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Decimals Nome

Adding and Subtracdng

Keeping Trock of Weother

Borry mode o home, weother-forecosting center for his science foir project, Reod eoch problem,
Circle the correct number sentence ond write the onswer on the line,
l. Borry meosured inches of moisture in Jonuory in his roin gouge, ln Februory, there were 2.37
inches, Morch wos dry with only ,97 inches, How much roin did he report for the yeor so for?
1.50 + 2.37 + .97 2,37 +,97 -
2, Borry reod thot his city received 36,70 inches lost yeor, How much more roin willthey get this yeor
if theyget the some omount they hod the previous yeor?

36,70 + 4,84 36,70 - 4,84 4,84 x 4.84

3, He mode o borometer thot meosured oir pressure, Yesterdoy's reoding wos 29,45, Todoy the
reoding hos risen to 30,04, How much hos the borometer risen since yesterdoy?

30,04 + 29,45 30,04 - 29,45 30,04 x 29,45

4, Borry reod thot Boston hos on onnuol roinfoll of 4.l.50, while Los Angeles hos on onnuol roinfoll
of only How much more roin folls eoch yeor in Boston thon in Los Angeles?

I.l.94 + 4],50 4l,50 - 11,94 4.l,50 x I.|,94

5, Howoii received on onnuol roinfoll of 70,09 inches of roinfoll lost yeor, Nevodo received only 7,40
inches lost yeor, How much less roin did Nevodo get ihon Howoii?

70,09 x 7,40 70.09 - 7,40 70,09 + 7.40

6. Bony found inches of roin in his roin gouge ofter lost night's storm, ln the newspoper, they
reported .79 inches were meosured of the oirport, How much more roin fell of Bony's home thon
of the oirport?

1.42 + ,79 1.42 x ,79 1,42 - .79


Borry took the wind speed ot 4:00 p,v. eoch doy, Sundoy hod o wind speed of 9,27 miles per hour,
Tuesdoy showed 4,65, Wednesdoy showed Thursdoy showed 7,86 ond Fridoy hod only 1 ,73,
Whot wos the overoge wind speed in miles per hour for these five doys?

@ lnstructionol Foir, lnc. 30 lFsl33 Moth Word Problems

Decimals Nome
Mixed Operations

Hoving o Moon Porty

Ms, Ringwold's closs hos been studying obout the moon in science, They decided to hove o moon
porly of the end of the unit, Reod eoch problem, Circle the correct number sentence ond write
the onswer on the line,
l, Grovity is 6 times less on,the moon thon on Eorth, Lee weighs 84,5 pounds on Eorth, He would
weigh pounds on the moon. How much less does he weigh on the moon?

6x 84,5 14,08 + 84,5 84,5 - 14,08

2, The closs hod o "moonwolk donce," They put on bockpocks weighing 6,01 pounds ond
pretended they were doncing on the moon, Ihey knew thot on Eorth, the bockpocks would hove
weighed 36,06 pounds, How much more would the bockpocks hove weighed on Eorth thon on
the moon?
36,06 + 6,01 36.06 - 6.0] 36,06 x 6.0.l

3, Greg brought his cot, Moonbeom, oboord os the spoce ship moscot, She weighed 2,92 kilogroms
on Eorth. On the moon, they figured she would weigh 2,43 kilogroms less, How much would she
weigh on the moon?
2,92 + 2.43 2,92 - 2.43 292 x 2,43

4. The bog of pototo chips they were eoting would hove weighed only 56,7 groms on the moon,
This is 6 times less thon they weighed on Eorth, How mony groms would the pockoge hove
weighed on Eorth?
56.7 + 56.7 56,7 - 6 56,7 x 6

5, The closs brought in rocks which weighed 22.3 kilogroms on Eorlh to represent the rocks ostronouts
brought bock from the moon, On the moon, they weighed only 3,7 kilogroms, How much less did
they weigh on the moon thon on Eorth?

223 - 3,7 223 + 3,7 223 x 3,7

6, The sodo Kim wos drinking weighed 385,4 groms on Eorth, lt would weigh 64,23 groms on the
moon, How much would two sodos weigh on the moon?
385,4x 2 385.4 - 64,23 64.23 + M,23


Kim ond four of her friends figured their weight in kilogroms on the moon, These weights ore 5,9, 8,6,
I.l,4, 6,8, ond 7,.l, Whot is iheir overoge weight in kilogroms on the moon?

Multiply this omount by 6 ond find out whot their overoge weight is on Eorth,

@ lnstructionol Foir, lnc. 3t lFsl33 Moth Word Problems

Decimals Nome

Ordering New Supplies

new supplies for the opening of school in the foll, Reod eoch problem, Circle
Mr, Adkins is ordering
the correct number sentence ond write the onswer on the line,
l, The P,E, teocher soys she needs l2 soccer bolls They cost S.l9,95 eoch, How much will Mr,
Adkins poy for them?

519,95 -2 12 + $19 95 $19,95 x 12 12x12

2, The school will hove more students nei yeor, Mr, Adkins is ordering 29 new desks, They cost
594,50 eoch, How much will he hove to poy for new desks?
29 + 29 S94.50 - 12 594.50 + 94,50 $94,50 x 29
3, He is ordering 3 new discs for the compuiers in the moth lob, They cost 53,85 more ihon they
did lost yeor, Lost yeor they cost 536.98, How much do the discs cost this yeor?
$3,85x3 536,98+$3,85 $36,98-$3,85
4. Mr, Adkins is ordering o globe for eoch clossroom, They cost S42,78 eoch, How much willthe
globes for the 2 fourth-grode closses cost?

542,78 + 542,78 542,78 x 14 542,78 x 542,78

5, He is ordering new science klts for oll the rooms. For oll but kindergorten, they will cost $406,.l8,
He is ordering the one for kindergorten seporotely becouse it costs more thon the others, lt
costs 539,95, How much will the science kits cost oltogether?

$39.95x l2 539,95+5406,.18 5406..18+ 14

6, Mr, Adkins is selling the old dictionories to o poper recycling plont, for $5,25 eoch, The new
dictionories will cost $.l9,95, Whot is the difference in the price per dictionory thot Mr, Adkins will
hove to come up with?

$5,25 + $19,95 $19,95 - $5,25 S19,95 x $5,25

7, The school is getting new bells for the front ond bock of the school, The bells cost $59,95 eoch,
How much will two bells cost?

559,95 + 559,95 559,95 - 2 $59,95 * 2

USE YOUR CALCULATOR: Mr, Adkins gove l4 teochers $.l,350,00 eoch to buy new books ond school
supplies, How much money did the teochers get oltogether?

@ lnstructionol Foir. lnc. 32 lFsl33 Moth Word Problems

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