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1) What is body language?

Body language lets us communicate how we are f_ _ _ing, or our attitudes, with_ _ _

2) When do you use body language?

Ev_ _ _ day! A _ _ the time!

3) Why is body language helpful?

It lets us communicate h_ _ we feel with_ _ _ words.

Five Important Body Language Tips

1. Our shoulders

We carry most of our emotion in our shoulders. As soon as they start to droop
and slope forward we display

Disappointment and
a lack of confidence

But when they are pushed too far back we

appear arrogant.

A tiny adjustment makes a huge difference. We dont want to take our personal
problems into the workplace so when we are anxious or in a bad mood we need
to be particularly aware of the position of our shoulders. Learning to judge the
moods of other people by looking at their shoulders and not just the expression
of their face is skill worth learning.

2. Eye-contact

It is a generally accepted that looking a person in the eyes is a sign of respect

and shows interest

it is easy to identify people with poor eye-contact skills.

But looking straight into someones eyes is deeply personal, and there are times
when we need to remove the personal bit from an interaction or discussion

If you have some challenging feedback to give to a colleague, student or client,

its worth finding a point of reference such as a computer screen or a document
for you both to focus on which clearly identifies that the problem is not part of
the relationship between the two of you and can be solved by working together

rather than by being confrontational.

3. Its in the brows

Ask a cartoonist which part of the face is most expressive and he will probably
tell you that it is the eyebrows. Think just how many expressions can be
conveyed simply by using the eye-brows: anger, surprise, sincerity, concern,
disbelief. And because these gestures are so minute, think just how easy it is to
misread someone elses expression and how our own can be misinterpreted. Be
aware of what your eyebrows say about the way you are feeling.

An_ _ _ _f _ _ _ _

Deceit\secretive Sup _ _
_ _\disbelief

4. Positioning the hands

Open hand gestures with the palm facing upwards usually indicate friendliness
and approachability.
Closed hand gestures with the palm facing downwards usually indicate
credibility and stability.

Learn to adapt your hand gestures so that they are in sync with the persona you
wish to project. Liars often hide their hands from view!

5. Body language around the World

If you are travelling abroad - especially working abroad - spending a little time to
research the non-verbal language within the culture is very worthwhile. For

In India, as well and in Thailand and Tibet, the top of the head is a sacred area -
its actually considered part of the soul. Giving a child a friendly pat on the head
could get you into serious trouble.

In Greece and in several countries in the Middle East, including Pakistan and
Iran, nodding the head means no and shaking the head means yes.

In Japan, eye contact should be kept to a minimum. Its considered

disrespectful, and respect is a vital part of the identity of a Japanese person. In
many Arab countries prolonged eye contact and very close proximity is actually

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