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[9:27:10 PM] shijo thomas:

atheists are winning
[9:27:28 PM] shijo thomas: with more logic but religious hate logic
[9:28:44 PM] Martin Joseph: i do not think most atheist care about winning... truth
shall liberate you.. you dont care about a lot of mundane things in life once u
realiaze the truth
[9:28:57 PM] shijo thomas: hm
[9:29:18 PM] shijo thomas: this is religion also say to save you
[9:29:23 PM] shijo thomas: save soul
[9:30:38 PM] Martin Joseph: yea, true.. its due to evolution of the brain.. it needs
someone to protect u to get the feeling of safety
[9:31:20 PM] shijo thomas: especially to woman but they r evolving also
[9:31:45 PM] Martin Joseph: the thing is that there is no materialist benefit in
leaving religion and start thinking with logic and eventually becoming a freethinker
[9:32:22 PM] Martin Joseph: but the peace of mind that you will get is unexplanable
[9:32:47 PM] Martin Joseph: think of a mind that never gets worried.. take things as
it comes
[9:33:55 PM] shijo thomas: bible says whoever able to control there mind has great
[9:34:06 PM] shijo thomas: but god is an idea above logic
[9:34:22 PM] shijo thomas: you can feel for peace from sedona techniques etc
[9:34:58 PM] shijo thomas: but the antharika saukyam in malaylam the inner
healing that given in convnetion center is more powerful
[9:35:13 PM] shijo thomas: if you had real mind power and ability to let go anything
[9:35:21 PM] Martin Joseph: that is a temporary soukyam
[9:35:29 PM] Martin Joseph: that u get in dhyanam
[9:35:36 PM] Martin Joseph: a fake feeling actually
[9:35:43 PM] shijo thomas: no some peoples trauma etc cured
[9:36:01 PM] Martin Joseph: this is what every human should aim for
[9:36:21 PM] shijo thomas: the zen meditation and other yogis etc reach highest
sense of consciousness
[9:36:24 PM] Martin Joseph: this what i learned when i attend the 12 day vipasan
[9:36:34 PM] Martin Joseph: vipasana
[9:37:06 PM] shijo thomas: some of the great yogis attain true peace the roused the
kundalini in other region it may something else
[9:37:29 PM] shijo thomas: but nothing give more comforting than you see a miracle
[9:37:38 PM] shijo thomas: like a fully paralysed walks
[9:38:08 PM] shijo thomas: it will give the peace of many years sedona relases or
cbt zen meditation all combined
[9:38:20 PM] shijo thomas: thats why people flocking there
[9:38:25 PM] Martin Joseph: what comfort u get seeing someone gets healed ?
[9:38:54 PM] shijo thomas: high iq like you may go a different path still if hell there
its a big problem haha
[9:38:56 PM] Martin Joseph: it just increases ur faith in god and increases ur hope
that god will come to ur rescue
[9:39:19 PM] shijo thomas: yes hope is the fuel drive you in life
[9:40:23 PM] shijo thomas: but since the science cant explain many things
[9:40:38 PM] shijo thomas: like univese etc i stick to other dimension
[9:41:03 PM] shijo thomas: there is many reports people erach earth from alien land
[9:41:08 PM] Martin Joseph: just cos science cant explain everything u cant beleive
in a non sense like religion and god

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