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Newsletter of the Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES

41397 Buecking Drive ) Temecula, CA 92590-5668
951.296.6261 ) FAX 951.296.9117 )

Volume 16 Number 3 September 2005


Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D.

Introduction Presence in our right minds. The truth remains, however,

The section What Is the Body in Part II of the work- that the ego self is made upa non-existent problemas is
book closes with these inspiring words, which contrast the the external defense that ends up hurting usa maladaptive
egos fearful lies regarding the body with loves truth, found solution. Therefore, following the ego offers no true safety
in the right mind: or protection, and so we all continue to wander in the world
uncertain, lonely, and in constant fear (T-31.VIII.7:1). This
You will identify with what you think will make you
article contrasts the egos insane line of defense with our true
safe. Whatever it may be, you will believe that it is one
safety: the Love of God, held for us in safekeeping by Jesus.
with you. Your safety lies in truth, and not in lies. Love is
your safety. Fear does not exist. Identify with love, and
The World and Body: A Maladaptive Solution
you are safe. Identify with love, and you are home. Iden-
tify with love, and find your Self (W-pII.5.5).
to a Non-Existent Problem

Yet the ego teaches the opposite: we can be safe only in The problem with defenses, simply stated, is that they
the world, but not without erecting effective bodily or mate- ultimately do not work. Indeed, they serve merely to make
rial defensesindividually and collectively. All these, the matter of the ego worse. Recall this important line from
regardless of their form, are variations of its central defense the text: defenses do what they defend (T-17.IV.7:1). The
known as the special relationship, which focuses exclusively purpose of all defenses is to protect us from something we
on the body, the egos projected home of separation. Thus fearinternal or external. This means that the source of a
Jesus asks the rhetorical question: If you perceived the spe- defense is the fear that has its home in the mind, regardless
cial relationship as a triumph over God, would you want it? of its outer expression. Therefore, since the meaning of any-
(T-16.V.10:1). The question is rhetorical because Jesus thing lies in its purpose, and the purpose of defenses is to
knows the answer, as do we: Absolutely! Why else would protect us from fear, it inevitably follows that all defenses
we choose specialness unless it preserved the triumph that will remind us of our fear, for without it there would be no
gave us what we define as life, to replace life as God cre- defense. As Jesus explains, believing we are separated we
ated it? And so we walk the earth, arming ourselves with the must identify with the egos defenses, in this case the body:
identity of scarcity and deprivationthe clothing of special- The body is a fence the Son of God imagines he has
nessbelieving in our insanity that identifying with this built.[and it] is within this fence he thinks he lives, to
special self protects us from Gods wrathful vengeance over die as it decays and crumbles. For within this fence he
what we thought we did to Him. Think not He has forgot- thinks that he is safe from love. Identifying with his
safety, he regards himself as what his safety is (W-pII.5.
ten (M-17.7:4), the ego screams in our ears, demanding we
protect ourselves from His incursions on our special peace.
And protect us the ego does, guiding us to identify with the Thus the body, the egos major defense in its war against
body, the symbol of mindlessness that keeps us from return- Gods memory in the mind, becomes the great reminder that
ing to the mind, wherein lies our only true defensechoos- the ego thought system of separation is alive and well, and
ing love instead of fear. very dangerous. Moreover, once in the world, we cannot
The ego, needless to say, never lets us in on its craftily help identifying with the bodythe ego has obliterated all
maintained secret that the defense that is the world protects memory of the minds Selfthat we now believe is our
nothing but its wrong-minded thought system of separation safety from the mind, the egos home of guilt, fear, and pun-
and guilt. These delusional thoughts preserve our individual ishment. Yet the body, literally the projected thought of sep-
selves by staving off annihilation from the Holy Spirits aration, sin, and death, but decays, crumbles, and dies
Identify with Love (continued)
(W-pII.5:1:2). Not a very effective line of defense, to be shall lose in the end, for there is no truly effective way to
sure, for the body clearly provides no safety in a world that combat the persistent attacks on our physical and psycholog-
was made as an attack on God and symbolizes fear (W-pII.3. ical selves.
2:1-2), as we read from the workbook: One form of humanitys attempts to solve the worlds
The world provides no safety. It is rooted in attack, and problems falls under the category of utopian visions, which
all its gifts of seeming safety are illusory deceptions. It embrace the full spectrum of our ingenuity and inspiration
attacks, and then attacks again. No peace of mind is pos- as a species. Despite their good intentionsrecall Jesus
sible where danger threatens thus.The mindknows cautionary words: Trust not your good intentions. They are
not where to turn to find escape.It is as if a circle held not enough (T-18.IV.2:1-2)almost all these idealistic pro-
it fast, wherein another circle bound it and another one in grams have ultimately failed, for they did not succeed in
that, until escape no longer can be hoped for nor addressing the problem of the minds guilt. One prominent
obtained. Attack, defense; defense, attack, become the vision was offered by Karl Marx in the late 19th century.
circles of the hours and the days that bind the mind in Setting aside the political expressions Marxism has spawned
heavy bands of steel with iron overlaid, returning but to
in recent history, we see that this German philosopher
start again. There seems to be no break nor ending in the
ever-tightening grip of the imprisonment upon the mind
sought to address the patent inequality among the worlds
(W-pI.153.1:2-5; 2:6; 3). populations, and offered a social, political, and economic
system to correct it. To date, however, it has rarely been
Since the danger is within the mind and ideas leave not tried, and, even then, not been entirely successful. Sigmund
their source (see, e.g., T-19.I.7:6-7; T-26.VII.12-13), the Freud put his psychoanalytic finger on the reason. He
world and body can offer no defense against the menacing addressed Marxism in two late works, and in effect stated
attack inherent in the egos thought system, at the same time, that it must fail since, regardless of any merit to the program
once again, that they reinforce the sense of imminent and of Marxs vision, it did not identify the true problem
mortal danger. Thus the ego has successfully protected itself inherent aggressivenessthat resided in the minds of homo
by first establishing a non-existent problemthe separation sapiens. Here is what Freud wisely wrote, and observe as
thought system of sin, guilt, and fearand then making up a well his penetrating analysis of what A Course in Miracles,
maladaptive solutionthe world, body, and the special rela- decades later, would term special love and hate relation-
tionship. And all the while the true problemthe minds ships. Succinctly stated, Freud saw Marxism (i.e., scientific
decision for the egoremains hidden, virtually inaccessible socialism) as a fresh idealistic misconception of human
to the correction of Atonement. nature that rested on an untenable illusion
Thus does the world seek solutions to its problemsone (XXI,113,143). This is his expanded thesis:
after another after anotherall designed by the unconscious
ego not to work, for the ultimate cause of distress and suffer- For men always put their newly acquired instruments of
power at the service of their aggressiveness and use them
ing is the minds decision to believe in illusory guilt, which
against each other.It is altogether incomprehensible
remains buried beneath the egos maladaptive solutions: how psychological forces can be overlooked when what is
No one could solve all the problems the world in question are the reactions of living human
appears to hold. They seem to be on so many levels, in beings[expressing] their original instinctual impulses
such varying forms and with such varied content, that their self-preservative instinct, their aggressiveness, their
they confront you with an impossible situation. Dismay need to be loved, their drive towards obtaining pleasure
and depression are inevitable as you regard them.All and avoiding unpleasure.Aggressiveness [this inde-
this complexity is but a desperate attempt not to recog- structible feature and untameable character of human
nize the problem, and therefore not to let it be resolved nature] forms the basis of every relation of affection and
(W-pI.79.5:1-3; 6:1). love among people.It is clearly not easy for men to
As an example, consider for the moment our situation as give up the satisfaction of this inclination to aggression.
bodies living in the early 21st century. There is no part of They do not feel comfortable without it.It is always
possible to bind together a considerable number of peo-
our physical experience that has not been adversely affected
ple in love, so long as there are other people left over to
by the environment. The air we breathe, the water we drink, receive the manifestations of their aggressiveness (New
the food we eatanimal or vegetableall have been con- Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis, 1933;
taminated by our post-Industrial Revolution world. When XXII,177-79; Civilization and Its Discontents, 1930;
you add into the equation the effects of global warming, not XXI,113-14; italics mine).
to mention the radioactive fallout of governmental experi-
The implications of Freuds words are that our behavior,
ments and use of atomic warfare and artillery coated with
however well meaning, will turn out badly if the underlying
depleted uranium, there is indeed no hope of adequately
aggressioncommon to the speciesis not dealt with.
defending the highly vulnerable body. No matter how val-
Freuds inherent pessimismat least in the short termis
iantly we strive to keep up our bodies immune system, we
Identify with Love (continued)
seen in his understanding our resistance to being without text, Jesus counsels us when we are confronted by this tiny
hatred: we simply do not feel comfortable without it. This thought:
insight into our resistance is reflected in A Course in Miracles Call it not sin but madness, for such it was and so it still
as well, where Jesus teaches us about our fear of love: remains. Invest it not with guilt, for guilt implies it was
Under the egos dark foundation is the memory of accomplished in reality. And above all, be not afraid of it
God, and it is of this that you are really afraid. For this (T-18.I.6:7-9; boldface mine).
memory would instantly restore you to your proper place, And then, throughout our everyday experiences, when some
and it is this place that you have sought to leave. Your twisted form of the original error rises to frighten us, he asks
fear of attack is nothing compared to your fear of love. us to say God is not fear, but Love, and the problem will
Therefore, you have used the world to cover your love,
disappear (T-18.I.7:1)perhaps not in form, but certainly in
and the deeper you go into the blackness of the egos
foundation, the closer you come to the Love that is hid-
den there. And it is this that frightens you (T-13.III.2:1-3; The implications to us of this advicea principle that
4:4-5). happily guides our return homeare enormous, for this
alone is an adaptive solution to our only existing problem.
This fear demands that we cling to guilt and hate as defenses,
We are never upset for the reason we think (W-pI.5), for the
and thus our hanging-on to guilt, its hugging-close and
source of our distressregardless of its formlies in our
sheltering, its loving protection and alert defense (P-2.
decision to call madness sin, feel guilty over it, and then fear
reprisal. To be sure, we all make mistakes, and all the time.
Therefore, we can identify with love only by undoing
We greatly prefer the egos grandiose lies of separation and
the egos hatred and greedthe contentbefore proceeding
its offspring specialness to the Holy Spirits truth of our
with the form of loving behavior. This undoing is the adap-
grandeur as Gods one Son. Yet we are repeatedly told by
tive solution to the existent problem. In other words, our true
Jesus that a mistake is not a sine.g., Son of God, you
protection against the projected evils of the world is to recall
have not sinned, but you have been much mistaken (T-10.
the projection to the mind, where we can effectively choose
V.6:1)and thus does not deserve to be punished:
against it. By going within and choosing differently, we can
be here without fear. Many years ago, my wife Gloria had a The Holy Spirit cannot punish sin. Mistakes He rec-
dream in which she was walking midst bombs falling all ognizes, and would correct them all as God entrusted
Him to do. But sin He knows not, nor can He recognize
around her, but she was unafraid and unscathed. Each of us
mistakes that cannot be corrected. For a mistake that can-
has the potential of walking the world of danger, yet feeling
not be corrected is meaningless to Him. Mistakes are for
a peace that can withstand all attacks, which we would know correction, and they call for nothing else (T-19.III.4:1-5).
to be illusory. That is what it means to accept the Atonement
for ourselves, our one responsibility. Therefore, our one mistake wasand ishaving cho-
In summary, then, while there is relatively nothing we sen the ego as our teacher and guide. To judge or punish
can do to truly strengthen the immune system of the body, such an error makes it real and keeps it so in our experience.
we can, indeed we must, strive to build up the minds Thus is the egos illusory existence guaranteed immortality,
immune system. It is in the mind alone that we find the true and Gods eternal Being relegated to simple non-existence:
source of the problems of contamination and aggression Punishment is always the great preserver of sin, treating
our decision for guiltand there alone we find the true it with respect and honoring its enormity. What must be
source of our protectionacceptance of the Atonement. punished, must be true. And what is true must be eternal,
and will be repeated endlessly. For what you think is real
Atonement: The Adaptive Solution you want, and will not let it go (T-19.III.2:4-7).
to the Existent Problem Once the problem is correctly defined as a faulty deci-
The issue is not the non-existent problem, for how can sion, and its place correctly identified in the mind, its undo-
what does not exist be a problem? Rather, the problem is our ing is easy. Interestingly, we read in the 1945 preamble to
belief in it as reality; i.e., the separation from God actually the Constitution of UNESCO (United Nations Educational,
occurred. In the words of the text, the problem is not the Scientific and Cultural Organization): Since wars begin in
tiny, mad idea that we could be separate from God, but that the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses
we remembered not to laugh and took it seriously (T-27. of peace must be constructed. We can expand that wise
VIII.6:2-3). The egos unholy trinity of sin, guilt, and fear statement to include all problemscollective and individual
reflects this seriousness, as the three are quite serious ideas: since we are taught in A Course in Miracles that the mind
the sin of separation, the guilt of our unworthiness to be is all there is: the beginning and end of everything; the
loved, and the fear of punishment. That is why, earlier in the thought of separation and its undoing through accepting the

Identify with Love (continued)
Imagine yourself in a rowboat with Jesus on a large body Serlings Twilight Zone or Stanley Kubricks 2001: A Space
of water, and he is manning the oars. You suddenly realize Odyssey, but not in the world of dreams, where only the
that one oar is missing, and then to compound the situation, dreamer has the power to affect the dream; it is not the other
the remaining oar slips from its oarlock and falls into the way around. Thus, as in Glorias dream, we are safe to be
water and disappears. You begin to panic, especially as the anywhere, with anyone, in any situation, and rest secure in
weather turns stormy, the seas become rough, and land has the peace of God and the thought that we are safe within His
vanished from viewall seems lost. Yet Jesus is unruffled, Love:
and quietly says: Do not be afraid. This is only a dream. Completely undismayed, this thought will carry you
Open your eyes and you will be safe. We lift our eyes, and through storms and strife, past misery and pain, past loss
indeed the stormy scene is gone and we are back on the and death, and onward to the certainty of God. There is
shore we never truly left, though our dreams seemed to take no suffering it cannot heal. There is no problem that it
us far, far away. His love, reminding us of the truth that lies cannot solve.and while the world is torn by winds of
beyond our dreams, is our safety. While this situation is hate your rest remains completely undisturbed. Yours is
obviously symbolic, its meaning is true, and Jesus assures us the rest of truth (W-pI.109.3:2-4; 4:2-3).
it is no idle fantasy (W-pI.70.9:4). Whenever anything Correcting our mistaken choice for the egos separation,
seems to disturb our peace and threaten our stability, we need we happily resume our identification with the Holy Spirits
only remember Jesus comforting words and his message of Atonement. This identification had been interrupted for but
Atonement, our true defense: an instantan instant that was never realthough the
When you are afraid of anything, you are acknowledging dream of separation seemed to extend almost to eternity.
its power to hurt you.[The peace of God] is totally Returned to sanity, we remember our Identity as love, and
incapable of being shaken by errors of any kind.The gladly realize we never left the safety of our home as we
Atonement is the only defense that cannot be used awaken at last to our Self.
destructively.[It makes] you perfectly invulnerable. Helens early poem, The Eternal Safety, offers a gentle
[and] re-establishes the power of the mind(T-2.II.1: conclusion to our discussion, sweetly describing the eternal
4,10; 4:1; T-2.III.2:4; 4:6). safety that is ours when we remember our Identity as Gods
What does this have to do with our everyday life? sinless Son. At one in His Love and untouched by dreams of
Everything! The principle of the Atonement means that sin and fear, we forever remain as He created us:
regardless of what happens to us, or to those with whom we Holy am I. By Love created, and
identify in our personal world or the world at large, nothing By Love sustained. For I have never left
here has the power to take Gods peace from us. This peace, The Everlasting Arms. I am beset
born of the memory of our Creators Love, is totally beyond By dreams of sin, and grim forebodings seem
the power of any external force to affect us: nothing outside To steal away my peace, and leave me prey
yourself can hurt you, or disturb your peace or upset you in To terror and malignant destiny.
any way (W-pI.70.2:2). The world certainly has power over Yet does my holiness remain untouched,
our bodies, but cannot touch the mind. It would be like As God created it. For there can be
believing a puppet can affect the puppeteer, or a computer No sin in God, and therefore none in me.
(The Gifts of God, p. 28) Q
change its programmerperhaps in the worlds of Rod

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

We gratefully appreciate any donations, which are tax-deductible, to offset the

costs of printing and mailing this newsletter.

THE LIGHTHOUSE (ISSN 1060-4987) is the newsletter of the Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES. The Foundation is a not-for-profit organization
founded in 1983 to help students of A Course in Miracles through workshops, courses, books, and audio and video tapes.
THE LIGHTHOUSE is published and sent out four times a year (March, June, September, December) by the Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES,
41397 Buecking Drive, Temecula, CA 92590-5668. Periodicals Postage Paid at Temecula, California and additional mailing offices.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE LIGHTHOUSE, Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES, 41397 Buecking Drive, Temecula, CA 92590.
Articles published in THE LIGHTHOUSE are copyrighted by the Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES.



The near-universal preoccupation with the issues of sex and money can be traced to the
egos agenda concealed in our mindsspecifically, its plan to keep us rooted in the body
and the world so we will never get to the real source of pain and conflict, which is the minds
decision to sustain the separation from God, but not be held responsible for it. In the context
of the egos principles and its doctrine of specialness and separate interests, both sex and
money can be seen as behavioral forms that give expression to the content of our minds. The
focus in this book, therefore, is on identifying the content that gives rise to the guilt, conflict,
myths, and obsession associated with sex and money. Forgiveness enables us to shift our
attention from the complexity of behavior to the simplicity of purpose. Thus sex and money,
which have come to express the egos guilt-inducing thought system of one or the other, are
transformed in purpose to reflect the Holy Spirits healing principle of together, or not at all.
Fall publication date. #B-21 ) $7.00 ISBN 1-59142-194-2


These classes focus on what it means to be a right-minded parent and a right-minded child.
The former role involves being faithful to the changing function of parent, at the same time
respecting the childs decision-making mind to choose its life experiences, and whether to
perceive them through the eyes of the ego or the Holy Spirit. We know we have attained spir-
itual maturity when we no longer think of our parents or parental surrogates as authorities
on the level of contentbut as brother and sister walking with us on the path that leads us
home. Thus, both forms of this primary relationship can, if we so choose, exemplify Jesus
message of forgiveness: not seeing anothers interests as separate from our own.
Winter publication date. #B-22 ) $7.00 ISBN 1-59142-205-1


One year after the Course was published in 1976, and in response to many requests,
Helen Schucman wrote an introduction to the Course material. It was in three parts and
was called the Preface. As the third of this three-part Preface to the Course, What It
Says was scribed by Helen through the same process of inner dictation from Jesus as
was the Course itself. It introduces, as would a musical overture, the major themes to be
discussed, thus providing a succinct overview of the spiritual journey presented in
A Course in Miracles. It is a remarkable piece, elevating the reader to the same level of
thought and experience found in the Course. This book consists of a line-by-line com-
mentary on this introduction.
Winter publication date. #B-25 ) $8.00 ISBN 1-59142-208-6


This discussion drew its inspiration from the image of an arch immortalized by
D.H. Lawrence in his novel The Rainbow. As the child in the story was freed to live
her life framed by the pillars of love and strength represented by her parents, so Jesus
asks us to view our daily lives as framed between the pillars of forgiveness, allowing
its quiet strength and gentle protection to nourish our experience and sustain our
learning. We thus grow in our recognition of the contrast between life under the arch
of his love and life outside it.
Winter publication date. #B-27 ) $7.00 ISBN 1-59142-210-8



Adapted from the Preface:
This eight-volume set is the end product of a series of classes I conducted at our
Foundations former location in New York. The classes consisted of a line-by-line
analysis of the lessons, introductions, reviews, summaries, and the Epilogue. I have
considerably enlarged some of the original discussion, supplying additional
references to other relevant portions of the Course, the Preface, the two pamphlets,
poems from The Gifts of God, and the prose poem The Gifts of God. This work
can thus be seen as a complete Course companion to accompany students on their
own journey through the workbook.
My purpose in this bookas it was in the classes that inspired itis to help
students of A Course in Miracles better understand the meaning of the lessons and
their place in the overall curriculum of the Course. Most of all, the purpose is to
help students see the importance of applying the daily lessons to their everyday
December 2005 lives. Without such application, the brilliance of Jesus words is wasted, and they
become simply a sterile system of intellectual teachings.
This book can be read in at least three ways: 1) straight through, as one would
do with the text; 2) different lessons at different times; or 3) one lesson at a time,
as a companion to each lesson. I would urge students, however, if they are doing
the workbook for the first time, to read the lessons as they are, without my
commentary. In other words, as with all my other work on A Course in Miracles,
this book is meant to supplement a students experience of the workbook, not to
substitute for the workbook as it was given to us.
#B-23 ) $60.00 ) Eight-Volume Boxed Set ISBN 1-59142-206-X


This line-by-line presentation is organized around two themes and their varia-
tions. The first major theme is that of shared interests, the core of the Courses
concept of forgiveness. That we all share the same interests (content) is the basis
of Jesus equating teaching and learning, as well as his stressing the importance
of giving up judgment. It is what makes healing possible. This first theme unifies
the seemingly disparate questions that comprise the manuals topics.
The second theme, of equal importance, is the necessity of asking the Holy
Spirit for help, the key to the practice of the Course. By asking help of our inner
Teacher, we become aware of our wrong-minded thought system and the separat-
ing ways in which we manifest it, which paves the way for the right-minded
acceptance of the Holy Spirits gentle correction of our misperceptions.
In the context of these themes, the manual instructs us in how to become teach-
ers of God, the essence of which is demonstration.
Available 2006

* * * * * * * * * * NEW RELEASES * * * * * * * * * *
Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D.
WHEN 2 + 2 = 5. The musings of Dostoevskys famed underground man give this workshop its title and set the stage for the
discussion. The unquestioned equation of 2 + 2 = 4 symbolizes the egos plan to bind us to its laws. When the hopelessness of
the worlds laws dawns, we begin to realize that 2 + 2 = 5, which symbolizes our turning within for answers, accepting that we
are under no laws but Gods, as Lesson 76 tells us. This leads us to the undoing of our fundamental mistake of believing that
1 + 1 = 2, which symbolizes the reality of separation and defends against the only true equation: 1 + 1 = 1. Thus we accept the
love of Jesus as our guide for living within the world, while not allowing it any power over our inner peace.
Audio: #T-117 four tapes $20.00 #CD-117 four CDs $25.00

LOOKING WITH J ESUS : THE PRACTICE OF FORGIVENESS. This self-contained one-day class was part of a larger class on a
different topic. It began with a question about what it means to look at ones ego with Jesus. The answer, augmented by read-
ings from A Course in Miracles and additional questions, gave rise to this album. Looking with Jesus is the meaning of for-
giveness, which undoes the egos judgment of guilt that leads to projection. Once our guilt is hidden from view, we are
prevented from ever looking at the real problemthe minds decision for the egoso it can be undone and the mind returned
to the truth. Looking with Jesus, therefore, is the answer to the separation.
Audio: #T-116 two tapes $10.00 #CD-116 three CDs $20.00

THE REAL A LTERNATIVE . This workshop is based on the section near the end of the text entitled The Real Alternative,
which focuses on the contrast between the egos hopeless purpose and the Holy Spirits hope-filled purpose for the world. The
egos hopelessness is born of its strategy to keep us in a bodily state of perpetual mindlessness, while the hope held out to us
by the Holy Spirit consists of His using the world and body as means to lead us back to the mindthe home of the mistaken
choice for separation and the correction of Atonement: the real alternative that reminds us we never left our Creator and
Source, nor has He left us.
Audio: #T-115 four tapes $20.00 #CD-115 four CDs $25.00

FROM FUTILITY TO HAPPINESS: SISYPHUS AS EVERYMAN. The Greek mythic figure of Sisyphus was condemned by the
gods to pushing a rock up a mountain, only to have it fall back to the bottom, there to begin his labors again. His life of futility
mirrors our life in the body and the hopelessness inherent in pursuing meaning here. When we finally recognize lifes futility
and cry out, There must be another way, the Holy Spirits answer is to help us return our attention to the mind where we
learn that we can be at peace, regardless of lifes circumstances. While usually unable to control outer events, we are nonethe-
less able to control our minds reactions to them. Only in this change of mind lies the potential for happiness.
Audio: #T-114 four tapes $20.00 #CD-114 four CDs $25.00

PARENTS AND C HILDREN : O UR MOST D IFFICULT C LASSROOM. These classes focus on what it means to be a right-
minded parent and a right-minded child. The former role involves being faithful to the changing function of parent, at the
same time respecting the childs decision-making mind to choose its life experiences, and whether to perceive them through
the eyes of the ego or the Holy Spirit. We know we have attained spiritual maturity when we no longer think of our parents or
parental surrogates as authoritieson the level of contentbut as brother and sister walking with us on the path that leads us
home. Thus, both forms of this primary relationship can, if we so choose, exemplify Jesus message of forgiveness: not seeing
anothers interests as separate from our own.
Audio: #T-113 four tapes $20.00 #CD-113 five CDs $30.00

THE LESSONS OF THE H OLY SPIRIT . This workshop contrasts the lessons of the ego with the lessons of the Holy Spirit.
The egos lessons focus on all-exclusiveness and the preservation of the ego, and can be stated this way: 1) To Have, Take All
from All; 2) To Have Conflict, Teach Conflict to Learn It; and 3) Be Vigilant Only against God and His Kingdom. The Holy
Spirits lessons reflect His message of the all-inclusive nature of Gods Son, and our need to choose against the ego: 1) To
Have, Give All to All; 2) To Have Peace, Teach Peace to Learn It; and 3) Be Vigilant Only for God and His Kingdom.
Audio: #T-112 four tapes $20.00 #CD-112 four CDs $25.00

Now also available on CD:

#CD-80 Returning Home (4 CDs) $25.00
#CD-79 The Prodigal Son (4 CDs) $25.00
#CD-39 Duality as Metaphor in A Course in Miracles (10 CDs) $55.00

The Lighthouse in its entirety (in .pdf format) is available to download from our Web site at You will need
Adobe Reader to view the newsletter, and if this program is not already installed on your computer, you can download it from
our site. In addition, you can have the page monitored by, and each time a new edition of the newsletter
is added to the Web site you will receive a notification by e-mail. Activation of page monitoring can also be done from our site.
If you wish to receive our newsletter in this form only, please let us know and we will remove your name from The
Lighthouse mailing list.


The complete Course is now available in a smaller-sized edition (8"x 5" differing from the 9"x 6" regular-sized editions).
Printed on the same quality paper as the traditional Softcover and Hardcover editions, this newly designed books type size is
slightly smaller than that of the traditional versions. Anexo a Un curso en milagros, the new Spanish translation of the supple-
ments (Psychotherapy: Purpose, Process, and Practice and The Song of Prayer) is also available. Both of these publications
may be ordered from the Foundation for Inner Peace Web site (, as well as our order form on page 19.

Our latest series of excerpts is from our tape album Healing the Dream of Sickness, a workshop presented by Kenneth in
February 2002. After a review of the metaphysical basis of sickness and the body, the discussion develops the unique view of
A Course in Miracles that the source of all sickness, regardless of the form, is not the body or the world, but our unconscious
belief in sin and guilt. Healing therefore centers on the removal of this cause through our looking without judgment at our
decision to push love away and then blame our plight on external sources. This lookingthe meaning of a relationship with
Jesusis the core of healing. These excerpts can be found at the Foundations Web site at

Browse our Web site, where you can order Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES publications at a 10% discount; register for
the Temecula Center programs; add your name to our mailing list or change your mailing list address; read past articles from The
Lighthouse; find program schedules for both the Temecula Center and the La Jolla branch; and consult our teaching aids, includ-
ing our online excerpts series. You may also access our Question and Answer Service ( at our Web site.

We have a link to, Web site of IDEPI, a Spanish teaching organization run by Eduardo Iannici and his wife
Adriana. The site, which is in Spanish, serves all of Latin America, and consists of extensive discussions of A Course in
Miracles, as well as Spanish translations of articles from The Lighthouse, our Excerpts Series, excerpts from various
Foundation publications, and portions of our Question and Answer Service. You may contact IDEPI through E-mail at: Please note that this site is currently designed specifically for Internet Explorer browsers. Other browsers
may experience problems viewing the site.

Most of the Foundation books and a few tapes have been translated into German. For information, please contact: Greuthof
Verlag und Vertrieb GmbH Herrenweg 2 D79261 Gutach i. Br. Germany Tel. 7681-6025 FAX 7681-6027. Many of the
Foundation books have also been translated into Spanish, the most recent being Awaken from the Dream, and these can be
ordered from our publications list on page 16. In addition to the books already listed, Absence from Felicity will be available in
late 2005.
Dutch: The Talk and The Most Commonly Asked Questions. Order from Ankh-Hermes bv Postbus 125 7400 AC
Deventer Netherlands.
Italian: The Talk. Order from Gruppo Editoriale Armenia Via Valtellina, 63 20129 Milano, Italy.
Danish: The Talk, The Most Commonly Asked Questions, and Absence from Felicity. Order from SphinX Publishers
Lvstrde 8 1152 Kbenhavn K Denmark.
Slovene: The Talk. Order from Zalozba Quatro Zabnica 31 1357 Notranje Gorice.
French: The Talk. Order from our publications list on page 16.
Afrikaans: The Talk. Order from Henri Theron 302 Monterey Bay Road Mouille Point, Cape Town 8005 South Africa.

I. REGISTRATION in time for a letter to be sent to you. In this
instance, you may call the office MondayFriday,
a) We accept registrations by mail, FAX, telephone,
9:00 a.m.5:00 p.m. Pacific time to verify your
and on our Web site at
acceptance into a program.
b) If you register by mail or FAX, please allow
b) It is important that you double-check the regis-
enough time for your registration form to reach us
tration information sent with your confirma-
and the confirmation form to reach you in return.
tion letter to ensure the accuracy of the
c) If you register by phone, please have your credit information. In the event the program you register
card ready when you call. for is filled, your registration form and fee will be
d) All program fees must be paid in fullby check, returned to you, unless you have requested that
money order, or credit card. International students your name be placed on a waiting list. Thus, you
may also use wire transfer (call our office for may be confirmed either as a participant or as
information). Your check or money order should being on the waiting list.
be made payable to ITIP-ACIM (in US funds only,
drawn on a US bank). There will be a $20 fee for III. WALK-INS
any check returned to us for insufficient funds. While walk-in registrations are accepted, auditorium
seating cannot be guaranteed.
a) Confirmation information will be given over the
phone if your registration form does not reach us


Call the Temecula Comfort Inn (.5 miles/951.296.3788) and identify yourself as a student attending
class at the Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES to receive a group discount. RESERVE EARLY!!!

Motel 6 Best Western Country Inn Best Value Inn

951.676.7199 (2.6 miles) 951.676.7378 (1.1 miles) 951.676.5700 (2.5 miles)
Hampton Inn Extended Stay Doubletree Suites Hotel
951.506.2331 (2.4 miles) Kitchenettes Embassy Suites Hotel
951.587.8881 (.9 miles) 951.676.5656 (2.8 miles)
Holiday Inn Express
951.699.2444 (1 mile)

For a list of additional lodging accommodations in the surrounding area

Many food establishments
are nearby in Temecula.
(20-45 minutes from Temecula), please call our office at 951.296.6261
between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. PT, Monday through Friday.


Our bookstore, Oasis of Peace, is open 9:00 a.m5:00 p.m. daily. Please note that weekend hours may be
adjusted when classes are being held at the Foundation.

Temecula Center


Time: 10:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m. Fee: $40.00
2005 2006
Saturday, October 15
W-12 THE M ETAPHYSICS OF TIME Saturday, January 21
Sunday, November 20
Saturday, December 3
W-14 THE G IFTS OF CHRISTMAS : Sunday, March 5
Sunday, December 11

Time: 1:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. Fee: $25.00
2005 2006
Sunday, October 23 Saturday, January 7
Sunday, November 6 Saturday, February 11
Saturday, November 19 Saturday, March 4
Sunday, March 19

Half-day seminars are relatively informal, allowing for more discussion and questions than one-day workshops.


Kenneth Wapnick will present introductory lectures for those interested in learning more about A Course in Miracles
and what it says. The program format will include a question-and-answer period. No Registration Required.
TIME: 12:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. ) 2005: Saturday, October 22 ) Saturday, December 10 ) 2006: Saturday, February 25


The Foundation conducts weekly ninety-minute discussion and study groups on the Course (except on mornings
when an Academy class is in progress). These Wednesday sessions (11:00 a.m.12:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.8:30
p.m.) are facilitated by the Foundation Staff. There is a $5.00 fee per session.

Faculty: Drs. Kenneth Wapnick, Rosemarie LoSasso, and Jeffrey Seibert
Times: 10:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m.
Dates: October 16 18 Fee: $90.00

ALL Academy 9 classes will be taught by Kenneth Wapnick

Dates: November 7 11 Fee: $150.00
A-9D1 November 7 Fee: $30.00 A-9D2 November 8 Fee: $30.00 A-9D3 November 9 Fee: $30.00
A-9D4 November 10 Fee: $30.00 A-9D5 November 11 Fee: $30.00
Our lives are symphonic variations on a basic theme of victimization, usually held in place by our earliest memories, which thus
offer clues to the egos meaning for our coming here. Yet these memories, to borrow Freuds term, are but screens to conceal the
egos earliest memoryour decision to believe in the separation from God, thereby making it serious and real. However, even this
past memory screens the present memory (T-28.I) of the Holy Spirits Thought of Atonement. Through discussion and readings,
this five-day class will retrace these memories back to the Source of all memorythe Fathers Love.


Dates: December 4 6 Fee: $90.00
A-10D1 December 4 Fee: $30.00 A-10D2 December 5 Fee: $30.00 A-10D3 December 6 Fee: $30.00
This variation of forgiveness-to-destroy (S-2.II) will be explored through discussion and readings. I will forgive but never for-
get has long been the shibboleth of the worlds practice of forgiveness, wherein anothers sin is made real (and thus not forgotten),
and then forgiven as an act of charity. Yet this favorite form of ego hypocrisy merely reinforces the belief in the reality of separa-
tion and sin. The Holy Spirits forgiveness gently undoes this belief by teaching us there is nothing to forget, since nothing hap-
pened to separate Gods Son from his Creator, nor from the rest of the Sonship. Thus we are taught to forgive by forgetting what
never was.


Dates: January 22 24 Fee: $90.00
A-1D1 January 22 Fee: $30.00 A-1D2 January 23 Fee: $30.00 A-1D3 January 24 Fee: $30.00
We are asked by Jesus to find the quiet center or stately calm within, for that is where his help is found and Gods Love
remembered. The special relationship is the egos primary device to keep us off-center, demanding that we focus on the body rather
than the mind, where truth is found. Forgiveness of our specialness is the Holy Spirits gentle means to bring us to His home in the
right mind, and through readings and discussion, this class will help lead us away from the tempting attraction of the special rela-
tionship to our real attraction to the love that is the minds true center.


Dates: February 12 14 Fee: $90.00
A-2D1 February 12 Fee: $30.00 A-2D2 Februray 13 Fee: $30.00 A-2D3 February 14 Fee: $30.00
We are taught that the egos maxim is Seek but do not find (T-16.V.6:5). In this class, we shall explore the many ways we put
the egos principle into practice, deliberatelyalbeit unconsciouslylooking in the wrong place for the solution of peace for our
problems of conflict. Thus did the ego make a world of specifics, enticing us to seek for help where it could never be found, all the
while our true Help waits patiently within the mind for us to choose again. Readings will augment our discussion of this fundamen-
tal theme in A Course in Miracles.

ALL Academy 3 classes will be taught by Kenneth Wapnick

Dates: March 20 24 Fee: $150.00
A-3D1 March 20 Fee: $30.00 A-3D2 March 21 Fee: $30.00 A-3D3 March 22 Fee: $30.00
A-3D4 March 23 Fee: $30.00 A-3D5 March 24 Fee: $30.00
In Greek mythology, the Trojan princess Cassandra was condemned by Apollo to possess the gift of prophesying truth, but hav-
ing no one believe her. In A Course in Miracles, we can see Jesus in the same position: he speaks truth, but no one truly believes
him. As he says in the workbook: You have heard this said a hundred ways, a hundred times, and yet belief is lacking still
(W-pI.154.12:2). Through readings and discussion, we shall explore Jesus truth and our many resistances to accepting it.


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 1 2 3 4 5
LL Disc. Group

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Study Group

Disc. Group 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Study Group A-9
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 S-11 A-9 A-9 Study Group A-9 A-9
Disc. Group 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Study Group W-11 Disc. Group

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Study Group S-12

Disc. Group 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
A-8 A-8 A-8 Study Group Intro-2 Disc. Group

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 W-12 Study Group Thanksgiving

Disc. Group 27 28 29 30
S-10 Study Group Disc. Group

30 31 Study Group

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Disc. Group

W-13 Study Group S-1

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Disc. Group Disc. Group

A-10 A-10 A-10 Study Group Intro-3 W-1 Study Group

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Disc. Group Disc. Group

W-14 Study Group Study Group W-2

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Disc. Group Disc. Group

Study Group A-1 A-1 A-1 Study Group

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 31
Disc. Group

Christmas Study Group

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Disc. Group Disc. Group

Study Group Study Group S-3

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Disc. Group Disc. Group

Study Group S-2 W-4 Study Group

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Disc. Group Disc. Group

A-2 A-2 A-2 Study Group Study Group

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Disc. Group A-3
Study Group Intro-1 S-4 A-3 A-3 Study Group A-3 A-3
26 27 28 26 27 28 29 30 31
Disc. Group

W-3 Study Group

You may use the same form if you are attending with another student.
Registrations without the correct amount of money accompanying them will be returned.

PERSON 1: (Please print) PERSON 2: (Please print)

Name ________________________________________ Name ________________________________________
Address_______________________________________ Address ______________________________________
City/State/Zip __________________________________ City/State/Zip__________________________________
Phone: Day ( ) Eve. ( )____________ Phone: Day ( ) Eve. ( ) ___________
E-mail (optional): _______________________________ E-mail (optional): ______________________________

Our Workshops, Classes, and Discussions are videotaped. Our Workshops, Classes, and Discussions are videotaped.
Please sign and date the Release Form below. If you do not want Please sign and date the Release Form below. If you do not want
to be videotaped, you will be seated in the rear of the auditorium. to be videotaped, you will be seated in the rear of the auditorium.

* * * * RELEASE FORM * * * * * * * * RELEASE FORM * * * *

I hereby grant the Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES per- I hereby grant the Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES per-
mission to videotape me. I understand that the finished video mission to videotape me. I understand that the finished video
may be sold to the public, as well as shown on the internet, and may be sold to the public, as well as shown on the internet, and
that I will receive no compensation for said videotape. that I will receive no compensation for said videotape.

___________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
Signature Signature

__________________________ __________________________
Date Date

Place me on the waiting list if program is filled: yes no

Make check or money order payable to the Institute for Teaching Inner Peace through A Course in Miracles, or ITIP-ACIM (US funds only,
drawn on a US bank), or provide credit card information to secure a place for the programs listed on pages 10-11.
Note: If you are also ordering publications, please send separate payment.
Check or money order enclosed for $
Credit card information: American Express Discover MasterCard VISA

Person 1: Exp Date: _____________ No. CVV2/CID Number: ____________

Person 2: Exp Date: _____________ No. CVV2/CID Number: ____________

Important Credit card billing address if different from above:

Person 1: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Person 2: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Signature(s) required: Mail to: Institute

41397 Buecking Drive
Temecula, CA 92590
FAX: 951.296.9117

Program Program
Fee Program
Number Date
Person 1 $
Please use program numbers listed on page 11
when registering for portions of, rather than a
Person 2 $
complete, Academy class. Person 1 $
A-8 October 16 18 $90.00 Person 2 $

A-9 November 7 11 $150.00 Person 1 $

A-10 December 4 6 $90.00 Person 2 $

2006 Person 1 $

A-1 January 22 24 $90.00 Person 2 $

A-2 February 12 14 $90.00 Person 1 $

A-3 March 20 24 $150.00

Person 2 $
Person 1 $
Person 2 $
(10:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m.) Person 1 $
Person 2 $
W-11 October 15 W-12 November 20
Person 1 $
W-13 December 3 W-14 December 11
Person 2 $
Person 1 $
W-1 January 8 W-2 January 21
Person 2 $
W-3 February 26 W-4 March 5
Person 1 $
Person 2 $
(1:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m.) Person 1 $
S-10 October 23 S-11 November 6 Person 2 $
S-12 November 19 TOTAL $

S-1 January 7 S-2 February 11

S-3 March 4 S-4 March 19

La Jolla Branch
7843 Girard Avenue, Suite E ) La Jolla, CA 92037 ) 858.551.1227

Classes are held each Thursday (except Thanksgiving) from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
The fee for these lectures is $5, payable at the door.


Monday: 6 p.m. 7:30 p.m. or Tuesday: 10 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 10 a.m. 1 p.m. $15 fee
Pre-registration is required at the La Jolla Branch of the Foundation. Call: 858. 551.1227. No registration required.

Dates: October 24November 14 (Mon.) Dates: January 23February 13 (Mon.) OF ONENESS
October 25November 15 (Tue.) January 24February 14 (Tue.) Date: November 13
Fee: $20 plus tape set Fee: $20 plus tape set
Registration ends: October 13 Registration ends: January 12
Dates: March 6March 27 (Mon.)
HELEN SCHUCMAN: A GIFT OF GOD March 7March 28 (Tue.) Date: January 15
Dates: January 2January 9 (Mon.) Fee: $20 plus tape set
January 3January 10 (Tue.) FW-2 THE UNBELIEVABLE
Registration ends: February 23
Fee: $10 plus tape set BELIEF
Registration ends: December 22 Date: February 19


OCTOBER Date: March 26
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat NOVEMBER
1 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat DECEMBER
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Tape 2 3 4 5 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Study Lecture
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Tape 1 2 3
6 7 Tape 8 Tape 9 10 11 12
Lecture Study Lecture
Study Study Lecture
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
13 14 Tape 15 Tape 16 17 18 19
Lecture Lecture
FW-9 Study Study Lecture
23 24 Tape 25 Tape 26 27 28 29 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Study Study Lecture Lecture
30 31 Tape 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
27 28 29 30
Study Lecture
25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Christmas Lecture
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat FEBRUARY
1 2 Tape 3 Tape 4 5 6 7 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat MARCH
Study Study Lecture
1 2 3 4 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
8 9 Tape 10 Tape 11 12 13 14
Study Study Lecture 1 2 3 4
5 6 Tape 7 Tape 8 9 10 11
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Lecture
Study Study Lecture
FW-1 Lecture 5 6 Tape 7 Tape 8 9 10 11
12 13 Tape 14 Tape 15 16 17 18
22 23 Tape 24 Tape 25 26 27 28 Study Study Lecture
Study Study Lecture
Study Study Lecture 12 13 Tape 14 Tape 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
29 30 Tape 31 Tape Study Study Lecture
FW-2 Lecture
Study Study 19 20 Tape 21 Tape 22 23 24 25
26 27 28
Study Study Lecture
26 27 Tape 28 Tape 29 30 31
FW-3 Study Study Lecture

Item Title Price Item Title Price
Books (Kenneth and Gloria Wapnick) T-24 Sickness and Healing (KW) (8 tapes) 48.00

B-1 Christian Psychology in A Course in Miracles (KW) $5.00 T-25 What It Means to Be a Teacher of God (KW) (6 tapes) 36.00

B-3 A Talk Given on A Course in Miracles (KW) 6.00 T-26 Overeating: A Dialogue (KW) (1 tape) 6.00

B-4 Glossary-Index for A Course in Miracles (KW) 10.00 T-27 To Judge or Not to Judge (KW) (4 tapes) 24.00

B-5 Forgiveness and Jesus (KW) 16.00 T-28 Healing the Unhealed Healer (KW) (8 tapes) 48.00

B-6 The Fifty Miracle Principles of ACIM (KW) 8.00 T-29 The Real World (KW) (8 tapes) 48.00

B-7 Awaken from the Dream 10.00 T-30 True Empathy (KW) (8 tapes) 48.00

B-9 Love Does Not Condemn (KW) (sale price) 20.00 T-31 Jesus: The Manifestation of the Holy Spirit (KW) (5 tps) 30.00

B-10 A Vast Illusion (KW) 12.00 T-32 The Laws of Chaos (KW) (12 tapes) 72.00

B-11 Absence from Felicity (KW) 17.00 T-33 There Must Be Another Way (KW) (1 tape) 6.00

B-12 Overeating: A Dialogue Based on ACIM (KW) 5.00 T-34 Metaphysics of Separation and Forgiveness (KW) (1 tp) 6.00

B-13 ACIM & Christianity: A Dialogue (KW/Clarke) 7.00 T-35 Workbook of A Course in Miracles (KW) (8 tapes) 48.00

B-14 The Most Commonly Asked Questions About ACIM 8.00 T-36 Making the Holy Spirit Special (KW) (7 tapes) 42.00

B-15 The Message of ACIM (2 volume set) (KW) 22.00 T-37 The Meaning of Judgment (KW) (1 tape) 6.00

B-16 The Journey Home (KW) 16.95 T-38 The Web of Specialness (KW) (12 tapes) 72.00

B-17 Ending Our Resistance to Love (KW) 5.00 T-39 Duality as Metaphor in ACIM (KW) (8 tapes) 48.00

B-18 Life, Death and Love (KW) 25.00 T-40 Rules for Decision (KW) (8 tapes) 48.00

B-19 The Healing Power of Kindness: Volume 1 (KW) 6.00 T-41 I Want the Peace of God (KW) (1 tape) 6.00

B-20 The Healing Power of Kindness: Volume 2 (KW) 6.00 T-42 Forgiving Jesus: Stranger on the Road (KW) (2 tps) 10.00
T-43 The Bible from the Perspective of ACIM (6 tapes) 36.00
French Translations of Books (Kenneth Wapnick)
T-44 The Theology of A Course in Miracles (2 tapes) 10.00
B-3f Introduction Gnrale Un Cours en Miracles $6.00
T-45 The Inheritance of Gods Son (2 tapes) 10.00
Spanish Translations of Books T-46 The Sign of Christmas Is a Star (2 tapes) 10.00
(Kenneth and Gloria Wapnick) T-47 The Holy Christ Is Born in Me Today (2 tapes) 10.00
B-1s Psicologa cristiana en Un curso en milagros (KW) $5.00 T-48 From Time to Timelessness (KW) (1 tape) 6.00
B-3s Una introduccin bsica a Un curso en milagros (KW) 6.00 T-49 Climbing the Ladder Home (KW) (5 tapes) 30.00
B-4s Glosario-Indice para Un curso de milagros (KW) 10.00 T-50 How Will the World End? (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00
B-5s El perdn y Jess (KW) 16.00 T-51 The Importance of Jesus (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00
B-6s Los 50 principios del milagro de UCEM (KW) 8.00 T-52 Learning from the Holy Spirit (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00
B-7s Despierta del sueo: Una presentacin de UCEM 10.00 T-53 The Meaning of Forgiveness (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00
B-13s UCDM y el cristianismo: Un dilogo (KW/Clarke) 7.00 T-54 The Kindness of Healing (KW) (1 tape) 6.00
B-14s Las preguntas ms comunes en torno a UCDM 8.00 T-55 Gift of the Ego: Fear Gift of God: Love (KW) (8 tps) 48.00
B-15s El mensaje de Un curso en milagros (KW) 22.00 T-56 The Experience of ACIM (KW) (8 tapes) 48.00
Tapes (Kenneth and Gloria Wapnick) T-57 Separation and Forgiveness (KW) (7 tapes) 42.00
T-1 The Simplicity of Salvation (KW) (8 tapes) $48.00 The Workbook Lessons of ACIM
Number of tapes per item number in parentheses.
T-2 Christian Psychology in ACIM (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00
T-58-1 (8) $32.00 T-58-4 (8) $32.00
T-3 Atonement without Sacrifice (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00
T-58-2 (10) $40.00 T-58-5 (8) $32.00
T-5 The Ego and Forgiveness (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00 T-58-3 (11) $44.00 T-58-6 (10) $40.00
T-9 Special RelationshipsPart 1 (KW) (8 tapes) 48.00 T-59 The Quiet Answer (KW) (3 tapes) 18.00
T-10 Special RelationshipsPart 2 (KW) (6 tapes) 36.00 T-60 The Obstacles to Peace (KW) (8 tapes) 48.00
T-13 Cause and Effect (KW) (8 tapes) 48.00 Classes on the Text of ACIM
Eight tapes per item number. 32.00
T-15 The Gifts of God (KW) (3 tapes) 18.00 per item
T-16 Seek Not to Change the Course (2 tapes) 10.00 T-61-1 (Volume 1) through T-61-8 (Volume 8) number

T-17 Love Does Not Oppose (8 tapes) 48.00 T-62 The Meaning of the Holy Instant (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00

T-18 The Song of Prayer (KW) (10 tapes) 60.00 T-63 From Darkness to Light (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00

T-19 The Origin of A Course in Miracles (KW) (1 tape) 6.00 T-64 The Pathway of Forgiveness (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00

T-20 I Will Be Still an Instant and Go Home (1 tape) 6.00 T-65 Love and Be Silent (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00

T-21 Jesus: Teacher Model (KW) (8 tapes) 48.00 T-66 Jesus: Symbol and Reality (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00

T-22 The Authority Problem (KW) (5 tapes) 30.00 T-67 Living A Course in Miracles (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00

T-23 Our Gratitude to God (KW) (5 tapes) 30.00 T-68 Special Relationships/Home of Guilt (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00

Item Title Price Item Title Price
T-69 Dreaming the Dream (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00 Compact Discs (Kenneth Wapnick)
T-70 The Compassion of the Miracle (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00 CD-5 The Ego and Forgiveness (3 CDs) $20.00
T-71 Approaching A Course in Miracles (KW) (1 tape) 5.00
CD-15 The Gifts of God (4 CDs) 25.00
T-72 An Overview of A Course in Miracles (KW) (1 tape) 6.00
CD-18 The Song of Prayer (13 CDs) 70.00
T-73 The Time Machine (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00 CD-21 Jesus: Teacher Model (10 CDs) 55.00
T-74 Forgiveness and the End of Time (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00
CD-31 Jesus: The Manifestation of the Holy Spirit (6 CDs) 35.00
T-75 Healing the Dream of Sickness (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00
CD-39 Duality as Metaphor in ACIM (10 CDs) 55.00
T-76 The Changeless Dwelling Place (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00 CD-42 Forgiving Jesus: Stranger on the Road (2 CDs) 15.00
T-77 To Be or Not To Be (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00
CD-51 The Importance of Jesus (2 CDs) 15.00
T-78 Form vs. Content: Sex and Money (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00
CD-53 The Meaning of Forgiveness (2 CDs) 15.00
T-79 The Prodigal Son (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00 CD-54 The Kindness of Healing (2 CDs) 15.00
T-80 Returning Home (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00
CD-55 Gift of the Ego: Fear Gift of God: Love (10 CDs) 55.00
T-81 Justice Returned to Love (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00
The Workbook Lessons of ACIM
T-82 The Problem of Evil (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00 Number of CDs per item number in parentheses.
T-83-1 Classes on the Manual of ACIM Vol. I (KW) (10 tps) 40.00 CD-58-1 (7) $40.00 CD-58-5 (8) $45.00
CD-58-2 (5) $30.00 CD-58-6 (9) $50.00
T-83-2 Classes on the Manual of ACIM Vol. II (KW) (10 tps) 40.00 CD-58-3 (5) $30.00 CD-58-7 (10) $55.00
T-84 The Quality of Mercy (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00 CD-58-4 (12) $65.00
T-85 A Tale Told by an Idiot (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00 Classes on the Text of ACIM
Eight CDs per item number. 40.00
T-86 The Journey: From Ego Self to True Self (KW) (12 tps) 60.00 per item
CD-61-1 (Volume 1) through CD-61-8 (Volume 8) number
T-87 Living in the World (KW) (8 tapes) 40.00
CD-65 Love and Be Silent (4 CDs) 25.00
T-88 Healing: Hearing the Melody (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00
CD-66 Jesus: Symbol and Reality (4 CDs) 25.00
T-89 Deciding for God (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00
CD-72 An Overview of A Course in Miracles (1 CD) 10.00
T-90 Loving Not Wisely, but Too Well (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00
CD-77 To Be or Not To Be (4 CDs) 25.00
T-91 Jesus: Light in the Dream (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00
CD-79 The Prodigal Son (4 CDs) 25.00
T-92 Letting Go of Judgment (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00
CD-80 Returning Home (4 CDs) 25.00
T-93 Psychotherapy: Purpose, Process & Practice (KW) (8 tps) 40.00
CD-81 Justice Returned to Love (4 CDs) 25.00
T-94 Jesus: The Ancient Love (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00
CD-82 The Problem of Evil (4 CDs) 25.00
T-95 Escape from Love: Dissociating ACIM (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00
CD-83-1 Classes on the Manual of ACIM Vol. I (10 CDs) 55.00
T-96 Walking with Jesus (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00
CD-83-2 Classes on the Manual of ACIM Vol. II (10 CDs) 55.00
T-97 Jesus: Bright Stranger (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00
CD-84 The Quality of Mercy (4 CDs) 25.00
T-98 Who is Jesus? (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00
CD-85 A Tale Told by an Idiot (3 CDs) 20.00
T-99 Jesus: Companion on Our Journey (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00
CD-86 The Journey: From Ego Self to True Self (16 CDs) 85.00
T-101 What It Says: From the Preface of ACIM (KW) (4 tps) 20.00
CD-87 Living in the World: Prison or Classroom (8 CDs) 45.00
T-102 The Ghost of Caesar: Guilts Shadow (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00
CD-88 Healing: Hearing the Melody (4 CDs) 25.00
T-103 Jesus: Fantasy or Truth? (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00
CD-89 Deciding for God (2 CDs) 15.00
T-104 The Arch of Forgiveness (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00
CD-90 Loving Not Wisely, but Too Well (4 CDs) 25.00
T-105 Three Metamorphoses (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00
CD-91 Jesus: Light in the Dream (2 CDs) 15.00
T-106 The Inner Voice (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00
CD-92 Letting Go of Judgment (3 CDs) 20.00
T-107 Shadows of Limitation (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00
CD-93 Psychotherapy: Purpose, Process & Practice (8 CDs) 45.00
T-108 Helen Schucman: A Gift of God (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00
CD-94 Jesus: The Ancient Love (4 CDs) 25.00
T-109 Sweet Are the Uses of Adversity (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00
CD-95 Escape from Love: Dissociating ACIM (2 CDs) 15.00
T-110 Art and ACIM: Reflections of Holiness (KW) (4 tps) 20.00
CD-96 Walking with Jesus (3 CDs) 20.00
T-111 Transformation: ...Form to Formlessness (KW) (2 tps) 10.00
CD-97 Jesus: Bright Stranger (4 CDs) 25.00
T-112 The Lessons of the Holy Spirit (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00
CD-98 Who is Jesus? (3 CDs) 20.00
T-113 Parents/Children: Difficult Classroom (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00
CD-99 Jesus: Companion on Our Journey (4 CDs) 25.00
T-114 From Futility to Happiness: Sisyphus (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00
CD-100 Jesus: Songs of Gratitude and Love (32 CDs) 100.00
T-115 The Real Alternative (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00
CD-101 What It Says: From the Preface of ACIM (4 CDs) 25.00
T-116 Looking with Jesus: Forgiveness (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00
CD-102 The Ghost of Caesar: Guilts Shadow (4 CDs) 25.00
T-117 When 2 + 2 = 5 (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00

Item Title Price Item Title Price
CD-103 Jesus: Fantasy or Truth? (2 CDs) 15.00 V-10 Special Relationships: The Home of Guilt VHS 30.00
CD-104 The Arch of Forgiveness (3 CDs) 20.00 V-10p Specl Reltnshps:/Home of Guilt VHS (PAL non-US) 40.00
CD-105 Three Metamorphoses (4 CDs) 25.00 V-11 Love and Be Silent VHS 30.00
CD-106 The Inner Voice (3 CDs) 20.00 V-11p Love and Be Silent VHS (PAL non-US) 40.00
CD-107 Shadows of Limitation (4 CDs) 25.00 Classes on the Text of ACIM
CD-108 Helen Schucman: A Gift of God (2 CDs) 15.00 One 2-hour VHS tape per item number; item num- 15.00
bers correspond to chapters (i.e., V-12-2 is Chapter 2) per item
CD-109 Sweet Are the Uses of Adversity (4 CDs) 25.00 number
V-12-in through V-12-31
CD-110 Art and ACIM: Reflections of Holiness (4 CDs) 25.00
V-13 Justice Returned to Love VHS 30.00
CD-111 Transformation: ...Form to Formlessness (3 CDs) 20.00
V-14 The Time Machine VHS 30.00
CD-112 The Lessons of the Holy Spirit (4 CDs) 25.00
V-15 Forgiveness and the End of Time VHS 30.00
CD-113 Parents/Children: Most Difficult Classroom (5 CDs) 30.00
V-16 From Darkness to Light VHS 30.00
CD-114 From Futility to Happiness: Sisyphus (4 CDs) 25.00
V-17 Jesus: Symbol and Reality VHS 30.00
CD-115 The Real Alternative (4 CDs) 25.00
V-18 Dreaming the Dream VHS 30.00
CD-116 Looking with Jesus: Practice of Forgiveness (3 CDs) 20.00
V-19 The Compassion of the Miracle VHS 30.00
CD-117 When 2 + 2 = 5 (4 CDs) 25.00
V-20 Healing the Dream of Sickness VHS 30.00
Videos (Gloria and Kenneth Wapnick) V-21 The Changeless Dwelling Place VHS 30.00
V-1 Seek Not to Change the Course VHS (US) $30.00 V-22 To Be or Not To Be: Hamlet, Death, & ACIM VHS 30.00
V-1p Seek Not to Change the Course VHS (PAL non-US) 40.00 V-23 Form vs. Content: Sex and Money VHS 30.00
V-3 The Real World (3-hr. unedited) VHS (US) 30.00 V-24 The Prodigal Son VHS 30.00
V-3p The Real World (3-hr. unedited) VHS (PAL non-US) 40.00 V-25 The Problem of Evil VHS 30.00
V-4 The Real World (2-hr. edited) VHS (US) 20.00 Classes on the Manual of ACIM
V-4p The Real World (2-hr.) VHS (PAL non-US) 30.00 One 2-hour VHS tape per item number. 15.00
per item
V-5 Interview with Kenneth and Gloria VHS (US) 15.00 V-26-1 through V-26-10 number

V-5p Interview w/Kenneth and Gloria VHS (PAL non-US) 20.00 V-27 The Quality of Mercy VHS 30.00
V-6 VisionariesVHS (US) 10.00 V-28 A Tale Told by an Idiot VHS 30.00
V-29 Healing: Hearing the Melody VHS 30.00
Videos (Kenneth Wapnick)
V-30 Loving Not Wisely, but Too Well VHS 30.00
V-7 The Pathway of Forgiveness VHS $30.00
V-31 An Introduction to A Course in Miracles VHS 10.00
V-7p The Pathway of Forgiveness VHS (PAL non-US) 40.00
V-32 Psychotherapy: Purpose, Process and Practice VHS 60.00
V-8 Living A Course in Miracles VHS 30.00
V-33 What It Says: From the Preface of ACIM VHS 30.00
V-8p Living A Course in Miracles VHS (PAL non-US) 40.00
V-9 The Meaning of the Holy Instant VHS 20.00 Nightingale-Conant (Gloria and Kenneth Wapnick)
V-9p The Meaning of the Holy Instant VHS (PAL non-US) 30.00 NT-1 Living A Course in Miracles album (8 tapes) $69.95
NC-1 Living A Course in Miracles (8 CDs) 79.95

A Course in Miracles and Related Material (retail only)

Item Title Price Item Title Price
F-2 A Course in Miracles (Combined Softcover) $30.00 F-9 Readings from A Course in Miracles (1 audio tape) 10.00
F-11 A Course in Miracles (Combined Hardcover) 35.00 F-10 The Story of A Course in Miracles (1 video tape) 60.00
F-15 A Course in Miracles (New Combined Paperback) 20.00 F-10p The Story of ACIM (1 video tp) VHS (PAL non-US) 60.00
F-1s Un Curso de Milagros (Spanish) 35.00 F-12 A Course in Miracles (2nd Ed.) (42 audio tapes) 150.00
F-3 The Song of Prayer 6.00 F-12cd A Course in Miracles (2nd Ed.) (59 CDs) 170.00
F-4 Psychotherapy: Purpose, Process and Practice 6.00 P-13 Concordance of ACIM 50% discount 25.00
F-34s Anexo a Un curso en milagros (Spanish Supplements) 10.00 F-14 The Forgotten Song (1 video tp/ Part I only of F-10) 30.00
F-5 The Gifts of God 21.00 F-14dvd The Forgotten Song (DVD/ Part I only of F-10) 30.00
F-6 Workbook Lesson Cards 21.00 C-3 Electronic version of ACIMWin (CD-ROM only) 40.00
F-7 What It Says (1 audio tape) 10.00 C-4 Electronic version of ACIMMAC (CD-ROM only) 40.00
F-8 What It Says (1 video tape) 30.00


Item Quantity Title Price Total


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The Foundation is located just off I-15. From the north,
take the CA-79 N/Winchester Road exit and stay in the far
right lane. Turn right onto Winchester Road/CA-79, again
staying in the far right-hand lane. Turn right onto Jefferson
Avenue, which is the first stop light. Continue straight on
Jefferson (heading north) for two long blocks until you
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The Foundation is the second building on the left.

From the south, take the CA-79N/Winchester Road exit,

turning left onto Winchester Road. Get into the far right
lane and turn right onto Jefferson Avenue, which is the sec-
ond stop light. Continue straight on Jefferson (heading
north) for two long blocks until you reach Buecking Drive.
Turn right onto Buecking Drive. The Foundation is the sec-
ond building on the left.

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