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Building on the exceptionally strong skills training, phonics and civic education
of the internationally best-selling first edition, Family and Friends 2nd Edition
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Class Book
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Oxford iTools
Digital Classroom Resources
Also available

Grammar Friends
Alphabet book Teacher's Resource Pack
Oxford Primary Skills: Reading and Writing with Story Posters, Phonics Cards and Flashcards

Hello. Goodbye. How are you? I'm fine, thank you. Whats your name? My name's . ..
How old are you? I'm... Numbers 1 -10 Days of the week Colours of the rainbow

Words Grammar Phonics Skills

Initial sounds:
Reading: a description
Listening: identifying objects
School Whats this? Aa: apple
Speaking: Whats this? Its ...
things Its a pen. Bb: bird
Writing: counting words in a sentence, writing
Cc: cat
about my school things (Workbook)
Dd: dog

Initial sounds:
R: a poem: 'My favourite . . . '
my/your efgh
L: identifying favourite things
Is this your teddy? Ee:egg
Toys S: Whats your favourite .. . ?
Yes, it is. Ff: fig
W: dividing sentences into words,
No, it isn't. Gg:goat
writing about my favourite toys (WB)
Hh: hat
Initial sounds:
R: instructions
ij k I
arm/arms L: identifying different animals
Ii: ink
My body This is . . . S: describing an animal's features
These are .. . W: identifying full sentences, writing about my body
Kk: kite
Lt: lion

R: an autobiography
She's / He's a teacher. mnop
L: identifying people by their jobs
I s she / he a teacher? Mm: mum
Jobs S: Is he a doctor?
Yes, she is. Nn: nurse
W: capital letters and full stops, writing about my
No, he isn't. 00: orange
family (WB)
Pp: pen
Initial sounds:
qrstu R: a puzzle text
Qq: queen L: identifying objects by location
Where's the ball?
The park Rr: rabbit S: Wheres the kite?
in / on / under
Ss: sofa W: capital letters at the start of names, writing
Tt: teddy about the park (WB)
Uu: umbrella

Initial sounds:
vwxyz R: a caption story
Vv : van L: distinguishing details
My family Possessive 5 Ww:window s: Whos this?
Xx: box W: question marks, writing about my family's things
Yy: yo-yo (WB)
Zz: zebra

2 Words I Grammar Phonics Skills
R: a caption story
This is her / his T-shirt. The alphabet:
L: identifying clothes
Are these his socks? the alphabet
My clothes I Yes, they are. letter names and
s: What colour are these trousers?
W: contractions: 's, writing about my favourite
No, they aren't. their sequence
clothes (WB)

Is she in the kitchen?

Digraphs: sh R: information on a webpage
la) Where's Yes, she is. No, she isn't.
shoes L: listening for location
My hou se Where are Dad and Billy?
Crandma? Are they in the garden?
sheep S: Where are the bedrooms?
p.58 No, they aren't.
fish W: identifying vowels, writing about my home (WB)

I've got two sandwiches.

@Lunchtime! My
lunch box
I haven't got my lunch
Digraphs: ch
R: information texts
L: identifying key words
S: I've got a banana and a pear ...
an apple
p.64 chick W: using a and an, writing about my lunch box (WB)
(an + a, e, i, o, u)

Review 3 p.72

A new
My friends
He / She's got ...
He / She hasn't got ...
It's got .. .
Digraphs: th
R: a descriptive letter
L: identifying different friends
S: She's got blond hair. Who is it?
p.74 It hasn't got ... teeth W: contractions: 's / 've, writing about my friend (WB)

R: a poem: 'What am I?'

I like I like monkeys. CVC words: a

TI TI monkeys! The zoo

I don't like elephants.
They're big.
L: identifying preferences
S: It's grey. It's got big ears.
W: identifying adjectives, w riting about animal s I
I'm little. fan
p.80 like (WB)

Do you like carrots? R: information texts
Food Yes, I do. L: identifying food preferences
Dinnertime! No, I don't.
S: What do you like?
Drinks What do you like? W: negative contractions: n't, w riting obout food I
p.86 I like yogurt.
like (WB)

'Ulii:i:dJ ffJ /lS) CllB <fIli:m? n::ftlG

Review 4 p.94
My R: a descriptive letter
bedroom L: distinguishing details
There's ... bin
S: Where are the shoes?
There are ... fig
Numbers W: question marks and full stops,
11- 20 writing about my bedroom (WB)

R: descriptions
He can / can't fly. CVCwords:o
L: identifying animals
Can he talk? dog
Verbs S: It can run. It's brown and big.
Yes, he can. fox
W: contractions: can't, writing about what I can do
No, he can't. log

CVC words: u R: a postcard

The beach I Let's + verb I rug L: distinguishing details
Jug S: Let's play ball!
sum W: identifying verbs, writing about th e beach (WB)


Lesson One
l Lesson Six

1 Listen, point and repeat. 01 1 Listen and tick (v) the correct picture. 19


Miss Jones
2 Listen and chant. 02 3 4
Hello, ROSy. Hello, Tim. Hello, everyone.
Hello, Billy and Miss Jones. Come and have some fun!

3 Listen and read.

o o o

Hello. What's your name? Hello, class.
2 Open your bag. Ask and answer.
My name's Miss Jones.
Oh! Who's this?
A what's thiS?)

Writing preparation
Count the words in each sentence.

This is my bag. 4
2 3 4

1 This is my pen. 2 Look at this.

3 Thank you. 4 Close the door.

5 This is a blue folder. 6 Open the window.

Hi, Billy. How old are you?

4 Starter Hello Goodbye Listenin9. speakin9. writin9 Unit 1

r flliilb

-----..--Lesson Five j

1 Listen to the story again and repeat. Act.

( Lesson Two

2 Ask and answer.


1 Point to four school things. Say the words. -== , Hello. what's your name?

2 Listen and read. 18

My name's Pete.
what's your name?

1 -----------------
, My name's Emma. 1 This is my pencil case. ) My name's Jon. ,-

l This is my school bag. J l It's green. J

3 Listen and sing your name. 04

Let's sing! r--""'" v

Hello. hello!
Hello, hello,
How are you?
I'm fine, thank you.
I'm fine, thank you.
And this is my pencil.
This is my blue pen. Hello, hello,
And this is my pink pen. What's your name?
My name's _ __ _ __
That's my name.

5 Look at this! It's a rubber.

l )
1 Goodbye, goodbye,
Goodbye to you ...
II...... Can Isee your bag?

3 Read again. Tick (v) or cross (K).

1 pencil 2 pen
3 book 4 folder
5 door 6 rubber

Unit 1 Readin9: a description What's your name? Starter 5
Lesson Three
5 Whot'sthis?Drowondwrite.
1 Listen, point and repeat. 05 2 Listen and tick (v). 06
oppLebook oronge troin elephont
\\ I ,'\ (
1\\ "I

.1 1ft /'/ Jeight) u /1 , ---,


.. , 11

,-- .. u I

0' .1
,\. .1
11, It's o bo[[
\I' \\1 I" III
Ill ' 11
I1 \1

3 Look at the picture again. Point, ask and answer.

How old are yOU? ) (I'm

4 Listen and point. Listen and chant. 07

Wednes $.-#+$%&'

Saturdd /0,$,1*'$%&'

Un itL 11
6 Starter How old are you?
Lesson Four
o or on.
4 Write.Remember
1 Listen, point and repeat. 08

0 00 0

troin p [o n e umbre[[o etephont k --


l yellow J (pink) (green) ( purple ) (orange) (blue)

2 Listen and sing. 09 3 Sing and do.

t Whot'sthis? It's q bot l
Let's sing!

2 Whot's this ? It's

Sing a rainbow!
Red and yellow,
Whot's ? It's And pink and green,
purple and orange,
And blue.

I can sing a rainbow,

Sing a rainbow,
4 Sing a rainbow too.

U ni tL

2 Writethe wordsin the correctbox.

pencit rubber ruler book oron9e

It's cl bog.

It's o r on 9 e .

It's book.

It's_ opple.

It's_ penciL

U ni t1

Whot'sthis?iso question.
Weuseit tofind out oboutthings.
Wecononswerwithlt's o ...

Writeond motch.

t W h ot ' sth i s ? pen ci[.

z Whot's d door.

t his? window.

7 book.

What'sthisZ What'sthisz

A ondon oreorticles.
It'sa pencil.
It'so book.
Weuseon beforeo,e,i, o or u.
It'san apple.

U n i t1






l'm ftne,thankyou.

Whot,who ondhow orequestionwords.

Who Who'sthis?


In o question,
whot osksoboutthingsondwho osksoboutpeople.
We sogHowore gou?whenwe meetsomeone.

r nit

1 Motch.
t HeLLo ------n_1 I ' m f i n e ,t h o n kg o u.
2 Whot'sgournome? ''", T h i si sA t i s o n.
I How ore Uou, t',.. M g no m e' sI o mi e .
\----- HeLLo.
4 Who'sthis?

Whot's How Who's


Hello. My name'sJamie.


l'm ftne,thankyou.

St ort erUnit
( Lesson Four Phonics

1 Listen, point and repeat. 15

How old areyou?

Aa Bb Cc Dd

Howold osksoboutoge.

2 Listen and chant. 16

This is an apple, a, a, apple.
This is a birct b, b, bird.
This is a cat, c, c, cat.
This is a dog, d, a, dog.

3 Listen to the sounds and join the letters. 17

What has the dog got?

3 Motch.
g b c c b
1 Howo l d or ego u? I'm two.

&n#, d b d c
2 Howo ld or eg ou ? w I'm three.

3 Ho wo ld o reg ou ? I 'm s i x. Read and circle the sounds a, b, c, d at the start of the words.
( (
The r61 t likes birds.
4 Ho wo ld o reg ou ? I'm five. The dog likes apples.
Here's the cat with the bird .
5 Ho wo ld o r ego u ? I'm fo ur. Here's the dog with the apple.

S t o rt erU n it
Initial sounds Unit 1 11
Lesson Three Song J
4 Write.
1 Listen, point and repeat. () 13

DD S D t Howo[d oregou? I' p \P\/e[ \

folder door window bookcase

2 Listen and sing. () 14 3 Sing and do. 2 How old ore-]+otr ? I, M

Let's sing!
Open the book! 3 How old ore- ---? I,M

what's this?
What's this?
It's a book.
4 How old I,M
Open the book.
Close the book.

What's this?
5 How I,M
what's this?
It's a door ...

What's this? Reodond colour.Findthe hiddenword.

What's this? Colourwhot red. Colourwho b[ue. Cotourhow ge[[ow.
It's a bag ... how how how how how how how whot how wh o how how how how
what's this? how how how how how how how whot how wh o how how how how
What's this?
how how how how how how how w hot how wh o how how how how
It's a window ...
how wh o w ho w h o how w hot how wh o how w hot w hot w hot

how how wh o how who how whot how wh o how w hot how w hot

how how wh o w ho who how whot how wh o how whot how w hot

how how wh o how how how whot how wh o how whot how w hot

how how wh o w ho who how whot how wh o how w hot whot w hot

10 Unit 1 School things
Lesson Two Grammar

1 Listen to the story again and repeat. Act.

Lesson One Words j 2 Look and say.
1 Listen, point and repeat. 10 2 Listen and chant. 11

rubber pencil ruler book -------

What's this?
It's a pen.
3 Listen and rea d. 12

They're my school things.

Look, what's this?
What's = What is
) It's = It is

3 Write.

What's this? What's this? What's this?

o And what's th is? That's right. Can' have
my school things, please?
What's this?
It's a pen. --- a rubber. ___ a pencil. --- a ruler.

Point, ask and answer. [pen

What's thiS?)

- rubber

ruler book J

(It'S a pencil.> 01-

I _

i ' i i i ' i i ' i i /' ] _

- (
) - -
- / """"""" " """"""""",':'---- - '

8 Unit 1 School things Whats this? It's a ... Unit 1 9

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