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1. Escribe en ingls los pronombres personales sujeto.

1 singular YO
2 singular T, USTED
3 singular L
3 singular ELLA
3 singular (animal, cosa, lugar) ELLO, ESO
3 plural (personas, animales, cosas, lugares) ELLOS, ELLAS

2. Escribe de nuevo estas frases cambiando el sujeto por el pronombre personal adecuado.
1. Antonio isnt eleven. 11. These apples are from France.
2. My brother and I are Spanish. 12. The doors are closed.
3. Diana isnt twelve. 13. The books are old.
4. Dos Hermanas is near Seville. 14. Pedro and I are good friends.
5. Paul and Helen are from England. 15. That girl is from Italy.
6. My dog Willy is three years old. 16. That book is new.
7. My friends are Italian. 17. These houses are very old.
8. The zoo is open. 18. This boy is from London.
9. The supermarket is closed. 19. These boys are from Cdiz.
10. The students are in the classroom. 20. Your cat is in the street.


3. Traduce al ingls las siguientes formas afirmativas del verbo to be (ser, estar).
Yo soy Yo estoy
T eres T ests
l es l est
lla es Ella est
(Ello) es (Ello) est
Nosotros somos . Nosotros estamos
Vosotros sois . Vosotros estis
Ellos son Ellos estn

4. Traduce al ingls las siguientes formas negativas del verbo to be (ser, estar).
Yo no soy Yo no estoy
T no eres T no ests
l no es . l no est
lla no es Ella no est
(Ello) no es (Ello) no est
Nosotros no somos . Nosotros no estamos
Vosotros no sois Vosotros no estis
Ellos no son Ellos no estn
5. Escribe estas frases con el verbo to be en forma negativa usando formas cortas y luego
traduce debajo la frase negativa al espaol.
1. My brother and I are Spanish.
2. Paul and Helen are from England.
3. My friends are Italian.
4. The zoo is open.
5. The supermarket is closed.

6. Escribe estas frases con el verbo to be en forma interrogativa y luego traduce debajo la
frase interrogativa al espaol.
1. The students are in the classroom.
2. These apples are from France.
3. The doors are closed.
4. The books are old.
5. Pedro is a good friend.
6. That girl is from Italy.
7. That book is new.
8. These houses are very old.
9. This boy is from London.
10. These boys are from Cdiz.
11. Your cat is in the street.

7. Subraya la forma correcta del verbo to be en cada caso y traduce al lado al espaol.
1. The boys is / are in the supermarket.
2. I is / am a student.
3. My friend Luis and I are / am Spanish.
4. The book are / is on the table.
5. The banks is / are in High Street.
6. My computer is / are new.
7. Ana and Pedro is / are good students.
8. The school and the supermarket is / are in that street.

8. Completa con el verbo to be en Presente afirmativa (am, is, are) y traduce al lado.
1. Hello!.I .......... Antonio.
2. She ............ my sister.
3. We ............... friends.
4. I......... twelve and Luca ....... eleven.
5. We .........from Seville.
6. Carmona ............. near Seville.

9. Completa con el verbo to be en Presente negativa y traduce al lado.

1. Paris ................. in Spain.
2. I very happy today.
3. My sister . twelve years old.
4. It Friday.
5. Paul and Mary ..English.
6. My friends . at school.

10. Escribe preguntas con el verbo to be en Presente (am, is, are) y escribe respuestas cortas.
David (be) in the team ..? Yes,
Sara (be) sixteen years old ...? No, ..
Tom and Ana (be) good friends .....? No, ..
11. BE: Present simple. Use the correct form of be.
- My brother ____ fifteen years old (affirmative)
- Hi, I____ John. (affirmative)
- He ____ twelve years old. (negative)
- _____ you Italian?
- Hurry up! We _____ late. (affirmative)
- I ______ from Australia, I ___ from New Zealand.
- My birthday _____ (negative) in July, it__ (affirmative) in June.
- ___ it Wednesday today?
- Emma and Joe _____ at school. ____ they at home?
- We___ on holiday. Hurrah!


12. Escribe la forma negativa e interrogativa de las siguientes frases.

Theyve got a nice garden in their house.
Helens got a new blue shirt.

13. Completa con el verbo HAVE en Presente en forma afirmativa y traduce al lado al espaol.
1. She... two dogs.
2. Paul .. a red car.
3. You .. a beautiful daughter.
4. My sisters a new house with a big garden.
5. Ana and I . a big television in our bedroom.

14. Completa con el verbo HAVE en Presente en forma negativa y traduce al espaol.
1. I ... a cat.
2. My friend Luis and I .. a computer.
3. My sister ... a boyfriend.
4. Ana and Pedro .. a new car.
5. Your house .. a big garden.

15. Escribe preguntas y responde con respuestas cortas.

1. Kates parents / a nice house?
Yes, _______________
2. Ana / a pet?
No, ________________
3. You / a big television?
No, ________________


16. Complete the questions with the appropriate question word. Answer the question with your
own or with the given words.

_________ is this? (book)

_________ are you from? (Spain)
_________ is this woman? (my mother)
_________ pullover do you like? (blue)
_________ is my key? I cannot find it. (on the chair)
_________ old is your wife? (25)
_________ children have you got? (2)
_________ are you doing? (eat)
_________ color is your table? (blue)
_________ is your best friend? (Tom)
_________ is Jenny crying? (broke her arm)
_________ is this yellow jacket? (Toms)
_________ money have you got? (200 HUF)
_________ are you drinking tea? (ill)
_________ are my keys? I can't find them. (under the chair)
_________ is the tallest in the family? (father)
_________ is the time? (12:25)
_________ are those people in that room? (my relatives from Italy)
_________ is you birthday? (12/12)
_________ is your favorite book? (Gulliver's Travels)
_________ car is yours? (the red one)
_________ did you break your arm? (1995)
_________ languages do you speak? (German, English and Italian)
_________ butter have we got in the fridge? (little)
_________ time do we have left? (five minutes)
_________ tall are you? (175 cm)


17. Usa el artculo indeterminado a / an con los siguientes sustantivos en singular.

orange. ........... ear. . ice-creampencil ............... rubber .notebook
apple .cat dog.pen .exam _ .........................umbrella


18. Traduce al ingls usando los adjetivos demostrativos (this, that, these, those).
Este libro. Estos libros ..
Esta mesa . Estas mesas.
Este gato . Estos gatos
Ese coche Esos coches .
Esa silla Esas sillas .
Ese lpiz . Esos lpices ..
Aquel perro. Aquellos perros ..
Aquella casa . Aquellas casas ..


19. Traduce al ingls usando los adjetivos posesivos adecuados ( your, his, her, its, our, their).
1. Su casa (de ella)
2. Su casa (de ellos)
3. Su casa (de un animal)
4. Su casa ( de l)
5. Vuestra casa
6. Tu casa
7. Nuestra casa

20. Reescribe las frases usando el genitivo sajn.

a. The skirts of the women are white.
b. The tail of the horse is not short.
c. The offices of the doctors are beautiful.
d. The books of the students are new.
e. The toys of the babies are funny.
f. The hat of Mrs. Sally is red.
g. The dress of my sister is old.
h. The leg of the chair is broken.


21. Escribe las horas en ingls con letra.

1) 3:47 _______________________________________
2) 4:30 _______________________________________
3) 3:25 _______________________________________
4) 2:15 _______________________________________
5) 9:05 _______________________________________


22. Escribe la preposicion correcta (on / in / at)

_ _ _ _ Monday _ _ _ _ Easter
_ _ _ _ July _ _ _ _ 15th May
_ _ _ _ the evening _ _ _ _ my birthday
_ _ _ _ lunchtime _ _ _ _ the future
_ _ _ _ 2007 _ _ _ _ the same time
_ _ _ _ 18th century _ _ _ _ present
_ _ _ _ the weekend _ _ _ _ winter
_ _ _ _ two months _ _ _ _ Sundays
_ _ _ _ Friday afternoon _ _ _ _ 1st September 1994
_ _ _ _ Christmas Day _ _ _ _ the age of five

23. Completa las frases con la preposicin correcta.

1. I always get up _ _ _ _ 7 oclock _ _ _ _ weekdays and _ _ _ _ 9 oclock _ _ _ _ the weekends.
2. Both my little brother and I were born _ _ _ _ the same month. His birthday is _ _ _ _ 10 th April
and I was born _ _ _ _ 30th.
3. _ _ _ _ the moment we are practising prepositions of time.
4. In England it often rains _ _ _ _ spring.
5. My father is a doctor and he sometimes works _ _ _ _ night.
6. Our neighbours moved in next door _ _ _ _ 1998.
7. My grandma started learning English _ _ _ _ the age of 40.
8. _ _ _ _ the past people didnt travel so much.
9. James proposed to Linda _ _ _ _ sunset. It was very romantic.
10. We usually go rollerblading _ _ _ _ Saturday morning.
11. Brenda has lunch _ _ _ _ noon.
12. I go to school _ _ _ _ the morning, I do my homework _ _ _ _ the afternoon, I watch TV _ _ _ _
theevening and I sleep _ _ _ _ night.
13. We have Maths _ _ _ _ Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
14. My parents got married _ _ _ _ 26th December _ _ _ _ 1982.
15. Vicky will be back _ _ _ _ a minute.
16. Where were you _ _ _ _ the evening of January 2nd?
17. We all left _ _ _ _ the same time.


24. Mira la imgen y completa las oraciones con IN, ON, UNDER, BEHIND, NEXT TO,

1- THE CAT IS ......................THE CHAIR AND THE SMALL TABLE.

2-THE PENCILS ARE.................... GLASS
3- THE SCHOOL BAG IS .......................THE TABLE
4- THE CHAIR IS .......................THE BED
6- THE BOOK IS ..................THE TABLE.
7- THE RUG IS ......................THE FLOOR.
8- THE DOG IS .....................THE DOOR.
9- THE PICTURE IS .........................THE WINDOW.
10- THE SMALL TABLE IS ....................THE BED.
11- THE BIG TABLE IS ....................THE CHAIR.


25. Coloca los verbos en los espacios en blanco con su forma correcta del present simple.
- She ________ in a bank. (work)
- I ______ milk. (like)
- David and John ______ in Barcelona. (live)
- We _______ TV on Sundays (watch)
- Anna _______ her parents and grandmother. (help)
- It _______ a lot. (rain)
- They ________ their family in Portugal. (visit)

26. Escribe la 3 persona del singular del Presente simple de los siguientes verbos.
STUDY he ..
LOOK she ..
GO he ..
PLAY it ..
READ she ..

27. Subraya la forma correcta del verbo en cada caso y traduce al lado al espaol.
1. Those boys lives / live in my town.
2. I work / works in an office.
3. My friend Luis and I play / plays football on Sundays.
4. The concert starts / start at seven.
5. The banks close / closes at two oclock.
6. My sister like / likes American films.
7. Ana and Pedro eats / eat in that restaurant.
8. The school open / opens at eight.

28. Completa estas frases afirmativas poniendo el verbo del parntesis en Presente Simple.
1. She (watch) ..TV on Saturdays.
2. Paul (listen) .... to music every day.
3. He (study) English at school.
4. We (visit) .our grandmother very often.
5. Ana (stay) . at home on Friday evenings.
6. Carlos and Andrea (go) .... to Cdiz at weekends.

29. Subraya la forma correcta del verbo en cada caso.

1. I dont work / doesnt work in an office.
2. My friend Luis and I dont play / doesnt play football on Sundays.
3. The banks dont close / doesnt close at one oclock.
4. My sister dont like / doesnt like American films.
5. Ana and Pedro dont eat / doesnt eat in that restaurant.
6. The school dont open / doesnt open at eight.

30. Escribe preguntas y responde con respuestas cortas.

1. Tom (play) basketball? ______________________________________________?
Yes, _______________
2. Ana and Maria (speak) English? ________________________________________?
No, ________________
3. You (like) fruit? __________________________________________?
No, ________________

31. Completa estas frases poniendo el verbo en Presente Simple.

1. She (watch).. TV on Saturdays.
2. Paul ( not listen) . to music every day.
3. You (not study) . English at school.
4. We (visit) ... our grandmother very often.
5. Ana and I (not stay) .. at home on Friday evenings.
6. Carlos (go) .. to Cdiz at weekends.


32. Escribe las frases con el adverbio de frecuencia en el lugar correcto.

1. They play football on Sundays after lunch. (sometimes)
2. She is at home in the evening. (never)
3. Do you go to the theatre? (often)
4. We dont travel during the summer holidays. (usually)
5. Henry goes to bed late. (hardly ever)
6. Does the dog sleep in the afternoon? (sometimes)
7. The children watch TV after school. (always)
8. Billy and his brother have dinner with their family. (always)


33. Escribe la forma ING de los siguientes verbos:

have listen . stay .
get phone sleep ..
swim . rain . . fly .
run .think .. study ..
play . draw dance
34. Escribe las siguientes frases en forma negativa e interrogativa.
Helen is buying a new computer.
Ben and Paul are waiting for Ann.
They are having lunch.
He is studying for his exam.

35. Escribe el verbo del parntesis en la forma correcta del Presente continuo.
1. My friend Kate her homework at this moment.. (do)
2. Emily and Joan .. in the river. (not swim)
3. My brother and I .. English and French at school. (study)
4. Those boys magazines. (read)
5. My dog in the garden. (not play)

36. Escribe preguntas en Presente continuo y da respuestas cortas

Bill (eat) a hamburger
__________________________________________? No, ______________
They (watch) tv
__________________________________________? Yes, ______________
It (rain)
__________________________________________? No, ______________
You (do) your homework
__________________________________________? Yes, ______________
The girls (listen) to music.
__________________________________________? Yes, ______________
David (play) tennis
__________________________________________? No, ______________

EXPRESIN DE CANTIDAD: there is, there are, a, an, some, any

37. Completa las siguientes frases usando THERE IS / THERE ARE y usando A /AN / SOME.
1 There apple. 6 There .. sugar.
2 There. cup of coffee. 7 There orange juice.
3 There . sandwiches. 8 There .. chocolate cakes.
4 There .. butter. 9 There ... tomato.
5 There egg. 10 There glasses of water.

38. Completa estas frases usando THERE IS /THERE ARE y SOME /ANY.
1 . there . fruit?
2. .. there . oil?
3 There not ... cup of coffee.
4 . there . oranges?
5 There not .. sandwiches.
6. There not .. chocolate cakes.
7 There .. bread.
8. there . tomatoes?.
9. There cheese.
10. There ... apples.


39. Escribe el plural de los siguientes sustantivos. Uno de ellos no tiene plural porque es
incontable: escribe al lado una I.

40. Mira las imgenes y completa con can / cant. Utiliza las palabras de debajo.

dance swim sing cook drive

run ski play the piano ride a horse paint

1. Sarah and Tom_______________________

2. Mary ____________________________________

3. Tony _______________________________
4. That man ________________________________

5. Granny _____________________________
6. She _________________________ the marathon.

7. They _______________________________
8. Tina ____________________________________

9. He _________________________________
10. Mr Smith _______________________________


41. Completa las oraciones con some or any.

1. There is milk in your mug. 2. There isnt ham for breakfast.
3. There areapples in the basket. 5. There arentoranges left.
4. Are theresausages in the fridge? 6. Therescheese on the table

42. Escribe how much o how many.

1. Howsandwiches would you like? 4. Howeggs are there on the table?
2. Howjam do you need? 5. Howyoghurt have you got?
3. Howtea do you drink for dinner? 6. Howrolls would you like?
43. Completa las frases con los verbos entre parntesis. Utiliza el SIMPLE PRESENT
1. Alex (like) likes tea, but he (like, not) doesn't like coffee.
2. Sara (know) ____________________ Ali, but she (know, not) ____________________ Hiroshi.
3. Pablo and Maria (want) _______________________ to stay at home tonight. They (want, not)
________________________ to go to a movie.
4. Robert (be, not) ____________________ hungry. He (want, not)
___________________________ a sandwich.
5. Mr. Smith (drink, not) ________________________________ coffee, but Mr. Jones (drink)
_____________________________ six cups every day.
6. I (be, not) ____________________ rich. I (have, not) ____________________ a lot of money.
7. This pen (belong, not)____________________________to me. It (belong) ___________ to
8. My friends (live, not) ________________________in the dorm. They (have)
________________________an apartment.
9. It (be )________ a nice day today. It (be, not) ______________________ cold. You (need, not)
______________________________ your coat.
10. Today (be ) ______________ a holiday. We (have, not) _______________________ class today.

44. Haz preguntas par alas siguientes respuestas.

1. A: Does Jean eat lunch at the cafeteria every day?______

B: Yes, she does. (Jean eats lunch at the cafeteria every day.)
2. A: Where does Jean eat lunch every day?______________
B: At the cafeteria. (Jean eats lunch at the cafeteria every day.)
3. A: ____________________________________________________________
B: At the post office. (Peter works at the post office.)
4. A: _____________________________________________________________
B: Yes, he does. (Peter works at the post office.)
5. A: _____________________________________________________________
B: Yes, I do. (I live in an apartment.)
6. A: _____________________________________________________________
B: In an apartment. (I live in an apartment.)
7. A: _____________________________________________________________
B: At a restaurant. (Bill eats dinner at a restaurant every day.)
8. A: _____________________________________________________________
B: In the front row. (I sit in the front row during class.)
9. A: _____________________________________________________________
B: At the University of Wisconsin. (Jessica goes to school at the University of Wisconsin.)
10.A: _____________________________________________________________
B: On my desk. (My book is on my desk.)
11.A: _____________________________________________________________
B: At half-past twelve. (I usually eat lunch at half-past twelve.)
B: At 5:30. (The restaurant opens at 5:30.)
13.A: ___________________________________________________________
B: At 9:05. (The train leaves at 9:05.)
14.A: _____________________________________________________________
Between 6:30 and 8:00. (I usually eat dinner between 6:30 and 8:00.)

45. Haz preguntas mirando las respuestas. Utiliza el Present Simple tense.

1. A: When/What time do you eat breakfast?_____________

B: At 7:30 (I eat breakfast at 7:30 in the morning.)
2. A: When/What time do you usually eat breakfast?_______
B: At 7:00. (Alex usually eats breakfast at 7:00.)
3. A: ___________________________________________________
B: At 6:45. (I get up at 6:45.)
4. A: ___________________________________________________________
B: At 6:30. (Maria usually gets up at 6:30.)
5. A: ___________________________________________________
B: At 8:15. (The movie starts at 8:15.)
6. A: ____________________________________________________________
B: Around 11:15. (I usually go to bed around 11:15)

46. Completa con el Present Continuous y uno de los verbos que aparecen abajo.

building coming having playing cooking standing swimming

1 Listen! Pat ...... the piano.

2 They .............................. a new hotel in the city centre at the moment.
3 Look! Somebody ................................ in the river.
4 'You ................................ on my foot.' 'Oh, I'm sorry.'
5 Hurry up! The bus ..............................
6 'Where are you, George?' 'In the kitchen. I ................................ a meal.'
7 (on the telephone) 'Hello. Can I speak to Ann, please?' 'She ....................... a shower
at the moment. Can you phone again later?'

47. Qu est ocurriendo? Escribe respuestas verdaderas.

1 (I / wash / my hair. Im not washing my hair.
2 (it / snow). It is ......................................................................................................
3 (I / sit / on a chair) ..........................................................................................................................
4 (I / eat) ..............................................................................................................................................
5 (it / rain) ..........................................................................................................................................
6 (We / learn / English) ..........................................................................................................................
7 (I / listen / to the radio)..................................................................................................................
8 (the sun / shine) ........................................... r.............................................................. '....................
9 (I / wear / shoes) ..............................................................................................................................
10 (I / smoke / a cigarette)..................................................................................................................
11 (We / read / a newspaper) ..................................................................................................................
48. Completa el texto con Present Simple or Continuous.

The Bells have gone on holiday to Sandmouth on the South coast.

Mrs Bell's nephew, Sandy, (build) ..... a sandcastle.
Granny (sit) ................under a sunshade, she (knit) .
. a jumper for Bill. Every week she (knit) ... ..
.. a new jumper. Granddad (sleep) .. in his
deckchair and the dog (eat) .. his ice-cream. He's a
funny dog. He only (eat) ... and chocolate.
Jill (lie) ... in the sun. She (listen) to some pop music on
the radio. Uncle Brian (play) ... . Frisbee with Bob. He often
(play) ... .. Frisbee, so he is quite good at it.
Mrs Bell (ride) ... .a donkey, but the donkey doesn't look very happy. Mr Bell is out in a boat.
He (fish) .There's something on his hook, but it isn't a fish!

49. Completa las frases usando el PRESENT SIMPLE. Decide la forma afirmativa o negative
para que la oracin tenga sentido.

- Claire is very sociable. She knows (know) lots of people.

- We've got plenty of chairs, thanks. We don't want (want) any more.

1 My friend is finding life in Paris a bit difficult. He................................................. (speak) French.

2 Most students live quite close to the college, so they.................................................... (walk) there.
3 My sports kit is really muddy. This shirt........................................................ (need) a good wash.
4 I've got four cats and two dogs. I............................................................ (love) animals.
5 No breakfast for Mark, thanks. He.......................................................... (eat) breakfast.
6 What's the matter? You.............................................................. (look) very happy.
7 Don't try to ring the bell. It........................................................ (work).
8 I hate telephone answering machines. I just.................................................... (like) talking to them.
9 Matthew is good at badminton. He........................................................( win) every game.
10 We always travel by bus. We........................................................... (own) a car.

50: Traduce los ejercicios 48 y 49


Para el ao que viene tendrs que estudiar los verbos irregulares. Comienza a
estudiarlos en el verano. Lo que tienes que hacer en la siguiente ficha es buscar en el
diccionario los significados ms comunes de los verbos que aparecen y anotarlos en
columna Translation Si te das cuenta estn divididos por bloques segn los cambio de
forma que puede resultarte ms fcil estudiarlos.

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