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The kitchen crew for the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

From the left: Royal McCarthy, Fred Moore, Angus Stewart and Chef Bob Rex
Not seen, is photographer and crew member, Paul Gossard.
I invite you, therefore, in the name of the Church, to the observance of a holy Lent, by self-
examination and repentance; by prayer, fasting, and self-denial; and by reading and meditating on
Gods holy Word. And, to make a right beginning of repentance, and as a mark of our mortal nature,
let us now kneel before the Lord, our maker and redeemer. The Book of Common Prayer,
page 265.

On Ash Wednesday, we were invited to the observance of a holy Lent. This

invitation, which comes to us from the greater Church, provides us all with a time of
preparation before we embark upon the tumultuous events of Holy Week and Easter.
It is often said that, as followers of Jesus Christ, our life is a journey, a process, and part of my ongoing personal
journey is to come to really appreciate Lent. You see Lent used to fill me with dread, if asked to describe Lent, I
would say, it is long, dreary, dismal, filled with woe and, what makes it worse, is all the music is in minor keys. Part
of the problem may be that Lent falls in February and March, a time of year, when we who live in the northern
hemisphere, are somewhat light deprived. There may be hints of spring in the air but the days are still short, chilly
and often rainy. I remember wishing we could go straight from Ash Wednesday to Palm Sunday, and, I confess, a
thought that still drifts through my mind from time to time.
As a young girl, I sang in the church choir and our priest, Mr. Corker was his name, gave us purple-bordered
scripture cards for each Lenten service we attended. Rather like baseball cards, these were purple-bordered and
decorated with black crosses, and it was considered quite an accomplishment to possess the entire set. A full set
meant that you had been in church for all the many Lenten services. In those days it seemed to me that Lent was
to be endured rather than enjoyed.
Only in later years did I begin to appreciate the gift of Lent. This season is a wonderful opportunityforty days
of the year set aside for us, for me. Forty days free from major liturgical distractions; the church giving us time to
ponder on our lives and in particular to examine our relationship with God. During Lent we are constantly
reminded and cajoled to take stock of ourselves, and to examine our relationship with God and with those around
us. We are forced to remember exactly who and what we are. On Ash Wednesday, as a black cross is traced on our
foreheads, we hear the words, Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return. This should prompt us
to make our preparations for the death and resurrection of our Savior, as well preparations for our own death and
that time when we too will look upon the face of God.
Lenten daysthe name comes from the old English lencten, meaning lengthening; lengthening days heading
towards Spring. Lenten days begin when the earth is cold and dark, the trees and fields only just beginning to
awaken from their winters sleep. As we stand at the beginning of the season of Lent, and of Spring, we, too,
should be awakened from our lethargy. For we begin a pilgrimage that takes us not only to the Paschal celebration
of new life and hope, but also a pilgrimage that will take us toward a better understanding of ourselves and our
relationship with God.
There are many different approaches to this pilgrimage. Do you recognize these? There is the giving up Lent
when we try to tame our bodies and souls by a type of fastingchocolate, ice cream, desserts, coffee and alcohol
seem to be favorites in this category. Sometimes we give up meat, or give up meat only on Friday and
Wednesdays. When I was at seminary, it seemed the only time the Refectory served dessert on Fridays was during

Lent. An odd contradiction, brought about because, at the Thursday night community dinner, many folk didnt eat
their dessert and so it was left over for Friday.
There is also the adding to Lent, where we add another form of prayer, of social outreach, or alms giving.
Often we add reading, daily devotions, meditation or perhaps attending extra worship services to our routine. Lent
brings with it other challenges. Some of us may have spent a year or two trying to forgive ourselves, or possibly
someone else, for an event, or a type of behavior that has impacted our lives in a negative way. These forty days
remind us to accept the forgiveness of God, knowing that we cannot earn Gods forgiveness because for us, if we
repent and try to make amendment of life, forgiveness is always and forever freely given.
However we approach it, a holy Lent should be our goal, a time to shed our worldly baggage and clear out the
stuff that clutters our minds and hearts lying around and dulling the spirit. This Lent, through prayer and self-
examination why dont we do some vigorous Spring Cleaning of the Soul, clearing away the cobwebs of sin and
despair and polishing up the windows of repentance and hope. Then, when these forty days are over, we will come
to stand before our God, as we really are, awaiting the Resurrection, and our resurrection, into new life in Jesus

Bishop Barry Beisner's Lenten Message
Dear Friends in Christ,

Grace and peace to you.

Epiphany ends as usual: with the story of

the Transfiguration and the Gospel
invitation both to learn to see and know
Jesus as he really is, and also ourselves,
as we are in him. And what we really are
is a creation made in God's image,
beloved of God, possessing worth and
dignity beyond our ability to imagine. All
of us. Each and every one.

May this Lent be a time of learning to see and know this truth, and embracing it more fully. With the help of the
Holy Spirit may we make progress this holy season in becoming who we are in Christ, and helping others to do
the same. That is the essential work of Lent.

I now invite you to a holy Lent, praying God's help and blessing that we might do that work well, together.

Yours in Christ,


Artwork: Christ Healing the Blind, El Greco (Domenikos Theotokopoulos), ca. 1540, The Metropolitan Museum of Art

By the time you read this, we are into Lent; into that season of spiritual spring
cleaning as someone, sometime wrote. What are you finding helpful as you go
through this special time? Its never too late to start or start over. (I admit that I
often have to start over during Lent.)
Various gifts are still available for us. Some of us are learning more about saints
every day ordinary people who served God in ways that still touch us. Its not
too late to be part of Lent Madness, an annual event sponsored by Forward
Movement Publications that presents two of Gods special people each day, gives
us a chance to vote for our favorite and watch as the competition continues.
You can subscribe and have daily e-mail reminders. You can follow on Facebook
and probably on several other social media sites. Learn more at,
join in the fun, and watch for the Saintly Bracket posted in Lewis Hall.
Other options: Have you heard of 40 bags in 40 days? Its an annual event during which people try to fill a bag a
day of still good things that they dont need. These items are then given to thrift shops, homeless shelters, etc.,
where people who do need them can find them. Its a wonderful way to practice letting go of too muchness, an
opportunity to de-clutter, and a way into prayer as you thank God for what has been good about these items,
perhaps praying for the people you associate with them, and praying for those who will receive them. Or, you
could adapt this practice and gather items of food, warm clothing, clean socks one or more a day to donate to
those who need them.
If you are active on social media, what are ways that you can Lentify your time there? Its more and more
essential that we do serious fact checking before sharing and posting. Tragically, truth is rarely allowed to get in
the way of what people post and want to believe. Praying before posting is also a helpful practice; particularly if
you are posting about one of the many controversial people/issues that are ever before us. What if, during Lent,
we all started the practice of praying for those who make us angriest before posting anything, and maybe resisting
the urge to post? Perhaps this could lead to a kinder, more truth-filled social media world, especially if we keep it
up after Easter. (In case you cant tell, this article is partly about me preaching to me.)
Are you spending more time reading the Bible and sharing what you are encountering with someone else? Using
the rich resources of The Book of Common Prayer? Using one of many wonderful daily reading resources like Forward
Day by Day? Planning on joining us on Sunday mornings at the Forum, on Tuesday evenings at the soup and bread
and sharing suppers?
We are blessed so blessed with countless resources. We are richly blessed that we have Lent as a season that
we can receive to draw us closer to God. Dont worry about doing it right. Just find a way each day that opens
you more and more to the love God wants to give to you. Find a way to let go of those things/feeling/
resentments/habits that block you from loving others and loving God. Reach out in reconciliation to someone
you have hurt or who has hurt you. The choices are endless. May God bless you with a rich, fruitful, and holy
Sister Diana

We Foster Fridays!
The February 10 Foster Friday respite event for parents of foster children was another
terrific success! It was a joy to witness the happy voices and smiles of the children 27
ranging in age from 16 months to age 10 and to know that the parents were enjoying a
much-needed respite.
With the theme of Valentine's Day, the children (and some of us volunteers!) made
valentines, decorated cookies, and decorated tiny quilts for loved ones. Grilled cheese
sandwiches, veggie-tots, and fruit were served for supper.
Thanks go to all those who helped this time: Ann Clark, Belinda Zander, Elizabeth Harper-Lawson, Fiona Grant
-Endsley, Heidi Erickson, Jill Stover, Joan Stewart, Pam and Paul Gossard, Peg Gardner, Vickie and John Patton,
Mother Nancy, Jonah Hohl, our junior shepherd, and our marvelous kitchen crew, Cindy Woods, Gail Freeman,
Merry Phillips, and Sara Hines.
Our next event is May 12. If you are interested in participating in this joyful ministry, let me know.
Mother Nancy

Ash Wednesday was the beginning of Lent. In her daily
devotion book, A Grown-Up Lent When Giving Up Chocolate
Isnt Enough, Joanna Leiserson says:
I love Lent! It begins on Ash Wednesday when the world
seems to change. Even the air around us seems muted, for just
this day, as if the planet itself were listening. I love being
reminded that the whole universe, including the human We
Are Invincible species is dust, and to dust it shall return.
Lent is a time for waiting, anticipation, excitement and change. How wonderful that as we enter
into Lent, Christ Church is also entering into the next step of the calling process, when the
Applicant Review Committee will be given names and information about potential candidates to be
the new rector of our church family.
The Christ Church Profile has been posted on the National and State Episcopal Church website
and applicants have been contacting the Diocese of Northern California. Canon Andrea McMillin
will be coming to Christ Church the weekend of March 11 12, 2017, to meet with the Applicant
Review Committee and provide them with a list of candidates who have applied for the position.
How exciting it will be for the Committee to review the list, wondering, who are the people, what
are they like, where do they come from, what can they bring us, and is one of them waiting for us
at Christ Church, as we are waiting for him or her.
So during this time of Lent, let us pray and be joyful in the anticipation of what is ahead for us.

Lyn Klay, Senior Warden

Lee Garrison March 2 Mary McNelis March 3
Paul and Pam Gossard March 17 Katherine Clague March 18
Heidi Erickson March 18 Bev Olson March 18
Angus Stewart March 22 Patricia Toy March 22
Jaqueline Moore March 29 Lois Gossard March 31

Lay Ministries
Wednesday, March 1 Ash Wednesday. It doesnt seem possible, does it? Palm Sunday will be
April 9, and the following Sunday, we will celebrate Easter! Between now and then, there are many
opportunities for you to contribute to our fellowship, worship, and to the beauty of our services.
Study this list, think about what would be a good fit for you, then contact the person listed.
Marty Vega

Ushers and Greeters

Acolytes and Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Visitors
Lectors and Intercessors
Nursery and Sunday School
Coffee Hour Hosts
Contribution Counters


Anne Pierson Acolytes and Eucharistic Ministers 442-2025

Sanford Pyron Announcers 444-0968
Lynne Bean Coffee Hour 822-6086
Bob Hines Contribution Counters 445-8974
Elizabeth Harper-Lawson Eucharistic Visitors 445-1726
Marty Vega Lectors and Intercessors 443-9782
Pam Gossard Nursery and Sunday School 445-1959
Susan Whaley Ushers and Greeters 445-2924

The Socks Project
"for I was hungry and you gave me food,
I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was naked and you gave me clothing."
Matthew 25:35-36a

What do you do when cold, rainy weather leaves you with wet shoes, wet
socks, and cold feet? Those of us who are fortunate go home and
change into some dry socks and shoes or slippers, and turn up the heat.
Our brothers and sisters who live on the street do not have that luxury.
They may not even own a second pair of socks.

During Lent, as an annual program sponsored by the School for Deacons,

donations of new socks will be collected in Lewis Hall. The socks for children
will go to foster children, and socks for men and women will be delivered to
Betty Chinn for distribution to the homeless and needy whom she serves.

The collection for socks will run from Ash Wednesday, March 1, until Palm Sunday, April 9,
when Mother Lesley will bless them.
Please join in this effort to share Christ's love.

ECW Meets March 8

All women of the parish are invited to the March meeting on the second Wednesday, March 8, at 12 noon in
Lewis Hall. We will begin with a brief Eucharist, and then enjoy a potluck luncheon and time of fellowship. Note
that in April, the second Wednesday occurs during Holy Week and there will no meeting that day. ECW will then
meet again on May 10.

Psallam spiritu et mente! (I will sing praises with inspiration and intelligence)
What then? I will pray with my spirit, but also with my mind; I will sing hymns with my spirit,
but with my mind as well 1 Corinthians 14:15.
I began my March 2016 Chronicle article with these same words Psallam spiritu et
mente! the motto of the Royal School of Church Music (RSCM). I am re-using it this
year, as it still speaks strongly to me and what I would like to share with you this month.
It began at choir rehearsal, with questions and discussion about how the choir processes in and out of the
sanctuary during our Sunday services, e.g., Do we march in? How do we stay together and space ourselves?
How do we keep to the beat of the music? I turned to Google, thinking I would find some advice on choir
processions. To my surprise, I found instead a conversation on whether or not choirs should process in. I was a
bit shocked to read that this has been called an unfortunate piece of ritualism (The Parsons Handbook [13th ed.],
Percy Dearmer.) Obviously, there is a lot involved in this debate, including a long history of liturgical revisions
and developments at different levels of the church hierarchy.
What I think is more important however, is the question, What is the purpose of the procession as part of the
worship service? I am not qualified to offer a sound theological basis for having a choir processional; I will leave
that to the clergy! I do believe that the choir, as it processes in with the opening hymn and out with closing hymn,
becomes a part of the congregational choir, thus serving to lead the congregation as we raise our voices in song
together. It is not, as some have called it, an aimless walk round the church, but an intentional part of our
Before this article becomes aimless, Ill try to get back to my point. When we are able to sing (literally and
figuratively) with inspiration and intelligence, we make a connection to the music that allows us to express our
faith as well as well as to form it. During the Lenten season, we will use plainsong chant in our services. This
rich, centuries-old tradition focuses our minds and hearts on the text the words that we are singing. It
emphasizes that we are a community; we chant in unison we are one voice.
And since I cant say it better myself, I will conclude with an excerpt from the Choir Handbook from St. Peters
Anglican Church (Tallahassee, FL): Why do we sing? We sing because God made us to sing! Singing is a
particularly personal form of worship (no two voices are the same)! Worship through song is a tradition that
has been passed down through church history. Gregorian chant, Renaissance polyphony, Classical and Romantic
Masses, hymns, and dissonant 20th-century sacred vocal works all worship God, each using their own distinct
musical characteristics. Singing can act as confession, lament, praise, thanksgiving, history, exhortation, prayer,
and petition, and the texts of the pieces we sing are often chosen for a particular purpose, according to the church
calendar, the lectionary readings, and the sermon topic.
Next Sunday, March 5, please join choir members, at the conclusion of the 9:15 Forum we will gather around
the piano in the Nave and read/sing through our liturgical music for Lent and review the chanting of the Psalm,
prior to the beginning of the 10:30 service.

Lenten Concerts
Beginning on Friday, March 10, a series of Lenten music programs will be offered on Fridays, from 12:15-12:45
p.m., in the Nave (the main church). The music programs will follow the Stations of the Cross service offered in
the Chapel at 11:30 a.m.. Please join us for these half-hour-long programs of music designed to offer an
opportunity for quiet, personal reflection, meditation, and contemplation. Musicians who will be sharing their time
and talent include: Doug Moorehead (organ), Nancy Streufert (flute), Gary Klemp (organ), Paul Gossard (guitar),
Helen Winfrey (clarinet), Linn Van Meter (viola), and Merry Phillips (organ).

The Cycles of Prayers for our Diocese and the Anglican Communion

Please pray for the dioceses, congregations, and clergy listed below on the Diocesan and Anglican
cycles of prayer.
Every Sunday, our Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Barry L. Beisner, requests we pray for:

The Diocese of Jerusalem, The Most Rev. Suheil Dawani, Bishop, and for the Christians in
the Holy Land

Specific Sunday Prayers:

March 5th Pray for:

Diocesan Cycle of Prayer:
St. Michaels Episcopal Church, Carmichael, The Rev. Mary Hudak, Rector, The Rev. Cindy Long,
Associate for Pastoral Care, The Rev. Rodney Davis, Associate for Spiritual Formation
Anglican Cycle of Prayer:
Marathwada - (North India) The Rt Revd Madhukar Kasab

March 12th Pray for:

Diocesan Cycle of Prayer:
St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church, Chico, The Rev. Richard Yale, Rector, The Rev. Delia
Fay, Associate Priest, The Rev. Anne Powell, Deacon, The Rev. Lewis Powell, Deacon
Anglican Cycle of Prayer:
Maseno South - (Kenya) The Rt Revd Francis Abiero
Maseno West - (Kenya) The Rt Revd Joseph Wasonga

March 19th Pray for:

Diocesan Cycle of Prayer:
Good Shepherd Episcopal Church, Cloverdale, The Rev. Ed Howell, Priest in Charge,
Anglican Cycle of Prayer:
Mbale - (Uganda) The Rt Revd Patrick Gidudu

March 26th Pray for:

Diocesan Cycle of Prayer:

St. Stephens Episcopal Church, Colusa, The Rev. John Vafia, Associate,
Anglican Cycle of Prayer:
Mexico - (Mexico) The Rt Revd Carlos Touche-Porter

April 2nd Pray for:

Diocesan Cycle of Prayer: St. Andrews Episcopal Church, Corning, The Rev. Diana Luechert, Priest-
Anglican Cycle of Prayer:
Marathwada (North India) The Rt Revd Madhukar Kasab
If you wish to offer prayers daily for the church in the world, our Anglican Cycle of Prayer has a daily list of dio-
cese and clergy who would benefit from your prayer ministry. This list can be obtained via this website:

If this does not bring up the full prayer list for the year, tap on View on the line
ACP 2017 Full version View under Anglican Cycle of Prayer (January 2017-December 2017 and you will access the
daily Anglican Cycle of Prayer. If you do not have a computer, I would be glad to make a copy of the 2017 Angli-
can Cycle of Prayer for you.

Anne Pierson

Pieter Bruegel the Elder: The Fight Between Carnival and Lent (detail), 1559

The Rt. Rev. Barry L. Beisner
Bishop, Diocese of Northern California


The Rev. Lesley McCloghrie

Interim Rector
The Rev. Nancy Streufert
Associate Priest
The Rev. Sister Diana Doncaster
Associate Priest
The Rev. Pam Gossard
The Rev. Anne Pierson
Merry Phillips
Organist and Music Director
Dr. Douglas Moorehead, Organist Emeritus
John Hammond, Sexton
Barry Ross, Administrative Assistant

Lyn Klay, Senior Warden
Heidi Erickson, Junior Warden
Jackie Moore, Julie Cairns, Irene Hannaford, Lin Chase,
Helen Taylor, Elizabeth Harper-Lawson, Belinda Zander,
Bob Hines, Rex White, Gail Freeman Asst. treasurer
Bob Hines, Treasurer, Peg Gardner, Clerk


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