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Project Ecological House. Version 4.

0 Author: Queiroz Higor

Projeto Casa Popular Ecológica
Mar/2005 Author: Queiroz Higor Environmental Consultant
Project Ecological House. Version 4.0 Author: Queiroz Higor
The "Ecological House" was designed aiming to establish appropriate procedures i
n the ecological point of view in construction and housing activities related to
environmental education. It is noteworthy that the concept of "Ecological House
" necessarily involves the adoption of criteria consistent with the policy of en
vironmental management, whether in the choice of building materials, such as tec
hniques for the exploitation of natural conditions (wind) in the treatment of wa
ste arising from the use (eg. sewage) and finding rationalization and efficiency
While remaining seven million homes for families for at least five million housi
ng units are not used in the country houses without the "Dwell" himself, not uni
ts sold or summer that could solve more than 80% of the housing problem in Brazi
l. The urban housing deficit in Brazil, according to data from the João Pinheiro
Foundation, Minas Gerais, is 5.9 million units, while in rural demand is 1.1 mi
llion. A total of seven million housing units are missing in the country's large
st concentration of demand in the Southeast and Northeast, which together accoun
t for 73% of the Brazilian needs. The great contrast between this reality is tha
t, according to IBGE's own data, there are at least five million unoccupied dwel
lings in large cities. These data were presented at the Panel 'Our Cities: Housi
ng Challenges ", with participation of three experts in the residential area: th
e architect and urban planner Mark Angelo Vieira de Arruda, Ulysses Franz Bremer
geographer and professor and founder of the University of Brasília (UnB), Lucid
io Guimarães Albuquerque. A standout statistic worth noting is that the estimate
d 15 million Brazilians who do not have adequate housing, 92% are placed in fami
lies whose income does not reach five minimum wages. That is, people without any
borrowing capacity or availability of own resources for entering the housing pr
ograms. "This is as aggravating and shows that the mechanisms used so far will n
ot solve the problem. What we have done is to remedy the situation. And it is ea
sy to remedy, it is difficult to solve," said Professor gaucho and also geograph
er Ulysses Franz Bremer. The specialist Angelo Marcos Arruda Vieira agree on the
seriousness of the situation. "The big challenge is knowing where will the reso
urces to clear the deficit. This is a band of people without the minimum conditi
ons to participate financially." Besides the construction process still complex
and dislocation of communities, programs for housing - developed by governments
or other organizations as Creas eg bump into another obstacle: the high price of
land in cities, fueled by speculation. According to Vieira Arruda, recommended
participation in the value of the final cost of a housing project should be betw
een 6 and 7% of total value. However, in major metropolises like the weight of t
he land even if located in neighborhoods distant from downtown, is never less th
an 30%, which according to the specialist preclude a series of housing projects.
"This land structure associated with urban lawlessness are the two major allies
of the urban housing deficit," he says. With 70 million people living in the Br
azilian metropolis with a population growth exacerbated - in the last ten years
the population of the largest cities in Brazil grew 30% - experts do not see sho
rt term solutions and point out the practice of the City Statute and the impleme
ntation of programs to give sustainability to cities as the main instruments of
change. "We need innovative solutions and shared with several Brazilian regions,
we need to merge the resources available and not let each municipality or gover
nment to do its program separately and scattered and, finally, we need to encour
age cooperatives, partnerships and actions to optimize resources and time, "says
geographer Ulisses Bremer.
Project Ecological House. Version 4.0 Author: Queiroz Higor
History of Housing
A POPULAR HOUSING IN BRAZIL The problem of housing for low-income populations in
tegrates the concerns of Brazilian governments since the imperial era. During th
is period there was the expansion and escalation of problems relating to housing
for low-income populations throughout the country,€stating that the efforts wer
e not enough to face them. Government action in the field of public housing had
its origin in the Second Empire, coinciding with the time when the work begins t
o replace the free slave labor. At the time of the abdication of Dom Pedro I (18
30), and the beginning of the Regency, when it was created (1831) the country's
first Savings Bank in Rio de Janeiro. And from that moment, tried to articulate
the housing problem with the economic and social framework of the country, relat
ing the answers attempted by successive Governments at different administrative
levels. Even with the current policy since 1964, when production of housing unit
s is far more expressive than that obtained in previous policies, not met the de
mand of low income. Came the BNH and Housing Finance System, which emerged with
the main purpose of building houses to provide jobs for workers, through increas
ed handling of the construction industry. The city of Fortaleza Fortaleza SE FAZ
METROPOLIS If today is the largest city of Ceara was Aquiraz, however, the firs
t village founded in 1713. From a small town in the late nineteenth century, wit
h only 40,902 inhabitants, Fortaleza, in less than a century reaches and exceeds
the number of cities with more than two million inhabitants. The condition of t
he administrative capital and, consequently, the seat of government agencies at
various levels, and other bodies related to the administration, the construction
of the railroad in Baturité, leaving it to the interior, the golden moment of c
otton production, improvement port, construction of highways, among other measur
es, contributed to Fortaleza was gradually acquiring features of a big metropoli
s, and it was gradually establishing a competition with other cities, climb up t
he position it enjoys today. The periodic droughts that plagued the interior and
especially the building of roads and construction of highways connecting the ca
pital to more distant cities of the interior and other states, which greatly con
tributed to Fortaleza gradually became in a great center of attraction for the m
igrant population. These and other factors have created the necessary conditions
for this to happen a staggering population growth and, through them, strengthen
ing the urban functions of the city that day-to-day expands its area of influenc
e, reclassify its status as a hub of activity and pole generator development. Th
e huge housing projects that surround the city, built by the extinct BNH financi
al system, led to the formation of slums and small clusters consist of sets buil
t into the system of collective effort. These amplify the process of territorial
occupation of the city and the metropolitan area. "Favela is the name given in
Brazil, especially in Rio de Janeiro, spontaneous settlements and unconventional
, so devoid of roads and sewerage services, where the houses are generally built
by residents themselves, in areas public domain or private property not used. T
he slums often arise in land less valuable property, in hillside or subject to f
looding as a result of structural economic conditions that cause the exodus of p
opulation from rural areas to cities in search of employment. The first appeared
in the favela Morro da Providencia near the Central in
Project Ecological House. Version 4.0 Author: Queiroz Higor beginning of the cen
tury. Population was formed by the (soldiers) survivors of the War of Straws, wh
o have found better survival in Rio de Janeiro. This hill became known as Morro
da Favela, perhaps an allusion to a plan of the interior of Bahia that had the n
ame favela. The term became popular and today there are slums in all parts of th
e city. " According to official figures for 1985, the city of Fortaleza had 234
slums with 64,035 households, 70,450 households and 352,250 residents. In 1991,
the figures have risen to 98 258 households with 313 slums, 108 145 households a
nd 540 720 inhabitants. The numbers are revealing the critical situation that af
fects a large percentage of the population of the city. However, studies and cen
sus directed to this topic only consider "slum" areas characterized by the conce
ntration of poor housing and lack of urban infrastructure in these concentration
s. Regardless of its location, one of the aspects that characterizes a slum is t
he fact that its inhabitants occupy public or private property illegally from th
e standpoint of legality established.€A slum located in an area of risk adds to
this insecurity, physical insecurity territorial generated by the occurrence of
floods and landslides in the area where it is established. In addition, there th
e terrible living conditions imposed on families who live in the slums for a mod
el of economic growth producer of misery and poverty that is expressed, for exam
ple, emptying the interior of the state and the concentration of population and
activities in Fortaleza, as well as uneven distribution of activities, income, s
ervices, equipment and infrastructure in the city. Before 1980, most of the slum
s of Fortaleza is not located in areas considered at risk. The best known were t
he Dredge Pit, Field of America, Lagamar, High Balance (track near by the BR-116
), Dias Macedo, Santa Terezinha, Serviluz, Hunting and Fishing, Sea Greens, Pira
mbu, Camp Moura Brazil, Santa Cecilia, Pici etc. Of these, which suffered floodi
ng of significant size was the slum of Lagamar. The other slums, all suffering f
rom poor living conditions, did not present a picture of a threat to the lives o
f its occupants that today affects most living in the current risk areas. In gen
eral, these slums were built in areas for plazas and streets -''the alleys of pr
efeitura''-and land belonging to government institutions. The occupations of slo
pes, wetlands and private land had an insignificant percentage. Data from the Mu
nicipality of Fortaleza showed that in 1981, the city has 241 parks officers, 36
of these were completely invaded''20''and partly, that is occupied by slums. Fr
om the 1980s, the City Hall steps up control of urbanization and urban squares i
n the city, mainly in the eastern sector which concentrates the middle and high
income of the city. Thus, the stock fell from public areas used for building fre
e of slums. On the other hand, it intensifies the population displacement from t
he interior to the capital in search of survivors, whose housing options for poo
r families will build a shack on the banks of water resources. This form of occu
pation of risk is concentrated in the western sector of the city, where efforts
to control urban City Hall almost nonexistent. Today, scholars and officials poi
nt organ Fortress with an approximate deficit of 163,933 housing units and 94 hi
gh-risk areas occupied by 20,000 families. To these numbers add to the 40,000 fa
milies who migrate annually to Fortaleza, driven by lack of employment and due t
o poor living conditions in the interior of Ceará. It is noteworthy that Fortres
s owns 98,089 vacant properties in the RMF, representing 59.8% of the housing de
ficit in the region. Homes safe, secure tenure, urban river margins are priority
areas in relation to risk, but unable to overcome the imbalances intra-urban, i
ntercity and inter-regional generators of these areas, which are one of the most
perverse effects of regional growth and urban development in progress.
Project Ecological House. Version 4.0 Author: Queiroz Higor
The new concepts adopted by housing experts point to the procedure that a sustai
nable city should grow to the center of a city and not to the periphery. That is
, while it should discourage the illegal occupation of the areas adjacent to maj
or urban centers, you need to reoccupy the central areas, historical centers and
reactivating old buildings and areas reoccupied abandoned factories and other u
rban facilities disabled. Another concept that is being used since the global ev
ent for housing, Habitat 2002 is that it is essential to consider the traditiona
l knowledge and techniques to build local housing programs from distant places o
f the centers. "Prior to building the same model of house popular in the Amazon,
with an average temperature of 39 º C, also in the southern mountains where it
snows in winter, without taking into consideration the climate, culture and know
ledge of people about the materials that could be used" says Vieira Arruda. The
professor and founder of UNB, Lucidio Guimarães Albuquerque, warned of the extre
me density that is pointed to from the next 30 years across the planet. Accordin
g to information brought by the teacher, currently 6.6 billion inhabitants of th
e planet, 5.8 billion are already living in cities and there is a population den
sity of 105.56 inhabitants / km 2. "In 2050 we almost nine billion on a planet i
n the habitable area of just 90 million km2. IF we are failing to meet the deman
ds of social, environmental, cultural and housing this population, will succeed
Project objective
Providing adequate shelter for the poor, both rural and urban areas through an a
pproach that enables the development and improvement of housing conditions, envi
ronmentally healthy and ecologically sound, with an emphasis on sustainable deve
lopment and awareness of conservation and environmental development. The impleme
ntation of the project provides a training phase of the manpower, to work with n
ew technology and all the control and monitoring technology of construction, to
assuring the quality and integrity of the building. The priority is to demonstra
te sustainable building with ecoprodutos industrially manufactured. However, alt
ernative techniques with self-help manuals, which bring important contribution,
also receive attention. The Sustainable Construction uses ecomateriais and intel
ligent technology solutions and to promote the proper use and saving finite reso
urces (water and electricity), reduced pollution and improved air quality in ind
oor environment and comfort of its residents and users . This type of constructi
on is never intuitive. Even when employing artisanal products or processes (for
ex. Restored furniture, decorated with artifacts reused, etc..) Knowingly does s
o, seeking the full success of the work environment, promoting environmental edu
cation and spreading awareness in consumption, not just a building . Healthy Hou
se No sustainable home without being healthy. The purpose of a sustainable build
ing is not only preserve the environment, but also is less invasive to its resid
ents. It can not be a generator of diseases, cases of buildings that generate th
e Sick Building Syndrome (SEE *). The Sustainable House should act as a second o
r third resident's own skin, because it is its extension, and teaches Spanish Ge
obiology Mariano Bueno. It is their particular ecosystem, and just like on Earth
, all interactions should occur when playing the most natural conditions: relati
ve humidity, temperature, food, waste generation and its transformation, comfort
, sense of security and well- being, etc..
Project Ecological House. Version 4.0 Author: Queiroz Higor
Project Description
Architecture design of a residence for low income, with 27.71 square meters of b
uilt area and area of 114.00 square meters of land, executed with the technology
of brick and covered with tiles artesanal1 ecológicas2, produced from cartons (
Peal). The project model will be open to the public and both will have "items ex
tras3" to simulate the ideal eco-home, encouraging more people to visit the proj
ect known or virtually through web cameras broadcasting the spaces of the house
in real time via the website official to be created. Tijolo1 • The homes will be
built using bricks that can be made of soil cement, and equipment can be used i
n the work itself by reducing transportation costs of the bricks.
Able to reduce the cost of building a house up to 50% using the soil itself and
a little cement in the foundations and the manufacture of bricks, using soil-cem
ent is not new, there are at least ten thousand years man has used soil as const
ruction material. As evidence of these techniques, used extensively by the Greek
s and spread by the Romans, as we have traces of buildings that are standing tod
ay challenging time after thousands of years. It has been used in the constructi
on of the Great Wall, more than four millennia. Brick ground
cement has high compressive strength and low absorption. The soil-cement has adv
antages such as economy, successful in obtaining the soil at its manufacturing f
acility and the construction process, quality, with respect to thermal and acous
tic comfort of the dwellings, good compressive strength, good content and imperm
eability of good final external finish. The soil, most common material used in i
ts manufacture, is easily obtained and inexpensive, can be extracted from the si
te of work. Your preparation and processing along with cement, as well as all ma
nufacturing processes and block implementation of two types of masonry, are easi
ly assimilated. The building system does not require skilled labor, which reduce
s the total cost can be performed by a community helping system. However, it is
important that a technician monitor the work, at least in the initial phase of t
he process. Reducing costs in the construction of affordable housing, using solo
cimento can reach 40% against 30% of brick rubble and recycled 20% of cement bri
ck with scrap EVA discarded footwear industries. • In Fortaleza,€we have a manuf
acturer's manual machine for making brick, and even offers technical support.
Telhas2 properties obtained in the tiles produced in long-life packaging analyze
s are higher if compared to market parameters, since their high flexural strengt
h and low water absorption, due to its origin plastic. Tests for the thermal com
fort were also conducted, comparing the tiles made of polyethylene / aluminum, w
ith similar ceramic and zinc. It was concluded that, over the years, the surface
temperature observed by tile of zinc was 67 oC, followed by polyethylene / alum
inum, with 47 C, and ceramics, 41 C. Already internal temperatures showed no sig
nificant differences - between 22 and 23.5 ° C on average - and in the hottest d
ays of the year variation 32-33 oC. • In the Northeast region are not found tile
manufacturers in Sao Paulo, manufacturers are divided between micro enterprises
and cooperatives. The installation of a mini mill Roofing Peal, Hidrapulper req
uires a separation of the components of the package, a thermal press for product
ion of the plates and a cold press for the molding of parts. (Article Technical
o o
Project Ecological House. Version 4.0 Author: Queiroz Higor
Extras3 Items (Total: 10)
1) System Rain Water Collection Lets you use the coverage area (roof or slab) of
the house to catch rainwater and, after passing through a filter or retention m
echanism of impurities, lead her to a reservoir where it will be stored and used
the residence for non-potable. The use of the System Water Collection Rain is a
sustainable alternative to conserve and reuse water in private homes, buildings
, commercial facilities, condominiums, factories, farms, ranches, farms, beach h
ouses and buildings in general. Its use has several functions such as: discharge
of toilets, washing floors, backyards and cars, watering gardens. In addition,
the storage of rainwater contributes to reducing the effects of flooding common
in urban areas, where soil sealing does not allow a rapid flow of rainwater. In
places away from cities without industrial pollution or pesticides, and followin
g a series of care, the rainwater can be used for potable purposes such as drink
ing, bathing and cooking food. System The System Rain Water Collection consists
of a kit that includes the filter AC1 or AC2, the "heart of the system, which re
duces the water pressure and separates impurities such as sand, dust, leaves and
twigs. Filters AC1 and AC2 are of high efficiency, very low volume loss of wate
r during the filtration and easy maintenance. Besides the filter, the kit compri
ses all the necessary accessories to ensure the arrival of a quality water to th
e reservoir and is then ready for use. 2) Mini Treatment Plant Even with a syste
m of economical use of water such as faucet with automatic closing and unloading
with two types of drives: one with 03 liters of liquid waste for disposal and o
ne with 06 liters of solid waste for disposal; Mini-stations will be used for wa
ter treatment. Mini-stations are modular, made of lightweight plastic and nontox
ic, water treatment and sewage. This equipment, which performs all the biologica
l treatment of waste water (served) on a property, it is recommended for homes,
buildings, condominiums, industrial (organic load of canteens and toilets), park
s, homes in beach areas and / or coastal , farms, sites, farms and situations wh
ere there is no attendance by the public. The mini-stations are also indicated f
or those who want to reuse the treated water in the built environment itself, fo
r functions such as: discharge of toilets, washing floors and cars, watering the
garden and gardens. Mini-stations perform the processing of biological characte
r, involving steps anaerobic (lack of air) and aerobic (presence of air), throug
h which decontamination occurs in the effluent (see diagram above). The organic
load contained in the water is removed by the efficient action of microorganisms
(bacteria), eliminating pathogens that could spread disease and contaminate gro
undwater. This action allows the water returned to the environment skirt with co
lor crystal, no odor or turbidity, without risk to health and the environment, a
nd can be reused for non-potable functions. Benefits The Mini-Stations:
Project Ecological House. Version 4.0 Author: Queiroz Higor treat water and sewa
ge at the site of generation of waste Meet people from two persons Efficiency 94
% to 98% removal of BOD (biochemical oxygen demand) Small area requirement for i
nstallation (from 4m2) allow the reuse of water for secondary functions - flushi
ng toilets, washing floors and cars, watering gardens and parks • It is estimate
d that you can save at least 40% water bill with the reuse of wastewater ( Sourc
e: ATA | Australia). • They are modular, nontoxic plastic, and can be expanded i
f the number of users grows. • Easy installation and maintenance, requires no ma
sonry or complex works. • Waterproof, without risk of broken drains and filters
the common cement. • efficiency far superior to concrete systems • Meet standard
s ABNT NBR NBR 13969/97 and 7229/93 and environmental legislation of the states
and municipalities • The treated water can be released into water bodies or infi
ltrate into the ground Sizing Sizing system is built according to the ABNT - NBR
7229/1993. Modular modules have different sizes and are sized according to the
number of users and their daily contribution (see table at bottom of this page),
according to ABNT. System acquisition, installation manual comes complete custo
mer. Stages of Treatment • Check the effluent by a diffuser entry, breaking of s
olids and reduce the rate of entry of discharge, avoiding the turbulence of the
material already deposited. • The septic tank, there is the settling of heavy ma
terials in the background and the fluctuation of light material on top, with the
formation of sludge at the bottom area, area clearance center and area of mater
ial floating on top. • The output of the effluent passes through a pre-output fi
lter, filled with gravel No No. 03, to prevent the removal of floating solids. •
Housing Inspection / passage between the septic tank and the septum-spreader II
, to facilitate the distribution of effluent. • Passage of effluent by aerobic f
ilter, where the treatment occurs by slow filtration of effluent through the pro
cess of clogging of geotextile contained in the system and subsequent bacterial
descolmatagem • The treated effluent can then infiltrate the soil, be collected
and led the receiving body or salvaged for use in cleaning floors, washing vehic
les, watering plants, use in toilets or industrial reuse. The system efficiency
is around 94% to 98% (reduction of BOD). Cleaning To remove the sludge in the se
ptic tank every 1, 3 or 5 years, according to the model chosen. Maintenance The
system requires no maintenance, except cleaning the septic tank (first component
of the system). The inspections should be made periodically through the boxes f
or inspection. Reminder The treated water is not potable, therefore, should not
be drunk, used for washing and cooking food, bathing and washing. Reuse of treat
ed water • • • • •
Project Ecological House. Version 4.0 Author: Queiroz Higor The "green" solution
to the treated water is to make its reuse in the building. The mini-station is
not directly reuses the water, but comes and makes available for reuse. For reus
e to occur, it is necessary to adopt some additions, such as tanks, pumping equi
pment and systems for post-water treatment (chlorination, use of UV rays, among
others). 3) Inks are natural ecological • • Do not injure the health of the appl
icator and the user • Free oil products • Do not use pigments based on heavy met
als • Free smell, not eliminate volatile organic compounds (VOCs), do not pollut
e the indoor air, do not alter the ionic balance of housing. • Do not cause head
aches during application or after it • Do not contaminate water, soil or air. •
Allow the breath • wall permeable to water vapor and good regulators of relative
humidity • The packages used are returnable • Allow some very creative combinat
ions • Cost competitive • Are educational eco-environmental awareness and encour
age environmentally friendly inks are designed handmade with the use of pure min
eral water and natural inputs, without harming the environment, the applicator a
nd end user. In addition, returnable packaging, to be returned in good condition
, provide relief in the price paid by the customer and provide a life cycle appr
opriate to the product. Ecotinta Mineral mineral product is a lime-based, run on
water, prepared to order, for the wall paintings on walls and internal and exte
rnal areas.€Mineral Ecotinta is prepared in a personalized manner, with pure wat
er from mineral source, free from chlorine and harsh chemicals to health or the
environment. It has no smell, not eliminate volatile organic compounds (VOCs) *,
being entirely free from substances derived from petroleum. Does not harm the o
zone layer or laminates the wall, allowing a more natural environment, where the
walls breathe. Ecotinta Mineral is ideal for use in bedrooms, children's rooms,
living rooms and bathrooms, because it is unaffected by moisture, mold or form
and does not eliminate odors. Applications • • • In any type of wall without pla
ster or acrylic mass. Wall coated with thin crust. For natural buildings, walls
covered with earth-based, or rustic but with cement Desempeno, Ecotinta Mineral
demonstrates excellence and high performance.
Basic features • 100% natural, no petroleum products. • Odorless, does not elimi
nate VOCs (volatile organic compounds). • Fungicide natural, not allow the forma
tion of mold or installation. • Do not form film on the wall, allowing the breat
h. • Permeable to water vapor
Project Ecological House. Version 4.0 Author: Queiroz Higor • • • • • Ideal for
cement walls desempenado (smoothed with straighter), earth or lined with thin cr
ust. Easy to apply, Mineral Ecotinta is made to be applied with roller (foam or
lamb's wool), avoiding the use of brush. Excellent grounding on all surface type
s except those with application of plaster or acrylic mass. Excellent coverage,
does not show the effect of "tainted" characteristic of conventional lime painti
ngs on rainy days. Excellent price
Yield Approximately 90m2 for two coats per can of 18 liters. Recommendations • D
o not apply Mineral Ecotinta on walls covered with plaster or mass acrylic • For
cases that require a smooth finish, allowing the breath of the wall and permeab
ility to water vapor, it is recommended to use thin crust on the grout . Then ap
ply Ecotinta Mineral. Color chart Ecotinta Mineral incorporates only natural or
synthetic pigments contain no heavy metals. Ecotinta go prepared with basic colo
rs. For cases where you intend a specific tone, the pigment is sent separately s
o that the user himself sets the tone for your interest. Natural earth pigment c
olors, red and ocher. Synthetic pigments nontoxic white, blue, green, black, yel
low and brown. Because setting a 100% natural, mineral Ecotinta can take several
days to reach a perfect attachment to the wall or substrate. To accelerate this
process, we recommend the use of a fixative natural Ecofix, which can be spraye
d on the walls with spray painted or applied with brush or roller on the painted
surface with Ecotinta Mineral. Ecofix is an auxiliary product of high yield and
low cost. 4) Floor Residential is a liquid vegetable-based, nontoxic, odorless
and excellent performance, used for covering and protecting floors in residentia
l and commercial buildings, homes, offices, etc.. Easy handling and application,
Resin Ecopiso Residential Line forms a film (membrane) applied on the surface,
high resistance to traffic of people and objects (abrasion), and the action of c
hemical agents in general. Product bicomponent composition, obtained by the mixt
ure of Component A (vegetable oils) and Component B (Reagent). Indications Resin
Ecopiso Residential Line is indicated to: • Finish flooring of all kinds: concr
ete stone (slate, stone mining, stone wash, etc.), flooring, wood floors and woo
dwork, furniture in general, and even those of low porosity. It can also be appl
ied in protecting roofing tiles or stone, shingle type. • In the sintecagem repl
acement of floors in general. Protection of wood and timber in general
Project Ecological House. Version 4.0 Author: Higor Queiroz. Protection of roof
tiles and stone. Waterproofing and protection of handicrafts, such as lighting p
lant fibers or recycled paper. In these cases, after healing, allows the surface
cleaning with chemicals. . Other data, evaluated case by case, with our technic
al department Glossy Finish. Features Good elasticity and durability Good
resistance to ultraviolet Good resistance to chemical agents in general • Exce
llent penetration in the open pores of the surface • Excellent anchorage even on
porous surfaces and non-porous • Enables easy cleaning of the surface applied,
then • Without smell of cured,€does not emit toxic fumes during application and
hardening phase Do not harm the respiratory system applicator and a resident or
the layer ozônioRendimento8m2 for floors with two coats with low porosity. Appli
cation Made from a mixture of components A and B at a ratio of 2:1 (two parts of
an A to B). The application can be made with roller (foam or epoxy) or brush. G
eneral instructions accompanying the product. Packaging 1kg, 5kg and 20kg. Prote
ctive equipment is recommended only the use of latex or plastic gloves to handle
the product. Environmental Performance Resin Ecopiso Line Laje and water tank i
s a product nontoxic, odorless, which manipulation can occur indoors. Does not h
arm the airways of the applicator or the ozone layer. 6) Decoration lamp, table
and garden chairs (all will be restored); frame frames made with paper, bed spre
ads made with flaps; armchair tube tires, etc, all items used in the permanent e
xhibition will be available for purchase at the site of the house where ecologic
al inform the vendor of the items disclosed (eg specialist shops.: mobile, commu
nity associations eg.: crafts). Bamboo furniture are made of bamboo chairs, tabl
es, gates, fences, houses and even bridges. In Asia, many uses of bamboo have be
en known for centuries and the culture of grass is seen as an agribusiness. Chin
a, whose growing area exceeds three million hectares, have cataloged four thousa
nd different uses for bamboo, moving more than a billion dollars a year. In Braz
il, the plant is not explored. However, this story is changing with the creation
of projects that make a bamboo instrument of income generation and social inclu
sion. Home furnishing stores and furniture already import high quality products,
including items not yet produced in Brazil.
Project Ecological House. Version 4.0 Author: Queiroz Higor The house will have
its green decoration divided into two types of materials: those which are made f
rom recyclable material and made from natural raw materials such as bamboo furni
ture. Kitchen table, chairs, armchairs, portrait, seat, chair, bookshelf, bed, e
tc.. Trivia Scientific name: Dendrocalamus giganteus Common names: Besides the g
iant bamboo, this species is also known as bamboo-bucket. Classification: Giant
Bamboo belongs to the grass family, the same rice, wheat and corn. Bambusae is p
art of the tribe, where there are about 1,300 species. Within the genus Dendroca
lamus there are other varieties such as D. strictus, popularly known as bamboo o
r bamboo-massive-full-Chinese. From Bamboo appeared on Earth during the Cretaceo
us period, ie between 65 million and 136 Millions of years ago, just before the
Tertiary era. The giant bamboo is native to Asia, and natural distribution in Sr
i Lanka, Bangladesh, Thailand and China. In Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippi
nes, this species was introduced, as in Brazil, at the hands of the Portuguese c
olonizers and later by Chinese and Japanese immigrants. Occurrence: There are ar
ound 250 native species in the country. Most of them, however, is not associated
with a specific environment, and may appear in the Atlantic Forest, Cerrado, et
c.. However, many varieties scattered farms and even in the city are exotic. Fea
tures: One of the taller species, the giant bamboo can reach 30 meters in length
, equivalent to a ten-story building. The diameter of the stem or stalk varies b
etween ten and 20 cm thick and may reach three inches. The leaves are long and p
redominantly green. 7) Solar Photothermal this case, we are interested in the am
ount of energy that a body can absorb in the form of heat from solar radiation i
ncident on it. Using this form of energy requires knowing grasp it and store it.
Equipment more widespread with the specific aim of using solar energy are known
as photothermal solar collectors Solar collectors are heating fluid (liquid or
gaseous) are classified as collectors and concentrators and collectors plans dep
ending on whether or not devices concentration of solar radiation. The heated fl
uid is kept in thermally insulated tanks until its final use (heated water bath,
hot air for drying grain, gas to drive turbines, etc.).. Solar collectors plans
are today widely used for water heating in homes, hospitals, hotels, etc.. due
to the comfort offered and reducing energy consumption.€8) Photovoltaic Solar En
ergy Photovoltaic Solar Energy is the energy obtained by converting light direct
ly into electricity (photovoltaic effect). The photovoltaic effect, reported by
Edmond Becquerel in 1839, is the emergence of a potential difference at the extr
emes of a structure of semiconductor material, produced by light absorption. The
photovoltaic cell is the fundamental unit of the conversion process. It is a cl
ean energy, clean, reliable, rational, which requires no maintenance and does no
t consume any fuel. For these reasons, it can be used in numerous applications.
Brazil has one of the largest in the world potential for exploitation of renewab
le energy, particularly solar and energy. The solar heating system, as well as e
nvironmentally friendly, is an inexhaustible source of energy. Over the past 20
years, the cost of Photovoltaic Solar Energy fell dramatically. Today, for the v
ast majority of applications, they can buy the investment made in about two year
s or less. 9) Landscaping
Project Ecological House. Version 4.0 Author: Queiroz Higor Landscaping with spe
cies from Ceará. Will be planted fruit trees and especially the region where you
will find the ecological house. 10) Horta Medicinal Use of medicinal plants in
health services even if your job requires care by the people themselves with the
selection of plants, how to cultivate them and to prepare the forms of its admi
nistration. The selected plants are grown close to home facilitates the use of f
resh plants as recommended in the projects called pharmacy alive. The control of
body organs arises with our thoughts. Since you are in a state of fatigue, thei
r organic defense becomes practically zero, making the body becomes susceptible
to this or that kind of problem. The herbs used are: • Rosemary Pepper • Tray or
malvariço • Malva - Santa and Japanese Creeper • Mint • Chambi • Cologne • Goia
beira • Aloe • Passion Fruit • • Hood • Ginger Salsa
Local Deployment
The choice of location for the model home should have space to park visitors, ca
feteria, bathrooms for visitors, room external administration / reception, kiosk
with material about the project, environmental, construction, souvenirs, etc..
as a means of self sustainability of the project, plus partnerships for the same
The Architectural Design
IGN]) Technical Responsible: STAGES OF WORK Infrastructure, Roofing, Flooring, C
oatings , Frames, Paintings, Installations, Hearths and Sills, Cleaning, Roundin
g off and Checkout. Cleudon Chaves Junior Architect CREA 4131 D / C and Paul B.
Franklin Son, Architect CREA 6580 D / Ce
Project Ecological House. Version 4.0 Author: Queiroz Higor
The eco-housing today costs 50% of housing built and financed by Caixa Econômica
Federal, considering that the project is the same, but substituted the material
s used by ecoprodutos, then we have a reduction in the cost of the work (a decre
ase of $ 12,000, 00 for $ 6000.00 - for each house popular kit 01) and one build
ing healthy, environmentally, socially and economically. 4900 bricks will be nee
ded (U.S. $ 0.30 unit) and about 20 standard size tiles per house (approx. 0.90
x 1.50 R $ 23.00 unit), coupled with at least two machines for manufacturing bri
ck in every project to produce 1,000 bricks / day with two people in the operati
on and two days for drying brick (R $ 3,200.00 per machine), fittings for electr
ical wiring and plumbing budgeted at approx. $ 500.00, and costs to combine with
transportation, lodging and food for technicians who will guide the process of
starting the project. Bricks Tiles Accessories Electrical and plumbing, floors,
sills and timber Cement w / Floor and Foundation Stones w / Foundation material
cost per household Labor / Land 117m2 house Prensa Brick House Tile Equipment Mo
del Kit - Kit water uptake, mini treatment plant, environmentally friendly paint
and flooring, furniture and decoration; photothermal energy, solar and / or win
d; medicinal garden and landscaping - values under Consultation 4900 January 20
February 20 bags Cars 2 R 1 R $ 0.30 $ 23.00 $ 800.00 $ 15.00 $ 150.00 $ 3,130.0
0 R $ 600.00 R $ 2,070.00 R $ 3,000.00 R $ 50,000.00 R $ 1,470.00 R $ 460.00 $ 8
00.00 R $ 300.00 R $ 300.00 R $ 3,130.00 R $ 600.00 R $ 2,070.00 R $ 6,000.00 R
$ 50,000.00 is indicated partnerships to acquire the extra items.
The sustainability of a modern work is evaluated for its ability to respond posi
tively to environmental challenges of their society,€is itself a model solution.
The Sustainable House is (ha): a) use natural resources and liabilities of comf
ort and design to promote integration in housing, b) use materials that do not c
ompromise the environment and health of their occupants and to help make your ev
eryday lifestyle more sustainable (for example, the user should use disposable p
ackaging products from recycled materials that, at some point, he even used), c)
resolve or alleviate the problems and needs generated by its implementation (wa
ter consumption and energy) d) provide health and welfare of its occupants and r
esidents and to preserve and improve the environment.
Project Ecological House. Version 4.0 Author: Queiroz Higor All of these challen
ges would have to be considered throughout the lifecycle of housing, which is de
signed as an open work: always open to expansion and improvements. _____________
_________________ Higor Queiroz de Holanda Furtado Environmental Consultant

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