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Student Name & ID Number: Shane Mc Ginty, G00301051

Day: Friday Subject: Materials Technology Wood Topic: Canon Project

Date: 20th January 2017 Lesson Number: 13 Time of Lesson: 10:05 am
Year Group: 2nd Year No. of Pupils: 10 Length of lesson: 35 minutes

How has the previous lesson informed my planning for this lesson?
In the previous lesson students learned about mortice and tenon joints. Here students became aware of why mortice and tenon joints are
used, there advantages and why we are using this joint in our canon project. From my questioning techniques and reviewing the exit cards,
students appear to understand the key words and terms relating to mortice and tenon joints. However, I will begin the lesson recapping this
learning as it will be important moving forward in both the project and the students exams. All students in this class are ready to move on to
marking out the mortice and tenon joint at the back of the canon.


The main aims of the lesson are to: Students will be enabled to: Each LO has an assessment:
After this lesson students, will be able to Demonstrate the correct and safe method of using Teacher observation, monitoring
identify the correct and safe steps the marking gauge (student centred demo) students during demonstration
involved in marking out a mortice and Express an understanding for the key terms Higher and lower order cognitive
tenon joint using the marking tools associated with mortice and tenon joints questioning and quick fire questioning
(Cognitive) Recall steps involved from the marking out the joint Dartboard recap activity
Identify and demonstrate a good level of Demonstrate best practice using the marking tools Visual inspection + constructive feedback
accuracy and neatness marking out the placing emphasis on improving accuracy and neatness Monitor students actions during the
timber using the marking tools, as well as Recall the steps involved setting the marking gauge student centred practical demo
identify each tool used in todays lesson Recap and demonstrate the teachers actions in a Whole class discussion during demo
(Psychomotor) student lead demonstration Challenge student reasoning (engage and
Develop and appreciate the importance Identify where mortice and tenon joints are seen and Collaborative discussion challenging
of mortice and tenon joints in the used in everyday life objects pupil reasoning - Dales cone of learning
everyday world and the woodworking Establish an appreciation of why mortice and tenon Higher & lower order cognitive questions
industry (Affective) joints are a popular choice within the woodworking Use visual aids to show good and bad
industry practice of mortice and tenon joints

0-2 mins Greet students at the door and hand them a short Enter the classroom in an orderly fashion and begin (O)
revision sheet to fill out immediately working through the revision sheet at assigned seats (bags (L)
Record attendance once total silence has been achieved and coats will be left outside as this is a practical lesson)
Respond accordingly when teacher records attendance
2-4 mins Inform students of todays learning targets and provide Recognise todays learning targets and realise what (L)
an overview of what to expect in the lesson exactly will be achieved during the lesson
4 8 mins Employ higher order cognitive questioning techniques as Demonstrate understanding of key learning from the (L)
part of an active recap of prior learning (checking for previous lesson, relating answers to the word wall (O)
student reasoning and understanding) (develop literacy skills) and the real world (HOT)
Key Questions: Label the mortice and the tenon on the (SC)
drawing. How thick should the tenon be and why? (PBL)
Should I cut the mortice or the tenon first and why? List
three types of mortice and tenon joints. Identify where
mortice and tenon joints are used, giving real world
examples. What would the next step be? And why?
814 mins Teacher will have the demonstration bench and the toe Efficiently gather around the demonstration bench in an (O)
the line ready prior to the beginning of class orderly fashion and toe the line (HOT)
Demonstrate the marking out process asking students Students will listen and watch carefully to the steps (G)
higher order questions (student centred), referring to the involved in marking out the mortice and tenon joint, (SC)
drawing and best safe practice using the marking tools responding to questions (1 student will record the demo) (V)
Observe asking reflective questions as a student recaps Actively engage as one student will provide a recap (N)
the demonstration highlighting the correct steps involved demonstration highlighting best and safe practice
Key Questions: Show how to mark face side and face Key Concept: What piece do I mark the tenon on? What
edge. Demonstrate the correct way to set the marking is the process for marking out the mortice?
gauge. Provide an example of where mortice and tenon
joints are used in everyday life. Which piece do I mark
the tenon on? Repeat the last step of the demonstration.
Discuss health & safety using the marking gauge.
14 24 Monitor the room giving formative feedback and aid Commence marking out the mortice and tenon joint, (N)
mins students where necessary using questioning techniques recalling best practice and health &safety rules (PBL)
Reinforce and encourage students to follow the 1,2,3 Follow the 1,2,3 rule if unsure of any steps (1. Watch the (PT)
rule when unsure of the next step. video, 2. Ask your neighbour, 3. Ask the teacher). This (SC)
Anticipated Questions: Do I mark the mortice or the helps minimize the number of students asking the teacher (G)
tenon first? What depth do I set the marking gauge to? questions increasing productivity in the classroom (MA)
What thickness is the tenon joint?
24 27 Implement and monitor as students efficiently follow Follow the clean-up rota in an orderly and efficient (GW)
mins the clean-up rota and clean the room manner. Any students not on duty will quietly recap new
learning filling out a KWL worksheet
27 33 Explain todays active recap activity recapping key Participate in recap activity demonstrating (GW)
mins learning (dartboard recap activity) understanding of learning regarding mortice & tenon joint (FA)
Observe activity and instruct students throughout the Work as part of a team in a collaborative and fun (PBL)
activity, teacher will record scores throughout manner to beat the other team (L)
Ask higher order reflective questions checking for Respond to questions relating to key words from the (HOT)
student understanding and knowledge word wall and the real world
33 -35 Instruct and monitor as students identify three pieces of Recall, recap and revise on todays lesson as they fill out (L)
mins new learning using the ticket out the door (exit card) the ticket out the door exit card, detailing three things (HOT)
Monitor an orderly exit and offer encouragement and they learned from todays lesson (SC)
praise as students leave the room Exit classroom in usual orderly routine
*KEY: (L): Literacy (N): Numeracy (O): Oracy (G): Graphicacy (SEN): Special Educational Needs (MA): Mixed Ability (GI): Gender Inclusion
(MI): Multicultural Inclusion (PBL): Problem Based Learning (PBL): Project Based Learning (HOT): Higher Order Thinking (GW): Group Work
(V): Visual Teaching (FA): Formative Assessment (SA): Summative Assessment (PT): Peer Teaching (SC): Student Centred

TEACHING RESOURCES (images are hyperlinked to the corresponding resources)

Working Drawing Clean Up rota Demonstration Bench KWL Worksheet Marking Tools - Dartboard Activity Ticket Out the Door




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