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White foods are rich in phytochemicals, including allicin, and potassium. potass
ium allicin
Its use helps us to: • Reduce cholesterol • Lower blood pressure • Prevent Type
II Diabetes
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Chirimoya Red Banana Melon Pear
Onion Mushroom Garlic Cauliflower Turnip Endive Leek
• Both fruits and vegetables, when plant foods contain no cholesterol. cholester
ol • A fruit serving is equivalent to 120-200 grams of fruit: 1 piece of fruit
1 medium large slice of melon, watermelon or pineapple 2 or 3 pieces of sma
ll fruit such as apricots, plums or tangerines 1 cup strawberries, cherries, g
rapes, blackberries
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Did you know ...
contains a high amount of water (90-95%) and sugar (6%) lower than other fruits,
a fact which, together with hardly any fat, made from melon fruit with a lower
caloric content.
eaten regularly reduces cholesterol and blood pressure. In addition, combat bact
erial infections, viral and fungal blood thanks to their virtues antibiotic.
contains substantial amounts of fiber and potassium, important for the proper fu
nctioning of potassium cardiovascular system.
the high satiating effect and low-calorie food makes it very useful in low calor
ie diets.
COLOR Put on your plate!
Orange / Yellow
Food orange or yellow are rich in beta-carotene (pro-vitamin A), vitamin C, pota
ssium and folic acid. C folic
Help you: • Have a good vision and healing • Maintain youthful skin • Strengthen
the immune system
COLOR Put on your plate!
Lemon Apricot Peach Orange Tangerine Red Mango Pineapple Papaya Níspero
Carrot Bell pepper, yellow squash
• A few drops of lemon juice in cooking vegetables may help reduce loss of vitam
ins in the process. • Prepare an original and different salad by adding diced fr
esh fruit like pineapple, apple, ...
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Did you know ...
is rich in bromelain, an enzyme that facilitates the digestion of bromelain prot
eins, so it is recommended in cases of slow digestion and bloating. the food is
richer in beta-carotene, a precursor of beta-carotene, vitamin A, vitamin necess
ary for the proper functioning of the retina and especially for night vision or
low light and carrots for healthy skin and mucous .
remember that the ideal is to take your freshly squeezed juice to prevent loss o
f vitamin C. C
apricot fruit diuretic recommended in the
potassium content makes it a
dietary treatment of various cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension or oth
er associated with fluid retention.
COLOR Put on your plate!
Red foods contain phytochemicals such as lycopene and anthocyanins. anthocyanins
Help you: • Have a better cardiovascular health • Maintain a good memory • Reduc
e the risk of cancer and diseases of the urinary system
COLOR Put on your plate!
Cherry Red Raspberry Red Apple Strawberry Watermelon Granada
Tomato Red Pepper Radish
• 5 a day is the minimum number of servings of fruits and vegetables we eat ever
y day if we want to maintain a healthy and balanced diet. • Vary the food and ho
w to prepare.
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Did you know ...
tomatoes contain lycopene, a potent antioxidant lycopene reduces the risk of chr
onic diseases, among which are cancer and cardiovascular disease.
noted for its high fiber content (5%), mainly insoluble fiber. Besides being a d
iuretic and laxative, useful for treating rheumatism.
presents a high amounts of antioxidants: vitamin C, carotene and selenium. selen
is the fruit that contains more water (95% weight), so it stimulates the kidneys
to function more efficiently, facilitating the elimination of waste substances
and toxins.
COLOR Put on your plate!
The green foods are rich in lutein, potassium, lutein, potassium, vitamins C and
K and folic acid. Folic
• Folic acid is important during
pregnancy to reduce the risk of malformations
fetal • Lutein is a potent antioxidant found in green leafy vegetables and helps
maintain good vision
COLOR Put on your plate!
Avocado Green Grape Kiwi
Chard Artichoke Asparagus Broccoli Cabbage Zucchini green bean Spinach Cucumber
• One serving of vegetables is equivalent to 150-200 grams of vegetables: a no
rmal plate of vegetables cooked a dish mixed salad or a zucchini 1 eggplant
1 large tomato 2 cucumbers or 2 carrots • Prepare the vegetables or baked st
eamed skin prevents destruction of vitamins to cooking.
COLOR Put on your plate!
Did you know ...
pea pea contains phytosterols that act in the intestine hindering the absorption
of cholesterol and increasing their elimination.
is a good liver and blood protector. Increasing the production of blood bile aci
d, which aids digestion, is aperitif, diuretic and lowers levels of blood sugar.
a serving provides more than three times the daily recommended vitamin C and hal
f the folic acid. Folic
contains a large amount of water (95% weight), so their intake is very low. Has
soothing and sedative on the nervous system.
COLOR Put on your plate!
Purple foods are rich in antioxidants and phytochemicals. Phytochemicals
Involving them in our diet helps us to: • Fight aging
• Reduce the risk of some cancers
• Maintain tract health
• Preserve the memory
COLOR Put on your plate!
Cranberry Red Plum Passion Higo Mora Black Grape
Beetroot and red cabbage eggplant
• When buying fruit juice, choose those that are 100% fruit • Add berries and ra
isins to your breakfast cereal for an extra intake of vitamins
COLOR Put on your plate!
Did you know ...
food is recommended in cases of constipation, as it has a mild laxative effect d
ue to the combination plum in its composition of soluble fiber, composed mostly
of soluble pectin, and insoluble. insoluble
diuretic and laxative properties, stimulant laxatives and liver and pancreas.
is the fruit provides more fiber, fiber producing satiety and promoting bowel mo
red cabbage
a portion of cover 100% of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C. C
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• 5 A Day is an international movement that promotes the consumption of fruits a
nd vegetables in the world and is present in over 40 countries across 5 continen
ts. • has the support of international agencies like the World Health Organizati
on and FAO.
5 a day intended to enable consumers to understand the need for five servings of
fruits and vegetables in your diet.

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