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Mid-chapter Checkpoint Lesson

Teacher: __________Lynn Dula_____________ Grade Level:


I. Content and Standards:

4.NF.B.3a Understand a fraction a/b with a > 1 as a sum of fractions 1/b.
Understand addition and subtraction of fractions as joining and separating
parts referring to the same whole.
4. NF.B.3b Understand a fraction a/b with a > 1 as a sum of fractions 1/b.
Decompose a fraction into a sum of fractions with the same denominator
in more than one way, recording each decomposition by an equation.
Justify decompositions, e.g. by using a visual fraction model.
4.NF.3d Understand a fraction a/b with a > 1 as a sum of fractions 1/b.
Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions
referring to the same whole and having like denominators, e.g. by using
visual fraction models and equations to represent the problem.

II. Prerequisites:
Students will have an understanding of fractions as numbers, and will
understand how models can be used to show fraction amounts. Students
will understand basic rules for adding and subtracting fractions with
common denominators, and will understand how to set up addition and
subtraction sentences using word problems.

III. Essential Questions

1. How do you add or subtract fractions that have the same denominator?
(Overall Ch. 7)
2. When can you add or subtract parts of a whole? (Lesson 7.1)
3. How can you write a fraction as a sum of fractions with the same
denominators? (Lesson
4. How can you add fractions with like denominators using models?
(Lesson 7.3)
5. How can you subtract fractions with like denominators using models?
(Lesson 7.4)
6. How can you add or subtract fractions with like denominators? (Lesson

IV. Instructional Objective:

The students will apply learned concepts from Lessons 7.1-7.5 to problems
on the Mid-Chapter Checkpoint to show their understanding of chapter
concepts. The students will demonstrate their understanding of adding
and subtracting fractions with common denominators using techniques
from the chapter (models and writing equations).

V. Instructional Procedures

The students will have participated in instructional experiences associated
with Chapter 7 Lessons 7.1-7.5. Students will have completed all assigned
lesson examples and explorations, and will have completed all homework
for lessons 7.1-7.5.

The students will place the previous nights homework into the turn-it-in
bin and take their seats. The teacher will explain the lesson objectives,
and will tell the students that they will be completing the Mid-Chapter
Checkpoint on the previously created Socrative quiz (set at Teacher Pace)
before participating in a Quizlet activity. The teacher will display the
Socrative Classroom ID (DULA5208) on the board so students are able to
login and join the classroom. The teacher will then call one row of students
at a time to get a iPad from the iPad cart and return to their seats. As
students return to their seats, they will log in and join the classroom. Once
all students have logged in and joined, the teacher will move through each
item on the Socrative. The teacher will not give specific hints or answers,
but will ask targeted general questions, such as, What is this problem
asking you to find? or What symbols do you see that will help you
decide how to solve this problem? Once all students have submitted their
answer, the teacher will move to the next question until the quiz is

Upon completion, the teacher will give students a two-minute stretch and
movement break, during which time the teacher will download quiz results
and save them for later evaluation. The teacher should save the excel
spreadsheet, individual student worksheets/results, and individual
problem breakdown for full analysis.

The teacher will instruct the students to return to their seats and launch
the app on their individual iPads. The teacher will display the
join code for the quiz on the Promethean board. Once all students have
joined the quiz, the teacher will give instructions for where the groups will
meet in the classroom (Group 1 on the carpet, Group 2 by the sink, etc.)
The teacher will then click begin and give the students time to find their
randomly assigned groups. Once all groups have met at their areas, the
teacher will count down 3-2-1-begin! and launch the quiz. Student
groups will work together to complete 12 problems randomly assigned
from a set that focuses on adding and subtracting fractions with common
denominators. The first group to successfully complete 12 problems
correctly in a row will win. The teams will play two rounds together before
the teacher shuffles the teams. Play will continue until there is ten
minutes of class time left.

The teacher will instruct students to log off, return their iPads to the cart,
and return to their seats. The teacher will instruct the students to review
the paper format of the Mid-Chapter Checkpoint in their books and circle
any items that they had questions about or felt they needed more practice
with, and that they could ask those questions at the beginning of the next
lesson. The teacher will also inform students that, because the Mid-
Chapter Checkpoint is a graded assignment, if any students would prefer
to have a paper copy graded, rather than the Socrative version, they
could complete the copy in their books and turn it in at the beginning of
the next class to be evaluated. Finally, the teacher will briefly explain the
homework assignment, which is to create a word problem involving
adding or subtracting fractions, using knowledge from lessons 7.1-7.5. The
teacher will hand each student the homework sheet as they leave the

The students will review the Mid-Chapter checkpoint and circle or indicate
their questions for the next lesson. Those students who would prefer the
written copy to be graded will fill in their work and answers to be handed
in at the start of the next class period. All students will complete the
assigned word problem homework to be handed in at the beginning of the
next lesson. The teacher will evaluate student work from the Socrative
data and identify areas where individual students are struggling. The
teacher will then schedule a time to work with those individuals (one-on-
one or in small groups) on specific areas where they need support.

VI. Materials and Equipment:

GoMath! Chapter 7 student textbook
GoMath! Chapter 7 teacher guide
Socrative version of Chapter 7 Mid-Chapter Checkpoint
Quizlet created to practice 7.1-7.5 concepts
iPads (1 per student)
Homework Sheet

VII. Assessment/Evaluation:
The teacher will download and analyze the data from the Mid-Chapter
Checkpoint to evaluate student mastery of skills from the first half of
Chapter 7. Based on the chart provided in the teacher guide, the teacher
will determine if any individual students require additional support in any
lesson or concept (if they missed more than one item in any category).
Those students identified as needing additional support will be scheduled
for on-on-one or small group intervention. The teacher will also evaluate
student written responses rather than the Socrative digital data if they
prefer. The teacher will evaluate completed student homework to asses
both mastery of chapter concepts and higher-order thinking skills using
chapter concepts. The teacher will observe students during the Quizlet
activity to identify students who are strong in chapter concepts and
perform well in the group quiz, as well as students who are still struggling
and rely on teammates to choose the correct answers.

VIII. Differentiation: Individualized Activities:

The teacher will give the students the choice of being evaluated based on
the digital assessment form or the manual assessment form, based on
what they are most comfortable with. The teacher will use the results to
identify students who require further support and intervention. The groups
for the Quizlet activity are randomized by the computer, and ensure that
students are fairly divided into teams so that the strong students are
mixed with students who may be struggling, and shuffled often so
students get a chance to work with many other students.

IX. Technology:
This lesson will require the use of Promethean board technology, as well
as 1 to 1 iPads for student use. The teacher will create a digital version of
the Mid-Chapter Checkpoint on Socrative and a Quizlet based on chapter
concepts before the lesson.

X. Self-Assessment:
The teacher will evaluate student responses and participation throughout
the course of the lesson to determine if the current instructional strategy
is successfully delivering clear expectations and supporting the students
meeting lesson objectives. The teacher will adjust the instructional
strategy as necessary to ensure students are engaged and provided the
appropriate amount of support while still being challenged. Upon
completion of the lesson, the teacher will evaluate student progress and
performance on designed learning experiences in order to determine if
students have successfully met the lesson objectives. Based on success of
the lesson, the teacher will make further instructional decisions for
individual students and the class as a whole, as well as decisions about
the success of instructional strategies. The teacher will adjust their
instructional approach as necessary.

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