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Reproduction in Fish

Cecilia Pérez de Lara eMVZ

Reproductive Cycle
• Fish have a potential range of reproductive strategies available. The strategy
adopted by each species is the one that best ensures that in an average year, a
n average person at least replace itself in the next generation. • The strategy
must also fit the patterns and mortality rates to offspring and parents are subj
ects, the availability of food and habitat resources, and the need to spread to
new areas.
Reproductive Cycle
• In teolosteos fish (with skeleton), the typical reproductive cycle involves th
e following phases:
- Gametogenesis: formation of gametes in gonads mature - Spawning: The act of sp
awning and fertilization of eggs. This may be preceded by migration of adults to
spawning grounds - Embryonic Development in the egg - larval development in the
plankton with a period of larval drift to areas of "kindergarten" - Establishme
nt of postlarval juveniles in nursery habitats - Growth of juveniles in mature a
dults, possibly with additional migration feeding habitat
• The cycle of life and movement pattern of rays and sharks is different in the
absence of larval stages.
• The gametes (eggs and sperm) develop in the gonads (ovaries and testes) of sex
ually mature fish • This typically occurs in a seasonal cycle called gametogenic
cycle • Gametogenesis is generally highly synchronized in a population to be co
ntrolled by hormones produced in response to the environment • The gonadosomatic
index measurement can be a good indicator of gonad development and provide a go
od guide to the start of the spawning season.
- Weight of gonad weight of fish x 1000

Visual texture and histology can be used to check the condition of gametes and g
onads classify stages of maturation as a rest, early maturing, late maturing, us
ed (post spawn), etc.
• •

Spawning is the release of gametes and the fertilization process Spawning is gen
erally highly synchronized and often triggered by a set of environmental conditi
ons different from gametogenesis: - For example, in the Australian fish Yellowbe
lly (Panza Amarilla) gametogenesis begins when water temperature begins to rise
in the spring. Spawning is triggered by an event of flooding. If flooding occurs
within a critical period in which the gonads with gametes are fully developed,
there may be resorption and will not play this year. Thus, there may be no spawn
ing and gametogenesis not necessarily all fish spawn every year. In most teolost
eos is external fertilization takes place as soon as they lay eggs. In some spec
ies, such as Gambusia or mosquito fish, which carry their young, male pelvic fin
s are modified so as to act as copulatory organ for internal fertilization.
• Time of spawning: in species with plankton larvae, spawning is generally progr
ammed to produce larvae at the time of greatest abundance of food:
- In temperate waters the larvae hatch just before the phytoplankton bloom, as t
hey grow, they should be in time for the flowering of post copenoides phytoplank
ton. Usually there is only one spawning event per year and these fish are called
total spawners - In the tropics, where the abundance of food is not so regular
and seasonal food increases the amount of rain or simply does not increase, spaw
ning can occur over an extended period. Gametes can be produced in batches and b
e identified as such in histological, lots of gametes are then released in sever
al spawning events during an extended spawning season. These fish are called ser
ial spawners
• The change per year in the time of the flowering of spring can alter the degre
e to which the production of larvae coincides with the peak in
Spawning Migration
• Movements of fish during its life cycle are often represented as a triangle wi
th the sides representing the migration of adults, larval migration into the nur
sery grounds and sub-adult migration to feeding areas • Adult fish some species
make long migrations, depositing eggs in an area where currents carry the larvae
/ juveniles to places are more likely to meet with the adult population (eg, tu
na and eel)
Spawning Migration
• The cycles involving long spawning migrations can be described as:
- Oceanodroma: migration occurs only in salt water - Potamódromos: only in fresh
water - diadromous: migrate between freshwater and saltwater. They can be class
ified as:
• catadromous: please migrate upstream to spawn, as eels • Anadromous: migration
upstream like salmon • amphidromic: usually spawn in freshwater, larval stage i
s in salt water and their adult life is again in fresh water. This is a common l
ife cycle Islands
Spawning Migration: Cod
Spawning Migration
• It is assumed that the migration patterns improve survival or dispersal of the
young, but the exact nature of the benefit is unknown. • Whatever the advantage
must be huge because the energy required to perform these migrations dictates t
hat every adult spawning only once in his life. This pattern is known as selmépa
ro • The iteróparos have several reproductive episodes.
• Fertility is the number of eggs produced per season by a female • As a rule, a
re highly fertile teolosteos compared with other vertebrates. A single cod can p
roduce up to ten million eggs, even a small fish such as herring can produce bet
ween 40 and 60 000 eggs per year.
- This high fertility rate suggests that fish stocks were inexhaustible because
it is impossible to catch all the spawners and the few remaining would be suffic
ient to replace those that were taken - This interpretation ignored the fact tha
t there must be a high mortality Natural larva or the ocean would be full of fis
h of any untapped population
• Fecundity generally increases exponentially with age, so that large females ma
y be of greater importance to the total egg production in the population that ma
ny individuals slightly smaller in size
Embryonic Development
• Embryonic development occurs in the egg yolk with the fuel. • Depending on the
species, the embryo can complete their development and become a smaller version
of the adult inside the egg, or can be hatched in an early stage of development
- often nothing like the adult - and take a life plankton as larvae ( free-livi
ng embryo)
Embryonic Development
Embryonic Development: Salmon
45 days 45 days development development
50 days development
20 days 44 days hatching hatching
64 days development
Embryonic Development
• "decicion" Embryonic development of the egg / embryo:
- Plankton or benthic eggs?
• plankton eggs usually float to the surface and can potentially extend the larv
al period in the plankton for greater dispersion. Observed in deep-sea species a
nd benthic pelagic • Eggs are essential if the adult fish has to defend their eg
gs from predators or juveniles should remain near the habitat of the parents.
- How many eggs and how large?
• Generally the fish are or many small eggs or few large eggs • If the power and
reproductive material are limited, how are split between the eggs? Risk depends
on the individual eggs: if the risk is high, should not put all its effort in a
few well-developed eggs • Small lacking obvious adaptations for existence Plank
ton are usually called larvae rather than fry
Embryonic Development
- How long should I keep the embryo in the egg, and how its development should b
e advanced before hatching?
• A very large egg yolk maintain an extended development.
- How much parental care?
• Only for benthic eggs. • The ultimate in parental care is the internal develop
ment: there are about 500 spp that carry their offspring • The value of paternal
care depends on the probability of survival of the fry to survive without paren
ts to protect them.
- For example, it is believed that the gar paint is toxic to some fish, also hav
e good camouflage, so that parental care is not necessary to ensure their safety
. - Other fish bury their eggs in gravel. - Many fish build nests, lay eggs in o
ne spawning, fanning the eggs to keep oxygenated and attack any fish, even large
ones, to protect their eggs. - Some fish like arowana fry stay close to their,
secure, and to providing them refuge within their snouts
Parental Care
Larval Development
• • At hatching the larvae feed on plankton is the remnants of yolk and are ofte
n called free or prolarvas embryos.€Postlarva: after a few days just the yolk an
d the larvae must find food, the environment, usually plankton. This is the begi
nning of true larval stage. This transition is often called critical period of t
he larva - is when many die of inaniciónal not find a food source. At this stage
the larva is usually transparent (advantageous feature plankton) with prominent
eyes (visual deteción indicative of predators) and no snaking its notocordón (N
o thorn in this state). Along the rings are notocordón or muscle blocks, called
somites which eventually form the meat.
Larval Development
• The next major event in the larval stage is the post-flexion larva, in which t
he end of notocordón bends upward, in preparation for the development of the bon
es of the tail • In the pre-settlement larvae the fin array and body shape resem
ble the adult and larva prepares to settle in their nursery habitat. • The larva
l phase presents some problems similar to those of the egg. Its primary role is
the spread - to increase the probability of finding a suitable nursery habitat.
It is necessary if the nursery is far
• This transition is another dangerous period because the larvae must be near a
nursery habitat suitable for the precise moment of development. Some species may
delay their development until a nursery area but remain in the plankton after t
he adult characteristics have begun to develop an increased risk of predation an
d the amount of energy used as it loses the characteristics adapted to the exist
ence planktonaria. • Juveniles may grow for some years in the areas of nursery h
abitat and move gradually to adult and capable of making a sudden transition.
Reproductive Strategies
• The teolosteos have a wide range of reproductive strategies • Fish may have th
e same gender throughout life (gonochoristic) or be bisexual (hermaphrodite). Mo
st fish are gonochoristic • The hermaforidtas include:
- Synchronous: both gonads, male and female, running at the same time - this pat
tern is not common, but includes angunas deep-sea species, to which they can be
difficult to find a partner, with self-fertilization hermaforditas as Rivulus -
Sequential: change sex at some point in their life cycle. They can be:
• protandrous: males changing to females • Protanginos: females change to males
Reproductive Strategies: protandrous
• After the death of Nemo's mother, his father should have changed sex • protand
rous hermaphroditism is rare, but is especially useful in a lot of fish with yol
k in their eggs because the big females are capable of producing more eggs and p
rovide them more yolk • The smaller females may not be as successful as their eg
gs may be too small to provide sufficient nutrients for the developing embryo •
The small males can produce large quantities of sperm and be genetically success
ful especialmetne if they have to compete with other males for territory or coup
Reproductive Strategies: protandrous
• The best known example is the anemone fish or clown fish, which form monogamou
s pairs, often with several smaller non-functional males. The female is larger a
nd defends the territory. If the female dies, the male becomes female and male n
on-functional becomes larger functional. Eggs are benthic and relatively large,
guarded by both parents until hatching
Reproductive Strategies: protandrous
More Nemo
Reproductive Strategies: Protanginos
• It is common in large territorial reef fish such as the Labridae and Scaridae
families as their "relatives" smaller as coral trout, where small fish are all f
emales and only the largest individual is male • These are highly territorial fi
sh where the younger males are excluded from the territory by larger males and f
ail to reproduce. In this case, the smaller fish they should be female and be to
lerated by the male • Some of these fish often have three distinct color changes
in your life - an early stage young, often immature, an intermediate phase, for
usually mature females, and a terminal phase, where you are always males. Only
the largest pex territory is located in the terminal phase
Reproductive Strategies: Protanginos
Reproductive Strategies: Protanginos
• There is a second way to be a successful male in a social structure like this
- being a "transvesti."€Some pedes intermediate phase without developing males b
ecome the colors of the terminal phase. They are tolerated in the territory of t
he terminal phase male because females mistaken. In the transvestites spawning f
emales mate tothe out of sight of the terminal phase male. The transvesti is int
erposed between the terminal phase male and female and fertilize the eggs to be
placed before the male be identified. • Somehow the presence of a male terminal
phase prevents the development of others. As soon as the terminal phase male of
the group is removed, he's largest individual intermediate stage will develop th
e color terminals. If it was a male transvesti, it becomes obvious a dominant ma
le. If it was a female then changes sex to become male. Not all individuals of h
ermaphroditic species they change sex.
• Adults can migrate to breeding grounds or a particular habitat where copulatio
n takes place • The fertilization is always internal and occurs by clamps on the
pelvic fins of males, which form a tube when joined through which sperm flows •
Around one third of sharks and rays are oviparous and about two thirds carry th
eir offspring
Elasmobranchii: Clamps
Elasmobranchii: Mating
Elasmobranchii: oviparous
• The eggs of sharks and rays are large (several centimeters in diameter) and en
cased in a "pod" tough proteinaceous. They lay very few eggs. The young hatch at
a stage of postlarvae with a small yolk savo adhered utilizxa what is in a coup
le of days after which the youth must begin to feed. Those who carry their babie
s are more developed at birth offspring which are capable of feeding immediately
Elasmobranchii: oviparous
Elasmobranchii: They carry their young
• Those who carry their babies are: - ovoviviparous - eclocionan produce eggs in
the uterus (enlarged oviducts) and the children feed on the yolk to hatching -
Viviparous - the children are fed directly from the mother • The offspring of bo
th reproductive forms are about 25-50% of adult size, which means they are big e
nough to compete with adults for food and be potential prey of carnivorous adult
Elasmobranchii: ovoviviparous
• This is the most common pattern - oophagy: many Lamniformes allow their offspr
ing grow producing a number of infertile eggs which are ingested by the calf aft
er its yolk extinction - in utero or Adelfofagia Canimalismo: Lamniformes some,
like the shortfin , the eldest son in each uterine horn eats MALL his brothers s
o that only one or two cubs are born great.
Elasmobranchii: Viviparous
• This pattern occurs in about 25% of rays and sharks that carry their offspring
used • The yolk becomes a functional placenta and offspring are fed directly fr
om the mother
• The delivery usually occurs in a particular habitat, often in shallow waters a
round a coral reef to provide protection so that juveniles are separated from th
e adult population until they can compete effectively • Juveniles of large shark
white fish-eating mammals but shift to a certain size
• There is much less flexibility in the reproductive strategies of elasmobranchs
than in the teolosteos:
- There is no parental care after birth, but pups are very well developed at bir
th or hatching - No cases of diadromía, probably because of the inflexibility of
the mechanism of osmotic balance of sharks and rays - there are no hermaphrodit
es, probably because females can successfully reproduce even small size and beca
use due to widespread internal development is more specialized sexual anatomy -
all are iteróparos, no semélparas species.
Reproductive Strategies: Comparison and Elasmobranchii teolosteos
Underwater World
Underwater World
Underwater World
Underwater World

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