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Lesson Plan

Day: Thursday Date: 29th September 2016

Time: 40 minutes Year: Four
Learning Area: Maths Topic: Chance and Data
Curriculum content description: (from ACARA)

Students prior knowledge and experience:

Students have been exposed to the content required to develop knowledge about this topic
(bar graphs and histograms). They have completed a test regarding a variety of questions
based on chance and data. The feedback received explained the childrens basic knowledge
of this topic hence this lesson, which will consolidate that learning effectively.
Learning purpose:
Elaboration: Using print resources to create and consolidate students knowledge about
chance and data (bar graphs and histographs).
This task gives students the opportunity to develop an understanding or a deeper
understanding of a particular aspect of the topic chance and data and provides the teacher
with knowledge of each students capabilities.
Learning objectives: Evaluation:
On completion of this lesson, (Explain how you will know that lesson
students will be able to: objective have been achieved / monitor
Begin to understand, if not student learning)
completely understand the concept of I will monitor the students by
both bar graphs and histograms continually walking around the
Successfully identify a bar graph and classroom to ensure they are
a histogram completing the task.
Interpret and analyse data from both A teacher/teachers aid and myself
of these graphs will be allocated a group of students
Possibly produce a histogram with and will take anecdotal notes about
little to adequate success the childrens progress and level of
Students completed worksheets will
determine their understanding and
newfound knowledge.
Preparation and Resources:
Pens, pencils, and any other required stationary
Students Maths Books
Quick 10 test questions
Main activity worksheets
Extra activity worksheets
Catering for diversity (detail any adjustments considerations for
educational/resource adjustments)
I will ensure the students who require extra support are given it and will
accommodate for all students needs within the classroom. I personally will be taking
the weaker students and will therefor ensure they are given the required assistance
necessary for them to experience success with the topic.
I will also provide additional activities that can be completed by students who finish
ahead of time.

ng: Learning Experiences:
1. Introduction:
As the students are familiar with the basics of topic chance and data, I will simply
re-introduce the topic and briefly discuss what section of the topic we are working
on. I will explain what is expected of the children during the lesson and how the
lesson will play out in order to successfully meet the learning objectives. I will
10 explain that the children are going to be completing a Quick 10 test based on
min the topics place value and chance and data. This will firstly ensure students are
retaining knowledge from their previously studied unit being place value and will
challenge their chance and data skills.

Once I have explained the task, the students allocated the hand-out role will be
required to give each student their maths textbook. During this time, students
may also get ready their equipment needed to complete the test including a pen,
pencil, eraser and ruler. I will explain to the students how I would like their page
set out for the test (a ruled line down middle of page both vertically and
horizontally to create four even spaces) and that the working environment is to
be silent and therefore test conditions. Students will have 5 minutes to complete
the test. Those who finish early will have the opportunity to complete additional
activity worksheets pre-prepared. Once the time is up, the maths books should
be placed in a pile to be marked.

2. Main Activity:
Students will move on to completing the main part of the lesson, which involves
students being separated into ability groups. As students will still be positioned at
their desks from the test, I will explain the requirements of the main task and
separate them into their groups.
min Students will complete both worksheets either independently or with the required
support they need. I will be working with the weaker group of students whilst
allocating other teachers to work with the middle group of students. The advance
students will work independently at their desks. As the middle group are working
if they feel they have got the idea of the task, they may branch out and work
individually as well. Both the middle group and advanced group will be
completing the same task.

I will also be monitoring students as I observe the classroom and will be making
notes of the children and their ability to understand the topic.

As the students finish their required work there will be extra resources provided
for them to continue on with.

5 3. Lesson conclusion:
min Five minutes before the lesson concludes, I will advise the students of their
timing and will ask them to begin to pack away their belongings in time for the
next lesson. I will remind the students that all sheets must be glued into their
math books and the handout students will be asked to collect all the maths
books. Students should be waiting patiently and quietly.

Quick 10 Test:
Weaker students task:
-reading a bar graph comic books sold
Middle and Advance students task:
-reading a bar graph different radio stations
Extra Resources:
-reading a bar graph comic boom sold 2
-matching Histograms
-creating histograms

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