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Review Article

Botanical pharmacognosy of stem of

Gmelina asiatica Linn
R. Kannan, K. Prasant, U. V. Babu
Research and Development Center, The Himalaya Drug Company, Bangalore, India

are large, nodding, in terminal densely pubescent racemes

or panicles.
Gmelina asiatica Linn(G.parvifolia Roxb.) is a large shrub
or a small tree. Roots and aerial parts are used in Ayurvedic
Roots are considered to be medicinal and useful in
medicine and also have ethnomedical uses. Root is reported
as adulterant to G. arborea roxb roots. Pharmacognostical traditional medicine. Though the root bark and wood of
characters of root were reported. Owing to the shortage of the root are the official drugs,[1] leaves and young shoots are
genuine drug and everincreasing demands in market, it becomes also useful in medicine.[2] Use of leaves and aerial parts in
necessary to search an alternative with equal efficacy without treatment of jaundice and other hepatic diseases by some
compromising the therapeutic value. Nowadays, it becomes a tribes in Tamil Nadu[3] and another tribe for body heat[4]
common practice of using stem. In case of roots phytochemical were reported. Roots, bark, fruit, leaves, and young shoots
and pharmacological analysis of stem was reported. However, are used in various medicines in Sri Lanka.[5] Its roots are
there is no report on the pharmacognostical characters of stem considered as a substitute for Gmelina arborea.[6] It is also
and to differentiate it from roots. The present report describes reported that this is one of the Anukta Dravya drugs.[7]
the botanical pharmacognostical characters of stem and
a note to differentiate it from root. Hollow pith, faint annual rings Microscopical characters of root were described[1] and
in cut ends, alternatively arranged macrosclereids and bundle compared with G.arborea root.[6] Roots possess antioxidative
cap fibers, and presence of abundant starch grains and calcium properties,[8] and stem are also reported as a potential source
oxalates in pith and in ray cells are the diagnostic microscopic of antioxidants.[9] Few major active constituents were
characters of stem. Stem pieces can be differentiated from roots identified from aerial parts by using GCMS.[10] Stem bark
by absence of tylosis. showed hypoglycemic and antihyperglycemic effects.[11]
KEY WORDS: Botanical pharmacognosy, ethnobotany, Antioxidant and hepatoprotective activity in chloroform
Gmelinaarborea, Gmelina asiatica, pharmacognosy, root, stem and ethanol extracts of aerial parts was reported. [12]
Nowadays, it becomes a common practice of using stem
incase of root, and also, it was analyzed and found that the
stem of the same plant can be used instead of roots.[1315]
Reports on phytochemistry and pharmacology are available

G melina asiatica Linn(Syn: G.parvifolia Roxb.) is called as

Vikarini in Sanskrit, Badhara in Hindi, Nilakumil
or Kumil in Tamil and Malayalam, Adavi Gummudu or
for aerial parts of the plant. There is no report on the
pharmacognostical characters on aerial parts. In practical,
with our experience, aerial parts of a shrubby plant that too
Challa Gummudu in Telungu and Asian Bushbeech in
has fever leaves, the market sample might be of stem pieces.
English. It belongs to the family Verbenaceae, and after
Hence, the present study is on the macromicroscopical
phylogenetic studies, it is now being classified under the
characters on stem of Gmelina asiatica. The characters were
family Lamiaceae. It is commonly found in peninsular India
compared with the previously published characters of roots,
and parts of Maharashtra and Rajasthan. Especially found
in dry lands, wastelands, as a live fence in agricultural lands
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and also on road sides. It is a much branched, deciduous
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or a semideciduous, largesized bush, or rarely grows to Website:
a small tree. It has many irregular puberulous or slightly
hairy branches, often much shortened and spinous at the
ends, bears small simple opposite leaves. Leaves are ovate DOI:
to elliptical, chartaceous, with cuneate base, entire or lobed 10.4103/0257-7941.107347
margin, and obtuse apex. Petiole is up to 1cm long. Flowers
160 Ancient Science of Life / Apr-Jun 2012 / Vol 31 / Issue 4

Kannan, etal.: Botanical pharmacognsoy of stem of gmelina asiatica

to differentiate them in the market samples, in whole form and further details could not be observed. Even in many
or in powdered form. pieces, a thick, darkcolored band represents the cortex.
Secondary phloem consists of patches of bundle cap fibers
from primary vascular bundles, alternatively with groups
MATERIALS AND METHODS of few macrosclereids, which has tiny lumen, and other
Plants were collected from two different locations, phloem elements. Wood consists of vessel elements, fibers,
outskirts of Bangalore(N1305.555; E7721.622) and and tracheids. Annual rings are clearly visible, demarked
Tirunelveli (N8 28.358 E77 54.835). They were identified with thin tracheids with narrow lumen. Usually, rays are
with local floras,[16,17] and stem pieces were collected. biseriate. Pith cells below the xylem elements are larger,
Herbarium was prepared and archived in inhouse archive and inner is hollow. Parenchyma cells of secondary phloem,
in pharmacognosy lab. As per the general practice of ray cells, and pith cells are filled with starch grains and
raw material processing, in commercial scale, in India, calcium oxalates. Starch grains are simple or compound
collected raw material was reduced in size and sundried. without clear hilum, rounded or oval, and up to 16.5 in
Organoleptical, macroscopical, and microscopical characters size. Calcium oxalates are prismatic, square or rectangular,
were studied with the dried pieces as described in quality especially abundant in the pith cells and ray cells, and are
control methods,[1820] which is being followed in herbal up to 12 in size. RLS and TLS of the stem also reveal the
drug industries for standardization of herbal raw materials. typical dicot structure. The pore size in matured stem is 90
and in young stem, it is 70 .

RESULTS TS of spines[Figure 1b] are more or less similar as of

stem. 34 layered suberized cork cells are followed by
Macroscopical and organoleptical characters parenchymatous cortex, which is not collapsed as in stem.
Stem pieces are up to 4cm in thickness. In many of the Secondary phloem has patches of fibers with narrow lumen.
pieces, bark was detached off and found separately. Xylem region has more fibers and tracheids and fewer vessel
They are up to 2mm in thickness on matured pieces and elements. Pith is large and filled with parenchyma cells.
papery in young pieces. Outer bark is grayishbrown to
yellowishgray, and inner bark is mild reddishbrown to Powder microscopy
yellowishbrown in color. Numerous dots of pale gray or Powdered material is pale brown in color with streaks or
buffcolored lenticels are abundant on the barks surface. pieces of mild reddish bark. Under microscope, xylem
Many of the matured and thicker pieces have grayish elements are abundant and commonly seen in all fields.
longitudinal streaks on the surface. Cut ends of the wood Under close observation, it shows the fragments of vessel
are white to yellowish in color. There was no difference of elements[Figures 1ce], lignified pith cells[Figures 1f and g],
heart wood and sap wood. Cut ends on close observation macrosclereids from secondary phloem region[Figures 1h
shows faint circles of annual rings. Innermost region or and i], fragments of groups of tracheids[Figure 1j] or
the central portion, even in young and thin pieces, is fibers[Figure 1k], and calcium oxalates[Figure 1l]. Starch
hollowpith. In longitudinally split pieces, parenchyma grains and cork cells are observed here and there.
cells are found as blackcolored dried masses or streaks
attached on the inner surface of the hollow pith. Thin and
young stem pieces have decussately opposite spines of DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION
up to 5mm long in the nodes. In general, the stem pieces
Following are the diagnostic characteristic features of stem
are mild bitter in taste and do not reveal any typical,
of Gmelinia asiatica:
noticeable odor. Fracture is impossible, as they are very
Hollow pith, even in thinner stem
hard to break.
Faint annual rings in cut ends
Alternatively arranged macrosclereids and bundle cap
Microscopical characters fibers in secondary phloem
In TS, matured stem[Figure 1a] shows typical dicot Abundant starch grains and calcium oxalates in pith and
structure with outer fissured or cracked cork cells made of ray cells.
suberized wall with lenticels, followed by secondary cortex,
secondary phloem, wood and central pith. Secondary cortex In Sri Lanka, the plant has yellowishwhite bark
is parenchymatous with starch grains as cell inclusions. and blooms in September. In local floras, it was
However, it is completely collapsed in dried materials, mentioned that the flowering season is from February

Ancient Science of Life / Apr-Jun 2012 / Vol 31 / Issue 4 161


Kannan, etal.: Botanical pharmacognsoy of stem of gmelina asiatica

characteristic feature to differentiate between G.arborea and

G.asiatica roots. In our observation, in matured stem, the
average pore size is 90 and 70 . Thus, pore size cannot
be a character to identify the roots and stem if they were

It was reported that numerous vessel elements of roots has

tylosis. In our observation in stem, there was no tylosis,
even in the much thicker and oldest stem pieces, and also
there was no differentiation of heartwood and sapwood.
This might be an important character to identify the stem
and roots in commercial samples.

After a comparative analysis of phytoconstituents, of barks

from stem and root, in case of Brihatpanchamoola, it is
concluded that root bark can be effectively substituted
by stem bark. It is also commented that, in practical,
aerial portions are being used and sold instead of roots.[16]
Modern researches substantiate that the whole plant or
aerial parts are equally effective in case of Sida cordifolia,
when compared with roots.[17] Likewise, when looking for
c d e sustainable collection methods, stem will be in use instead
of root, and the present method of differentiation provides
key to differentiate the stem and root in microscopical and
powder characters.

The present pharmacognosy report reveals that the basic

f g h i pharmacognostic details of stem of G.asiatica to Identify or
authenticate them. Few pharmacological and phytochemical
studies also reveal that stem can be used instead of roots.
Further research is advised to substantiate the use of stem
instead of root in case of G.asiatica or G.arborea has to be
find out.
j k l
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