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Thermomix Forum - Compilation of Cheats Maisa - Sat Apr 05, 2003 8:16 pm Subject

: Compilation of Tricks As I read on a message that could put th tricks, I have

been collecting the little tricks that have emerged in this forum and in others,
so I can not make is who's provided, some of them certainly was our Faraona, do
not think the amount it makes it right? BLADE TIP TO CLEAN TH Put a drop of wat
er and detergent, 5 min at speed 2 or 3 when the machine stops in speed to 20 se
conds 9. Discard the water and put a pad nannies caught in the blades in vel, on
e for 30 sec. TIP Put pureed fruit Th speed up in May. Go pull the fruit from th
e nozzle. uncover and get the fruit. Put the basket and 5-7-9. You give it twice
the rate spike and again 5-7-9 EGG SUBSTITUTE: 6 egg whites 1 / 4 cup skim milk
powder 1 1 / 2 teaspoon vegetable oil 1 / 4 teaspoon yellow food coloring (saff
ron) to all ingredients in vel Esther for 30 seconds 2. cool in the fridge (hold
s 1 week) or freeze in a plastic container (hold 1 month) to use in recipes call
ing for whole eggs you ask for Season to MEAT: cooking salt, rosemary, garlic, s
age, gin, laurel, oregano, thyme, marjoram and basil. Season to FISH: cooking sa
lt, rosemary, bay leaf, garlic, gin, sage, parsley and oregano Preparation: Gath
er all ingredients and blend in th at maximum power. SAL flavored. the heads of
prawns with sea salt put in the oven tray and when dried is passed by the TH 5-7
-9 speeds. So get salt flavored PURE OF VEGETABLES FOR BABY When I had to do wit
h vegetable purees for my little guy and I forgot to put the lentils or chickpea
s in water the day before, what he did was crush at speed up to 5-7-9 meal and h
e could use it at the moment. STRIPPING TOMATOES You can use the Varoma to peel
tomatoes, the following steps: Cut the skin a little, by the bottom cross-shaped
, and put this up, holds approximately a kilo, put in ½ liter glass water for 5
minutes, Varoma temperature, level 1. Place the container Varoma, with tomatoes
on the lid, and reschedule for another 5 min. at the same temperature, and speed
2 and a half. Remove and peel quickly. Place in halves on paper towels, to drai
n the water. You can then use them as you wish. GLASS FOR FAST DRYING. When you
need to have very dry glass, for example to make powdered sugar, and just use an
d clean, put into operation the empty glass in turbo speed (TM21) or maximum (TM
3300). The water left in the blades will be projected onto the sides of the glas
s. Dry with a cloth and repeat as many times as necessary. TO REMOVE THE ODOR OF
THE TOP AND BOARDS: Mix cold water with lemon juice or vinegar for a few second
s at speed 8. FOR THE MASSES
For the masses to throw them leven better when liquids are warm, mix a few secon
ds to speed 4 and then you add the flour (in most recipes is to add yeast to the
flour while). (I do it in the pie and comes out great) TIP FOR THE TOP SPOT NOT
put plastic film on top, inside, for when you do eg. powdered sugar or any sauc
e spattering. (I do it to mayonnaise, tomato sauce, etc., but I make a hole in t
he middle and put up the cup to breathe) RECIPE FOR GASTROENTERITIS I've cut a m
edium potato, and a couple of carrots, I scheduled eight minutes temperature 100
º , speed 1. And then I put the Varoma a snake and have scheduled 20 minutes, t
emperature varoma, Speed 1. Removing the varoma, clean whiting and crumbled and
I entered it all in jar and crush them. The second day I prepared the same and o
nly with a cup of rice, and also was great TIP OF the King cake King cake to put
it in the oven you can not heat up, one down and end a little gratin. Also when
you have to let the dough rise in warm place for 3 hours minimum ...... it ensu
res smooth and not lumpy. TRICK TO MAKE SORBET has to put 50% of ingredient 50%
of ice sugar If you want to make it fluffier, add a frozen egg. TIP FOR THE MERE
NGUE order not to get off when you pour the sugar, try mixing sugar with encircl
ing movements once assembled the clear, then pour it into the container that you
are going to serve and bake in preheated oven at 100 º for one hour about you i
s really like pastries. TIP FOR THE PAN When making bread, use very cold water,
the refrigerator€that makes the bread less hardening when cooled. CATARRH SYRUP
FOR INGREDIENTS - 1 large onion - 6 tablespoons brown sugar - 2 lemons Peel the
onion and cut into slices. Place in 6 seconds Thermomix Speed 3 1 / 2 (so that i
t is chopped into small pieces). Remove the glass and a container that has enoug
h depth to place and cover with sugar cane. Leaving from 8 to 12 hours to marina
te. Strain preparation and add the juice of 2 lemons (I guess peeled and seeds i
n the Th 2 minutes 5-7-9 speed will be fine too.) Store in a glass jar Take a ta
blespoonful every two hours. CANNELLONI In making the meat filling for cannellon
i my Thermomix (like when you were doing in the pan but cleaner, though), when I
have it all finished (minced meat sauce + + can of foie-gras good bone herd jab
ugo or black cap), I spend all well and I have a kind of pate. So it is much eas
ier to wrap and are very soft (if you can do enough dumplings, which kids love t
o eat) What to do with leftover egg whites: Whenever you are on light, you can s
ave in a container or in short buckets of ice and freezing them, putting a label
with the number of whites. When you need to use them, throw them in the machine
cut and crush it to speed 5. Then put the butterfly in the blades and is ready
to ride. He is impressed with the result. Following the same proportion, may inc
rease the amount
Pitting and TROC OLIVES, plums, cherries can bone olives, cherries, plums ... if
desired chopped. Place the ingredients in the glass, set 3 or 4 seconds at spee
d 3 and 1 / 2. While you chop, shows them the bone, then you just have to remove
them. EQUIVALENCE BETWEEN TH 21 AND TH 33OO This comes in handy for adapting re
cipes: la la la la la la Speed 5 Speed 6 Speed 7 Speed 8 Speed 9 vel 10 or 21 tu
rbo equals Th the equivalent to Th 21 Th 21 Th 21 is equivalent to equivalent to
equivalent to Th 21 Th 21 equals the one of HT Speed Speed 2 3300 3300 Th Th sp
eed 3 speed 4 3300 3300 Th speed 6 speed 3300 Th 12 Th 3300
If congeláis ice cream ice cream, when saquéis, 5-7-9 speed is crushed some fun
AUSEO BE FROZEN MEDIUM happen again POS HT in SPEED 5-7-9. oS you entertain a li
ttle in each speed, are perfectly Gram flour (batter SERVE FISH) INGREDIENTS 200
gr 200 gr chickpea flour optional garlic and parsley. Blend everything at speed
s 5, 7 and 9. Tb serves to make pancakes cadiz, the shrimp (This goes for Pharao
h, which is yours of course): TRICK TO 12 BALLS AT A TIME Seize a plastic egg cu
p (there are in the 20 drives) and in the Abris bottom should be pining flour. S
poon into each pocket poneis the amount of meat you want, the Moveis shut up and
up and down (and cocktails) about two or three times. The Abris and voila 12 pe
rfectly round meatballs without blemish "batter fishes, Boqueron, SQUID, ETC. (T
his is Nancy) Take a bag and put the flour and batter squid or small fish, shake
the bag for a while gets stuck and flour to them and so will not stain and are
not so flour ... SOFRES ONION Whenever you have to sauté onions (or onion and pe
ppers) Heat the oil BEFORE Varoma temperature for 4-5 minutes. So get the onion
is lightly fried and not really stay with the flavor of "raw" (default that many
blamed on thermo). Once you put heat oil onion quartered 1 minute longer you le
ave it at room temperature or less varoma and then crush the taste (I usually do
it at room temperature 3 1 / 2) and just fry lightly temperature 100 º (you can
do in Varoma but let your guard down a bit can burn.) egg substitute Overview:
This is the egg substitute, totally vegetable and absent cholesterol and lactose
. It is a unique compound, derived from a combination of vegetable protein and s
oy lecithin for use in food preparation and baking, instead of eggs. Recommendat
ions: Add one tablespoon of LECINOVO 2000 (approx. 8 g) three tablespoons of war
m water and mix and you have the equivalent of one egg. Introduction: In a glass
jar with lid practical inviolable, contains 250 g, or approximately 31 eggs. St
orage: In a dry place not require refrigeration after opening the package. FALL
For example, when making mayonnaise ... Put cooking film before placing the top
of the TX., Andin the place where the cup goes, there is a small hole, using the
tail of the same butterfly. Replace the cover and the cup and pour the oil on t
he lid. Fall very slowly. Another way is to use a new and sealed bottle of oil,
which makes a hole with a knitting needle in the cap. In this case, put the bott
le upside down in the place of the cup trick to make butter can add a cup of wat
er. After a minute since you started trying to remove the cream. And you can add
ingredients to flavor the butter. You see you've done it in the glass butter is
on one side the other hand serum and butter. Made all content through the filte
r and place it under the tap till the water. What pretas drain very well leave i
t. Then you make a film roll in well compacted. And you're TRICK FOR HORCHATA Fo
r the horchata is superfluous, without any lumps, straining with half (yes the k
ind that we get the girls who come to the knee). It is incredible, but all lumps
and bits left in the half and the horchata is sensational.
I hope you find them useful. Pharaoh - Sat Apr 05, 2003 8:21 pm Subject: You did
a great job, congratulations and thanks the compilation, I'll see if anything i
s missing and I tell you kisses Do not get angry, on the contrary I appreciate t
he work kilicamen - Sat Apr 05, 2003 8:24 pm Subject: Great, all the tricks toge
ther! See if you plant a post-it and we have always in view to increase it so th
at every one knows copitablanca - Sat Apr 05, 2003 8:59 pm Subject: cool tricks,
I did not know that these things had tricks , thank you very much, I will put a
bout Maisa - Sat Apr 05, 2003 9:09 pm Subject: Thank you, all the tricks have be
en contributed by people from this forum and the actual cooking, especially beca
use it is Faraona supertruquera. I knew you'd be mad not. Many kisses Pharaoh -
Sat Apr 05, 2003 9:12 pm Subject: Maisa you lack that of meatballs made of 12 in
12 in the egg cup, add it sustitutivi yolk And that is fine, but for those alle
rgic to eggs not worth I seek what I have and I'll put it. copitablanca kisses -
Sat Apr 05, 2003 9:14 pm Subject: Tips ESO OF THE EGG meatballs did not underst
and, WHAT IS IT? Maisa - Sat Apr 05, 2003 9:27 pm Subject: Pharaoh wrote: Maisa
you lack that of meatballs made of 12 in 12 in the egg cup, add it sustitutivi y
olk And that is fine, but for those allergic to egg OK, look for what I have and
I'll put it. kisses
Trini, I have set and some more that I had been there, now I'll put the Nancy of
the bag also I forgot. Thanks and kisses miles (you know who you is that right?
Bavaria - Sat Apr 05, 2003 9:28 pm Subject:
Thanks Maisa, had some that did not have, such as bone olives and cherries. I al
so have given the idea of opening a file for tricks that I have them scattered e
verywhere. Bavaria - Sat Apr 05, 2003 9:31 pm Subject: It just occurred to me th
at this is very good for those who do not have. Sorry, I do not know who put it
on. It might be a good idea to put a post up with tricks, like just say somethin
g (do not know who he is, but if I reverse the message I deleted SOFRES ONION Wh
enever you have to sauté onions (or onion and peppers) BEFORE heat oil Varoma te
mperature for 4-5 minutes. So you get the onion is lightly fried and not really
stay with the flavor of "raw" (default that many blamed on thermo). Once you put
heat oil the onion into quarters leave 1 minute more or less at room varoma and
then crushed to taste (I usually do it at room temperature 3 1 / 2) and just fr
y lightly temperature 100 º (you can do in Varoma but let your guard down a bit
can burn). Maisa - Sat Apr 05, 2003 9:33 pm Subject: Re: Compilation of Tricks M
aisa wrote: As I read on a message that could put th tricks, I have been collect
ing the little tricks that have emerged in this forum and other , which is who I
can not make contributions, one of them was our Faraona sure I do not think tha
t the amount it makes it right? TIP BLADES FOR CLEAN TH Put a drop of water and
detergent, 5 min in speed 2 or 3 when the machine stops in speed to 20 seconds 9
. Discard the water and put a pad nannies caught in the blades in vel, one for 3
0 sec. TIP pureed fruit Putting Th up on speed 5. Go pulling the fruit from the
nozzle. uncover and get the fruit. Put the basket and 5-7-9.€You give it twice t
he rate spike and again 5-7-9 EGG SUBSTITUTE: 6 egg whites 1 / 4 cup skim milk p
owder 1 1 / 2 teaspoon vegetable oil 1 / 4 teaspoon yellow food coloring (saffro
n) to all ingredients in vel Esther for 30 seconds 2. cool in the fridge (holds
1 week) or freeze in a plastic container (hold 1 month) to use in recipes callin
g for whole eggs you ask for Season to MEAT: cooking salt, rosemary, garlic, sag
e, gin, laurel, oregano, thyme, marjoram and basil. Season to FISH: cooking salt
, rosemary, bay leaf, garlic, gin, sage, parsley and oregano Preparation: Gather
all ingredients and blend in th at maximum power. SAL flavored. the heads of pr
awns with sea salt put in the oven tray and when dried is passed by the TH 5-7-9
speeds. So get salt flavored PURE OF VEGETABLES FOR BABY When I had to do with
vegetable purees for my little guy and I forgot to put the lentils or chickpeas
in water the day before, what he did was crush on speed to make flour and 57-9 a
nd could use at the time. STRIPPING TOMATOES You can use the Varoma to peel toma
toes, the following steps: Cut the skin a little, by the bottom cross-shaped, an
d put this up, holds approximately a kilo, put in ½ liter glass water for 5 minu
tes, Varoma temperature, level 1. Place the container Varoma, with tomatoes on t
he lid, and reschedule for another 5 min. at the same temperature, and speed 2 a
nd a half. Remove and peel quickly. Place in halves on paper towels, to drain th
e water. You can then use them as you wish. )
GLASS FOR FAST DRYING. When you need to have very dry glass, for example to make
powdered sugar, and just use and clean, put into operation the empty glass in t
urbo speed (TM21) or maximum (TM3300). The water left in the blades will be proj
ected onto the sides of the glass. Dry with a cloth and repeat as many times as
necessary. TO REMOVE THE ODOR OF THE TOP AND BOARDS: Mix cold water with lemon j
uice or vinegar for a few seconds at speed 8. For the masses For the masses leve
n better throw them away when the liquids are warm, mix a few seconds to speed 4
and then add the flour (in most recipes is to add yeast to the flour while). (I
do it in the pie and comes out great) trick to make sugar glass. Place a plasti
c film on top, inside, for when you make the sugar, will not stain the vaso.ç (I
also when I put mayonnaise or any sauce that splashed a lot, is a marvel) RECIP
E FOR GASTROENTERITIS I've cut one medium potato, and a couple of carrots, I sch
eduled eight minutes temperature 100 º, speed 1. And then I put the Varoma a sna
ke and have scheduled 20 minutes, temperature varoma, Speed 1. Removing the varo
ma, clean whiting and crumbled and I entered it all in jar and crush them. The s
econd day I prepared the same and only with a cup of rice, and also was great TI
P OF the King cake King cake to put it in the oven you can not heat up, one down
and end a little gratin. Also when you have to let the dough rise in warm place
for 3 hours minimum ...... it ensures smooth and not lumpy. TRICK TO MAKE SORBE
T has to put 50% of ingredient 50% of ice sugar If you want to make it fluffier,
add a frozen egg. TIP FOR THE MERENGUE order not to get off when you pour the s
ugar, try mixing sugar with encircling movements once assembled the clear, then
pour it into the container that you are going to serve and bake in preheated ove
n at 100 º for one hour about you is really like pastries. When bread trick to m
ake bread, use very cold water, the refrigerator, it makes less bread harden whe
n cooled. CATARRH SYRUP FOR INGREDIENTS - 1 large onion - 6 tablespoons brown su
gar - 2 lemons Peel the onion and cut into slices. Place in 6 seconds Thermomix
Speed 3 1 / 2 (so that it is chopped into small pieces). Remove the glass and a
container that has enough depth to place and cover with sugar cane. Leaving from
8 to 12 hours to marinate. Strain preparation and add the juice of 2 lemons (I
guess peeled and seeds in the Th 2 minutes 5-7-9 speed will be fine too.) Store
in a glass jar Take a tablespoonful every two hours.
CANNELLONI In making the meat filling for cannelloni my Thermomix (like when you
were doing in the pan but cleaner, yes)€when I have it all finished (minced mea
t sauce + + can of foie-gras good, bone or herd jabugo black cap), I spend all w
ell and I have a kind of pate. So it is much easier to wrap and are very soft (i
f you can do enough dumplings, which kids love to eat) What to do with leftover
egg whites: Whenever you are on light, you can save in a container or in short b
uckets of ice and freezing them, putting a label with the number of whites. When
you need to use them, throw them in the machine cut and crush it to speed 5. Th
en put the butterfly in the blades and is ready to ride. He is impressed with th
e result. Following the same proportion, can increase the quantities boned and c
ut OLIVES, plums, cherries can bone olives, cherries, plums ... if desired chopp
ed. Place the ingredients in the glass, set 3 or 4 seconds at speed 3 and 1 / 2.
While you chop, shows them the bone, then you just have to remove them. Equival
ence Thermomix speeds between 21 and 3300 This comes in handy for adapting recip
es: la la la la la la Speed 5 Speed 6 Speed 7 Speed 8 Speed 9 of 10 or turbo vel
Th equivalent to 21 Th 21 Th 21 is equivalent to equivalent to equivalent to Th
21 Th 21 Th is equivalent to 21 equivalent to the one of HT Speed Speed 2 3300
3300 Th Th speed 3 speed 4, 3300 speed of 3300 Th Th 6 speed 3300 12 Th 3300
If congeláis ice cream ice cream, when saquéis, 5-7-9 speed is crushed some fun
AUSEO BE FROZEN MEDIUM happen again POS HT in SPEED 5-7-9. oS you entertain a li
ttle in each speed, are perfectly Gram flour (batter SERVE FISH) INGREDIENTS 200
gr 200 gr chickpea flour optional garlic and parsley. Blend everything at speed
s 5, 7 and 9. Tb serves to make pancakes cadiz, the shrimp (This goes for Pharao
h, which is yours of course): Hack to make 12 meatballs at a time. Seize a plast
ic egg cup (there are in the 20 drives) The Abris and the bottom should be pinin
g flour. Spoon into each pocket poneis the amount of meat you want, the Moveis s
hut up and up and down (and cocktails) about two or three times. The Abris and v
oila 12 perfectly round meatballs without blemish "to batter squid, fishes, anch
ovy (or flare) and so on. (This is Nancy) Take a bag and put the flour and batte
r squid or small fish, stir a while the bag and flour is already attached to the
m and so will not stain and are not so flour ... SOFRES ONION Whenever you have
to sauté onions (or onion and peppers) BEFORE temperature heat oil for 4-5 minut
es Varoma . So you get the onion is lightly fried and not really stay with the f
lavor of "raw" (default that many blamed on thermo). Once you put heat oil onion
quartered 1 minutes let it more or less at room temperature and then varoma cru
sh to taste (I usually do it at room temperature 3 1 / 2)
just fry lightly temperature 100 º (you can do in Varoma but as you can burn a l
ittle neglect.)
I hope you find them useful. Maisa - Sat Apr 05, 2003 9:33 pm Subject: Sorry, wr
ong button I wanted to edit the message again and I said Sorry Maisa - Sat Apr 0
5, 2003 9:36 pm Subject: Bavaria wrote: I have now happen that this is very good
for those who do not have. Sorry, I do not know who put it on. It might be a go
od idea to put a post up with tricks, like just say something (do not know who h
e is, but if I reverse the message I deleted SOFRES ONION Whenever you have to s
auté onions (or onion and peppers) BEFORE heat oil Varoma temperature for 4-5 mi
nutes. So you get the onion is lightly fried and not really stay with the flavor
of "raw" (default that many blamed on thermo). Once you put heat oil the onion
into quarters leave 1 minute more or less at room varoma and then crushed to tas
te (I usually do it at room temperature 3 1 / 2) and just fry lightly temperatur
e 100 º (you can do in Varoma but let your guard down a bit can burn).)
Thanks I forgot to Bavaria and see if I use any recipe calls for onions, the Pha
raoh and showed me the truth that is a trick that I love. I included it now. Pha
raoh - Sat Apr 05, 2003 10:49 pm Subject: Maisa biennnnn so glad to have them ki
sses Pharaoh - Sat Apr 05, 2003 10:52 pm Subject: To bone olives and cherries on
the market a machine that lets them cool, whole, and are not worth too tart mov
ie kisses Eva López Romera - Sat Apr 05€2003 11:12 pm Subject: Tips Thank you fo
r taking the time to gather all the tricks. Really are great and we save a lot o
f work. cris .- - Sat Apr 05, 2003 11:59 pm Subject: is a great help, thanks mar
ga - Sun Apr 06, 2003 12:25 am Subject: Thank you Marga Maisa MAITE - Sun Apr 06
eivi - Sun Apr 06, 2003 1:42 a.m. Subject: IDE HAS BEEN A GREAT! THANK YOU
A bico LINA - Sun Apr 06, 2003 9:59 a.m. Subject: Super Maisa your work, thank y
ou very much ...... SALUDOS. emogu - Sun Apr 06, 2003 10:29 a.m. Subject: Anothe
r trick when you make potato omelette and do not wish to replace an egg over the
egg a little milk, tortilla perfect and you will not notice anything that carri
es milk . This trick applies for or without Thermomix Thermomix.
Ah Elena Greetings and put it in another message, the pizza dough with beer inst
ead of water and you will fabled soro - Sun Apr 06, 2003 10:50 a.m. Subject:
Maisa thank you very much! It was a detallazo! Mariló - Sun Apr 06, 2003 11:59 a
m Post subject: I have also some tricks, some do not know who they are, I hope n
ot bother to put them. There they go. I find very interesting trick of Gavina. N
OT FOR THE CAKE down The best thing is that you do not get off quickly, you open
the oven and put a wooden spoon to make it half open or cloth and leave it for
20 minutes. This also goes very well for cheesecakes and mousses. GRINDING BANAN
A The banana you have to cut over to grab him but the blades, and other trick is
that you put the basket Trinidad said metal into the glass and when 5-7-9 pusie
rais had done it once or twice the speed spike for lifting the fruit. Gavin tric
k • Parsley stays fresh and green in a tightly covered jar in the refrigerator.
• For brilliant barbecue sauce, just add a little powdered sugar. • To avoid the
strong smell of cabbage to cook, put a teaspoon of ground cumin. • If the refri
gerator breaks down, you can keep fresh by wrapping in a damp cloth and keeping
the air. • The secret of good black beans is bring them a teaspoon of sugar and
a splash of dry white wine. • Before preparing any mass, it is very important to
sift the flour to use. • Spray with vegetable spray plastic containers before p
lacing tomato sauces. Prevent staining. • If you go overboard with the vinegar i
n the salad, place a ball of bread crumb ingredients to absorb all the excess. A
dd a little olive oil and salt cautious. • To lose the lettuce wilted appearance
and be more crisp for the salad, put it in a bowl with cold water and add the j
uice of half a lemon for each lettuce, let stand half an hour in a cool, drain w
ell and serve. • To prevent egg shells open, add a pinch of salt in water. • Do
not discard buttermilk! It can be used for many masses and desserts. • For hard
to remove grease a pan, just add a few drops of soap and enough water to cover b
ottom and bring to a boil. • To make the caramel does not burn, the fire must be
rather low. Although afternoons in the process, always worthwhile. • A rapid me
thod for desalting anchovies is running water to wash them and put them after 20
minutes in wine vinegar. • Take your wines without excess fat. Just leave it in
the cooler several hours, then remove with a slotted spoon or the layer of fat
that accumulates on the surface. • For best flavor in a broth, you must put the
meat to cook in cold water. • Something to remember! Add a little sugar all high
ly seasoned dishes, and a few drops of lemon juice to any sauce. • To easily squ
eeze a lemon, témplalos at room temperature and press it against a hard surface
before squeezing. • To clean the microwave put for 5 minutes to heat a pan of wa
ter and half a lemon. Then pull out and clean with a damp cloth. • Put a few gra
ins of rice in the shaker to prevent moisture from the salt. I hope to be helpfu
l, Mariló - Sun Apr 06, 2003 24:01 Subject: Clarification: These rare characters
who have left "•" equivalent to a dash or dot. LINA - Sun Apr 06, 2003 24:10 Su
bject: Very interesting ..... also your tricks Mariló GREACIAS AND GREET: chiriw
ili - Sun Apr 06, 2003 1:29 pm Subject:
Thanks you did a great job
Ada - Sun Apr 06, 2003 3:10 pm Subject: Maisa, you're a charm, thank you very mu
ch for your help, tricks or know them. Regards, Ada.€Jade - Sun Apr 06, 2003 3:5
0 pm Subject: Tips Thank you for your work and effort! I bring a truqui q. to me
is phenomenal. For cabinets and drawers flavored crush orange peel or lemon and
get into bags. Besos Pharaoh - Sun Apr 06, 2003 3:54 pm Subject: Ala Maisa. aña
dirrrrrrrrrrrrr kisses to you read my post? The egg substitute Maisa - Sun Apr 0
6, 2003 6:28 pm Subject: Pharaoh wrote: Ala Maisa. añadirrrrrrrrrrrrr kisses to
you read my post? The egg substitute
It included the egg, I find it very interesting for those with allergies. If you
remember any more truqui tell me that I include. louveivi - Sun Apr 06, 2003 8:
24 pm Subject: Thank you all for sharing your "truquis." Do not add any because
those who know and have you post.
bicos Chiquituja - Sun Apr 06, 2003 9:28 pm Subject: To avoid breaking the butte
rfly to me at first I cut the throttle, I had to buy three. And most people I kn
ow. Until now I make the test of strength, I tell him and that is to remove the
blade (removal from the glass), put the throttle and lift. If the blades do not
fall either, but if you loose, bad, because once you use them you can leave them
a little and the blades are cut. Then carefully, with a knife does not have to
be fine tip or a screwdriver or whatever you have most appropriate, you open a l
ittle nothing of the two levers that have the blades on the sides. But a little
of all that when I put the butterfly, is firmly clinging to the blades. Ozú, not
if I have explained well ... and when I'm wrong as I said in the shrimp recipe
was a bargain the cone 200 euros, when in reality they are about 2 euros. menchi
ta - Sun Apr 06, 2003 10:11 pm Subject: Good maisa tricks and other friends a ki
ss louveivi - Sun Apr 06, 2003 11:28 pm Subject: Hello Chiquituja, is the first
time I hear that you tell us . My butterfly is me 3 years and means by which the
machine and not know anyone who has been broken except l @ s that have exceeded
the speed 3.
A forum someone else has happened? A bico Bosé - Mon Apr 07, 2003 24:52 Subject:
I also thank you for the collection you've done
Jabugo - Mon Apr 07, 2003 1:47 pm Subject:
THANK MAISA. DETAIL GO. We also thank Marilo, Pharaoh and other foreros that you
have put your tricks. Maisa - Mon Apr 07, 2003 7:12 pm Subject: You're girls. I
've already put your Kilicarmen trick. Besitos, Nevi - Mon Apr 07, 2003 10:46 pm
Subject: Hi! Maisa and many thanks to everyone who contributed s! It was a grea
t idea seeing things useful to implement. That said, thank you very much
Un besito Nevi Dori - Tue Apr 08, 2003 9:43 a.m. Subject: Many thanks to all who
have put your bit to have this collection and keep everything Maisa for and buy
, so much easier for all, especially for the rookies like me. MACARENA - Tue Apr
08, 2003 3:59 pm Subject: It's great, I have a little questions. GENEVA IS GINI
EBRO O? MACARENA - Tue Apr 08, 2003 4:00 pm Subject: It's great, I have a little
questions. GENEVA IS GINIEBRO O? kely - Tue Apr 08, 2003 4:16 pm Subject: MACAR
E COME TO FEAR NOVATE. THANKS kely - Tue Apr 08, 2003 5:22 pm Subject: I'M CHECK
ET BALLS WORTH? DID YOU Have you tried or you'll be I THE FIRST? Grace and forgi
veness to a novice so heavy Piluca - Wed Apr 09, 2003 10:16 a.m. Subject: THANKS
FOR THE TIPS, I enjoyed the non-fouling LID. AGT - Wed Apr 09, 2003 24:45 Subje
ct: But mom! this is wonderful! With mil ... And I realized that was until now .
.. if not you can be without joining the forum ... Maisa - Wed Apr 09, 2003 6:42
pm Subject: Geneva is a plant like thyme, dill, etc. I imagine it will be found
in any herbal store. I'm glad a lot of you liked the idea of putting all truqui
s, and if you have any say me and sit up. Thank you. Flor - Thu Apr 10, 2003 8:5
0 a.m. Subject: From gin what is used for cooking are some balls that I imagine
will be the seeds. Here in Italy is like any other spice tubs. Ciao, Flor Mavala
- Thu Apr 10, 2003 7:49 pm Subject: New Tricks Surfing the net, I found these t
ruquis that surely take us out of more than a pinch.
SALADO BROTH. When you leave salty broth, just put a drop of liquid candy, get i
t perfect. GARLIC FOR EVER. If you want the garlic will last a long time, just a
bit quemmar roots,€last twice as usual without losing its properties. PAELLA WI
TH MORE FLAVOR. Add the usual fried a dash of white wine to enhance flavor. FRIE
D EGGPLANT. Lest you are oily, add a little salt with a dash of vinegar before p
utting them to the pan. CHEESE. Mold from appearing in the cheese, put a lump of
sugar in one corner of the cheese will absorb moisture. Please replace when soa
ked OCTOPUS SOFT. Put the water to cook a meal and a cucharadade olive oil, you
will be tender and tasty. BAKED POTATOES. Pelalas and rub one to one with his ha
nds steeped in olive oil before placing in the oven, you will be golden brown an
d very crugiente. WHITE CAULIFLOWER. To be white when you cook it, add to the co
oking water to begin to boil a teaspoon of wheat flour. Mashed potatoes. If you
want your mashed potatoes will be more tasty than usual, before serving, put a s
poonful of mayonnaise and a little grated cheese, then give him something specia
l. arjanna - Tue Apr 15, 2003 8:30 a.m. Subject: TIP FOR STRIPPING fuet Wet FUET
under the tap until it is soaked, then peel a little tip with a knife, and you
can remove all the skin with your hands without any problem. (And the salami doe
s not get wet) I always do and it works wonderfully Besos CARRE - Tue Apr 15, 20
03 10:57 a.m. Subject: thanks maisa. I'll give you another Thanks for all your w
ork. I put untruco for canapes. Make gelatin neutral and put in a spray bottle.
If spraying over canapes, in addition to being a very nice sheen reminiscent of
the best caterers, stay fresh even overnight. Mjosa - Tue Apr 15, 2003 10:07 pm
Subject: Re: thanks maisa. I'll give you another car very good trick I had not b
een sprayed with gelatin ever happened neutral. While trick to peel garlic: Put
two minutes to peel frozen by themselves. ANGEL211057 - Wed Apr 16, 2003 7:38 a.
m. Subject: do not know what happens to the Chinese in Madrid, but I traveled mo
re than 20 stores in 20 hard before, and none has the egg cups for what the ball
etra - Wed Apr 16, 2003 9:03 a.m. Subject: Tricks I've found no egg cups, but I
suppose that you sell the eggs (the clear plastic), counts?? Cristi & John - Wed
Apr 16, 2003 24:34 Subject: Reply Thank you all learned a lot from you. Maisa -
Thu Apr 17, 2003 8:10 pm Subject: I built one I've seen truqui Forum Mjosa, I f
ound interesting is the butter. Pharaoh - Sun Apr 20, 2003 11:16 a.m. Subject: S
ometimes they are not, but keep on watching that suddenly there are many egg cup
s. If what you say to the owner brings them kisses marple - Wed Apr 23, 2003 11:
02 a.m. Subject: thank you The things that one learns with you @ s. Thank you so
much Pharaoh - Wed Apr 23, 2003 6:14 pm Subject: the trick of the egg box if no
t used for croquettes, maybe if you balls ... But in the book ye put them with c
oconut pastry bag, this trick is very good kisses
ana (Varoma) - Fri Apr 25, 2003 7:31 pm Subject: Other: In the add tomato fried
aubergines, mushrooms, zucchini, leek ....... all that remains of the drawer of
the refrigerator. A glass of brandy and some Almond Delmar - Tue Apr 29, 2003 4:
17 pm Subject: quedadan croquettes are very good and very fast with a scoop of g
elato (that of making the balls) I have the smallest and is very well when in a
hurry. ringo - Fri May 02, 2003 1:31 pm Subject: tricks thanks for your tricks,
I will hutilizar. po - Fri May 02, 2003 8:14 pm Subject: frozen fish frozen fish
that is juicy and flavorful, the milk covered thaw. MARILOLI - Thu May 15, 2003
1:54 pm Subject: thank you all for your trick, alludais us a lot especially to
the novice like me - Copyright © 2000-2002 Gastronovedades SL

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