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3. Acute Pain related to Abdominal pain, cramping, Gen. Objective: Independent:

hyperperistalsis, prolonged diarrhea, and borborygmi may occur Relieve/ Reduce/ 1. Encourage patient/ child to May try to tolerate pain rather
skin/ tissue irritation, perirectal from gas released from Eliminate pain. report pain. than seek treatments.
excoriation, fissures as evidenced by undigested food, irritation 2. Assess reports of abdominal Changes in pain characteristics
reports of cramping or abdominal of bowel mucosa, distention cramping or pain, noting location may indicate spread of disease/
pain, guarding/ distraction behaviors of the intestines. Specific Objectives: duration, intensity,. Investigate and developing complications.
restlessness. After the nursing report changes in pain Child's primary way ofconveying
REF.: Medical & Surgical interventions have been characteristics. (Be very sensitive pain is maybe thru crying.
Nursing Textbook by employed, with the childs mov't or actions
Black & Hawks the child will be able to: e.g. crying as this suggests pain
pp. 809 - 810 Vol. I 1. Appear relax and be or something irritating to the child).
able to sleep or rest 3. Note nonverbal cues, e.g. Body language/ non verbal cues
appropriately. restlessness, reluctance to move, may be both physiological and
2. Report pain is relieved abdominal guarding. psychological and maybe used in
controlled. Investigate dispcrepancies between conjunction with verbal cues to
verbal and nonverbal cues. determine extent/ severity of the
4. Review factors that aggravate May pinpoint precipitating or
or alleviate pain. aggravating factors ( such as
stressful events, food
intolerance), or identify developing
5. Encourage patient to assume Reduces abdominal tension,
position of comfort, and promotes sense of control.
e.g. knees flexed as assisted by
the mother.
6. Provide comfort measures Promotes relaxation, refocuses
and diversional activities ( repositionattention, and may enhance coping
play with the child, offer toy) abilities. Promotes nurse - child
7. Cleanse rectal area with mild soapProtecting skin from bowel acids,
and water/ wipes after each stool & preventing excoriation.
provide skin care. (Seek assistance from mother)
8. Observe/ record abdominal May indicate developing intestinal
distention, increased temperature, obstruction from inflammation,
. edema and scarring.
1. Implement prescribed dietary Complete bowel rest can reduce
modification. pain, cramping.
2. Administer medications as
Analgesics: For pain management,
Anticholinergics; relieve spasmsof Gi tract &
Antipyretics. lowers body temp. due to fever.
Patient is in NPO. 3. Imbalanced nutrition: less than Food and water intake is 3. Patient will be able to 1. Assess the over all nutritional To determine any deviation form
But could be given by body requirements realted to very essential since we can't demonstrate progress- status of the client by checking her previous data.
cotton water. inability to ingest/ digest food or survive without the two. ive weight gain toward daily weights, tissue integrity
absorb nutrients; N & V, NPO Gradual decrease of food goal with normalization & presence of adequate body fat
O: Patient is weak, status & nasogastric suctioning & intake would lead to body of laboratory values; and muscle mass.
restless, pallor, loss of appetite as evidenced by failure. Demonstrate behaviors, 2. Encourage client to choose To stimulate appetite.
showing expressions reported inadequate food intake lifestyle changes to foods that are appealing.
of difficulty with her less than RDA, lack of interest in regain and or maintain 3. Avoid foods that causes So as not to cause intestinal
situation. food "waray gana pagkaon,"/ appropriate weight. intolerances/ gastric motility problems.
aversion to eating & perceived (gas - forming foods, hot & spicy)
inability to digest food. 4. Limit fiber/ bulk. Since they can lead to early
5. Promote pleasant, relaxing To stimulate proper appetite/
environment. enhance intake.
6. Limiting fluids hours prior to So as not to cause early
meal satiety.
7. Weigh weekly & prn. To monitor effectiveness of
1. Emphasize importance of well
balance, nutritious intake.
2. Provide info regarding
individual needs & ways to meet
these needs within financial
4. RISK for infection related to Body weakness would 4. Achieve timely 1. Demonstrate lifestyle changes For personal growth of the
inadequately primary defenses further lead to infections. healing. Be free of signs to promote safe environment. person.
(weak body), altered peristalsis, of infection 2. Cleanse insertion sites daily & To prevent sepsis.
change in pH secretions, Be afebrile. prn with solution.
nutritional deficiencies & stasis of 3. Encourage early ambulation, For mobilization of gastric
body fluids; chronic diseases, deep breathing, coughing, secretions.
position changes.
1. Explain the importance of proper
hygiene especially hand washing.

5. Ineffective breathing pattern Normal range of value for 5. The client will maintain 1. Maintain calm attitude, while To as to maintain and improve
O: RR 30 bpm. related to abdominal pain/ RR is 15 - 20 bpm. an effective breathing dealing with client to limit anxiety. rapport.
Patient having deep,tenderness as evidenced by RR 30 pattern as evidenced by 2. Assist client in use of relaxation So as to relax the client from
shallow, irregular bpm, anxiety/ decreased energy, RR within normal limits, techniques. the tension and anxiety she is
breathing. fatigue. relaxed respiratory effort suffering.
Demonstrate approp.
coping behaviors.
S: Patient uttered, 6. Anxiety related to change in Anxiety is a vague feeling 6. The client will express 1. Assess the client's level of To determine what interventions
"Tangala na ini na health status, change in of apprehension as to what and demonstrate anxiety by listening and observing. are suitable for the client.
adi tak may irong." environment, fear of pain returning will happen next. It is a normal decreasing 2. Reassure the client and To let the client feel secured,
& irritation brought about by the defense mechanism of the manifestations of acknowledge that the unknown is that she is not alone.
O: Fatigue, touchi NGT tube attached. body. anxiety as evidenced of frightening.
the NGT tube which displaying behavior 3. Allow significant others to
she wants to be associated with remain with the client.
removed. relaxation.



Prepared by: Submitted to:


RTRMF - CN Student Nurse Clinical Instructor

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