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The fee for a school EUCIP skills

Roberto Bellini1, Pierfranco Ravotto2

AICA Piazzale Rodolfo Morandi 2, 20121 Milano 1 r.bellini @ 2 @ p.rav
EUCIP is a standard ICT professional skills developed at European level and incr
easingly recognized in Italy, at institutional and enterprise level. It may ther
efore be an important reference point for technical and vocational schools that
must prepare the entry into force of new curricula and who are called to relate
more to skills, both during training and evaluation.
1. Introduction
We have just one year later in 2010 that, according to the Lisbon Strategy [Euro
pean Council, 2000], the European Community was to achieve the strategic goal of
becoming "knowledge-based economy more competitive and dynamic world, capable o
f sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohes
ion ". The strategic goal - and his joints objectives for Education and Training
, Research and Innovation, Enterprise, for markets, ... - is far from being achi
eved. As noted, in this respect, the Economic and Social Committee: "... the wor
ds do not always reflect the facts. The real problem is implementation, often in
complete or inadequate ...". And 'desirable, wrote, "to involve civil society or
ganizations in the Member States ... the various environments of society should
promote creative approaches and take effective, concrete and practical in view o
f the necessary changes" [Committee, 2008]. AICA has dealt with CEPIS, the quest
ion of competence and professionalism in computer science with a creative approa
ch and is able today to make concrete and practical proposals for both individua
l professionals, and businesses, universities and schools .
2. School, computer skills and certification
Schools are in the midst of a difficult ford between the old centralist logic pr
ograms and new ministerial autonomy and competence. It calls for schools and tea
chers to think and work with new terms, but largely absent in the material and c
ultural resources to do so.
A. Andronico, L. Colazzo (Eds.): DIDAMATICA 2009 - ISBN 978-88-8443-277-3
It 'true that in Europe were provided signs articulated both in terms of core co
mpetencies to be achieved at the end of the school [the European Parliament, 200
5], both for the European Qualifications Framework, EQF [European Parliament, 20
08] . But they are still alien to the culture and practices of most schools. Has
not been implemented almost no action to translate the signs into the European
culture and practices of teachers in schools.
2.1 The school and the ECDL
With regard to skills, there are many schools that are measured with the ECDL an
d then with a well-defined syllabus of skills. This is credited as a test center
and delivering exams, and organizing courses - for students as for teachers and
non-teaching staff - Exam preparation. If, on the one hand, schools have contri
buted significantly to this training of users of ICT, secondly the experience of
the ECDL in schools has helped to spread the culture of the powers that the Com
mission considers priority and that is shown between priorities for the actions
of the Leonardo da Vinci Lifelong Learning Programme: "Development of the role o
f education professionals ... in the face of systemic changes such as the evolut
ion towards systems based on learning outcomes and competences" [European Commis
sion, 2009] . ECDL skills are not, however, the heart of any professional, are a
ccompanying those skills that distinguish the different professions, the account
ant as the professor of chemistry as of programmer. The comparison with EUCIP, h
owever, can allow teachers of computer science to measure the characteristics of
professional ICT skills.
The school with a view to change
This is particularly relevant in this time when the Commission De Toni has compl
eted its work, giving the Minister the draft profiles and pictures of the new sc
hedule technical and vocational schools. It 'true that we are still in a phase o
f acquisition of opinions on this proposal and that the new curriculum will come
into force until the three years 2010/2011 and come only in 2012/2013. But in a
utumn, ie in a few months, schools will play as usual, guidance to the students
of middle school with a deadline for pre-registration is February 2010.€It certa
inly can not tell their current educational provision. They will start talking a
bout the new curriculum and how they
The fee for a school EUCIP skills
interpret. In the profile developed by the Commission for the address "Informati
on and Communication Technology" the importance of "interpretations" by the indi
vidual schools is often made explicit: "... depending on the declination that in
dividual schools will want more ...." The possibility of comparison with a stand
ard of competence, recognized companies and institutions, as well as at European
level is a great opportunity.
3. The system EUCIP
EUCIP is a European benchmark for computer skills and professional profiles deve
loped with the assistance of the European Community, the professional informatio
n gathered in CEPIS, Council of European Professional Informatics Societies AICA
including in Italy [AICA, 2008]. It is a system - independent providers of comp
uter systems, hardware and software - which is shaping up as de facto standards.
In particular, in Italy: • CNEL EUCIP identified as industry standards with reg
ard to ICT professions; • Confindustria Innovative and Technological Services in
the proposals sent to Government Planning Document for 2009-2013, has suggested
the adoption of EUCIP as standard reference for policy formation and developmen
t of ICT skills connected with the business world; • CNIPA (National Centre for
IT in Public Administration) indicated reference profiles EUCIP it manual "Organ
ization of the ICT function and dictionary profiles Professional, "published in
the context of the" Guidelines for ICT contracts of Public Administration, • CRU
I Foundation (Conference of Rectors of Italian Universities) and CINI (National
Interuniversity Consortium for Informatics) have initiated a project to dissemin
ate EUCIP in Italian universities. • Some regional labor exchanges, with regard
to ICT, refer to the system EUCIP for the definition of computer professional pr
3.1 A system of skills and professional profiles
EUCIP standard is based on a syllabus consisting of 3,000 units of elementary kn
owledge related to a range of 22 professional profiles that combine all the main
professionals involved in ICT.
3.1.1 The list of elementary unit of knowledge
In design work, teams are starting from CEPIS some professional decline in terms
of individual micro-performance (results) that a professional should be able to
play. The table below shows the taxonomy.
Understanding Types Understand and apply your own knowledge Understand, Use unde
rstand, apply and combine Analyze Analyze Synthesize Evaluate Examples of verbs
used to describe the performance Write, define, recognize between, distinguished
name. Calculate, demonstrate, explain in their own words, give, give examples.
Decide to use, classify, build, choose, make, test, complete, do (something). Fi
nd, identify, record, compare, demonstrate. Abstract, propose to combine, finall
y, organize, collect. Assess, investigate, judge, highlight.
The list was gradually expanded, as are other profiles were analyzed, thus build
ing a complete repertoire and extremely detailed, or as they say, "high level of
granularity. This is not an undifferentiated list. The approximately 3,000 micr
o-performance - or elementary units of knowledge - are grouped in 152 categories
, organized into 18 main categories and in 3 areas:
Area Plan (Planning) macrocategories A.1 Organisations and Their Use of IT Manag
ement of IT A.2 A.3 Measuring the Value of IT The Global Networked Economy A.4 A
.5 A.6 Project Management Presentation and Communication Techniques A. 7 Legal a
nd Ethical Issues B.1 Systems Development Process and Methods Data Management an
d Databases B.2 B.3 B.4 User Interface Programming and Web Design Computing Comp
onents and Architecture C.1 C.2 C.3 Operating Systems Communications and Network
s 4
Build (construction) Operate (Exercise)
The fee for a school EUCIP skills
C.4 C.5 C.6 C.7
Network Services Wireless and Mobile Computing Network Management Service Delive
ry and Support
3.1.2 The professional profiles
The system identifies EUCIP currently 22 professional profiles as shown in the f
ollowing image.
IT Administrator (vertex of the cone) is the administrator of computer systems i
n small companies or satellite offices of large organizations,€which requires a
single person to have a wide range of operational skills ICT infrastructure. 21
other elective profiles - in the terminology EUCIP - are characterized by a comm
on area of knowledge (the central circle) and differentiated responsibilities. T
hey can be grouped into 7 groups of professional Information Technology: Busines
s IT Professionals and managers (head of information systems, information system
s auditor, Sales Manager) solution Consultants (Consultant for the sale and appl
ication of information technology, Business Solutions Consultant, Consultant and
logistics automation); promoters of innovation and e-business (Business Analyst
, Project Manager of information systems, information systems analyst);
Software designers (Analyst Programmer, Technical testing and system integration
, web applications and multimedia expert) Experts (designer of computer systems,
telecommunications Designer, Consultant for Security); Managers (Operating Mana
ger Database, Manager network manager configuration and data center); specialist
support services (System platform, Supervisor of a service center, IT Trainer).
3.1.3 The Syllabus EUCIP
The syllabus EUCIP can cross the approximately 152 categories of expertise with
the 22 recognized professional profiles from the labor market. This mapping, hig
hly detailed, can be read in relation to a profile, decomposing into "knowledge"
or in relation to a "knowledge" in identifying which profiles apply. The struct
ure and granularity of the Syllabus allow its constant updating, the crucial iss
ue in a professional and technology-is changing.
3.2 The certification EUCIP
EUCIP system originated as a system for certifying skills. AICA is in Italy, sup
ported by a network of competence centers EUCIP, to provide such certification.
3.2.1 The certification IT Administrator
As is evident from the definition given above, this figure must have powers to i
ntervene in a mix of practical situations. The establishment of jurisdiction has
been divided into 5 tests consisting of a theory test (automated test, availabl
e in Italian or English) and a practical test (configuration and operation "live
" systems) • Hardware (only theoretical exam ).
• • • •
Operating systems (either Windows or Linux). Network services (in either a Windo
ws or Linux). Use of expert networks (heterogeneous environment).
Safety (heterogeneous environment). The complete IT Administrator certification
requires passing the five tests, but each gives rise, however, for a specific ce
The fee for a school EUCIP skills
3.2.2 The certification EUCIP-Core
Unlike the IT administrator, the other 21 professional profiles required as a pr
erequisite, certification EUCIP-Core, reached through three tests consisting of
automated tests - currently only in English - and for the three areas: • Plannin
g (Plan).
• •
Implementation (Build).
Exercise (Operate). As IT administrator, there are many centers of competence EU
CIP that you can apply for the exams.
3.2.3 The certification of the 21 elective profiles
The assessment survey of skills for one of 21 professional certifications is bas
ed on two steps: A. The presentation by the candidate of your portfolio: the t
raining school certification EUCIP-Core certifications in the ICT sector, bo
th independent vendors (eg ITIL, Cisco, Microsoft, ...) the professional exper
iences. B. An oral examination in which examiners - in principle a responsible A
ICA-EUCIP, a representative of the university and a representative of the corpor
ate world - note the communication skills of the candidate, verify the contents
of his portfolio and, if necessary, deepen with talk of the jurisdiction.
3.3 The assessment and design training courses
Designed for certification, the system EUCIP proves not end with that. This is i
n fact a powerful tool for assessment of skills that can be used both at individ
ual company level. At the individual level ECCO tool allows self-EUCIP their ski
lls with automatic "profile of Neighbourhood and skills missing / to be acquired
over it or its" target profile ". At the corporate level a valid assessment can
be used: • to define plans update

being recruitement,

in the process of qualifying suppliers.
Either on the individual than on corporate EUCIP system is proving an important
tool for designing training programs. The centers of competence EUCIP - DC Busin
ess, DC Professional and DC university - are currently working to review and cla
ssify their educational offer in relation to EUCIP.
4. I use the school can do EUCIP
The description thus far made, the system may suggest different uses EUCIP by th
e school.
4.1 A reference to the revision of curricula and the definition of educational o
We have already seen how the school is now in decline and need to redefine their
objectives and curriculum based on the one hand, the redefinition of the addres
ses and curricula and, by ' need to start a teaching and assessment based on com
petences. EUCIP with its syllabus and its articulation of professionals, the IT
sector represents a benchmark that other sectors do not have. Starting from the
characteristics of productive land, its history and the skills of its teachers,
a school could, for example, adjust their programs on EUCIP-Core, or one of its
areas, or on the profile of IT Administrator . And, in a choice school, individu
al teachers may structure their teaching according to the declination of compete
nce in macro, micro and specific categories.
4.2 A reference to expand the training offer
In many cases the activity of schools is not simply the provision of courses suc
h as Curriculum "ministerial." There are almost everywhere complementary or inte
grative teaching activities. Many schools expand their offerings with courses of
fered to the territory, such as English courses or computer use. Many are the ex
periences of postgraduate diploma or IFTS. For contact information EUCIP can pro
vide added value to these initiatives. The reference to a standard can ensure th
at they are not self-provide skills but well defined, verifiable and certifiable
. Think of additional courses that enable participants to overcome one or more e
xams EUCIP-Core or IT Administrator. Consider postgraduate diploma oriented
The fee for a school EUCIP skills
to achieve a specific certification: Core IT Admin or on one of the 21 elective
Two profiles 4.3 Reference
Two of the 21 profiles EUCIP interested professionals in the school: IT Trainer
and IT Administrator. IT Trainer is the reference profile for computer science t
eachers. The assessment or self-assessment could be the basis for organizing col
lective or individual courses for professional updating. In all schools, not jus
t those with computer address, is there any teacher who is responsible for manag
ing the computer system: the laboratories of the network, one or more servers. S
ometimes a professor of computer science, more often a teacher of another subjec
t, computer enthusiast, who has built its expertise in the field. The reference
profile is, in this case, the IT Administrator. And, again, operations assessmen
t and self-assessment can be the starting point for defining training. There hav
e been many experiences in schools, courses for IT Administrator, with subsequen
t certification EUCIP. The interest in certification of teachers, however, is re
lated to the use that can be done. At this time can only be low, since no advant
ages either at the time of recruitment or in terms of career. But a system that
supports the need for teachers to work on skills, able to ignore them until pers
onnel policy?
5. Conclusions
AICA some years, together with the School of Bocconi University, studies the imp
act of literacy on the effectiveness and productivity of the Italian economic sy
stem. In 2003, following an initial work was estimated at 15 billion per year, t
he "cost of ignorance computer. In later years attention has been paid to the ba
nking sector in financial intermediation, health system and, recently, the Publi
c Administration [Bielli et al, 2008], providing in each case the estimates of t
he likely effects of an improvement training of staff in relation to information
technology. If we refer to management activities and administrative, computer i
gnorance has a cost, in school, probably similar to that which the rest of gover
nment.€But what is the cost resulting from not exploit the potential in network
integration between teaching and teaching presence? AICA has greatly contributed
to the ECDL training of school staff and students as "users" of computer system
s. Today offers
EUCIP schools to use for addressing the question of preparation of professionals
. For the proper role of the school, the mail is not only improving the efficien
cy of the school system as such but the whole country. Bibliography
[AICA, 2008] AICA model EUCIP, AICA (2008). [Bielli et al, 2008] P. Bielli Camus
sone P., F. Hall, Ignorance computer, AICA-SDA Bocconi, Egea (2008). [Committee,
2008] European Economic and Social Committee, Summary Report of the European Co
uncil of 13 and 14 March 2008, the renewed Lisbon Strategy 2008-2010, The role o
f civil society organizations ( lisbon_strategy / EESC _do
cuments/summary-report-2008/ces40-2008_it.pdf) [the European Commission, 2009] T
he Lifelong Learning Programme, General Call for Proposals 2008-2010, Update 200
9 - Strategic Priorities (http://www.programmaleonardo . net/llp/materiali/bando
_2009.pdf) [European Council, 2000] Lisbon European Council, 23 and 24 March 200
0, Presidency Conclusions (
a/ lisbona2000.pdf) [European Parliament, 2005] Recommendation of the European P
arliament and Council on key competences for lifelong learning (http://ec.europa
.eu/education/policies/2010/doc/keyrec_it.pdf ) [European Parliament, 2008] Reco
mmendation of the European Parliament and the Council of 23 April 2008 on the es
tablishment of the European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning (http
:// -A06A-C208F5EB87BE/0/08_17_2

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