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1, FEBRUARY 1980 55

Time-Frequency Representation of. Digital Signals

and Systems Based on Short-Time -

Fourier Analysis

Abstract-This paper develops a representation for discretetime sig-

nals and systems based on shod-time Fourier analysis. The &ort-time
Fourier transform and the time-varying frequency respunseare reviewed where T ( o ) , the frequency response of the system, is the
as representations for SigrraZs and h e a r timewaryhg systems, The Fourier transform o f the unit-sample response given by
problems of representing a signal by its short-time Fourier transform
and synthesizing a signal from its -transform are considered. A new
synthesis equation is introduced that is sufficiently general to describe T(w)= t ( m ) exp [-jwm]
apparently different synthesis methods reported in the literature. It is
shown that a class of linear-fdtering problems can be represented as the
product of the timevarying frequency response of the filter multiplied
Suppose x@) is now a general signal that can be expressed as
by the short-time Fourier transform of the input s g
in al The represen-
, the Fourier integral-
tation of a signal by samples of its short-time Fourier transfosm is
applied to the l i n e a r filtering problem, This representation is of practi-
cal significance because there exists a computationally efficient alp-
rithm for implementing such systems. Finally, the methods of fast
mnvolution are considered as special cases of this representation,
where X ( a ) denotes the Fourier transform of x ( n ) given by
INTRODUCTION X@)= x(n) exp [ - j a n ] . (5)

T HE Fourier transform plays a fundamental role in the

analysis of signals and linear time-invariant systems. The
efficacy of the Fouier transform is a result of its providing a
Equations (4) and (5) provide a unique correspondence be-
tween x(n) and X@) and either one is an equally valid repre-
unique representation for signals in terms of the eigenfunctions sentation of the signal. The Fourier transform, however, is a
of linear time-invariant systems, namely the complex exponen- particularly convenient representation for a signal to be pxo-
tials. The essentials of this representation are summarized by cessed by a linear time-invariant system because the basis func-
the following well-known results from the theory of linear tions af the Fourier transform are the eigenfunctions of linear
time-invariant systems (see, for example, [I] - [3] ). time-invariant systems. Specifically, since the Fourier integral
If t(n) denotes the unit-sample (impulse) response of a h e a r (4) is, in essence, a linear combination of complex exponen-
time-invariant system, then the responsey (n)of the system to tials, and since the system t(n) is linear, the response of t(n) t o
the input x(n) is given by the convolution sum the input (4) is
00 00

y(n) = t(n - m) x ( m ) ,= t(m)x(n - m). (1)

m- ,100 m =--oo

If x(n) is the complex exponentialexp [j u n ] then (1) gives

(assuming, of cuurse, the sum (3) converges), and the product

Y(a) = T(u)X(W) (7)

is just the Fourier transform of t h e response y(n). Thus, the
Fourier transform maps the convolution in the time domain
to multiplication in the frequency domain. Furthermore, in
addition to the Fourier transform being a powerful analytical
technique, the property that its basis functions are the eigen-
functions of linear time-varying systems leads to a great deal of
Manuscript received November 28, 1978; revised June 5,1979. intuition, invaluable for solving signal processing problems.
The author was with the Department of Electrical Engineering and The Fourier transform representation has several practical
Computer Science and the Research Laboratory of Electronics, Massa- and conceptual limitations because it represents, for each fre-
chusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139. He is now
with the Enginwring Research Division, University of California, quency w , t h e global ( intime) characteristics of the signal.
Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, CA 94550. Consequently, the Fourier transform has the practical limita-

0 1980 IEEE

tion that the entire signal must be known in order to obtain its Because Fourier transforms with respect to one, or the other,
transform. Moreover, the Fourier transform does not provide or both, of the indices of such two-dimensional sequences fre-
an adequate representation for linear time-varying systems, nor quently arise in this context, the defhition and notation for
does it always provide an intuitively meaningful representation such transforms will now be formalized. Let f(a, m ) denote a
for the output of such systems. two-dimensional discrete-time sequence. The complete
This paper is divided into two parts. Part I formulates a Fourier transform of f ( n , m), denoted F ( $ , a),is defmed as
time-frequency representation for signals and linear time- the (usual) two-dimensional Fourier transform
varying systems that characterizes their local behavior in terms 00 00
of complex exponentials. The representation of linear time-
varying systems is based on the time-varying frequency re-
sponse 141-[7] , which is a generalization of the frequency
response (3) for linear timeinvariant systems. The time- with inverse transform
frequency representation for signals is based on the short-time
Fourier transform [3] -1211 , which is a formal repmentation
for the output of a filter-bank spectrum analyzer or, equiva-
lently, the usual Fourier transform of the signal viewed through
a sliding time window, The results derived here are of interest
both as a theoretical representation for time-varying systems The partial Fourier transform of f ( n , m), with respect to its
and signals and because they provide techniques applicable first argument, denoted F 1($, m ) is defined as the one-
to a variety of signal processing problems. dimensional Fourier transform off(n, rn)over n, that is,
On a digital processor, in order to realize a signal processing OQ

algorithm based on the time-frequency repmentation dis-

cussed in Part I, the short-time Fourier transform and tirne-
varying frequency response must be represented by a finite
(where the subscript 1 is used to indicate that the first argu-
number of frequency samples. Moreover, to make the amount
ment is the transform variable). Moreover, the inversepartial
of computation tractable, the short-time Fourier transform
transform is given by
must be decimated in time (down sampled) as well.
Part I1 of this paper extends the results of Part I to a sam-
pled transform representation based on the discrete (sampled)
short-time Fourier txansfom and the discrete time-varying
frequency response. The development focuses on three pxob- Similarly, the partial Fourier transform F2(n,w ) is defined as
lems. The first is the representation of a sequence in terms of the one-dimensional Fourier transform off@, m ) with respect
samples of its short-time Fourier transform and the resynthesis to its second argument, Le.,
of the original sequence without distortion. Of special interest
is the problem of formulating such a representation with no 00

redundancy, Le., so that there is, on the average, one sample of

the transform representation for each sample of the original
signal. The second problem is the efficient implementation of and
the discrete short-time Fourier analysis and synthesis formulas
based on the fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm. Because
the short-time Fourier analysis and synthesis formulas do not
have the form of discrete Fourier transforms (DFT) they
cannot be computed directly with the FFT algorithm. The Finally, the complete Fourier transform F ( $ , a) can be ob-
third, and final, problem considered here is the implementation tained by successive partid Fourier transforms with respect to
of linear time-varying filtering as the product of the discrete each of the independent arguments o f f ( n ,m), that is,
short-time Fourier transfom of the input signal multiplied by 00

samples of the time-varying frequency response of the filter.

For a class of linear time-varying filters, determined by the
short-the Fourier analysis and synthesis filters, such an imple-
mentation i s possible, and for linear timeinvariant filters, this
implementation reduces t o t h e conventional overlap-save or
overlap-add method of fast convolution [22], depending on
the particular choice of the analysis and synthesis fdters. 11. THE TIME-VARYING FREQUENCYRESPONSE
The input-output behavior of a linear time-varying system
PART 1 can be characterized in the time domain by a weighting pat-
1. THEPARTIALFOURIERTRANSFORM tern, OF Green's function, g(n, m), which represents the re-
AND ITS INVERSE sponse of the system at time ye to a unit sample applied at time
The time-frequency representation presented in this paper m. Equivalently, the same system can be described by a time-
represents one-dimensional signals bv two-dimensional signals. vavyim unit-sumnle resmnse t h . m ) defined as the xesmnse

of the system at time FI to a unit sample applied m samples

earlier, Le, at time (n - m), Furthennore, the time-varying
unit-sample response t(n, m) and the Greens function g(n, m)
are related by or

or, equivalently, where

g(n, m) = t(n, n - m). (17) 00

If y ( n ) is the response of a system to the input x@), then y(n)

is given by the superposition sum T,(n, a),the partial Fourier transform of t(n,m) with respect
00 to m yis interpreted according to (22) as t h e time-vmying fie-
quency response of the system with unit-sample response
t(n, m). For simplicity, T& u)will often be referred to,
or simply, as the frequency response uf t(n, m).
If X(u) is the Fourier transform of an arbitrary input x@),
W m
then the response y(n) of t ( n , m) can be expressed as the
y(n) = t(n, m)x ( n - m) = t(n, n - m)x(m).
inverse partial Fourier transform of the product of X(c3) with
, is,

If the system represented by g(n, m) is time-invariant, then y(n)= t(n, m)x(n - m)

g(n, m) depends only on the difference (n - m) corresponding plt =--00

to the number o f samples between the application of the unit

sample and t h e observation of the output; thus,

From the relation (16), the time-varying unit-sample response

t(n, rn) for a linear time-invariant system becomes
r(n, m) = g ( a ,12 - rn)= g ( n - (n - m)) = g(m) X(w) exp [ j u nJ dw
= t(m) (21)
and corresponds to the ordinary unit-sample .response of such
a system. Conversely, if f(n, m) is independent of n, then the
system represented by f(n, m) is time-invariant, Moreover, if Equation (24) is t h e generalization, fur linear time-varying
t(n, m ) is a slowly-varying function of n, then the system systems, of (6) for h e a r time-invariant systems. In contrast
represented by t(n, m) will be said to be slowly time-varying. to the case of linear time-invariant systems, however, it is not
The notion of such a slowly time-varying system is, in general, generally true that the time-varying frequency response of the
imprecise and must be considered in the context of a particular cascade combination of linear time-varying systems is equal tu
set of assumptions about the system or the signals to be pro- the product of the corresponding individual time-varying fie.
cessed by the system. quency responses. In fact, there exists no such scalar-valued
Because the the-varying unit-sample response is a character- function with this property because the input-output behavior
ization of a system relative to a sliding time frame, and because of such a cascade combination of systems depends on the
it is slowly varying function of n for dowly varying systems, order in which the systems are cascaded.
the time-varying unit-sample response is more convenient than For the case of lineartime-invariant systems, t(n,m) and,
the weighting pattern in the context of short-time analysis. hence, T2(n, u)are independent of n. Thus, t(n, m) = t(m)
For the remainder of this paper, therefore, the time-varying and Tz(n,a)= T(w) are the ordinary unit-sample response
unit-sample response will be employed exclusively and referred and frequency response for such a system.
to, simply, as the unit-sample response.
If the input x@) tu a h e a r time-varying system with FOURIERANALYSISAND SYNTHESIS
unit-sample response t(a, rn) is the complex exponential The usual. short-time Fourier transform representation for a
exp [j w z ] then t h e resulting output is discrete-time signal x@) is given by the pair o f equations [ 101

Qo 00

To illustrate the structure imposed on &(n, w ) by (26),

observe that the inverse Fourier transform of Xz(n, a)with
respect to o is the short-time function x ( n , m), which factors
as the product of the signal multiplied by the shifted window,

X&, a)exp [jmm] dw = x(n, m)

Thus, not only can the signal x@) be recovered from the
short-the Fourier transform by evaluating (30) for n = m, but
@I the analysis window h(n) can also be recovered, to within the
Fig. 1. (a) Time-reversed and shifted analysis window h (n - m) superim- multiplicative constant x@), by evaluating (30) for rn = 0. In
posed on data x@). (b) Short-time sequence x(n,rn)=h(n - m ) x ( m )
for a particular value of n. addition to the convolutional structure of (26), X&, a)also
exhibits a convolutional structure when expressed in terms of
the Fourier transforms of h(n) and x(n). Replacing h(n - rn)
in (26) by its Fourier integral representation and simplifying
x(n 1 --&g- X,(n,wl
gives Xz(n,u)as the frequency domain convolution

Fig. 2. Short-time Fourier transform as output of a demodulator fol-

lowed by an analysis filter.

where, using the notation of Section I, X& w ) denotes the

short-time Fourier transform o f x(n). h(n) is referred to as
the Q ~ Y S ~ window
S and is generally chosen to have the prop-
erty that it is, in some sense, narrow in time, ox frequency,
ox both, and is normalized such that h(0) = 1. Equation (25)
is similar in form to the ordinary Fourier synthesis relation (4)
except that &(n, w ) is now a function of the time index n
and represents only the local behavior of x ( m ) as viewed
Furthermore, the partial Fourier transform of Xz( n , a)with
through the sliding window h(n - m). Referring to Fig. 1 ,
respect t o PI is obtained by inspection of (31 a) as
X2(n, w ) can be interpreted for each value of n as the partial
Fourier transform, with respect to m,

x2(n,w>= 5 x(n, m>exp [ - j a m ]

and also factors as the product of a function which depends
only on the window and a function that depends only on the
signal. Finally, X($, G))is recognized as the two- dimensional
of the short-time function Fourier transform of the short-time function x ( n , m),that is,
x ( n , m) = h(n - m ) x ( m ) . (28) 00 00

Equivalently, by considering (26) as the convolution

X&, w ) = h(n) *n x ( n ) exp [-jccm] (29)
00 Do

where * n denotes the convolution operator with respect to yt,

X&, c3) can be interpreted as the output of a linear time-
invariant filter h(n), excited by t h e demodulated (frequency-
As a result of the mathematical structure of X&, m), (25)
shifted) signd x ( n ) exp [-juri] , as shown in Fig. 2. For this
is not the only means for synthesizi,ng x ( n ) from X&, a).
reason, h(n) is also referred to as the andysisfikter.
Equation ( 2 5 ) corxesptds to inverse transforming X&, w )
Because X&, w ) is a function of the continuous variable u
with respect to c3 t o obtain the short-time function (28),
for every value of n, the short-time Fourier transform contains
which is then evaluated at m = y1 to give
redundant information about the signal, depending upon the
particular analysis window used in (26). Furthermore, (26)
imposes a structure on Xz(n, a)SO that not all functions of y1
and w are valid short-time Fourier transforms. Alternatively, x ( m ) could be obtained by again inverse trans-
forming X&, a) to get x @ , rn)= h(n - an)x ( m ) , but now,
Alternative viewpoints on the structure of the short-the Fourier fixing n = n , and dividing by the shifted window h (no - m),
transfurm are given in [ 181 - [ 211. i.e
n summation of the outputs of a fdtex bank and in terms of a
x ( m ) = (1/2?rh(n, - m))J &(no, w ) exp [ j a m ] dctl (35) weighted projection o f a two-dimensional short-time sequence.
In order to exploit the local correlation of Xz(n,a),a syn-
= x ( & , m)/h(n, - m) = [hen, - m ) x ( m ) ]/h(n, - m ) thesis window, denoted F1(u,n), is introduced, and a new
synthesis equation is formulated by replacing &(n, w ) in the
= x(m).
conventional synthesis formula (25) by the moving average
Clearly, for the particular value a,, (35) is useful only for
obtaining values of x(m) where h(n, - m) # 0. Another
method of short-time Fourier synthesis [ 141 - [ 161 can be
derived by evaluating X(@,o),given by (32), for 3/ = 0 to
obtain to obtain

1 oc1

Since x@) is the inverse Fourier transfunn of X(&): where F l ( w , n) depends on the analysis window and remains
to be determined. Equation (39) can be simplified by per-
forming the integration with respect to c3 to obtain

From the definition (26) of the short-the Fourier trans-

form, its value at a particular time sample YI = no represents
information not only about x(n,), but about all values of x(n)
viewed through the sliding (time) window h(n, - n). Simi-
larly, from (3 Ib), the short-time Fourier transform evaluated
at a particular frequency a = u0 contains information about
all values of X@) viewed through the sliding (frequency) win-
dow H(wo - a). Thus, the values of X2( n , w ) are locally
correlated in time and frequency. The synthesis formula (25)
corresponds to the inverse partial Fourier transform of
Xz(n,w ) with respect tu a,evaluated for n = m: for a particu-
lar value yt = no, x(n,) is computed solely from the values of
X& a), ignoring the local correlation of the values of
Xz (n, w ) in time. The synthesis formula (35) corresponds to The three synthesis formulas (25), (35), and (37) now become
the inverse Fourier transform of X2(n,w ) evaluated at n = no, the special cases of (40):
so that for all values of n, the values of x @ ) are computed
from X2(n, w ) evaluated only at the particular sample p2 = no.
The synthesis formula (37) corresponds to the inverse Fourier f ( n , m) = 6(n - m - n,)/h(-m) (4W
transform of

X(0, a), 2 X&, a)*

respectively, where S(n) denotes the unit sample.
Although this synthesis procedure utilizes information from To derive the general relationship between f ( n , m) and h(n)
adjacent time samples of &In, u),it simply sums over all n, so that (40) synthesizes x(n) fram, Xz(n, w), interchange the
giving equal weight t o each value. order of integration and summation in (40), and recognize the
All of these synthesis formulas can be viewed in a more gen- integral as the inverse partial Fourier transform of X&, a),
eral framework by exploiting the local correlation of the values which is just the short-time function x(r, n) =: h(r - n) x@).
of Xz(n, a). Because the form of the resulting synthesis equa- Equation (40), therefore, reduces to
tion is somewhat more complicated than the conventional 00

synthesis equation (25) and relies on the introduction of a x(n) = f ( n ,n - r) h(r - n) x(n)
synthesis window (or, equivalently, a synthesis filter), the new
synthesis equation will be motivated by a heuristic argument
and the synthesis equations (25), ( 3 9 , and (37) will be shown
to be special cases. The general synthesis equation will then
be proved fox a general set of analysis and synthesis filter pairs,
and equivalent interpretations will. be offered in terms of the = x@)

Fig. 3. Synthesis of a t h e sequence as a combination of fllter bank


if and only if
lar choice sf analysis window depends on the data to be ana-
z] f(n, -m) h(m) = 1 fur all n, (43) lyzed 1231, 11243. In addition, both the analysis and synthesis
windows can be allowed to be functions of frequency for such
techniques as constant-Q analysis [25] , [26] These foxmula-

or equivalently, if and only if tions are more general than required for many applications and
will not be pursued here. Furthermore, for the remainder of
(44) this paper, only time-invariant synthesis filters f ( n , rn)=f(m)
will be considered. Thus, the synthesis formula (40) reduces to
The synthesis procedure, implied by (40), has two interpre- m o o
tations depending an t h e interpretation of the short-time x@) = -
-m y=-oo
f(n - r) X&, o)exp [ j m ] dccl (48)
Fourier transform. If X2(n,a)is interpreted as a set (indexed

y =-CQ


y(n) = T(n, m ) x ( n - m)

and corresponds to t h e response, to x@), of the linear time-
varying system with the unit-sample response F(n, rn)given by (a)

00 n

q n , rn)= f ( r ) h(m - r) t(n - I , m)

= Cf(4 h (m - n)) *n t(n, 4 (53)

Furthermore, the modified system given by (53) is cunve-
niently characterized as the product of the partial Fourier (b)
transforms Fig. 5. (a) Example of analysis and synthesis filters for which f (r)
li (m - r ) = f(r) h (m). (b) Example of analysis and synthesis filters
for which f (r)h(m - r ) = f (m)h(m -TI.

filters with unit-sample responses of the form i(n, m) specified

by (53), with t(n, m) arbitrary. The significance of this condi-
tion, a limitation on t h e 'simultaneous time and frequency
variation of the filter F(n, m), determined by the short-time
denotes the short-time Fourier transform of the synthesis
Fourier analysis and synthesis filters, is illustrated by consider-
filter f ( n ) [not to be confused with the partial Fourier trans-
ing three specid cases.
form of the now discarded time-varying synthesis filter,
First, a linear time-varying filter Fin, m) with arbitrary time
The proof of (52) and (53) follows from substituting (50) variation in y1 can be implemented for a given analysis window
into (51) to obtain
h(n) by designing the synthesis window f(n) to be of much
shorter duration than h(n), as illustrated in Fig 5(a). In this
case, h(n) is approximately constant Over the duration off@),
so that f ( r ) h(m - r) =f ( r ) h(m), and F(n, m) becomes

= f (y1 - r) t(r, rn)h(m)

do 00

= f(n - r ) h ( r - m )
Thus, the unit-sample response t(n, m) is windowed by h(m)
1 a W in the m direction and smoothed by f ( n ) in the y1 direction.
Equivalently, the time-varying frequency response T2(n,o)is
smoothed by H ( a ) in G, and by f ( n ) in n. In the limit,f(n)
00 00 can be chosen asf(n) = S(n) so that ?(n5 m) becomes (exactly)
= f ( n - r) h(r - m) t(r, n - m ) x(m). q n ,m) = t ( n , m ) h(m). (54)

Letting m' = n - m and Y' = n - P gives The second case is complementary to the first. Namely, a
linear time-varying filter with arbitrary frequency variation in
c3 can be implemented by designing the synthesis windowf(n)
Qo M

to be of much greater duration than h@), as illustrated in

Fig. 5(b). Here, f ( n ) is approximately constant over the
from which (52) and (53) follow. duration of h(n), SO that f ( r ) h(m - r) ~ f ( mh(m
) - r), and
Thus, for a particular pair of analysis and synthesis filters, F(n, m) becomes
linear filtering implemented as the product of a time-varying
frequency response multiplied by the short-time Fourier
iin, m) = f ( r ) k(m - r) t(n - r, m )
transform of the input sequence is restricted to the class of p =-m

= f(m)h(m - r) t ( n - r, m)
y =--00


= h(m - n 4- r) t(r, m ) f ( m )

In this case, t(n, m ) is windowed by f ( m ) in m and smoothed
by h ( - n ) in P I , but an additional smearing is intmduced
because the convolution of (57) is evaluated for (n - m) rather
than n . In the limit, f ( n ) can be chosen as unity and T(n, m )
becomes (exactly)

The third special case is the implementation of a slowly

time-varying filter. If t(n, m ) can be approximated as station-
ary over the duration of the synthesis window SO that
Fig. 6 . (a) R : 1 compressor. (b) I : R expander. ( c ) Filter-bank analog
f ( r ) t(n - r, m) ~ f ( rt ()n , m), then $n, m ) becomes for discrete short-time Fourier anafysislsynthesis.

t ( n , m) = f ( r ) h(m - r) t(n - Y, m ) Define the discrete short-time Fourier transform of x(n) as

X&R, kSlM)= h(sR - m)x(m)exp [-ji&kmf

corresponding to samples of the short-time Fourier transform

Thus, F(n, m) is just the product of t(n, m ) with the effective specified every R samples in time and i 2 M = 2n/M radians irm
window f(m)* h(m). Alternatively, (59) is also valid if frequency. Fur certain choices of the sampling parameters R
t(n, rn) is slowly-varying in the sense that the bandwidth of and M and the filters h (ut) andf(n), it will be shown that x (n)
T I($, rn) in $ is narrow compared with the bandwidth of can be recovered by means of the synthesis formula
W ) *
1 M-1 Qo
In practice, the limit on simultaneous time and frequency
variation is generally not a serious restriction. In fact, it can
often be exploited. A common application of short-time
Fourier analysis is for adaptive filtering. Here, a signal is fil-
tered by a time-varying system, the characteristics of which The pair of equations (60) and (61) describe the M-channel
depend on the local characteristics of the input signal. By filter-bank analysis/synthesis system depicted in Fig. 6 .
using the formulation leading to (56), filter design by window- X&R, k i 2 M ) is the output of the analysis filter h (n) in the
ing [X] -[3] can be accomplished automatically. Furthermore, kth channel, unifonnly sampled every R samples. The synthe-
by using the formulation leading to (55), linear smoothing of sized signal is generated by interpolating (time expanding and
the time variation of the time-varying frequency response can filtering) each of the M channels with f ( n ) , modulating by
also be introduced. exp [ji2&1] ,and summing over all the channels.
To show that x ( n ) can be recovered by means of (61), refer
PART I1 to Fig. 6 and observe that the identical combination of the
V. DISCRETESHORT-TIME FOURIERANALYSIS analysis filter h (n) followed by an R : 1 compressor, and a I : R
AND SYNTHESIS interpolator [I A? expander followed by the synthesis filter,
The short-time Fourier transform X2 (n, u)represents the f ( n ) ] appears in each of the M channels of the filter bank.
sequence x ( n ) by a function of the continuous variable w for This combination can be replaced in each channel, as illus-
each value of the index y1 and thus contains redundant infor- trated in Fig. 7, by the equivalent linear time-varying system
mation about the signal and the analysis window. This section w(n, m ) given by
considers the problem of representing a sequence by samples
of I t s shmt-time Fourier transform with the result that for
proper choices of sampling rates in both time and frequency
and for certain choices of analysis and synthesis filters, the where w(n, rn) denotes the response of the system at sample n
short-time Fourier transform X2(n, u)of x ( n ) can be sampled t o a unit sample applied at time (n - m). For each value of n,
using, on the average, one sample per value of x@). (62) corresponds to uniformly sampling kin) every R samples,

The representation of a sequence by its sampled short-time

Fourier transform with no redundancy results when the deci-
mation ratio, R , is equal to the number of frequency samples,
M. En this case, (62) and (63) becomes

Because the left-hand side of (65) is periodic in n with period

M,the problem of determining the synthesis filter f ( n ) , given a
particular analysis window h(n), reduces to M independent
inverse filtering problems, one for each value of n in the range
O S n <M.
An alternate formulation of the condition for the exact
resynthesis of x(n), according to (61), can be obtained by
(W taking the partial Fourier transform o f (64) with respect to n,
Fig. 7. (a) Faterabank equivalent to Fig. 6(c). (b) Equivalent linear giving
time-varying Filter far each channel.

starting at sample (n - m), then interpolating by I: R with

f ( n ) . The time variation of w(n, m) results because decimal
tionlinterpolation is not a time-invariant operation.
The condition such that x(n) can be recovered exactly from where
X2(sR k S 2 ~by ) means of (61) is

is the short-time Fourier transform of the synthesis filter f ( n ) ,

and u,(w) denotes the unit-impulse function. Equation (66)
1 M-1 00 requires that F2(m,a)have the property that

Replacing X z (sR k&) by its definition (60) gives

This formulation of the condition that must be satisfied by the

analysis and synthesis filters will be useful for d e a h g with the
problem of linear filtering based on discrete short-time Fourier
analysis considered in Section.VII.

= 2 2 f ( n - sR)h(sR - m ) x ( m ) VI. SHORT-TIME

One difficulty in implementing systems based on short-time
Fourier analysis has been the rapid increase in the amount of
computation required for the analysis and synthesis as the
or number of frequency samples becomes large. This section
discusses computationally efficient implementations for dis-
crete short-time Fourier analysis and synthesis using the FFT
Z(n) = f ( n - SR)h(sR - n + p M ) x ( n - pM). algorithm [ 11 11, [ 123.
P -,

In order to simplify notation in this section, the discrete

Thus, Z(n) = x ( n ) if and only if short-time Fourier transform (for R = 1) is denoted as

and the complex exponentids corresponding to theMth roots

of unity are denoted as
Using the definition (62) for w(n, rn)yields the desired condi-
tiQn(63). W& = exp [jZmk/M]. (69)
can be interpreted according t~ the discussion in Section 76
(7u) as interpolating each of the M sequences Y k [sR] for k = 0, 1,
- - M - 1, by 1:R modulating each by WGk, and summing

A . Implementation of the Short-Time Fuurier Analyzer the resulting signals. Clearly, this procedure could be imple-
If the number of frequency samples M is chosen to be a mented directly [ 111 ; however, it is computationally intracta-
ble fur large values of the transform size M .
highly composite number (usually an integral power of Z),
A synthesis procedure can be formulated, which, for a
then the FFT algorithm can be employed to compute effi-
highly composite number M , permits y ( n ) to be computed
ciently the short-time Fourier transform X&] defined by
from the samples Yk [sR]using the FFT algorithm [ 123. In
(70). Because (70) does not have the form of a discrete
addition to the computational savings afhrded by ernploy-
Fourier transform (DFT), it cannot be directly computed
ing the FFT, the number of computations required to perform
with the FFT algorithm. The limits on the summation are
the 1: R interpolation is reduced by the factor M .
given as infinite, but in practice are finite and determined by Assume that f ( n ) is the unit-sample response of a : R FIR
the length of h(n), By recognizing X k [n] for f x e d n , as
interpolating filter with length 2Q.R -t 1. The synthesis for-
samples equally spaced in frequency, of the (continuously
mula (76) then becomes
valued) partial Fourier transform of x (m)h (n - m ) , X k [ n ]

(71) where the limits on the inner sum, determined by the length
of f ( n ) , are
where sm[n] is the aliased short-time sequence L+(n) = [n/R1 t- Q

zrn[ n ] = x ( n -tpM f rn)h(-pM - m).

P =-- and where [ N ) means the largest integer contained in N.
Since the limits on both sums are finite, the order of summa-
In addition to the computational savings gained by corn-
tion can be interchanged t~ give
puting the short-time Fourier transform using the FFT, further
savings may be gained by avoiding the complex multiplications
by W M k in (7 1). By circularly shifting zrn[ n ] in m , prior to

computing its DFT, the multiplications by IVM

-nk are avoided
and (7 1) can be rewritten as [ 121 or

y n [sR] =--x-1 M-1
Ax Y,[sR] wn/f

Thus, for fixed values sf s, y n [sR]is the inverse partial DFT
where of Y k [sR] with respect to k , and can, therefore, be computed
using the FFT algorithm. It is important to observe thaty, [sR]
is periodic in yk with period M . Since the FFT only computes
and ((n))M denotes % reduced modulo M. Although (72)-
values of y , [sR] for one period (E = 0, 1, - M - l), the
(74) provide a convenient formulation for implementation
subscript r~ in (79) and (80) is interpreted as reduced modulo
[ 113, [ 3 21, (73) is, in fact, just the discrete Fourier transform
M. Equation (74) is the discrete short-time Fourier transform
formulation of (27) where x, [n] is the aliased short-time
formulation of (47a) for a time-invariant synthesis filter?
4For the implementation of (791, Crochiere has observed [ 271 that,
(75) for R < M , a savings in storage over that required by helical interpala-
tion [ 111 can be achieved by first computing the short-time sequence
rl&q =f(n- W Y , [ 4
B. Implementation of the Short-Time Fuurier Synthesizer and then projecting it to obtain
Let Y k[sR]denote the samples of data available to the syn- L
thesizer and let y ( n ) denote the time sequence to be synthe- y W = Qn.[W.
sized. The discrete short-time Fourier synthesis formula S = Id--


1 M-1 O0

Section V showed that a sequence could be represented by

the discrete short-time Fourier transform with no redundancy.
This section now considers the problem of representing linear
filtering as the product of the discrete short-time Fourier
transform of the input signal multiplied by samples of the
time-varying frequency response 'of the filter. If the sampled-
transform implementation is to be equivalent to the formula-
tion of Section IV, then the sampling rates in both time and 00 00

= f(n-sR)h(sR - m )
frequency must be sufficiently high tu prevent aliasing in
either time or frequency.
- -

A. Linear Time-Varying Filters - T2(sR,kS2M) exp [j&k(n - m)]x@).

Let X ( s R , kS&) represent samples of the short-time Fourier
transform o f x(n) as defined by (60), and let Tz (sa,k n ~ ) Now, letting m' = n - m,evaluating the sum over k , and inter-
represent samples of the time-varying frequency response of changing the order of summation gives
the linear time-varying system with unit-sample response 00 00 00

t(n, m). Furthermore, assume that y(n)= f(n-sR)h(sR-nm')


is band limited in I) and time limited in m so that t(n, m)
can be represented, without aliasing, by samples of T2(n,a). 00

Define Y , ( s R ,k Q M ) as the product y(n)= t ( n , m ' ) x ( n - m')


where ?(n, m) is given by

and define y(n), using the discrete short-time Fourier syn-
thesis formula, as 00 90

q n - sR ) h @ R - n + m )
1 M-1 00

4 t(sR,m - p M ) .
Thus, ?(n, m) corresponds to the overall unit-sample response
of the system depicted in Fig. 8.
Thus, The conditions on 'the filters and sampling rates, such that

1 M-1 QD t ( n , m ) defined by (86) for the sampled-transform irnpkmen-

tation is identical to F(n, m) defined by (53) for the nonsam-
pled implementation, become apparent by expressing the
partial Fourier transform ?I($, m) in terms of TI($,m).
Transforming (86) with respect to ra gives
and y ( n ) corresponds to the output of the system depicted
in Fig. 8.
The overall unit-sample response of this system is obtained
by replacing X2(sR,k&) in (84) by its definition (60).
Thus, fox a given input x h. ) , the corresponding output Y (d
Y L ,I L Y L * % # t(sR, m - p M ) exp [-j$n]
and, letting r =: n - sR, unit-sample responses, then t h e overall processing is equivalent
to the overlap-save or overlap-add method of fast convolu-
tion, depending upon the designs for the unit-sample re-
sponses of the analysis and synthesis filters.
In particular, let L denote the length of the unit-sample
response t(m) of the filter to be implemented so that

ob 00
The overlap-save method results for


(37) with the parameters L , M , and R satisfying the constraint

where T I($, rn) is the partial Fourier transform sf t(n,m )
and F2(m, $) is the short-time Fourier transform of f ( n )
given by In the terminology associated with the fast-convolution
method, L is the length of the filter unit-sample response, M
is the length of each input-data section which is equal to the
r -- -m DFT size, and R is the number of good points per output
section which is equal to the spacing between overlapping in-
put- data sections.
If y (n) denotes the result of filtering x ( n ) with t ( n ) , then
the convolution
Equation (87) states that T I($, m ) is aliased in both time (m)
and frequency ($), then windowed by &(m, $) to produce
(J/ m).
For the. sarplpled-transform implemen t u t h to be equivalent can be implemented as follows. The discrete short-time
to the nonsampled implementation of Section IV, Fl ($,m), Fourier transform
given by (87), must be identical to TI($, m),given by (54).
To prevent distortion due to aliasing, the number of frequency
samples M must be at least as great as the duration of TI (a) ,m)
in m , and the temporal sampling frequency 2n/R must be
greater than the bandwidth of T I($, m) in @.Further, to
eliminate the images of T I($I,m ) in (871, M must be, in gm- is calculated using the FFT and multiplied by samples of the
eral, at least as great as the duration of F2(m,$) in m and frequency response of t ( m ) to obtain
2n/R must be greater than the bandwidth of Fz (m,$) in J/.
The latter condition is not necessary for the specid case of
T I(I,&,m) and F2 ($, m ) having structures such that regions
of zero of F2 (m, $) exactly cancel the images of T I(I), m )
in (87). One example of this situation is the implementation The desired output signal y ( n ) is synthesized according to
of fast convolution for linear time-invariant filters treated in the discrete short-time Fourier synthesis formula
the following section.

To conclude this section, the methods of fast convolution

[22] are considered as special cases of linear filtering based on
discrete short-tirne Fourier analysis. Suppose a signal is pro- implemented using (79), (80), and the FFT.
cessed by multiplying its discrete short-time Fourier transform To show that y ( n ) , given by (93), is indeed the desired
by samples of the frequency response of a linear time-in- linear convolution (92), recall from the previous section that
variant system and a new signal is synthesized from the product. y (n) corresponds to the linear convolution o f x ( n ) with the
If the short-time Fourier analysis and synthesis are imple- modified unit-sample response ?(n, m> given by ( 8 6 ) . For a
mented using the FFT, as discussed in Section VI, and if the linear time-invariant system, t(tq m ) = t ( m ) ; thus, it must be
analysis and synthesis fdters have appropriate rectangular shown that ?(n, rn) = t ( m ) for all n , or equivalently, that

CP t h + pM) 1 far O<m<IM

0 otherwise
and the analysis/synthesis is again implemented using the FFT
-M -M+L-I -R C L-l M-R M WL-l m subject to the constraint (91). Here R is the length of each of
the contiguous input-data sections which is equal to the spac-
ing between overlapping output sections andMis the length of
each of the output-data sections which i s equal to the DFT
?I($, rn)= TI($, m ) = 2.rruO($9 t ( m ) for all Substituting size.
TI ($, rn)= 2.rruO($)t(m) into (87) gives To prove that the fdters (96) for the overlap-add method re-
sult in the desired linear convolution, observe that interchang-
ing the designs of f ( m ) and h(m) corresponds to replacing $
with - $ in F2(m,$) and multiplying by exp [-j$rn] Thus,
the short-time Fourier transform of f(m)for the overlap-add
- P(m - p M ) method is just the Fourier transform of f ( m ) fur the overlap-
save method (95) with $ replaced by -$ and multiplied by
exp [-j$rn] By the previous argument ?(n,m) = t(m) and the
desired linear convolution is again achieved.
The difference between the formulation based on short-
time Fourier analysis and the canventiunal formulation [22]
where F2((3, I)), defined by (88), can be shown to be given is that in the conventional formulation the analogous filter-
by bank channel signals are bandpass signals as illustrated in
Fig. 1O(a), whereas, in the formulation based on short-time
Fourier analysis, the chamel signalsare low-pass signals as
illustrated in Fig. lo@), However, because the modulation
I for -RCm<O operations on the channel signals correspond to circular shifts
of the data, as discussed in Section VI-A; the computational
difference between the two formulations simply amounts to
a difference in indexing schemes. Consequently, fast convolu-
far OGrnGM-R tion can be considered a special case of linear filtering based
on discrete short-time Fourier analysis.
This paper has developed certain aqpects of .the theory of
short-time Fourier analysis and synthesis. It was shown that
not only short-time Fourier analysis, but short-time Fourier
synthesis, as well, can be viewed equivalently in terms of a
By considering PI(*,m ) for each of the four conditions in filter bank or in terms of ordinary Fourier transforms of a set
( 9 9 , TI($, rn) can be seen to reduce to F&, m)= 2nu,($) of weighted sequences. The representation of h e a r filtering
t(m). For m < -R or m > M ,FI($,m) 7 T I( $ , m ) = O be- in terms of the timevarying frequency response was consid-
cause &(m, $)=O. For m in the range, -R < m < 0 , it can ered with the result that a class of such filters could be repre-
be seen, by referring to Fig. 9 , that ($, m) = Ti($, rn)= 0 sented as the product of the time-varying frequency response
because t(m) = 0 for rn < 0 or m > L , and because -1M + L-- of the filter multiplied by the short-time Fourier transform
1 < -R from condition (91). For m in the range 0 G m < of the input signal,
M - R , p 1 ( @ , m =) T&,m) = 2.rruO($)t(m) because F&z, The problems of discretizing the short-time Fourier txans-
2 n q / . ) = R for q = O a n d F 2 ( m , 2 r q / R ) = O for 1 Q < R . form representation were discussed. For certain andysis-
Form in the r a n g e M - R < m < M , ~ l ( J , , m ) = ~ ~ ( ~ ,synthesis m ) = O filter pairs, it was shown that a signal could be rep-
because, again referring to Fig. 9 , t(m) = 0 for m < 0 or m >L resented by the discrete shurt-time Fourier transform with
and because L - I < M - R from condition (91). Conse- no redundancy. Furthermore, a class of linear-filtering opera-
quently, Fl($, m) = T I ( $ ,m) for all $ and m. Thus, the tions could be represented as the product of samples of the
overau unit-sample response of the system F(n, m) is exactly time-varying frequency response of the filter multiplied by the
t(m) for all n, and the desired linear convolution (92) is discrete short-time Fourier transform of the input signal.
achieved This representation is of practical significance because the
The overlap-add method results when the designs for h(m) short-time Fourier analysis and synthesis can be implemented
andf(m) are interchanged so that efficiently using the FFT algorithm. Finally, for linear time-
invariant filters, this representation implies an implementation
that is computationally equivalent tu the methods of fast
(96) convolution.

t \ \

Fig* 10. (a) Filter-bank analog fur the conventional method of fast convolution. (b) Filter-bank analog fox the short-
time Fourier transform method of fast convolution.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT W. W. Schafer and L. R. Rabiner, Design and simulation of a

speech analysis-synthesis system based on short-time fourier
The author would like t o thank A. V* Qppenheim, J. H. analysis, IEEE Trans. Audio Ekectroacoust., vol. AU-21, pp.
McClellan, and K. N. Stevens of the Massachusetts Institute 165-174, June 1973.
M. R. Portnoff, Impfernentation of the digitaf phase vocoder
of Technology, Cambridge, and Dr. D. Dudgeon o f M.I.T. using the fast fowrier transform, 1EEE Truns. Acoust., Speech,
Lincoln Laboratory who read and commented on earlier S i g d processing, V d . ASSP-24, pp. 243-248, June J 976.
versions of this manuscript.
M . W. Callahan, Acoustic signal processing based on the short-
t h e spectrum, PhB. dissertation, Dep. Cornput. Sci., Univ.
REFERENCES Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, Tech, Rep. UTEC-CSc-76-209, Mar.
A. V. Oppenheirn and R. W. Schafer, Digital Signd Processing. T. W. Parsons, Separation of speech from interfering speech by
Englewood Cliffs, NJ : Prentice-Hall, 1975. means of harmonic selection, J. Acoust. Soc. Amer., vol. 60,
L. R. Rabiner and B. Gold, Theory and Application of Digital pp, 91 1-918, Qct. 1976.
S i g d Processing. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1975. J . B. Allen, Short-term spectral analysis, synthesis, and modifi-
A . Peled and B Liu, Digitd S i p d Processing, 7%eory, Design, cation by discrete Fourier transform, IEEE Trans. Acoust.,
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L. A. Zadeh, A general theory of signal transmission systems, 1977.
J. Franklin Inst., vol. 253, pp. 293-312, Apr. 1952. J. B. Allen and L. R. Rabiner, A unified approach t o short-time
T. Kailath, Sampling models for linear time-variant filters, Fourier analysis and synthesis, Proc. IEEE, vol. 6 5 , pp. 1558-
Research Laboratory of Electronics Massachusetts Inst. Tech,, 1564, Nov. 1977.
Cambridge, Tech. Rep. 352, May 1959. M . R . Portnoff, Time-scale modification of speech based on
T. Kaila th, Channel characterization: Time-variant dispersive short-time Fourier analysis, Sc.D. dissertation, Dep. Hec,
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Baghdaddy, Ed. New York: McCraw-HU, 1961, pp. 95-123. 1978.
A, Gersho and N. DeClaris, Duality concepts in time-varying R. M. Lesner, Representation of signals, Lectures on Corn-
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356. McCraw-Hill, I96 1, pp. 284-242.
ID. Gabor, Theory of communication, J, IEE, part 111, pp. A. W. Rihaczek, Signal -energy distribution in time and fre-
429-411, Nw. 1946. quency, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. IT-10, pp. 321-
A. A . Kharkevich, Spectra and Amlysis (translated from the 327, May 1968.
Russian). New York: Consultants Bureau Enterprises, 1960. M. H. Ackroyd, Short-time spectra and time-frequency energy
C . J. Weinstein, Short-time Fourier analysis and its inverse, distributions, J. Acoust. Soc. Amer., vol. 50, part I , pp. 1229-
S.M. thesis, Dep. Elec. Eng., Massachusetts Inst. Tech., Cam- 1231, May 1971.
bridge, 1866. M. R. Portnoff, Magnitude-phase relationships for short-time

Fourier transforms based on Gaussian analysis windows, in Rec. Michael R. Portnoff (S69-M77) was born in
1979 IEEE Int* Cunc Acoust., Speech, Signa2 &messing, Wash- Newark, NJ, on July 1,1949. He was educated
ington, DC,Apr. 1979, pp. 186-189. at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
T. G . Stockham, Jr., High-speed convolution and correlation, Cambridge, MA, receiving the S.B., S.M., and
in 1966 Conf. Proe, AFIPS Spnng Joaizt Cornput. Con$ Re- E.E. degrees in electrical science and engineer-
printed in Digital Signal Processing, L.R. Rabiner and C. M, ing in 1973, and the Sc.D. degree in electrical
Rader, Ed. New York: XEEE Press, 1972, engineering and computer science in 1978.
C. R. Patisaul and J , C. Hammett, Jr., Timefrequency resolu- From 1969-1971, he was a cooperative
tion experiment in speech analysis and synthesis, J. Acotrst. student a t Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc.
SQC.Arner,, vol. 5 8 , pp, 1296-1307,Dec, 1975. From 1971-1978, he was a Research Assistant
R. J. Wang, Optimum window length for the measurement of in the M.I.T. Research Laboratory of Elec-
time-varying power spectra, J, Acoust. Soc, Amer., vol. 52, tronics, Digital Signal Processing Group, and a Teaching Assistant in
part 1, pp. 33-38, Jan, 1972. the M.I.T. Department of Elec&tl Engineering and Computer Science,
G . Gambardella, A contribution to the theory of short-time From 1978-1979, he was a Research Associate in the Digital Signal
spectral analysis with nonuniform bandwidth fiters, IEEE Processing Group at MLT. In 1979 he joined the University of Cali-
Tpans. Circuit Themy, vol. CT-18, July 1971. fornia Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, where he is currently a Staff
J. E. Youngberg and S. F. Boll, %onstant-Q signal analysis and Member in the Engineering Research Division. His research interests
synthesis, in Rec. 19 78 IEEE Int. Cm$ Acoust. Speech, Signul are in the theory of digital signal processing and its application to
&messing, Tulsa, OK, Apr. 1978,pp. 375-378. speech,
.... image, and seismic signal processing.
R. E, Crochiere, A weighted overlap-add method of short-time Dr,. Portnoff received the 1977 IEEE Browder J. Thompson M e
Fourier analysis/synthesis, XEEE DunsCAcoust,, Speech, signal morial Prize Award and is a member of Eta Kappa Nu,Tau Beta Pi, and
Processing, this issue, pp. 99-102. Sigma Xi.

On the Implementation of a Short-Time Spectral

Analysis Method for Sy,stem identification

finite N the method has the property that the misalignment

Abstract-Recent work has demonstrated the utility of a short-time
spectral analysis appruach to the problems of spectral estimation and
error (between the actual and computed system impulse
system identification. In this paper several important aspects of the
responses) tends to zero as 1/N, Le.,the solution rapidly
implementation are discussed. Included is a discussion of the computa-
approaches the least squares solution.
tional effects (e.g., storage, running time) of the various analysis
parameters. A computer program is included which illustrates one The purpose of this paper is to describe one implementation
implementation of the method. of the method described in [Z] Following a brief review of
the basic method (Section II), we describe a DFT implementa-
I. INTRODUCTION tion in which the relevant quantities used in the analysis
equation are computed entirely in the frequency domain
T HE problems of spectral estimation and system identifica- (Section 111). In Section IV we discuss the issues of computa-
tion have been of great importance for a variety of appli- tion speed, storage, and accuracy and show that tradeoffs
cations. Although classical techniques have had various between these factors can be made. Finally, in Section V we
degrees of success, particular problems often require special- present a flowchart of one implementation of t h e method
ized techniques for the most efficient cost-effective solutions. which is fairly general purpose.
Recently, a new method for spectral estimation and system
identification was proposed based on t h e theory of short-time K REVIEW OF THE SHORT-TIME SPECTRAL ANALYSIS
spectral analysis [l], [2]. This method was shown to be APPROACHTO SYSTEMIDENTI FICATIUN
theoretically equivalent to the classical least squares method Assume the input tu the system to be identified is x(n) and
when the number of data points ( N ) was infinite [I] For the output of the system [corrupted by additive noise q(n)]
is y(n),is.,
Manuscript received April 20, 1979;revised July 30, 1979.
The authors are with the Acoustics Research Department, Bell
Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ 07974, Y(rr)= x(n) * W ) + 4 w (1)

0 1980 IEEE

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