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'#Reference {00020813-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}#1.

6#0#C:\Program Files\Micros
oft Office\Office12\EXCEL.EXE#Microsoft Excel 12.0 Object Library#Excel
'Written by Adrian Jensen
'Predictive Engineering 2008
'Predictive Engineering Assumes No Responsibility For Results Obtained From API
'Written for FEMAP 9.31
'This API writes the translation output vectors for selected nodes to a XLSX fil
e from a selected output set
Sub Main
'Attach To the model In a femap session that Is already running
Dim App As femap.model
Set App = GetObject(,"femap.model")
'Dimension an Excel Application, Workbook and Worksheet. Be sure to activate the
Microsoft Excel 12.0 Obeject Library in References
Dim appExcel As Excel.Application
Set appExcel = New Excel.Application
Dim wbkReport As Excel.Workbook
Set wbkReport = appExcel.Workbooks.Add
Dim wksReport As Excel.Worksheet
Set wksReport = wbkReport.Worksheets(1)
Dim Row As Long
Dim Col As Long
'Dimension all other objects and variables
Dim s As Object
Dim v As Object
Dim e As Object
Set e = App.feSet
Dim ov As femap.output
Set ov = App.feOutput
Dim minID As Long
Dim maxID As Long
Dim minVAL As Double
Dim maxVAL As Double
Dim Count As Long
Dim ID As Variant
Dim IDen As Long
Dim Title As Variant
Dim ouSetID As Long
Dim ouVec As femap.output
Set ouVec = App.feOutput
Dim CurrentData As Double
'Ask the API to create the titles in the first row of the worksheet
wksReport.Cells( 1, 1 ) ="Output Set ID"
wksReport.Cells( 1, 2 ) ="Element ID"
'Select Output Set and Output Vectors of interest
If App.feSelectOutput( "Select Output Vectors", 0, FOT_ANY, FOC_ANY, FT_ELEM, F
alse, s, v ) = FE_OK Then
'Select Elements of interest
If e.Select( FT_ELEM, True, "Select Elements" ) = FE_OK Then
'Cycle through all selected Output Sets and Output Vectors
While s.Next()
While v.Next()
ov.GetFromSet( s.CurrentID(), v.CurrentID() )
'Get the Titles and IDs of the selected Output Vectors
ov.GetTitleIDList(False, v.CurrentID(), v.CurrentID(), Count, ID, Ti
'Print the Output Set IDs and Element IDs and write into first two columns of th
e Excel file
While e.Next()
wksReport.Cells( Row, 1 ).value =s.CurrentID()
wksReport.Cells( Row, 2 ).value =e.CurrentID()
'Print the Output Vector data into coresponding cells of the Excel file
'Note: The Get command requires an INT4 input so you must identify the first val
ue of the ID array with (0)
rc = ouVec.Get(ID(0))
CurrentData = ouVec.value( e.CurrentID )
wksReport.Cells( Row, Col ) =CurrentData
'Print the Titles and IDs of the selected Output Vectors into the first two rows
of the Excel file
wksReport.Cells( 1, Col ).value =Title
wksReport.Cells( 2, Col ).value =ID
End If
End If
'Make the Excel spreadsheet visible
appExcel.visible = True
End Sub

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