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Analysis of the article: For a Characterization Of Brazilian Social Psychology owner

Leonardo Pinto de Almeida, University Federal Fluminense, made by Harley Pacheco

de Sousa psychologist. 2013

Social psychology has emerged on U.S. soil and behaviorism became hegemonic
providing an understanding of individualizing social understanding that the psychology
of individuals serve to understand the company.

The Gestalt psychology with the rise of Hitler developed a cognitive psychology
experimentalist and a-historical that distinguishes an individual and society, then social
psychology became the study of human interactions focused on attitudes and values that
could be positive or negative, and focus the need to understand the functioning capitalist
groups as productivity device.

This perspective has grown because of the large study conducted by the American and
European universities need to be rebuilt and Japanese, but it did not take long because
the Latin American psychologists began to challenge this perspective, it claimed that the
American model did not fit with the reality of their countries. The echo was in Brazil
was the sociological social psychology that prevailed commitment to population.

So today in Brazil we see the influence of critical theory, representation theory and
social institutions are distinguished by psychological and sociological. The social
psychology sociological argument with the psychological perspective, then,
questionaremos policy implications, methodological and practical reasons our history.

Before installing this perspective in the United States we see the emergence of
comparative social psychology, based on an evolutionary perspective in the Handbook
of Social Psychology, Murchison 1935.

This reveals a sociological perspective by thinking of an analytic phenomena

phylogenetic history and social history, considering the social and multidisciplinary
methodology of analysis of social phenomena and facts. (Farr 1998 cited by the author).
But over the course of wars won by behaviorism account of the decline of evolutionism
and the separation of disciplines. It is interesting to note that the separation between
subject and individual was conceptualized as a tool groups focusing on productivity.

The victory against behaviorism and comparative psychology against functionalism

defeated the historical perspective and emerged as a ahistorical which is based on
finding the general laws that govern social interactions, then the view that research
serve to debug the possible variables through the "ex post facto" and experimental
hegemonic made up.

F. H. Allport (1924) cited by the author based psychology and behavioral science and
experimental science would not mind as to Wundt, but a natural science, therefore, must
rely on analytical forms derived from naturalism.
Foucault (1999) cited by the author's in di behaviorist, cognitivist and a willingness to
seek social nature of man and purified essences through experiments that derive their
history. Only later comes the understanding of man as a historical subjectivity as
opposed to naturalized psychologies by declaring themselves stemmed from the natural

Fo Wundt base who gave the two perspectives, both the natural sciences as the spirits of
this dichotomy underlies two perspectives with different objects and methods, since a
trial was through introspection and an analysis of other religions, myths and cultural
products, Wundt separated because he believed that the psyche in its deepest forms
could not be subjected to the experiments, but was heavily criticized by Wundt and
Ebbinghaus Klpe. (Schultz and Schultz 2001 cited by the author).

The criticisms positivists led to forget the psychology of people, the repudiation of
Wundt positivism allowed the strengthening of a positivist social perspective
experimentalist pointing individualisation that developed with behaviorism and the
exchange of philosophy of biology. (Farr 1998 cited by the author).

This way of seeing is a psychological form that individualizes and rebate analysis on the
social aspect of behavior. The cognitive social psychology although in different
theoretical and political consequences has also methodological in its individualization of
social context.

Hitler had importance for the development of North American social psychology, as did
his hatred European intellectuals migrate to the United States of America. From this
emerged the confrontation between behaviorism and positivism analyze the behavior
and phenomenological gestalt. (1979 Cartwright cited by the author). Both the
individualized social theories, both are defined as the study of social interactions that
seek to relate factors or variables endowed with stability, hence the assertion Aroldo
Rodrigues that psychology is a social science by seeking neutral stable social
relationships. (Bock, Ferreira Furtado Goncalves and 2007 cited by the author).

The analysis of the interaction partners is based on the attempt to build theoretical laws
about behavior or perception, focusing on the idea that explains the psychology of the
individual to society. The American psychology was concerned with social concerns
outlined in order to understand Nazism as examining the role of aggression, attitudes
and so on. (Reich and Adcock 1976, Rodrigues 1979 cited by the author).

According to Helmut Kruger (1986) cited by the author to American social psychology
has some respects: individualism and concern in formulating psychological laws
relating to the individual in his social relations, experimentalism, the microteorizao,
ethnocentrism which is prevalent in American theories in other cultures, cognitivism
because of the prevalence of this perspective on behaviorism and psychoanalysis and
historicism-the search due to the theoretical formulation of laws generalized to the
behavior of the individual in society which sums up the individual and their relationship
with the company withdrawing its component maker.
The American social psychology bases its analysis on groups with a view to better adapt
individuals seeking increased productivity as a result of control. This is a way of
naturalizing social.

Unlike Allport in his analysis positivist, Moscovici (2003) cited by the author as
Durkheim points forerunner of social psychology and shows the distinction between
individual and collective representations, it resembles the proposal of Wundt.
(Moscovici 2003 cited by the author).

The individual would object representations of collective psychology and sociology.

Moscovici is interested in the dynamics of their representations in building society and
identities based on these representations. For Moscovici representations arise from two
processes, anchoring and objectification. Anchoring the unknown fit into pre-existing
categories, it is synonymous with classification and designation. (S 2002 cited by the
author). Objectification is based on the construction of naturalized images that take the
place of the unknown and so explain. This theory was used by many Latinos in their
struggles for social psychology more compromised with problems of their respective
countries. Your use search educate individuals who are affected ideologies.

Social relations and ideologies differ, since social relations are dynamic and static
ideologies are similar, but the ideology is a symbolic way to service relations of
domination, so not all social relationships are ideological, we must check whether or not
it is based a relationship of domination. (Guareschi 2004 cited by the author).

We see clearly how remarkable cultural colonization suffered by the peoples of our
continent and the social psychology was no different. (Pereira de S 2007 cited by the

We see in Brazil a new attitude from the emergence of social psychology - History of
Ramos and Bricquet and strengthening the North American perspective because of the
formation of Brazilian psychologists in the United States

Review from England and France have created crises in American model implemented
in Brazil during the dictatorship. Social psychology Latin was the fiercest criticism of
the American model, because this model does not match imported our reality. (Lane
1982 cited by the author).

Social psychology should latina very dictatorial figures who had in its borders, since
both the repression of North American hegemony as the repression of ditaturas imposed
valuing person. This social psychology had as influences striking Silvia Lane. While
social psychology was based on a naturalistic perspective, neutral experimental social
psychology Brazilian was based on the method of dialectical materialism.

Guareschi (2004) argues that the basic concept of social psychology would be the
concept of relationship. This statement reveals a contrast to American social psychology
that seeks universal values that would govern human interactions. The universal values
are on the side of naturalizations that support certain power relations.
According Guareschi (2004) cited by the author, the man's history and its relationship to
build. The man is a product and producer of its history. Lane (1981) shows that the
relationship between man and the world is given by the symbolic mediation of
language, but when the word has meaning only becomes naturalized and weapon power
associated with forms of domination.

There is also the theory of institutions based on Foucault, Deleuze, Guattari and author
of institutional analysis that focus on the resurgence of the truth established in our
institutions. These truths intermeiam human relations. We note that the major problem
for these theories is related to the intensification of truths and naturalizations of
behavior displayed within both these institutions that mediate our relations as the
institutions that govern our behavior through guidelines.

Foucault thinks that there is no general truths, trans - human history because the facts,
acts or words not from a nature, that would be a reason of origin, or reflects an object to
which they refer. (Foucault cited by Veyne 2008 cited by the author 2012).

Through his research Foucault thought about the relationships between institutions and
ways of life produced by them. The problem of power and institutions is established in
freezing creative potential of the word. Thus this sociological perspective of social
psychology also strongly criticizes the notion of neutrality.

We observed that all social psychologies criticism include critical social psychology by
American are characterized by the analysis of relations and not by a search of the
essence and laws found in the psychological perspectives. The Brazilian social
psychologies show political commitment, focusing on the critique of positivism, the
experimental asepsis, a-historical and neutrality of the researcher

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