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Danut Capatina Mariana Aschie Georgeta Camelia Cozaru

A"Sf. The Apostle Andrei" Constanta County
Emergency Clinical Hospital (ROMANIA)

Corresponding Author: Georgeta Camelia Cozaru phone: +40.722.930.937 e-


Stress, represents one of the most serious problems of the contemporary world, not only for
the individuals for whom they endanger the health mental and physical, but also for the
organizations. Knowing and understanding, prevention and fighting against the action of the
factors associated occupational stress are important issues for research and the concern for
this topic is explained primarily by the fact that the level of the stress is an indicator of the
health of the organizations. The focus of the work on identifying the mechanisms which adapt
automatically and highlight the role of the mechanisms of defense/coping in the management
of professional stress has been determined by the scale considered the manifestations
psihocomportamentale to the subject of the contemporary, in general and subjects who work
in high average stressful situations, as is and the field of medico-health.
Key words: coping, stress, mechanisms which adapt automatically the medical staff

I. Introduction
The stress is considered to be one of the diseases the postmodern society, a company that is in
a continuous change, active, productive with requests from diverse on the rise, in which
people live in high speed. In this context the people are forced to adapt to the calling of the
means of adjustment. The specialized literature describes a typology extremely rich, but what
we are interested in this research is the stress at the place of work. This is defined by
Campbell Quik and his collaborators (2004) as an activation status of the mentally and
physically which is used as a source of stresori agents of the nature of physical and / or
psychological, associated with the load or with the environment of work.
Are all the more research that shows that a large part of the medical staff have experienced the
stress or in the exhaustion of the training, so that the main objective is to highlight the level of
stress perceived by an organization with medical profile, it being understood that such
organizations are part of the subject to a high level of stress (European Agency for Safety and
Health at Work, I-OSHA, 2009). Under these conditions in recent years has considerably
increased the interest of researchers, having different theoretical orientations for the analysis
of the mechanisms of defense psychological and of the mechanisms of coping both in the
evaluation of personality (Cramer, 2000 a; 2006 b) and psihopatologiei, monitoring the
functioning of defensive attitude, the changes that occur, becoming a good instrument and the
assessment of the training (Bond, 2004).
For example a research carried out on a sample consisting of personal driving from the
various areas (including the medical) to which reference is made in the "Guide on the
evaluation and to prevent the exposure of workers to the risks psychosocial", accomplished by
the Ministry of Labor, Family, Social Protection and aged persons and the National Institute
for Research & Development for labor protection "Alexandru Darabat", published in 2013,
shows that the persons of various ages feel different professional stress. Thus in the age range
30-40 years, 58 percent of the polled say they feel affected by stress, 46 percent of the people

in the age range 41-50 years says that I feel its effects and only 38 % of those over 50 years
are of the same opinion.
On the prevention of stress at the work place there is no standardised approach or a manual
for developing programs for the prevention of stress. The design of the programs and the
solutions are affected by many factors - the size and complexity of the organization, the
resources available and in particular the type of the problems faced by the organization. It is
not possible to a recipe universal prevention stress at the place of work, but it is possible to
providing guidelines for the process of prevention of stress in organizations.
The research brings with it the analysis of the influence of factors such as the mechanisms
which adapt automatically formed from the strategies of coping and the mechanisms of
defense on the level of stress on which the subjects they perceive sources of stress (Luis
Lazarus and Folkman, 1984) which can be varied according to the type of organization to
which they belong. The two variables are studied together to highlight the relationship
between them providing a aid instrument and valid in the management of this scourge of
modernity called stress. Such research carried out in the working environment, production,
also provide concrete information which allow the formulation of recommendations and
directions with the implication of the practice and applied for management, specialists in the
field of human resources, specialist responsible in the activities in the diagnostic trouble codes
and organizational intervention, development and organizational policies, but also
psihoterapeutilor who are used to support customers what reports emotional difficulties at the
place of work. Therefore, we strive to bring elements useful information for the management
of the stress in such a way that the bearings from the leadership to be able to use them, such as
both sources of stress to be known, evaluated and countered, but also the ways to cope with
them to be known, evaluated and developed. Such an approach would be able to realize the
managers on the possibility of adoption of a effective management stress at the place of work.


1. A general objective
For the medical field in our country, the stress is often invoked by the majority of the actors of
range, particularly in connection with the results of their work to the evidenced in
performance at the place of work. In this context, the general objective of the research is to
identify if certain variables can the average level of stress perceived by the medical doctors,
who works at the Clinical Hospital "Sf. The Apostle Andrei" constant.
2. Specific objectives
Secondary objectives, specific, which I think that may lead to the achievement of the general
obictivului are:
Ob.1. The assessment of the level of the stress perceived the batch of subjects investigated;
Ob. 2. The assessment strategies for coping to the lot of subjects investigated;
Ob. 3. The identification of the level of the relationship between the strategies of coping and
the level of the stress perceived by the subjects introduced into the research;
3. The hypothesis of the research
H. Shall be presumed that the strategies of coping oriented toward action correlated with the
low level of stress level perceived and strategies for coping facing the emotion correlate with
the high level of stress perceived.
4. The batch of subjects
The batch research has been made from medical staff - doctors, who have his place of
employment at the Clinical Hospital "Sf. The Apostle Andrei" constant (balloting medical
clinical and surgical).

The sampling was carried out after the nealeatorie method, inserting in research subjects
available, 8 subjects of gender Male and 22 subjects of gender female and aged between 28
and 54 years.

5. Tools used in research

For the attainment of the objectives of the proposed and the achievement of the research we
used as instruments of work: "Scale sources of voltage of the inventory of occupational stress
and the questionnaire (adapted from the Carver, Scheier and Weintraub).


For the fulfilment of the first specific objective, to assess the level of perceived stress to the
lot of subjects, we have calculated the average score that can be achieved with this tool.
Thus, for the variable perceived stress, have obtained the following results: an average of
166.23, the median of 168 multimodal distribution 159, 168 and 174, variability scoring
around the average is 28.63, with a minimum score of 101 and max 213, the amplitude being
of 112 (Table 1).

Table 1. The variable perceived stress

N Valid 30
Missing 0
Mean 166,2333
The median plane 168,0000
Mode 159,00a Thus, if the minimum score which may be obtained is 40
Std. Deviation 28,63285 and maximum of 240, then are located in the right of the
At Least 101,00 value 140. By comparing this value with the average of
Maximum 213,00 the subjects in the batch of research it is noted that they
A. Multiple modes i am. The grinder perceive the entered indicators in the questionnaire as
value is shown "rather sources of voltage".

The results for the main indicators Table 2. The shape of the indicators
The shape of the distribution in the case of stress perceived stress distribution perceived
Those included in the batch of research have N Valid 30
been: the index of the asymmetry with a negative Missing 0
value of (- 0.50) and an error of standard (0.42); Skewness -,504
the index of the flatness also negative worth of (- Std. Error of Skewness ,427
0.10) and a standard error (0.83) (Table 2). Kurtosis -,105
Std. Error of Kurtosis ,833

In the second objective we have tried to identify the strategies of coping used by the subjects
introduced in research.
The Variables strategy for coping are formed of 14 items manufacturer and the results
obtained have shown that the frequencies of the appearance of the strategies of coping on the
consignment of research, are represented as follows (Figure 1): - active copingul 23,33
% (Table 3); - planning 23,33 % (Table 4); - positiveEUR 13,33 %; - Orientation toward
religion 10 %; - search for social support instrumental 6.67 %; - the acceptance 6.67 %; -
denial of 3.33 %; - landing emotional 3.33%. This hierarchy indicates that the subjects in the
batch of research used in the proportion of approximately 67% of the cases, the strategies for
coping oriented toward the action.

Figure 1. The plot for the variable Strategies for coping

Table 3. The indicators of start of Table 4. The indicators of you start

The strategy Copingul active planning strategy
N Valid 30
Missing 0
Mean 14,2667
The median plane 15,0000
Mode N 16.00 Valid 30
Std. Deviation Missing
2,06670 0
At Least Mean 8.00 13,6000
Maximum The 16.00
median plane 14,0000
Mode 16.00
Std. Deviation 2,71141
At Least 7.00
Testing the Maximum 16.00 hypothesis
To test the hypothesis we have introduced for
matching only the strategies of coping which were used by the subjects introduced in
research. The correlation was carried out in two steps. In a first phase I related the strategies
for coping facing the action, with perceived stress (Table 5).

Table 5. Coefficients of correlation Spearman r of the variables

The stress of the perceived and strategies for coping oriented toward action

The search
for social
Copingul Positive support
active Planning Reiterpretarea instrumental
Spearman's rho Perceived Correlation ,076 ,180 -,029 ,262
stress Coefficient
Sig. (2- ,692 ,340 ,879 ,162
N 30 30 30 30

From the data presented in Table 5 shows that the between the stress perceived and strategies
for coping there is no significant correlation. Interpreting this, it can be said that the strategy
does not in itself determine the perception of the factor as stresor. The subject does not charge
the strategy as being the responsible of powerlessness in front stresorului, but the situation of
the stressful in itself. In the second phase I related the strategies for coping deemed to be
oriented toward the excitement with perceived stress (Table 6).
Table 6. Coefficients of correlation Pearson r between the variables
The strategies of coping oriented toward action
And the total amount of the use of the mechanisms of defense
The search for
Copingul Positive social support
active Planning Reiterpretarea instrumental

The global level of the use of The Pearson ,094 ,179 ,044 ,122
the mechanisms of defense Correlation

Sig. (2-tailed) ,623 ,345 ,819 ,522

N 30 30 30 30

The results obtained showed a significant correlation between the level of stress perceived and
the strategy for coping "denial". In other words means that the denial of the awareness of the
stresorului does not lead automatically and the level of stress. It is also to be noticed the fact
that the strategy for coping "Discharging the emotional" is much closer to the threshold
significantly, meaning that neither the emotional ventilation does not lead automatically and
the level of stress. In the same way as in the case of the above, the strategy in itself does not
lead to an astoundingly low on stresorilor. At the end of the test this hypothesis can be said
that there is a significant relationship between the strategies of coping and perception of
stress, this may be due to the fact that the subjects do not realize the efficiency of a strategy or
another. More than that, many times situations of life stressful situations require different
coping strategies in the light of other factors. As a result, it can be said that the use of a wider
range of strategies for coping with the situation stressful situations would be the optimal

The man is the decisive factor in the production process. Therefore, contemporary
management attention to the growing of human capital available to each organization,
capitalizing on the most efficient and implicitly to protect it to become one of the priorities of
the new systems quickness. In order to ensure the fundamental right of workers to health and
life in work is awareness of the importance of the decision-makers from organizations on the
need to promote the management of safety and health at work as part of the general

management of unit. The results of the research shall be lodged in the items of information
and useful education for the management of the stress so that the sources of stress to be
discovered, known, evaluated and countered.

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