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Pearsonvue Exam Of Pharmacy

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1. Drug can be used as anti-inflammatory with long action.
a) Naproxen
b) Peroxicam
2. Summary case with women need analgesic &anti-inflammatory with long action?
a) naproxen
b) Peroxicam
3. 29 years man take overdose from a drug, then he take antidote, but still no effect. Why?
a) He has tolerance to the antidote.
b) Antidote not work, because it taken after 4hrs.
c) Antidote eliminated too fast from body.
d) Antidote dose was small.
4. Biological substance can be stored at --- 2-8 C.

5. Wrong medication prescribed from doctor, what pharmacist should do?

a) Inform chief pharmacist.
b) Inform prescriber doctor.
c) Inform the patient and tell how badly this drug for him.
d) Inform the health ministry.
6. After dispensing drug the pharmacist find mistakes, what should do?
a) Refer to prescriber doctor.
b) Head pharmacist.
c) Patient who received the drug.
7. Elderly man had hypertension, what should do?
a) Take normal adult dose.
b) Start small initial dose then increase.
c) Start large initial dose then decease.
8. Young girl has seizure and tremor while using oxycarbamazipine, what should do?
a) Shift to carbamazepine.
b) Shift to clozapine.

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c) Shift to topiramate.
d) No change in therapy.
9. A middle age man did lab test Fasting blood glucose= 9.1, HbA1c= 9, and he is taking
glipizide, lisinopril, and pioglitazone.
a) Keep on these drugs.
b) Stop glipizideand take metformin.
c) Take insulin.
10.Normal range for HBA1C?
a) Non diabetics (4---5.6)
b) High risk (5.7--6.4)
c) Diabetic. (HbA1C equal or above 6.5)

11.Heparin & warfarin contraindicated with

a) dexamethasone
b) Indomethacin
c) Insulin

**According to the options, if Insulin not present the answer diclofenac

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12.Decrease or increase dose by technician to the patient is error?
a) omission error
b) Prescription error
c) Dispensing error
d) Personal error
13.Drug with Slow metabolism
a) Phenobarbital
b) Thiopental
c) Pentobarbital
d) Secobarbital
14.Amphotericin B for which infection disease.
a) Subcutaneous
b) Systemic
c) Cutaneous
d) Both A&B
15.Acyclovir is used for --- Herpes simplex virus.
16.Drug with 500 unit/ml, and total unit needed is 2700 unit, each vial contain 10 ml with conc
100 unit/ml. How many vial will dispense --- 3 vials.
17.Metoclopramide MOA

Metoclopramide is principally a dopamine D2 antagonist but also acts as an agonist

on serotonin 5-HT4 receptors and causes weak inhibition of 5-HT3 receptors.

18.Which committee rules out a drug from the hospital --- Therapeutic evaluation committee.

19.Formula of drug can be adjusted by --- pharmacy therapeutic committee

20.Which drug with statin can increase myopathy?

a) Gemfibrozil
b) gliclazide
c) thyroxin sodium
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d) Metformin
21.To determine the severity of myopathy caused by statin drugs --- Serum protein kinase.
22.Elderly patient, after he taken statin drug has myopathy. What the analysis or test that he have
to do?
a) lipid profile
b) Muscle thickness
c) Serum creatinine kinase level.
23.The treatment of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori).
a) clarithromycin+pantoprazole
b) clarithromycin+amoxicillin+pantoprazol

**Omeprazole & metronidazole not in the options.

24.Pt has gastritis due to H pylori, the ttt is --- Amoxicillin + Clarithromycin + Omeprazole.

**Sensitivity test of penicillin done after: (range 30 days or more, so will the answers
according to choices.)

25.Sensitivity test of penicillin done after:

a) less20 days
b) more than 30 days
c) 25day exactly
d) may be 5day or 3day
26.Penicillin sensitive test is done
a) 10 - 15 days
b) 20 days or less
c) 25 days or more .
27.Sensitivity test of penicillin done after:
a) 20 days
b) more than 20 days
c) 2 weeks

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d) 4 weeks.
28.Penicillin sensitivity test for intradermal stage which is must --- Skin scratch test

**Penicillin sensitivity test done?? (Hours)

**Penicillin allergy skin testing is a relatively simple procedure completed in about one hour
via scratch and intradermal test in penicillin skin test should wait for (time?). 15-20mint.

29.Female Pt with pneumonia went to the hospital to get vaccine, which should give:
a) Pneumonia + meningitis.
b) Pneumonia + influenza.
c) Pneumonia + meningitis + influenza.
d) Only influenza.
30.Pregnant women admitted to hospital suffering from upper respiratory disease, she took
ceftriaxone IV dose; and stayed in the hospital for 3 days. So what the vaccine should take?
a) Influenza.
b) Influenza + pneumonia.
c) Meningitis + influenza.
d) Pneumonia + meningitis
31.Patient has lung obstruction and he was not vaccinated, which vaccine should he take?
a) Influenza.
b) Pneumonia and influenza
c) Meningitis and pneumonia.
32.Rhabdomyolysis can be detected by: (All answers true)
a) Creatine kinase level.

And can be detected by

b) Serum Ca.
c) Myoglobin K.
d) Urine analysis.

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33.Pt. has involuntary movements, while taking antipsychotics, she gain weight, cant sleep,
isolated from people, which antipsychotics must take:
a) Haloperidol then clozapine
b) fluoxetine then imipramine
c) clozapine then haloperidol
d) imipramine then fluoxetine
34.If we have sustained release drug, but we break it down into powder instead of using it as
tablet, what will happen?
a) Toxicity will happen. (SR containing multi-dose)
b) Will give same effect.
c) Will give better effect.
d) Pharmacokinetic problems.
35.Laxative contraindicated in pregnant is:
a) Ethylene glycol.
b) Castor oil
c) Bisacodyl
d) Glycerin.
36.Newborn baby prescribed for him morphine, what is the best route of administration:
a) IV
b) IM
c) SC
d) Suppository.
37.Who is the responsible for determining the best dosage form?
a) Prescriber doctor.
b) Pharmacist/Clinical pharmacist.
c) Nursing team.
d) Patient.

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38.A person is addicted to medications, he entered the hospital suffering from cramps, gave him
diazepam, but there is no effect. So this patient is addicted to any of the following
a) Cocaine
b) Opioid.
a) A
b) I
c) O
d) N
40.In large amount of parental medication we use
a) Bacteriostatic water
b) Sterile water.
c) Sterile water for injection.
41.In pediatric analgesic for tooth growth pain contraindications and have bad effect in brain.
a) Aspirin
b) acetic acid
c) antiseptic
42.Teething gel for children contain
a) Lidocaine
b) aspirin
c) acetic acid
d) antiseptic
43.Tooth gels contain one of the following agents.
a) antiseptic
b) antifungal
c) sweeting agent
44.Drug must keep in dark box, and used for pain of toothache and can cause more dangerous
effect to infant (seizure and toxicity)
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a) Clove oil
b) Ibuprofen susp
c) Lidocaine
d) Viscous gel
45.Neonate suffers from cardio coagulopathy, so vit k should be administered through?
a) Iv
b) im
c) supp
d) SC
46.Man with bmi 85% from his Age so he is?
a) Wt. loss
b) obese
c) highly obese
d) Very obese
47.Child with bmi 85% from his age so he is
a) weight loss
b) obese
c) highly obese
d) Very obese.
48.Child 85% bmi of his age he had muscle and skin thickness test for...
a) edema
b) skin test
c) body fat
d) Vasculation.
49.Five years old child and the weight 80 % of his age, skin thickness and arm muscles are
normal, this child is :
a) Risk for over weight
b) Overweight
c) Under normal.
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d) Normal range.

BMI percentile & definitional categories childhood weight

Under weight 10 %
Normal 10 % to 84 %
Over weight 85 % to 94 %
Obese 95 %
Extreme obese 120 %
50.Antidote for tramadol--- Naloxone
51.Which drug that enhance the minimal alveolar concentration (MAC) of anesthetic?
a) Halothane (Fluothane)
b) Isoflurane (Forane)
c) Enflurane (Ethrane)
d) Desflurane (Suprane)
e) Sevoflurane (Ultane)
f) Nitrous oxide (nitrous oxide)
52.Drugs decrease MAC --- Barbiturates, Lidocaine, opioid, and chlorpromazine.
53.Drugs that increase MAC --- L-dopa, amphetamine, and ephedrine.
54.In elderly, what the physiological effect of drug distribution?
a) decrease water soluble and lipid soluble drug
b) increase both
c) water soluble increase lipid decrease
d) Increase lipid sol. & decrease water sol drugs
55.Pregnancy woman take naproxen what harm could to baby?
a) uncontrolled bleeding
b) GI reflux disease.
56.Pregnancy with otitis media?
a) azithromycin
b) cifexime

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57.Mechanism of action of ciprofloxacin.
a) Cell wall synthesis
b) Inhibit. DNA gyrase
c) Inhibit. MRNA inhibits.
d) Protein synthesis inhibition.
58.Drug undergo phase 1 metabolism.
a) Diazepam,
b) Lorazepam.
59.Effects of benzodiazepine in breastfeeding --- no effect.
60.Disease cause brain and liver damage while using aspirin in children.
a) Metabolic syndrome
b) Reye disease.
61.The prescription is valid to dispense within:
a) 72hr
b) 48hr
c) 24hr
d) 90 hr
62.Maximum days of use of narcotics?

Not more than one days medication may be administered at one time. This treatment cannot
last more than three days and may not be renewed or extended.

The nurses should replace the used ampoules from the pharmacy within 3 days from the date
of the prescription.

63.Controlled drug maximum prescription time?

a) 30
b) 45
c) 60
d) 90

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**If there is no 90 day in choices .the answer will be 30day

64.Uncontrolled drug maximum prescription time?

a) 30 days
b) 45 days
c) 60 days
d) 90 days
65.Narcotic orders for inpatients:
a) 12hr
b) 24hr
c) 36hr
d) 72hr
66.Narcotics continuous IV infusion with IV admixture.
a) 1 day
b) 7day
c) 5 days
67.Non parenteral narcotics can be used for:
a) 15day.
b) 30 day.
c) 45day.
68.Non parenteral narcotics maximum prescription time --- 30 day.
69.Narcotics indication.
a) Gynecological
b) Obstetrics
c) Analgesic
d) Irritable bowel syndrome.
70.Narcotic drugs can be used for:
a) Cancer pain.
b) IBS.

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c) RA.
71.Cocaine over dose can be treated with? No methadone present
a) naloxone
b) opioid agonist

** May be any this Benzodiazepine, dexmedetomidine and rimcazole

** There is no officially approved specific antidote for cocaine overdose.

72.Gasoline fumes induce toxicity of:

a) Lead
b) arsenic
c) lithium
d) magnesium
73.Lead antidote: --- penicillamine or caEDTA
74.Convulsions due to lithium toxicity can be treated by (information)
a) Phenobarbital
b) Propanol
c) Benzodiazepines
75.Toxicity of lithium treated by --- sodium bicarbonate. (Antidote of lithium)
76.Antiasthmatic used alone, can cause cardiovascular death.
a) Inhaled corticosteroids
b) Inhaled corticosteroids
c) Short acting B agonist
d) Long acting B agonist
77.Imposed oral Narcotics gets addictive after?
a) 15day
b) 20day
c) 30 day

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78.Drug Used for cytomegalovirus
a) abacavir
b) entecavir
c) zanmivir
d) Foscarnet.

**If there is no ganciclovir or valganciclovir in choices...... then answer is Foscarnet.

79.65 years old man suffering from heart burn and peptic ulcer. Which drug is not
recommended because of its unwanted effect on central nervous system?
a) Famotidine
b) Cimetidine.
c) nizaditine
80.Which drug suppresses milk production in breastfeeding women?
a) Estrogen.
b) Reserpine.
c) Metoclopramide.

** Estrogen has been shown to decrease the quantity and quality of human milk; use only if
clearly needed; monitor the growth of the infant closely.

81.Which drug contraindicated in breastfeeding:

a) Lithium.
b) Warfarin.
c) Methyldopa.
82.The best drug for insomnia:
a) Diazepam.
b) Buspirone
c) Zolpidem
83.What is best hypnotic for geriatric?
a) Alprazolam.

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b) Diazepam.
c) Phenobarbitone.

** If there is no Zolpidem or zaleplon in the other choices the answer Alprazolam will be

84.% of theophylline in aminophylline.

a) 75
b) 85
c) 90
d) 60
85.Drugs that contraindicated during lactation (all answers true)
a) Anticancer
b) Aspirin
c) Iodine
d) Androgen
e) bromocriptin

**I think Tetracycline is also contraindicated in lactation.

86.Which drug worsens the negative effect of statins on muscles?
a) Gemfibrozil.
b) Cholestyramin.
87.What is the most common dispensed OTC in pharmacy?
a) Oral antiseptic.
b) Analgesic.
c) Antiallergic remedies.
88.Side effect of ciprofloxacin in children:
a) Phototoxcity.
b) Seizures.
c) Vertigo.

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** If Phototoxcity not in options, choose seizures.

89.Drug has low androgenic activity:

a) Finasteride.
b) flutamide
c) mifepristone

**Suppose that the right answer if spironolactone not present is mifepristone.

90.Which drug has anti-androgenic effects?

a) Tamoxifen
b) Mifepristone
c) Finasteride.
d) Anstrazol.
91.Patient came to the hospital suffering from pain in his leg after playing football. Which
analgesic should be used by injection?
a) Ketorolac.
b) Naproxen.
c) Ibuprofen.
d) Diclofenac.

**The answer is diclofenac. If there is no Diclofenac in choices, then the answer will be

92.Non aqueous preparation.

a) Ear and eye preparation.
b) Syrup and elixir.
c) Essence Colloid and elixir
93.Which drug has more effect as skeletal muscle relaxant?
a) Tubucurarine
b) Doxacurarine.
c) Succinylcholine.

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94.Which of the following drug cause nasal bone hypoplasia --- Warfarin.
95.Drug cause sedation for fetus in 3rd trimester?
a) fluoxetine
b) benzodiazepine
c) TCA.
d) antiepileptic drugs
96.Pt has Benzodiazepines toxicity, flumazenil is given but patient didnt respond. Why?
Because antidote was given to patient after 4 hours.
97.Non formulary drugs are dispensed to? Inpatient (Indoor patients).

** Non-Formulary Drugs shall be clearly documented, on a special Request Form and Direct

Purchase form, and properly labeled and stocked in a separate drawer in the inpatient pharmacy

dispensing area.

98.Drug waiting to be registered in Saudi drug committee --- Non formulary drug?

99.Drugs to be registered in ministry of health? )(

a) Formulary
b) Non formulary
c) Controlled drugs
100. Drug still waiting for approval by therapeutic and pharmacy committee. What do we call
this drug?
a) Formulary drug
b) Non-formulary drug
c) Controlled drug
d) Restricted drug
101. All these drugs are controlled drugs EXCEPT
a) Carbamazepine
b) Rivotril
c) Tylenol
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d) Diazepam
e) Fosamax
102. Which one is OTC drug?
a) Analgesics
b) Warfarin
c) Ciprofloxacin
d) Insulin
103. Pregnant woman has infection. I dont remember the m.o. and she is sensitive to penicillin.
And the m.o resistant to erythromycin and clindamycin. Which antibiotic is suitable for her?
a) Ciprofloxacin.
b) Vancomycin.
104. How many ml syrup u prepare in pharmacy?
a) 15 ml.
b) 30 ml.
c) 45 ml.
d) 60 ml.
105. Which drug is SABA (short acting 2 agonists)?
a) Albuterol.
b) Terbutaline.
c) Salbutamol.
d) Acute therapy.
106. Target of blood pressure for normal person:
a) 117/70
b) 110/80
c) 140/ 90

Target of blood pressure for hypertension patient:

a) 117/70
b) 110/80

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c) 140/ 90

** If the bold pressure increased to abnormal rang for any reasons in a hypertensive patient, the
goal will be decreasing the blood pressure to 140/90 to protect the patient from organ damage.

107. 20 years girl come to take contraceptive piles which of the following can make oral
contraceptive failed?
a) Rifampicin
b) Amoxicillin
c) Floxacilline
108. Role of nicotine in abortion?

By FDA. Cigarette smoking is known to cause: information

a) Spontaneous abortion,
b) Low birth weight
c) Increased perinatal mortality.
d) Potent vasoconstriction... Decrease uterine & placenta blood flow... Risk of
109. In case of Sever state of Alzheimer we use: --- Memantine.
110. Mechanism of action of memantine treatment Alzheimer:
a) activated muscarinic receptors
b) inhibit choline esterase enzyme
c) Partial activate central nicotinic receptors
d) Decrease enzyme may be this enzyme ( Glutamate NMDA enzymes receptor

** Memantine is an N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist. The mechanism of

action of memantine is (distinct) from those of the cholinergic agents; it is proposed to be
neuroprotective. Memantine is an uncompetitive antagonist of the N-methyl-D-aspartate
(NMDA) type of glutamate receptors.

111. Anti-diabetic FDA approved for infants: --- Metformin.

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112. Toxicity of TCA imipramine or amitriptyline CNS toxicity can be treated by:
a) Naloxone
b) Alpha agonist
c) Pyridostigmine
113. Side effect and adverse drug reaction in geriatrics due to.....
a) Decrease elimination of the drug.
b) Polypharmacy.
c) Geriatric less sensitive to drug effect.
d) Good relation with health providers.
114. Mechanical error during filling the prescription:
a) Dispense the wrong drug.
b) Forget to ask about drug allergies.
c) Forget to counsel about drug-drug interaction.
d) Change the drug that no present in prescription.
115. Patient with hemodynamic shock treated with:
a) Saline.
b) Corticosteroid.
116. Pregnant woman has syphilis can be treated by:
a) ciprofloxacin
b) amoxicillin+clavulanic acid
c) trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole

**If there is no Benzathin penicillin as an option choose amoxicillin+clavulanic acid.

117. Breast feeding woman need contraceptive which of this:

a) Estrogen.
b) Progesterone.
c) Monophasic pill.
d) Biphasic pills.

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** Mono and bi phasic are techniques for administration of combined oral contraceptives
(Estrogen and progesterone).

118. Drug used in treatment for Hypertension and migraine:

a) clonidine
b) hydralazine
c) minoxidil
d) reserpine

** If there is no propranolol as an option choose clonidine.

119. Breast-feeding woman has hypertension which antihypertensive drug has hazard on baby.
a) Metoprolol
b) Propranolol
c) atenolol
d) verapamil
120. Propranolol similar in action to?
a) Metoprolol
b) Carvedilol
c) pindolol
d) Sotolol
121. Who is the responsible for release of investigational drugs from the manufacturer to the
a) Chief pharmacist.
b) Physician.
c) Hospital owner.
d) Direct investigator.
122. Barbiturates side effect in elderly patients.
a) ataxia
b) agitation
c) Dementis (agitation).
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** If there is no (excitement) choice... another choice if both are not available is (confusion).

123. Patient treated from amphetamine addiction; also he has hypertension and depression,
which antihypertensive you give:
a) losartan
b) captopril
c) methyl dopa
d) clonidine
124. Mechanism of action of Zolpidem:
a) increase GABA release
b) increase GABA subtype
c) Inhibit GABA release.
125. GAD enzyme acting on glutamate produce )(
a) Amyl soluble protein
b) Glutamate.

**Glutamate decarboxylase or (GAD) is an enzyme that catalyzes the decarboxylation of

glutamate to GABA and CO2.

126. Drug of choice for nausea and vomiting in pregnant:

a) Domperidone.
b) Cyclizine.
c) Dimenhydrinate.
127. Pregnant woman is allergic to penicillin. Which antibiotic should be given to her as
prophylaxis against streptococci b4 delivery?
a) Penicillin G.
b) Cefazolin.
c) Vancomycin.
d) Clindamycin.
128. Mechanism of action of ramelteon:
a) Melatonin agonist.
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b) Melatonin antagonist.
c) Increase Melatonin synthesis.
d) Decrease Melatonin synthesis.
129. Why should finasteride be stopped if woman wants to be pregnant?
a) Cause abortion.
b) Teratogenic effects.
c) Genital malformation to infant.
d) Cranial facial abnormality.
e) Uterine vascular resistance
130. Why should warfarin be stopped if woman wants to be pregnant?
a) Cause abortion.
b) Teratogenic effects to infant.
c) Genital malformation
d) Cranial facial abnormality.
e) Uterine vascular resistance
131. Man got to emergency after burns, toxicity dye to warfarin?
a) Cyanide.
b) Lead.
c) Mercury.

** Interaction between Warfarin and TCA (Tricyclic antidepressant) --- Increase bleeding risk
or increase adverse effect of warfarin (Increase plasma level of warfarin)

132. Which anesthetic cause hepatotoxicity?

a) Ketamine.
b) Nitrous oxide.
c) Isoflurane
d) Propofol.
133. 12 years old taking oxcarbazepine, suffers from rash and redness. What should be done?
a) Lamotrigine.

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b) Topiramate.
c) Carbamazepine.

**Ethosuximide not in the choices.

134. Pt adult has vaccinated in 2010 against influenza, 2011 against influenza, 2012 against
meningococcal, 2012 against influenza, 2013 against meningococcal, what is the vaccine
should take now?
a) meningococcal
b) hepatitis
c) influenza
135. First baby milk named --- colostrum

** colostrum :a yellowish liquid, especially rich in immune factors, secreted by the mammary
gland of female mammals a few days before and after the birth of their young.

136. Pt has lower limb and trunk pain and used antipsychotic drug for 11years, what is his case?
a) acute dystonia
b) tardive dystonia
c) acute dyskinesia
d) tardive dyskinesia
137. Formulating of the drug is done by:
a) Saudi health
b) Drug therapeutic committee.
c) Pharmacist.
138. Best antidepressants given to an 83 years old
a) Fluoxetine.
b) Alprazolam.
139. Lactulose used in hepatic encephalopathy patient to:
a) Acidify the colon to inhibit absorption of ammonia.
b) Alkalization the colon to inhibit absorption of ammonia.

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140. Anti-diabetic drug approved by FDA in gestation --- Insulin

**Insulin is the drug of choice in gestational diabetes (diabetic pregnant)

** But glargine (long acting insulin) is category C in pregnancy.

** If there is no insulin in choices choose metformin NOT glargine.

Drug should be stored in black container to make medical care staff aware and it used for
children for pain and it can cause brain injury? --- Aspirin
141. Interactions of CCB with alprazolam:

Only CCB has antidepressant effect.... I think answer will be (CCB increase effect of

142. Criteria in formulary management system ( information)

a) Safety may be in opition
b) Economy
c) Aesthetic
143. Estrogen receptor positive cause breast cancer which can be treated by --- Tamoxifen
144. What is the maximum prescription time for narcotic for patient admitted in emergency?
a) 24 hours
b) 72 hours
c) 45 hours
d) 30 hours

** 24 hrs. In case of emergency. 3 days (72hr) in case of outpatient.

145. A patient admitted to emergency with cocaine toxicity, what will be the treatment?
a) baclofen
b) naloxone
c) amitriptyline
d) physiostigmine
1. Bisacodyl Mechanism of action?
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a) Bulk laxative
b) stimulant laxative
c) stool softener
146. If a lactating mother has less milk production, what are the effects on nursing infant?
a) constipation
b) loss of appetite
c) diminished weight gain
d) increased sleep
147. Iproniazid given to a patient it increases the secretion of nor adrenaline n other amines in
the brain but its one adverse effect is it causes hypotension in patient what is the reason..??
a) Increase excretion of nor adrenaline
b) Displacement of nor-adrenaline with dopamine in store.
c) It is highly bound to plasma protein.
d) Its histaminic effect.
148. Iproniazid drug release dopamine, nor adrenaline and other amines but has hypotensive
effect due to
a) It is highly bound to plasma protein.
b) Its histaminic effect.
c) It increases excretion of nor-adrenaline.
d) Displacement of nor-adrenaline with dopamine in store.
149. What are the benefits of patient orientation formulary system in hospitals?
a) budget of medicine
b) expensive medicine
c) safe and effective medicines
d) gut relation between the staff n medical officers
150. What are the pharmacokinetic parameters studied for a drug before it to the patient and for
estimation of dose in DAT patient?
a) bioequivalence studies
b) gross estimation
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c) preclinical studies
d) population means
151. A patient is suffering from insomnia, what should give him:
a) phenobarbital
b) Zolpidem
c) alprazolam
d) Nortriptyline
152. Patient is taking hypnotic Medication, he suffers from irritability and agitation this reaction
related to:
a) Diazepam.
b) Alprazolam
153. Patient stop medication hypnotic he suffered from irritability and Agitation this reaction

related to --- Side effect of barbiturates withdrawal symptoms.

154. Drug affect fetus in pregnancy cause renal dysfunction?

a) Sulfonyl urea.
b) An angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitor (ACE inhibitor)drugs.
155. According to Saudi ministry of health, which drug is anti-hyperglycemic?
a) Insulin
b) Metformin
c) Gliclazide
156. From OTC Multi-vitamin analogs --- Vitamin D.
157. Levocetirizine can be used after:
a) 6 years
b) 8 years
c) 12 years
d) 16 years.
158. Levocetirizine used from
a) 5 years old
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b) 7 years old
c) 9 years old
d) 12 years old
159. Levocetirizine can be used after:
a) over 6 months
b) over 8 years
c) over 12 years
d) Over 16 years.

** Levocetirizine: Pediatric drug information:

**Is used in relief of symptoms associated with perennial allergic rhinitis (FDA approved
in ages 6 months and adults), seasonal allergic rhinitis (FDA approved in ages 2 years
and adults), and treatment of the uncomplicated skin manifestations of chronic idiopathic
urticaria (FDA approved in ages 6 months and adults).

Dose in Children 6 months to 5 years 1.25 mg (1/2 tsp oral solution) once daily in the
evening. ( tsp = tea spoon).

We will choose the youngest age in the choices & if there is 6 months in choices it will
be the answer.

160. Lithium carbonate causes what side effect --- decrease creatinine clearance and increase
BUN. (Blood urea nitrogen).

** Results demonstrate that long-term Lithium treatment may cause impairment in renal
concentrating ability, some of which may originate from the effects of Lithium on
vasopressin on hypothalamic level, and a decrease in glomerular filtration rate (GFR). In
the light of these data, we can conclude that long-term administration of Lithium may be a
risk factor for Lithium-induced renal impairment, which is a progressive effect in nature.

161. Physician prescribed warfarin for a woman, but she doesn't tell him that she takes
antidepressant ()
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a) Warfarin increase plasma level
b) Warfarin increase response of antidepressant
c) Warfarin increase metabolism
d) Increase bleeding risk or increase adverse effect of warfarin (Increase
plasma level of warfarin)

162. Phenothiazine drug has antihistamine effect --- promethazine.

163. What is the type of water used in preparation of cold cream?

a) Normal water.

b) Distilled water.

c) Sterile water.

164. When does pharmacist send a report about side effects:

a) Every month
b) Every year.
c) Half annual.
d) 4 times year.
165. If driver has fever and take another road to the city? is due to:
a) loratadin
b) Dipheniramine.
166. Which drug has less oral bioavailability?
a) ciprofloxacin
b) amoxicillin
c) Imipenem.
d) Vancomycin

**Imipenem used with cilastatin to decrease renal metabolism.

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167. We give digoxin in case of congestive heart failure for what?
a) Low therapeutic window.
b) Positive inotropic effect.
168. How many times will measure drug serum concentration for therapeutic drug monitoring,
in stable patient?
a) Once daily.
b) Once during therapy.
c) Randomly.
169. Interaction between warfarin and ibuprofen cause increase risk of bleeding, why?
a) Warfarin will be replaced by ibuprofen.
b) Ibuprofen decrease warfarin excretion.
c) Ibuprofen increase warfarin metabolism.
d) Ibuprofen decrease warfarin metabolism.
170. Which drug has increasing oral bioavailability when broken from big particle to small
a) Water soluble.
b) Dissolution rate limited.
c) Absorption rate limited.
171. Increase osteoporosis in geriatric, will increase:
a) Bone fracture.
b) Urine retention.
172. 27 years pt come to ED with sever HTN & tremors, also he is addicted, and two weeks ago
doctor prescribed to him antidepressant, what is this drug?
a) Amitriptyline TCA.
b) Lorazepam.
c) Trazodone
173. What is the parameter used in pharmacokinetics to assess the renal function:
a) Scr.
b) CrCl.
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c) BUN.
174. Non formulary drug order reviewed by:
a) Pharmacy & therapeutic committee.
b) Drug & therapeutic committee.
c) Hospital management committee.
d) Ministry of health.
175. 27 years old Pt has respiratory depression from anesthetic, which drug counteract post
anesthetic respiratory depression.
a) Morphine.
b) Thiopental.
c) Diazepam.
176. To be the medical center contains a highly efficient data must be available follows:
a) Cooperation between doctors and pharmacists.
b) To provide stocks of medicines.
c) Choose the appropriate medications and the least side effects.
177. Neonate taken sulfonamide suffer from --- kernicterus
178. Non formulary drugs given to --- Nona fordable Pt )(
179. The most desired benefit Pt ?)(
a) Side effects
b) To empty the stock
180. Drug has dopamine receptors blocking on CNS --- Metoclopramide MOA.
181. Ciprofloxacin indicated for:
a) Fever
b) inhaler Anthrax
c) Tuberculosis
182. Pregnancy with renal failure which is contraindicated --- ACEI.
183. Pregnant women must take which vaccine:
a) Influenza type 2.
b) hepatitis B
c) pneumococcal
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184. Which drug is alkylating?
a) Fluorouracil.
b) Etoposide.
c) Cisplatin.
d) Cyclophosphamide.

** Alkylating agent: E.g. Cyclophosphamide, chlorambucil, melphalan , busulan, and Cisplatin.

185. Which has drug interaction with antidepressant?

a) Gliclazide
b) Propranolol
c) Sertraline.
186. DRUG decrease dopamine action
a) Segilline
b) Amlodipine.
187. Case if patient his lab test, BUN -> high, Creatinine -> high, Potassium -> high,
Sodium -> high. Which drug he has to stop from those drugs:
a) Insulin
b) Propanol
c) Gemfibrozil

188. Dermatologist wants to prepare drug for Pt with dry skin he consults a pharmacist to
choose proper base, what is your opinion?

a) Ointment base.
b) Cream base.
c) Solution base.
d) Lotion base.

189. Drug will make bioavailability & stomach incompatibility problems, if you break the pill
into half.

a) Enteric coated pills.

b) Uncoated pills.
c) Sugarcoated pills.
d) Film coated pills.

190. Hypnotic Drug in inpatient stays for........ And in outpatient stay for........
191. which drug is toxic for neonate in breastfeeding women:
a) Acyclovir.

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b) Metronidazole.
c) Voriconazole.
d) Azithromycin
the answer metronidazol if it no present the answer will be Voriconazole
192. Which drug can be used for long time treatment asthma in pregnant women:
a) Albuterol.
b) Cromolyn.
c) Theophylline.
193. MOA for oral contraceptive:
a) Prevent ovulation.
b) Prevent follicle.
c) Prevent infertility.
194. OTC for child with fever:
a) Acetaminophen + ibuprofen.
b) Ibuprofen + diphenhydramine.
195. What's the side effect of chloropropamide? ( all answers true)
a) Hypoglycemia
b) Cholestic jaundice
c) Hyponatermia
196. Meaning of trituration: all this same meaning
(reducing the particle size of a substance)
A purification process of crude chemical compound containing soluble impurities,
Dilution of a potent drug powder with an inert diluent powder usually lactose in a
definite proportion by weight.
197. Which has drug interaction with antidepressant?
a) Gliclazide.
b) Propranolol.
c) Sertraline.
198. Patient with muscle pain due to rosovastatin who to monitor this?
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a) Its Lipid profile.
b) Creatinine kinase
199. The desired patient benefits in formulary system in hospital?
a) Adjust pharmacy budget.
b) Ensure effective &Quality of drug
c) Drug stock
200. The same question, case of 75 years old have HTN ,DM, hyperglycemia what his score
according to CHADS
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4 Score 4
**Age 2 HTN 1 DM 1.
201. Pregnant women with osteoarthritis, which is the last choice?
a) acetaminophen
b) glucosamine
c) Aspirin.
202. To be the medical center contains a highly efficient data must be available follows:
a) Cooperation between doctors and pharmacists.
b) To provide stocks of medicines.
c) Choose the appropriate medications and the least side effects.
203. Parental anesthesia commonly used for?
a) Rapid onset of Action.
b) Maintain anesthetic effects for long time
c) Increase MAC for others.
d) Less respiratory collapse & incidence of death.
204. When choosing a drug according to
a) appearance
b) expensive cost
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c) efficacy
d) Safety.
205. In obese patient drug distribution, the lipid soluble drug will?
a) Increase.
b) Decrease
c) Unchanged.
d) Initially increase and suddenly decrease.
206. drug used for HIV because it prevents viral RNA
a) Didanoside.
b) Amantadine.
c) Voriconazole.
207. How many grams in one bound?
1000 gram ----- 2.2 bound

X --------- 1

X= 454.5 gram

208. The daily dose of prednisolone is 100 mg four times daily; pharmacist issued 2 bottles of
125 ml to patient containing 8mg/ ml.

How many days these two bottles provide the daily dos?

a) 4 day
b) 5 day
c) 3 day
d) 2 day

**He needs 100 mg 4 time daily .so 400 mg per day . 8mg found in 1 ml so 400mg found in 50ml
.pharmacist have 2 bottles 125 ml .so we have 250 ml. We need 50 ml per day .so it's enough 5

209. Allopurinol dose in Pt with CrCl = 3 gml/min is:

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a) 100 mg/day.
b) 150.
c) 200.
d) 250.

** CrCl 10-20 mL/min: 200 mg/daily.

** CrCl 3-9 mL/min: 100 mg/daily.

210. Adult dose 250 mg what dose of. child his body s surfacr area (BSA).7cm2.?
average adult BSA = 173 cm2 , thus the answer = 101
X= 70*250/173=101
211. What the clearance value that eliminated by non-renal.
Renal clearance value 4.75 l/hr. 65%eliminates by renal.
65/100 * y = 4.75
Y = 475/65 = 7.3 (clearance value)
non-renal clearance = 7.3- 4.75 = 2.255.
212. Drug 30%w/v prepared from Drug 60%w/v in stock from if the drug was 300ml whats the
volume in stock drug?
213. Drug is 125ml/5ml and patient takes 4mg/day what's the weight of patient.
214. Young girl wt30kg dose 20mg daily/ may days for 25mg?

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600----------1 day

x=600/25 =24 days this present in option

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