me hope for the end of our tears.) (Belfiore rises and the lovers separate.) BELFIORE ‘basta ‘peror linypreza—'meKto swudjar konyyjene Basta por or: Limprosa meglio studiar conviene. Enough for now. The matter _ better tostudy is necessary. (Enough for now, Is necessary to study the matter better.) ‘TREASURER, respiro {Respiro!} (L breathe again!) {A servant enters.) SERVANT Ja markeza in 'kwesto‘punto——"vjene La Marchesa in questo punto viene. The Marquiso inthis moment _is arriving GIULIETTA, BARON ‘si 'korxra adigkon'trarla Sicorra ad incontrarla Let's run to meet her. BELFIORE aime vorrei ski'varla (him, ——_-vorrui schivarla!) (Ales! I wish I could avoid her!) c Un Giorne di Regno, Act 1 519 ee tdsa vitfina a git vicina, ‘There sho is: sho's already near. BELFIORE ‘nom 'posso ‘pi skalpspar (Non posso pitt seappar.) (ean't any longer escape.) {As the Marquise enters, the Baron and Ginlietta ren to embrace her. The Treasurer and Fdoardo greet her politely, Belfiore tries to stand apart and to hide his embarassment.) BARON nipote Nipoto! Niece! MARQUISE ‘tsio kudgina IaJfatovi abibratitfar Zio! cugi lasciatevi abbracciar, Uncle! cousin! Jot yourselves be embraced (by me). {fo the Baron.) ‘mio stppor ‘voi ‘lo vedete ‘io son donna ‘di parol Mio signor, voi lo vedete sio son donna i parole. Sic, you can se that am @ women of (muy) word, ‘mia dyvljetta ‘per te. sola Ko'zi__ ‘presto io vemai ‘kwa {Mia Giulictta, per te — sola cosi_prusto io vei qua) (My Giulietia, for you alone so quickly = «1S came exe] BARON “isitto Kjakikerona ‘di polonja ‘al tre ti prostra Zitto, chinccherona, di Polonia. = al_—Re_—«ti-prosstra. Quiet, (you) chatterbox, of Polend to the King kneel down, (Be quiet, chatterbox. Knedl down to the King of Poland.) MARQUISE ‘kome te Come! il Ret Whait the King!? BARON it ‘ee impersona —abtlotd:dgato «iy “kaza ‘nostra H —-Re_— im persona... Alloggiato in‘ casa nostra. ‘The King im person... Lodging in house ours, (The King in person...and a lodgor in our house} (Che Marquise indicates Belfiore, who hos remained with the Treasurer and Kdoardo, feigning indifference} 520 Un Giorno di Rego, Act T S ie MARQUISE le ‘ia marjkanisa —imvoloutarja perdanate 9s masta £ La mancanza _involontaria_perdonate, 0 Masta. 3 The _ affront unintentional forgive, oh Majesty. (Forgive my unintentional affront, oh Majesty.) ‘non kredea — da'ver pre'zente koi itdusire persatnaddso a Non credea d'aver presento, cost ilustre personaggio. z [didn't think to have present —sucban _ illustrious personage. 5 {I didn't think I was in the prasonce of such an illustrious personage.) BELFIORE i “su koradsdso : (Su, coraggio). Non 2 niente, a (Come, courege,) _It is nothing, i MARQUISE s ‘Yfelo e ingens ° verfia te (Cielo! @ ingame oo verita? | (Heaven! is it adeception or (the) truth? ‘pur deblaimante well 2 Iaspetita Pur doil'amante quello & — Faspottot Yet of my lover thet isthe facol Ab ‘kome ‘nel ‘petia ‘mivbatte ‘i kor Come nel petto. mibatte il cort How in my breast beats the heart! “forse fimmadgine — deliigkonstente | Forse Timmagine —delYinconstante a Porhaps the image —_ of the faithioss one in tutto pingere gode Yamor,} a in everything to paint —_enjoys Jove.) : (Perhaps love enjoys painting the likeness of my feithless lover on everythi me see his image everywhore.) aa GIULIETTA. EDOARDO, BARON, TREASURER 3 io ‘nogkomiprendo ——il'suo_ stupor % (lo noncomprendo il suo stupor) fe fs don't understand = her amazement.) ‘ : BELFIORE 2 io ‘ben —komrprendo—il'suo. stupor {lo ben comprendo ill suo stupor.) (| well undorstend her amazement) miadamine —‘il'mio skudjere ——kompalpnia. ‘vi 'pwo tenere 2 Madamine, ‘ilimio seudiere — compagnia vi pud tonere, My ladies, my — sq company © youcan keep. (My ladies, iny squire can keep you company.) Un Giorno di Regno, Act I 521 ‘a bi'zoppo ‘mjei sinaori “detla ‘vostra abifita Flo bisogno, miei signori, della vosira abilita. Thave need, gentlemen, of your skill ‘se ala 'mekKo ‘nesko ‘fwort e ‘um pro'didgo “inj verita © {So alla megtio n'esco fuori % un prodigio in vorita) (if_ successfully [ got out of this (situetion) is a miracle in truth!) MARQUISE ‘akkiattfenti ‘alles manjere, =e riktkon di Kavaljece (gli accent, alle. »smaniero, «= 8 =~ il_—briccon di Cavaliero; (By his words, by his manner, it's. the rascal Cavaliers (Belfiore}; ‘ma ‘mio ttsio ‘kwal re lonora, e ‘da ‘re parlando ‘va Maimiozio qual re Yonora e dare parlendo va. But my uncle asa king honors him, and he ofaking ho keeps on spenking. kontenermi ovo. | perora ‘poi veldra.‘kkwel ‘ke salca Contenermi io vo" por ore, poi vedvd quel che sara.) To contain myself 1 wish fornow, then I'll'see what will happon.) (Ill contein myself for now, but later Ill see what happens.) GIULIETTA, EDOARDO- il "bwon ye ‘sents vollere “fi prokura ‘uy ‘gran pintfere (2 buon Re — senza volere ci procura un gran piacere; (The good King, unknowingly gantsus a great ploasure. in tal gwiea ‘nostri amor favoriffe e ‘non to'sa In tal guise i nostri amori favorisce © © non lo sa. In this manner our love hohelps and doasn't know it. ‘sents ‘kovesti sckkatori —parle'remo in liberta Senza questi seccatori —parleremo _in liborta.) Without these _boors ‘wa can speak frooly.) BARON, TREASURER ‘dun sv'vvano kor “kwal fa'vore ‘kwal Pjatfere (Dun sovrane ——consigliore! Qual favore! qual piacere! (Ofa king councillor! What {a} favor! what [a] pleasuret, (1, a councillor to the King! What a favor!...What a pleasurel...) “Ui sorprende: “efi konjfonde “tanto ebtfesisa ‘di bona Gi sorprende, ciconfonde tanto eccesso di bomttan. (it surprises us, icanfusas us, such en excess of | kindness... a ‘noi ‘sam ‘due = este ‘tonde ‘gram ‘prove ‘il re ‘ne da Ah! noi siam due testetonde © gran prova il = Rene da) Ah! we are two coolhends end great proof the King gives us of it) (Belfiore exits, followed by the Baron and the Trecsurer. The two lovers promptly turn to the Marquise, who lost in thought, iv pacing back and forth) 522 Un Giorno di Regno, Act I GIULIETTA ‘inte serdgina “io ‘Spero Inte, engin, io spero. Inyou, cousin, Thave groat hope. é EDOARDO ‘il'mio destin ripongo “im'vastra—“twano e mio destin ripongo in vostra._=—mano. : My destiny Tput in your hand {s). s GIOLETTA . ‘ma rispond “una ‘volta : Ma — rispondi una volta! But answer us already! MARQUISE (coming back to the situation) ‘pjano. ‘piano kardgina veramente © ‘Kwesi staniglao Piano, pianol! Cugina, —-voramente © 8) quegli Stanislno? Easy, easy!! Cousin, truly is that Stanislao? GIULIETTA ‘bella domanda yma ‘pensa ‘um 'poko = @— me Bella domanda! © Ma pens un poco = ame. Whata question! But think a bit about me... MARQUISE (carelessly) ‘tfo da penisato Ci ho gia pensato! Te already thought about it! GIOLIETTA a davivero fa dugkwe ‘Kio ‘sappja Dts perisjeee Ab! davvero? Fa dunque_ ch’. sappia if xo pensiere. Ah! roslly? Make then that! may know your thoughts. MARQUISE iggrata Kavaljere — kwel “ke ‘soffit ‘non ‘sai {Ingrato Cavaliere! quel che soffro. non sai.) (Thenkless Cavaliere! that whichI ——_suffer_you don't know.) EDOARDO ‘pronto sonia a regallarni ‘kome ‘voi bratmate Pronto son io a regolarmi coma voi bramate. Rendy ami to doevorything es you desire GIOLETTA ma rispondi kridet Ma ispondi, —_erudelt But enswer, —_crusl onal ca Un Giorno di Rugno, Act I MARQUISE © Wi sekekate Eh! mi seccate, Hey! you're bothoring no. (There is « brief silence. The Marquise continises to talk to horsolf while the two lovers watch her, mortified.) GIULIETTA, EDOARDO ‘bella spcrantsa —injyero “un ‘bet sostenn> ——_abibjamo (Bella speranza —_invero. Un bel sostegno —_abbiamo. (Lovely hope indosd! Afine ally we have! ‘kara "karo perduti ‘sjamo agkessa anol manko Caro (caro), perduti siamo. ‘Anchessa a noi manci) Dear (dear), lost wo are. Even sho -us_—_fafled.) MARQUISE ‘aon so ‘ke'kova tio ‘Spero ‘aom'posso ‘dir "ke “branto (Non so checosa io spero, non posso dir che —_bramo; (don't know whet 1 hope for, Teannot say what T want; ‘so ke tutttora olan © ‘kekKi_ mingernata So che tuttora io Yemo © ch'ogli miingennd.) Tkuow that stillnow 1 lovehim and he —_ deceived mo) EDOARDO perdono se ‘della patisjentse —‘vostra Perdono se della pazienza —_vostra. Forgive mo _ if the patience yours. (Forgive me if I tried your patience.) GHULIETTA ‘ke amor ‘per ‘me ndnai itu wattar dimastra Che amor per me non hai il tuo trattar dimostra, ‘That love for me youdon'thave your behavior shows. (Your behavior shows that you have no Jove for me.) {Hoth are about to leave, but the Marquise recovers and stops them.) MARQUISE fermatevi skizate ‘voi ‘mi mortiftkate Fermatevi. scusate... voi mi mortificate; Stop... forgive me... you moke me ashamed; 2 kona per Tattesta. «= 'ke = atlowants "mi moliesta Ho cosa per Ia testa che alquanto mi molesta; Thave something in myhesd that greatly upsets mo; ‘ma kwel ‘ke =~ 'yjo.—_promesiso ‘kari ezegwita Ma quol che viho promosso, mici cari, _ eseguird. But that which Iyou promised, my deers, T shall do. 524 Un Giorno di Regno, Act T GIULIETTA {happy} a ti Koinasko aidesiso ‘Ab! ti conosco acoso. ‘Ah! Trocognize you now. (Ab! You ere yourself again and I can recognize yon!) EDOARDO a grate a wi sara Ab! grato a voi sara. ‘Ab! thankful to -—-you._—‘I shall be. GIOLIETTA ‘pensa ‘ke —‘kwel_vekoijone Pensa che quel vacchione... ‘Think that that old men... MARQUISE sare ‘bey korbeldato Sard ben corbellato, ‘Will be well duped, EDOARDO. ‘sell ‘padre ‘suo sofprpone Se il padre suo soppone... If tho father hers is opposed... MARQUISE sara kkapat[itato valfidi aippjen lintendere Sard, capacitato, Vioffidi appion Vintendore Hellbe convinced. Mey you have faith fully in knowing ke ankio Konosko —dimor che — anch'io conosco amor. that [also know (about) love, MARQUISE, GIULIETTA, EDOARDO ‘noi 'sjamo amanti © ‘dyovani abbjam> —spito © “kore Noi siamo amanti e — giovani, —aabbiamo —spirto © © cone; We aro in love and young, wehave spirit and hearts ‘se ‘lfato @ ‘anol kowitrarjo =e “Wabla ‘nostra amor Se ilfato 8 aanoi_contrario, 8 — dalla nostra amor. If fato is tous contrary, is onourside love if fata is contrary to us, love will be on our side.) ‘gol ‘sug fa'vor -kombatttere ‘si ‘pwo. ‘kol—fato anjkor Gol sue favor combattere si pud col fato eneor. With its help to fight ouecen with destiny still. (With love's help it is possible to fight even destiny itself.) (Phey all leave.) apa RY ps i eae are og NEA mee Un Giomo di Regno, Act I 525 Scone Three (The Treasurer and Belfiore enter the gallery in the Baron's castle.) BELEIORE “kwanto Gitfeste mostra Quanto diceste nostra, Allthat —-yousaid shows ‘ke devesssere ‘al ‘mondo che devessere al mondo which must be to the world ‘ug ‘gran talento un gran talento a great talent manifesto manifesto. shown. (All you said shows @ great talent that must be shown to the world.) ‘TREASURER ire ‘di = ‘mia natura ‘io Sire, di mia natura io Sir, by my nature! (Sire, I am modest by nature;} ‘som maldesto son modesto; am modest; ‘ma im) “fatto. ‘di Anantsa ‘fi pre'tendo: da'vivero ma in fatto di Boonza —ci pretendo davvero, but in matters of finance Tam an export indeed. BELFIORE a ‘se ‘tom ‘foste ‘ol baroue obligato io ‘vi ditei Ab! senon fosto col Barone obbligato io ——vi drei... Abl if you woren't with the Beron obligated = T= woulld tell you... tezorjere atitfetiate ‘il ministero Tesoriere, accettate —il_—ministero, "Treasurer, accept the ministry, ‘la printfipessa ineska e in'sjem koinesisa, Ja principessa_Inoske e —— insiem con essa the princess Ineska and — together with her “ug ‘gram podere ‘ke rende'ravivi a’sisai un gran podere che renderavvi ‘essai. avalueblo property thet will bring you plenty (of retuzns).” ‘TREASURER: a'sire ‘io ‘koro, ‘subito Ah! Sire! | Io coro. subito ‘Ah! Siro! “tim running quickly ‘a libelcarmi ‘da walugkwe —_ii'peppo ‘a liberarmi da qualunque — impegno. to free myself from whatever obligation. 526 Un Giorno di Regno, Act 1 . BELFIORE : ‘sjamo initezi Siam intesi. ‘We are agrood. (Bolfiore leaves.) ‘TREASURER a We ‘ttt allinidsepno Ah, — deggio tutto all’ngegno! Abl Toweit ell tomy cleverness! ‘or dugkwe si ‘ta patata Or dunque si Ja parola. Now thon, Tot mo withdraw (from) my word. ferkjam —kwalke peetesto Kol buvrone Corchiam qualche ——pretesto. col Barone... Let me find some protext with the Baron... kiss Sci “VoKKa intender a raldgone: Chi sa sei_—_voglia intender la ragione! Who knows ifhe wants to listen to reason! > kospetto ‘un sovrano. = Ta_—oprin(fipesisa_itneska Ok! cospetto... um sovrano., la principessa_Tnoska... Oh! good heavens. akin the princess —_Inoske.. ‘le finanise ‘son “tutti imipenpi di tanta konsegwentsa le finanze.. son tutti impegni = di tanta conseguenzu, the finances... they're all duties of such consequence, ‘kei dovea ffinatmente aver _pattsjentsa chet dovea finalmente aver _pazionza. that he must in the end —heve patience. {that the Baron must understand, after all.) BARON (ontoring with a paper in his hand) diets ‘enero aol ‘nevengo Diletto enor, voi me vengo; Dearest soninlaw to you.‘ come; . Kouttento ——_eldilace ‘io ‘vi prevengo Coutento edilery jovi provengo, Content and happy 1 advise you, ‘ke Ja minut ‘del ateimonjo che la minuta del matrimonio thet the draft of the marriage (contract) ‘di mla "man ‘propria © ‘stoza ‘da i mia mean propria & by my ownhand is glrandy drawn up; Un Giorno di Regno, Aet I 527 allegra 2 enero ledesete—kwa Allegm, 0 —_genero, logget qua. Happily, ch son-inlaw, read it hero. ‘TREASURER, baton deppis:simo ‘rmai 'tfi'sono Barfn dognissimo, {ormai ci sono...) Baron most worthy, (here it goes...) a 'vostea —dgulje “dey © ‘dua tron La yostra Giulia degna e dun trono, ‘Your Giulia worthy is ofa throne, (Your daughter Giuliotta is worth « throne,) ein fastoz0 ‘desserle ——‘spozo setrei ketants ed io fastoso.. d'osserle—_sposo sare cotanto... aad{ proud... of being her husband... would be so much... "ke ‘nol 's0 yma ‘dug gram) ‘kato vimforme'ro che dir nol so; ma dun gran caso vinformerd. that I couldn't sey; but ofa groat project 1 will inform you. BARON peror ‘da ‘parte la'fJamo Wo 'kazo Per or daparte —lasciamo il caso: For now aside let us leave the project: “presto, ponetevi ‘bkkjali val ‘naga Presto ponetevi —Yocchiali al nas Quickly put on the glasses on (youn) nos ‘Gi artikoli ‘det matrimonjo gli articoli del matrimonio: the terms of the wedding (contract): io sotitoskritte — 'gasparo anttonjo “lo sottoscritta Gasparo Antoni °F, (tho) undersigned, Gasparo Antonio". ‘TREASURER barone 2 inutile laJfate ‘star Barone, & inutile, lasciate star, Baron, its pointless, don't bother. BARON, ‘ferti amminikoli — komyyjen sapere Ya date etfetera Corti amminicoliconvien la dote, eccetern.. Certain details ‘you should the — dawry, etcetera... iN 'dace e alyere ‘pria ‘ke Ya 'edola a firmer dare e avere, pria che la cedola. stabbia a firmer. Gifts and property, before the document —_is to he signed. 528 Un Giorno di Regno, Act | ‘TREASURER ‘io non Ta “fimo Jo non la firm... 1 won't sign it. BARON ‘rider vollete Rider volete, ‘You're joking! ‘TREASURER pparlo ‘sul 'sexjo Parlo sul serio. Tm speaking seriously. BARON eva previdete. Eh! via, prendete, Come on now! take it. ‘TREASURER nom'peendo ‘ajente Non pronda niente, T won't take anything. BARON ‘ke ‘sjete “mato Che? Siete matto? What? Ara you erazy? ‘TREASURER barone wditemi ‘kwesto koateatto Barone, uditomi, questo contratto.. Baron, Tisten to me, this contract... RARON ‘ke softferentsa Che sofferenza! What suffering! ‘TREASURER ‘pon ‘si ‘pwo fare Non si pud fare. It cannot be done. BARON ‘per ‘kwal_ratdgone Per qual ragione? For what reason? AARNE ee haa i Un Giorno di Regno, Act I ‘TREASURER perke "perke evvia_spitjamola Percha. perch’... (Eh! via, sputiamala.) Why. why. (Come on now, let's spit it out) BARONE ‘sto adaskoltare Sto ad ascoltare. Tm listening. TREASURER il ‘prender “mokKe digditfe a'me Ui prender moglic disdice ame. Tha taking ofa wife is recanted by ma, (ve decided not to got married.) BARON ke Tamia "tka ‘voi rkurzate, Che! La mia figlia voi ricusate? What! My daughter you are refusing? ‘TREASURER ‘non Ta rikuso Non Ia ricuso. T'm not refusing her. BARON vdugkwe abtfettate Dunque —_—accettato! ‘Then you're accepting her! TREASURER ncmmeno —"bwesto Nemmeno questo. Neither that. (Not thet, either.) BARON parlate ‘presto Parlate presto. Speak quickly! ‘TREASURER ministto = printfipe—mi'wwole le Ministro principe, mivuole il, Re. Minister and prince me wishes the King. (The King wishes mo to be his minister and a prince.) BARON ‘ke. ‘sent 2 ‘gobiti ‘atayi “mjei (Che sento? oO nobili_atavi miei! (What dothear? Ch noble ancestors mine! 529 530 Un Giorno di Regno, Act I ‘si ‘grave indsurja sofifrir davrei si grave ingiuria ——soffeir dovrei? Such {a} grave affront suffor T should? (Should | suffer such « grave affront?) ‘ ‘sangwe ‘al Yferebro | montar ‘mi ‘sents Th sangue al carubro monter mi sento. The blood tomy brain rising 1 fool. (I feel my blood rising to my brain} ‘le 'man ‘mi ‘prudono. ‘lo'skan:no ‘awa, Leman mii prudono... Jo scanno qua} My hands are smarting... the thront hare.) (My hands ara itching...Jet me at your throat!) TREASURER ‘prole ma'ppanima: ‘di semi'ddei ‘sjete 0 ba'rone ‘si 'voi ‘ke ‘Tei Prole magnonima disomidei siete o Baron, si voi che lei. Descondants magnanimous of sami gods are, ah Baron, you es well as sho. (You, oh Baron, as well as your daughter, are descendents of magnanimous semi gods.) ‘malo stra'aissimo —av:venimento ‘mi ‘ieva ‘dobxbliga skwzar ‘nu ‘fa Ma le stranissimo — avyenimento mi leva dobbligo, scusar mi fa, But the most strange occurrence releases me from my obligation and excuses me, BARON (threateningly) tezitjer ‘to. kredder ‘Vosio ke sia kwestokwalke ‘dgoko alteimente Tesorier! To creder voglio che sia questo qualche ——_ gioco: altrimenti! ‘Treasurer! 1 want to think thet this is some game, otherwise! ‘TREASURER (frightened) aitne “ke. imtbrosko (Ahima, che imbroglio! (Alas, whet (a) predicament! "ome 'ppolve ‘ei 'prende ‘ko Come polve ci prende foco!) Like gunpowder he is about to catch on fire!) (He's about to explode!) BARON risponidete 6 “duro a dyove Rispondet, 0 —— giuro & Glove... Answer_me, or I swear by Jove. ‘TREASURER (avoiding him) ‘oF ‘som ‘passa Oo ‘imipenpi altrove Or non posse, ho impegni altrove, Now I can't, Thave duties elsewhere, : a = i 4 ei Tao Aa I ie a sare er ‘Un Giomo di Regno, Act I BARONE (stopping hiza) ‘alto Ta ‘fwork ‘la ‘spada_ Allto Tay. fuori Ja spade. Stop right there... out (with) _ your sword. (Stop right thero...draw your sword.) ‘TREASURER tome'fo Konjyjeq Kio "vada Tamers, convien —ch'io._-vada, Tiroturn, — it's necessary that 1 leave. BARON mankatore — dizgeatisjato. ‘wom vittlano ‘mal kre'ato Mancetore, disgraziata! Uom villano, mal croato. Defaultor, wretch! Man vilanous, — ill-bred man. ‘kwi kom ime tide ‘patter Qui con me tidevi battere Fore with me you must fight ‘dal ‘sen ‘i'stappo ‘I’ kor o dal sen tistrappo il’ cor. orfrom (yous) breast Vl tear out your heart, (Ho chases to seize him} TREASURER (frightened) ‘ai tai. = sokikorso. jut. a ‘som ‘morta Ahi, ahi saccurso, aiuto, ah! son morto! Oh, oh, help, aid, ch! Tm — dend! 531 (Giulietta, the Marquise, Edoardo and sorvants run in from various sides.) ALL ‘wal cuimor ke tu mei koe akikelduto Qual rumor! Che fu mai? Cos’ accaduto? What a noise! What was it? What hes happened? ‘donde ‘naffe ‘un tat futcor Donde nasce un tal furor? From where is born such (a) fury? (What is the cause of such e fury?} ‘TREASURER a alipote io ‘som —_perduto ‘se ‘non 'sei Ah! nipote, je son perduto = seston sei Ab! nephow, oT am _ lost if you aren't BARON a ‘mmjel pari ‘ang vil igjuto A’ miei pari un vib riBiuto! To someone like ma, a cowardly refusal! ‘mio difen’sor mio — difensor. my — defender. 532 Un Giorno di Regno, Aet T ‘vo ammattisarti 9 traditor Vol ammazzarti, © traditor. Iwentto killyou, — oh_—_botrayer. MARQUISE askaltate Ascoitate. Liston GIULIETTA, ovddio ‘ke ate ODio, che fate? OGod, what ere you doing? EDOARDO ‘die almen keize sutatfesssa Dite almen con's sucesso. Toll at Joast whet has bepponed. BARON frome'rete ‘se udrete. Wet britekone =] 'aero.etifesiso Fromerete so udrota del briccone «=i nero eccessa. You will wemble when youhear of the rascal the black abuse, ‘ei ‘mi maka “di paola ‘el fjota mia KE wala imi mana di parole... ci rifiula mie figliuola... He has gone beck on his word tome..he refuses my young daughter... Yi fjota 6 ‘mia dgulljetta Tirifiuta, © mia Giuliettat.. Ho rejects you, oh =~ my —_Ginltat. GIOLIETTA, (joyously) “nom ‘mi ‘vwote Non mi vuole? He doesn't want mo? BARON ‘a> —_venidetsta No. Vendettal No. Revenge! MARQUISE a yertdetta —'pju—sikura e—spovarla——_adinittura Ta vendetta pitt sicura 8 sposarla.-=—addirittura Tho revenge most. sure it (to) many her immediately ean ‘dgovine ‘kis 's0 ad.un giovine chio so. toa young man that I know. sin aa a RL : : a & i é A a Un Giorno di Ragno, Act I pag GIULIETTA si papa ‘se lapypro'vate ‘il tpote prende'ro Si, papa, se Tapprovate, il nipote prenderd, Yes, deddy, if youapprove, the nephew —_T will tke. (Yes, daddy, if you consent, I will take the Treasuror's nephew in maniage.) EDOARDO sipnor'mio ‘nom vadirate Signor mio, non v'adirate, My Lord, | don't get angry, BARON ‘no ‘ke ile. a No... che vile a No... for cowardly to ‘de ketbar none ‘la de! Kolbar non 2 la of the. Kelbar's isn't the io lo "zbaKKo. emende'ro io lo __sbagtio emanderd. q the blunder will correct. ‘westo ‘sepa questa segno this degre schiatta; lineage; (No! For the lineago of the house of Kelbar has never sunk to this cowardly degree;) nonattitfetto tKambjo indeppo Non accetto it cambio indegno; I won't accept the exchange —_ contemptible; ‘semgwe io "yoko ‘si kombatita Sangue io voglio.. si combate... Blood 1 want. let us fight... ALL ‘pjano ‘piano Piano, piano. Basy, eas (Belfiore enters.} HELFIORE (from the threshold) olla fermatevi ola, fermatevi. Ho there, stop. ALL Ht sdvrans I sovrano! The King! BELFIORE (with authority) ko Sif Che si fa? What is going on? {All remain embarossed. Belfiore enters, sindying them alt, one by one) a4 Un Giorno di Hegno, Act 7 BARON 4g 'kwal ‘punto ‘il. eta ‘kalto {inqual punto il ~—-Re_— ci ha calto! (At what point the King has caught us! (What a time for the King to surprise ust) Yio” nonoza altsar ‘i 'vollo Yo noneso —alzar il volto. 1 don'tdare to raise my face. litigare dove ‘un sovranoe —oltmmdgar Ja macsta Litigare dove un soveama 2 oltraggiar Le masta!) ‘To quarrel where there is aking isto insult his majesty!) ‘TREASURER ‘or kei] te ff motte ‘mano (Or cho il Re ci motto mano (Now thet tho King has a hand in this ‘spero ‘bene duffime ‘sano spero. bono dluscime sano. Thape indeod to come out of this safe and sound, ‘per fowor ‘di ‘sua flnamtsa = iE_btondizarmetra Per Vonor di sua finanza -—il’_—~—‘Baron disarmera.) Out of honor for his finances the Baron he will disarm.) MARQUISE (to tio young lovers) kwestamika — tfirkostantsa ‘Vi rtkolmi ‘di sperantsa, (Quest'amica circostanza vi ricolmi di speranza. (this heppy tum of events may it fll you with hope. interporre a re |” ve'dras:si Ya 'sua ‘redga antorila Intorporoil_~—-Re_—vedrassi_ da sua regia autorita.) ‘Assort tho King shall be seen his seyel_euthority.) (We shall soe the King assert his royal authority.) GIULIETTA, EDOARDO: Kwesta'mika — tfirkostantsa “tf kok ‘di spe'rantsa (Questamica circostanza Gi ricolmi di speranza, (This happy turn of events anay it AD us with hope. Interporre il Re vedressi ete. (same as Marquise above.) CHORUS: ig ‘kwal ‘punto ‘if ‘te. ‘tfa‘kolto Gn qual’ punto il = Re._— ci ha céito, {AL whet point the King bas caught ws, ‘io ‘won ‘029 altsar ‘if ‘volo io agen oso alzar il volto.) 1 don't dere to lift my — face.) aa hihi a ae : 2 ccs Un Giomo di Regno, Act I 535 BARON AND CHORUS litigare dove ‘un sovranse oltradidgar ‘Ja maesta (Litigare dove un sovrana oltraggiare «la. maestii!) (To quexzel whore there is aking is (lo) offend his majesty!) BELFIORE ‘kwesta ‘Yen ‘fo "basisi ‘ewei ndnoza “far ‘due ‘passi (Questa tien gliocchi basi, quei nonesa far due passi. (bis gicl has hor eyes downcast, he doesn't dare. to take two steps. ‘or —_kalpisko ‘i tezarjere ‘a dizdetta ‘dato ara Or capisco, —il_~—=Tesoriore—ladisdetia. dato avra.) Now [understand, the Treasurer the refusal given has.) (Now I undorstand...tho Treasurer must have given his refusal to marry the Baron's daughter...) ala spje'gatemi ‘tosto © barons Ola, spiegatomi tosto, 0 Barone; Ho, explain to mo quickly, oh_—-Baron ‘di kwesta ‘Wisputa “ott avgone di questa disputa chi fu cugione. of this dispute who. was the} cause. BARON ‘sige unintdgucja Sire, un‘ingiuia.. Sire, an insult. “TREASURER ‘sire vna'ffronto Sire, un'ffronto... Sire, an affront... MARQUISE, GIULIETTA, EDOARDO ‘sie un diverbjo ‘di ne’ssun “konto Sire, un diverbio di_—nessun conto... Sire, ean altercation of no consequence. BARON ‘una rtpalsa Une ripuls A ropuls. ‘TREASURER tuna minatatfa Une minaccia... A threat. BARON ‘chi mailifende Fgli uvaffonde... He — offends me... 536 Un Giorno di Regno, Act 1 ‘TREASURER ‘mena ‘le rattfa Mena lo braccia. He raised his, arms. (Ho raised his erms to come to blows with me; or He almost came to blows with mo.) MARQUISE, GIULIETTA, EDOARDO interponetevi ‘sire impedite Intorponotevit.... sire, _impedite... Intervene!... site, forbid... BELFIORE (with strength) kalmatevi ‘voi mi storidite ‘calmatavi: voi ini stondite. celm yourselves: you deafon me ae'monte fredda duno atdumo “te 'sue. ratdgoni dive ‘faskuno Avmente fredda, ad imo ad uno Je sue ragiont dira ciascuno... With mind cool, one by ono his reasons will tell each one... (ech of you, one by one will tell me his reasons with a cool head.} BARON ‘sire te ‘gloria ‘mid ‘skjatta Sire, Ia gloria dotla mia — schiatta... Sire, the — glory of my —_Hineage... ‘TREASURER ‘sire te dispeta © ‘kori ‘Matsa Sire, Ia disputa & ——cosi fata. Sire, the dispute has arisen thus.. BARON ‘vokio promtissima — sodsisfattsjone Voglio prontissima soddisfazione... I want immediate satisfaction... TREASURER vo ke il atone Vo! che il Baron Twent thet the Baron...” BELFIORE (angrily) tatfete ola fren alla ‘kolera ‘di ova partite Tacete ola. Freno alla collera, di qua partite; Quiot there! Refeein your anger, get out of here. kiujkwe attentasi —singvar tite Chiunque —attentasi. = rimnovar lite Whoever attempts te renew = quarrel z see = — ~ & Un Giomo di Regno, Act F 537 ‘pia ke =~ loridyine = ‘Sappja ‘del mate, pia che origine sappia del male pofore that the causa is known —_—of the ill reason (bafore the reasons for the quarrel are known) ica reale igkorne'ra Vira reale incorrer’. the anger royal shall iucns. {shall incur my royal anger.) ALL OTHERS ‘de perdonatetfi 9 maesta Deh, perdonateci 0 Maesta. Please, forgive us oh Majesty. ALL AND BELFIORE afifidate —_affidjamo ‘alla ‘mente reale Affidnte —_(affidiamo) alla monte realo {Entrust (let us entrust) tothe mind royal ‘il dguuittsjo “di ewesta ovestjone il giudizio —di_—_ questa questions, the judgement in this dispute, ‘ella tropki ‘lo'skendalo el ‘male ella tronchi loscendalo ¢ il male, it may it prevent scandal end injury, (may the royal mind provont scandal end injury) ‘ella ‘dika ‘ki a ‘told 0 raldgone. ella dice chi ha torto oo ragione, it mayitsay who is | wrongor right, {and may it say who is right or wrong,] © komponga kotaata diskoraja 2 componga cotunta discordia and = mayit putright = so much ——_discord ‘kome ‘ywwole gustitisja —_ekwita come vuole giustizia, —equita. as damanded (by) justice (and) equity. avekKero ——_tveKKe'ra tia primjers——_Korjkordja Svegliers —_(svogliara) la primiora—_concordie, Iwill renew [he will renew} the ~— previous harmony, destero destetra Ja pritmjesa mista Desterd (desterd} la printiera = amista. Ewill restora {he will restore] the former friendship. END OF ACTI 538 Un Giomo di Regno, Act It ACT IL Scone One A gallory in Baron Kelbar's castle (Tho servants of the Baron are preseut.} CHORUS, 1ST GROUP male nottse ‘non si Youino Ma lo nozze non si fanno? But the weddings, _aron’t thay taking place? ‘ratto ‘i umn Tutto in fume ; All insmoke it has dissolved itself. {it has all gone up in smoke.} CHORUS, 1ST. GROUP kf ‘kawza ‘del mallanno Chi fu causa del malanno? Who wes (the) —causo. for the trouble? CHORUS, 2ND. GROUP perke ‘wlti ‘an mesto ‘Volto Perché tutti hen mesto il volto? Why (do) all havo snd the faco? ALL ‘sempre, ‘kwesto “fu ‘lo ‘stile ‘del ‘gram ‘mondo sippo'rile Sempre questo fu lo stile“ del gran mondo signorile; Always this way was the style of the great world (of) aristocracy; ‘kome ‘kkambjano ‘di ‘veste koi "kkambjano — dutwor Come cambiano di veste cosi_ cambiano dumor. As they change (of) clothes, thus thoy change mood; (They change their mood as ensily as they change their clothes.) ‘noi fe'litfii ‘noi konttenti begke ‘roddai servitori, Noi felici, noi content benché: rozai servitori! We happy, we contented, although uncouth servants! (Although we're nothing but uncouth servants, we are heppy and contented.) ‘noay fattfamo komplimenti ‘netile ‘nottse © nekKjatmori Non facciamo complimenti nolle nozze ° We don't stand on ceremony noithor in marriage nor ‘jun setgreto © in noi visfkjuz0 Niun sogreto @ im noi rinchiuso, No secrot is inus locked up, {We have no secrets locked up inside us,) isieaeosei’ LAPS Ae ipa ipsa sae i Un Giorno di Regno, Act If 538 ‘parla ‘sempre zperto ‘il ‘muzo parla sempre aporto il muaso; speaks always open our face; (our faces always speek openly;) ‘sjam ‘ne —‘dgomi ‘della festa ‘pai ‘ai ‘dgormi ‘di la'vor Siam ne’ giomi della festa pai ai gion di Javor. We're inthe days of festivity. thosemeas inthe days of work (We're the same on feast days as on working days.) (Edoardo enters.) EDOARDO ‘pwoni amitfi ‘voi saipete ‘kome ‘ffi knidel mi “Tato Buon amie voi sapeto come fu crudel mio fato. Good friends!.. you know how wes cruel my — fate CHORUS ‘ma sippore ‘ke volete vale ‘mondo Giniora e ‘stato Ma signore, che volete? Talo mondo ogoora B stato, But sir, what do you want? Like thet the world always hos boon, ‘nom virtudi ‘ma denaci Komperace ‘or 'ponno amor Non virtudi ma denari comperaro. or potmo amor. Not virtues, but money buy now can love. (Now love can be bought with money, not virtue.) EDOARDO ‘dugkwe ‘owt atitft ‘kari “duykwe ‘auto ‘non salpete Donque tutto, amici cari, dunque tutto mon sapete? ‘Then all, friends deer, then alll you don't know? (My dear friends, you then don't know ovarything?) ‘io "yapro: “kor To Vapro il cor. I open to you my heart, (will confide in you.) pjetozo ‘al ‘ugg. ‘pjanto alin marride amore Piotoso al —_Iungo pianto afin merida amore. Pitying my long weoping —_at last on une smiled love (After so much weeping, love at last pitied mo and smiled on me.) ‘well ‘ke marde I kore: ‘mia ‘spoza_alfin sara Quella che marde ill core mia sposa alfin sara, Sho who inflames my heart my ~— wife at last shail be. ave pper‘sempre akkanto ben Rios perdea Ave per sempre accanto. —il’_~—shen cho gia perdea! {will have forever besideme the love that [already had lost! 540 Un Giorno di Regno, Act Il ‘kwesta amo'roza. idea skordare ‘il ‘dwol ‘mi ‘fa a Questa amorosa idea scondary i= duol_ ami fa, 2 This loving thought forget my — pain makes mo, s (This heppy thought dispels all my sorrows.) CHORUS: fini ‘la ‘sone. ‘rea ga'djamo inj vertta . Fini lasorto roa?’ Godiamo in vorita, Has it finished the hick evil? We're delighted. in truth! (Are your sorrows over? Then were truly delighted} EDOARDO. ‘de latffate awnalma amante ‘i_—spe'rantsa. =~ ‘um ‘solo igtante d Deb, lasciate aun'alma amante — di speranza un solo istante, Ab, leave toasoulloving of hope one sole instant, 4 (Ah, leave one sols instant of hope to this loving soul,) ‘ ‘ike al gaudjo ‘um ‘sol mavimesto si cha al_—gaudio un sol. momento yes, thet to joy ona sole moment sabsbanidoni D‘mesto kor sabbandoni il amesto con let it be abandoned my sad hoert, (Yes, let my sad heart abandon itself to joy.) a ‘se ‘it ‘debile kon'tento a ‘noi ‘magka ‘detla ‘spene Ah! se il debile contento, =a noi_—smanca della spene’ Ah! if tho faint pleasure to. —us._—_lacks of hope (Ah! But if the faint pleasure of love lacks hopes) none ‘meta’ ‘doppi ‘bene © ‘uno 'spavimo——letmor non ® meta dogni bene, 8 uno spasime amor, itisn't (the) goal of every good, its an agony love, (iF love isn’t the goal of everything good, then it is agony.) CHORUS: a ‘si ‘del koritento sitornano i ‘dsomni Ah si, del conteuto—ritomano i giomni, Sh yes, of happiness aro returning the days, © aykora toni Ya fpatfe “del ‘kor © ancora ritomi Ja pace del con, and again mey itretem the peace of the heart. {and may ponce again return to your heart.) (the sorvents leave and the Treasurer, Giulietta and Helfiore ontor,) “The usual word for "hops" in Hallen is speremza, Howover, in poatic language one offen encounters : sponte, and in even older manuscripts and music, tho vavianl spene. It all comes fmm the Latin spes. BELFIORE ‘bene Bone, seudiora, Well, squire, ‘kwibaronesssa Qui Baronessa Hore Baroness vi sitrovo. vi ritrove find you evo evo and you, Un Giorno di Regne, Act IT mninisteo ministrol... minister!.. Bat ‘dite dite: ‘Pell me: (Giulietta and you Ministor who ara herel...Tell mo:) perke ‘nega ‘baron ‘kon tal fermetitsa Porchd nega il Baron con tal formezza Why refuses the Baron with such firmness spovar a ikke adedvardo sposar Ja Biglia ad Edoardo? to marry off his denghter to Edoardo? GIULIETTA a site perks ‘ei noina fortuna Ah Sire! Perchd ei non ha fortuna Ah, Sire, Because he has no fortune eS tezaejere —nwota ‘nel detnaro e ily Tesoriere —nuota nel donaro. end the Treasurer swims in money, ‘BELFIORE ‘sea Koza KO ‘ve ‘suo stparo Se la cosa cost ve il suo riparo. if the matter is Like thet there is, its solution. / {if that is the problem, there is a solution.) EDOARDO ‘sic in “wal ‘modo Sire, in qual modo? Sire, in what way? (Sire, how?} BELFIORE ‘Uo tezorjer wifede ‘un ‘suo kastelo 5 WH —Tesorier ~—vi code un suo castallo, ‘The Treasurer will give you one (of) his castles, © Ufinkwe ‘mila ‘skudi di ‘vendita peranno e — cinque mila sendi di rendita por anno, and five thousmd scudi of income por year. 4 ‘TREASURER “um kolo riflessso Un piccola riflesso. A bitof reflection, (Now lot's reflect on that a bit. 542 Un Giorno di Regno, Act I BELFIORE enone ‘tempo adesiso di perdersi fim iflettere Eh! non tempo adesso di pordersi. = in rifflottere; Hey! this isn't the time now to got lost in reflections; konvien ——_detfider Gonvien decider You must — decida ‘TREASURER ‘sire ‘va "bene Sire... va bene. Sire... all right. (Everyone but the Treasurer leaves.) ‘TREASURER ‘um ‘mio kasteHlo ——_tfigkwe ‘mila Un mio castello! —_cingue mila One (of) my —_castlos! fivo thousend eit ministerg aime ‘veggo ‘il barone E il ministero?...ahima, vogge il Barone, And the ministry?... alas, Isea the Baron. Aki © © adeppato ——_arjkora Fgli 8 —sdegnato ancora, He is furious stil. (The Baron enters.) BARON ebsben sfnnore jam ‘soli evo radgone ‘di tanta viklania Ebben, signore, slam sali evo" regione di tante~——_villania, Woll. sir, we'ro alone and {want satisfaction for so much villainy. ‘TREASURER kotraddso ‘eka ‘wal ‘gwera © gwerra ‘sia (Coraggio!) Fila vuol guerra... = @ = guerra sia. (Courage!) You want war. end wer it will be. BARON ‘nutte ‘Tamme ‘sipwo ‘prendere Tutto Terme si pud prendere All the weapons youcan use ‘de due © vekkjo © Bwove dd duo e — vocchio — @ ~—anutovo of the two worlds (and) old and new, aks a ae Peaes a ea Un Giomo di Regno, Act IT 543, ‘me ‘lo ‘bevo ‘ome usiove ‘mie Yo vaio - didse'tir mole hevo ” come unovo male vaglio. digarir, TMi drink you up ike an egg, Iwantto swallow you up. (Ul destroy you as easily as T swallow a raw egg, and then I will slowly digest you} ‘pria‘di'ffendere ‘al fatal kombatstimento Ciarle: Pria discendere al fatal combattimento idie chattar: Before going to tha fatal combat Maffi ‘dettio ‘in testamento ‘dove ‘ssabibja a seppelliir lasci detto in tastamento dove s'abbia a soppallir. leave word in {your} will where you are to ba buried. BARON seppeltinni Soppellirmi? To bury me? ‘TREASURER © inevitabile E —_imevitabile. I's inevitable. BARON, moritio Morir io? I shall die? TREASURER ‘non fe ‘da ‘dic Non od da dir. That goss without saying, BARON ‘del ‘sto 'kolpo ‘ci’ = fpar—stkuro ‘se ‘la ‘pasisa ‘da spalckone (Del suo colpo ei —par__sicura, so la passa da spaccone; (Cf hie blow he — sooms sure, he's just acting the braggart; (He appears very sure of himself, he’s just acting like e braggart.) ‘nog kreidea in ‘kwel bufifowe tal fevmetisa =e = tanto ardlr non credea in quel buffone fal fermezza se tanto ardir.) [didn't think in that buffoon such determination and such boldness.) (I didn't think that buffoon had suck determination and boldness.) ‘TREASURER: ‘um boktkone ‘molto ‘duro ‘par ‘la ‘morte ‘ayke ‘al ba'rone (Un hoccona molto duro par lamorto anche al_—- Barone: (A — mouthfd very herd seems death also to the Baron: {Death also seems like a difficult thing to swallow to the Baron,) 344 Un Giorno di Regno, Act if ‘Uf vwol ‘kore da Ieone ‘se ‘si ‘tranta ‘dit mo'tit ci-vuol core da leone se si tratta di mori.) one needs a heart of lion whenitsemetter of dying) BARON via si'spjegi_ ‘Finalmente ‘di kwal ‘ame 'pensa war Vie, si spieghi —_finalmente, di qual arme ponsa usar? Come, tell once and forall, about what weapon you think to use? (Tell me once and for all, what weapon you plen to use.) ‘TREASURER ‘wwal saperlo Vuol saporlo? Do you wish. to know it? BARON tfertaimente Cextamente. Certainly. ‘TREASURER ‘mi ‘stis ‘dumkwe —adaskoftar Mistiadunque ad ascoltar. Then stand there and listen to me, ‘si flguel ‘urn baritone ‘pjen di “polve ‘da —_-kalnnone: Sifiguri un barilone pies di polve da cannone, Imagine a big barrel full of powder of — cannon, (Imagine a big barrel full of gunpowder.) ‘ella edio ‘kozi ‘ddel belo a kalvalto anja ‘di ‘kwello alla edio cosi delbello acavallo —andiam_=— di quello; you andE thus nicely astride wewillbe on its Geri ‘ai par “di due sma olla Yate mani Fie alpardi due Romani calla fra le mani, Proud as two Romans with the ~— fuse im our hands, “eft augutsjam a ‘bwone ‘notte ——djame ‘Twoko ‘alla ‘gram ‘botte ci auguriam Iabuonanette, —dismo fuoco alla gran _ botte. we wish each other good night, set fire tothe big barrel. bum ‘si'salle ova ‘la testa. ke ‘gambe ‘um brats kwa, Bum! Si salta... qua Ja testa 18 legambe, un braccio qua. Boom! We go flying... here the head, there thelegs, —anarm hore. ‘mio sipnor ‘la'strada = ‘west ‘per ‘kul vosKo anidac ‘ila Mio signor, Instrada questa per cui_—_voglio andar di la. Sir, theway is-_—sthisone ~=— by — which Twantto go there, (Sir, this is the way I want ta go aver to a batter world,} seas Rare 0 es re aio EEO iii eae Un Giorno di Regno, Act I 545 BARON € ‘ke ‘mittfe ‘ke Eh! che — miccie? Che _ barili? Eh! whet fuses? What barrels? ‘som pretest indeppi © ili Son pretesti indegnit ° vill. They're protexts unworthy and cowardly. ‘un ‘suo'pari "vada © Wotti a kavallo delle “bots Un suopari vada e — trotti acavallo dalle _hotti; One likeyou cau go and trot astride the berrels; (A porson like you can go and mount a barrel and trot away astride on it:) a lei ‘solo atdumy villano sta'ra ‘bben ‘to ‘mittfa ‘im mano A lei solo, ad un villano stara ben Ja miccia, in mano. To you alone, avillain, would seem appropriate the fuse. in hand (Ouly to a villain like you would a fase in hand seem appropriate.) ‘tun gwe'rrjer ‘kwal ‘io volente ‘sol. ‘Ia 'spada_ =a“ tralttar ‘Un guertier qual io valente sol Ia spada hada trattar: Avwarrior like myself brave only the sword will employ: A brave warrior like myself would oniy consider using a sword.) © ‘kon'kwesta_iimmantiente noi tfiatbjam da miztrar E —— conguesta_immantinento noi ciabbiam — da misurar. And with it immediately we — must measure ourselves. (And it is with the sword that we must fight each othor immediately.) TREASURER ‘ta mia ‘moda e —assai ‘piu'spittfa ” ‘kwella ‘ia "vokKo La mia moda 2 it spi Quella io voglio.. My way is ‘That T want... (My way is mach faster: 1 want it that way...} BARON (snorting) ‘puf ‘ke ‘bbille "venga ‘meko Pu. che bile! venga meco. Pufl... what gall! come with me, ‘TREASURER ‘kobta ‘enittfa Colla miccia... With the = fuse., BARON ‘kolla ‘spada Colla spade. With the sword... 546 Un Giorno di Regno, Act ‘TREASURER ‘kol barile Col barile. With the barrel... BARON ‘va kodards —‘pju kotklanni ‘non ‘Vo ‘teko ‘Uimentarmi Va, codardo, pitt collarmi non vo! taco cimentarnai; Go coward, any longer with weapons Idon't want with you to fight; (Go, you coward, ! don't want to fight you with weapons any longer.) ti taro ‘kon ‘on bastone ‘da. mjed servi kastigar Ti ferd con unbsstono da! miei servi castigar. Flmeke you with acone by my servants punish. ("Il have aay servants punish you by beating you up with a cano.) ‘TREASURER ‘al ser'vittsjo ° agkio persone ‘ke ‘sam ‘bene basto'nar Al servizio ho anch’io persone che san bene _bastonar. In my service Thave also [ people who know well to use a cane. (Lelso have servants who know how to use @ cane very woll.) BARON ‘sudo. avvamps —manjo ‘remo (Sudo, avvampo, smanio, —_—_fremo, (('m sweating, Tm burning, I'm raging, I am trembling, ‘H'mio ‘petio © = um_—mandgfbelzlo ilmio petto 8 un Mongibello...” my chest is @ volcano. ‘se ‘mio tfervello —inkotmintfa@—_rivoltar Se ilmio corvello —incomincia a —_rivoltar.} Hf Ystayenylongor = my brain will start to spin.) ‘TREASURER perwffir ‘dal ‘pasiso estremo ‘simedjo ‘stato ‘bello (Rec uscir dal passo estremo ilrimedio stato bollo. (To got out of the latast poril the sokution wes lovely. dilettanti del duvet ‘ke tne ‘dite ke vilpar Uilettanti del duelio, cha nedite, che vi pat?) devotes; of dusls, what do you say, what do you think?) [hey leave} ? Mongibelfo is the name applied to Mount Bino, the volcano in Sicily. {tis a name composed of two disparate etymologies: Monte, (hill from a Latin root, and Jobe! (ul) from an Arabic root. In Hibretlo poeby one usually finds some characters’ innards raging liko volcanoes because of stressing situations of one kind or another, and Mongibello is definitely a well chason word to oxpross the Baron's condition of trembling, sweating, buming and raging. Scene Two Un Giorno di Regno, Act I ‘A hall, separated from the garden by glass doors (The Marquise and Belfiore.) MARQUISE ‘Kio ‘nom ‘passa non posse (Chet I should not ‘Kio ‘oni taf chiio. mi lasci ‘That! should lot myself (Why should f not know the trath? Why should I let myself be ridiculed?) ‘it ver kortprendere il ver comprondera? the truth understand? korbelilar corbollar? be ridiculed?) 547 kavaljere ‘non ‘lo pretendere ‘vo ridurti a. komfe'sssar Cavaliore, non Io pretenders, vo! sidurti a confessar.) Cavaliere, stop protending, Iwantto reduce you to —_confess,} (Cavaliore, stop pratonding, I'am going to make you confess.) BELFIORE (aside} ‘la markeza =e 'molto “iy koleca (La Marchesa 8 = molto in collera, (he Marquise is very angry. venta inyvan ‘Gi sinitlar tenta in van di simular; she's trying in vain to pretend; kavalljere sta. fermo © © ‘tollera ‘bada'bea “di ‘non Kaskar Cavaliers —sta_—fermo @ —_tollera, badabon di non easear) Cavaliere, be fim and boar it, watch out not to fall.) (He approaches hor.) koi ‘ssola 0 © marke'zina Cosi sola, 0 — Marchesina? So lane, oh __ little Marquise? MARQUISE (grooting him cooly) ‘site tio sto ko mjef_pensjer Siro. io sto. co!_—mmiei_pensier. Sire.. 1 am with my — thoughts. BELFIORE (off-handed!y) fatfitmonte —sindovina ‘vor pen'sate ‘al kavaljer Facilmente s‘indovina voi pensato al Cavalier. Easily one can guess (that) you are thinking of the Cavalier. MARQUISE ‘si penisava = ala mmatnjern ‘di punir kewellinkostante Si pensava —lla._—smawiera di punir queli'incostante. 1 was thinking of the manner in which to punish _that fickle one. 548 Un Giorno di Regno, Act It BELFIORE ‘nol fatrete © passddsdsera ies ‘iy kor ‘di'donna almante Nol farete; @ passoggera Vira in cor di donna anante, You won't doit; it's fleoting the anger in the heart of e woman in love. (You won't do it; Anger is fleeting in a loving woman's hoart,) MARQUISE fantsi 9 sire © stabilito ‘aor vollerdo ‘per -matrito Anzi, 0 Sire, ho stabilito non volerlo per — marito: Also, ob Sire, Ive decided not to want hina for (s) husband. BELFIORE ‘non ‘lo Keedo Non lo credo. I don't believe it, MARQUISE perdanate: rise'luta “mi trovate: Perdonate, risoluta mi trovate, Pardon me, resolved you find me. a (Pardon me, [am resolved.) BELFIORE q ‘ella “findge e ‘ti ko'nosko % {Ella finge.. Eh! ti conosco.) (She is faking. Eh! [know you...) MARQUISE akaskar ——vitfino oA¢je (Accascar —_vicino ogli 8.) (To fall near ha is.) (He's is about to fall.) MARQUISE, BELFIORE jo ‘so —_Lastuttsja (lo so Tastuzia fim dove giunga; (@ know cunning and up to what point it can reachs ‘ma Ta'solenga ‘al par “dite ma — aso tanga al par dite.) but Tknow it well like you.) (iknow how far cunning can got me, and I know it well...better than you.) BELFIORE “aukowe ‘voi siete Dunquo voi siete? ‘Then you are? ‘sono sono, Tom. Un Giomo di Regno, Act IE 549 BELFIORE perdonerete Pardonerote? ‘Will you forgive? MARQUISE ‘nom ve perdono Non va perdono. There isn't forgiveness. BELEIORE a ‘skaltra ‘simula (La scaltra simula} (The shrewd one is protending) MARQUISE ‘parla ‘fra se (Parla fra se.) (He's tatking to himself.) MARQUISE, BELFIORE Yo so Fastuzia fin dove giunga al par di te, etc. (the Baron enters.) BARON (hastily) nipote ‘ig westistante ‘mi'skrive il Kommantdante Nipoto, in questistante miscrive il comandante: Niece, in this momant writes me the commandant: ‘ekki ‘stesso ‘ire 'poko ‘al kastelda=—yernxa Egli_ stesso frapoco al castollo verri. Ho himself shortly to the castle will come. {Nioos, P've just received a lotter from the Commandant, Count Ivrea (your betrothed), telling nie that shortly he will come to my castle.) {ile lecrves hurviedly.) MARQUISE ‘son greta ‘al ‘konte ‘oama davivero Son grata al Gontet mama davvoro, Tm thankful to the Count! he loves me truly, edadchi ia vo spotarlo ed oggi jo vo’ sposerio end today wantio marry hin, BELFIORE © kavaljere Ei Cavaliere? And the — Cavaliere? 550 Un Giorno di Nogno, Act If MARQUISE i kavaljer ‘si preze ‘di me “dgoko abshastantsa 1 Cavalier. si prosa cli me gioco abbanstanza, The Cavaliero has made e fool oul of me enough, ‘ekki 'mi'laffa ‘im'preda al ‘suo rival eg milascia in preda_ =a. sstto_—_ rival, he loaves me as pray to his rival BELFIORE no ‘to vedrete venic a disputar a vostra’ mano No: Io vodrete venir a disputar_ la vostra’ = mano No: you'll sea him come to fight for your hond a ‘kwanti ‘konti a Ye brettapna initera a quanti conti ha In Brettagna intora. with asmony Counts (as) hes Brittany entire, (with as many Counts as there are in ell of Brittany.) MARQUISE perke “dduglove ‘nom ven ‘ke fa “ke ‘speca Perchd dunque non view? Che fa? Che spera? Why thon doosn't he come? “What ishe doing? What is he hoping for? ‘si most aki ladora Si mostsi a chi Yatora Let him show himself tothe one who adores him, inplori il'mio perdono ‘parti ‘se frata‘or'sono Imploxi ilmio perdono, —_ parli $8 rata or sono, Let him beg for my forgiveness, Jet him speak elthough angry now I am, (if he would bog my forgiveness and speak to me, evan though T am angry now.) ‘poss plakamni —aufkor posso placarmi —ancor. Icen calm down - still. ({ could still placate my annoyance.) ‘se non si 'skopre alesis ‘se Vint ejkor “none {Se non si scopre adesso, se _vinto ancor non &, (f he doem't reveal himself now, if conquered yet ho isn't risorse, ‘del ‘bel ‘sesiso ‘sjete impotenti afte risorse del bel sesso, sivte impotenti aff.) wiles of tho fair sex, you'ra powerless indeod.) ma "voi tatfete 0 site ‘dite Ma voi tacete, ° Sire? Dite... But you remain silent, oh Sire? Tell mo... : - a ject ARAN ean LN lo RR Un Giomo di Regno, Act If 551 BELEIORE (protending) ‘non 'so ‘ke ‘tice Non so che dire. [don't know what to say. MARQUISE a ‘dugkwe ‘al ‘Konte io “dong ‘la ‘mia ‘mano ‘Ya miia fe Ah, dunquo al. Conte jo dono. Ia mia mano, Ja mia f& Ah, then tothe CountI give. my hand (and) my pledge. {The servonis of the Baron enter.) CHORUS ‘presto ‘presto il ‘konte aicriva Presto, presto, i Conte arriva, Quickly, quickly, the Count is arriving, ‘il'suo ‘segwito sapepresisa I sno seguito slapprossa. His rotimuo approaches BELFIORE ‘forte a kore Forte, © corel) (Strong, oh heart!) (My heart, be strong!) MARQUISE "vado Go'stessa ‘mio ‘spor adigkoultear Vado io stossa il mio sposo? ad incontrar Tam going — myself my fiancé to meat. si skordar sara injfido a ‘sua pre‘zentsa Si, sconlar ——sapr Tinfide, a sua presenza, Yes, forget Twill the faithless one, - Twill flee from —_hiis presence, (Yes, I will forgot the faithless one, I will evoid his presence.) ‘koi ‘fired:da indiffe'rentsa ‘keraalsssai “fi Kosterea cosi frodda indifferenza cara assai ali costera. such cold] indifference dear indeed will cost him. ‘skalteo imdjenpo del el ‘sesso ‘mai servito ‘kome ‘va, [Scaltro ingegno —del_—dbel_—_ sesso, m'hai servito come va.) (Shrowd wiles of the fair sox, you served me as nooded,) *Sposo in ftalien has a dual meaning: It cax meus *husband” or "betrothed". ‘The normal word for “husband! is moritn, whereas the normal word for "wite" is mogife. EL can get a bit onfusing somotiraes, ‘when the exact relationship of characters is not known, Tu this case, the Marquise 1s referring to her futnre husband, Count Ivrea as sposo, since he is not yet her mnarite, 582 Un Giorno di Rego, Act If BELFIORE ‘ora’ ‘si'ke'som = perplesso ‘or datvver tema ‘ita (Ora sichason —perplesso, or = davver tremar mi fa.) (Now for sursIm perplexed, now forsura tromble sho makes me.) CHORUS: ‘presto an'djama 1 ‘konte e ‘presiso inkontrarlo — komve'ria Presto, endiamo, il Gonte @ prsso, jncontrarlo — converra. Quickly, let's go, tho Count is near, to moot him we must go. {The Marquise leaves with the sorvants one way and Belfiore the other. Giuliotta enters.) GIULIETTA 0 — mme fellitfe a'p:pjeno 0 fe pjetoxo Oh me felice appienct.. 0 Re _ pietosol... Oh me happy completoly!.. Oh King kindly! (Ob, Tam completely happy!... Oh, kindly King!) ‘per te “solo il padre kontfede —‘kio.‘mi'spozi_—adedsvardo Por to solo il padre concede chiio. misposi_ —_ad Edoardo... Because of you alone my father allows thet | marry Edoardo. {Edoardo enters.) EDOARDO {agitated} a ‘mia dguljetta ‘it re ‘fra ‘pokit istanti ‘parte ‘di'kwa Ab, mia Giulietta, il Re frapochi —_istanti parte ai gua. ‘Ah, my Gluliotta, the + King imafew moments —_is leaving _ here. GIULIETTA ‘Jaffa Kei ‘parta Lascia ch'eiparta, Lot him leave. EDOARDO ein deddso partir ‘kon ‘ui Ed io deggio partir con And T must leave with him, GIULIETTA, partic ‘kon ‘ise ‘matita Partir con Yui? Sei mato? Leave with him? Are you crazy? EDOARDO ‘ei Yo Kormanda Hilo comanda, He commands it, GIULIETTA, edio kothandS ‘ke ts testi_ ‘kom me, Edio comando che fu —_—resti__ con me. AndI commend that you stay with me. a REE Un Giorno di Regno, Act if 558 EDOARDO lwnore 9 ‘kara exidse 5 sakePGtisjo skudjer ‘dele sono Lonore, —@ cara, sige il sacrifizio, Scudiero del Ke son io, Honor, ohdoarost, demands sacrifice. Squire ofthe King aml GIULIETTA ke skttdjere «= ke tee ‘spoza ‘mio Che scudiere, cho Re, sei sposo mio! What squire, what King, You're (the) fiancé mine! (What squire, whet king, you'ro my fiancé!) EDOARDO dgv'tai segwito ig ‘kampo puygar "per tui dgutrai Giurai seguirlo in campo, pugnar per lui giurai; Iswore to follow him inte the —battlefield, to fight for him I sware; ‘ne ‘at ‘emia vateral “Farmi, skor'dar Iwnor nd tu, ben mio, —_vorrai fermi scordar Yonor, Noteven you, mylove, will want to make me forget my honor. GIULIETTA ‘so ‘di ‘kampo ‘io ‘dani so di campo, io non m’intondo acm. know of battlefield, I know nothing about weapons... ‘0 ‘ke ay dei spo'zami so ke ‘mide amor So cho tu dai_—sposermi, so che mi devi amor, know that you must merry me, I know that you owe me {your} love, EDOARDO rifletsti almen Rifletti almen... Reflect at least. GIULIETTA riflettere to won Metts ‘aa Riflettore? To non _rifletto mai. Refioct? =f don't_ reflect over. EDOARDO ‘yw3i ‘ke il mthor ‘dei printfipi Vuot che il miglior da Prineipi.. Do you want thet the best ofall Princes... GHULIETTA Yio ‘som midkore © a'ssai Jo son miglore ——_assai. Tam better still, 554 Un Giorno di Regno, Act I! EDOARDO ‘dughwe ‘ke Yar dedxtsio Dunque, che far dleggio? ‘Thon, whet do must I? (Then, whet must f do?) GIOLIETTA soltanta a modo ‘mio Soltanta a modo mio. Only my way. EDOARDO kara sine possibile Cara, non & possibile, Doar, it isn't possible, GIULIETTA 2 possibile sara ‘Kouro ‘al re satpro daifondere Oh, possibile sara. Coro al Re: saprd difendare Oh, possible it willbe ‘iienjet “driest iykontro Kmiei dritti incontro my — rights against sc imygilatto fa so involarti a if take you from Til van to the King: I'll know how to defend, ‘a'swot ‘ei dra vedrems ‘pol at suoi; Bi muda; vedremo poi hiss He willl hear mo out; . welll see then ‘nme potra me potri. Pe mo he will bo able to. (fhe can take you away from me.) EDOARDO: ‘altro ‘in testa ate Altro in testa ha il Re Other matters onfhis) mind has the King ‘Ke, inflender ‘le tue ‘tfantfe i ‘dritti ‘two. che intender le tue ciancie, i dritti_ tuoi, then (to) Histen (to) your chatter, the -—rights_-yours. “kredi "a 'mme, karnbjar ‘nom 'pwoi ‘fa ‘sua ‘tedsaautorita Crodi ame, cambiar non puoi la sua regia autorita, Beliove me, change youcennot his royal euthority. GIULIETTA Ki m'udra; vedremo poi se involarti a me potri. ‘spera amen Spera almon... Hope at least... aa ae Un Giorno di Regno, Act 585 EDOARDO spe'rar Sporar ‘vorrei? To hope, should 1? GIULIETTA ‘laffa ‘far temtar korjvjene Lascia far: tentar conviene. Let me do ity ty — Tmust, EDOARDO. ‘Tonor Lonor rifletti ‘The honor consider it GIULIETTA, enor tuo ‘non sofiiiea Lonor tuo non soffrird, Your honor won't suffer, GIULIETTA a ‘non'sia fattatfe ‘a AR! non sia fallace la Ah! let it not be false the sao ‘Ijeta ‘se Je'more *kol Sard linta. se Tamore col Vilbe heppy if love awith a’si “édoitfe e'fida ardore asi dolce ¢ fido ardore to such sweet and faithful ardor, "bene bene... well.. spe'rantsa ‘del ‘mio ‘kore speranza del mio. core: hope in my _ heatt dover kombine’ta dover combinora, duty will combine, ‘sorte atmika acride'ta sorte amica arrider fate friendly will smile. {fl be happy to see love being combined with duty, and friendly fate will sunile upon our sweet and faithful axder,) EDOARDO a ‘nom sia falatfe ta Ab! non sia fallace Ta Ah! letitnotbe false the ‘ti prometto ‘ke Istmore ‘Ti prometia. che l'amor I promise you that fove asi ‘ddoiefe efido ask dolce a fido to such sweet and faithful (They leave.) spesantsa ‘del to kore speranza del tuo core: hope of your heart: ol daver_kembine’ea col dover combinora. with duty will combine. ardore ‘sorte atmika arride'ca ardore, sorte amica arridara ardor, fate friendly will smile. 556 Scone Thrve A gallery Un Giorno di Regno, Act IE (Count Ivrea, the Baron, the Marquise and the Treasurer are present.) BARON sno longer does she think sippor signor, ania la mia my "ra fra ‘karo ‘Konte ja markeza—istesssa Si, caro Conte, Ia Marchosa—_istossa Yes, dear Count, tho Marquiso herself elle Kambjata stato ‘pj nora ‘pense elt cambiata affatto; pitt non pensa shehas changed completely (and) ‘tedja ‘ewan emava Lodia quanto Yomava, She hates hint fas much as she loved him. MARQUISE io ‘son disposta, «=a spovarvi =o Jo son. disposta. =a —sposarvi, Tam ready to marry you, oh ‘ma ‘kon umpatta ke rikjede ma con unpatto che _richiede but with condition that is required by COUNT IVREA omadtdate sipnora Gomandate, siguora Commend me, amy lady. MARQUISE ‘ewando ‘non ‘terai 1 kavaljere Quando non tom il Cavaliere Aslongas — doesn't return the Cavaliere within ve lasisikura vo Tassicura: assures you: a‘kwel mato a quel matto, of that madmen, delikatettsa delicatezza... delicate featings.. uinors un'ora, one hour. (As long as the Cavaliere Belfiore doesn't return in the next hour.) (Belfiore, Edoardo and Giulietta enter.) BELFIORE sippodi Signoril Gentlemen! COUNT IVREA maesta Maost ‘Your Majesty! Saeaee Un Giorno di Regno, Act It 557 BARON ‘sice Sire! Sire! BELFIORE ba'rone importante kaldsone. im'pon Ya ‘mia partentsa Barone, importante cagione impon Ja mia. partenza. Baron, (en) important matter necessilates my — departure. MARQUISE vitfina aldesser ‘mokke ‘del ‘Konte. vrea Vicina ad esser —_mogtie del Conte Ivroa, Close to being (the) wife of Count Ivrea, specai ‘ke ‘alle tie ‘nottse ‘vi sa'reste deppats ‘esiser_ prevzente sporui che alle mie nozze vi sarosta dognato cessor presente, Twes hoping that at my marriage you wouldhave — deigned tobe present. BELFIORE ma'dama ‘alta, ka'dgon ‘non ‘lo kou'seate: ‘Madama, alta cagion non lo consente. Madame, (an) important matter dosen't allow me (to do it) MARQUISE ‘delle ‘notise il konitratta —‘dugkwe ‘tosto sestenda Delle nozze il contratto — dunque—tosto sstende, Of the marriage the contrect_ then quickly let it bo drawn up. (Than let the marringo contract be drawn up quickly.) BELFIORE asisai ‘men '‘dwole = 'ma_—_unerdine ‘detsla ‘kore Assai mon duole, Ma unortine della Corte Very much itpainsme. But anorder fromthe Court ('m very sorry. But an order from the Court) intpone ‘al Route ‘ke ‘per seyreta missjon ‘di “Stat impone al_—Conte che per sograta mission — di_— stato requires the Count that one secret mission. of state alckompalyper ‘mi ‘deb:ba accompagnar mi debba. accompany me must. {requires that the Count accompany me on a socrot mission of state.) MARQUISE (mortified) ‘ek Bglit He! 558 Un Giorno di Reguo, Act If BARONE, * pekketo 5 Peccata! Pity! (General surprise) MARQUISE 2 tal'kolpo —prepetrata fo. nolnera © kavatijere {A talcolpo —preparata. «io nonera, =o ——Cavaliexe; (For sucha blow prepared = T wasn’t, oh Cavaliere; ‘si konjfonde ‘il ‘mio pen'sjere: ripje'gautfi odio ‘aon ‘sa Si confonde il mio pensiere, ripiegarci, oh Dio! non sa.) Are confused my thoughts, which way to turn oh God! they don't know how.) (My thoughts ate confused and they don't know which way to turn, oh God!) BELFIORE elle appien mortifiketa {> ‘non ‘dyunse a preveldere (ere appien mortificate, cid non giunse a prevedere; (Sho is much mortified, this she could not foreseo; ‘kevesta ‘poi avo godere Quasta poi lavo! godere, This (situation) then T'm going to enjoy, ‘Kje "Io alta "komme 'vva ghiol ho fatta come va.) Tye done it to her good!) BARON, GIULIETTA, TREASURER, EDOARDO Jigkombentsa © kepitata = veramente «afar spjatfere (Vincombenze ® — capitata. = voramento a = far —_spiacero: (his decree has arrived truly to give displonsure: ‘nom 'pwo l= Konte titenere = dispetfo. "ke Ai a Non pud il_—Conte ritenere = il_~—dispetto © che gli fa) Cannot tha Count hold beck the annoyance that it causes him.) (The Count cennot hold back the annoyance that this causes him.) (Delonte, Gavatior Belfiore's squire enters.) DELMONTE (bringing in a letter, which he offers to Belfiore) ‘site 'venme jikwestistante ‘uy kolrsjere. ‘della Sire, venne inquestisteute un comiere dolla Sire, hescome inthismoment a —courior.~— from tho ‘duna lettera importante ‘ei ‘si ‘ditfe, messald:dger Duna Iettera importante ci si dice mossaggor. Ofa letter important ha says he is (tha) massonger. (He says he is the boaror of an important letter.) ie Un Giorno di Regno, Act II 559 BELFIORE ‘posi Porgi, Give it, (Belfiore reads the letter.) 2 eta ‘sorte ta ——Kotroni ‘i mio. pen'sjer (Oh fieta sorte! tu coroni il mio pensier!) (Oh happy fate! you crown my — thoughts!) (Addzossing the others.) ‘[jeta novela, atrivami ror dira Merkano Lieta novella ausivami, or or di Yareano; Happy news has arrived for me, ina moment ll tell (you) the secret; ‘ma ‘prima ‘doni ‘dgulja abluffitfal ‘amano. Ma prima doni Gini allufficil la mano. But first let Giulia give to the officer her hand. Gut first let Giuliette give hor hand in marringo to the officer (Edoardo) fatcan ‘da testimone il teairjere ete Faran da testimone il Tesoriee =e il Re. Will act es_—witmesses_ the «Treasurer and the ‘King. EDOARDO, GIULIETTA ‘del ‘nostro ‘bea ka'dgone ‘iostro sostenno — eKkje @ol nostro ben, cagione, nostra sostegno gl &.} (Of our happiness reason, our — support he is.) (The King is our support and the reason for our happiness.) BARON ‘ke posisio spzatevi ‘To wat liepone doe Che dir possio? —_-Sposatevi. To wuol, Vimpono il Re, What say can I? Got married. itwishes, itorders the.“ King. (What can I say? Get merried. The king wishes it...he orders it!) ALL ‘vivan Ki sport Vivan gli sposi! Longlive the bride and bridegroom! ‘BELFIORE wditeri ‘kwesto si ‘skrive ame Uditemi, questo si scrive a me. Liston to me, this is what is written tome. (Ho opons up the lotior and reads.) finalmente im varsavyja € ——“dgunto stanizias "Finalmente in Varsavia & —— giunto Stanistan, "Finally in Warsew has arrived Stanislaus. 560 Un Giorno di Regno, Act It ‘se dikjatcata im ‘sug fa'vor Ta “Geta S' dichiarata in. suo favor Ia Dieta, Hi has declared itself in his favor the Diet, {The Polish Perliament has declared itself in his favor.) © ‘voi potete “la_——o'rona abdikar “kwando: vollete e voi potete Ja corona abdicar quando volete. and you can the crown abdicate whenever you want. ta ‘perdita ‘dun ‘trono ‘nom vintkreska peo La perdita dun trono non vinoresca pers, The loss ofa throne shouldn't cctso you regret however, perke viatckwista ‘di mare'ffallo ‘il, titola. © = lo’nore perch® viacquista di maresciallo il titolo © ——‘Tonore" because itgains you of | marshall ~— the title and_the honor.” (bocause it gains you the title and all the honors of a rank of Marshall.) BARON e voi ki sete. E voi chi_— siete? ‘And you, who are you? BELFIORE kavaljer beljor Ho Cavalier ~——_Bolfior.. The Cavaliere —_Belfiors... ALL OTHERS betfjor Belfiox? MARQUISE, aad Ah sif Ah yos! BELFIORE (embrecing the Marquise} fedele ‘al ‘primo. amore Fedele al primo amore! Faithful to my first love! ‘TREASURER ‘konte Contet Count! COUNT IVREA, barone Barone! Baron! aE aa Un Giorno di Regno, Act I 561 BARON fui edor ‘kome ‘si ‘fa ui od or coma si fa? was a fool; and now whats to be done? COUNT IVREA, TREASURER, BARON fatstfamo ‘wom ‘di ‘spirito tatfere komyerita Facciamo: Yuom di i facere converrd, Let usbe mon of Lot us keep silent. AIL e fa'utfamo ‘da 'bwoni e'mitfi Eh! facciamo da buoni: amici, En! lot's bo ike good friends, ‘non 'si'memori I patssato Non si memori il passato! Let us not remember the past! viva “il e salvato ‘sakro a ‘lui ‘fia ‘kwesto ‘di Viva a Re —_sulvato, sacro a lui fia questo ai Long life (to) the King safe, sacred to him be this, day. (Long life to the King who is now safe and may this day be sacted to him.) ‘due spor'sali assai felitfi ‘odidsi “kompjansi {fretttanto| Due sponsali _—assai felici ogi compiansi frottan Two marriages very happy today lot thom be completed meanwhile; a spayajare ——sospiri e ‘pjanti “forse "dgoko iu fi a sparmiare —sospiri e pianti forse il gioco rhusel. to spare sighs and tears maybe tho joke accomplished, (Lot two happy marriages be completed today and perkeps the joke managed to spare us ell sighs and tears.) END OF THE OPERA

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