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Greatest blessings to all, and may your feet ever know the softness of your true


Sitting in front of my computer I marvel at the advancement of man over my lifet
ime. Advancement in medicine, technology, knowledge. Yet as i sit stareing at my
screen as i type this i have to wonder was it all worth it? Mankind in all its
splender and glory, has forgotten where it has come from. Has forgotten its rudi
mentary past. War, famine, strife, greed, persicution, these are the lessons we
learn today. And there was a time that it was not so. At least not to the point
it is today.
We have forgotten how to live within nature, that nature was once our greatest a
nd most precious resource. It was our teacher, our healer, our nurturer, our fri
end. The time has long since past into history that this was so.
In today's society there is no room for nature, as we strive to build bigger cit
ies, to house an ever increasing population, that we can no longer feed. Greed h
as replaced love, for "money makes the world go round." That we destroy the rain
forests which provide us with most of our life giving air we so desperatly need
to survive. We destroy the very thing that sustains us. What has happened to th
e times that we all worked together to live, and survive? What has happened to t
he times that people worked together and strived for a harmonious life, to live
together, to protect each other, and to love one another?
All in the name of progress, that is the saying i hear most often now. Well what
is it that we are progressing towards? If one truly looks at were mankind is he
ading, it is towards certian destruction, as we deplete our natural resources, f
ill the air with poisonous gasses, strive to reach to the stars when we don't ev
en know about our own planet.
We advance far to quickly and forget far to easily, in our effort to strive for
greatness, and to be the master of all we see, we forget one basic truth. We are
truly never the master of anything, but ourselves.
Within the pages of this forum, i hope to re awaken the true spirit of mankind.
The spirit that has so long been forgotten, Love, understanding, and acceptance
of our fellow man. For if one truly thinks about it what seperates us? Nothing,
we all live on the same planet, all of our blood is red, and most importantly, w
e were all created by the same creator no mater what you name he/she/it, and thi
s act of creation was the ultimate act of love. This creator force gave freely o
f itself, so we could have life. So we could live in harmony with all of "Its" c
We strive to reach the stars, and yet forget, we are already a part of them. We
destroy the earth, and again we forget we are a part of it, so in destroying it
we destroy ourselves. We have forgotten that every man, woman, child, animal, tr
ee, stone, everything in creation, WE ARE APART OF THEM, AND THEY OF US. We have
forgotten that we come into this world with noting, and we leave with nothing.
These are the lessons we have forgotten in the name of technology.
Now i have but one question for you. "WAS IT WORTH IT?"
A little bit about myself.
I was born in Brockville General Hospital, Ontario, Canada, on March 15, 1968 in
the early moring hours. Born to a single mother, who could not afford to raise
me, and recieved little help from anyone, by the age of 1 i was put up for adopt
ion. At that time, i was transfered to a small farm were i lived until i was the
age of three. I have been told stories of my time on the farm, i named all the
animals, and hated when it was slaughter time, for they were all my friends. Ahh
h, the eyes of a child, seeing all things with the love of life, and curiosity b
orn to all within our race.
When i was 3 years old i was adopted by a family of teachers, who were not able
to have children of their own. Over the next few years things are a blur as i do
not remember much of my childhood, except playing, and growing up. I do remembe
r helping my father, build the cottage on an island. If help you would call it.
Camping there as we built it my mother, father and I. Exploring the island, seei
ng nature close up, and first hand. Then suddenly an unexpected thing happened,
they had a child. And i gained a sister. This was a moment of joy for me, as i w
as an only child. Now i would have someone to play with. But from that moment on
, my life took a dramatic change in how i was viewed within the family structure
Quickly as my sister grew it became apparent that she was a very smart child, an
d she quickly became the center of attention and the apple of my parents eye. Sh
e could do no wrong. And i was never as good as she was. Punishments for my wron
g doings quickly became physical. And my parents became less tolerant of my chil
dish behaviour. Granted there were times i did deserve punishment, but never to
the point it was delt out to me. My father, would use hardwood flooring to spank
my bare bottem with, sometimes to the point of blisters. And all the while my s
ister could do no wrong. All childhood arguements were my fault, she was never t
o blame. Then one day during a heated arguement with my sister, and i remember t
his well for it scared me to my very soul, she said i hate you, why don't you le
ave, because you are not even a member of this family.
Suddenly i no longer had a place, i no longer had an identity, i no longer was m
e. In an instant i had lost everything i was. Crushed i ran to my bedroom, my on
ly safehaven i had, and cried. I cried the tears of a child lost, the tears of a
person who's soul had just been torn assunder. And no amount of repremand to he
r from my parents, nor consoling from them eather could ease the pain i now felt
. It was at that moment, as a child, i first discovered the emotion of hate.
Being that i was from an upper middle class family, who were for what ever reaso
n, worried about appearances, my early friends were never of my own chosing. My
parents always chose them for me. Granted i was young, and needed guidance, but
never were my friends of a lower casting than my family, and as i grew and start
ed to make friends of my own, they always looked down on those less fortuanate t
hen ourselves. I always hated that about my parents. Again hate took over my lif
e and i started to act out against their rules, and their athority over me.
I still remember the day, i was 14 years old. Sitting in our church in my home t
own. For some reason, I started to look at everyone sitting there, acting so pyu
s, and holier than thou. Asking for forgiveness of thier sins. Seeing them all d
ressed in thier sunday best, listening to the sermon. I asked myself, why bother
? You will all just leave today, and start to sin all over agian. It was at that
moment, that i finally felt free, in a spiritual sence. It was at that moment i
knew that the church was not for me. And by the time i was 16 and confermed ang
lican, i broke from the church, and never went back.
I have been looking for my true self ever since.
Like many, i think, my first experience with the supernatural, was with a ouija
board. I was in my mid teens. My friends and i were talking about ghosts and re
lated stuff that we had seen and experienced in our lives up to that point.
One of my female friends had mentioned that she regularly sees a girl spirit qui
te regularly walking around the graveyard behind her house, and she wanted to se
e if she could contact this spirit. None of us at this point had any idea how to
do such a thing, until another friend suggested using a ouija board to make con
Now we had all heard of ouija boards, but never believe in them that they worked
. So as a bunch of skeptical teens we decided to give it a go.
Our friend brought the ouija board over one night shortly after, and we all sat
down laughing and joking about the whole situation and how silly it was. That wa
s our first and greatest mistake. For without knowing what we were doing, we had
no idea how to use the board properly, or how one even worked. We all thought i
t was a game.
Setting up the board, we started using it right away. "Playing" with it as we wo
uld a new toy. No respect for the energies involved at all. No concept for what
was about to unfold and change our lives. Without any protection in place, we as
ked the one question we never should have asked. "Is ANYBODY THERE?" In asking t
his particular question we opened the door for any entity or spirit to answer th
e call. Not a good thing for not all spirits or entities are benificial. As in n
ature there is positive and negative as we perceive it. It was at this time I wa
s touching the pointer.
I do not remember what happened after that, but from what my friends told me, my
eyes glossed over, and i started to speak in a voice not my own. It was that of
a little girl. She talked for a few minutes then departed. After that i was abl
e to give a complete discription of the little girl that my friend had seen in t
he grave yard, which was weird, becuase my friend had never given the discriptio
n before.
So we continued to use the board for a few weeks, and evertime we did I would be
the one the spirit used to comunicate, it never used the pointer. Suddenly thin
gs started to get weird, as the spirit started to change. It became angry, well
to us it seemed angry. But little did we know, we had not been talking to a litt
le girl, but an entity, or demon. It had lead us into a false sence of security,
then it sprung its trap. It no longer needed the board to communicate, it could
do it at its leasure, anytime, anywhere. It invaded our dreams, assaulted us, t
here were times i would double over in pain as it felt like its claws ripped ope
n my stomach. Intence headaches. Nausia. We all suffered from them. But it affec
ted me the most, for i was the open one. At the time i did not know i was a Read
er, and my energy was very open, I had no defence against such a thing. So out o
f desperation, i started to delve into the occult looking for answers.
Meanwhile this entity drove one of my friends crazy, to the point of being commi
tted, another tried to take their life. All in the name of a little fun. I start
ed to develop Energy defences at this time out of necesity, although i had no id
ea what i was doing. Drawing from my own energy, they left me week, after each t
ime i used them. My greatest fear of this creature, was when i saw it in a dream
I was standing in the middle of a battlefield. Body parts and armor everywhere,
yes it was the middle ages the time of sword and armor. The armor on the bodies,
was torn and rent to peaces. I stood in horror at the scene. Then i felt a powe
rful, and dangerous energy from behind me. Slowly i turned around, and there bef
ore me stood the creature that had been haunting me for almost a year now. It st
ood not much taller than me, but its strength was amazing, for it was tossing bo
dys around like rag dolls. If you have ever seen the movie aliens the creature l
ooked like that. yet the head was reptilian. and no the movie had not even been
released yet. Suddenly there were to shadow forms that came from behind me, and
there were to smaller versions of the same creature. The approched the larger on
e and melded together, as they did so the entity grew in stature, until it was c
lose to 10 feet tall. It then turned around and for the first time seemed to not
ice me. It sneared at me and seemed to laugh. Then it just vanished.
I awoke covered in sweat, knowing it was far from over. This entity plagued me f
or many years afterwards. and eventualy i discovered a banishing ritual. It seem
ed to work for i have had no contact with it since.
This lead me to my first path, the scottish solitare, but more on that later, an
d soon to come, All you need to know about ouija boards.
Communicating with the spirit world has always been an obsession for mankind. Wh
at will happen to you today, tomorrow, after you die? People have always clamore
d for the unknown. In many cultures, select people were said to be able to commu
nicate with spirits, often using arcane methods but western man is a do-it-yoursel
f breed. Although mediums, psychics, palm readers and such abound, there is a na
gging belief that if they can do it anyone can do it. So, beginning with the Spi
ritualist movement of the 1800s, people began to look for ways to communicate wi
th the spirit realm alone.
In 1853, a French Spiritualist invented such a way...or at least, that s what the
legend says. M. Planchette created a small heart-shaped table that had pencils f
or legs. As the planchette, as it came to be known, moved, it wrote out spirit m
essages. This was a form of automatic writing and was often difficult to decipher.
Actually there is some question about whether M. Planchette ever really existed
, especially since the word planchette (little plank) would be a logical name fo
r the little automatic writing tool, even without the inventor s name.
A forerunner of the Planchette was a homemade communicator made from an overturn
ed basket with a pencil attached to one end. The medium would touch the basket l
ightly and the spirits would take over to move the basket and write messages. Alth
ough these various forms of automatic writing were a vast improvement over the k
nocking and table jumping employed by such Spiritualists as Kate and Margaret Fo
x, they still produced disappointing results far too often. The writing was freq
uently too light to read or too illegible. A clearer communicating device was ne
This new device was the brainchild of two friends, E.C. Reiche and Charles Kenna
rd, who came up with the idea of using the planchette as a pointing device, inst
ead of a writing implement. The planchette would rest on a wooden lap tray with
the numbers 1-10, the letters of the alphabet, and the words yes and no imprinte
d on it. The planchette rested on wooden pegs and moved about the board when a m
edium (or two) rested fingertips against it. While using this new invention, Rei
che received a message to call the board Ouija after the Egyptian word for luck.
Unfortunately, ouija is not the Egyptian word for luck but it is such a cool so
unding word that it has remained the name of the most popular talking boards to
this day.
Kennard marketed these talking boards through the Kennard Novelty Company, begin
ning in 1890. His advertisements claimed the Ouija board would give an intelligen
t answer to any question . Unfortunately for Kennard, his shop foreman orchestrate
d a hostile takeover by his financial backers and by 1892, the Ouija board was i
n the hands of William Fuld.
Fuld reinvented the history of the Ouija board once he owned the company. He cla
imed he had invented the talking board and that the name came from a combination
of Oui [French] and Ja [German] making the name of the board Yes, Yes. Not the mo
st sensible of names but a better story, at least the languages were correct. He
also claimed to be guided in business by the board. William Fuld manufactured O
uija boards until 1927, when he died in a fall from the roof of his Baltimore fa
ctory. Witnesses reported Fuld s fall was an accident, but rumors persist that Ful
d committed suicide.
After Fuld s death, his children ran the company until 1966, when they sold the bu
siness to Parker Brothers. Parker Brothers moved the manufacturing of Ouija boar
ds to Salem, Massachusetts. In the first year of production in Salem, Ouija boar
ds outsold Monopoly. Over two million boards were shipped. Today, Parker Brother
s owns all the trademarks and patents to the Ouija board, though they stopped ma
nufacturing the traditional Fuld Ouija and sell a smaller glow-in-the-dark versi
on instead.
Parker Brothers does not manufacture the only talking board, however, and many s
tyles exist to match prevailing trends in mysticism and New Age beliefs. Some of
the prettiest boards claim to put the user in touch with angels and carry the a
ngle motif on both the board and the planchette.
The Ouija board is meant to be used by two people. It can be placed on a table o
r directly on the laps of the users. Both people place their fingertips lightly
on the planchette and wait. Sometimes it is recommended that the users speak an
invitation to a willing spirit for information only. Some advise that the users
state their goals for the session early, to avoid being confused by hostile spir
its. Some people believe that Ouija board use can cause users to be possessed by
the spirits they call forth, or beleaguered by hostile spirits. These ideas hav
e been the fodder for many classic horror movies including The Exorcist
and Witchboard.
So what does happen when the Ouija planchette moves? Some people believe spirits
are contacted either the spirits of the dead, or spiritual beings such as angel
s or demons. Some people believe Ouija boards can be used to contact aliens. Oth
ers believe it is merely the subconscious minds of the users that produce result
s. Whatever makes the planchette move, those movements have been part of one of
the most controversial toys ever manufactured.
This is a general history of the ouija board, but there is much more to it than
that. Like in all things mystical, a ouija board is not a toy as the manufacture
rs would have you believe. I have learned from first hand experience that this i
s so.
There are many sites that clam they know how to use a board properly, and yet i
look at some of the explanations and wonder. Not once to they talk about protect
ion. For just as a ouija board can communicate with positive entities and spirit
s, they can also draw the attention of negative or darker entities and spirits.
So one must be properly prepared before hand to deal with such things.
Just What is a ouija board?
First and formost it is not a "toy". And as with all things mystical, needs to b
e used and treated with respect.
In my opinion a ouija board is a doorway to the spiritual realm. It can be used
for communication with spirits and entities. The greatest downfall of this devic
e is that one has very little control over whom or what they contact. If used pr
operly and with care, it can be a useful tool. But once again i can not stress t
he respect for the forces you are trying to contact and for yourself enough.
Proper use of a ouija board.
The following is how i would use one, if i ever did again.
First thing i would do is cleans the area and the board, to remove any negative
energies that may reside in the board, also do this with the pointer.
Secondly cleans the people that will be present during the use of the board, to
also eliminate negative energy. always remember, when it comes to energy and spi
rits, like attracts like.
Next i would cast a circle for protection. Make sure it is large enough to encom
pass the area and all those that are present.
Now it is time to chose who is going to use the board, It is preferable to have
one man and one woman to use touch the pointer, this has to do with balance of e
nergy being presented to the board. Yin/Yang. Masculine and Feminine.
Never use a board by yourself, this is a no no, As it takes balance of energy, a
nd a fair amount of control to use safely.
It is best to use in a room with no distractions, so turn of the tv, radio etc,
lighting has little to do with how well the board works it is all about focus. A
nd distractions can lead to mistakes.
Have only one person as the question. and it should be one of the two people usi
ng the pointer. To a spirit the mixture of energy it scences can be confusing at
times, so limit the person whom is the medium to only one.
Now that you are ready to begin, have the two people who are using the board sit
down facing each other, knees touching if possible, do not use a table. We all
know about auras and how they interact, doing this allows the board to join with
the combined auras of the users, making for a stronger link to the board and th
us to the spirits or entities you are trying to contact.
Even though you have protections in place, it is best to announce your intention
s to the spirits that are attracted to the board. Words hold great power, announ
ce that you will not accept or talk to any negative entities, or spirits that ar
e attracted to the board, and they will not be allowed near.
Now slowly start to move the pointer around the board in a circle motion, Althou
gh some say use a figure 8, to me the circle denotes again a more positive figur
e, as it can be thought of as the circle around a pentagram, or a Spirit wheel.
As you are doing this, call apon a spirit or entity, it is best if you know the
name, but if you do not, ask for all positive spritits to attend the board. This
is very important, for if you ask the question" is anybody out there?" then reg
uardless of the protections you have in place you have opened the door for negat
ive spirits to enter into your circle.
After a few minutes of this it is time to ask your first question. Ask with resp
ect, and be patient, answers do not always come right away, and may need to be r
epeated. Asking questions like " when am i going to die?" etc. to me are not the
smartest questions in the world to ask. If a spirit answered " 4 months, then o
ne may worry, and start to bring about their own demise, on a subcontious level.
Do not ask for physical signs that a spirit is present, for to do this is to inv
ite them through the "door" and into our realm of existance. And this is were th
e trouble can begin. Prime example, my story.
Never take what is said as the ultimate truth eather, for even spirits can be wr
If a spirit becomes forceful, or rude, or negative, close the board right away.
And stop using the board for a time. Do not be scared and fumble through the clo
sing, because if not done right, it will leave the door open.
Finally when you are done, close the board, bye saying Thank you, and GOOD BYE.
to not do this leaves the boards energys activated, and the door ajar for any wo
ndering spirit to come through.
Once again cleans and ground, everyone within the circle, and finally open the c
ircle. It is now everyone present can discuss what has taken place.

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