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Leading and motivating PEDAGOGICAL TEAM

Elias Celso Galvêas

€€€€€€Throughout the history of humanity, most families chose the model of "home
education" to train their children, ie, they were trained directly by their own
parents ("home shooling"), in the comfort and safety of their homes.
€€€€€€€€€In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, European and American fami
lies wealthy hired "tutors" who were responsible for educating their children an
d thus the largest shares of their parents - even in the absence of other option
s - chose to continue educating their children in the comfort of their homes. Th
e result of this "primitive" education action was nothing more nor less, that th
e formation of brilliant men, such as: Albert Einstein, Amadeus Mozart, George W
ashington, Stuart Mill, etc..
€€€€€€€€€However, a significant decline of this model of education began to occu
r from the late eighteenth century (and early nineteenth century), when the spre
ad of compulsory education laws in many countries undergoing rapid industrializa
tion, forced children from of a certain age to attend public schools - a fact th
at, strategically, was the need to train at a very early age, the emerging "indu
strial society", ie the masses to "modern times" - which in turn was a time bril
liantly satirized by the immortal Chaplin in the film that bears the same name (
"Modern Times"). From there, creating a vast network of public education - prece
ded by private competition - caused the temporary collapse of the "model home" o
f education.
€€€€€€€€€The late twentieth century, the "invention" and further development of
electronic media to the desktop computer, known as desktop (or Workstation) repr
esented a crucial milestone for the transition from the "Industrial Age" to the
"Information Age" in which we live today.
€€€€€€€€€From this context, we enter the twenty-first century watching a process
that is still in open state of ferment: large corporations, multinationals once
local to global transnational evolve gradually, and, combined with the power of
large financial institutions dominate the landscape of international market eco
nomy, overwhelming even the power of the state itself which, in turn, to the det
riment of the old concept of social welfare, he was "forced" to open a gradually
increasing space for policies of an extremely neoliberal, in various parts of t
he planet.
€€€€€€€€€Such changes in political-economic changes have also caused intense and
radical in the way of managing the business of "New Age", especially with regar
d to the role of leader within existing organizations, in turn, are currently in
cluded in an unstable environment and uncertain, chaotic and ceaseless change -
which requires the leader (and the organization as a whole) a higher dose of fle
xibility, creativity and belt line.
€€€€€€€€€The "Industrial Age" - that preceded the current one. "Information Age"
- lasted since the Industrial Revolution (1780) by the end of the Second World
War (1945), characterized by being a relatively stable, with no major significan
t changes . In terms of administration, it has generated, in addition to the exc
ess of rules that ended up causing an unnecessary abuse in the use of bureaucrat
ic procedures, excessive centralization of power in a leader: they all obey blin
dly the orders of a leader in keeping everything running in perfect harmony. The
management has been structured in several hierarchical levels, step by step, un
til it reached the "supreme leader" of the enterprise. In this context, it was u
nnecessary to delegate powers, since all the operation was based on the division
of labor, and each department had a "supervisor" or "head of the division."
€€€€€€€€€However, according to "American Association of School Administrators (L
€€€€€"The schools and education systems (...) did a remarkable job of preparing
the (former) students for the industrial era, and few have decided to systematic
ally prepare the (new) students for the 21st century. However, if we continue on
our present path, we are preparing students for a world that no longer exists.
€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€(LASS, 1999, p. 1).

€€€€€€€€€Thus the world is currently undergoing an intense and turbulent period

of transition, where we witness the failure of bureaucratic models of management
as well as the collapse of "primitive" banking education of masses that strongl
y characterized the beginnings of our modernity. And€certainly, the school, as w
ell as several other institutions also suffered (and suffers) with such changes,
from the moment that insists vehemently resist to change, not knowing how to ac
complish a smooth transition of the paradigms of the mechanistic and bureaucrati
c " factory floor, "which characterized the" Industrial Age "to the current mode
l" and plutocratic oligarchy of Transnational Corporations ", which characterize
the current (and virtual)" Information Age ".
€€€€€€€€€The truth is that in the old "modern" education, ill or well, you know
what I should train and how to do it because they were clear and well defined mo
del of man and society that needed to form on the other hand today, what really
can be sure (after death) are of our uncertainties with which we must learn to l
ive (and get used). Uncertainties that affect us daily, within competitive envir
onments that are chaotic and, in turn, the main features of the times "postmoder
n" in which we live.

€€€€€€€€€Leading and motivating TEAM

€€€"As we stand at the threshold of the third millennium, leaders from schools a
round the world are discovering that conventional models of leadership are no lo
nger adequate. Schools today need leaders capable of working and facilitate prob
lem solving in groups, able to work together with teachers and classmates, helpi
ng them identify their training needs and acquire the necessary skills and also
be able to hear what others have to say, delegate authority and share power. "
€€€€€€€€€€€€(Heloise Lück, "The School Participatory - The Work Manager School",

€€€€€€€€€Fortunately, since Machiavelli, the concepts of leadership styles have

changed radically. So antagonistic to the leadership style of the "Industrial Ag
e", the leader of the current "information age" need, above all, be a skilled me
diator and administrator of wits "differences", since we live in a multicultural
world where environments are precominantes, not only in school environments, bu
t across the social body. For this reason, the shocks and conflicts of ideas alw
ays happen, and to some extent, natural and healthy democratic exercise.
€€€€€€€€€According to this view, the school becomes a true "arena of contradicti
ons and plurality, or better, a land that, if well managed, can become rich for
the clash of ideas - both in ideological terms, as in terms of interpersonal rel
ationships. The new director's function is therefore manage this environment, se
rving as a mediator and facilitator of administrative and educational, habilitat
ion and stimulating the work of teams in charge of different areas so that every
one can, in an integrated, synchronously align its to key performance goals esta
blished for the benefit of a better educational outcome, political and financial
institution. In order to create a climate where everything that could happen, t
he leader must adopt a strategy that ensures the inclusion of all members of the
institution, compared to executives and decision-making processes of the same.
€€€€€€€€€Thus, in general, the best strategy to be adopted by the leaders is the
"participative leadership", which is a strategy used by the leader who aims to
achieve greater empowerment and democratization of decision making, aiming at im
provement of educational quality, easing the way problems are solved by groups w
ithin the executive and decision-making processes of the school.
€€€€€€€€€Thus, through participative leadership, leader, in partnership with you
r team teaching, trying to build a cohesive team, capable of generating a positi
ve and collaborative environment, where the progress of teachers and administrat
ive increases in efficiency and quality. As a consequence, the quality of teachi
ng also increases, which facilitates and ensures a healthy environment for learn
ing which, in turn, also increase the chances of securing a good education for s
tudents, and a good relationship with the community site. Strategies to facilita
te participation, the main ones are:
€€€€€€€€€• stimulating the participation of community members and school locatio
n, and
€€€€€€€€€• the continued allocation of resources necessary to support participat
ory efforts and other related products.

€€€€€€€€€The analysis of participative leadership should be implemented in tande

m with ongoing encouragement, monitoring and coordination of relevant activities
synchronous with the work of groups to which the leader has delegated powers, w
hich will ensure thereby the continued confidence and commitment and spontaneous
unconditionally all members of the organization toward targeted goals. The lead
er who knows how to expertly proliferate appropriate strategies for inclusive pa
rticipation will be able to engage and motivate everyone around the goals, shari
ng his leadership and with your habilitation team teaching and teaching as well
as the participatory inclusion of the school community and local activities prom
oted by the school.


€€€€€€€€€It is noteworthy that, in general, the basic styles of leadership (desc
ribed below) may combine with each other, and such combinations can be perfectly
observed in the daily praxis of the act to manage. A manager, even with little
experience, will recognize the six styles, and identify in which situation will
be more profitable to use either style, or even a combination of them.
€€€€€€€€€The profiles below represent management in general, the main leadership
styles observed in studies by Bob Rosner, one of the foremost business consulta
nts today, weekly columnist for the Wall Street Journal, "ABC News" and "Globe a
nd Mail. " We will, therefore, to the styles:
€€€€€€€€€(1)€The coercive style - "Do what I say!":
€€€€€€€€€In managerial terms, as already mentioned, this is the style that produ
ces the worst results. However, this style is to mobilize and encourage the work
of the people during severe bouts of short duration.
€€€€€€€€€(2) egocentric style - "Do as I do!":
€€€€€€€€€After the enforcement, this is the second ranking of styles that produc
e the worst results. It's the kind of leadership that is obsessed with performin
g the work with greater quality and efficiency but is unable to be clear about t
heir expectations regarding the performance of its employees. Also tends to say:
"If I have to talk to you how to do their work, is a sign that you are not able
to play it." As a result, a good deal of energy is spent trying to figure out w
hat to do evil to achieve the goals outlined. However, there is a chance this ki
nd of leadership work when working with experienced teams, competent and moti-Va
das, but we must combine it with other types of leadership.
€€€€€€€€€(3) The style coach - "Try this, try it!":
€€€€€€€€€Here we begin to observe positive styles of leadership. In this style,
the leader - rather demanding with everyone and with yourself - usually assist t
heir subordinates to identify their strengths and weaknesses, providing lots of
feedback on the performance of each, besides delegating challenging tasks in ord
er of growth of each member of team. Despite the goals of this leader is focused
on long-term goals, which usually constitute the development of skills and abil
ities of their subordinates, he tends to delegate tasks of short-term and requir
e more skills, to the extent that the competence of their subordinates reaches t
he level of their expectations.
€€€€€€€€€(4) The democratic style - "What do you think?":
€€€€€€€€€This is the style in which the leadership tries to gain the confidence
and commitment of subordinates to solicit ideas to the group, trying to include
them in decision-making and executive processes of the organization. Without dou
bt, we're talking about the strategy of participative leadership. Of course, mor
ale and productivity of the group increased tremendously. Combined with others,
this seems to be, in general, the best management style for the developments of
the new era.
€€€€€€€€€(5) The emotional style - "How do you feel, having to do this?":
€€€€€€€€€In this style, the leader works the emotional side of his subordinates,
always praising and paying attention in their attitudes, and give every member
of the group, total freedom to interact towards the completion of their tasks. U
sually the result of this practice generates, by contrast, the mutual trust betw
een the group and leader, as well as a more cohesive group as regards the implem
entation of tasks and the commitment to the objectives outlined. Due to the conf
idence provided by spontaneous constantly leading the group, this must feel unco
nditional loyalty to the leader. This is the style most appropriate for groups w
hose rebuilding morale and confidence have been, for some reason, shaken. Or sim
ply for new teams in training, who have not much experience working together. As
this style may leave some kind of misguided subordinates, it is recommended to
combine this
€€€style to the next (and last) to be analyzed.
€€€€€€€€€(6) motivational style - "Let's work together on this project?":
€€€€€€€€€This type of leadership sets a vision shaped their expectations for the
goals to be achieved by motivating them to continue in their duties to the exte
nt that the paper makes clear the importance of each element of the "team" for f
uture implementation of objectives outlined. Thus, each team member comes to und
erstand why their jobs are important, being assigned specific targets and flexib
le to reach each individual (and no panic!), Their goals within the group. This
style of leadership is in itself the best style of leadership, working in most s
ituation - except in the case of the leader is less experienced than his team.
€€€€€€€€€The experienced administrator able to identify these (six) basic models
of leadership styles in their everyday practice is probably able to minimize al
l sorts of difficulties encountered in the act of managing a work group. An expe
rienced manager knows, of course, what style to use, and identify the best situa
tion to use it - one of the styles, or a combination thereof.


€€€€€€€€€After all, what is the best leadership style to school today? What is t
he true role of director of educational institution as a leader?
€€€€€€€€€Have you ever stopped to think, as a leader, what kind of leadership yo
u exercise? Are you the kind of leader who often yell primeiro to ask questions
later? When you make mistakes, your subordinates before the rebukes all informat
ion about the facts? You prefer to punish or reprimand instead of talk, understa
nd or teach?
€€€€€€€€€Where the leadership creates the habit of punishing or reprimanding sub
ordinates (rather than dialogue), she also instill fear in the group, it also pu
ts at risk the freedom of creativity to them, discouraging individual initiative
and the unique opportunity to experience situations that would promote the incr
ease of moral and interpersonal development, factors that would eventually promo
te faster, cohesion and capacity for team work.
€€€€€€€€€Unfortunately, we can find in any organization (including in schools):
employees who earn special treatment and privileges; important procedures that a
re ignored; superiors who inspire fear instead of trust, etc.. But as the adage
tells us: "wash your dirty linen at home" and "holy house" can make a miracle, y
es! Ask your subordinates about what they consider essential to the completion o
f the work, listening carefully to what each has to say. It is quite likely that
as new leader, you do not get the trust of people instantly, at the first attem
pt. However, if the leader insists on building a relationship where coercion pla
ce to give in constructive actions, it is likely that the fear and the fear of m
aking mistakes instead succumb to mutual trust among all members of the group.
€€€€€€€€€Get to know all shapes and styles of leadership, wondering practical si
tuations where you could adopt one or the other, or even a combination of them.
Look to apply them in their daily practice, or see the categories in which their
superior fits. Make reports on their experience and share with your workgroup.
Ask your colleagues what leadership style they prefer it to be implemented, etc.
. Surely, these exercises, if applied so programmed, will form into a new experi
ence, engaging, interesting and very meaningful for all participants - from the
main leader to the humblest subordinate.
€€€€€€€€€Nothing better than working creativity trying to forget, momentarily, t
he existence of hierarchical levels, and letting the mind flow free and wild, tr
y to find together the best solutions for the convivial group, as well as the pr
actical solution of problems institutional. This habit will certainly contribute
in the medium term, for the betterment of the individual self, in turn, will re
sult in greater team cohesion and, consequently, increasing overall productivity
€€€€€€€€€Thus, in various circumstances, the leaders of post-modern "Information
Age" will essentially act as conductors to conduct and coordinate in a flexible
manner, the whole transformation process by delegating power and sharing proble
ms, fostering productive partnerships, managing the flow of information and conv
erting it into practical knowledge for the entire organization, building a perma
nent atmosphere of dialogue based on trust and mutual cooperation, and finally,
ensure the maintenance of good interpersonal harmony within the group, which in
turn contribute to promote the natural keeping quality of products and services
generated by new development, be it educational or not.

€€€€€€€€€• Lück, Heloise, "The Participatory School - School to Work Manager, DP
& A - RJ - 2002.
€€€€€€€€€• Galvêas, Celso Elias - "The wear of the Current Model of Education -
The School Institution in Transition." Article written in 2004 for internal move
ment of the seat of SENAC - ARRJ.
€€€€€€€€€• Rosner, Bob - "What Is The Best Leadership Style?" - "E-paper" bought
€€€€€€€€€• Houston, Robert G. and Toma, Eugenia F. - "Home Schooling: an Alterna
tive School Choice," extracted from "Questia virtual library" in the internet. S

€€€€€€€€€- Oservação This article is written by Elias Celso Galvêas for the "Uni
versidade Santa Ursula," in April 2004, the discipline, "Pedagogical Work Organi
zation" - taught by prof. Eliana GEA.

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