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Tim** Mtrold, Carroll, la., Wednesday, Octotor 17, 1*7?

- Pag* 11

fjrtooa J I H o w t N r tolo Mitajy_ii_ft_ TO Calendar of

Fertilize your lawn NEAR LANESBORO
in the fall with approx. 3.S acroo, t
bdrm. 1 story house, born ft Two 1 bedroom rental
6.00 boQ storage shed. Attractive houses with double oarage Auction Sales
terms: Contract with *MM ft f u l l l o t . S t o v e s & AH types of auctions will be run ACROSS 51Sediment
Analysis 27-18-9 refrigerators included, in this Auction Calendar F R E E it 1 Woe is me UNITED Feature Syndicate
down, 10% I n t t r t s t for 54Pasquinade
.variable TERRA WESTERN e t h presently rented. we have the advertising copy of 5 Errant Gl 58Relevant Tuesday's Puzzle Solved:
vrs. 1*,SO0. your ad in our office.
316 N. Grant Rd. 9 Leal 60Cruising
Monthly pyts. 227.62.
17,000. HALBUR REALTY r ii 1! 11 14 Trail 61Jockey: nnnn tonne nooon

Carroll 792-3545 EVERY THURSDAY 15 Dfity 2 words nnno nooo rjooorj
lt> 10* 7:00 I ' M Carroll Livestock 16 Select 63 Satiate DOG noon 0 0 0 0 0
HALBUR REALTY 792-2866 70-J03 lit
nonon nnoononnn
Ash, Mulberry & Maple
Cut, sellt, eriee 4 etllvert*.
Will M M > cwMem weed tannine, a
tuerpaw crwln saw*.
Ph.: 792-2866
UsatlCawtftTiyat, 71

I P.M. Farmer's
r 17 Atoma
18 Casino gear
7 words
64 Insipid
65 Divorce city
66 Discharge
20 Gauls of old 67 Dens
21 Residue 68 Chichi
nnnnnn noonn
noon non a n a
nrtnnnnonnn noon
nnnnn nnu 0 0 0 0 0
nnnn nonnooorsnn
CeMact: clal. residential, remain 1171 IMPALA Landau Sport SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2 1 - 22 Egg dish 69 Communists nnn non nooo
Kenneth Wieland
or ceil
M9-33I0 or 792-1626.
orTM-un to buy or stll
a pe - VI, air. PS. PB,
at. Low mileage Ed Sten-
ttrom. Coon Rapids P h . :
1 I ' M Furniture sale, 1101
Highridge Rd.. Carroll, Iowa.
23 Trigon
25 Irritable
27 Penny
1 Lett side
nnnnn n a o a o o
onnnnnarjG noooa
onnno aaoo 0 0 0 0
lorOJt-OM. 7l-m-3tc M r . & M r s . Gregory F . 29 Pronoun 2 Stevedore nnnnn noon a a o s
4 Itp homes, acreages, farms. Schroeder. Owners. McCar 30 Toronto's 3 Nuclear reac 10000 aaoo D O G
O-Mttfc Wi 0*tanpickup. '1206. 702OJ25 v i l l e . Rupiper a Schar- Casa tor: 2 words
m FT. fTO drive Nl elevator. OT 7014011 71-204 Stc fenkamp. Auctioneers.
CALL US to buy or tail 34 Viper 4 Sanctuary 24 Inward: Anat. 46 Wharl
mmmt. SMOS-MC home, farm N72 CHEVY Impala 2 door hard SUNDAY. OCTOBER 2 1 - 36 Preference 5 Lizard 26 Shroud 48 Clothier
EUREKA UPRIGHT vacuum lop. 07.000 miles. Phone 1 P.M. House a lot in Halbur. 38 Apostolic 6 Body part 20 Kids' game 49 Liberates
and full set of attachmenti. Rropert_ Fleshntr Family
eaHy.TW-UU. W4fc H3-23W 71204 ttp I o w a . L a w r e n c e Neppl.
Owner. Mescher a Rupiper.
39 Windy City
7 Lombardo or
Ali Baba's
m-tm K-JM-UC IDEAL FOR fanners or con 2 words 2 words words 53 (Epsom
SOFA a chair. I y r . old. Mouses Per Kent struction company 1S7I I Auctioneers.
ta-tm SUMStp ton crewcab. Dual wheels and MONDAY, OCTOBER 2 2 - 42 Like some 8 Shelter 32 Crest 54 Leg part
3 BEDROOM house with _ a 12 ton gooseneck grain 6:30 P.M. 3 bedroom house A floors 9 Sordid 33 Utah resort 55 Top-notch
BEDROOM SETS only MS Your References 4V dnoett nflatttotl. I trailer with hoist. 7300 for 43 Language 10 Dresden's 34 Performs 56 Singing sylla
choice of pine or maple finish. lot. 307 East 5th. Carroll
44 Educ gp river 35 Galleon ble PI
Terms available of ten than Twiia. = * E | both. 703*90 or 712-4112 M e r l e Hallinan. Owner.
45 Barracuda 11 Pellet 37 Of the sun 57 Negative
II. Our M stores save you 'a. THREE BEDROOM houst. 71-204 Stc Kaspcrbaucr. Kcrkhoff a
46 Chum 12 To 30 Yearned contraction
Ooddard's Furniture. I I S References a depositrawtrad. I lief CHEVROLET Impala 4 door Kcrkhoff. Auctioneers.
47 Foundations 13 In case 40 Whale Prefix 59 Ilium
Story. Boone. Open every day: 7M-IIS. ' sedan Local car. Real clean SUNDAY. OCTOBER 2S 49 Dismisses 19 Haul 41 Relative 62 Mr Gershwin
Thursday till I : Sundays I to Car has air. McCarville 6 Son 1:30 I ' M 4 bedroom home in
5. iMM-Mc IN AUBURN. 2 Motors. 71204 Uc Hreda. Conrad Tiefenthaler fANUTS
houie newfurnace, at- Estate. Grotc a Rupiper.
S H A K L E E PRODUCTS. tached garage Qtorft N. 1177 T-BIRD. Stereo, low miles a
Wholesale-retail Marjorie 6 Auctioneers.
Vincent Stangl. SOS Eait St. Wernlmont. 712-4 ~ at-lTUfc! a sharp one. MS0500 Glldden MONDAY. OCTOBER 2S
Auto Sales. 71204 lie
6:30 P.M. 4 bedroom home.
Ph.: 701*317 SS-203-Xc
Aeettmewf Per Stent d>S MUST SELL 1173 Chevy Impala. 514 Granada Drive. Gary
12 GAUGE shotgun, Good con- 192-1101 after 3:30 p.m.
VILLAGE APARTMENTS: I Gcistcr. Owner. Jack Kasper-
ditton. 7S2-20I7. bedroom. 712-4324 or 71-204 5tc bauer. Dave Kcrkhoff a
702 230 00-OOMfc WANTED: 1000-1177 Chevelle for Mcrvl Kcrkhoff. Auctioneers
PORCH SALE NEAR NEW apartment (1 larp parte. 7W-2M0.
bedroom). Fumlshtd or unfur till PONTIAC LeMans Safari 0
71 m a c SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 4 -
1:30 P.M. All bred club calf
nished Utilities inchided. Car sale Carroll Livestock Sales.
pasatn ' wagon. PB. PS. air.
Saturday, October 20 peted. Responsible adufcs only. MOM 'miles. Call after 5.
Carroll. Iowa. Merle Witt. Ar
200 mo. Ph.: Ttt-SSM. - c a d i a . Sales M a n a g e r .
9-3 71-203tfr
Kupiper & Scharfenkamp.
WI BU1CK Umited. Gold Low Auctioneers.
B E A U T I F U L 2 bedroom apt.
3rd & Utah, Glidden with fireplace. 1.100 sq. ft.,
milts. All power <7 a.m.-4
p.m.! 702-2020. 71-203 54c
garage included. N00.00 mon 1 P.M. House, lot. household
Book* old & new, glouwore,
thly. 702-0373 after 0:00. m PLYMOUTH Valiant custom Roods It antiques. 1210 North
clothes, jewelry & much more.
55 304 Jit 702-SUS. 04. SMOMfc 4-dr 310 V4. automatic. PS. Court. Kvahjunc Hocll.
PB. factory air. padded roof. O w n e r . K u p i p e r . Schar
D U P L E X - 2 bedroom, full Goodyear radial tires Only fenkamp & McCarville, Auc
TRAPS basement. 7024722. 20.000 near new miles Spotless tioneers
inside 6 out. 1077 Plymouth
and 67 Sport Suburban 0 pass station
I P.M. Farm machinery auc
wagon. 00/40 divided front seat
TRAPPING SUPPLIES F O R SALfe with right hand recliner. speed
tion. From Hreda 2 miles
s o u t h & 'z m i l e E a s t
Paul A. Hoffman Approx. 194 ACRES control, tilt wheel, factory air.
Clarence Schapman. Owner,
Near Carroll. luggage rack, plus many other
extras Just 30,000 local one ('rote & Gcrkcn. Auctioneers.
Ph.: 792-2912 Development potential.
owner miles. Save a ton-here SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 25-
55 100 5>t> >3,400 Acre. Wittrock Motors. 7t-200-ifc I I* M Complete closing out
Contract possible. farm sale l-oeated 4 miles
Per Kent 57 792-3974 or 792-4857 TO FINANCE your new or used west. I mile south. ' mile
*MOII* car see Personal Lenders. west of Coon Kapids or 3
BUILDING 30x35' Ph 702-2120.
702-2312. 57-IOO-tfc
Thomas Plaza. Carroll Call miles south. '.!'. miles cast of
702-2555 71-233-tfc
IMiac. Dcdham. Mike Willenbnrg.
Per Rent or Sole 59 G R I F F I T H FORD-MKRCl'HY Owner Kcrkhoff. Kerkhoff &
FOR SALE Inc. Authorised sales & ser Kasp?rhauer. Auctioneers.
FOR RENT: Building for lease.
5200 sq It.. 3 dock doors. 3 NICE LOT in LIDDERDALE vice. Jet. Hwy. 71 It 30 - Car
roll. 702-1305. 71-16 tic
12:30 I ' M Vol Zinke farm
12x12 overhead doors, and of Well located.
fice. Will rent all or part. Con- KOBERG CHEVROLET - Your sale 4 miles east. 1' * south &
authorised GM dealer in Cur i east of Hamlin, IA Meryl
tnct Knnnc Construction, call
702 0325or 792-4812 40-204-Stc
Ill i I en n Kntl Estntr roll. Top dollar paid for used K c r k I) n I f a n d I, I o y d
792-3974 n.i.h cars, 702-0236 7imtf< l.aimlH'tA. Aiiclloneei's.
HOUSE KOK S H I C cir rent. Com
pletely remodeled house in
Hreda. Will sell on contract.

WHAT IS 92 36?
Contact Dick Happc. Ileircs
Electric. 792-2112. 50-203-tfc

Mowses Per Sole 63

Lanesboro Property
* Acreage Attractive THAT'S YOUR HOT LINE TO SAVE
contract available:
>2,000 d o w n , 10% interest
for 8 y r s . '227.62 m o n t h l y
p a y m e n t s . 3.S a c r e s , 2
b d r m . house, horse b a r n , Koberg Chevrolet is overstocked on
fences, city water.
* 17,000. 1979 and 1980 Chevrolets.
* Handyman 3 bdrm. 2
s t o r y w i t h S lots. '9,000. If Chevrolet makes it, we no doubt have it.
* 6 b d r m . 2 story. I n
sulated, comb, windows,
l a r g e lot. MS.000.
3 Caprices 2 Camaros 2 Suburbans
792-2866 2 Impales 1 Chevette 5 Vans
FOR SALE BY OWNER 7 Wagons 1 Monza 14 Pickups
PRICED TO SELL 1 Malibu 1 LUV 8 '70' Series
Charming 1 br. colonial walking
distance to church and schools. Ht 1 Monte Carlo
r. Matures LN w/firtpiaco; formal
OR w/bulll-tn china; tunny modtrn
kitchen; built-in ovon, dithwathtr;
disposal. Mparale oating arta and '/i ALSO 43 1980 CHEVROLETS IN STOCK
bath off kitchen. Second fir. hat )
bedrooms. M l bath, lots of ttoregt.
Paneled and carpeted family room in 1 Caprice 6 Monte Carlos 1 Suburban
lower walk-out batamant lo large
yard w/aardan space. Entire home
carpeted and draped. Central air and
1 Impala 1 Camaro 2 Vans
ftoel tiding.
2 Wagons 5 Chevettes 14 Pickups
Phone 7 9 2 - 2 6 6 0 4 Malibus 8 '70' Series
UaON.Weit 6 3i57,K

OUR LAND is dirt cheap Halbur A TOTAL OF 91 UNITS IN STOCK

Realty Co.. Carroll 703 2001
L E T US do your homework for
you. M A N Real Estate.
702 M&5 63-100-tfc
TO BUY or sell homes, farms, KWB THIS aDEKtQMFEELQKk
acreages, commercial
Wilson Real Estate, 702 3074. WITH CBNUINI CM MUTTS.
Insurance. Insure with con Ask for ono) o f thtoo)
fidence. 7K S270 63-H3-tfc
f i n * soksmsmi
S E R V I N G T H E Carroll area
o v e r 30 y e a r s . P u d e n z - Mark Huefatch
Kunecke Real Estate Hwy 30 Moron Woltarman
West. E r v Puderu, 702 1440; Rick l o * * H w y . 3 0 W . s f - - Carroll, Iowa
Gary Kunecke. 702-3230.
3-221-tfc Dfck Mockey Dick Kehsrf Hours: Open ol 8 o.m. Mon. thru Sot. Mon. and Fri. till 9 p.m.

Perhaps you cial qualities or colors.

Q. t(
HOW I 5 A . A M
already know
that the drink-
lag glaai that you use is
When the mixture cools, it
is glass. While the glass is
still molten, workers and
mad* mostly of sand. To machines roll, mold, blow,
make ordiaary glass, clean or .otherwise shape the
white sand Is heated in a glass into bottles, window
OPUMDO/TX-. big furnace, where it melts panes, and many other use
WlhrtAPfOJZt POR iato a thick syrup. Usually, ful objects.
T^QUMTION. small amounts of soda and
lima are added to help the You C M WorM < U M -
I V II yew eweUM It ntect.
aid matt Into clear glass. d Seel yoer U M aai eat
Other Ingredients may be Is JOHNNY WON D O . c/e
Hue Mwiaaaar, P.O. Bei
M uneal urn* to give the glass spe- I I M MUCnM.CANMI

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