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Quick Rubric :) 3/1/17, 7:29 PM

Debunking Bias Presentation

This rubric is designed to assess student group work for multimedia presentations on preselected

Proficient Emerging Beginning

20 Points 15 Points 10 Points

Understanding Understands subject with Seems to somewhat Unclear or muddled about

breadth and depth. Presents understand the main points of subject matter.
Subject Matter
information forcefully and the topic.

Research Provides relevant facts, Some facts and examples are Few or no facts provided.
examples and details for given.

Arguments Arguments support position. Evidence presented is Articulation lack evidence to

Addresses complexity of somewhat relevant, but mild support position.
matter. Strong articulation. and questionable.

Delivery Presentation was convincing Presentation was mild and Presentation failed to
and persuasive. only somewhat convincing. convince audience of position.

Teamwork Each member presented an Members presented Members presented message

argument scaffolding and something complementary to with obvious overlap,
building momentum for the overall argument. contradiction and
overall position/statement. repetitiveness.

This rubric was created with Quick Rubric and can be found at - Page 1 of 1

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